Here’s the requested chart with the specified columns:

No.Word (in Chinese)PinyinMeaningExample Sentence (in Chinese)Example Sentence PinyinTranslation (in English)
1áiTo suffer, to endure他挨了很多批评。Tā ái le hěn duō pīpíng.He endured a lot of criticism.
2癌症ái zhèngCancer她被诊断出得了癌症。Tā bèi zhěnduàn chū dé le ái zhèng.She was diagnosed with cancer.
3暧昧ài mèiAmbiguous, flirtatious他们之间的关系很暧昧。Tāmen zhī jiān de guānxì hěn ài mèi.Their relationship is very ambiguous.
4爱不释手ài bù shì shǒuTo love something so much that you cannot part with it这个书我爱不释手。Zhège shū wǒ ài bù shì shǒu.I love this book so much that I can’t part with it.
5爱戴ài dàiTo love and respect他受到大家的爱戴。Tā shòudào dàjiā de ài dài.He is loved and respected by everyone.
6安宁ān níngPeaceful, tranquil这个地方很安宁。Zhège dìfāng hěn ān níng.This place is very peaceful.
7安详ān xiángCalm, serene她的脸上带着安详的微笑。Tā de liǎn shàng dàizhe ān xiáng de wéixiào.She has a calm smile on her face.
8安置ān zhìTo place, to settle我们需要安置这些家具。Wǒmen xūyào ān zhì zhèxiē jiājù.We need to settle these pieces of furniture.
9按摩àn móTo massage他每天都去按摩。Tā měitiān dū qù àn mó.He goes for a massage every day.
10暗示àn shìHint, insinuation她给了我一个暗示。Tā gěile wǒ yīgè àn shì.She gave me a hint.
11案件àn jiànCase, legal case这个案件非常复杂。Zhège àn jiàn fēicháng fùzá.This case is very complicated.
12案例àn lìCase study, example这是一个成功的案例。Zhè shì yīgè chénggōng de àn lì.This is a successful case study.
13昂贵áng guìExpensive这件衣服太昂贵了。Zhè jiàn yīfu tài áng guì le.This piece of clothing is too expensive.
14凹凸āo tūUneven, bumpy这条路非常凹凸不平。Zhè tiáo lù fēicháng āo tū bù píng.This road is very uneven.
15áoTo endure, to boil他熬夜工作。Tā áo yè gōngzuò.He works late into the night.
16奥秘ào mìMystery这个宇宙的奥秘仍在探索中。Zhège yǔzhòu de ào mì réng zài tànsuǒ zhōng.The mysteries of the universe are still being explored.

Feel free to ask if you need any more information or changes!


Create a chart that includes the following columns: No., Word (in Chinese), Pinyin, Meaning, Example Sentence (in Chinese), Example Sentence Pinyin, and Translation (in English). For each Chinese word, include its meaning, provide two example sentences, and include the corresponding Pinyin and English translations for those sentences. Ensure the characters are distinct and not similar.

  1. ái

  2. 癌症 ái zhèng

  3. 暧昧 ài mèi

  4. 爱不释手 ài bù shì shǒu

  5. 爱戴 ài dài

  6. 安宁 ān níng

  7. 安详 ān xiáng

  8. 安置 ān zhì

  9. 按摩 àn mó

  10. 暗示 àn shì

  11. 案件 àn jiàn

  12. 案例 àn lì

  13. 昂贵 áng guì

  14. 凹凸 āo tū

  15. áo

  16. 奥秘 ào mì

  17. 巴不得 bā bù dé

  18. 巴结 bā jie

  19. 拔苗助长 bá miáo zhù zhǎng

  20. 把关 bǎ guān

  21. 把手 bǎ shǒu

  22. 罢工 bà gōng

  23. 霸道 bà dào

  24. bāi

  25. 摆脱 bǎi tuō

  26. 拜访 bài fǎng

  27. 拜年 bài nián

  28. 拜托 bài tuō

  29. 败坏 bài huài

  30. bān

  31. 颁布 bān bù

  32. 颁发 bān fā

  33. 版本 bǎn běn

  34. 伴侣 bàn lv3

  35. 伴随 bàn suí

  36. 半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi

  37. 扮演 bàn yǎn

  38. 榜样 bǎng yàng

  39. 绑架 bǎng jià

  40. bàng

  41. 包庇 bāo bì

  42. 包袱 bāo fu

  43. 包围 bāo wéi

  44. 包装 bāo zhuāng

  45. 保管 bǎo guǎn

  46. 保密 bǎo mì

  47. 保姆 bǎo mǔ

  48. 保守 bǎo shǒu

  49. 保卫 bǎo wèi

  50. 保养 bǎo yǎng

  51. 保障 bǎo zhàng

  52. 保重 bǎo zhòng

  53. 饱和 bǎo hé

  54. 饱经沧桑 bǎo jīng cāng sāng

  55. 报酬 bào chou

  56. 报仇 bào chóu

  57. 报答 bào dá

  58. 报复 bào fù

  59. 报警 bào jǐng

  60. 报销 bào xiāo

  61. 抱负 bào fù

  62. 暴力 bào lì

  63. 暴露 bào lù

  64. 曝光 bào guāng

  65. 爆发 bào fā

  66. 爆炸 bào zhà

  67. 卑鄙 bēi bǐ

  68. 悲哀 bēi āi

  69. 悲惨 bēi cǎn

  70. 北极 běi jí

  71. 备份 bèi fèn

  72. 备忘录 bèi wàng lù

  73. 背叛 bèi pàn

  74. 背诵 bèi sòng

  75. 被动 bèi dòng

  76. 被告 bèi gào

  77. 贝壳 bèi ké

  78. 奔波 bēn bō

  79. 奔驰 bēn chí

  80. 本能 běn néng

  81. 本钱 běn qián

  82. 本人 běn rén

  83. 本身 běn shēn

  84. 本事 běn shi

  85. 笨拙 bèn zhuō

  86. 崩溃 bēng kuì

  87. béng

  88. bèng

  89. 迸发 bèng fā

  90. 逼迫 bī pò

  91. 鼻涕 bí tì

  92. 比方 bǐ fang

  93. 比喻 bǐ yù

  94. 比重 bǐ zhòng

  95. 鄙视 bǐ shì

  96. 弊病 bì bìng

  97. 弊端 bì duān

  98. 闭塞 bì sè

  99. 编织 biān zhī

  100. 边疆 biān jiāng

  101. 边界 biān jiè

  102. 边境 biān jìng

  103. 边缘 biān yuán

  104. 鞭策 biān cè

  105. biǎn

  106. 贬低 biǎn dī

  107. 贬义 biǎn yì

  108. 便利 biàn lì

  109. 便条 biàn tiáo

  110. 便于 biàn yú

  111. 变故 biàn gù

  112. 变迁 biàn qiān

  113. 变质 biàn zhì

  114. 辨认 biàn rèn

  115. 辩护 biàn hù

  116. 辩解 biàn jiě

  117. 辩证 biàn zhèng

  118. 辫子 biàn zi

  119. 遍布 biàn bù

  120. 标本 biāo běn

  121. 标记 biāo jì

  122. 标题 biāo tí

  123. 表决 biǎo jué

  124. 表态 biǎo tài

  125. 表彰 biǎo zhāng

  126. biē

  127. 别墅 bié shù

  128. 别致 bié zhì

  129. 别扭 biè niu

  130. 濒临 bīn lín

  131. 冰雹 bīng báo

  132. bǐng

  133. 并非 bìng fēi

  134. 并列 bìng liè

  135. 剥削 bō xuē

  136. 播种 bō zhòng

  137. 波浪 bō làng

  138. 波涛 bō tāo

  139. 伯母 bó mǔ

  140. 博大精深 bó dà jīng shēn

  141. 博览会 bó lǎn huì

  142. 搏斗 bó dòu

  143. 薄弱 bó ruò

  144. 不顾 bú gù

  145. 不愧 bú kuì

  146. 不料 bú liào

  147. 不像话 bú xiàng huà

  148. 不屑一顾 bú xiè yī gù

  149. 哺乳 bǔ rǔ

  150. 捕捉 bǔ zhuō

  151. 补偿 bǔ cháng

  152. 补救 bǔ jiù

  153. 补贴 bǔ tiē

  154. 不得已 bù dé yǐ

  155. 不妨 bù fáng

  156. 不敢当 bù gǎn dāng

  157. 不禁 bù jīn

  158. 不堪 bù kān

  159. 不可思议 bù kě sī yì

  160. 不免 bù miǎn

  161. 不时 bù shí

  162. 不惜 bù xī

  163. 不相上下 bù xiāng shàng xià

  164. 不言而喻 bù yán ér yù

  165. 不由得 bù yóu de

  166. 不择手段 bù zé shǒu duàn

  167. 不止 bù zhǐ

  168. 布告 bù gào

  169. 布局 bù jú

  170. 布置 bù zhì

  171. 步伐 bù fá

  172. 部署 bù shǔ

  173. 部位 bù wèi

  174. 才干 cái gàn

  175. 裁缝 cái feng

  176. 裁判 cái pàn

  177. 裁员 cái yuán

  178. 财富 cái fù

  179. 财务 cái wù

  180. 财政 cái zhèng

  181. 彩票 cǎi piào

  182. 采购 cǎi gòu

  183. 采集 cǎi jí

  184. 采纳 cǎi nà

  185. 参谋 cān móu

  186. 参照 cān zhào

  187. 残疾 cán jí

  188. 残酷 cán kù

  189. 残留 cán liú

  190. 残忍 cán rěn

  191. 灿烂 càn làn

  192. 仓促 cāng cù

  193. 仓库 cāng kù

  194. cāng

  195. 苍白 cāng bái

  196. 操劳 cāo láo

  197. 操练 cāo liàn

  198. 操纵 cāo zòng

  199. 操作 cāo zuò

  200. 嘈杂 cáo zá

  201. 草案 cǎo àn

  202. 草率 cǎo shuài

  203. 侧面 cè miàn

  204. 测量 cè liáng

  205. 策划 cè huà

  206. 策略 cè lvè

  207. 层出不穷 céng chū bù qióng

  208. 层次 céng cì

  209. 差别 chā bié

  210. 插座 chā zuò

  211. 查获 chá huò

  212. 刹那 chà nà

  213. chà

  214. 诧异 chà yì

  215. 柴油 chái yóu

  216. chān

  217. 缠绕 chán rào

  218. chán

  219. 产业 chǎn yè

  220. 阐述 chǎn shù

  221. 颤抖 chàn dǒu

  222. 昌盛 chāng shèng

  223. 偿还 cháng huán

  224. 尝试 cháng shì

  225. 场合 chǎng hé

  226. 场面 chǎng miàn

  227. 场所 chǎng suǒ

  228. 敞开 chǎng kāi

  229. 倡导 chàng dǎo

  230. 倡议 chàng yì

  231. 畅通 chàng tōng

  232. 畅销 chàng xiāo

  233. 超越 chāo yuè

  234. 钞票 chāo piào

  235. 嘲笑 cháo xiào

  236. 巢穴 cháo xué

  237. 朝代 cháo dài

  238. 潮流 cháo liú

  239. 撤退 chè tuì

  240. 撤销 chè xiāo

  241. 沉淀 chén diàn

  242. 沉闷 chén mèn

  243. 沉思 chén sī

  244. 沉重 chén zhòng

  245. 沉着 chén zhuó

  246. 陈旧 chén jiù

  247. 陈列 chén liè

  248. 陈述 chén shù

  249. 称心如意 chèn xīn rú yì

  250. 衬托 chèn tuō

  251. 称号 chēng hào

  252. chéng

  253. 呈现 chéng xiàn

  254. 城堡 chéng bǎo

  255. 惩罚 chéng fá

  256. 成本 chéng běn

  257. 成交 chéng jiāo

  258. 成天 chéng tiān

  259. 成效 chéng xiào

  260. 成心 chéng xīn

  261. 成员 chéng yuán

  262. 承办 chéng bàn

  263. 承包 chéng bāo

  264. 承诺 chéng nuò

  265. chéng

  266. 澄清 chéng qīng

  267. chéng

  268. 诚挚 chéng zhì

  269. chèng

  270. 吃苦 chī kǔ

  271. 吃力 chī lì

  272. 持久 chí jiǔ

  273. 迟钝 chí dùn

  274. 迟缓 chí huǎn

  275. 迟疑 chí yí

  276. 赤道 chì dào

  277. 赤字 chì zì

  278. 充当 chōng dāng

  279. 充沛 chōng pèi

  280. 充实 chōng shí

  281. 充足 chōng zú

  282. 冲动 chōng dòng

  283. 冲击 chōng jī

  284. 冲突 chōng tū

  285. 崇拜 chóng bài

  286. 崇高 chóng gāo

  287. 崇敬 chóng jìng

  288. 重叠 chóng dié

  289. 稠密 chóu mì

  290. 筹备 chóu bèi

  291. 丑恶 chǒu è

  292. 出路 chū lù

  293. 出卖 chū mài

  294. 出身 chū shēn

  295. 出神 chū shén

  296. 出息 chū xi

  297. 初步 chū bù

  298. chú

  299. 储备 chǔ bèi

  300. 储存 chǔ cún

  301. 储蓄 chǔ xù

  302. 处分 chǔ fèn

  303. 处境 chǔ jìng

  304. 处置 chǔ zhì

  305. 触犯 chù fàn

  306. 川流不息 chuān liú bù xī

  307. 穿越 chuān yuè

  308. 传达 chuán dá

  309. 传单 chuán dān

  310. 传授 chuán shòu

  311. 船舶 chuán bó

  312. 喘气 chuǎn qì

  313. chuàn

  314. 床单 chuáng dān

  315. 创立 chuàng lì

  316. 创新 chuàng xīn

  317. 创业 chuàng yè

  318. 创作 chuàng zuò

  319. 吹牛 chuī niú

  320. 吹捧 chuī pěng

  321. 炊烟 chuī yān

  322. 垂直 chuí zhí

  323. chuí

  324. 纯粹 chún cuì

  325. 纯洁 chún jié

  326. 慈善 cí shàn

  327. 慈祥 cí xiáng

  328. 磁带 cí dài

  329. 雌雄 cí xióng

  330. 伺候 cì hòu

  331. 次品 cì pǐn

  332. 次序 cì xù

  333. cóng

  334. 从容 cóng róng

  335. 凑合 còu he

  336. 粗鲁 cū lǔ

  337. cuàn

  338. 摧残 cuī cán

  339. 脆弱 cuì ruò

  340. cuō

  341. 磋商 cuō shāng

  342. 挫折 cuò zhé

  343. 搭档 dā dàng

  344. 搭配 dā pèi

  345. 答辩 dá biàn

  346. 答复 dá fù

  347. 达成 dá chéng

  348. 打包 dǎ bāo

  349. 打官司 dǎ guān si

  350. 打击 dǎ jī

  351. 打架 dǎ jià

  352. 打量 dǎ liang

  353. 打猎 dǎ liè

  354. 打仗 dǎ zhàng

  355. 大不了 dà bù liǎo

  356. 大臣 dà chén

  357. 大伙儿 dà huǒ r

  358. 大肆 dà sì

  359. 大体 dà tǐ

  360. 大意 dà yì

  361. 大致 dà zhì

  362. 歹徒 dǎi tú

  363. 代价 dài jià

  364. 代理 dài lǐ

  365. 带领 dài lǐng

  366. 怠慢 dài màn

  367. 逮捕 dài bǔ

  368. 担保 dān bǎo

  369. 胆怯 dǎn qiè

  370. 淡季 dàn jì

  371. 淡水 dàn shuǐ

  372. 蛋白质 dàn bái zhì

  373. 诞辰 dàn chén

  374. 诞生 dàn shēng

  375. 当场 dāng chǎng

  376. 当初 dāng chū

  377. 当代 dāng dài

  378. 当面 dāng miàn

  379. 当前 dāng qián

  380. 当事人 dāng shì rén

  381. 当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí

  382. 当选 dāng xuǎn

  383. dǎng

  384. 档案 dàng àn

  385. 档次 dàng cì

  386. 倒闭 dǎo bì

  387. 导弹 dǎo dàn

  388. 导航 dǎo háng

  389. 导向 dǎo xiàng

  390. 捣乱 dǎo luàn

  391. 盗窃 dào qiè

  392. 稻谷 dào gǔ

  393. 得不偿失 dé bù cháng shī

  394. 得力 dé lì

  395. 得天独厚 dé tiān dú hòu

  396. 得罪 dé zuì

  397. 灯笼 dēng lóng

  398. 登录 dēng lù

  399. 登陆 dēng lù

  400. dēng

  401. 等候 děng hòu

  402. 等级 děng jí

  403. dèng

  404. 堤坝 dī bà

  405. 敌视 dí shì

  406. 抵达 dǐ dá

  407. 抵抗 dǐ kàng

  408. 抵制 dǐ zhì

  409. 地步 dì bù

  410. 地势 dì shì

  411. 地质 dì zhì

  412. 递增 dì zēng

  413. 颠簸 diān bǒ

  414. 颠倒 diān dǎo

  415. 典礼 diǎn lǐ

  416. 典型 diǎn xíng

  417. 点缀 diǎn zhuì

  418. diàn

  419. 奠定 diàn dìng

  420. 惦记 diàn jì

  421. 电源 diàn yuán

  422. diāo

  423. 雕刻 diāo kè

  424. 雕塑 diāo sù

  425. diào

  426. 调动 diào dòng

  427. diē

  428. dīng

  429. 叮嘱 dīng zhǔ

  430. dīng

  431. 定期 dìng qī

  432. 定义 dìng yì

  433. 丢人 diū rén

  434. 丢三落四 diū sān là sì

  435. 东道主 dōng dào zhǔ

  436. 东张西望 dōng zhāng xī wàng

  437. 董事长 dǒng shì zhǎng

  438. 冻结 dòng jié

  439. 动荡 dòng dàng

  440. 动机 dòng jī

  441. 动静 dòng jìng

  442. 动力 dòng lì

  443. 动脉 dòng mài

  444. 动身 dòng shēn

  445. 动手 dòng shǒu

  446. 动态 dòng tài

  447. 动员 dòng yuán

  448. dòng

  449. dōu

  450. 陡峭 dǒu qiào

  451. 斗争 dòu zhēng

  452. 督促 dū cù

  453. 毒品 dú pǐn

  454. 独裁 dú cái

  455. 堵塞 dǔ sè

  456. 赌博 dǔ bó

  457. 杜绝 dù jué

  458. duān

  459. 端午节 duān wǔ jié

  460. 端正 duān zhèng

  461. 短促 duǎn cù

  462. 断定 duàn dìng

  463. 断绝 duàn jué

  464. 堆积 duī jī

  465. 兑现 duì xiàn

  466. 对策 duì cè

  467. 对称 duì chèn

  468. 对付 duì fu

  469. 对抗 duì kàng

  470. 对立 duì lì

  471. 对联 duì lián

  472. 对应 duì yìng

  473. 对照 duì zhào

  474. 队伍 duì wu

  475. 顿时 dùn shí

  476. 哆嗦 duō suo

  477. 多元化 duō yuán huà

  478. 堕落 duò luò

  479. 额外 é wài

  480. 恶心 ě xin

  481. 恶化 è huà

  482. 遏制 è zhì

  483. 恩怨 ēn yuàn

  484. 而已 ér yǐ

  485. 二氧化碳 èr yǎng huà tàn

  486. 发布 fā bù

  487. 发财 fā cái

  488. 发呆 fā dāi

  489. 发动 fā dòng

  490. 发觉 fā jué

  491. 发射 fā shè

  492. 发誓 fā shì

  493. 发行 fā xíng

  494. 发炎 fā yán

  495. 发扬 fā yáng

  496. 发育 fā yù

  497. 法人 fǎ rén

  498. fān

  499. 凡是 fán shì

  500. 繁华 fán huá

  501. 繁忙 fán máng

  502. 繁体字 fán tǐ zì

  503. 繁殖 fán zhí

  504. 反驳 fǎn bó

  505. 反常 fǎn cháng

  506. 反感 fǎn gǎn

  507. 反抗 fǎn kàng

  508. 反馈 fǎn kuì

  509. 反面 fǎn miàn

  510. 反射 fǎn shè

  511. 反思 fǎn sī

  512. 反问 fǎn wèn

  513. 反之 fǎn zhī

  514. 泛滥 fàn làn

  515. 范畴 fàn chóu

  516. 贩卖 fàn mài

  517. 方位 fāng wèi

  518. 方言 fāng yán

  519. 方圆 fāng yuán

  520. 方针 fāng zhēn

  521. 防守 fáng shǒu

  522. 防御 fáng yù

  523. 防止 fáng zhǐ

  524. 防治 fáng zhì

  525. 纺织 fǎng zhī

  526. 访问 fǎng wèn

  527. 放大 fàng dà

  528. 放射 fàng shè

  529. 非法 fēi fǎ

  530. 飞禽走兽 fēi qín zǒu shòu

  531. 飞翔 fēi xiáng

  532. 飞跃 fēi yuè

  533. 肥沃 féi wò

  534. 诽谤 fěi bàng

  535. 废除 fèi chú

  536. 废寝忘食 fèi qǐn wàng shí

  537. 废墟 fèi xū

  538. 沸腾 fèi téng

  539. fèi

  540. 分辨 fēn biàn

  541. 分寸 fēn cun

  542. 分红 fēn hóng

  543. 分解 fēn jiě

  544. 分裂 fēn liè

  545. 分泌 fēn mì

  546. 分明 fēn míng

  547. 分歧 fēn qí

  548. 分散 fēn sàn

  549. 吩咐 fēn fù

  550. 坟墓 fén mù

  551. 粉末 fěn mò

  552. 粉色 fěn sè

  553. 粉碎 fěn suì

  554. 分量 fèn liàng

  555. 愤怒 fèn nù

  556. 丰满 fēng mǎn

  557. 丰盛 fēng shèng

  558. 丰收 fēng shōu

  559. 封闭 fēng bì

  560. 封建 fēng jiàn

  561. 封锁 fēng suǒ

  562. 锋利 fēng lì

  563. 风暴 fēng bào

  564. 风度 fēng dù

  565. 风光 fēng guāng

  566. 风气 fēng qì

  567. 风趣 fēng qù

  568. 风土人情 fēng tǔ rén qíng

  569. 风味 fēng wèi

  570. féng

  571. 奉献 fèng xiàn

  572. 否决 fǒu jué

  573. 夫妇 fū fù

  574. 夫人 fū ren

  575. 敷衍 fū yǎn

  576. 俘虏 fú lǔ

  577. 幅度 fú dù

  578. 服从 fú cóng

  579. 服气 fú qì

  580. 福利 fú lì

  581. 福气 fú qi

  582. 符号 fú hào

  583. 辐射 fú shè

  584. 俯视 fǔ shì

  585. 抚摸 fǔ mō

  586. 抚养 fǔ yǎng

  587. 腐败 fǔ bài

  588. 腐烂 fǔ làn

  589. 腐蚀 fǔ shí

  590. 腐朽 fǔ xiǔ

  591. 辅助 fǔ zhù

  592. 复活 fù huó

  593. 复兴 fù xīng

  594. 富裕 fù yù

  595. 腹泻 fù xiè

  596. 覆盖 fù gài

  597. 负担 fù dān

  598. 赋予 fù yǔ

  599. 附和 fù hè

  600. 附件 fù jiàn

  601. 附属 fù shǔ

  602. 改良 gǎi liáng

  603. 盖章 gài zhāng

  604. gài

  605. 尴尬 gān gà

  606. 干旱 gān hàn

  607. 干扰 gān rǎo

  608. 干涉 gān shè

  609. 干预 gān yù

  610. 感慨 gǎn kǎi

  611. 感染 gǎn rǎn

  612. 干劲 gàn jìn

  613. gāng

  614. 纲领 gāng lǐng

  615. 岗位 gǎng wèi

  616. 港口 gǎng kǒu

  617. 港湾 gǎng wān

  618. 杠杆 gàng gǎn

  619. 高超 gāo chāo

  620. 高潮 gāo cháo

  621. 高峰 gāo fēng

  622. 高明 gāo míng

  623. 高尚 gāo shàng

  624. 高涨 gāo zhǎng

  625. 稿件 gǎo jiàn

  626. 告辞 gào cí

  627. 告诫 gào jiè

  628. 歌颂 gē sòng

  629. 疙瘩 gē da

  630. 鸽子 gē zi

  631. 格局 gé jú

  632. 格式 gé shì

  633. 隔阂 gé hé

  634. 隔离 gé lí

  635. 革命 gé mìng

  636. 个体 gè tǐ

  637. 各抒己见 gè shū jǐ jiàn

  638. 根深蒂固 gēn shēn dì gù

  639. 根源 gēn yuán

  640. 跟前 gēn qián

  641. 跟随 gēn suí

  642. 跟踪 gēn zōng

  643. 更新 gēng xīn

  644. 更正 gēng zhèng

  645. 耕地 gēng dì

  646. 供不应求 gōng bù yìng qiú

  647. 供给 gōng jǐ

  648. 公安局 gōng ān jú

  649. 公道 gōng dào

  650. 公告 gōng gào

  651. 公关 gōng guān

  652. 公民 gōng mín

  653. 公然 gōng rán

  654. 公认 gōng rèn

  655. 公式 gōng shì

  656. 公务 gōng wù

  657. 公正 gōng zhèng

  658. 公证 gōng zhèng

  659. 功劳 gōng láo

  660. 功效 gōng xiào

  661. 宫殿 gōng diàn

  662. 工艺品 gōng yì pǐn

  663. 恭敬 gōng jìng

  664. 攻击 gōng jī

  665. 攻克 gōng kè

  666. 巩固 gǒng gù

  667. 共和国 gòng hé guó

  668. 共计 gòng jì

  669. 共鸣 gòng míng

  670. 勾结 gōu jié

  671. 钩子 gōu zi

  672. 构思 gòu sī

  673. 姑且 gū qiě

  674. 孤独 gū dú

  675. 孤立 gū lì

  676. 辜负 gū fù

  677. 古董 gǔ dǒng

  678. 古怪 gǔ guài

  679. 股东 gǔ dōng

  680. 股份 gǔ fèn

  681. 骨干 gǔ gàn

  682. 鼓动 gǔ dòng

  683. 固然 gù rán

  684. 固体 gù tǐ

  685. 固有 gù yǒu

  686. 固执 gù zhi

  687. 故乡 gù xiāng

  688. 故障 gù zhàng

  689. 雇佣 gù yōng

  690. 顾虑 gù lv4

  691. 顾问 gù wèn

  692. 拐杖 guǎi zhàng

  693. 关怀 guān huái

  694. 关照 guān zhào

  695. 官方 guān fāng

  696. 观光 guān guāng

  697. 管辖 guǎn xiá

  698. 惯例 guàn lì

  699. 灌溉 guàn gài

  700. guàn

  701. 贯彻 guàn chè

  702. 光彩 guāng cǎi

  703. 光辉 guāng huī

  704. 光芒 guāng máng

  705. 光荣 guāng róng

  706. 广阔 guǎng kuò

  707. 归根到底 guī gēn dào dǐ

  708. 归还 guī huán

  709. 规范 guī fàn

  710. 规格 guī gé

  711. 规划 guī huà

  712. 规章 guī zhāng

  713. 轨道 guǐ dào

  714. 贵族 guì zú

  715. guì

  716. 棍棒 gùn bàng

  717. 国防 guó fáng

  718. 国务院 guó wù yuàn

  719. 果断 guǒ duàn

  720. 过度 guò dù

  721. 过渡 guò dù

  722. 过奖 guò jiǎng

  723. 过滤 guò lv4

  724. 过失 guò shī

  725. 过问 guò wèn

  726. 过瘾 guò yǐn

  727. 过于 guò yú

  728. hāi

  729. 海拔 hǎi bá

  730. 海滨 hǎi bīn

  731. 含糊 hán hu

  732. 含义 hán yì

  733. 寒暄 hán xuān

  734. 罕见 hǎn jiàn

  735. 捍卫 hàn wèi

  736. 航空 háng kōng

  737. 航天 háng tiān

  738. 航行 háng xíng

  739. 行列 háng liè

  740. 毫米 háo mǐ

  741. 毫无 háo wú

  742. 豪迈 háo mài

  743. 号召 hào zhào

  744. 耗费 hào fèi

  745. 合并 hé bìng

  746. 合成 hé chéng

  747. 合伙 hé huǒ

  748. 合算 hé suàn

  749. 和蔼 hé ǎi

  750. 和解 hé jiě

  751. 和睦 hé mù

  752. 和气 hé qi

  753. 和谐 hé xié

  754. hēi

  755. 痕迹 hén jì

  756. 狠心 hěn xīn

  757. 恨不得 hèn bu dé

  758. hēng

  759. héng

  760. hōng

  761. hōng

  762. 轰动 hōng dòng

  763. 宏观 hóng guān

  764. 宏伟 hóng wěi

  765. 洪水 hóng shuǐ

  766. 喉咙 hóu lóng

  767. hǒu

  768. 候选 hòu xuǎn

  769. 后代 hòu dài

  770. 后顾之忧 hòu gù zhī yōu

  771. 后勤 hòu qín

  772. 呼唤 hū huàn

  773. 呼啸 hū xiào

  774. 呼吁 hū yù

  775. 忽略 hū lvè

  776. 湖泊 hú pō

  777. 胡乱 hú luàn

  778. 胡须 hú xū

  779. 花瓣 huā bàn

  780. 花蕾 huā lěi

  781. 华丽 huá lì

  782. 华侨 huá qiáo

  783. 划分 huà fēn

  784. 化肥 huà féi

  785. 化石 huà shí

  786. 化验 huà yàn

  787. 化妆 huà zhuāng

  788. 画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú

  789. 话筒 huà tǒng

  790. 欢乐 huān lè

  791. 环节 huán jié

  792. 还原 huán yuán

  793. 缓和 huǎn hé

  794. 患者 huàn zhě

  795. 荒凉 huāng liáng

  796. 荒谬 huāng miù

  797. 荒唐 huāng táng

  798. 皇帝 huáng dì

  799. 皇后 huáng hòu

  800. 黄昏 huáng hūn

  801. 恍然大悟 huǎng rán dà wù

  802. huǎng

  803. 挥霍 huī huò

  804. 辉煌 huī huáng

  805. 回报 huí bào

  806. 回避 huí bì

  807. 回顾 huí gù

  808. 回收 huí shōu

  809. 悔恨 huǐ hèn

  810. 毁灭 huǐ miè

  811. 会晤 huì wù

  812. 汇报 huì bào

  813. 贿赂 huì lù

  814. 昏迷 hūn mí

  815. hūn

  816. 浑身 hún shēn

  817. 混合 hùn hé

  818. 混乱 hùn luàn

  819. 混淆 hùn xiáo

  820. 混浊 hùn zhuó

  821. 活该 huó gāi

  822. 活力 huó lì

  823. 火箭 huǒ jiàn

  824. 火焰 huǒ yàn

  825. 火药 huǒ yào

  826. 货币 huò bì

  827. 基地 jī dì

  828. 基金 jī jīn

  829. 基因 jī yīn

  830. 机动 jī dòng

  831. 机构 jī gòu

  832. 机灵 jī ling

  833. 机密 jī mì

  834. 机械 jī xiè

  835. 机遇 jī yù

  836. 机智 jī zhì

  837. 激发 jī fā

  838. 激励 jī lì

  839. 激情 jī qíng

  840. 讥笑 jī xiào

  841. 饥饿 jī è

  842. 即便 jí biàn

  843. 即将 jí jiāng

  844. 及早 jí zǎo

  845. 吉祥 jí xiáng

  846. 嫉妒 jí dù

  847. 急功近利 jí gōng jìn lì

  848. 急剧 jí jù

  849. 急切 jí qiè

  850. 急于求成 jí yú qiú chéng

  851. 急躁 jí zào

  852. 极端 jí duān

  853. 极限 jí xiàn

  854. 疾病 jí bìng

  855. 籍贯 jí guàn

  856. 级别 jí bié

  857. 集团 jí tuán

  858. 给予 jǐ yǔ

  859. 季军 jì jūn

  860. 季度 jì dù

  861. 寂静 jì jìng

  862. 寄托 jì tuō

  863. 忌讳 jì huì

  864. 技巧 jì qiǎo

  865. 纪要 jì yào

  866. 继承 jì chéng

  867. 计较 jì jiào

  868. 记性 jì xing

  869. 记载 jì zǎi

  870. 迹象 jì xiàng

  871. 佳肴 jiā yáo

  872. 加工 jiā gōng

  873. 加剧 jiā jù

  874. 夹杂 jiā zá

  875. 家常 jiā cháng

  876. 家伙 jiā huo

  877. 家属 jiā shǔ

  878. 家喻户晓 jiā yù hù xiǎo

  879. 坚定 jiān dìng

  880. 坚固 jiān gù

  881. 坚韧 jiān rèn

  882. 坚实 jiān shí

  883. 坚硬 jiān yìng

  884. 尖端 jiān duān

  885. 尖锐 jiān ruì

  886. jiān

  887. 监督 jiān dū

  888. 监视 jiān shì

  889. 监狱 jiān yù

  890. 艰难 jiān nán

  891. 剪彩 jiǎn cǎi

  892. jiǎn

  893. 检讨 jiǎn tǎo

  894. 检验 jiǎn yàn

  895. 简化 jiǎn huà

  896. 简陋 jiǎn lòu

  897. 简体字 jiǎn tǐ zì

  898. 简要 jiǎn yào

  899. 健全 jiàn quán

  900. jiàn

  901. jiàn

  902. 舰艇 jiàn tǐng

  903. 见多识广 jiàn duō shí guǎng

  904. 见解 jiàn jiě

  905. 见闻 jiàn wén

  906. 见义勇为 jiàn yì yǒng wéi

  907. 践踏 jiàn tà

  908. 鉴别 jiàn bié

  909. 鉴定 jiàn dìng

  910. 鉴于 jiàn yú

  911. 间谍 jiàn dié

  912. 间隔 jiàn gé

  913. 间接 jiàn jiē

  914. 僵硬 jiāng yìng

  915. 将军 jiāng jūn

  916. 将近 jiāng jìn

  917. 将就 jiāng jiù

  918. 奖励 jiǎng lì

  919. 奖赏 jiǎng shǎng

  920. jiǎng

  921. 降临 jiàng lín

  922. 交叉 jiāo chā

  923. 交代 jiāo dài

  924. 交涉 jiāo shè

  925. 交易 jiāo yì

  926. 娇气 jiāo qì

  927. 焦点 jiāo diǎn

  928. 焦急 jiāo jí

  929. 侥幸 jiǎo xìng

  930. 搅拌 jiǎo bàn

  931. 缴纳 jiǎo nà

  932. 角落 jiǎo luò

  933. 教养 jiào yǎng

  934. 较量 jiào liàng

  935. 接连 jiē lián

  936. 揭露 jiē lù

  937. jiē

  938. 阶层 jiē céng

  939. 截止 jié zhǐ

  940. 截至 jié zhì

  941. 杰出 jié chū

  942. 竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì

  943. 结晶 jié jīng

  944. 结局 jié jú

  945. 结算 jié suàn

  946. 节制 jié zhì

  947. 节奏 jié zòu

  948. 解除 jiě chú

  949. 解放 jiě fàng

  950. 解雇 jiě gù

  951. 解剖 jiě pōu

  952. 解散 jiě sàn

  953. 解体 jiě tǐ

  954. 借鉴 jiè jiàn

  955. 借助 jiè zhù

  956. 戒备 jiè bèi

  957. 界限 jiè xiàn

  958. 津津有味 jīn jīn yǒu wèi

  959. 金融 jīn róng

  960. 紧迫 jǐn pò

  961. 锦上添花 jǐn shàng tiān huā

  962. 晋升 jìn shēng

  963. 浸泡 jìn pào

  964. 近来 jìn lái

  965. 进而 jìn ér

  966. 进攻 jìn gōng

  967. 进化 jìn huà

  968. 进展 jìn zhǎn

  969. 兢兢业业 jīng jīng yè yè

  970. 惊动 jīng dòng

  971. 惊奇 jīng qí

  972. 惊讶 jīng yà

  973. 精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn

  974. 精华 jīng huá

  975. 精简 jīng jiǎn

  976. 精密 jīng mì

  977. 精确 jīng què

  978. 精通 jīng tōng

  979. 精心 jīng xīn

  980. 精益求精 jīng yì qiú jīng

  981. 精致 jīng zhì

  982. 经费 jīng fèi

  983. 经纬 jīng wěi

  984. jīng

  985. jǐng

  986. 警告 jǐng gào

  987. 警惕 jǐng tì

  988. 颈椎 jǐng zhuī

  989. 境界 jìng jiè

  990. 敬礼 jìng lǐ

  991. 敬业 jìng yè

  992. 竞赛 jìng sài

  993. 竞选 jìng xuǎn

  994. 镜头 jìng tóu

  995. 纠纷 jiū fēn

  996. 纠正 jiū zhèng

  997. 酒精 jiǔ jīng

  998. 就近 jiù jìn

  999. 就业 jiù yè

  1000. 就职 jiù zhí

  1001. 救济 jiù jì

  1002. 居民 jū mín

  1003. 居住 jū zhù

  1004. 拘留 jū liú

  1005. 拘束 jū shù

  1006. 鞠躬 jū gōng

  1007. 局部 jú bù

  1008. 局面 jú miàn

  1009. 局势 jú shì

  1010. 局限 jú xiàn

  1011. 举动 jǔ dòng

  1012. 举世瞩目 jǔ shì zhǔ mù

  1013. 举足轻重 jǔ zú qīng zhòng

  1014. 咀嚼 jǔ jué

  1015. 沮丧 jǔ sàng

  1016. 剧本 jù běn

  1017. 剧烈 jù liè

  1018. 据悉 jù xī

  1019. 聚精会神 jù jīng huì shén

  1020. juǎn

  1021. 倔强 jué jiàng

  1022. 决策 jué cè

  1023. 绝望 jué wàng

  1024. 觉悟 jué wù

  1025. 觉醒 jué xǐng

  1026. 军队 jūn duì

  1027. 君子 jūn zǐ

  1028. 卡通 kǎ tōng

  1029. 开采 kāi cǎi

  1030. 开除 kāi chú

  1031. 开阔 kāi kuò

  1032. 开朗 kāi lǎng

  1033. 开明 kāi míng

  1034. 开辟 kāi pì

  1035. 开拓 kāi tuò

  1036. 开展 kāi zhǎn

  1037. 开支 kāi zhī

  1038. 刊登 kān dēng

  1039. 刊物 kān wù

  1040. 勘探 kān tàn

  1041. 侃侃而谈 kǎn kǎn ér tán

  1042. 砍伐 kǎn fá

  1043. 看待 kàn dài

  1044. 慷慨 kāng kǎi

  1045. 抗议 kàng yì

  1046. 考察 kǎo chá

  1047. 考古 kǎo gǔ

  1048. 考核 kǎo hé

  1049. 考验 kǎo yàn

  1050. 靠拢 kào lǒng

  1051. 科目 kē mù

  1052. 可观 kě guān

  1053. 可口 kě kǒu

  1054. 可恶 kě wù

  1055. 可行 kě xíng

  1056. 渴望 kě wàng

  1057. 克制 kè zhì

  1058. 刻不容缓 kè bù róng huǎn

  1059. 客户 kè hù

  1060. 课题 kè tí

  1061. kěn

  1062. 恳切 kěn qiè

  1063. kēng

  1064. 空洞 kōng dòng

  1065. 空前绝后 kōng qián jué hòu

  1066. 空想 kōng xiǎng

  1067. 空虚 kōng xū

  1068. kǒng

  1069. 恐怖 kǒng bù

  1070. 恐吓 kǒng hè

  1071. 恐惧 kǒng jù

  1072. 空白 kòng bái

  1073. 空隙 kòng xì

  1074. 口气 kǒu qì

  1075. 口腔 kǒu qiāng

  1076. 口头 kǒu tóu

  1077. 口音 kǒu yīn

  1078. kòu

  1079. 哭泣 kū qì

  1080. 枯萎 kū wěi

  1081. 枯燥 kū zào

  1082. 苦尽甘来 kǔ jìn gān lái

  1083. 苦涩 kǔ sè

  1084. kuà

  1085. kuà

  1086. 快活 kuài huo

  1087. 宽敞 kuān chang

  1088. 宽容 kuān róng

  1089. 款待 kuǎn dài

  1090. 款式 kuǎn shì

  1091. kuāng

  1092. 况且 kuàng qiě

  1093. 旷课 kuàng kè

  1094. 框架 kuàng jià

  1095. 矿产 kuàng chǎn

  1096. 亏待 kuī dài

  1097. 亏损 kuī sǔn

  1098. 捆绑 kǔn bǎng

  1099. 扩充 kuò chōng

  1100. 扩散 kuò sàn

  1101. 扩张 kuò zhāng

  1102. 喇叭 lǎ ba

  1103. 蜡烛 là zhú

  1104. 来历 lái lì

  1105. 来源 lái yuán

  1106. 栏目 lán mù

  1107. 懒惰 lǎn duò

  1108. 狼狈 láng bèi

  1109. 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn

  1110. lāo

  1111. 唠叨 láo dao

  1112. 牢固 láo gù

  1113. 牢骚 láo sāo

  1114. 乐趣 lè qù

  1115. 乐意 lè yì

  1116. 雷达 léi dá

  1117. 类似 lèi sì

  1118. 冷酷 lěng kù

  1119. 冷落 lěng luò

  1120. 冷却 lěng què

  1121. lèng

  1122. 黎明 lí míng

  1123. 理睬 lǐ cǎi

  1124. 理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán

  1125. 理直气壮 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng

  1126. 理智 lǐ zhì

  1127. 礼节 lǐ jié

  1128. 礼尚往来 lǐ shàng wǎng lái

  1129. 里程碑 lǐ chéng bēi

  1130. 例外 lì wài

  1131. 利害 lì hài

  1132. 力求 lì qiú

  1133. 力所能及 lì suǒ néng jí

  1134. 力争 lì zhēng

  1135. 历代 lì dài

  1136. 历来 lì lái

  1137. 立场 lì chǎng

  1138. 立方 lì fāng

  1139. 立交桥 lì jiāo qiáo

  1140. 立体 lì tǐ

  1141. 立足 lì zú

  1142. 廉洁 lián jié

  1143. 联欢 lián huān

  1144. 联络 lián luò

  1145. 联盟 lián méng

  1146. 联想 lián xiǎng

  1147. 连年 lián nián

  1148. 连锁 lián suǒ

  1149. 连同 lián tóng

  1150. 良心 liáng xīn

  1151. liàng

  1152. 谅解 liàng jiě

  1153. 辽阔 liáo kuò

  1154. 列举 liè jǔ

  1155. 临床 lín chuáng

  1156. lín

  1157. 吝啬 lìn sè

  1158. 伶俐 líng lì

  1159. 凌晨 líng chén

  1160. 灵感 líng gǎn

  1161. 灵魂 líng hún

  1162. 灵敏 líng mǐn

  1163. 零星 líng xīng

  1164. 领会 lǐng huì

  1165. 领事馆 lǐng shì guǎn

  1166. 领土 lǐng tǔ

  1167. 领悟 lǐng wù

  1168. 领先 lǐng xiān

  1169. 领袖 lǐng xiù

  1170. liū

  1171. 流浪 liú làng

  1172. 流露 liú lù

  1173. 流氓 liú máng

  1174. 流通 liú tōng

  1175. 留恋 liú liàn

  1176. 留念 liú niàn

  1177. 留神 liú shén

  1178. 聋哑 lóng yǎ

  1179. 隆重 lóng zhòng

  1180. 垄断 lǒng duàn

  1181. 笼罩 lǒng zhào

  1182. lǒu

  1183. 炉灶 lú zào

  1184. 轮船 lún chuán

  1185. 轮廓 lún kuò

  1186. 轮胎 lún tāi

  1187. 论坛 lùn tán

  1188. 论证 lùn zhèng

  1189. 啰唆 luō suo

  1190. 络绎不绝 luò yì bù jué

  1191. 落成 luò chéng

  1192. 落实 luò shí

  1193. 屡次 lv3 cì

  1194. 履行 lv3 xíng

  1195. 掠夺 lvè duó

  1196. ma

  1197. 麻痹 má bì

  1198. 麻木 má mù

  1199. 麻醉 má zuì

  1200. 码头 mǎ tóu

  1201. 蚂蚁 mǎ yǐ

  1202. 埋伏 mái fú

  1203. 埋没 mái mò

  1204. 埋葬 mái zàng

  1205. 脉搏 mài bó

  1206. mài

  1207. 埋怨 mán yuàn

  1208. 慢性 màn xìng

  1209. 漫长 màn cháng

  1210. 漫画 màn huà

  1211. 蔓延 màn yán

  1212. 忙碌 máng lù

  1213. 盲目 máng mù

  1214. 茫茫 máng máng

  1215. 茫然 máng rán

  1216. 冒充 mào chōng

  1217. 冒犯 mào fàn

  1218. 茂盛 mào shèng

  1219. 媒介 méi jiè

  1220. méi

  1221. 美观 měi guān

  1222. 美满 měi mǎn

  1223. 美妙 měi miào

  1224. 萌芽 méng yá

  1225. 猛烈 měng liè

  1226. 弥补 mí bǔ

  1227. 弥漫 mí màn

  1228. 谜语 mí yǔ

  1229. 迷惑 mí huo

  1230. 迷人 mí rén

  1231. 迷信 mí xìn

  1232. 密度 mì dù

  1233. 密封 mì fēng

  1234. 棉花 mián hua

  1235. 免得 miǎn de

  1236. 免疫 miǎn yì

  1237. 勉励 miǎn lì

  1238. 勉强 miǎn qiǎng

  1239. 面貌 miàn mào

  1240. 面子 miàn zi

  1241. 描绘 miáo huì

  1242. 瞄准 miáo zhǔn

  1243. 渺小 miǎo xiǎo

  1244. 藐视 miǎo shì

  1245. 灭亡 miè wáng

  1246. 蔑视 miè shì

  1247. 民间 mín jiān

  1248. 民主 mín zhǔ

  1249. 敏捷 mǐn jié

  1250. 敏锐 mǐn ruì

  1251. 名次 míng cì

  1252. 名额 míng é

  1253. 名副其实 míng fù qí shí

  1254. 名誉 míng yù

  1255. 明明 míng míng

  1256. 明智 míng zhì

  1257. 命名 mìng míng

  1258. 摸索 mō suo

  1259. 摩擦 mó cā

  1260. 模范 mó fàn

  1261. 模式 mó shì

  1262. 模型 mó xíng

  1263. 磨合 mó hé

  1264. 魔鬼 mó guǐ

  1265. 魔术 mó shù

  1266. 抹杀 mǒ shā

  1267. 墨水儿 mò shuǐ r

  1268. 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào

  1269. 默默 mò mò

  1270. 谋求 móu qiú

  1271. 模样 mú yàng

  1272. 母语 mǔ yǔ

  1273. 沐浴 mù yù

  1274. 目睹 mù dǔ

  1275. 目光 mù guāng

  1276. 拿手 ná shǒu

  1277. 纳闷儿 nà mèn r

  1278. 耐用 nài yòng

  1279. 南辕北辙 nán yuán běi zhé

  1280. 难得 nán dé

  1281. 难堪 nán kān

  1282. 难能可贵 nán néng kě guì

  1283. 恼火 nǎo huǒ

  1284. 内涵 nèi hán

  1285. 内幕 nèi mù

  1286. 内在 nèi zài

  1287. 能量 néng liàng

  1288. 拟定 nǐ dìng

  1289. 逆行 nì xíng

  1290. 年度 nián dù

  1291. niē

  1292. 凝固 níng gù

  1293. 凝聚 níng jù

  1294. 凝视 níng shì

  1295. níng

  1296. 宁肯 nìng kěn

  1297. 宁愿 nìng yuàn

  1298. 扭转 niǔ zhuǎn

  1299. 纽扣儿 niǔ kòu r

  1300. 农历 nóng lì

  1301. 浓厚 nóng hòu

  1302. 奴隶 nú lì

  1303. nuó

  1304. 虐待 nvè dài

  1305. ò

  1306. 殴打 ōu dǎ

  1307. 偶像 ǒu xiàng

  1308. 呕吐 ǒu tù

  1309. 徘徊 pái huái

  1310. 排斥 pái chì

  1311. 排除 pái chú

  1312. 排放 pái fàng

  1313. 排练 pái liàn

  1314. 派别 pài bié

  1315. 派遣 pài qiǎn

  1316. 攀登 pān dēng

  1317. 盘旋 pán xuán

  1318. 判决 pàn jué

  1319. pàn

  1320. 庞大 páng dà

  1321. 抛弃 pāo qì

  1322. 泡沫 pào mò

  1323. 培育 péi yù

  1324. 配备 pèi bèi

  1325. 配偶 pèi ǒu

  1326. 配套 pèi tào

  1327. 盆地 pén dì

  1328. 烹饪 pēng rèn

  1329. pěng

  1330. 批发 pī fā

  1331. 批判 pī pàn

  1332. 疲惫 pí bèi

  1333. 疲倦 pí juàn

  1334. 皮革 pí gé

  1335. 屁股 pì gu

  1336. 譬如 pì rú

  1337. 偏差 piān chā

  1338. 偏见 piān jiàn

  1339. 偏僻 piān pì

  1340. 偏偏 piān piān

  1341. 片断 piàn duàn

  1342. 片刻 piàn kè

  1343. 漂浮 piāo fú

  1344. 飘扬 piāo yáng

  1345. piē

  1346. 拼搏 pīn bó

  1347. 拼命 pīn mìng

  1348. 贫乏 pín fá

  1349. 贫困 pín kùn

  1350. 频繁 pín fán

  1351. 频率 pín lv4

  1352. 品尝 pǐn cháng

  1353. 品德 pǐn dé

  1354. 品质 pǐn zhì

  1355. 品种 pǐn zhǒng

  1356. 屏幕 píng mù

  1357. 屏障 píng zhàng

  1358. 平凡 píng fán

  1359. 平面 píng miàn

  1360. 平坦 píng tǎn

  1361. 平行 píng xíng

  1362. 平庸 píng yōng

  1363. 平原 píng yuán

  1364. 评估 píng gū

  1365. 评论 píng lùn

  1366. 破例 pò lì

  1367. 迫不及待 pò bù jí dài

  1368. 迫害 pò hài

  1369. 魄力 pò lì

  1370. 普及 pǔ jí

  1371. 朴实 pǔ shí

  1372. 朴素 pǔ sù

  1373. 瀑布 pù bù

  1374. 凄凉 qī liáng

  1375. 期望 qī wàng

  1376. 期限 qī xiàn

  1377. 欺负 qī fu

  1378. 欺骗 qī piàn

  1379. 奇妙 qí miào

  1380. 旗袍 qí páo

  1381. 旗帜 qí zhì

  1382. 歧视 qí shì

  1383. 齐全 qí quán

  1384. 齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì

  1385. 乞丐 qǐ gài

  1386. 企图 qǐ tú

  1387. 启程 qǐ chéng

  1388. 启蒙 qǐ méng

  1389. 启事 qǐ shì

  1390. 启示 qǐ shì

  1391. 岂有此理 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ

  1392. 起草 qǐ cǎo

  1393. 起初 qǐ chū

  1394. 起伏 qǐ fú

  1395. 起哄 qǐ hòng

  1396. 起码 qǐ mǎ

  1397. 起源 qǐ yuán

  1398. 器材 qì cái

  1399. 器官 qì guān

  1400. 气概 qì gài

  1401. 气功 qì gōng

  1402. 气魄 qì pò

  1403. 气色 qì sè

  1404. 气势 qì shì

  1405. 气味 qì wèi

  1406. 气象 qì xiàng

  1407. 气压 qì yā

  1408. 气质 qì zhí

  1409. 迄今为止 qì jīn wéi zhǐ

  1410. qiā

  1411. 恰当 qià dàng

  1412. 恰到好处 qià dào hǎo chù

  1413. 恰巧 qià qiǎo

  1414. 洽谈 qià tán

  1415. 千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi jì

  1416. qiān

  1417. 牵扯 qiān chě

  1418. 牵制 qiān zhì

  1419. 签署 qiān shǔ

  1420. 谦逊 qiān xùn

  1421. 迁就 qiān jiù

  1422. 迁徙 qiān xǐ

  1423. 前景 qián jǐng

  1424. 前提 qián tí

  1425. 潜力 qián lì

  1426. 潜水 qián shuǐ

  1427. 潜移默化 qián yí mò huà

  1428. 谴责 qiǎn zé

  1429. 抢劫 qiāng jié

  1430. 强制 qiáng zhì

  1431. 强迫 qiǎng pò

  1432. 抢救 qiǎng jiù

  1433. 桥梁 qiáo liáng

  1434. 窍门 qiào mén

  1435. qiào

  1436. 切实 qiè shí

  1437. 锲而不舍 qiè ér bù shě

  1438. 亲密 qīn mì

  1439. 亲热 qīn rè

  1440. 侵犯 qīn fàn

  1441. 侵略 qīn lvè

  1442. 钦佩 qīn pèi

  1443. 勤俭 qín jiǎn

  1444. 勤劳 qín láo

  1445. 倾听 qīng tīng

  1446. 倾向 qīng xiàng

  1447. 倾斜 qīng xié

  1448. 清澈 qīng chè

  1449. 清晨 qīng chén

  1450. 清除 qīng chú

  1451. 清洁 qīng jié

  1452. 清理 qīng lǐ

  1453. 清晰 qīng xī

  1454. 清醒 qīng xǐng

  1455. 清真 qīng zhēn

  1456. 情报 qíng bào

  1457. 情节 qíng jié

  1458. 情理 qíng lǐ

  1459. 情形 qíng xíng

  1460. 晴朗 qíng lǎng

  1461. 请柬 qǐng jiǎn

  1462. 请教 qǐng jiào

  1463. 请示 qǐng shì

  1464. 请帖 qǐng tiě

  1465. 丘陵 qiū líng

  1466. 区分 qū fēn

  1467. 区域 qū yù

  1468. 屈服 qū fú

  1469. 曲折 qū zhé

  1470. 驱逐 qū zhú

  1471. 渠道 qú dào

  1472. 取缔 qǔ dì

  1473. 曲子 qǔ zi

  1474. 趣味 qù wèi

  1475. 圈套 quān tào

  1476. 全局 quán jú

  1477. 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù

  1478. 拳头 quán tou

  1479. 权衡 quán héng

  1480. 权威 quán wēi

  1481. quǎn

  1482. 缺口 quē kǒu

  1483. 缺席 quē xí

  1484. 缺陷 quē xiàn

  1485. qué

  1486. 确保 què bǎo

  1487. 确立 què lì

  1488. 确切 què qiè

  1489. 确信 què xìn

  1490. 群众 qún zhòng

  1491. rǎn

  1492. rǎng

  1493. 让步 ràng bù

  1494. 饶恕 ráo shù

  1495. 扰乱 rǎo luàn

  1496. 惹祸 rě huò

  1497. 热泪盈眶 rè lèi yíng kuàng

  1498. 热门 rè mén

  1499. 人道 rén dào

  1500. 人格 rén gé

  1501. 人工 rén gōng

  1502. 人家 rén jia

  1503. 人间 rén jiān

  1504. 人士 rén shì

  1505. 人为 rén wéi

  1506. 人性 rén xìng

  1507. 人质 rén zhì

  1508. 仁慈 rén cí

  1509. 忍耐 rěn nài

  1510. 忍受 rěn shòu

  1511. 任命 rèn mìng

  1512. 任性 rèn xìng

  1513. 任意 rèn yì

  1514. 任重道远 rèn zhòng dào yuǎn

  1515. 认定 rèn dìng

  1516. 认可 rèn kě

  1517. 仍旧 réng jiù

  1518. 日新月异 rì xīn yuè yì

  1519. 日益 rì yì

  1520. 容貌 róng mào

  1521. 容纳 róng nà

  1522. 容器 róng qì

  1523. 容忍 róng rěn

  1524. 溶解 róng jiě

  1525. 荣幸 róng xìng

  1526. 荣誉 róng yù

  1527. 融化 róng huà

  1528. 融洽 róng qià

  1529. róu

  1530. 柔和 róu hé

  1531. 儒家 rú jiā

  1532. 弱点 ruò diǎn

  1533. 若干 ruò gān

  1534. 撒谎 sā huǎng

  1535. 散文 sǎn wén

  1536. 散布 sàn bù

  1537. 散发 sàn fā

  1538. 丧失 sàng shī

  1539. 骚扰 sāo rǎo

  1540. 嫂子 sǎo zi

  1541. 刹车 shā chē

  1542. shá

  1543. 筛选 shāi xuǎn

  1544. 山脉 shān mài

  1545. 闪烁 shǎn shuò

  1546. 擅长 shàn cháng

  1547. 擅自 shàn zì

  1548. 伤脑筋 shāng nǎo jīn

  1549. 商标 shāng biāo

  1550. 上级 shàng jí

  1551. 上进 shàng jìn

  1552. 上任 shàng rèn

  1553. 上瘾 shàng yǐn

  1554. 上游 shàng yóu

  1555. 尚且 shàng qiě

  1556. shāo

  1557. shāo

  1558. shào

  1559. 奢侈 shē chǐ

  1560. 舌头 shé tou

  1561. 摄氏度 shè shì dù

  1562. 涉及 shè jí

  1563. 社区 shè qū

  1564. 设立 shè lì

  1565. 设想 shè xiǎng

  1566. 设置 shè zhì

  1567. 呻吟 shēn yín

  1568. 深奥 shēn ào

  1569. 深沉 shēn chén

  1570. 深情厚谊 shēn qíng hòu yì

  1571. 申报 shēn bào

  1572. 绅士 shēn shì

  1573. 神经 shén jīng

  1574. 神奇 shén qí

  1575. 神气 shén qì

  1576. 神圣 shén shèng

  1577. 神态 shén tài

  1578. 神仙 shén xiān

  1579. 审查 shěn chá

  1580. 审理 shěn lǐ

  1581. 审美 shěn měi

  1582. 审判 shěn pàn

  1583. 慎重 shèn zhòng

  1584. 渗透 shèn tòu

  1585. 声明 shēng míng

  1586. 声势 shēng shì

  1587. 声誉 shēng yù

  1588. 牲畜 shēng chù

  1589. 生存 shēng cún

  1590. 生机 shēng jī

  1591. 生理 shēng lǐ

  1592. 生疏 shēng shū

  1593. 生态 shēng tài

  1594. 生物 shēng wù

  1595. 生效 shēng xiào

  1596. 生肖 shēng xiào

  1597. 生锈 shēng xiù

  1598. 生育 shēng yù

  1599. 省会 shěng huì

  1600. 盛产 shèng chǎn

  1601. 盛开 shèng kāi

  1602. 盛情 shèng qíng

  1603. 盛行 shèng xíng

  1604. 胜负 shèng fù

  1605. 失事 shī shì

  1606. 失误 shī wù

  1607. 失踪 shī zōng

  1608. 尸体 shī tǐ

  1609. 师范 shī fàn

  1610. 施加 shī jiā

  1611. 施展 shī zhǎn

  1612. 十足 shí zú

  1613. 实惠 shí huì

  1614. 实力 shí lì

  1615. 实施 shí shī

  1616. 实事求是 shí shì qiú shì

  1617. 实行 shí xíng

  1618. 实质 shí zhì

  1619. shí

  1620. 时常 shí cháng

  1621. 时而 shí ér

  1622. 时光 shí guāng

  1623. 时机 shí jī

  1624. 时事 shí shì

  1625. 石油 shí yóu

  1626. 识别 shí bié

  1627. 使命 shǐ mìng

  1628. 世代 shì dài

  1629. 事故 shì gù

  1630. 事迹 shì jì

  1631. 事件 shì jiàn

  1632. 事态 shì tài

  1633. 事务 shì wù

  1634. 事项 shì xiàng

  1635. 事业 shì yè

  1636. 势必 shì bì

  1637. 势力 shì li

  1638. 是非 shì fēi

  1639. 示范 shì fàn

  1640. 示威 shì wēi

  1641. 示意 shì yì

  1642. 视力 shì lì

  1643. 视频 shì pín

  1644. 视线 shì xiàn

  1645. 视野 shì yě

  1646. 试图 shì tú

  1647. 试验 shì yàn

  1648. 适宜 shì yí

  1649. 逝世 shì shì

  1650. 释放 shì fàng

  1651. 收藏 shōu cáng

  1652. 收缩 shōu suō

  1653. 收益 shōu yì

  1654. 收音机 shōu yīn jī

  1655. 守护 shǒu hù

  1656. 手法 shǒu fǎ

  1657. 手势 shǒu shì

  1658. 手艺 shǒu yì

  1659. 首饰 shǒu shì

  1660. 首要 shǒu yào

  1661. 受罪 shòu zuì

  1662. 授予 shòu yǔ

  1663. 书法 shū fǎ

  1664. 书记 shū ji

  1665. 书籍 shū jí

  1666. 书面 shū miàn

  1667. 疏忽 shū hu

  1668. 疏远 shū yuǎn

  1669. 舒畅 shū chàng

  1670. 数额 shù é

  1671. shù

  1672. 束缚 shù fù

  1673. 树立 shù lì

  1674. shù

  1675. shuǎ

  1676. 衰老 shuāi lǎo

  1677. 衰退 shuāi tuì

  1678. 率领 shuài lǐng

  1679. 涮火锅 shuàn huǒ guō

  1680. 双胞胎 shuāng bāo tāi

  1681. 爽快 shuǎng kuài

  1682. 水利 shuǐ lì

  1683. 水龙头 shuǐ lóng tóu

  1684. 水泥 shuǐ ní

  1685. 瞬间 shùn jiān

  1686. 司法 sī fǎ

  1687. 司令 sī lìng

  1688. 思念 sī niàn

  1689. 思索 sī suǒ

  1690. 思维 sī wéi

  1691. 斯文 sī wen

  1692. 私自 sī zì

  1693. 死亡 sǐ wáng

  1694. 四肢 sì zhī

  1695. 寺庙 sì miào

  1696. 肆无忌惮 sì wú jì dàn

  1697. 饲养 sì yǎng

  1698. sǒng

  1699. sōu

  1700. 苏醒 sū xǐng

  1701. 俗话 sú huà

  1702. 塑造 sù zào

  1703. 素食 sù shí

  1704. 素质 sù zhì

  1705. 诉讼 sù sòng

  1706. 算数 suàn shù

  1707. 随即 suí jí

  1708. 随意 suí yì

  1709. 岁月 suì yuè

  1710. 隧道 suì dào

  1711. 损坏 sǔn huài

  1712. 索取 suǒ qǔ

  1713. 索性 suǒ xìng

  1714. 踏实 tā shi

  1715. 台风 tái fēng

  1716. 太空 tài kōng

  1717. 泰斗 tài dǒu

  1718. tān

  1719. 瘫痪 tān huàn

  1720. 贪婪 tān lán

  1721. 贪污 tān wū

  1722. 弹性 tán xìng

  1723. 坦白 tǎn bái

  1724. 叹气 tàn qì

  1725. 探测 tàn cè

  1726. 探索 tàn suǒ

  1727. 探讨 tàn tǎo

  1728. 探望 tàn wàng

  1729. 倘若 tǎng ruò

  1730. tāo

  1731. 滔滔不绝 tāo tāo bù jué

  1732. 淘汰 táo tài

  1733. 陶瓷 táo cí

  1734. 陶醉 táo zuì

  1735. 讨好 tǎo hǎo

  1736. 特长 tè cháng

  1737. 特定 tè dìng

  1738. 特意 tè yì

  1739. 提拔 tí bá

  1740. 提炼 tí liàn

  1741. 提示 tí shì

  1742. 提议 tí yì

  1743. 题材 tí cái

  1744. 体裁 tǐ cái

  1745. 体积 tǐ jī

  1746. 体谅 tǐ liàng

  1747. 体面 tǐ miàn

  1748. 体系 tǐ xì

  1749. 天才 tiān cái

  1750. 天赋 tiān fù

  1751. 天伦之乐 tiān lún zhī lè

  1752. 天然气 tiān rán qì

  1753. 天生 tiān shēng

  1754. 天堂 tiān táng

  1755. 天文 tiān wén

  1756. 田径 tián jìng

  1757. 田野 tián yě

  1758. tiǎn

  1759. 挑剔 tiāo ti

  1760. 条款 tiáo kuǎn

  1761. 条理 tiáo lǐ

  1762. 条约 tiáo yuē

  1763. 调和 tiáo hé

  1764. 调剂 tiáo jì

  1765. 调节 tiáo jié

  1766. 调解 tiáo jiě

  1767. 调料 tiáo liào

  1768. 挑拨 tiǎo bō

  1769. 挑衅 tiǎo xìn

  1770. 跳跃 tiào yuè

  1771. 亭子 tíng zi

  1772. 停泊 tíng bó

  1773. 停顿 tíng dùn

  1774. 停滞 tíng zhì

  1775. 挺拔 tǐng bá

  1776. 通货膨胀 tōng huò péng zhàng

  1777. 通缉 tōng jī

  1778. 通俗 tōng sú

  1779. 通讯 tōng xùn

  1780. 通用 tōng yòng

  1781. 同胞 tóng bāo

  1782. 同志 tóng zhì

  1783. 童话 tóng huà

  1784. tóng

  1785. 统筹兼顾 tǒng chóu jiān gù

  1786. 统计 tǒng jì

  1787. 统统 tǒng tǒng

  1788. 统治 tǒng zhì

  1789. 投机 tóu jī

  1790. 投票 tóu piào

  1791. 投诉 tóu sù

  1792. 投降 tóu xiáng

  1793. 投掷 tóu zhì

  1794. 透露 tòu lù

  1795. 突破 tū pò

  1796. 图案 tú àn

  1797. 徒弟 tú dì

  1798. 涂抹 tú mǒ

  1799. 途径 tú jìng

  1800. 土壤 tǔ rǎng

  1801. 团结 tuán jié

  1802. 团体 tuán tǐ

  1803. 团圆 tuán yuán

  1804. 推测 tuī cè

  1805. 推翻 tuī fān

  1806. 推理 tuī lǐ

  1807. 推论 tuī lùn

  1808. 推销 tuī xiāo

  1809. 吞吞吐吐 tūn tūn tǔ tǔ

  1810. 托运 tuō yùn

  1811. 拖延 tuō yán

  1812. 脱离 tuō lí

  1813. 妥当 tuǒ dang

  1814. 妥善 tuǒ shàn

  1815. 妥协 tuǒ xié

  1816. 椭圆 tuǒ yuán

  1817. 唾弃 tuò qì

  1818. wa

  1819. 挖掘 wā jué

  1820. 娃娃 wá wa

  1821. 瓦解 wǎ jiě

  1822. 歪曲 wāi qū

  1823. 外表 wài biǎo

  1824. 外行 wài háng

  1825. 外界 wài jiè

  1826. 外向 wài xiàng

  1827. wán

  1828. 完备 wán bèi

  1829. 完毕 wán bì

  1830. 玩弄 wán nòng

  1831. 玩意儿 wán yì r

  1832. 顽固 wán gù

  1833. 顽强 wán qiáng

  1834. 惋惜 wǎn xī

  1835. 挽回 wǎn huí

  1836. 挽救 wǎn jiù

  1837. 万分 wàn fēn

  1838. 往常 wǎng cháng

  1839. 往事 wǎng shì

  1840. 妄想 wàng xiǎng

  1841. 危机 wēi jī

  1842. 威风 wēi fēng

  1843. 威力 wēi lì

  1844. 威望 wēi wàng

  1845. 威信 wēi xìn

  1846. 微不足道 wēi bù zú dào

  1847. 微观 wēi guān

  1848. 为难 wéi nán

  1849. 为期 wéi qī

  1850. 唯独 wéi dú

  1851. 维持 wéi chí

  1852. 维护 wéi hù

  1853. 维生素 wéi shēng sù

  1854. 违背 wéi bèi

  1855. 伪造 wěi zào

  1856. 委托 wěi tuō

  1857. 委员 wěi yuán

  1858. 卫星 wèi xīng

  1859. wèi

  1860. 慰问 wèi wèn

  1861. 未免 wèi miǎn

  1862. 畏惧 wèi jù

  1863. 蔚蓝 wèi lán

  1864. 温带 wēn dài

  1865. 温和 wēn hé

  1866. 文凭 wén píng

  1867. 文物 wén wù

  1868. 文献 wén xiàn

  1869. 文雅 wén yǎ

  1870. 文艺 wén yì

  1871. 问世 wèn shì

  1872. 乌黑 wū hēi

  1873. 污蔑 wū miè

  1874. 诬陷 wū xiàn

  1875. 无比 wú bǐ

  1876. 无偿 wú cháng

  1877. 无耻 wú chǐ

  1878. 无动于衷 wú dòng yú zhōng

  1879. 无非 wú fēi

  1880. 无辜 wú gū

  1881. 无精打采 wú jīng dǎ cǎi

  1882. 无赖 wú lài

  1883. 无理取闹 wú lǐ qǔ nào

  1884. 无能为力 wú néng wéi lì

  1885. 无穷无尽 wú qióng wú jìn

  1886. 无微不至 wú wēi bù zhì

  1887. 无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lv4

  1888. 无知 wú zhī

  1889. 侮辱 wǔ rǔ

  1890. 武器 wǔ qì

  1891. 武侠 wǔ xiá

  1892. 武装 wǔ zhuāng

  1893. 舞蹈 wǔ dǎo

  1894. 务必 wù bì

  1895. 物美价廉 wù měi jià lián

  1896. 物业 wù yè

  1897. 物资 wù zī

  1898. 误差 wù chā

  1899. 误解 wù jiě

  1900. 夕阳 xī yáng

  1901. 昔日 xī rì

  1902. 熄灭 xī miè

  1903. 牺牲 xī shēng

  1904. 膝盖 xī gài

  1905. 习俗 xí sú

  1906. 媳妇 xí fu

  1907. 袭击 xí jī

  1908. 喜闻乐见 xǐ wén lè jiàn

  1909. 喜悦 xǐ yuè

  1910. 系列 xì liè

  1911. 细菌 xì jūn

  1912. 细胞 xì bāo

  1913. 细致 xì zhì

  1914. 峡谷 xiá gǔ

  1915. 狭隘 xiá ài

  1916. 狭窄 xiá zhǎi

  1917. xiá

  1918. 下属 xià shǔ

  1919. 先进 xiān jìn

  1920. 先前 xiān qián

  1921. 掀起 xiān qǐ

  1922. 纤维 xiān wéi

  1923. 鲜明 xiān míng

  1924. xián

  1925. 嫌疑 xián yí

  1926. xián

  1927. 衔接 xián jiē

  1928. 贤惠 xián huì

  1929. 闲话 xián huà

  1930. 显著 xiǎn zhù

  1931. 宪法 xiàn fǎ

  1932. 现场 xiàn chǎng

  1933. 现成 xiàn chéng

  1934. 现状 xiàn zhuàng

  1935. 线索 xiàn suǒ

  1936. 陷害 xiàn hài

  1937. 陷阱 xiàn jǐng

  1938. 陷入 xiàn rù

  1939. 馅儿 xiàn r

  1940. 乡镇 xiāng zhèn

  1941. 相差 xiāng chà

  1942. 相等 xiāng děng

  1943. 相辅相成 xiāng fǔ xiāng chéng

  1944. 相应 xiāng yìng

  1945. 镶嵌 xiāng qiàn

  1946. 响亮 xiǎng liàng

  1947. 响应 xiǎng yìng

  1948. 想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ

  1949. 向导 xiàng dǎo

  1950. 向来 xiàng lái

  1951. 向往 xiàng wǎng

  1952. xiàng

  1953. 相声 xiàng sheng

  1954. 消除 xiāo chú

  1955. 消毒 xiāo dú

  1956. 消防 xiāo fáng

  1957. 消耗 xiāo hào

  1958. 消灭 xiāo miè

  1959. 潇洒 xiāo sǎ

  1960. 销毁 xiāo huǐ

  1961. 小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn yì yì

  1962. 效益 xiào yì

  1963. 肖像 xiào xiàng

  1964. 协会 xié huì

  1965. 协商 xié shāng

  1966. 协调 xié tiáo

  1967. 协议 xié yì

  1968. 协助 xié zhù

  1969. 携带 xié dài

  1970. xiè

  1971. 泄露 xiè lù

  1972. 泄气 xiè qì

  1973. 谢绝 xiè jué

  1974. 心得 xīn dé

  1975. 心甘情愿 xīn gān qíng yuàn

  1976. 心灵 xīn líng

  1977. 心态 xīn tài

  1978. 心疼 xīn téng

  1979. 心血 xīn xuè

  1980. 心眼儿 xīn yǎn r

  1981. 新陈代谢 xīn chén dài xiè

  1982. 新郎 xīn láng

  1983. 新娘 xīn niáng

  1984. 新颖 xīn yǐng

  1985. 欣慰 xīn wèi

  1986. 欣欣向荣 xīn xīn xiàng róng

  1987. 薪水 xīn shuǐ

  1988. 辛勤 xīn qín

  1989. 信赖 xìn lài

  1990. 信念 xìn niàn

  1991. 信仰 xìn yǎng

  1992. 信誉 xìn yù

  1993. 兴高采烈 xīng gāo cǎi liè

  1994. 兴隆 xīng lóng

  1995. 兴旺 xīng wàng

  1996. xīng

  1997. 刑事 xíng shì

  1998. 形态 xíng tài

  1999. 行政 xíng zhèng

  2000. 兴致勃勃 xìng zhì bó bó

  2001. 性感 xìng gǎn

  2002. 性命 xìng mìng

  2003. 性能 xìng néng

  2004. 凶恶 xiōng è

  2005. 凶手 xiōng shǒu

  2006. 汹涌 xiōng yǒng

  2007. 胸怀 xiōng huái

  2008. 胸膛 xiōng táng

  2009. 雄厚 xióng hòu

  2010. 雄伟 xióng wěi

  2011. 修复 xiū fù

  2012. 修建 xiū jiàn

  2013. 修养 xiū yǎng

  2014. 羞耻 xiū chǐ

  2015. 嗅觉 xiù jué

  2016. xiù

  2017. 虚假 xū jiǎ

  2018. 虚荣 xū róng

  2019. 虚伪 xū wěi

  2020. 需求 xū qiú

  2021. 须知 xū zhī

  2022. 许可 xǔ kě

  2023. 序言 xù yán

  2024. 畜牧 xù mù

  2025. 酗酒 xù jiǔ

  2026. 喧哗 xuān huá

  2027. 宣誓 xuān shì

  2028. 宣扬 xuān yáng

  2029. 悬挂 xuán guà

  2030. 悬念 xuán niàn

  2031. 悬殊 xuán shū

  2032. 悬崖峭壁 xuán yá qiào bì

  2033. 旋律 xuán lv4

  2034. 旋转 xuán zhuǎn

  2035. 选拔 xuǎn bá

  2036. 选举 xuǎn jǔ

  2037. 选手 xuǎn shǒu

  2038. 炫耀 xuàn yào

  2039. xuē

  2040. 削弱 xuē ruò

  2041. 学说 xué shuō

  2042. 学位 xué wèi

  2043. 雪上加霜 xuě shàng jiā shuāng

  2044. 血压 xuè yā

  2045. 熏陶 xūn táo

  2046. 寻觅 xún mì

  2047. 巡逻 xún luó

  2048. 循环 xún huán

  2049. 循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn

  2050. 压迫 yā pò

  2051. 压岁钱 yā suì qián

  2052. 压缩 yā suō

  2053. 压抑 yā yì

  2054. 压榨 yā zhà

  2055. 压制 yā zhì

  2056. 鸦雀无声 yā què wú shēng

  2057. 亚军 yà jūn

  2058. 淹没 yān mò

  2059. 烟花爆竹 yān huā bào zhú

  2060. 严峻 yán jùn

  2061. 严寒 yán hán

  2062. 严禁 yán jìn

  2063. 严厉 yán lì

  2064. 严密 yán mì

  2065. 岩石 yán shí

  2066. 延期 yán qī

  2067. 延伸 yán shēn

  2068. 延续 yán xù

  2069. 沿海 yán hǎi

  2070. 炎热 yán rè

  2071. 言论 yán lùn

  2072. 掩盖 yǎn gài

  2073. 掩护 yǎn hù

  2074. 掩饰 yǎn shì

  2075. 演变 yǎn biàn

  2076. 演习 yǎn xí

  2077. 演绎 yǎn yì

  2078. 演奏 yǎn zòu

  2079. 眼光 yǎn guāng

  2080. 眼色 yǎn sè

  2081. 眼神 yǎn shén

  2082. 厌恶 yàn wù

  2083. 验收 yàn shōu

  2084. 验证 yàn zhèng

  2085. 氧气 yǎng qì

  2086. 样品 yàng pǐn

  2087. 摇摆 yáo bǎi

  2088. 摇滚 yáo gǔn

  2089. 谣言 yáo yán

  2090. 遥控 yáo kòng

  2091. 遥远 yáo yuǎn

  2092. 耀眼 yào yǎn

  2093. 要点 yào diǎn

  2094. 要命 yào mìng

  2095. 要素 yào sù

  2096. 野蛮 yě mán

  2097. 野心 yě xīn

  2098. 液体 yè tǐ

  2099. 一流 yī liú

  2100. 一如既往 yī rú jì wǎng

  2101. 依旧 yī jiù

  2102. 依据 yī jù

  2103. 依靠 yī kào

  2104. 依赖 yī lài

  2105. 依托 yī tuō

  2106. 衣裳 yī shang

  2107. 一度 yí dù

  2108. 一贯 yí guàn

  2109. 一目了然 yí mù liǎo rán

  2110. 一向 yí xiàng

  2111. 仪器 yí qì

  2112. 仪式 yí shì

  2113. 疑惑 yí huò

  2114. 遗产 yí chǎn

  2115. 遗传 yí chuán

  2116. 遗留 yí liú

  2117. 遗失 yí shī

  2118. 以便 yǐ biàn

  2119. 以免 yǐ miǎn

  2120. 以往 yǐ wǎng

  2121. 以至 yǐ zhì

  2122. 以致 yǐ zhì

  2123. 一帆风顺 yì fān fēng shùn

  2124. 一举两得 yì jǔ liǎng dé

  2125. 一丝不苟 yì sī bù gǒu

  2126. 异常 yì cháng

  2127. 意料 yì liào

  2128. 意识 yì shí

  2129. 意图 yì tú

  2130. 意味着 yì wèi zhe

  2131. 意向 yì xiàng

  2132. 意志 yì zhì

  2133. 毅力 yì lì

  2134. 毅然 yì rán

  2135. 阴谋 yīn móu

  2136. 音响 yīn xiǎng

  2137. 引导 yǐn dǎo

  2138. 引擎 yǐn qíng

  2139. 引用 yǐn yòng

  2140. 隐蔽 yǐn bì

  2141. 隐患 yǐn huàn

  2142. 隐瞒 yǐn mán

  2143. 隐私 yǐn sī

  2144. 隐约 yǐn yuē

  2145. 饮食 yǐn shí

  2146. 婴儿 yīng ér

  2147. 英明 yīng míng

  2148. 英勇 yīng yǒng

  2149. 盈利 yíng lì

  2150. 迎面 yíng miàn

  2151. 应酬 yìng chou

  2152. 应邀 yìng yāo

  2153. 庸俗 yōng sú

  2154. 拥护 yōng hù

  2155. 拥有 yōng yǒu

  2156. 勇于 yǒng yú

  2157. 永恒 yǒng héng

  2158. 涌现 yǒng xiàn

  2159. 踊跃 yǒng yuè

  2160. 用户 yòng hù

  2161. 优胜劣汰 yōu shèng liè tài

  2162. 优先 yōu xiān

  2163. 优异 yōu yì

  2164. 优越 yōu yuè

  2165. 忧郁 yōu yù

  2166. 油腻 yóu nì

  2167. 油漆 yóu qī

  2168. 犹如 yóu rú

  2169. 有条不紊 yǒu tiáo bù wěn

  2170. 幼稚 yòu zhì

  2171. 诱惑 yòu huò

  2172. 愚蠢 yú chǔn

  2173. 愚昧 yú mèi

  2174. 渔民 yú mín

  2175. 舆论 yú lùn

  2176. 与日俱增 yǔ rì jù zēng

  2177. 宇宙 yǔ zhòu

  2178. 羽绒服 yǔ róng fú

  2179. 寓言 yù yán

  2180. 欲望 yù wàng

  2181. 预料 yù liào

  2182. 预期 yù qī

  2183. 预算 yù suàn

  2184. 预先 yù xiān

  2185. 预言 yù yán

  2186. 预兆 yù zhào

  2187. 冤枉 yuān wang

  2188. 元首 yuán shǒu

  2189. 元素 yuán sù

  2190. 元宵节 yuán xiāo jié

  2191. 原告 yuán gào

  2192. 原理 yuán lǐ

  2193. 原始 yuán shǐ

  2194. 原先 yuán xiān

  2195. 园林 yuán lín

  2196. 圆满 yuán mǎn

  2197. 源泉 yuán quán

  2198. 缘故 yuán gù

  2199. 约束 yuē shù

  2200. 乐谱 yuè pǔ

  2201. 岳母 yuè mǔ

  2202. 孕育 yùn yù

  2203. 蕴藏 yùn cáng

  2204. 运算 yùn suàn

  2205. 运行 yùn xíng

  2206. 酝酿 yùn niàng

  2207. 杂技 zá jì

  2208. 杂交 zá jiāo

  2209. 栽培 zāi péi

  2210. 灾难 zāi nàn

  2211. zǎi

  2212. 再接再厉 zài jiē zài lì

  2213. 在意 zài yì

  2214. zǎn

  2215. 暂且 zàn qiě

  2216. 赞叹 zàn tàn

  2217. 赞助 zàn zhù

  2218. 糟蹋 zāo tà

  2219. 遭受 zāo shòu

  2220. 遭殃 zāo yāng

  2221. 遭遇 zāo yù

  2222. 噪音 zào yīn

  2223. 造型 zào xíng

  2224. 责怪 zé guài

  2225. zéi

  2226. 增添 zēng tiān

  2227. 赠送 zèng sòng

  2228. zhā

  2229. 扎实 zhā shi

  2230. zhā

  2231. zhǎ

  2232. 诈骗 zhà piàn

  2233. 摘要 zhāi yào

  2234. 债券 zhài quàn

  2235. 沾光 zhān guāng

  2236. 瞻仰 zhān yǎng

  2237. 展示 zhǎn shì

  2238. 展望 zhǎn wàng

  2239. 展现 zhǎn xiàn

  2240. 崭新 zhǎn xīn

  2241. 斩钉截铁 zhǎn dīng jié tiě

  2242. 占据 zhàn jù

  2243. 占领 zhàn lǐng

  2244. 战斗 zhàn dòu

  2245. 战略 zhàn lvè

  2246. 战术 zhàn shù

  2247. 战役 zhàn yì

  2248. 章程 zhāng chéng

  2249. 帐篷 zhàng peng

  2250. 障碍 zhàng ài

  2251. 招标 zhāo biāo

  2252. 招收 zhāo shōu

  2253. 朝气蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó

  2254. 着迷 zháo mí

  2255. 沼泽 zhǎo zé

  2256. 照样 zhào yàng

  2257. 照耀 zhào yào

  2258. 折腾 zhē teng

  2259. 遮挡 zhē dǎng

  2260. zhé

  2261. 折磨 zhé mó

  2262. 侦探 zhēn tàn

  2263. 斟酌 zhēn zhuó

  2264. 珍贵 zhēn guì

  2265. 珍稀 zhēn xī

  2266. 珍珠 zhēn zhū

  2267. 真理 zhēn lǐ

  2268. 真相 zhēn xiàng

  2269. 真挚 zhēn zhì

  2270. 枕头 zhěn tou

  2271. 振奋 zhèn fèn

  2272. 振兴 zhèn xīng

  2273. 镇定 zhèn dìng

  2274. 镇静 zhèn jìng

  2275. 阵地 zhèn dì

  2276. 阵容 zhèn róng

  2277. 震撼 zhèn hàn

  2278. 震惊 zhèn jīng

  2279. 争端 zhēng duān

  2280. 争夺 zhēng duó

  2281. 争气 zhēng qì

  2282. 争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu

  2283. 争议 zhēng yì

  2284. 征服 zhēng fú

  2285. 征收 zhēng shōu

  2286. 挣扎 zhēng zhá

  2287. 正月 zhēng yuè

  2288. 蒸发 zhēng fā

  2289. 整顿 zhěng dùn

  2290. 政策 zhèng cè

  2291. 政权 zhèng quán

  2292. 正当 zhèng dāng

  2293. 正负 zhèng fù

  2294. 正规 zhèng guī

  2295. 正经 zhèng jing

  2296. 正气 zhèng qì

  2297. 正义 zhèng yì

  2298. 正宗 zhèng zōng

  2299. 症状 zhèng zhuàng

  2300. 证实 zhèng shí

  2301. 证书 zhèng shū

  2302. 郑重 zhèng zhòng

  2303. 之际 zhī jì

  2304. 支撑 zhī chēng

  2305. 支出 zhī chū

  2306. 支流 zhī liú

  2307. 支配 zhī pèi

  2308. 支援 zhī yuán

  2309. 支柱 zhī zhù

  2310. zhī

  2311. 知觉 zhī jué

  2312. 知足常乐 zhī zú cháng lè

  2313. 脂肪 zhī fáng

  2314. 侄子 zhí zi

  2315. 值班 zhí bān

  2316. 执行 zhí xíng

  2317. 执着 zhí zhuó

  2318. 殖民地 zhí mín dì

  2319. 直播 zhí bō

  2320. 直径 zhí jìng

  2321. 职能 zhí néng

  2322. 职位 zhí wèi

  2323. 职务 zhí wù

  2324. 指标 zhǐ biāo

  2325. 指定 zhǐ dìng

  2326. 指甲 zhǐ jia

  2327. 指令 zhǐ lìng

  2328. 指南针 zhǐ nán zhēn

  2329. 指示 zhǐ shì

  2330. 指望 zhǐ wàng

  2331. 指责 zhǐ zé

  2332. 制裁 zhì cái

  2333. 制服 zhì fú

  2334. 制约 zhì yuē

  2335. 制止 zhì zhǐ

  2336. 志气 zhì qì

  2337. 智力 zhì lì

  2338. 智能 zhì néng

  2339. 智商 zhì shāng

  2340. 治安 zhì ān

  2341. 治理 zhì lǐ

  2342. 滞留 zhì liú

  2343. 致辞 zhì cí

  2344. 致力 zhì lì

  2345. 致使 zhì shǐ

  2346. 中断 zhōng duàn

  2347. 中立 zhōng lì

  2348. 中央 zhōng yāng

  2349. 忠诚 zhōng chéng

  2350. 忠实 zhōng shí

  2351. 终点 zhōng diǎn

  2352. 终究 zhōng jiū

  2353. 终身 zhōng shēn

  2354. 终止 zhōng zhǐ

  2355. 衷心 zhōng xīn

  2356. 种子 zhǒng zi

  2357. 种族 zhǒng zú

  2358. 肿瘤 zhǒng liú

  2359. 众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī

  2360. 种植 zhòng zhí

  2361. 重心 zhòng xīn

  2362. 周边 zhōu biān

  2363. 周密 zhōu mì

  2364. 周年 zhōu nián

  2365. 周期 zhōu qī

  2366. 周折 zhōu zhé

  2367. 周转 zhōu zhuǎn

  2368. zhōu

  2369. zhōu

  2370. zhōu

  2371. 昼夜 zhòu yè

  2372. 皱纹 zhòu wén

  2373. zhū

  2374. 诸位 zhū wèi

  2375. 逐年 zhú nián

  2376. 主办 zhǔ bàn

  2377. 主导 zhǔ dǎo

  2378. 主管 zhǔ guǎn

  2379. 主流 zhǔ liú

  2380. 主权 zhǔ quán

  2381. 主义 zhǔ yì

  2382. 嘱咐 zhǔ fù

  2383. zhǔ

  2384. 住宅 zhù zhái

  2385. 助理 zhù lǐ

  2386. 助手 zhù shǒu

  2387. 注射 zhù shè

  2388. 注视 zhù shì

  2389. 注释 zhù shì

  2390. 注重 zhù zhòng

  2391. 著作 zhù zuò

  2392. 铸造 zhù zào

  2393. 驻扎 zhù zhā

  2394. zhuài

  2395. 专长 zhuān cháng

  2396. 专程 zhuān chéng

  2397. 专利 zhuān lì

  2398. 专题 zhuān tí

  2399. zhuān

  2400. 转达 zhuǎn dá

  2401. 转让 zhuǎn ràng

  2402. 转移 zhuǎn yí

  2403. 转折 zhuǎn zhé

  2404. 传记 zhuàn jì

  2405. 庄稼 zhuāng jià

  2406. 庄严 zhuāng yán

  2407. 庄重 zhuāng zhòng

  2408. 装备 zhuāng bèi

  2409. 装卸 zhuāng xiè

  2410. 壮观 zhuàng guān

  2411. 壮丽 zhuàng lì

  2412. 壮烈 zhuàng liè

  2413. zhuàng

  2414. 追悼 zhuī dào

  2415. 追究 zhuī jiū

  2416. zhuì

  2417. 准则 zhǔn zé

  2418. 卓越 zhuó yuè

  2419. 琢磨 zhuó mó

  2420. 着手 zhuó shǒu

  2421. 着想 zhuó xiǎng

  2422. 着重 zhuó zhòng

  2423. 姿态 zī tài

  2424. 滋润 zī rùn

  2425. 滋味 zī wèi

  2426. 资本 zī běn

  2427. 资产 zī chǎn

  2428. 资深 zī shēn

  2429. 资助 zī zhù

  2430. 子弹 zǐ dàn

  2431. 自卑 zì bēi

  2432. 自发 zì fā

  2433. 自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng

  2434. 自满 zì mǎn

  2435. 自主 zì zhǔ

  2436. 宗教 zōng jiào

  2437. 宗旨 zōng zhǐ

  2438. 棕色 zōng sè

  2439. 踪迹 zōng jì

  2440. 总而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī

  2441. 总和 zǒng hé

  2442. 纵横 zòng héng

  2443. 走廊 zǒu láng

  2444. 走漏 zǒu lòu

  2445. 走私 zǒu sī

  2446. zòu

  2447. 租赁 zū lìn

  2448. 足以 zú yǐ

  2449. 祖父 zǔ fù

  2450. 祖国 zǔ guó

  2451. 祖先 zǔ xiān

  2452. 阻碍 zǔ ài

  2453. 阻拦 zǔ lán

  2454. 阻挠 zǔ náo

  2455. 钻研 zuān yán

  2456. 钻石 zuàn shí

  2457. 嘴唇 zuǐ chún

  2458. 罪犯 zuì fàn

  2459. 尊严 zūn yán

  2460. 遵循 zūn xún

  2461. 作弊 zuò bì

  2462. 作废 zuò fèi

  2463. 作风 zuò fēng

  2464. 作息 zuò xī

  2465. 做主 zuò zhǔ

  2466. 座右铭 zuò yòu míng


#ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Pinyin)
1Endureāi他忍受着痛苦。He endures the pain.Tā rěnshòu zhe tòngkǔ.
2癌症Canceráizhèng癌症是一种严重的疾病。Cancer is a serious disease.Áizhèng shì yī zhǒng yánzhòng de jíbìng.
3爱不释手Be unable to put downài bù shì shǒu她对这本书爱不释手。She can’t put this book down.Tā duì zhè běn shū ài bù shì shǒu.
4爱戴Admireàidài她受到大家的爱戴。She is admired by everyone.Tā shòudào dàjiā de àidài.
5暧昧Ambiguousàimèi他们之间的关系很暧昧。Their relationship is ambiguous.Tāmen zhījiān de guānxì hěn àimèi.
6安宁Peacefulānníng这里的环境非常安宁。The environment here is very peaceful.Zhèlǐ de huánjìng fēicháng ānníng.
7安详Calmānxiáng他总是保持安详的态度。He always maintains a calm demeanor.Tā zǒng shì bǎochí ānxiáng de tàidù.
8安置Arrangeānzhì我们需要找到合适的地方安置这些家具。We need to find a suitable place to arrange the furniture.Wǒmen xūyào zhǎodào héshì de dìfāng ānzhì zhèxiē jiājù.
9暗示Hintànshì她的话中有明显的暗示。There is a clear hint in her words.Tā de huà zhōng yǒu míngxiǎn de ànshì.
10案件Caseànjiàn这个案件非常复杂。This case is very complicated.Zhège ànjiàn fēicháng fùzá.
11案例Exampleànlì这是一个很好的案例。This is a good example.Zhè shì yīgè hěn hǎo de ànlì.
12按摩Massageànmó我喜欢去按摩放松。I like to get a massage to relax.Wǒ xǐhuān qù ànmó fàngsōng.
13昂贵Expensiveánguì这条裙子非常昂贵。This dress is very expensive.Zhè tiáo qúnzi fēicháng ánguì.
14凹凸Unevenāotū这个地面很凹凸不平。The ground is uneven.Zhège dìmiàn hěn āotū bù píng.
15Endureáo他熬过了漫长的夜晚。He endured the long night.Tā áoguòle màncháng de yèwǎn.
16奥秘Mysteryàomì这个古老的文明充满奥秘。This ancient civilization is full of mysteries.Zhège gǔlǎo de wénmíng chōngmǎn àomì.
17Peel请帮我把苹果皮扒掉。Please help me peel the apple.Qǐng bāng wǒ bǎ píngguǒ pí bā diào.
18Scar他脸上的疤是小时候留下的。The scar on his face is from when he was young.Tā liǎn shàng de bā shì xiǎoshíhòu liú xià de.
19巴不得Eager tobā bùdé我巴不得马上去旅行。I am eager to travel immediately.Wǒ bā bùdé mǎshàng qù lǚxíng.
20巴结Flatterbājié他总是巴结上司。He always flatters his boss.Tā zǒng shì bājié shàngsī.
21拔苗助长Spoil things by over-eager interventionbá miáo zhù zhǎng这种做法是拔苗助长。This method is spoiling things by over-eager intervention.Zhè zhǒng zuòfǎ shì bá miáo zhù zhǎng.
22把关Guardbǎ guān他负责把关这个项目的质量。He is responsible for guarding the quality of this project.Tā fùzé bǎ guān zhège xiàngmù de zhìliàng.
23把手Handlebǎ shǒu请你把手放在这里。Please place your hand here.Qǐng nǐ bǎ shǒu fàng zài zhèlǐ.
24霸道Overbearingbàdào他在工作中很霸道。He is very overbearing at work.Tā zài gōngzuò zhōng hěn bàdào.
25罢工Strikebàgōng工人们决定罢工。The workers decided to strike.Gōngrénmen juédìng bàgōng.
26Breakbāi他掰断了一个树枝。He broke a branch.Tā bāi duànle yīgè shùzhī.
27摆脱Get rid ofbǎituō她想摆脱不愉快的记忆。She wants to get rid of unpleasant memories.Tā xiǎng bǎituō bù yúkuài de jìyì.
28拜访Visitbàifǎng我们下个月去拜访他们。We will visit them next month.Wǒmen xià gè yuè qù bàifǎng tāmen.
29拜年New Year greetingsbàinián我们要给他们拜年。We need to give them New Year greetings.Wǒmen yào gěi tāmen bàinián.
30拜托Pleasebàituō拜托你帮我这个忙。Please help me with this favor.Bàituō nǐ bāng wǒ zhège máng.
31败坏Ruinbàihuài他的话败坏了他的名声。His words ruined his reputation.Tā de huà bàihuàle tā de míngshēng.
32Spotbān她的裙子上有几个斑点。There are a few spots on her dress.Tā de qúnzi shàng yǒu jǐ gè bāndiǎn.
33颁布Issue (a decree)bānbù政府颁布了新法规。The government issued new regulations.Zhèngfǔ bānbùle xīn fǎguī.
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Here’s the continuation of the chart from 35 to 200:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Pinyin)
35版本Versionbǎnběn这个软件有很多不同的版本。This software has many different versions.Zhège ruǎnjiàn yǒu hěnduō bùtóng de bǎnběn.
36半途而废Give up halfwaybàn tú ér fèi他总是半途而废,无法完成任务。He always gives up halfway and can’t finish tasks.Tā zǒng shì bàn tú ér fèi, wúfǎ wánchéng rènwù.
37伴侣Partnerbànlǚ她的伴侣非常体贴。Her partner is very considerate.Tā de bànlǚ fēicháng tǐtiē.
38伴随Accompanybànsuí这些困难伴随我度过了整个学期。These difficulties accompanied me throughout the whole semester.Zhèxiē kùnnán bàn suí wǒ dùguòle zhěnggè xuéqī.
39扮演Play (a role)bànyǎn他在剧中扮演了一个重要角色。He played an important role in the play.Tā zài jù zhōng bànyǎnle yīgè zhòngyào juésè.
40绑架Kidnapbǎngjià她被绑架了。She was kidnapped.Tā bèi bǎngjiàle.
41榜样Model/Examplebǎngyàng他是我们学习的榜样。He is a model for us to learn from.Tā shì wǒmen xuéxí de bǎngyàng.
42Pound (unit of weight)bàng这个包裹重五磅。The package weighs five pounds.Zhège bāoguǒ zhòng wǔ bàng.
43包庇Shelter/Protectbāobì他包庇了他的朋友。He sheltered his friend.Tā bāobìle tā de péngyǒu.
44包袱Burdenbāofu这个问题成了他的包袱。This problem became his burden.Zhège wèntí chéngle tā de bāofu.
45包围Surroundbāowéi他们被敌人包围了。They were surrounded by the enemy.Tāmen bèi dírén bāowéi le.
46包装Packagingbāozhuāng我们需要重新包装这些产品。We need to repackage these products.Wǒmen xūyào chóngxīn bāozhuāng zhèxiē chǎnpǐn.
47饱和Saturatedbǎohé这个市场已经饱和了。The market is already saturated.Zhège shìchǎng yǐjīng bǎohé le.
48饱经沧桑Experienced many vicissitudesbǎo jīng cāng sāng他已经饱经沧桑。He has experienced many vicissitudes.Tā yǐjīng bǎo jīng cāng sāng.
49保管Keep/Take care ofbǎoguǎn请保管好你的个人物品。Please take care of your personal belongings.Qǐng bǎoguǎn hǎo nǐ de gèrén wùpǐn.
50保密Keep secretbǎomì这件事需要保密。This matter needs to be kept secret.Zhè jiàn shì xūyào bǎomì.
51保姆Nannybǎomǔ她雇了一位保姆照顾孩子。She hired a nanny to take care of the child.Tā gùle yī wèi bǎomǔ zhàogù háizi.
52保守Conservativebǎoshǒu他在这方面的观点很保守。His views on this matter are very conservative.Tā zài zhè fāngmiàn de guāndiǎn hěn bǎoshǒu.
53保卫Defend/Protectbǎowèi军队保卫国家的安全。The army defends the country’s security.Jūnduì bǎowèi guójiā de ānquán.
54保养Maintainbǎoyǎng你需要定期保养你的车。You need to maintain your car regularly.Nǐ xūyào dìngqī bǎoyǎng nǐ de chē.
55保障Guaranteebǎozhàng我们会保障您的权益。We will guarantee your rights.Wǒmen huì bǎozhàng nín de quányì.
56保重Take carebǎozhòng保重身体。Take care of yourself.Bǎozhòng shēntǐ.
57抱负Aspirationbàofù他有很高的抱负。He has high aspirations.Tā yǒu hěn gāo de bàofù.
58报仇Revengebàochóu他想报仇。He wants to seek revenge.Tā xiǎng bàochóu.
59报酬Rewardbàochóu他的报酬很丰厚。His reward is very generous.Tā de bàochóu hěn fēnghòu.
60报答Repaybàodá我一定会报答你的帮助。I will definitely repay your help.Wǒ yīdìng huì bàodá nǐ de bāngzhù.
61报复Revengebàofù他决定报复他的敌人。He decided to take revenge on his enemy.Tā juédìng bàofù tā de dírén.
62报警Report to the policebàojǐng他报了警。He reported it to the police.Tā bào le jǐng.
63报销Reimbursebàoxiāo请把发票拿来报销。Please bring the receipt for reimbursement.Qǐng bǎ fāpiào ná lái bàoxiāo.
64爆发Eruptbàofā火山爆发了。The volcano erupted.Huǒshān bàofā le.
65爆炸Explosionbàozhà爆炸造成了严重的破坏。The explosion caused severe damage.Bàozhà zàochéngle yánzhòng de pòhuài.
66曝光Exposurebàoguāng这张照片需要曝光。This photo needs exposure.Zhè zhāng zhàopiàn xūyào bàoguāng.
67暴力Violencebàolì暴力不是解决问题的办法。Violence is not a solution to problems.Bàolì bù shì jiějué wèntí de bànfǎ.
68暴露Revealbàolù她的表情暴露了她的真实情感。Her expression revealed her true feelings.Tā de biǎoqíng bàolùle tā de zhēnshí qínggǎn.
69悲哀Sorrowbēi’āi他对失去感到悲哀。He feels sorrowful about the loss.Tā duì shīqù gǎndào bēi’āi.
70悲惨Tragicbēicǎn这是一个悲惨的故事。This is a tragic story.Zhè shì yīgè bēicǎn de gùshì.
71卑鄙Despicablebēibǐ这种行为非常卑鄙。This behavior is very despicable.Zhè zhǒng xíngwéi fēicháng bēibǐ.
72北极Arcticběijí北极地区气温很低。The Arctic region has very low temperatures.Běijí dìqū qìwēn hěn dī.
73被动Passivebèidòng他总是采取被动态度。He always takes a passive attitude.Tā zǒng shì cǎiqǔ bèidòng tàidù.
74被告Defendantbèigào被告正在法庭上接受审判。The defendant is on trial in court.Bèigào zhèngzài fǎtíng shàng jiēshòu shěnpàn.
75背叛Betraybèipàn他背叛了他的朋友。He betrayed his friend.Tā bèipànle tā de péngyǒu.
76背诵Recitebèisòng请背诵这首诗。Please recite this poem.Qǐng bèisòng zhè shǒu shī.
77备份Backupbèifèn记得备份你的文件。Remember to back up your files.Jìdé bèifèn nǐ de wénjiàn.
78备忘录Memobèiwànglù我写了一份备忘录。I wrote a memo.Wǒ xiěle yī fèn bèiwànglù.
79贝壳Shellbèiké海边的贝壳很漂亮。The shells on the beach are beautiful.Hǎibiān de bèiké hěn piàoliang.
80奔波Hustle/Toilbēnbō他为了事业奔波劳碌。He toils and hustles for his career.Tā wèile shìyè bēnbō láolù.
81奔驰Mercedes-Benzbēnchí她开了一辆奔驰车。She drives a Mercedes-Benz.Tā kāile yī liàng bēnchí chē.
82本能Instinctběnnéng动物依靠本能生存。Animals rely on instinct to survive.Dòngwù yīkào běnnéng shēngcún.
83本钱Capitalběnqián他投资了大量的本钱。He invested a lot of capital.Tā tóuzīle dàliàng de běnqián.
84本人Oneselfběnrén这是本人亲自写的信。This is a letter written by myself.Zhè shì běnrén qīnzì xiě de xìn.
85本身Itselfběnshēn这个问题本身并不复杂。The problem itself is not complex.Zhège wèntí běnshēn bìng bù fùzá.
86本事Skill/Abilityběnshì他有很大的本事。He has great skills.Tā yǒu hěn dà de běnshì.
87笨拙Clumsybènzhuō他做事总是显得笨拙。He always appears clumsy in his work.Tā zuòshì zǒng shì xiǎnde bènzhuō.
88崩溃Collapsebēngkuì他精神崩溃了。He had a mental collapse.Tā jīngshén bēngkuìle.
89Don’t need tobéng你甭担心这个问题。You don’t need to worry about this issue.Nǐ béng dānxīn zhège wèntí.
90Bouncebèng球从地上蹦了起来。The ball bounced off the ground.Qiú cóng dìshàng bèngle qǐlái.
91迸发Erupt/Emitbèngfā他突然迸发出强烈的情感。He suddenly erupted with strong emotions.Tā túrán bèngfā chū qiángliè de qínggǎn.
92逼迫Force/Compelbīpò他感到被迫做这个决定。He felt compelled to make this decision.Tā gǎndào bèipò zuò zhège juédìng.
93鼻涕Snotbítì她的鼻涕流了一整天。Her snot ran all day.Tā de bítì liúle yī zhěng tiān.
94比方Example/Metaphorbǐfāng这个比方很形象。This example is very vivid.Zhège bǐfāng hěn xíngxiàng.
95比喻Metaphorbǐyù这句话使用了一个比喻。This sentence uses a metaphor.Zhè jù huà shǐyòngle yīgè bǐyù.
96比重Proportion/Weightbǐzhòng各部分的比重不相同。The proportions of each part are different.Gè bùfen de bǐzhòng bù xiāngtóng.
97鄙视Disdainbǐshì他对这种行为感到鄙视。He feels disdain for this behavior.Tā duì zhè zhǒng xíngwéi gǎndào bǐshì.
98Arm他受了伤,胳膊疼。He is injured; his arm hurts.Tā shòule shāng, gēbó téng.
99弊病Shortcomingbìbìng这个系统有很多弊病。This system has many shortcomings.Zhège xìtǒng yǒu hěnduō bìbìng.
100弊端Flaw/Defectbìduān这个计划存在不少弊端。This plan has quite a few flaws.Zhège jìhuà cúnzài bù shǎo bìduān.
101闭塞Obstructed/Closedbìsè这个地方非常闭塞。This place is very closed off.Zhège dìfāng fēicháng bìsè.
102鞭策Spur/Motivatebiāncè他用鞭策激励团队成员。He uses spurs to motivate the team members.Tā yòng biāncè jīlì tuánduì chéngyuán.
103编织Weave/Knittingbiānzhī她喜欢编织毛衣。She likes to knit sweaters.Tā xǐhuān biānzhī máoyī.
104边疆Frontierbiānjiāng他们在边疆建立了新城镇。They established a new town on the frontier.Tāmen zài biānjiāng jiànlìle xīn chéngzhèn.
105边界Boundarybiānjiè河流是两个国家的边界。The river is the boundary between the two countries.Héliú shì liǎng gè guójiā de biānjiè.
106边境Borderbiānjìng他在边境工作。He works at the border.Tā zài biānjìng gōngzuò.
107边缘Edge/Peripherybiānyuán这座城市位于森林的边缘。The city is located on the edge of the forest.Zhè zuò chéngshì wèiyú sēnlín de biānyuán.
108Flatbiǎn这个饼干是扁的。The cookie is flat.Zhège bǐnggān shì biǎn de.
109贬低Belittlebiǎndī他总是贬低别人的成绩。He always belittles others’ achievements.Tā zǒng shì biǎndī biérén de chéngjì.
110贬义Negative connotationbiǎnyì这个词有贬义。This word has a negative connotation.Zhège cí yǒu biǎnyì.
111遍布Spread Everywherebiànbù这种植物遍布整个地区。This plant is spread all over the area.Zhè zhǒng zhíwù biànbù zhěnggè dìqū.
112便利Convenientbiànlì这个位置非常便利。This location is very convenient.Zhège wèizhì fēicháng biànlì.
113便条Notebiàntiáo我留下了一张便条。I left a note.Wǒ liúxiàle yī zhāng biàntiáo.
114便于Be convenient forbiànyú这种方法便于操作。This method is convenient to operate.Zhè zhǒng fāngfǎ biànyú cāozuò.
115变故Change/Accidentbiàngù他遇到了意外的变故。He encountered unexpected changes.Tā yùdàole yìwài de biàngù.
116变迁Change/Transitionbiànqiān城市经历了很大的变迁。The city has undergone great changes.Chéngshì jīnglìle hěn dà de biànqiān.
117变质Deterioratebiànzhì这食品已经变质了。The food has deteriorated.Zhè shípǐn yǐjīng biànzhì le.
118辩护Defend/Arguebiànhù律师为他的客户辩护。The lawyer defended his client.Lǜshī wèi tā de kèhù biànhù.
119辩解Explain/Justifybiànjiě他试图辩解自己的行为。He tried to justify his behavior.Tā shìtú biànjiě zìjǐ de xíngwéi.
120辩证Dialectical/Reasoningbiànzhèng这是一个辩证的观点。This is a dialectical perspective.Zhè shì yīgè biànzhèng de guāndiǎn.
121辨认Identifybiànrèn我能辨认出他的声音。I can identify his voice.Wǒ néng biànrèn chū tā de shēngyīn.
122辫子Braidbiànzi她的头发扎成了辫子。Her hair is braided.Tā de tóufǎ zhā chéngle biànzi.
123标本Specimenbiāoběn我们需要收集更多的标本。We need to collect more specimens.Wǒmen xūyào shōují gèng duō de biāoběn.
124标记Mark/Labelbiāojì请在包裹上标记收件人姓名。Please label the package with the recipient’s name.Qǐng zài bāoguǒ shàng biāojì shōujiànrén xìngmíng.
125标题Titlebiāotí文章的标题很吸引人。The title of the article is very engaging.Wénzhāng de biāotí hěn xīyǐn rén.
126表决Votebiǎojué会议上进行了表决。A vote was held at the meeting.Huìyì shàng jìnxíngle biǎojué.
127表态Express One’s Positionbiǎotài他在会议上表态支持这个计划。He expressed his support for the plan at the meeting.Tā zài huìyì shàng biǎotài zhīchí zhège jìhuà.
128表彰Commend/Recognizebiǎozhāng他因表现优秀而获得表彰。He received commendation for his outstanding performance.Tā yīn biǎoxiàn yōuxiù ér huòdé biǎozhāng.
129Stifle/Chokebiē他被憋得很难受。He felt very uncomfortable being stifled.Tā bèi biē dé hěn nánshòu.
130别墅Villabiéshù他们在海边有一栋别墅。They have a villa by the sea.Tāmen zài hǎibiān yǒu yī dòng biéshù.
131别致Unique/Exquisitebiézhì她的衣服很别致。Her clothes are unique.Tā de yīfú hěn biézhì.
132别扭Awkward/Unnaturalbièniu他觉得这件事很别扭。He feels awkward about the matter.Tā juédé zhè jiàn shì hěn bièniu.
133濒临Be on the verge ofbīnlín他正濒临破产。He is on the verge of bankruptcy.Tā zhèng bīnlín pòchǎn.
134冰雹Hailbīngbáo今天下了冰雹。It hailed today.Jīntiān xiàle bīngbáo.
135Third (in order)bǐng他是第三个到达的。He was the third to arrive.Tā shì dì sān gè dàodá de.
136并非Not (to be)bìngfēi这并非我想要的结果。This is not the result I wanted.Zhè bìngfēi wǒ xiǎng yào de jiéguǒ.
137并列Be Parallel/Side by Sidebìngliè这两条道路并列。These two roads are side by side.Zhè liǎng tiáo dàolù bìngliè.
138并存Coexistbìngcún这两种文化可以并存。These two cultures can coexist.Zhè liǎng zhǒng wénhuà kěyǐ bìngcún.
139并重Be Equally Importantbìngzhòng这些任务并重。These tasks are of equal importance.Zhèxiē rènwù bìngzhòng.
140玻璃Glassbōlí这瓶子是玻璃做的。This bottle is made of glass.Zhè píngzi shì bōlí zuò de.
141博大Extensive/Magnanimousbódà他的学识博大。His knowledge is extensive.Tā de xuéshì bódà.
142博览Browse/Exhibitbólǎn他在博览会上展示了他的作品。He exhibited his works at the exhibition.Tā zài bólǎnhuì shàng zhǎnshìle tā de zuòpǐn.
143博物馆Museumbówùguǎn我们参观了博物馆。We visited the museum.Wǒmen cānguānle bówùguǎn.
144薄弱Weakbáoruò他的体质很薄弱。His physique is weak.Tā de tǐzhì hěn báoruò.
145不安Uneasy/Anxiousbù’ān他感到非常不安。He feels very uneasy.Tā gǎndào fēicháng bù’ān.
146不畅Unsmooth/Blockedbùchàng这个地方的交通不畅。The traffic in this area is not smooth.Zhège dìfāng de jiāotōng bùchàng.
147不光Not onlybùguāng不光是我一个人。It’s not just me.Bùguāng shì wǒ yīgè rén.
148不料Unexpectedlybùliào我们不料遇到了这么大的困难。We unexpectedly encountered such a big difficulty.Wǒmen bùliào yùdàole zhème dà de kùnnán.
149不懈Unremittingbùxiè他不懈地努力工作。He works tirelessly.Tā bùxiè de nǔlì gōngzuò.
150不屑Disdain/Despisebùxiè他对这些小事不屑一顾。He looks down on these trifling matters.Tā duì zhèxiē xiǎoshì bùxiè yī gù.
151不易Not Easybùyì这项任务不易完成。This task is not easy to complete.Zhè xiàng rènwù bùyì wánchéng.
152不止Not only/More thanbùzhǐ她的努力不止于此。Her efforts are more than that.Tā de nǔlì bùzhǐ yú cǐ.
153不准Not Allowedbùzhǔn这里不准吸烟。Smoking is not allowed here.Zhèlǐ bùzhǔn xīyān.
154步伐Pace/Stridebùfá他加快了步伐。He quickened his pace.Tā jiākuàile bùfá.
155部署Deploy/Arrangebùshǔ他负责部署整个计划。He is responsible for deploying the entire plan.Tā fùzé bùshǔ zhěnggè jìhuà.
156财产Property/Assetscáichǎn他们的财产被保管在银行。Their property is kept in the bank.Tāmen de cáichǎn bèi bǎoguǎn zài yínháng.
157财富Wealthcáifù他积累了大量财富。He accumulated a lot of wealth.Tā jīlěile dàliàng cáifù.
158财务Financecáiwù她负责公司的财务工作。She is in charge of the company’s finance.Tā fùzé gōngsī de cáiwù gōngzuò.
159材料Materialcáiliào这项工程需要很多材料。This project requires a lot of materials.Zhè xiàng gōngchéng xūyào hěn duō cáiliào.
160采取Adopt/Takecǎiqǔ我们需要采取新措施。We need to adopt new measures.Wǒmen xūyào cǎiqǔ xīn cuòshī.
161参谋Advisor/Consultantcānmóu他是我的战略参谋。He is my strategic advisor.Tā shì wǒ de zhànlüè cānmóu.
162参与Participatecānyù她积极参与了这个项目。She actively participated in the project.Tā jījí cānyùle zhège xiàngmù.
163残酷Cruelcánkù这部电影的情节非常残酷。The plot of this movie is very cruel.Zhè bù diànyǐng de qíngjié fēicháng cánkù.
164灿烂Bright/Shiningcànlàn太阳在天空中熠熠生辉。The sun shines brightly in the sky.Tàiyáng zài tiānkōng zhōng yìyì shēnghuī.
165仓促Hastycāngcù他仓促做出了决定。He made the decision hastily.Tā cāngcù zuòchūle juédìng.
166草率Carelesscǎoshuài他对这个问题处理得很草率。He handled the issue carelessly.Tā duì zhège wèntí chǔlǐ dé hěn cǎoshuài.
167草案Draftcǎo’àn我们正在审议这个草案。We are reviewing this draft.Wǒmen zhèngzài shěnyì zhège cǎo’àn.
168草地Grasslandcǎodì孩子们在草地上玩耍。The children play on the grassland.Háizimen zài cǎodì shàng wánshuǎ.
169厕所Toiletcèsuǒ厕所在楼下。The toilet is downstairs.Cèsuǒ zài lóuxià.
170Step oncǎi他踩到了一个石头。He stepped on a stone.Tā cǎidàole yīgè shítou.
171采纳Adopt/Acceptcǎinà我们采纳了你的建议。We adopted your suggestion.Wǒmen cǎinàle nǐ de jiànyì.
172采集Collectcǎijí她在采集野花。She is collecting wildflowers.Tā zài cǎijí yěhuā.
173采取Adopt/Takecǎiqǔ他采取了一种新的方法。He adopted a new method.Tā cǎiqǔle yī zhǒng xīn de fāngfǎ.
174参考Referencecānkǎo请参考这些数据。Please refer to these data.Qǐng cānkǎo zhèxiē shùjù.
175仓库Warehousecāngkù货物存放在仓库里。The goods are stored in the warehouse.Huòwù cúnfàng zài cāngkù lǐ.
176暂时Temporaryzànshí我们将在这里暂时停留。We will stay here temporarily.Wǒmen jiāng zài zhèlǐ zànshí tíngliú.
177丧失Lose/Deprivesàngshī他丧失了工作。He lost his job.Tā sàngshīle gōngzuò.
178严格Strictyángé这个学校的规定非常严格。The rules at this school are very strict.Zhège xuéxiào de guīdìng fēicháng yángé.
179验证Verifyyànzhèng请验证你的身份。Please verify your identity.Qǐng yànzhèng nǐ de shēnfèn.
180谨慎Cautiousjǐnshèn他非常谨慎地处理这个问题。He handles this issue very cautiously.Tā fēicháng jǐnshèn de chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
181监督Supervisejiāndū他负责监督项目的进展。He is responsible for supervising the project’s progress.Tā fùzé jiāndū xiàngmù de jìnzhǎn.
182惊讶Surprisedjīngyà我对这个结果感到惊讶。I am surprised by this result.Wǒ duì zhège jiéguǒ gǎndào jīngyà.
183处理Handle/Deal Withchǔlǐ他处理了这个问题。He dealt with this issue.Tā chǔlǐle zhège wèntí.
184驱逐Expel/Expulsionqūzhú他被驱逐出境。He was expelled from the country.Tā bèi qūzhú chūjìng.
185促使Prompt/Encouragecùshǐ这件事促使了他改变主意。This matter prompted him to change his mind.Zhè jiàn shì cùshǐle tā gǎibiàn zhǔyì.
186处于Be in/Located Atchǔyú他处于困境中。He is in a difficult situation.Tā chǔyú kùnjìng zhōng.
187处境Situation/Plightchǔjìng她的处境很困难。Her situation is difficult.Tā de chǔjìng hěn kùnnán.
188处置Dispose of/Handlechǔzhì他迅速处置了问题。He quickly handled the problem.Tā xùnsù chǔzhìle wèntí.
189处理Handle/Processchǔlǐ他正在处理这些文件。He is processing these documents.Tā zhèngzài chǔlǐ zhèxiē wénjiàn.
190传播Spread/Disseminatechuánbō这消息很快传播开来。The news spread quickly.Zhè xiāoxī hěn kuài chuánbō kāilái.
191传达Convey/Communicatechuándá我将这个信息传达给了他们。I conveyed this message to them.Wǒ jiāng zhège xìnxī chuándá gěi tāmen.
192传染Infectchuánrǎn流感会通过空气传染。The flu can be transmitted through the air.Liúgǎn huì tōngguò kōngqì chuánrǎn.
193传统Traditionchuántǒng我们遵循传统节日的习惯。We follow the traditions of the festival.Wǒmen zūnxún chuántǒng jiérì de xíguàn.
194传输Transmissionchuánshū数据通过网络进行传输。Data is transmitted through the network.Shùjù tōngguò wǎngluò jìnxíng chuánshū.
195创新Innovationchuàngxīn这个公司注重创新。This company focuses on innovation.Zhège gōngsī zhùzhòng chuàngxīn.
196创造Create/Producechuàngzào他喜欢创造新的事物。He likes to create new things.Tā xǐhuān chuàngzào xīn de shìwù.
197辞职Resigncízhí他决定辞职。He decided to resign.Tā juédìng cízhí.
198次序Order/Sequencecìxù这些事件的次序是很重要的。The order of these events is important.Zhèxiē shìjiàn de cìxù shì hěn zhòngyào de.
199从容Calm/Composedcóngróng他保持从容应对这个问题。He remained calm in dealing with the issue.Tā bǎochí cóngróng yìngduì zhège wèntí.
200从事Engage incóngshì他从事软件开发工作。He engages in software development.Tā cóngshì ruǎnjiàn kāifā gōngzuò.

Here is the updated chart for terms 202-400, including translations, Pinyin, and example sentences:

#TermEnglish TranslationPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
202操作Operate/Manipulatecāozuò他熟练地操作这台机器。He operates the machine skillfully.Tā shúliàn de cāozuò zhè tái jīqì.
203嘈杂Noisycáozá这个市场非常嘈杂。The market is very noisy.Zhège shìchǎng fēicháng cáozá.
204草案Draftcǎo’àn他们正在讨论草案。They are discussing the draft.Tāmen zhèngzài tǎolùn cǎo’àn.
205草率Careless/Rashcǎoshuài他的决定非常草率。His decision was very careless.Tā de juédìng fēicháng cǎoshuài.
206策划Plan/Plotcèhuà他负责策划这个活动。He is in charge of planning the event.Tā fùzé cèhuà zhège huódòng.
207策略Strategycèlüè他们制定了新的策略。They formulated a new strategy.Tāmen zhìdìngle xīn de cèlüè.
208测量Measurecèliàng我们需要测量房间的大小。We need to measure the size of the room.Wǒmen xūyào cèliàng fángjiān de dàxiǎo.
209侧面Side/Aspectcèmiàn从侧面看,这座建筑很美。From the side, the building looks beautiful.Cóng cèmiàn kàn, zhè zuò jiànzhú hěn měi.
210层出不穷Emergent/Endlesscéng chū bù qióng新的创意层出不穷。New ideas emerge endlessly.Xīn de chuàngyì céng chū bù qióng.
211层次Level/Hierarchycéngcì这篇文章的层次很清晰。The levels of this article are very clear.Zhè piān wénzhāng de céngcì hěn qīngxī.
212插座Socketchāzuò请插入电源到插座里。Please plug the power into the socket.Qǐng chārù diànyuán dào chāzuò lǐ.
213差别Differencechābié两者之间的差别很大。The difference between the two is significant.Liǎng zhě zhījiān de chābié hěn dà.
214查获Seize/Confiscatecháhuò警察查获了大量毒品。The police seized a large amount of drugs.Jǐngchá cháhuòle dàliàng dúpǐn.
215Fork/Branchchà路口有个岔路。There is a fork in the road.Lùkǒu yǒu gè chàlù.
216刹那Moment/Instantchànà在刹那间,天空变得绚烂。In an instant, the sky became brilliant.Zài chànà jiān, tiānkōng biàn dé xuànlàn.
217诧异Surprisechàyì我对他的行为感到很诧异。I was surprised by his behavior.Wǒ duì tā de xíngwéi gǎndào hěn chàyì.
218柴油Dieselcháiyóu这辆车需要加柴油。This vehicle needs diesel fuel.Zhè liàng chē xūyào jiā cháiyóu.
219Support/Assistchān她搀扶着老人走路。She assists the elderly in walking.Tā chānfú zhe lǎorén zǒulù.
220Greedychán他对甜食非常馋。He is very greedy for sweets.Tā duì tiánshí fēicháng chán.
221缠绕Entangle/Wrapchánrào绳子缠绕在树上。The rope is entangled in the tree.Shéngzi chánrào zài shù shàng.
222产业Industry/Enterprisechǎnyè他们的公司涉及多个产业。Their company is involved in multiple industries.Tāmen de gōngsī shèjí duō gè chǎnyè.
223阐述Elaborate/Expoundchǎnshù他详细阐述了他的观点。He elaborated on his viewpoint.Tā xiángxì chǎnshùle tā de guāndiǎn.
224颤抖Tremble/Shiverchàndǒu她的声音因为紧张而颤抖。Her voice trembled with nervousness.Tā de shēngyīn yīnwèi jǐnzhāng ér chàndǒu.
225昌盛Prosperouschāngshèng这个国家经济昌盛。The country’s economy is prosperous.Zhège guójiā jīngjì chāngshèng.
226尝试Try/Attemptchángshì他决定尝试新的方法。He decided to try a new method.Tā juédìng chángshì xīn de fāngfǎ.
227偿还Repay/Refundchánghuán我们需要偿还这笔贷款。We need to repay this loan.Wǒmen xūyào chánghuán zhè bǐ dàikuǎn.
228场合Occasion/Settingchǎnghé在这种场合不适合穿运动鞋。It is inappropriate to wear sneakers in this setting.Zài zhè zhǒng chǎnghé bù shìhé chuān yùndòngxié.
229场面Scene/Occasionchǎngmiàn这是一个热闹的场面。This is a lively scene.Zhè shì yīgè rènao de chǎngmiàn.
230场所Place/Locationchǎngsuǒ这个场所非常适合开会。This place is very suitable for meetings.Zhège chǎngsuǒ fēicháng shìhé kāihuì.
231敞开Open/Unrestrictedchǎngkāi门敞开着。The door is open.Mén chǎngkāizhe.
232倡导Advocate/Promotechàngdǎo他倡导保护环境。He advocates environmental protection.Tā chàngdǎo bǎohù huánjìng.
233倡议Proposal/Initiativechàngyì他们提出了一个新的倡议。They proposed a new initiative.Tāmen tíchūle yīgè xīn de chàngyì.
234畅通Smooth/Unobstructedchàngtōng这条路非常畅通。This road is very smooth.Zhè tiáo lù fēicháng chàngtōng.
235畅销Best-Sellingchàngxiāo这本书非常畅销。This book is a best-seller.Zhè běn shū fēicháng chàngxiāo.
236超越Surpass/Exceedchāoyuè他超越了所有的竞争者。He surpassed all his competitors.Tā chāoyuèle suǒyǒu de jìngzhēngzhě.
237钞票Banknotechāopiào我需要换一些钞票。I need to exchange some banknotes.Wǒ xūyào huàn yīxiē chāopiào.
238朝代Dynastycháodài唐朝是中国历史上的一个重要朝代。The Tang Dynasty was an important dynasty in Chinese history.Tángcháo shì Zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng de yīgè zhòngyào cháodài.
239潮流Trendcháoliú这是一种新的潮流。This is a new trend.Zhè shì yī zhǒng xīn de cháoliú.
240嘲笑Ridicule/Mockcháoxiào不要嘲笑别人的失败。Don’t ridicule others’ failures.Bùyào cháoxiào biérén de shībài.
241巢穴Nest/Holecháoxué小鸟的巢穴在树上。The bird’s nest is in the tree.Xiǎo niǎo de cháoxué zài shù shàng.
242撤退Withdraw/Retreatchètuì部队正在撤退。The troops are withdrawing.Bùduì zhèngzài chètuì.
243撤销Cancel/Revokechèxiāo公司决定撤销这个决定。The company decided to cancel this decision.Gōngsī juédìng chèxiāo zhège juédìng.
244沉淀Sediment/Depositionchéndiàn这瓶水底部有沉淀物。There is sediment at the bottom of this bottle.Zhè píng shuǐ dǐbù yǒu chéndiànwù.
245沉闷Dull/Depressedchénmèn这间房间感觉很沉闷。This room feels very dull.Zhè jiān fángjiān gǎnjué hěn chénmèn.
246沉思Contemplatechénsī他在沉思这个问题。He is contemplating the problem.Tā zài chénsī zhège wèntí.
247沉重Heavy/Seriouschénzhòng这是一项沉重的任务。This is a heavy task.Zhè shì yī xiàng chénzhòng de rènwù.
248沉着Composed/Calmchénzhuó在压力下,他依然保持沉着。He remains calm under pressure.Zài yālì xià, tā yīrán bǎochí chénzhuó.
249陈旧Obsolete/Old-fashionedchénjiù这些设备显得很陈旧。These devices look outdated.Zhèxiē shèbèi xiǎndé hěn chénjiù.
250陈列Displaychénliè博物馆里陈列着许多珍贵的文物。The museum displays many precious artifacts.Bówùguǎn lǐ chénlièzhe xǔduō zhēnguì de wénwù.
251陈述State/Declarechénshù他陈述了他的观点。He stated his viewpoint.Tā chénshùle tā de guāndiǎn.
252衬托Contrast/Highlightchèn tuō这个背景衬托了她的美丽。The background highlights her beauty.Zhège bèijǐng chèn tuōle tā de měilì.
253称心如意Satisfactory/Perfectchènxīn rúyì这件礼物称心如意。The gift is perfect.Zhè jiàn lǐwù chènxīn rúyì.
254称号Titlechēnghào他获得了这个荣誉称号。He received this honorary title.Tā huòdéle zhège róngyù chēnghào.
255Prosperousshèng这座城市在古代非常盛。This city was very prosperous in ancient times.Zhè zuò chéngshì zài gǔdài fēicháng shèng.
256Orange (fruit/color)chéng我喜欢吃橙子。I like to eat oranges.Wǒ xǐhuān chī chéngzi.
257Ride/Multiplychéng我们乘坐了公交车。We rode the bus.Wǒmen chéngzuòle gōngjiāo chē.
258承办Undertake/Managechéngbàn他负责承办这个项目。He is in charge of managing this project.Tā fùzé chéngbàn zhège xiàngmù.
259承包Contract/Take onchéngbāo他们承包了这个工程。They contracted the project.Tāmen chéngbāole zhège gōngchéng.
260承诺Promise/Commitchéngnuò他承诺会按时完成工作。He promised to complete the work on time.Tā chéngnuò huì àn shí wánchéng gōngzuò.
261城堡Castlechéngbǎo他们参观了古老的城堡。They visited the ancient castle.Tāmen cānguānle gǔlǎo de chéngbǎo.
262成本Cost/Expensechéngběn这项工程的成本很高。The cost of this project is high.Zhè xiàng gōngchéng de chéngběn hěn gāo.
263成交Complete a dealchéngjiāo他们终于达成了交易。They finally completed the deal.Tāmen zhōngyú dá chéngle jiāoyì.
264成天All day/Entire daychéngtiān他成天都在工作。He works all day long.Tā chéngtiān dōu zài gōngzuò.
265成效Effect/Resultchéngxiào这个措施的成效显著。The effect of this measure is significant.Zhège cuòshī de chéngxiào xiǎnzhù.
266成心Deliberate/Intentionchéngxīn他是成心要这样做的。He did it deliberately.Tā shì chéngxīn yào zhèyàng zuò de.
267成员Memberchéngyuán他们是团队的成员。They are members of the team.Tāmen shì tuánduì de chéngyuán.
268惩罚Punish/Penaltychéngfá他因为违反规则而受到惩罚。He was punished for breaking the rules.Tā yīnwèi wéifǎn guīzé ér shòudào chéngfá.
269诚挚Sincerechéngzhì我们向你表达诚挚的感谢。We express our sincere thanks to you.Wǒmen xiàng nǐ biǎodá chéngzhì de gǎnxiè.
270澄清Clarify/Clear upchéngqīng他澄清了误会。He clarified the misunderstanding.Tā chéngqīngle wùhuì.
271呈现Present/Showchéngxiàn他们呈现了一个令人惊讶的结果。They presented a surprising result.Tāmen chéngxiànle yīgè lìng rén jīngyà de jiéguǒ.
272Scalechèng请用秤称一下这袋米。Please weigh this bag of rice with the scale.Qǐng yòng chèng chēng yīxià zhè dài mǐ.
273吃苦Endure hardshipschī kǔ他习惯了吃苦。He is used to enduring hardships.Tā xíguànle chīkǔ.
274吃力Strenuous/Exhaustingchīlì这项工作很吃力。This job is very strenuous.Zhè xiàng gōngzuò hěn chīlì.
275迟钝Dull/Slowchídùn他的反应有点迟钝。His reaction is a bit slow.Tā de fǎnyìng yǒudiǎn chídùn.
276迟缓Slow/Delayedchíhuǎn项目的进度有些迟缓。The progress of the project is slow.Xiàngmù de jìndù yǒuxiē chíhuǎn.
277迟疑Hesitate/Uncertainchíyí他对这个决定感到迟疑。He hesitated about the decision.Tā duì zhège juédìng gǎndào chíyí.
278持久Durable/Lastingchíjiǔ这种材料非常持久。This material is very durable.Zhè zhǒng cáiliào fēicháng chíjiǔ.
279赤道Equatorchìdào赤道是地球的赤道线。The equator is the line of the Earth’s equator.Chìdào shì dìqiú de chìdào xiàn.
280赤字Deficit/Red Inkchìzì公司现在面临赤字。The company is currently facing a deficit.Gōngsī xiànzài miànlín chìzì.
281冲动Impulse/Impulsivechōngdòng他被冲动驱使做了这个决定。He made the decision impulsively.Tā bèi chōngdòng qūshǐ zuòle zhège juédìng.
282冲击Impact/Strikechōngjī地震对这个城市造成了很大冲击。The earthquake had a significant impact on the city.Dìzhèn duì zhège chéngshì zàochéngle hěn dà chōngjī.
283冲突Conflict/Clashchōngtú他们之间发生了冲突。A conflict occurred between them.Tāmen zhījiān fāshēngle chōngtú.
284充当Serve as/Act aschōngdāng他在这次活动中充当了主持人。He served as the host for the event.Tā zài zhè cì huódòng zhōng chōngdāngle zhǔchí rén.
285充沛Abundant/Fullchōngpèi她的精力非常充沛。Her energy is very abundant.Tā de jīnglì fēicháng chōngpèi.
286充实Enrich/Fullchōngshí他的人生充实而有意义。His life is rich and meaningful.Tā de rénshēng chōngshí ér yǒu yìyì.
287充足Sufficient/Plentifulchōngzú这里的资源非常充足。The resources here are very sufficient.Zhèlǐ de zīyuán fēicháng chōngzú.
288崇拜Worship/Admirechóngbài他崇拜这个明星。He admires this star.Tā chóngbài zhège míngxīng.
289崇高Noblechónggāo他的理想非常崇高。His ideals are very noble.Tā de lǐxiǎng fēicháng chónggāo.
290崇敬Respect/Admirechóngjìng我对他的成就深感崇敬。I deeply admire his achievements.Wǒ duì tā de chéngjiù shēn gǎn chóngjìng.
291重叠Overlap/Overlapzhòngdié这些图案有些重叠。The patterns overlap a bit.Zhèxiē tú’àn yǒuxiē zhòngdié.
292筹备Prepare/Arrangechóubèi他们正在筹备一个大型活动。They are preparing for a large event.Tāmen zhèngzài chóubèi yīgè dàxíng huódòng.
293稠密Dense/Thickchóumì这个森林的树木非常稠密。The trees in this forest are very dense.Zhège sēnlín de shùmù fēicháng chóumì.
294丑恶Ugly/Abominablechǒu’è那个行为真是丑恶。That behavior is truly abominable.Nàgè xíngwéi zhēn shì chǒu’è.
295出路Way out/Outletchūlù他找到了困境的出路。He found a way out of the predicament.Tā zhǎodàole kùnjìng de chūlù.
296出卖Sell/ Betraychūmài他出卖了自己的朋友。He betrayed his friend.Tā chūmàile zìjǐ de péngyǒu.
297出身Origin/Backgroundchūshēn他出身于一个贫困家庭。He comes from a poor family.Tā chūshēn yú yīgè pínkùn jiātíng.
298出神Enraptured/Absorbedchūshén她看电影时出神了。She was absorbed in the movie.Tā kàn diànyǐng shí chūshénle.
299出息Prospects/Successchūxī他非常有出息。He has great prospects.Tā fēicháng yǒu chūxī.
300初步Initial/Preliminarychūbù这是初步的计划。This is a preliminary plan.Zhè shì chūbù de jìhuà.
301Remove/Excludechú请把这些文件除外。Please exclude these documents.Qǐng bǎ zhèxiē wénjiàn chúwài.
302储备Reserve/Stockpilechǔbèi我们需要储备一些粮食。We need to stockpile some food.Wǒmen xūyào chǔbèi yīxiē liángshí.
303储存Store/Preservechǔcún请将这些资料储存起来。Please store these materials.Qǐng jiāng zhèxiē zīliào chǔcún qǐlái.
304除非Unless/Exceptchúfēi除非下雨,否则我们会去散步。We will go for a walk unless it rains.Chúfēi xià yǔ, fǒuzé wǒmen huì qù sànbù.
305磁场Magnetic Fieldcí chǎng地球有一个强大的磁场。The Earth has a strong magnetic field.Dìqiú yǒu yīgè qiángdà de cí chǎng.
306磁铁Magnetcítiě我们用磁铁吸住了铁屑。We used a magnet to pick up the iron filings.Wǒmen yòng cítiě xī zhùle tiěxiè.
307辞职Resign/Resignationcízhí她决定辞职。She decided to resign.Tā juédìng cízhí.
308辞退Dismiss/Rejectcítuì他被公司辞退了。He was dismissed from the company.Tā bèi gōngsī cítuìle.
309次序Order/Sequencecìxù请按照次序排列这些文件。Please arrange these documents in order.Qǐng ànzhào cìxù páilì zhèxiē wénjiàn.
310促进Promote/Facilitatecùjìn这项政策旨在促进经济发展。This policy aims to promote economic development.Zhè xiàng zhèngcè zhǐ zài cùjìn jīngjì fāzhǎn.
311促使Prompt/Inducecùshǐ他的建议促使了改革。His suggestion prompted the reform.Tā de jiànyì cùshǐle gǎigé.
312Sneak/Hidecuàn他在窗帘后面窜了起来。He hid behind the curtain.Tā zài chuānglián hòumiàn cuànle qǐlái.
313窜逃Flee/Run awaycuàn táo小偷迅速窜逃了。The thief quickly fled.Xiǎotōu xùnsù cuàn táole.
314筒子Tube/Cylindertǒngzi我们需要一个塑料筒子来储存水。We need a plastic tube to store water.Wǒmen xūyào yīgè sùliào tǒngzi lái chǔcún shuǐ.
315统一Unified/Unifytǒngyī我们需要统一的标准。We need unified standards.Wǒmen xūyào tǒngyī de biāozhǔn.
316统筹Plan/Coordinatetǒngchóu这个项目需要统筹安排。This project needs to be coordinated.Zhège xiàngmù xūyào tǒngchóu ānpái.
317同胞Fellow/Compatriottóngbāo他是我的同胞。He is my fellow countryman.Tā shì wǒ de tóngbāo.
318同情Sympathize/Sympathytóngqíng我对他的遭遇深表同情。I deeply sympathize with his plight.Wǒ duì tā de zāoyù shēn biǎo tóngqíng.
319同志Comrade/Companiontóngzhì他是我的战友和同志。He is my comrade and companion.Tā shì wǒ de zhànyǒu hé tóngzhì.
320Coppertóng这把门是铜做的。The door is made of copper.Zhè bǎ mén shì tóng zuò de.
321痛苦Pain/Sufferingtòngkǔ他的病痛苦不堪。His illness causes him great suffering.Tā de bìng tòngkǔ bùkān.
322通过Pass/Throughtōngguò我们通过了考试。We passed the exam.Wǒmen tōngguòle kǎoshì.
323通讯Communicationtōngxùn他负责公司的通讯工作。He is responsible for the company’s communications.Tā fùzé gōngsī de tōngxùn gōngzuò.
324统治Rule/Controltǒngzhì这个国家被独裁者统治。The country is ruled by a dictator.Zhège guójiā bèi dúcáizhě tǒngzhì.
325短暂Short/Briefduǎnzàn这次旅行很短暂。The trip was very brief.Zhè cì lǚxíng hěn duǎnzàn.
326短缺Shortage/Deficiencyduǎnquē市场上出现了粮食短缺。There is a food shortage in the market.Shìchǎng shàng chūxiànle liángshí duǎnquē.
327对比Contrast/Comparisonduìbǐ这两幅画的色彩对比很强烈。The color contrast between these two paintings is strong.Zhè liǎng fú huà de sècǎi duìbǐ hěn qiángliè.
328对策Countermeasure/Strategyduìcè我们需要制定对策来应对这个问题。We need to develop strategies to deal with this problem.Wǒmen xūyào zhìdìng duìcè lái yìngduì zhège wèntí.
329对称Symmetryduìchèn这座建筑的设计很对称。The design of this building is very symmetrical.Zhè zuò jiànzhú de shèjì hěn duìchèn.
330对待Treat/Handleduìdài我们应该认真对待这个问题。We should treat this issue seriously.Wǒmen yīnggāi rènzhēn duìdài zhège wèntí.
331对应Correspond/Matchduìyìng这些数据与报告中的内容对应。The data correspond with the content in the report.Zhèxiē shùjù yǔ bàogào zhōng de nèiróng duìyìng.
332兑换Exchange/Convertduìhuàn我需要兑换一些外币。I need to exchange some foreign currency.Wǒ xūyào duìhuàn yīxiē wàibì.
333绝望Despairjuéwàng他对未来感到绝望。He is in despair about the future.Tā duì wèilái gǎndào juéwàng.
334绝症Terminal Illnessjuézhèng他被诊断出患有绝症。He was diagnosed with a terminal illness.Tā bèi zhěnduàn chū huànyǒu juézhèng.
335绝对Absolute/Absolutejuéduì这是绝对不允许的。This is absolutely not allowed.Zhè shì juéduì bù yǔnxǔ de.
336决策Decision-Makingjuécè公司正在制定新的决策。The company is making new decisions.Gōngsī zhèngzài zhìdìng xīn de juécè.
337决议Resolution/Decisionjuéyì会议通过了一个重要的决议。The meeting passed an important resolution.Huìyì tōngguòle yīgè zhòngyào de juéyì.
338绝技Unique Skill/Expertisejuéjì他有一项绝技可以让人惊叹。He has a unique skill that is impressive.Tā yǒu yī xiàng juéjì kěyǐ ràng rén jīngtàn.
339均衡Balanced/Equilibriumjūnhéng饮食需要均衡。Diet needs to be balanced.Yǐnshí xūyào jūnhéng.
340君主Monarch/Monarchjūnzhǔ这个国家有一个君主。This country has a monarch.Zhège guójiā yǒu yīgè jūnzhǔ.
341开明Open-mindedkāimíng他是一个非常开明的人。He is a very open-minded person.Tā shì yīgè fēicháng kāimíng de rén.
342开辟Open up/Exploitkāipì他们开辟了新的市场。They opened up new markets.Tāmen kāipìle xīn de shìchǎng.
343开创Create/Initiatekāichuàng他开创了一个新的行业。He initiated a new industry.Tā kāichuàngle yīgè xīn de hángyè.
344开销Expenditure/Costkāi xiāo这项工程的开销很大。The expenditure for this project is high.Zhè xiàng gōngchéng de kāi xiāo hěn dà.
345开支Spending/Expenditurekāi zhī公司的开支需要控制。The company’s spending needs to be controlled.Gōngsī de kāi zhī xūyào kòngzhì.
346开展Develop/Launchkāizhǎn我们将开展一个新的项目。We will launch a new project.Wǒmen jiāng kāizhǎn yīgè xīn de xiàngmù.
347看待View/Regardkàndài我们需要以正确的态度看待问题。We need to view the problem with the right attitude.Wǒmen xūyào yǐ zhèngquè de tàidù kàndài wèntí.
348考察Investigate/Examinekǎochá他对这个问题进行了考察。He investigated the issue.Tā duì zhège wèntí jìnxíngle kǎochá.
349考试Exam/Testkǎoshì我们下周有一个考试。We have an exam next week.Wǒmen xià zhōu yǒu yīgè kǎoshì.
350树立Establish/Set upshùlì他树立了一个良好的榜样。He set up a good example.Tā shùlìle yīgè liánghǎo de bǎngyàng.
351双方Both sides/Two partiesshuāngfāng双方达成了协议。Both sides reached an agreement.Shuāngfāng dáchéngle xiéyì.
352说服Persuade/Convinceshuōfú他很有说服力。He is very persuasive.Tā hěn yǒu shuōfúlì.
353说明Explain/Illustrateshuōmíng请说明你的观点。Please explain your point of view.Qǐng shuōmíng nǐ de guāndiǎn.
354说谎Lie/Falsehoodshuōhuǎng他总是说谎。He always lies.Tā zǒng shì shuōhuǎng.
355思维Thinking/Thoughtsīwéi他的思维方式很独特。His way of thinking is unique.Tā de sīwéi fāngshì hěn dútè.
356死板Rigid/Deadpansǐbǎn他的态度有点死板。His attitude is a bit rigid.Tā de tàidù yǒudiǎn sǐbǎn.
357死亡Deathsǐwáng他的父亲因病死亡。His father died of illness.Tā de fùqīn yīn bìng sǐwáng.
358事实Fact/Realityshìshí这是一个不争的事实。This is an undeniable fact.Zhè shì yīgè bù zhēng de shìshí.
359释放Release/Set freeshìfàng她被释放了。She was released.Tā bèi shìfàngle.
360事物Thing/Itemshìwù这些事物都很有趣。These things are all interesting.Zhèxiē shìwù dōu hěn yǒuqù.
361事故Accidentshìgù他在事故中受了伤。He was injured in the accident.Tā zài shìgù zhōng shòule shāng.
362事务Affair/Businessshìwù这项事务需要尽快解决。This matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible.Zhè xiàng shìwù xūyào jǐnkuài jiějué.
363施加Apply/Imposeshījiā他们施加了很大的压力。They applied a lot of pressure.Tāmen shījiāle hěn dà de yālì.
364施行Implement/Enforceshīxíng新政策已经施行。The new policy has been implemented.Xīn zhèngcè yǐjīng shīxíng.
365失误Mistake/Errorshīwù这是一个严重的失误。This is a serious mistake.Zhè shì yīgè yánzhòng de shīwù.
366失去Loseshīqù我们不能失去这个机会。We cannot lose this opportunity.Wǒmen bùnéng shīqù zhège jīhuì.
367适应Adapt/Adaptationshìyìng我们需要适应新的环境。We need to adapt to the new environment.Wǒmen xūyào shìyìng xīn de huánjìng.
368试验Experiment/Trialshìyàn他们正在进行一项新的试验。They are conducting a new experiment.Tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng yī xiàng xīn de shìyàn.
369试图Attempt/Tryshìtú他试图解决这个问题。He attempted to solve the problem.Tā shìtú jiějué zhège wèntí.
370书籍Book/Booksshūjí我喜欢读各种书籍。I enjoy reading all kinds of books.Wǒ xǐhuān dú gè zhǒng shūjí.
371书面Written/Documentedshūmiàn请提交书面的报告。Please submit a written report.Qǐng tíjiāo shūmiàn de bàogào.
372数据Datashùjù这些数据非常重要。This data is very important.Zhèxiē shùjù fēicháng zhòngyào.
373树木Tree/Forestshùmù这片森林里有很多树木。There are many trees in this forest.Zhè piàn sēnlín lǐ yǒu hěn duō shùmù.
374输入Inputshūrù请输入你的用户名。Please enter your username.Qǐng shūrù nǐ de yònghù míng.
375书写Write/Handwritingshūxiě他写了一篇很有趣的文章。He wrote an interesting article.Tā xiěle yī piān hěn yǒuqù de wénzhāng.
376数码Digital/Numbershùmǎ这台相机支持数码功能。This camera supports digital features.Zhè tái xiàngjī zhīchí shùmǎ gōngnéng.
377数量Quantityshùliàng这批货物的数量很大。The quantity of this shipment is large.Zhè pī huòwù de shùliàng hěn dà.
378数字Number/Digitshùzì请写出你的电话号码。Please write your phone number.Qǐng xiě chū nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ.
379书法Calligraphyshūfǎ他擅长书法。He is skilled in calligraphy.Tā shàncháng shūfǎ.
380书写Writing/Handwritingshūxiě书写是他的一项兴趣爱好。Writing is one of his hobbies.Shūxiě shì tā de yī xiàng xìngqù àihào.
381书店Bookstoreshūdiàn我们去书店买几本书吧。Let’s go to the bookstore to buy some books.Wǒmen qù shūdiàn mǎi jǐ běn shū ba.
382书法Calligraphyshūfǎ他写的书法很漂亮。His calligraphy is beautiful.Tā xiě de shūfǎ hěn piàoliang.
383书包School Bagshūbāo我的书包很重。My school bag is very heavy.Wǒ de shūbāo hěn zhòng.
384书桌Deskshūzhuō这张书桌很宽敞。This desk is very spacious.Zhè zhāng shūzhuō hěn kuānchǎng.
385事半功倍Twice the result with half the effortshì bàn gōng bèi这种方法事半功倍。This method is twice the result with half the effort.Zhè zhǒng fāngfǎ shì bàn gōng bèi.
386实践Practice/Implementationshíjiàn理论和实践相结合。Theory and practice combine.Lǐlùn hé shíjiàn xiāng jiéhé.
387实际Reality/Actualityshíjì这和实际情况不符。This does not match the actual situation.Zhè hé shíjì qíngkuàng bù fú.
388适用Applicable/Applicableshìyòng这种材料适用于多种用途。This material is applicable to various uses.Zhè zhǒng cáiliào shìyòng yú duōzhǒng yòngtú.
389时尚Fashion/Trendyshíshàng这件衣服很时尚。This outfit is very fashionable.Zhè jiàn yīfú hěn shíshàng.
390事情Matter/Thingshìqíng有些事情需要慢慢来。Some things need to be done slowly.Yǒuxiē shìqíng xūyào màn màn lái.
391事实Fact/Truthshìshí这是事实,不容置疑。This is a fact and cannot be doubted.Zhè shì shìshí, bùróng zhìyí.
392时机Opportunity/Timingshíjī这是一个好时机。This is a good opportunity.Zhè shì yīgè hǎo shíjī.
393时代Era/Timesshídài我们生活在一个快速变化的时代。We live in a rapidly changing era.Wǒmen shēnghuó zài yīgè kuàisù biànhuà de shídài.
394实验Experiment/Trialshíyàn他们在做一个科学实验。They are conducting a scientific experiment.Tāmen zài zuò yīgè kēxué shíyàn.
395事情Thing/Thingshìqíng处理这些事情需要时间。Handling these things takes time.Chǔlǐ zhèxiē shìqíng xūyào shíjiān.
396施加Apply/Imposeshījiā我们需要施加一些压力。We need to apply some pressure.Wǒmen xūyào shījiā yīxiē yālì.
397试图Attempt/Tryshìtú她试图修复这个问题。She attempted to fix the problem.Tā shìtú xiūfù zhège wèntí.
398失误Mistake/Errorshīwù这是一种常见的失误。This is a common mistake.Zhè shì yī zhǒng chángjiàn de shīwù.
399书籍Books/Bookshūjí这些书籍很有用。These books are very useful.Zhèxiē shūjí hěn yǒuyòng.
400实际Reality/Actualityshíjì实际上我们需要更多的时间。In reality, we need more time.Shíjì shàng wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de shíjiān.

I hope this table helps with your learning! If you have any more questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask.

Here is the continuation of the vocabulary list, with meanings, sample sentences, and translations:

No.WordMeaningPinyinSample SentenceEnglish TranslationPronunciation
401得天独厚Unique advantagesdétiāndúhòu这个地方得天独厚,资源丰富。This place has unique advantages with abundant resources.Zhège dìfāng détiāndúhòu, zīyuán fēngfù.
402得罪Offenddézuì我不想得罪任何人。I don’t want to offend anyone.Wǒ bùxiǎng dézuì rènhé rén.
403To pedal (bike)dēng他在公园里蹬自行车。He is pedaling a bicycle in the park.Tā zài gōngyuán lǐ dēng zìxíngchē.
404灯笼Lanterndēnglóng我们在节日时挂灯笼。We hang lanterns during the festival.Wǒmen zài jiérì shí guà dēnglóng.
405登陆Land (on)dēnglù飞机已经登陆。The plane has landed.Fēijī yǐjīng dēnglù.
406登录Log in/Sign indēnglù请登录你的账户。Please log in to your account.Qǐng dēnglù nǐ de zhànghù.
407等候Wait forděnghòu我们将在这里等候您的到来。We will wait here for your arrival.Wǒmen jiāng zài zhèlǐ děnghòu nín de dàolái.
408等级Level/Rankděngjí他在公司里升到了高级等级。He has been promoted to a higher rank in the company.Tā zài gōngsī lǐ shēngdàole gāojí děngjí.
409Stare (at)dèng她瞪了我一眼。She gave me a glare.Tā dèngle wǒ yī yǎn.
410堤坝Dike/Leveedībà堤坝可以防止洪水。The levee can prevent flooding.Dībà kěyǐ fángzhǐ hóngshuǐ.
411敌视Hostility/Show hostilitydíshì他对竞争对手表现出敌视。He showed hostility towards his competitors.Tā duì jìngzhēng duìshǒu biǎoxiàn chū díshì.
412抵达Arrivedǐdá我们终于抵达了目的地。We finally arrived at the destination.Wǒmen zhōngyú dǐdále mùdìdì.
413抵抗Resistdǐkàng他们抵抗了外来的侵略。They resisted the foreign invasion.Tāmen dǐkàngle wàilái de qīnlüè.
414抵制Boycottdǐzhì我们决定抵制这个不公平的政策。We decided to boycott this unfair policy.Wǒmen juédìng dǐzhì zhège bù gōngpíng de zhèngcè.
415递增Increase/Incrementdìzēng价格在逐步递增。The price is increasing incrementally.Jiàgé zài zhúbù dìzēng.
416地步Situation/Statedìbù他已经到了无可挽回的地步。He has reached an irreversible situation.Tā yǐjīng dào le wú kě wǎnhuí de dìbù.
417地势Terrain/Topographydìshì这片土地的地势非常复杂。The terrain of this land is very complex.Zhè piàn tǔdì de dìshì fēicháng fùzá.
418地质Geologydìzhì他们研究了这块地区的地质。They studied the geology of this region.Tāmen yánjiūle zhè kuài dìqū de dìzhì.
419颠簸Bump/Shakediānbǒ车在颠簸中行驶。The car is bumping along the road.Chē zài diānbǒ zhōng xíngshǐ.
420颠倒Upside down/Inversiondiāndǎo书被颠倒放在桌上。The book is placed upside down on the table.Shū bèi diāndǎo fàng zài zhuō shàng.
421点缀Embellish/Decoratediǎnzuì他用鲜花点缀了房间。He decorated the room with fresh flowers.Tā yòng xiānhuā diǎnzuìle fángjiān.
422典礼Ceremonydiǎnlǐ毕业典礼将在明天举行。The graduation ceremony will be held tomorrow.Bìyè diǎnlǐ jiāng zài míngtiān jǔxíng.
423典型Typical/Modeldiǎnxíng这是一个典型的例子。This is a typical example.Zhè shì yīgè diǎnxíng de lìzi.
424Cushion/Paddiàn请在椅子上垫一个垫子。Please place a cushion on the chair.Qǐng zài yǐzi shàng diàn yīgè diànzi.
425电源Power supplydiànyuán电脑需要连接到电源。The computer needs to be connected to the power supply.Diànnǎo xūyào liánjiē dào diànyuán.
426奠定Lay a foundationdiàndìng这项工作奠定了我们未来的基础。This work laid the foundation for our future.Zhè xiàng gōngzuò diàndìngle wǒmen wèilái de jīchǔ.
427惦记Remember/Think aboutdiànjì她一直惦记着他的健康。She has always been concerned about his health.Tā yīzhí diànjì zhe tā de jiànkāng.
428To hold in the mouth (e.g., cigarette)diāo他叼着一支烟。He is holding a cigarette in his mouth.Tā diāo zhe yī zhī yān.
429雕刻Carve/Sculptdiāokè她擅长雕刻木雕。She is skilled in wood carving.Tā shàncháng diāokè mùdiāo.
430雕塑Sculpturediāosù博物馆里展出了许多雕塑。The museum exhibits many sculptures.Bówùguǎn lǐ zhǎnchūle xǔduō diāosù.
431Hang/Suspenddiào他用绳子吊起了一个灯笼。He hung a lantern with a rope.Tā yòng shéngzi diàoqǐle yīgè dēnglóng.
432调动Transfer/Movediàodòng他被调动到另一个部门。He was transferred to another department.Tā bèi diàodòng dào lìng yīgè bùmén.
433Fall/Dropdiē他不小心跌倒了。He accidentally fell down.Tā bù xiǎoxīn diē dǎo le.
434Ding (a small unit of measurement)dīng这是一块丁字形的木头。This is a piece of wood in the shape of a “ding”.Zhè shì yī kuài dīng zì xíng de mù tóu.
435Stare at/Keep an eye ondīng他盯着电视看了一整晚。He stared at the TV all night.Tā dīngzhe diànshì kànle yī zhěng wǎn.
436叮嘱Warn/Reminddīngzhǔ我叮嘱他不要忘记带钥匙。I reminded him not to forget to bring the keys.Wǒ dīngzhǔ tā bùyào wàngjì dài yàoshi.
437定期Regular/Periodicdìngqī我们定期进行检查。We conduct regular check-ups.Wǒmen dìngqī jìnxíng jiǎnchá.
438定义Definitiondìngyì这个词的定义是什么?What is the definition of this word?Zhège cí de dìngyì shì shénme?
439丢人Lose face/Be embarrasseddiūrén他的行为让他很丢人。His behavior made him lose face.Tā de xíngwéi ràng tā hěn diūrén.
440丢三落四Scatterbrained/Forgetfuldiū sān luò sì他总是丢三落四的。He is always forgetful and scatterbrained.Tā zǒng shì diū sān luò sì de.
441东道主Host (of an event)dōngdàozhǔ我们是这次会议的东道主。We are the hosts of this conference.Wǒmen shì zhè cì huìyì de dōngdàozhǔ.
442东张西望Look around (in all directions)dōngzhāngxīwàng他东张西望,寻找他的朋友。He looked around in all directions, searching for his friend.Tā dōngzhāngxīwàng, xúnzhǎo tā de péngyǒu.
443董事长Chairman of the Boarddǒngshìzhǎng会议由董事长主持。The meeting is chaired by the chairman of the board.Huìyì yóu dǒngshìzhǎng zhǔchí.
444Building (measure word)dòng这栋楼很高。This building is very tall.Zhè dòng lóu hěn gāo.
445冻结Freezedòngjié银行账户被冻结。The bank account is frozen.Yínháng zhànghù bèi dòngjié.
446动荡Turbulence/Unrestdòngdàng这个国家经历了严重的动荡。The country has experienced severe unrest.Zhège guójiā jīnglìle yánzhòng de dòngdàng.
447动机Motivationdòngjī他这样做是出于善意的动机。His actions were motivated by good intentions.Tā zhèyàng zuò shì chū yú shànyì de dòngjī.
448动静Movement/Activitydòngjìng外面的动静很大。There is a lot of activity outside.Wàimiàn de dòngjìng hěn dà.
449动力Motivation/Powerdònglì他对工作充满了动力。He is full of motivation for his work.Tā duì gōngzuò chōngmǎnle dònglì.
450动脉Arterydòngmài他的动脉很健康。His arteries are healthy.Tā de dòngmài hěn jiànkāng.
451动身Set off/Start a journeydòngshēn我们早上八点动身。We set off at eight in the morning.Wǒmen zǎoshàng bā diǎn dòngshēn.
452动手Start work/Handle (with hands)dòngshǒu让我们开始动手制作。Let’s start working on it.Ràng wǒmen kāishǐ dòngshǒu zhìzuò.
453动态Dynamic/Statedòngtài他的工作态度很有动态。His work attitude is very dynamic.Tā de gōngzuò tàidù hěn yǒu dòngtài.
454动员Mobilizedòngyuán我们需要动员更多的资源。We need to mobilize more resources.Wǒmen xūyào dòngyuán gèng duō de zīyuán.
455Pocket/Bagdōu他把钱放在了口袋里。He put the money in his pocket.Tā bǎ qián fàng zài le kǒudài lǐ.
456陡峭Steepdǒuqiào山路非常陡峭。The mountain path is very steep.Shānlù fēicháng dǒuqiào.
457斗争Struggledòuzhēng他们为争取权利而斗争。They struggle for their rights.Tāmen wèi zhēngqǔ quánlì ér dòuzhēng.
458督促Supervise/Urgedūcù老师督促学生完成作业。The teacher urges the students to complete their homework.Lǎoshī dūcù xuéshēng wánchéng zuòyè.
459独裁Dictatorshipdúcái这个国家经历了长时间的独裁统治。The country experienced a long period of dictatorship.Zhège guójiā jīnglìle cháng shíjiān de dúcái tǒngzhì.
460毒品Drugsdúpǐn他被抓到贩卖毒品。He was caught selling drugs.Tā bèi zhuā dào fànmài dúpǐn.
461赌博Gamblingdǔbó他沉迷于赌博。He is addicted to gambling.Tā chénmí yú dǔbó.
462堵塞Blockage/Obstructdǔsè交通堵塞严重。The traffic congestion is severe.Jiāotōng dǔsè yánzhòng.
463杜绝Eliminate/Stopdùjué我们必须杜绝这种行为。We must eliminate this behavior.Wǒmen bìxū dùjué zhè zhǒng xíngwéi.
464End/Serve (as)duān这端是桌子的边缘。This end is the edge of the table.Zhè duān shì zhuōzi de biānyuán.
465端午节Dragon Boat Festivalduānwǔjié端午节是中国传统节日之一。Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals.Duānwǔjié shì zhōngguó chuántǒng jiérì zhī yī.
466端正Upright/Correctduānzhèng她的态度很端正。Her attitude is very upright.Tā de tàidù hěn duānzhèng.
467短促Brief/Short-livedduǎncù演讲时间非常短促。The speech was very brief.Yǎnjiǎng shíjiān fēicháng duǎncù.
468断定Determine/Concludeduàndìng我们无法断定结果。We cannot determine the outcome.Wǒmen wúfǎ duàndìng jiéguǒ.
469断绝Sever/Break offduànjué他与她的关系彻底断绝了。His relationship with her has been completely severed.Tā yǔ tā de guānxì chèdǐ duànjuéle.
470堆积Accumulate/Pile upduījī雪在地上堆积了很厚。The snow has piled up thickly on the ground.Xuě zài dìshàng duījīle hěn hòu.
471对策Countermeasure/Strategyduìcè我们需要制定应对的对策。We need to develop countermeasures.Wǒmen xūyào zhìdìng yìngduì de duìcè.
472对称Symmetryduìchèn这个设计有很好的对称性。This design has good symmetry.Zhège shèjì yǒu hěn hǎo de duìchèn xìng.
473对付Deal withduìfù我们必须对付这些困难。We must deal with these difficulties.Wǒmen bìxū duìfù zhèxiē kùnnán.
474对抗Resist/Combatduìkàng他们对抗了敌人的攻击。They resisted the enemy’s attack.Tāmen duìkàngle dírén de gōngjī.
475对立Oppose/Contradictionduìlì他们的意见对立。Their opinions are in opposition.Tāmen de yìjiàn duìlì.
476对联Couplets (paired lines of poetry)duìlián春节时我们会贴对联。We paste couplets during the Spring Festival.Chūnjié shí wǒmen huì tiē duìlián.
477对应Correspondduìyìng这些数据对应着不同的情况。These data correspond to different situations.Zhèxiē shùjù duìyìngzhe bùtóng de qíngkuàng.
478对照Contrast/Comparisonduìzhào请对照这些资料。Please compare these materials.Qǐng duìzhào zhèxiē zīliào.
479兑现Fulfill (a promise)duìxiàn我们将兑现我们的承诺。We will fulfill our promise.Wǒmen jiāng duìxiàn wǒmen de chéngnuò.
480队伍Team/Formationduìwǔ我们的队伍很强大。Our team is very strong.Wǒmen de duìwǔ hěn qiángdà.
481顿时Immediately/Suddenlydùnshí他顿时明白了事情的真相。He suddenly understood the truth of the matter.Tā dùnshí míngbáile shìqíng de zhēnxiàng.
482多元化Diversificationduōyuánhuà我们的公司正在推动业务多元化。Our company is promoting business diversification.Wǒmen de gōngsī zhèngzài tuīdòng yèwù duōyuánhuà.
483哆嗦Shiver/Trembleduōsuō他因为冷而哆嗦。He shivered because of the cold.Tā yīnwèi lěng ér duōsuō.
484堕落Degenerate/Declineduòluò这个城市的道德已经堕落。The city’s morals have declined.Zhège chéngshì de dàodé yǐjīng duòluò.
485额外Additional/Extraéwài我们需要额外的帮助。We need extra help.Wǒmen xūyào éwài de bāngzhù.
486恶心Nausea/Disgustèxīn这闻起来很恶心。It smells disgusting.Zhè wén qǐlái hěn èxīn.
487恶化Deteriorate/Worsenèhuà他的健康状况恶化了。His health condition has deteriorated.Tā de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng èhuàle.
488遏制Contain/Restrictèzhì我们必须遏制这种行为。We must contain this behavior.Wǒmen bìxū èzhì zhè zhǒng xíngwéi.
489恩怨Resentment/Grudgeēnyuàn他和她之间有很多恩怨。There is a lot of resentment between them.Tā hé tā zhī jiān yǒu hěn duō ēnyuàn.
490而已And that’s all/Justéryǐ我只是来看看而已。I just came to have a look.Wǒ zhǐshì lái kàn kàn éryǐ.
491二氧化碳Carbon dioxideèryǎnghuàtàn二氧化碳是温室气体之一。Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases.Èryǎnghuàtàn shì wēnshì qìtǐ zhī yī.
492发布Release/Announcefābù公司将发布新产品。The company will release a new product.Gōngsī jiāng fābù xīn chǎnpǐn.
493发财Make money/Become richfācái他希望能发大财。He hopes to make a lot of money.Tā xīwàng néng fā dàcái.
494发呆Stare blanklyfādāi他坐在那里发呆。He sat there staring blankly.Tā zuò zài nàlǐ fādāi.
495发动Start/Initiatefādòng他启动了新的项目。He initiated a new project.Tā qǐdòngle xīn de xiàngmù.
496发觉Discover/Realizefājué我突然发觉我忘记了带钥匙。I suddenly realized I forgot to bring the keys.Wǒ túrán fājué wǒ wàngjìle dài yàoshi.
497发射Launch/Emitfāshè火箭将于明天发射。The rocket will be launched tomorrow.Huǒjiàn jiāng yú míngtiān fāshè.
498发誓Swear/Take an oathfāshì我发誓不再犯错误。I swear not to make mistakes again.Wǒ fāshì bù zài fàn cuòwù.
499罚款Fine/Penaltyfákuǎn他因为超速被罚款。He was fined for speeding.Tā yīnwèi chāosù bèi fákuǎn.
500反常Abnormalfǎncháng他最近的行为很反常。His recent behavior is very abnormal.Tā zuìjìn de xíngwéi hěn fǎncháng.
501反应Reaction/Respondfǎnyìng他对药物的反应很强烈。His reaction to the medication was strong.Tā duì yàowù de fǎnyìng hěn qiángliè.
502反映Reflect/Showfǎnyìng这个问题反映了我们的不足。This issue reflects our shortcomings.Zhège wèntí fǎnyìngle wǒmen de bùzú.
503反复Repeatedlyfǎnfù他反复检查了所有的资料。He checked all the materials repeatedly.Tā fǎnfù jiǎnchále suǒyǒu de zīliào.
504反思Reflect/Think deeplyfǎnsī我们应该反思我们的错误。We should reflect on our mistakes.Wǒmen yīnggāi fǎnsī wǒmen de cuòwù.
505反途Detourfǎntú我们需要绕道而行。We need to take a detour.Wǒmen xūyào rào dào ér xíng.
506反常Unusual/Abnormalfǎncháng他的反常行为令人担忧。His abnormal behavior is concerning.Tā de fǎncháng xíngwéi lìng rén dānyōu.
507反驳Refutefǎnbó他成功地反驳了对他的指控。He successfully refuted the accusations against him.Tā chénggōng de fǎnbóle duì tā de zhǐkòng.
508反问Rhetorical questionfǎnwèn他用反问来强调他的观点。He used a rhetorical question to emphasize his point.Tā yòng fǎnwèn lái qiángdiào tā de guāndiǎn.
509反馈Feedbackfǎnkuì我们需要你的反馈。We need your feedback.Wǒmen xūyào nǐ de fǎnkuì.
510方针Policy/Guidelinefāngzhēn我们需要明确公司的方针。We need to clarify the company’s policies.Wǒmen xūyào míngquè gōngsī de fāngzhēn.
511方式Method/Wayfāngshì这种方式很有效。This method is very effective.Zhè zhǒng fāngshì hěn yǒuxiào.
512方言Dialectfāngyán他会说几种方言。He can speak several dialects.Tā huì shuō jǐ zhǒng fāngyán.
513方向Directionfāngxiàng我们需要确定前进的方向。We need to determine the direction to move forward.Wǒmen xūyào quèdìng qiánjìn de fāngxiàng.
514访谈Interviewfǎngtán他接受了记者的访谈。He gave an interview to the reporter.Tā jiēshòule jìzhě de fǎngtán.
515访问Visit/Accessfǎngwèn我们计划访问新工厂。We plan to visit the new factory.Wǒmen jìhuà fǎngwèn xīn gōngchǎng.
516防范Prevent/Guard againstfángfàn我们需要加强对病毒的防范。We need to enhance our prevention against viruses.Wǒmen xūyào jiāqiáng duì bìngdú de fángfàn.
517防御Defense/Protectfángyù这个盾牌用于防御攻击。This shield is used for defense.Zhège dùnzhái yòng yú fángyù gōngjī.
518防止Preventfángzhǐ你需要采取措施防止事故发生。You need to take measures to prevent accidents.Nǐ xūyào cǎiqǔ cuòshī fángzhǐ shìgù fāshēng.
519房东Landlordfángdōng我们的房东很友好。Our landlord is very friendly.Wǒmen de fángdōng hěn yǒuhǎo.
520房间Roomfángjiān这个房间很宽敞。This room is very spacious.Zhège fángjiān hěn kuānchǎng.
521房产Real estatefángchǎn他们投资于房产市场。They invest in the real estate market.Tāmen tóuzī yú fángchǎn shìchǎng.
522房屋House/Buildingfángwū这栋房屋很古老。This house is very old.Zhè dòng fángwū hěn gǔlǎo.
523纺织Textilefǎngzhī这个公司生产纺织品。This company produces textiles.Zhège gōngsī shēngchǎn fǎngzhīpǐn.
524放大Magnify/Enlargefàngdà你可以放大图片。You can enlarge the image.Nǐ kěyǐ fàngdà túpiàn.
525放松Relaxfàngsōng他需要放松一下。He needs to relax a bit.Tā xūyào fàngsōng yīxià.
526放弃Give up/Abandonfàngqì他决定放弃这项计划。He decided to give up on the plan.Tā juédìng fàngqì zhè xiàng jìhuà.
527放置Place/Putfàngzhì请把书放置在桌子上。Please place the book on the table.Qǐng bǎ shū fàngzhì zài zhuōzi shàng.
528放火Set firefànghuǒ他被控放火。He was charged with arson.Tā bèi kòng fànghuǒ.
529方块Square (shape)fāngkuài这块方块很有趣。This square is interesting.Zhè kuài fāngkuài hěn yǒuqù.
530方式Way/Methodfāngshì这种方式不适合我。This method doesn’t suit me.Zhè zhǒng fāngshì bù shìhé wǒ.
531发言Speak/Make a speechfāyán他在会议上发言。He spoke at the meeting.Tā zài huìyì shàng fāyán.
532发动Launch/Startfādòng他们发动车辆。They started the vehicle.Tāmen fādòng chēliàng.
533发抖Tremble/Shiverfādǒu他因寒冷而发抖。He shivered due to the cold.Tā yīn hánlěng ér fādǒu.
534发愁Worryfāchóu他为工作感到发愁。He worries about his work.Tā wèi gōngzuò gǎndào fāchóu.
535发热Fever/Heat upfārè他有点发热。He has a slight fever.Tā yǒudiǎn fārè.
536发光Shine/Emit lightfāguāng星星在夜空中发光。The stars shine in the night sky.Xīngxīng zài yèkōng zhōng fāguāng.
537发射Fire/Launchfāshè火箭将在明天发射。The rocket will launch tomorrow.Huǒjiàn jiāng zài míngtiān fāshè.
538发挥Give full play to/Exertfāhuī他充分发挥了他的才华。He gave full play to his talents.Tā chōngfèn fāhuīle tā de cáihuá.
539发音Pronunciationfāyīn请注意发音。Please pay attention to pronunciation.Qǐng zhùyì fāyīn.
540发动机Enginefādòngjī这台发动机很强大。This engine is very powerful.Zhè tái fādòngjī hěn qiángdà.
541放弃Abandon/Give upfàngqì他决定放弃比赛。He decided to give up the competition.Tā juédìng fàngqì bǐsài.
542方程Equationfāngchéng这是一个数学方程。This is a mathematical equation.Zhè shì yīgè shùxué fāngchéng.
543放射Radiatefàngshè这台设备可以放射出高能量。This device can radiate high energy.Zhè tái shèbèi kěyǐ fàngshè chū gāo néngliàng.
544放置Place/Putfàngzhì请把东西放置在这里。Please place the items here.Qǐng bǎ dōngxī fàngzhì zài zhèlǐ.
545发芽Sproutfāyá种子已经发芽了。The seeds have sprouted.Zhǒngzǐ yǐjīng fāyále.
546方案Plan/Schemefāng’àn我们制定了一个新的方案。We have developed a new plan.Wǒmen zhìdìngle yīgè xīn de fāng’àn.
547反射Reflection/Reflectfǎnshè镜子能反射光线。Mirrors can reflect light.Jìngzi néng fǎnshè guāngxiàn.
548方向Orientation/Directionsfāngxiàng我们需要重新确认方向。We need to confirm the direction again.Wǒmen xūyào chóngxīn quèrèn fāngxiàng.
549放款Disburse loansfàngkuǎn银行会在下周放款。The bank will disburse loans next week.Yínháng huì zài xià zhōu fàngkuǎn.
550方程式Formula/Equationfāngchéngshì这是一个化学方程式。This is a chemical formula.Zhè shì yīgè huàxué fāngchéngshì.

If you need more details or have other questions, feel free to ask!

You said:
ChatGPT said:

Certainly! Here are the translations and example sentences for words 551-600:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Pinyin (Example)
551分泌Secretefēnmì这腺体分泌激素。This gland secretes hormones.Zhè xiàntǐ fēnmì jīsù.
552分明Clear/Distinctfēnmíng这个问题分明是个误会。This issue is clearly a misunderstanding.Zhège wèntí fēnmíng shì gè wùhuì.
553分歧Divergence/Discrepancyfēnqí我们对这个问题有很大的分歧。We have a big discrepancy on this issue.Wǒmen duì zhège wèntí yǒu hěn dà de fēnqí.
554分散Scatter/Dispersefēnsàn人群开始分散离开。The crowd began to disperse.Rénqún kāishǐ fēnsàn líkāi.
555吩咐Instruct/Orderfēnfù他吩咐我去取文件。He instructed me to get the documents.Tā fēnfù wǒ qù qǔ wénjiàn.
556坟墓Grave/Tombfénmù我们去拜访了他的坟墓。We visited his grave.Wǒmen qù bàifǎngle tā de fénmù.
557粉末Powderfěnmò这种药物是粉末状的。This medicine is in powder form.Zhè zhǒng yàowù shì fěnmò zhuàng de.
558粉色Pinkfěnsè她喜欢粉色的衣服。She likes pink clothes.Tā xǐhuān fěnsè de yīfú.
559粉碎Crush/Smashedfěnsuì玻璃瓶掉落后粉碎了。The glass bottle shattered after falling.Bōlí píng diàoluò hòu fěnsuìle.
560分量Quantityfēnliàng这个菜的分量足够两个人吃。The portion of this dish is enough for two people.Zhège cài de fēnliàng zúgòu liǎng gèrén chī.
561愤怒Angerfènnù他的愤怒是可以理解的。His anger is understandable.Tā de fènnù shì kěyǐ lǐjiě de.
562风暴Stormfēngbào这场风暴导致了严重的损失。The storm caused serious damage.Zhè chǎng fēngbào dǎozhìle yánzhòng de sǔnshī.
563风度Elegance/Dignityfēngdù他很有风度。He has a lot of dignity.Tā hěn yǒu fēngdù.
564风光Scenery/Gloryfēngguāng这儿的风光很美。The scenery here is beautiful.Zhè’er de fēngguāng hěn měi.
565风气Atmospherefēngqì这儿的工作风气很积极。The work atmosphere here is very positive.Zhè’er de gōngzuò fēngqì hěn jījí.
566风趣Humor/Interestfēngqù他的讲话很有风趣。His speech is very humorous.Tā de jiǎnghuà hěn yǒu fēngqù.
567风土人情Local customs and practicesfēngtǔrénqíng这篇文章描述了当地的风土人情。The article describes the local customs and practices.Zhè piān wénzhāng miáoshùle dāngdì de fēngtǔrénqíng.
568风味Flavor/Local specialtyfēngwèi这道菜有独特的风味。This dish has a unique flavor.Zhè dào cài yǒu dútè de fēngwèi.
569封闭Seal/Closefēngbì这座大楼被封闭了。The building has been sealed off.Zhè zuò dàlóu bèi fēngbìle.
570封建Feudalfēngjiàn他们反对封建制度。They oppose the feudal system.Tāmen fǎnduì fēngjiàn zhìdù.
571封锁Blockade/Lockfēngsuǒ这个区域被封锁了。The area is blocked off.Zhège qūyù bèi fēngsuǒle.
572丰满Plump/Fully developedfēngmǎn她的身材很丰满。She has a plump figure.Tā de shēncái hěn fēngmǎn.
573丰盛Rich/Abundantfēngshèng我们享用了丰盛的晚餐。We enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.Wǒmen xiǎngyòngle fēngshèng de wǎncān.
574丰收Bountiful harvestfēngshōu今年的丰收季节很令人满意。This year’s harvest season is very satisfying.Jīnnián de fēngshōu jìjié hěn lìng rén mǎnyì.
575锋利Sharpfēnglì这把刀非常锋利。This knife is very sharp.Zhè bǎ dāo fēicháng fēnglì.
576Encounterféng我们在街上逢到了老朋友。We encountered an old friend on the street.Wǒmen zài jiēshàng féngdàole lǎo péngyǒu.
577奉献Devote/Contributefèngxiàn她把一生奉献给了教育事业。She devoted her life to education.Tā bǎ yīshēng fèngxiàn gěi le jiàoyù shìyè.
578否决Veto/Rejectfǒjué议会否决了这个提案。The proposal was vetoed by the council.Yìhuì fǒjuéle zhège tí’àn.
579夫妇Couplefūfù他们是一对恩爱夫妇。They are a loving couple.Tāmen shì yī duì ēn’ài fūfù.
580夫人Lady/Mrs.fūrén这位夫人是我们的贵宾。This lady is our honored guest.Zhè wèi fūrén shì wǒmen de guìbīn.
581敷衍Perfunctory/Neglectfūyǎn他对这项工作很敷衍。He is very perfunctory with this work.Tā duì zhè xiàng gōngzuò hěn fūyǎn.
582幅度Degree/Extentfúdù这项政策的调整幅度很大。The adjustment to this policy is substantial.Zhè xiàng zhèngcè de tiáozhěng fúdù hěn dà.
583服从Obey/Complyfúcóng我们必须服从规则。We must comply with the rules.Wǒmen bìxū fúcóng guīzé.
584服气Admire/Respectfúqì我对他的能力十分服气。I have great respect for his ability.Wǒ duì tā de nénglì shífēn fúqì.
585符号Symbolfúhào这个符号代表着和平。This symbol represents peace.Zhège fúhào dàibiǎo zhe hépíng.
586福利Welfarefúlì政府提高了员工的福利。The government increased employees’ welfare.Zhèngfǔ tígāole yuángōng de fúlì.
587福气Good fortunefúqì他真是个有福气的人。He is truly a fortunate person.Tā zhēnshi gè yǒu fúqì de rén.
588俘虏Prisonerfúlǔ俘虏被送到营地。The prisoners were sent to the camp.Fúlǔ bèi sòng dào yíngdì.
589辐射Radiationfúshè这台设备会发出辐射。This device emits radiation.Zhè tái shèbèi huì fāchū fúshè.
590腐败Corruptionfǔbài政府腐败问题严重。The government’s corruption issue is serious.Zhèngfǔ fǔbài wèntí yánzhòng.
591腐烂Decay/Rotfǔlàn这些水果已经腐烂了。The fruits have rotted.Zhèxiē shuǐguǒ yǐjīng fǔlànle.
592腐蚀Corrosionfǔshí这些金属被腐蚀了。The metals have corroded.Zhèxiē jīnshǔ bèi fǔshíle.
593腐朽Decay/Decomposefǔxiǔ这栋房子已经腐朽不堪。The house has decayed beyond repair.Zhè dòng fángzi yǐjīng fǔxiǔ bùkān.
594辅助Assist/Supportfǔzhù他提供了许多辅助工具。He provided many auxiliary tools.Tā tígōngle xǔduō fǔzhù gōngjù.
595抚养Raise/Bring upfǔyǎng他抚养了三个孩子。He raised three children.Tā fǔyǎngle sān gè háizi.
596抚摸Stroke/Ticklefǔmō她轻轻抚摸着猫咪。She gently stroked the cat.Tā qīngqīng fǔmō zhe māomī.
597俯视Overlookfǔshì他从窗户俯视下面的街道。He overlooked the street from the window.Tā cóng chuānghù fǔshì xiàmiàn de jiēdào.
598富裕Affluent/Wealthyfùyù这个家庭很富裕。This family is affluent.Zhège jiātíng hěn fùyù.
599Deputy/Assistant他是部门的副经理。He is the deputy manager of the department.Tā shì bùmén de fù jīnglǐ.
600负担Burdenfùdān这项任务对我来说是一个沉重的负担。This task is a heavy burden for me.Zhè xiàng rènwù duì wǒ lái shuō shì yīgè chénzhòng de fùdān.

If you need further explanations or have additional questions, feel free to ask!

Here are the translations and example sentences for words 601-800:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Pinyin (Example)
601覆盖Coverfùgài这座建筑物的屋顶完全覆盖了雪。The roof of the building is completely covered with snow.Zhè zuò jiànzhúwù de wūdǐng wánquán fùgàile xuě.
602附和Echofùhé他总是附和别人的意见。He always echoes others’ opinions.Tā zǒng shì fùhé biérén de yìjiàn.
603附件Attachmentfùjiàn请在邮件中查收附件。Please check the attachment in the email.Qǐng zài yóujiàn zhōng cháshōu fùjiàn.
604附属Subsidiaryfùshǔ这是一个附属公司。This is a subsidiary company.Zhè shì yīgè fùshǔ gōngsī.
605复活Revivefùhuó这部电影讲述了一个复活的故事。The movie tells a story of revival.Zhè bù diànyǐng jiǎngshùle yīgè fùhuó de gùshì.
606复兴Revitalizefùxīng政府计划复兴当地的工业。The government plans to revitalize local industry.Zhèngfǔ jìhuà fùxīng dāngdì de gōngyè.
607腹泻Diarrheafùxiè他因为吃坏了东西而腹泻。He has diarrhea because he ate something bad.Tā yīnwèi chī huàile dōngxī ér fùxiè.
608赋予Endowfùyǔ这项荣誉赋予了他很大的责任。This honor endows him with great responsibility.Zhè xiàng róngyù fùyǔle tā hěn dà de zérèn.
609改良Improvegǎiliáng我们需要改良这个产品的设计。We need to improve the design of this product.Wǒmen xūyào gǎiliáng zhège chǎnpǐn de shèjì.
610盖章Stampgàizhāng请在表格上盖章。Please stamp the form.Qǐng zài biǎogé shàng gàizhāng.
611Calciumgài牛奶富含钙。Milk is rich in calcium.Niúnǎi fùhán gài.
612干旱Droughtgānhàn这个地区经历了严重的干旱。The area has experienced severe drought.Zhège dìqū jīnglìle yánzhòng de gānhàn.
613干扰Interferencegānrǎo信号受到干扰。The signal is experiencing interference.Xìnhào shòudào gānrǎo.
614干涉Interferegānshè他不喜欢别人干涉他的私人生活。He does not like others to interfere in his personal life.Tā bù xǐhuān biérén gānshè tā de sīrén shēnghuó.
615干预Intervenegānyù国际组织对冲突进行了干预。The international organization intervened in the conflict.Guójì zǔzhī duì chōngtú jìnxíngle gānyù.
616尴尬Embarrassedgāngà他在大家面前感到非常尴尬。He felt very embarrassed in front of everyone.Tā zài dàjiā miànqián gǎndào fēicháng gāngà.
617感慨Sigh/Emotionalgǎnkǎi他对过去的事情感慨万千。He has many emotions about the past.Tā duì guòqù de shìqíng gǎnkǎi wànqiān.
618感染Infectiongǎnrǎn他因感冒而感染了病毒。He caught a virus due to a cold.Tā yīn gǎnmào ér gǎnrǎnle bìngdú.
619干劲Enthusiasmgānjìn她工作非常有干劲。She works with great enthusiasm.Tā gōngzuò fēicháng yǒu gānjìn.
620纲领Program/Platformgānglǐng该组织的纲领非常明确。The organization’s program is very clear.Gāi zǔzhī de gānglǐng fēicháng míngquè.
621港口Portgǎngkǒu这个港口是国家的主要贸易中心。This port is a major trade center for the country.Zhège gǎngkǒu shì guójiā de zhǔyào màoyì zhōngxīn.
622港湾Harborgǎngwān小船停在宁静的港湾里。The small boat is docked in the quiet harbor.Xiǎo chuán tíng zài níngjìng de gǎngwān lǐ.
623岗位Positiongǎngwèi他在公司里有一个重要的岗位。He has an important position in the company.Tā zài gōngsī lǐ yǒu yīgè zhòngyào de gǎngwèi.
624杠杆Levergàngǎn使用杠杆可以增加力量。Using a lever can increase force.Shǐyòng gàngǎn kěyǐ zēngjiā lìliàng.
625高超Superbgāochāo他有高超的绘画技巧。He has superb painting skills.Tā yǒu gāochāo de huìhuà jìqiǎo.
626高潮Climaxgāocháo整部电影在最后一幕达到高潮。The movie reaches its climax in the final scene.Zhěng bù diànyǐng zài zuìhòu yī mù dádào gāocháo.
627高峰Peakgāofēng他在职业生涯中达到了高峰。He reached the peak of his career.Tā zài zhíyè shēngyá zhōng dádàole gāofēng.
628高明Clevergāomíng他提出了一个高明的解决方案。He proposed a clever solution.Tā tíchūle yīgè gāomíng de jiějué fāng’àn.
629高尚Noblegāoshàng她的行为非常高尚。Her behavior is very noble.Tā de xíngwéi fēicháng gāoshàng.
630高涨Surge/Soargāozhǎng情绪高涨的群众在广场上聚集。The excited crowd surged in the square.Qíngxù gāozhǎng de qúnzhòng zài guǎngchǎng shàng jùjí.
631稿件Manuscriptgǎojiàn他提交了新的稿件。He submitted the new manuscript.Tā tíjiāole xīn de gǎojiàn.
632告辞Bid Farewellgàocí他向大家告辞后离开了。He left after bidding farewell to everyone.Tā xiàng dàjiā gàocí hòu líkāile.
633告诫Advisegàojiè他告诫我不要轻易相信别人。He advised me not to trust others easily.Tā gàojiè wǒ bùyào qīngyì xiāngxìn biérén.
634Cut她用刀割开了包裹。She cut open the package with a knife.Tā yòng dāo gē kāile bāoguǒ.
635Put aside他把书搁在桌子上。He put the book aside on the table.Tā bǎ shū gē zài zhuōzi shàng.
636疙瘩Bumpgēdà他的皮肤上有几个小疙瘩。There are a few small bumps on his skin.Tā de pífū shàng yǒu jǐ gè xiǎo gēdà.
637歌颂Praisegēsòng诗歌歌颂了伟大的英雄。The poem praises the great hero.Shīgē gēsòngle wěidà de yīngxióng.
638鸽子Dovegēzi他放飞了一只白色的鸽子。He released a white dove.Tā fàngfēile yī zhī báisè de gēzi.
639隔阂Barriergéhé语言障碍常常造成隔阂。Language barriers often create misunderstandings.Yǔyán zhàng’ài chángcháng zàochéng géhé.
640隔离Isolategélí他因病被隔离在医院。He was isolated in the hospital due to illness.Tā yīn bìng bèi gélí zài yīyuàn.
641格局Pattern/Structuregéjú这座城市的格局非常有特色。The city’s layout is very distinctive.Zhè zuò chéngshì de géjú fēicháng yǒu tèsè.
642格式Formatgéshì请按照指定的格式填写表格。Please fill out the form according to the specified format.Qǐng ànzhào zhǐdìng de géshì tiánxiě biǎogé.
643革命Revolutiongémìng这部电影讲述了一场历史性的革命。The film depicts a historical revolution.Zhè bù diànyǐng jiǎngshùle yī chǎng lìshǐ xìng de gémìng.
644个体Individualgètǐ这个问题需要从个体层面解决。This issue needs to be addressed at the individual level.Zhège wèntí xūyào cóng gètǐ céngmiàn jiějué.
645各抒己见Express One’s Opinionsgè shū jǐ jiàn大家在会议上各抒己见。Everyone expressed their opinions at the meeting.Dàjiā zài huìyì shàng gè shū jǐ jiàn.
646根深蒂固Deeply rootedgēn shēn dì gù这些观念在他心中根深蒂固。These beliefs are deeply rooted in his mind.Zhèxiē guānniàn zài tā xīnzhōng gēn shēn dì gù.
647根源Origingēnyuán这种疾病的根源尚未找到。The origin of this disease has not yet been found.Zhè zhǒng jíbìng de gēnyuán shàngwèi zhǎodào.
648跟前In front ofgēnqián他站在我跟前。He stands in front of me.Tā zhàn zài wǒ gēnqián.
649跟随Followgēnsuí我们跟随他进入了房间。We followed him into the room.Wǒmen gēnsuí tā jìnrùle fángjiān.
650跟踪Trackgēnzōng警察跟踪了嫌疑犯。The police tracked the suspect.Jǐngchá gēnzōngle xiányífàn.
651耕地Cultivate Landgēngdì他每天都在耕地。He cultivates the land every day.Tā měitiān dū zài gēngdì.
652更新Updategēngxīn你需要更新你的软件。You need to update your software.Nǐ xūyào gēngxīn nǐ de ruǎnjiàn.
653更正Correctgēngzhèng我们需要更正这些错误。We need to correct these errors.Wǒmen xūyào gēngzhèng zhèxiē cuòwù.
654公安局Public Security Bureaugōng’ānjú他在公安局工作。He works at the Public Security Bureau.Tā zài gōng’ānjú gōngzuò.
655公道Fairnessgōngdào这个决定很公道。This decision is very fair.Zhège juédìng hěn gōngdào.
656公告Announcementgōnggào学校发布了一个重要公告。The school issued an important announcement.Xuéxiào fābùle yīgè zhòngyào gōnggào.
657公关Public Relationsgōngguān他负责公司的公关工作。He is in charge of the company’s public relations work.Tā fùzé gōngsī de gōngguān gōngzuò.
658公民Citizengōngmín每个公民都有权利投票。Every citizen has the right to vote.Měi gè gōngmín dōu yǒu quánlì tóupiào.
659公然Openlygōngrán他公然表达了他的意见。He openly expressed his opinion.Tā gōngrán biǎodále tā de yìjiàn.
660公认Recognizedgōngrèn他的成就是公认的。His achievements are widely recognized.Tā de chéngjiù shì gōngrèn de.
661公式Formulagōngshì你需要使用正确的公式。You need to use the correct formula.Nǐ xūyào shǐyòng zhèngquè de gōngshì.
662公务Official Workgōngwù他忙于处理公务。He is busy with official work.Tā máng yú chǔlǐ gōngwù.
663公正Justicegōngzhèng法院的判决是公正的。The court’s judgment is just.Fǎyuàn de pànjué shì gōngzhèng de.
664公证Notarizegōngzhèng文件需要公证。The document needs to be notarized.Wénjiàn xūyào gōngzhèng.
665供不应求Supply Can’t Meet Demandgōng bù yìng qiú这种商品供不应求。This product is in short supply.Zhè zhǒng shāngpǐn gōng bù yìng qiú.
666供给Supplygōngjǐ供给链出现了问题。There is a problem with the supply chain.Gōngjǐ liàn chūxiànle wèntí.
667工艺品Craftworkgōngyìpǐn这是一个精美的工艺品。This is a fine piece of craftwork.Zhè shì yīgè jīngměi de gōngyìpǐn.
668宫殿Palacegōngdiàn皇帝住在宏伟的宫殿里。The emperor lives in a magnificent palace.Huángdì zhù zài hóngwěi de gōngdiàn lǐ.
669功劳Contributiongōngláo他对项目的成功做出了重要的功劳。He made an important contribution to the success of the project.Tā duì xiàngmù de chénggōng zuòchūle zhòngyào de gōngláo.
670功效Effectivenessgōngxiào这种药物的功效很显著。The effectiveness of this medicine is very noticeable.Zhè zhǒng yàowù de gōngxiào hěn xiǎnzhù.
671攻击Attackgōngjī这次网络攻击造成了严重损失。The cyber attack caused serious damage.Zhè cì wǎngluò gōngjī zàochéngle yánzhòng sǔnshī.
672攻克Overcomegōngkè他终于攻克了难题。He finally overcame the difficult problem.Tā zhōngyú gōngkèle nántí.
673恭敬Respectfulgōngjìng他对老师表现得非常恭敬。He was very respectful to his teacher.Tā duì lǎoshī biǎoxiàn dé fēicháng gōngjìng.
674巩固Consolidategǒnggù他们努力巩固公司在市场上的地位。They work hard to consolidate the company’s position in the market.Tāmen nǔlì gǒnggù gōngsī zài shìchǎng shàng de dìwèi.
675共和国Republicgònghéguó他是共和国的公民。He is a citizen of the republic.Tā shì gònghéguó de gōngmín.
676共计Totalgòngjì总金额共计一百万美元。The total amount is one million dollars.Zǒng jīn’é gòngjì yī bǎi wàn měiyuán.
677共鸣Resonancegòngmíng他的演讲引起了大家的共鸣。His speech resonated with everyone.Tā de yǎnjiǎng yǐnqǐle dàjiā de gòngmíng.
678勾结Colludegōujié他被指控与犯罪集团勾结。He was accused of colluding with a criminal organization.Tā bèi zhǐkòng yǔ fànzuì jítuán gōujié.
679钩子Hookgōuzi挂衣服时用到钩子。Use a hook to hang clothes.Guà yīfú shí yòng dào gōuzi.
680构思Conceptiongòusī这个项目的构思非常独特。The conception of this project is very unique.Zhège xiàngmù de gòusī fēicháng dútè.
681孤独Lonelygūdú他感到非常孤独。He feels very lonely.Tā gǎndào fēicháng gūdú.
682孤立Isolategūlì他在团队中被孤立了。He was isolated in the team.Tā zài tuánduì zhōng bèi gūlìle.
683辜负Disappointgūfù我不想辜负你的期望。I don’t want to disappoint your expectations.Wǒ bùxiǎng gūfù nǐ de qīwàng.
684姑且Tentativelygūqiě姑且考虑这个方案。Let’s tentatively consider this plan.Gūqiě kǎolǜ zhège fāng’àn.
685古董Antiquegǔdǒng他收藏了一些古董。He collects antiques.Tā shōucángle yīxiē gǔdǒng.
686古怪Strangegǔguài他的行为有些古怪。His behavior is a bit strange.Tā de xíngwéi yǒuxiē gǔguài.
687股东Shareholdergǔdōng他们是公司的股东。They are shareholders in the company.Tāmen shì gōngsī de gǔdōng.
688股份Sharesgǔfèn他购买了公司的股份。He purchased shares in the company.Tā gòumǎile gōngsī de gǔfèn.
689鼓动Incitegǔdòng他试图鼓动群众进行抗议。He attempted to incite the crowd to protest.Tā shìtú gǔdòng qúnzhòng jìnxíng kàngyì.
690骨干Backbonegǔgàn她是这个项目的骨干成员。She is a key member of this project.Tā shì zhège xiàngmù de gǔgàn chéngyuán.
691固然Certainlygùrán固然如此,但我们仍需要努力。Certainly, but we still need to work hard.Gùrán rúcǐ, dàn wǒmen réng xūyào nǔlì.
692固体Solidgùtǐ水在冰点以下变成固体。Water turns into a solid below freezing point.Shuǐ zài bīngdiǎn yǐxià biànchéng gùtǐ.
693固有Inherentgùyǒu这是固有的特征。This is an inherent characteristic.Zhè shì gùyǒu de tèzhēng.
694固执Stubborngùzhí他有些固执。He is a bit stubborn.Tā yǒuxiē gùzhí.
695顾虑Concerngùlǜ我对未来有一些顾虑。I have some concerns about the future.Wǒ duì wèilái yǒu yīxiē gùlǜ.
696顾问Consultantgùwèn他是一名经验丰富的顾问。He is an experienced consultant.Tā shì yī míng jīngyàn fēngfù de gùwèn.
697故乡Hometowngùxiāng我常常思念故乡。I often miss my hometown.Wǒ chángcháng sīniàn gùxiāng.
698故障Malfunctiongùzhàng机器出现了故障。The machine has a malfunction.Jīqì chūxiànle gùzhàng.
699雇佣Employgùyòng他雇佣了一个新的员工。He employed a new staff member.Tā gùyòngle yīgè xīn de yuángōng.
700拐杖Caneguǎizhàng他用拐杖走路。He uses a cane to walk.Tā yòng guǎizhàng zǒulù.
701关怀Careguānhuái他对员工表现出深切的关怀。He shows deep care for his employees.Tā duì yuángōng biǎoxiàn chū shēnqiè de guānhuái.
702关照Look Afterguānzhào请你关照一下我的房子。Please look after my house.Qǐng nǐ guānzhào yīxià wǒ de fángzi.
703观光Sightseeingguānguāng我们计划去观光旅游。We plan to go sightseeing.Wǒmen jìhuà qù guānguāng lǚyóu.
704观察Observeguānchá观察员正在记录数据。The observer is recording data.Guāncháyuán zhèngzài jìlù shùjù.
705观念Conceptguānniàn他的观念很先进。His concept is very advanced.Tā de guānniàn hěn xiānjìn.
706观众Audienceguānzhòng演出结束后,观众们纷纷鼓掌。After the performance, the audience applauded.Yǎnchū jiéshù hòu, guānzhòngmen fēnfēn gǔzhǎng.
707Strollguàng我们去商场逛逛。We go for a stroll in the mall.Wǒmen qù shāngchǎng guàng guàng.
708归还Returnguīhuán记得把书归还到图书馆。Remember to return the book to the library.Jìdé bǎ shū guīhuán dào túshūguǎn.
709归纳Summarizeguīnà他归纳了演讲的主要内容。He summarized the main points of the speech.Tā guīnàle yǎnjiǎng de zhǔyào nèiróng.
710归属Belong Toguīshǔ这块土地归属于国家。This land belongs to the country.Zhè kuài tǔdì guīshǔ yú guójiā.
711柜台Counterguìtái请到柜台办理手续。Please go to the counter to handle the procedures.Qǐng dào guìtái bànlǐ shǒuxù.
712规范Norm/Standardguīfàn需要遵守公司的规范。You need to follow the company’s standards.Xūyào zūnshǒu gōngsī de guīfàn.
713规则Ruleguīzé他们制定了一些新的规则。They established some new rules.Tāmen zhìdìngle yīxiē xīn de guīzé.
714轨道Trackguǐdào火车沿着轨道前进。The train moves along the track.Huǒchē yánzhe guǐdào qiánjìn.
715国籍Nationalityguójí他有双重国籍。He has dual nationality.Tā yǒu shuāngchóng guójí.
716国际Internationalguójì他们参加了国际会议。They attended an international conference.Tāmen cānjiāle guójì huìyì.
717国家Countryguójiā这个国家有丰富的文化遗产。This country has a rich cultural heritage.Zhège guójiā yǒu fēngfù de wénhuà yíchǎn.
718过度Excessiveguòdù他的工作压力过度影响了健康。Excessive work stress affected his health.Tā de gōngzuò yālì guòdù yǐngxiǎngle jiànkāng.
719过敏Allergicguòmǐn他对花粉过敏。He is allergic to pollen.Tā duì huāfěn guòmǐn.
720过渡Transitionguòdù我们需要平稳过渡到新系统。We need a smooth transition to the new system.Wǒmen xūyào píngwěn guòdù dào xīn xìtǒng.
721过期Expiredguòqī这张票已经过期了。This ticket has expired.Zhè zhāng piào yǐjīng guòqīle.
722过人Exceptionalguòrén他的能力非常过人。His ability is exceptional.Tā de nénglì fēicháng guòrén.
723过错Mistakeguòcuò他承认了自己的过错。He admitted his mistake.Tā chéngrènle zìjǐ de guòcuò.
724过程Processguòchéng这个过程很复杂。The process is very complicated.Zhège guòchéng hěn fùzá.
725角色Rolejuésè她在这部电影中扮演了重要角色。She played an important role in the movie.Tā zài zhè bù diànyǐng zhōng bànyǎnle zhòngyào juésè.
726决策Decision-Makingjuécè他们需要做出重要的决策。They need to make an important decision.Tāmen xūyào zuòchū zhòngyào de juécè.
727绝对Absolutejuéduì这个问题需要绝对的保密。This issue requires absolute confidentiality.Zhège wèntí xūyào juéduì de bǎomì.
728觉悟Awarenessjuéwù他的觉悟很高。His awareness is very high.Tā de juéwù hěn gāo.
729决心Determinationjuéxīn她下定了决心要完成这项任务。She made up her mind to complete the task.Tā xiàdìngle juéxīn yào wánchéng zhè xiàng rènwù.
730绝望Despairjuéwàng他感到非常绝望。He feels a lot of despair.Tā gǎndào fēicháng juéwàng.
731决议Resolutionjuéyì会议通过了一个重要的决议。The meeting passed an important resolution.Huìyì tōngguòle yīgè zhòngyào de juéyì.
732觉醒Awakeningjuéxǐng这个事件引起了他的觉醒。This event led to his awakening.Zhège shìjiàn yǐnqǐle tā de juéxǐng.
733捷径Shortcutjiéjìng这条小路是一个捷径。This path is a shortcut.Zhè tiáo xiǎolù shì yīgè jiéjìng.
734结论Conclusionjiélùn他的报告得出了明确的结论。His report reached a clear conclusion.Tā de bàogào déchūle míngquè de jiélùn.
735结实Sturdyjiēshi这件家具很结实。This piece of furniture is very sturdy.Zhè jiàn jiājù hěn jiēshi.
736结账Pay the Billjiézhàng请结账。Please pay the bill.Qǐng jiézhàng.
737结交Make Friendsjiéjiāo他喜欢结交新朋友。He likes to make new friends.Tā xǐhuān jiéjiāo xīn péngyǒu.
738结束Endjiéshù比赛在傍晚结束。The game ended in the evening.Bǐsài zài bàngwǎn jiéshù.
739结账Pay the Billjiézhàng请到柜台结账。Please pay at the counter.Qǐng dào guìtái jiézhàng.
740解答Answerjiědá请解答以下问题。Please answer the following questions.Qǐng jiědá yǐxià wèntí.
741解放Liberationjiěfàng解放军的到来带来了和平。The arrival of the liberation army brought peace.Jiěfàngjūn de dàolái dài láile hépíng.
742解密Decryptjiěmì他们正在解密这个文件。They are decrypting this document.Tāmen zhèngzài jiěmì zhège wénjiàn.
743解雇Dismissjiěgù他被公司解雇了。He was dismissed by the company.Tā bèi gōngsī jiěgùle.
744解除Removejiěchú解除限制可以提高效率。Removing restrictions can improve efficiency.Jiěchú xiànzhì kěyǐ tígāo xiàolǜ.
745解救Rescuejiějiù救援队成功解救了被困的人员。The rescue team successfully rescued the trapped personnel.Jiùyuán duì chénggōng jiějiùle bèikùn de rényuán.
746解释Explainjiěshì请解释一下这个问题。Please explain this issue.Qǐng jiěshì yīxià zhège wèntí.
747解说Commentatejiěshuō他的解说很有趣。His commentary is very interesting.Tā de jiěshuō hěn yǒuqù.
748解决Solvejiějué他们解决了这个技术问题。They solved this technical problem.Tāmen jiějuéle zhège jìshù wèntí.
749接触Contactjiēchù他与客户保持密切接触。He maintains close contact with clients.Tā yǔ kèhù bǎochí mìqiè jiēchù.
750接受Acceptjiēshòu她接受了这个挑战。She accepted the challenge.Tā jiēshòule zhège tiǎozhàn.
751接连Successivelyjiēlián他接连完成了几个项目。He completed several projects successively.Tā jiēlián wánchéngle jǐ gè xiàngmù.
752夹克Jacketjiákè他穿了一件新的夹克。He wore a new jacket.Tā chuānle yī jiàn xīn de jiákè.
753夹子Clipjiāzi请用夹子固定文件。Please use a clip to secure the documents.Qǐng yòng jiāzi gùdìng wénjiàn.
754假如Ifjiǎrú假如下雨,我们就不去公园。If it rains, we won’t go to the park.Jiǎrú xià yǔ, wǒmen jiù bù qù gōngyuán.
755价值Valuejiàzhí这件艺术品的价值很高。The value of this artwork is very high.Zhè jiàn yìshùpǐn de jiàzhí hěn gāo.
756甲板Deckjiǎbǎn船上的甲板很宽敞。The deck on the ship is very spacious.Chuán shàng de jiǎbǎn hěn kuānchǎng.
757夹层Layerjiācéng这座建筑有多个夹层。This building has multiple layers.Zhè zuò jiànzhú yǒu duō gè jiācéng.
758价目表Price Listjiàmùbiǎo请查看我们的价目表。Please check our price list.Qǐng chákàn wǒmen de jiàmùbiǎo.
759见解Insightjiànjiě他对问题有独到的见解。He has unique insights into the problem.Tā duì wèntí yǒu dútè de jiànjiě.
760见闻Knowledgejiànwén他在旅行中增长了见闻。He gained knowledge during his travels.Tā zài lǚxíng zhōng zēngzhǎngle jiànwén.
761见证Witnessjiànzhèng她是事件的唯一见证者。She is the sole witness to the event.Tā shì shìjiàn de wéiyī jiànzhèng zhě.
762交流Exchangejiāoliú我们应该多进行文化交流。We should engage more in cultural exchanges.Wǒmen yīnggāi duō jìnxíng wénhuà jiāoliú.
763交易Transactionjiāoyì这笔交易非常成功。The transaction was very successful.Zhè bǐ jiāoyì fēicháng chénggōng.
764叫嚷Shoutjiàorǎng他在街上叫嚷着。He was shouting on the street.Tā zài jiēshàng jiàorǎngzhe.
765叫唤Cry Outjiàohuàn小孩在角落里叫唤。The child was crying out in the corner.Xiǎohái zài jiǎoluò lǐ jiàohuàn.
766交际Socializejiāojì他善于交际。He is good at socializing.Tā shànyú jiāojì.
767交替Alternatejiāotì白天和黑夜交替出现。Day and night alternate.Báitiān hé hēiyè jiāotì chūxiàn.
768交往Contactjiāowǎng他与许多国际组织有交往。He has contact with many international organizations.Tā yǔ xǔduō guójì zǔzhī yǒu jiāowǎng.
769交代Explainjiāodài请你交代一下情况。Please explain the situation.Qǐng nǐ jiāodài yīxià qíngkuàng.
770交货Deliver Goodsjiāohuò供应商将按时交货。The supplier will deliver the goods on time.Gōngyìng shāng jiāng ànshí jiāohuò.
771交税Pay Taxesjiāoshuì企业需要按时交税。The company needs to pay taxes on time.Qǐyè xūyào ànshí jiāoshuì.
772交替Alternatejiāotì他们的工作班次是交替进行的。Their work shifts alternate.Tāmen de gōngzuò bāncì shì jiāotì jìnxíng de.
773交通Trafficjiāotōng交通状况非常拥堵。The traffic is very congested.Jiāotōng zhuàngkuàng fēicháng yōngdǔ.
774交通工具Transportationjiāotōng gōngjù公共交通工具很方便。Public transportation is very convenient.Gōnggòng jiāotōng gōngjù hěn fāngbiàn.
775交心Confidejiāoxīn我们之间可以交心。We can confide in each other.Wǒmen zhījiān kěyǐ jiāoxīn.
776交替Alternatejiāotì两个人的轮班是交替进行的。The two people’s shifts alternate.Liǎng gè rén de lún bān shì jiāotì jìnxíng de.
777交友Make Friendsjiāoyǒu他们通过社交媒体交友。They make friends through social media.Tāmen tōngguò shèjiāo méitǐ jiāoyǒu.
778交代Clarifyjiāodài请交代清楚。Please clarify.Qǐng jiāodài qīngchǔ.
779交谈Conversejiāotán他们在咖啡店里交谈。They converse in the coffee shop.Tāmen zài kāfēi diàn lǐ jiāotán.
780交货Supplyjiāohuò供应商按时交货。The supplier delivers goods on time.Gōngyìng shāng ànshí jiāohuò.

This set continues the format with 20 new words and phrases. Each entry follows the pattern of providing the term in Chinese, its English translation, Pinyin pronunciation, example sentence in Chinese, English translation, and the Pinyin sentence for pronunciation practice.

You said:
ChatGPT said:

Here is the continuation for entries 781-800:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Pinyin Sentence
781忽略Neglecthūlüè他忽略了这个重要的细节。He neglected this important detail.Tā hūlüèle zhège zhòngyào de xìjié.
782呼唤Callhūhuàn她在夜晚呼唤着她的孩子。She called for her child in the night.Tā zài yèwǎn hūhuànzhe tā de háizi.
783呼啸Whistlehūxiào风在耳边呼啸。The wind whistled by the ear.Fēng zài ěr biān hūxiào.
784呼吁Appealhūyù他呼吁大家一起保护环境。He appealed to everyone to protect the environment.Tā hūyù dàjiā yīqǐ bǎohù huánjìng.
785胡乱Randomlyhúluàn他胡乱地整理了文件。He randomly organized the documents.Tā húluàn de zhěnglǐle wénjiàn.
786胡须Beardhúxū他留着一撮胡须。He has a patch of beard.Tā liúzhe yī cuō húxū.
787湖泊Lakehúpō那里有一个美丽的湖泊。There is a beautiful lake there.Nàlǐ yǒu yīgè měilì de húpō.
788花瓣Petalhuābàn玫瑰的花瓣很柔软。The rose petals are very soft.Méiguī de huābàn hěn róuruǎn.
789花蕾Budhuālěi这朵花的花蕾刚刚绽放。The bud of this flower has just bloomed.Zhè duǒ huā de huālěi gānggāng zhànfàng.
790华丽Gorgeoushuálì她穿了一件华丽的晚礼服。She wore a gorgeous evening gown.Tā chuānle yī jiàn huálì de wǎn lǐfú.
791华侨Overseas Chinesehuáqiáo许多华侨在这个城市安家。Many overseas Chinese have settled in this city.Xǔduō huáqiáo zài zhège chéngshì ānjiā.
792画蛇添足Add unnecessary detailshuàshétiānzú他的解释画蛇添足了。His explanation was adding unnecessary details.Tā de jiěshì huàshétiānzúle.
793化肥Fertilizerhuàféi他们用化肥来增加作物的产量。They use fertilizer to increase crop yield.Tāmen yòng huàféi lái zēngjiā zuòwù de chǎnliàng.
794化石Fossilhuàshí这是一块古老的化石。This is an ancient fossil.Zhè shì yī kuài gǔlǎo de huàshí.
795化验Testhuàyàn我们需要化验这份样品。We need to test this sample.Wǒmen xūyào huàyàn zhè fèn yàngpǐn.
796化妆Makeuphuàzhuāng她每天都化妆。She puts on makeup every day.Tā měitiān dū huàzhuāng.
797划分Dividehuàfēn这片区域被划分为几个部分。This area is divided into several sections.Zhè piàn qūyù bèi huàfēn wèi jǐ gè bùfen.
798话筒Microphonehuàtǒng请用话筒说话。Please use the microphone to speak.Qǐng yòng huàtǒng shuōhuà.
799欢乐Joyhuānlè节日里充满了欢乐。The festival was filled with joy.Jiérì lǐ chōngmǎnle huānlè.
800还原Restorehuányuán他们努力还原历史的真相。They worked hard to restore the truth of history.Tāmen nǔlì huányuán lìshǐ de zhēnxiàng.

This concludes the requested entries from 781 to 800. Each term is followed by its English


Here’s a chart with translations and sentences for the terms you provided:

No.ChinesePinyinEnglishSentence (Mandarin)Sentence (English)Sentence (Pinyin)
801环节huánjiélink这个环节非常重要。This link is very important.Zhège huánjié fēicháng zhòngyào.
802缓和huǎnhéease他在努力缓和局势。He is working hard to ease the situation.Tā zài nǔlì huǎnhé júshì.
803患者huànzhěpatient医生正在看望患者。The doctor is visiting the patient.Yīshēng zhèngzài kànwàng huànzhě.
804荒凉huāngliángdesolate这片土地显得非常荒凉。This land looks very desolate.Zhè piàn tǔdì xiǎnde fēicháng huāngliáng.
805荒谬huāngmiùabsurd这个说法非常荒谬。This statement is very absurd.Zhège shuōfǎ fēicháng huāngmiù.
806荒唐huāngtángridiculous他的行为很荒唐。His behavior is ridiculous.Tā de xíngwéi hěn huāngtáng.
807黄昏huánghūndusk黄昏时分景色最美。The scenery is the most beautiful at dusk.Huánghūn shífēn jǐngsè zuì měi.
808皇帝huángdìemperor皇帝在宫殿里生活。The emperor lives in the palace.Huángdì zài gōngdiàn lǐ shēnghuó.
809皇后huánghòuempress皇后穿着华丽的衣服。The empress wears luxurious clothes.Huánghòu chuānzhuó huálì de yīfú.
810huàngshake他晃了晃头。He shook his head.Tā huàngle huàng tóu.
811恍然大悟huǎngrán dàwùsuddenly realize他突然恍然大悟。He suddenly realized.Tā tūrán huǎngrán dàwù.
812挥霍huīhuòsquander他挥霍了所有的钱。He squandered all his money.Tā huīhuòle suǒyǒu de qián.
813辉煌huīhuángbrilliant他们的事业取得了辉煌的成就。Their career achieved brilliant success.Tāmen de shìyè qǔdéle huīhuáng de chéngjiù.
814回报huíbàoreturn努力会有回报。Effort will be rewarded.Nǔlì huì yǒu huíbào.
815回避huíbìavoid她试图回避这个问题。She tried to avoid the question.Tā shìtú huíbì zhège wèntí.
816回顾huígùreview我们需要回顾过去的工作。We need to review the past work.Wǒmen xūyào huígù guòqù de gōngzuò.
817回收huíshōurecycle我们应该回收纸张。We should recycle paper.Wǒmen yīnggāi huíshōu zhǐzhāng.
818悔恨huìhènregret她对过去的决定感到悔恨。She feels regretful about past decisions.Tā duì guòqù de juédìng gǎndào huìhèn.
819毁灭huǐmièdestroy战争导致了国家的毁灭。The war led to the destruction of the country.Zhànzhēng dǎozhìle guójiā de huǐmiè.
820会晤huìwùmeet我们计划与客户会晤。We plan to meet with the client.Wǒmen jìhuà yǔ kèhù huìwù.
821汇报huìbàoreport他在会议上汇报了进展。He reported the progress at the meeting.Tā zài huìyì shàng huìbàole jìnzhǎn.
822贿赂huìlùbribery贿赂是违法的行为。Bribery is an illegal act.Huìlù shì wéifǎ de xíngwéi.
823昏迷hūnmícoma他因事故而昏迷。He is in a coma due to the accident.Tā yīn shìgù ér hūnmí.
824hūnmeat-based我不喜欢吃荤菜。I don’t like eating meat-based dishes.Wǒ bù xǐhuān chī hūncài.
825浑身húnshēnall over他浑身都是泥。He is covered in mud.Tā húnshēn dōu shì ní.
826混合hùnhémix我们需要混合这些成分。We need to mix these ingredients.Wǒmen xūyào hùnhé zhèxiē chéngfèn.
827混乱hùnluànchaos市场现在一片混乱。The market is now in chaos.Shìchǎng xiànzài yī piàn hùnluàn.
828混淆hùnxiáoconfuse这些概念很容易混淆。These concepts are easy to confuse.Zhèxiē gàiniàn hěn róngyì hùnxiáo.
829混浊hùnzhuóturbid河水变得混浊了。The river water has become turbid.Héshuǐ biàn dé hùnzhuó le.
830活该huógāideserve你活该被处罚。You deserve to be punished.Nǐ huógāi bèi chǔfá.
831活力huólìvitality她充满了活力。She is full of vitality.Tā chōngmǎnle huólì.
832火箭huǒjiànrocket火箭发射成功。The rocket launch was successful.Huǒjiàn fāshè chénggōng.
833火焰huǒyànflame火焰在夜晚中跳跃。The flame flickers in the night.Huǒyàn zài yèwǎn zhōng tiàoyuè.
834火药huǒyàogunpowder火药用于制造烟火。Gunpowder is used to make fireworks.Huǒyào yòng yú zhìzào yānhuǒ.
835货币huòbìcurrency这种货币在国际上通用。This currency is used internationally.Zhè zhǒng huòbì zài guójì shàng tōngyòng.
836基地jīdìbase我们在这里建立了一个基地。We have established a base here.Wǒmen zài zhèlǐ jiànlìle yīgè jīdì.
837基金jījīnfund他投资了一个基金。He invested in a fund.Tā tóuzīle yīgè jījīn.
838基因jīyīngene基因决定了我们的遗传特征。Genes determine our hereditary traits.Jīyīn juédìngle wǒmen de yíchuán tèzhēng.
839机动jīdòngmobile这个机器人非常机动。This robot is very mobile.Zhège jīqìrén fēicháng jīdòng.
840机构jīgòuorganization这个机构提供了很多帮助。This organization provided a lot of help.Zhège jīgòu tígōngle hěn duō bāngzhù.
841机灵jīlíngclever她非常机灵。She is very clever.Tā fēicháng jīlíng.
842机密jīmìconfidential这些信息是机密的。This information is confidential.Zhèxiē xìnxī shì jīmì de.
843机械jīxièmechanical这台机械非常复杂。This machine is very complex.Zhè tái jīxiè fēicháng fùzá.
844机遇jīyùopportunity我们要抓住这个机遇。We should seize this opportunity.Wǒmen yào zhuāzhù zhège jīyù.
845机智jīzhìwit他非常机智。He is very witty.Tā fēicháng jīzhì.
846激发jīfāstimulate这本书激发了我的兴趣。This book stimulated my interest.Zhè běn shū jīfāle wǒ de xìngqù.
847激励jīlìencourage教练的鼓励激励了他。The coach’s encouragement motivated him.Jiàoliàn de gǔlì jīlìle tā.
848激情jīqíngpassion她对艺术充满了激情。She is full of passion for art.Tā duì yìshù chōngmǎnle jīqíng.
849饥饿jī’èhungry我感到非常饥饿。I feel very hungry.Wǒ gǎndào fēicháng jī’è.
850讥笑jīxiàomock他被讥笑了。He was mocked.Tā bèi jīxiàole.
851极端jíduānextreme他的观点很极端。His views are extreme.Tā de guāndiǎn hěn jíduān.
852极限jíxiànlimit我们已经达到了极限。We have reached the limit.Wǒmen yǐjīng dádàole jíxiàn.
853即便jíbiàneven if即便下雨,我们也去。Even if it rains, we will go.Jíbiàn xià yǔ, wǒmen yě qù.
854即将jíjiāngabout to他即将出发。He is about to set off.Tā jíjiāng chūfā.
855级别jíbiélevel他升到了更高的级别。He was promoted to a higher level.Tā shēng dào le gèng gāo de jíbié.
856疾病jíbìngillness这是一种罕见的疾病。This is a rare illness.Zhè shì yī zhǒng hǎnjiàn de jíbìng.
857嫉妒jídùjealousy她对别人的成功感到嫉妒。She feels jealous of others’ success.Tā duì biérén de chénggōng gǎndào jídù.
858及早jízǎoearly及早做好准备很重要。It is important to prepare early.Jízǎo zuò hǎo zhǔnbèi hěn zhòngyào.
859急功近利jígōng jìnlìseek quick success他急功近利,不考虑长远。He seeks quick success without considering the long term.Tā jígōng jìnlì, bù kǎolǜ chángyuǎn.
860急剧jíjùrapid变化发生得很急剧。The changes happened rapidly.Biànhuà fāshēng de hěn jíjù.
861急切jíqièurgent他有一个急切的请求。He has an urgent request.Tā yǒu yīgè jíqiè de qǐngqiú.
862急于求成jíyú qiú chéngeager for success他总是急于求成。He is always eager for success.Tā zǒng shì jíyú qiú chéng.
863急躁jízàoirritable他的性格有些急躁。His personality is a bit irritable.Tā de xìnggé yǒuxiē jízào.
864籍贯jíguànnative place她的籍贯是上海。Her native place is Shanghai.Tā de jíguàn shì Shànghǎi.
865集团jítuángroup他们是一个大型集团。They are a large group.Tāmen shì yīgè dàxíng jítuán.
866吉祥jíxiángauspicious祝你好运,吉祥如意。Wish you good luck and auspiciousness.Zhù nǐ hǎo yùn, jíxiáng rúyì.
867给予jǐyǔgive他给予了我很多帮助。He gave me a lot of help.Tā jǐyǔle wǒ hěn duō bāngzhù.
868寄托jìtuōentrust我将我的希望寄托在她身上。I entrust my hopes to her.Wǒ jiāng wǒ de xīwàng jìtuō zài tā shēnshang.
869继承jìchénginherit他继承了父亲的公司。He inherited his father’s company.Tā jìchéngle fùqīn de gōngsī.
870记性jìxìngmemory我的记性越来越差。My memory is getting worse.Wǒ de jìxìng yuè lái yuè chà.
871记载jìzǎirecord书中记载了很多历史。The book records a lot of history.Shū zhōng jìzàile hěn duō lìshǐ.
872季度jìdùquarter这是第一季度的报告。This is the report for the first quarter.Zhè shì dì yī jìdù de bào gào.
873季军jìjūnthird place他获得了季军。He won third place.Tā huòdéle jìjūn.
874计较jìjiàocalculate不要计较这些小事。Don’t quibble over these small matters.Bù yào jìjiào zhèxiē xiǎoshì.
875忌讳jìhuìtaboo有些话题是忌讳的。Some topics are taboo.Yǒuxiē huàtí shì jìhuì de.
876寂静jìjìngsilence房间里一片寂静。The room is in complete silence.Fángjiān lǐ yī piàn jìjìng.
877纪要jìyàosummary请阅读会议纪要。Please read the meeting summary.Qǐng yuèdú huìyì jìyào.
878技巧jìqiǎoskill他的技巧非常高超。His skill is very advanced.Tā de jìqiǎo fēicháng gāochāo.
879迹象jìxiàngsign这是一种不好的迹象。This is a bad sign.Zhè shì yī zhǒng bù hǎo de jìxiàng.
880家常jiāchángeveryday我喜欢家常菜。I like home-cooked dishes.Wǒ xǐhuān jiācháng cài.
881家伙jiāhuofellow他是个有趣的家伙。He is an interesting fellow.Tā shì gè yǒuqù de jiāhuo.
882家属jiāshǔfamily members家属们都来医院探望他。His family members came to visit him at the hospital.Jiāshǔmen dōu lái yīyuàn tànwàng tā.
883家喻户晓jiā yù hù xiǎowell-known这个名字家喻户晓。This name is well-known.Zhège míngzì jiā yù hù xiǎo.
884加工jiāgōngprocess这个材料需要加工。This material needs processing.Zhège cáiliào xūyào jiāgōng.
885加剧jiājùintensify形势越来越加剧。The situation is intensifying.Xíngshì yuè lái yuè jiājù.
886佳肴jiāyáodelicacy这家餐厅的佳肴很有名。The delicacies of this restaurant are famous.Zhè jiā cāntīng de jiāyáo hěn yǒumíng.
887夹杂jiāzámix这道菜夹杂了多种口味。This dish has a mix of flavors.Zhè dào cài jiāzále duō zhǒng kǒuwèi.
888jiānfry我们来煎蛋。Let’s fry the eggs.Wǒmen lái jiān dàn.
889坚定jiāndìngfirm他对自己的决定非常坚定。He is very firm in his decision.Tā duì zìjǐ de juédìng fēicháng jiāndìng.
890坚固jiāngùsolid这座建筑非常坚固。The building is very solid.Zhè zuò jiànzhú fēicháng jiāngù.
891坚韧jiānrènresilient她非常坚韧,不轻易放弃。She is very resilient and does not give up easily.Tā fēicháng jiānrèn, bù qīngyì fàngqì.
892坚实jiānshísolid这个桌子很坚实。This table is solid.Zhège zhuōzi hěn jiānshí.
893坚硬jiānyìnghard这个材料非常坚硬。This material is very hard.Zhège cáiliào fēicháng jiānyìng.
894监督jiāndūsupervise他负责监督这个项目。He is in charge of supervising this project.Tā fùzé jiāndū zhège xiàngmù.
895监视jiānshìmonitor他们在监视这个区域。They are monitoring this area.Tāmen zài jiānshì zhège qūyù.
896监狱jiānyùprison他被送往监狱服刑。He was sent to prison to serve his sentence.Tā bèi sòngwǎng jiānyù fúxíng.
897尖端jiānduāncutting-edge这项技术是尖端的。This technology is cutting-edge.Zhè xiàng jìshù shì jiānduān de.
898尖锐jiānruìsharp这个刀刃非常尖锐。This knife blade is very sharp.Zhège dāo rèn fēicháng jiānruì.
899艰难jiānnándifficult这是一个艰难的决定。This is a difficult decision.Zhè shì yīgè jiānnán de juédìng.
900jiǎnpick她正在拣水果。She is picking fruit.Tā zhèngzài jiǎn shuǐguǒ.
901剪彩jiǎncǎicut the ribbon我们将在开幕式上剪彩。We will cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony.Wǒmen jiāng zài kāimù shì shàng jiǎncǎi.
902检讨jiǎntǎoreview我们需要检讨这次错误。We need to review this mistake.Wǒmen xūyào jiǎntǎo zhè cì cuòwù.
903检验jiǎnyàninspect他正在检验产品的质量。He is inspecting the quality of the product.Tā zhèngzài jiǎnyàn chǎnpǐn de zhìliàng.
904简化jiǎnhuàsimplify我们需要简化这个过程。We need to simplify this process.Wǒmen xūyào jiǎnhuà zhège guòchéng.
905简陋jiǎnlòucrude这个房间很简陋。This room is very crude.Zhège fángjiān hěn jiǎnlòu.
906简体字jiǎntǐzìSimplified Chinese简体字在中国大陆使用。Simplified Chinese is used in Mainland China.Jiǎntǐzì zài Zhōngguó dàlù shǐyòng.
907简要jiǎnyàobrief请给我一个简要的说明。Please give me a brief explanation.Qǐng gěi wǒ yīgè jiǎnyào de shuōmíng.
908剪辑jiǎnjíedit他正在剪辑电影。He is editing the film.Tā zhèngzài jiǎnjí diànyǐng.
909见解jiànjiěinsight我们有不同的见解。We have different insights.Wǒmen yǒu bùtóng de jiànjiě.
910见闻jiànwénexperience他的见闻很广。His experience is extensive.Tā de jiànwén hěn guǎng.
911经营jīngyíngmanage他在公司里经营业务。He manages business in the company.Tā zài gōngsī lǐ jīngyíng yèwù.
912经验jīngyànexperience他有丰富的经验。He has rich experience.Tā yǒu fēngfù de jīngyàn.
913竞赛jìngsàicompetition他们参加了一个比赛。They participated in a competition.Tāmen cānjiāle yīgè bǐsài.
914竞争jìngzhēngcompete公司之间的竞争很激烈。The competition between companies is fierce.Gōngsī zhī jiān de jìngzhēng hěn jīliè.
915经商jīngshāngdo business他在国外经商多年。He has been doing business abroad for many years.Tā zài guówài jīngshāng duō nián.
916经营者jīngyíng zhěoperator经营者负责管理公司。The operator is responsible for managing the company.Jīngyíng zhě fùzé guǎnlǐ gōngsī.
917井盖jǐnggàimanhole cover这个井盖很重。This manhole cover is very heavy.Zhège jǐnggài hěn zhòng.
918井然jǐngránorderly他保持了一切井然有序。He kept everything in perfect order.Tā bǎochíle yīqiè jǐngrán yǒuxù.
919竞选jìngxuǎncampaign他正在竞选市长。He is running for mayor.Tā zhèngzài jìngxuǎn shìzhǎng.
920进步jìnbùprogress他的学习进步很快。His learning progress is very fast.Tā de xuéxí jìnbù hěn kuài.
921进程jìnchéngprocess项目的进程很顺利。The progress of the project is smooth.Xiàngmù de jìnchéng hěn shùnlì.
922进修jìnxiūfurther education她正在进修学业。She is furthering her education.Tā zhèngzài jìnxiū xuéyè.
923进展jìnzhǎnprogress项目进展顺利。The project is progressing smoothly.Xiàngmù jìnzhǎn shùnlì.
924近代jìndàimodern times近代史非常有趣。Modern history is very interesting.Jìndài shǐ fēicháng yǒuqù.
925近亲jìnqīnclose relatives我们是近亲。We are close relatives.Wǒmen shì jìnqīn.
926近视jìnshìnearsighted他有点近视。He is a bit nearsighted.Tā yǒudiǎn jìnshì.
927进攻jìngōngattack部队正在进行进攻。The troops are on the attack.Bùduì zhèngzài jìnxíng jìngōng.
928进程jìnchéngprocess研究的进程很缓慢。The research process is slow.Yánjiū de jìnchéng hěn huǎnmàn.
929近乎jìnhūnearly她的成绩近乎满分。Her score is nearly perfect.Tā de chéngjī jìnhū mǎnfēn.
930近况jìnkuàngrecent situation他告诉我他的近况。He told me about his recent situation.Tā gàosù wǒ tā de jìnkuàng.
931进程jìnchéngprocess工程的进程很顺利。The engineering process is going smoothly.Gōngchéng de jìnchéng hěn shùnlì.
932进取jìnqǔambitious他是一个很有进取心的人。He is a very ambitious person.Tā shì yīgè hěn yǒu jìnqǔ xīn de rén.
933近程jìnchéngshort distance这是一段近程旅行。This is a short-distance trip.Zhè shì yī duàn jìnchéng lǚxíng.
934近段jìn duànrecent period近段时间他的表现很突出。His performance has been outstanding recently.Jìn duàn shíjiān tā de biǎoxiàn hěn tūchū.
935近视jìnshìnearsighted他近视,眼镜度数很高。He is nearsighted, with a high prescription.Tā jìnshì, yǎnjìng dùshù hěn gāo.
936jìnsurname靳先生来了。Mr. Jin has arrived.Jìn xiānshēng láile.
937jìnsurname靳老师是我的朋友。Teacher Jin is my friend.Jìn lǎoshī shì wǒ de péngyǒu.

This list is comprehensive and should cover the basic and advanced vocabulary terms you’re looking for. Let me know if you need anything else!

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Sure, here’s the continuation from 938 to 1000:

#ChinesePinyinEnglishMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
938角落jiǎoluòcorner书架的角落里有一只猫。There is a cat in the corner of the bookshelf.Shūjià de jiǎoluò lǐ yǒu yī zhī māo.
939搅拌jiǎobànstir请搅拌这些材料。Please stir these ingredients.Qǐng jiǎobàn zhèxiē cáiliào.
940缴纳jiǎonàpay (a fee)他已经缴纳了所有的费用。He has paid all the fees.Tā yǐjīng jiǎonàle suǒyǒu de fèiyòng.
941侥幸jiǎoxìngtake a chance我只是侥幸赢得了比赛。I just took a chance and won the match.Wǒ zhǐshì jiǎoxìng yíngdéle bǐsài.
942教养jiàoyǎngupbringing他有很好的教养。He has a good upbringing.Tā yǒu hěn hǎo de jiàoyǎng.
943较量jiàoliàngcontest他们在比赛中较量了。They contested in the competition.Tāmen zài bǐsài zhōng jiàoliàngle.
944jiēall他们皆是好人。They are all good people.Tāmen jiē shì hǎo rén.
945接连jiēliánconsecutively他们接连赢得了三场比赛。They won three matches consecutively.Tāmen jiēlián yíngdéle sān chǎng bǐsài.
946阶层jiēcéngsocial class这个社会有不同的阶层。There are different social classes in this society.Zhège shèhuì yǒu bùtóng de jiēcéng.
947揭露jiēlùexpose这个报告揭露了很多问题。The report exposed many issues.Zhège bàogào jiēlùle hěn duō wèntí.
948节奏jiézòurhythm音乐的节奏非常动感。The rhythm of the music is very dynamic.Yīnyuè de jiézòu fēicháng dònggǎn.
949节制jiézhìself-control需要节制饮食。You need to exercise self-control over your diet.Xūyào jiézhì yǐnshí.
950杰出jiéchūoutstanding他在他的领域中表现杰出。He is outstanding in his field.Tā zài tā de lǐngyù zhōng biǎoxiàn jiéchū.
951结晶jiéjīngcrystal这些是矿物的结晶。These are mineral crystals.Zhèxiē shì kuàngwù de jiéjīng.
952结局jiéjúending这个故事的结局很感人。The ending of this story is touching.Zhège gùshì de jiéjú hěn gǎnrén.
953结算jiésuànsettle accounts我们需要尽快结算账目。We need to settle the accounts quickly.Wǒmen xūyào jǐnkuài jiésuàn zhàngmù.
954竭尽全力jiéjìn quánlìspare no effort我们要竭尽全力完成这个项目。We need to spare no effort to complete this project.Wǒmen yào jiéjìn quánlì wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
955截至jiézhìby (a deadline)截至今天,我们已完成一半的工作。By today, we have completed half of the work.Jiézhì jīntiān, wǒmen yǐ wánchéng yībàn de gōngzuò.
956截止jiézhǐdeadline报名截止日期是下周一。The deadline for registration is next Monday.Bàomíng jiézhǐ rìqī shì xià zhōu yī.
957解除jiěchúlift (a ban)我们需要解除这个禁令。We need to lift this ban.Wǒmen xūyào jiěchú zhège jìnlìng.
958解放jiěfàngliberate他们争取了国家的解放。They fought for the liberation of their country.Tāmen zhēngqǔle guójiā de jiěfàng.
959解雇jiěgùdismiss他被公司解雇了。He was dismissed from the company.Tā bèi gōngsī jiěgùle.
960解剖jiěpōudissect医生将解剖这具尸体。The doctor will dissect the body.Yīshēng jiāng jiěpōu zhè jù shītǐ.
961解散jiěsàndissolve公司决定解散这个部门。The company decided to dissolve this department.Gōngsī juédìng jiěsàn zhège bùmén.
962解体jiětǐdisintegrate这个组织解体了。This organization has disintegrated.Zhège zǔzhī jiětǐle.
963借鉴jièjiàndraw lessons from我们可以借鉴他们的经验。We can draw lessons from their experience.Wǒmen kěyǐ jièjiàn tāmen de jīngyàn.
964借助jièzhùwith the help of我们可以借助技术来解决问题。We can solve the problem with the help of technology.Wǒmen kěyǐ jièzhù jìshù lái jiějué wèntí.
965戒备jièbèiguard against他对未来做好了戒备。He is guarded against the future.Tā duì wèilái zuòhǎole jièbèi.
966界限jièxiànboundary他们的工作和生活有明确的界限。They have clear boundaries between work and life.Tāmen de gōngzuò hé shēnghuó yǒu míngquè de jièxiàn.
967津津有味jīnjīn yǒu wèiwith great interest他津津有味地阅读这本书。He reads the book with great interest.Tā jīnjīn yǒu wèi de yuèdú zhè běn shū.
968金融jīnróngfinance他在金融行业工作。He works in the finance industry.Tā zài jīnróng hángyè gōngzuò.
969紧迫jǐnpòurgent我们有一个紧迫的任务。We have an urgent task.Wǒmen yǒu yīgè jǐnpò de rènwù.
970锦上添花jǐn shàng tiān huāembellish这次成功为他的事业锦上添花。This success adds a finishing touch to his career.Zhè cì chénggōng wèi tā de shìyè jǐn shàng tiān huā.
971进而jìn érfurther他学习了基本知识,进而研究了高级课程。He studied basic knowledge and further researched advanced courses.Tā xuéxíle jīběn zhīshì, jìn ér yánjiūle gāojí kèchéng.
972进攻jìngōngattack部队正在准备进攻。The troops are preparing for the attack.Bùduì zhèngzài zhǔnbèi jìngōng.
973进化jìnhuàevolve人类的社会正在不断进化。Human society is constantly evolving.Rénlèi de shèhuì zhèngzài bùduàn jìnhuà.
974进展jìnzhǎnprogress项目的进展非常顺利。The progress of the project is very smooth.Xiàngmù de jìnzhǎn fēicháng shùnlì.
975近来jìnláirecently近来他经常加班。He has been working overtime frequently recently.Jìnlái tā jīngcháng jiābān.
976浸泡jìnpàosoak我把衣服浸泡在水里。I soaked the clothes in water.Wǒ bǎ yīfú jìnpào zài shuǐ lǐ.
977晋升jìnshēngpromotion他最近获得了晋升。He recently received a promotion.Tā zuìjìn huòdéle jìnshēng.
978jīngstem这朵花的茎很粗。The stem of this flower is thick.Zhè duǒ huā de jīng hěn cū.
979精打细算jīng dǎ xì suànmeticulous他对预算精打细算。He is meticulous with the budget.Tā duì yùsuàn jīng dǎ xì suàn.
980精华jīnghuáessence这款化妆品提取了植物的精华。This cosmetic extracts the essence of plants.Zhè kuǎn huàzhuāngpǐn tíqǔle zhíwù de jīnghuá.
981精简jīngjiǎnstreamline需要对这份报告进行精简。The report needs to be streamlined.Xūyào duì zhè fèn bàogào jìnxíng jīngjiǎn.
982精密jīngmìprecise这台仪器的精密度很高。The precision of this instrument is very high.Zhè tái yíqì de jīngmì dù hěn gāo.
983精确jīngquèaccurate我们需要更精确的数据。We need more accurate data.Wǒmen xūyào gèng jīngquè de shùjù.
984精通jīngtōngproficient他精通多种语言。He is proficient in many languages.Tā jīngtōng duō zhǒng yǔyán.
985精心jīngxīnmeticulously她精心准备了晚餐。She prepared dinner meticulously.Tā jīngxīn zhǔnbèile wǎncān.
986精益求精jīng yì qiú jīngstrive for perfection他对工作精益求精。He strives for perfection in his work.Tā duì gōngzuò jīng yì qiú jīng.
987精致jīngzhìexquisite这个花瓶非常精致。This vase is very exquisite.Zhège huāpíng fēicháng jīngzhì.
988经费jīngfèifunds项目的经费已经用完了。The project’s funds have been exhausted.Xiàngmù de jīngfèi yǐjīng yòngwánle.
989经纬jīngwèilongitude and latitude这张地图显示了经纬度。This map shows longitude and latitude.Zhè zhāng dìtú xiǎnshìle jīngwèi.
990惊动jīngdòngalarm这个消息惊动了整个社区。This news alarmed the entire community.Zhège xiāoxī jīngdòngle zhěnggè shèqū.
991惊奇jīngqíamazed他对结果感到惊奇。He was amazed by the result.Tā duì jiéguǒ gǎndào jīngqí.
992惊讶jīngyàsurprised她对这件事感到惊讶。She was surprised by this matter.Tā duì zhè jiàn shì gǎndào jīngyà.
993兢兢业业jīngjīng yè yèdiligent他兢兢业业地完成了工作。He completed the work diligently.Tā jīngjīng yè yè de wánchéngle gōngzuò.
994jǐngwell这个井很深。This well is very deep.Zhège jǐng hěn shēn.
995警告jǐnggàowarning他收到了一个警告。He received a warning.Tā shōudàole yīgè jǐnggào.
996警惕jǐngtìalert我们需要对这个情况保持警惕。We need to stay alert to this situation.Wǒmen xūyào duì zhège qíngkuàng bǎochí jǐngtì.
997颈椎jǐngzhuīcervical spine他的颈椎受了伤。His cervical spine is injured.Tā de jǐngzhuī shòule shāng.
998敬礼jìnglǐsalute他向国旗敬礼。He saluted the national flag.Tā xiàng guóqí jìnglǐ.
999敬业jìngyèprofessional她是一位非常敬业的员工。She is a very professional employee.Tā shì yī wèi fēicháng jìngyè de yuángōng.
1000境界jìngjièrealm他的艺术境界很高。His artistic realm is very high.Tā de yìshù jìngjiè hěn gāo.

This completes the translation and sentence examples for terms 938 to 1000. If you need further details or additional help, feel free to ask!

Here’s the continuation from 1001 to 1200 with translations and example sentences:

#ChinesePinyinEnglishMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
1001竞赛jìngsàicompetition他们参加了一个国际竞赛。They participated in an international competition.Tāmen cānjiāle yīgè guójì jìngsài.
1002竞选jìngxuǎnrun for office他正在竞选市长。He is running for mayor.Tā zhèngzài jìngxuǎn shìzhǎng.
1003镜头jìngtóulens这个镜头的质量非常好。The quality of this lens is excellent.Zhège jìngtóu de zhìliàng fēicháng hǎo.
1004纠纷jiūfēndispute他们之间发生了纠纷。A dispute occurred between them.Tāmen zhījiān fāshēngle jiūfēn.
1005纠正jiūzhèngcorrect我们需要纠正这个错误。We need to correct this mistake.Wǒmen xūyào jiūzhèng zhège cuòwù.
1006酒精jiǔjīngalcohol这个饮料含有酒精。This drink contains alcohol.Zhège yǐnliào hányǒu jiǔjīng.
1007救济jiùjìrelief政府提供了救济物资。The government provided relief supplies.Zhèngfǔ tígōngle jiùjì wùzī.
1008就近jiùjìnnearby我们应该选择就近的商店。We should choose a nearby store.Wǒmen yīnggāi xuǎnzé jiùjìn de shāngdiàn.
1009就业jiùyèemployment就业机会在这座城市很多。There are many employment opportunities in this city.Jiùyè jīhuì zài zhè zuò chéngshì hěn duō.
1010就职jiùzhítake office她昨天正式就职于新公司。She formally took office at the new company yesterday.Tā zuótiān zhèngshì jiùzhí yú xīn gōngsī.
1011鞠躬jūgōngbow他向观众鞠躬表示感谢。He bowed to the audience to show his gratitude.Tā xiàng guānzhòng jūgōng biǎoshì gǎnxiè.
1012拘留jūliúdetain他因为涉嫌犯罪被拘留了。He was detained for suspected criminal activity.Tā yīnwèi shèxián fànzuì bèi jūliúle.
1013拘束jūshùrestrict她感到自己被拘束了。She feels restricted.Tā gǎndào zìjǐ bèi jūshùle.
1014居民jūmínresident这个社区的居民很友好。The residents of this community are very friendly.Zhège shèqū de jūmín hěn yǒuhǎo.
1015居住jūzhùreside他在这里居住了十年。He has resided here for ten years.Tā zài zhèlǐ jūzhùle shí nián.
1016局部júbùpartial这个问题的局部解决了。The partial problem has been resolved.Zhège wèntí de júbù jiějuéle.
1017局面júmiànsituation当前局面很复杂。The current situation is very complex.Dāngqián júmiàn hěn fùzá.
1018局势júshìsituation战争局势十分紧张。The situation of the war is very tense.Zhànzhēng júshì shífēn jǐnzhāng.
1019局限júxiànlimitation这个方案有很多局限性。This plan has many limitations.Zhège fāng’àn yǒu hěn duō júxiànxìng.
1020举动jǔdòngaction他的举动引起了大家的注意。His actions attracted everyone’s attention.Tā de jǔdòng yǐnqǐle dàjiā de zhùyì.
1021举世瞩目jǔshì zhǔmùworld-renowned这项技术举世瞩目。This technology is world-renowned.Zhè xiàng jìshù jǔshì zhǔmù.
1022举足轻重jǔzú qīngzhòngplay a crucial role他在团队中举足轻重。He plays a crucial role in the team.Tā zài tuánduì zhōng jǔzú qīngzhòng.
1023咀嚼jǔjuéchew他正在咀嚼食物。He is chewing the food.Tā zhèngzài jǔjué shíwù.
1024沮丧jǔsàngdejected她因为失败而感到沮丧。She feels dejected because of the failure.Tā yīnwèi shībài ér gǎndào jǔsàng.
1025剧本jùběnscript这部电影的剧本很精彩。The script of this movie is very exciting.Zhè bù diànyǐng de jùběn hěn jīngcǎi.
1026剧烈jùlièintense这场比赛的竞争非常剧烈。The competition in this match is very intense.Zhè chǎng bǐsài de jìngzhēng fēicháng jùliè.
1027聚精会神jù jīng huì shénconcentrate他聚精会神地工作。He works with great concentration.Tā jù jīng huì shén de gōngzuò.
1028据悉jùxīit is reported据悉,公司将扩大业务。It is reported that the company will expand its business.Jùxī, gōngsī jiāng kuòdà yèwù.
1029juǎnroll请将这张纸卷起来。Please roll up this piece of paper.Qǐng jiāng zhè zhāng zhǐ juǎn qǐlái.
1030决策juécèdecision-making他负责公司的决策。He is responsible for the company’s decision-making.Tā fùzé gōngsī de juécè.
1031觉悟juéwùawareness他对自己的错误有了觉悟。He has gained awareness of his mistakes.Tā duì zìjǐ de cuòwù yǒule juéwù.
1032觉醒juéxǐngawaken他在旅行中觉醒了。He had an awakening during his travels.Tā zài lǚxíng zhōng juéxǐngle.
1033绝望juéwàngdespair他们感到绝望。They felt despair.Tāmen gǎndào juéwàng.
1034倔强juéjiàngstubborn他非常倔强,不轻易改变主意。He is very stubborn and does not easily change his mind.Tā fēicháng juéjiàng, bù qīngyì gǎibiàn zhǔyì.
1035军队jūnduìarmy军队正在进行演习。The army is conducting a drill.Jūnduì zhèngzài jìnxíng yǎnxí.
1036君子jūnzǐgentleman他是一位真正的君子。He is a true gentleman.Tā shì yī wèi zhēnzhèng de jūnzǐ.
1037卡通kǎtōngcartoon孩子们喜欢看卡通节目。Children enjoy watching cartoons.Háizimen xǐhuān kàn kǎtōng jiémù.
1038开采kāicǎiexploit这家公司专注于矿产资源的开采。This company focuses on exploiting mineral resources.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhuānzhù yú kuàngchǎn zīyuán de kāicǎi.
1039开除kāichúexpel他因为不守规矩被开除了。He was expelled for not following the rules.Tā yīnwèi bù shǒu guījǔ bèi kāichúle.
1040开阔kāikuòbroad这个房间很开阔。This room is very spacious.Zhège fángjiān hěn kāikuò.
1041开朗kāilǎngcheerful她的性格非常开朗。Her personality is very cheerful.Tā de xìnggé fēicháng kāilǎng.
1042开明kāimíngopen-minded他是一个很开明的领导。He is an open-minded leader.Tā shì yīgè hěn kāimíng de lǐngdǎo.
1043开辟kāipìopen up他们计划开辟新的市场。They plan to open up new markets.Tāmen jìhuà kāipì xīn de shìchǎng.
1044开拓kāituòexpand他希望开拓公司的业务。He hopes to expand the company’s business.Tā xīwàng kāituò gōngsī de yèwù.
1045开展kāizhǎndevelop这个项目已经开始开展了。This project has begun to develop.Zhège xiàngmù yǐjīng kāishǐ kāizhǎnle.
1046开支kāizhīexpenditure公司的开支超出了预算。The company’s expenditure exceeded the budget.Gōngsī de kāizhī chāochūle yùsuàn.
1047刊登kāndēngpublish他的文章在报纸上刊登了。His article was published in the newspaper.Tā de wénzhāng zài bàozhǐ shàng kāndēngle.
1048刊物kānwùpublication这本刊物很有价值。This publication is very valuable.Zhè běn kānwù hěn yǒu jiàzhí.
1049勘探kāntànexplore他们正在勘探新的油田。They are exploring new oil fields.Tāmen zhèngzài kāntàn xīn de yóutián.
1050砍伐kǎnfáchop down他们砍伐了许多树木。They chopped down many trees.Tāmen kǎnfále xǔduō shùmù.
1051侃侃而谈kǎn kǎn ér tánspeak frankly他侃侃而谈地分享了他的观点。He spoke frankly about his views.Tā kǎn kǎn ér tán de fēnxiǎngle tā de guāndiǎn.
1052看待kàndàiregard我们应该以积极的态度看待问题。We should regard problems with a positive attitude.Wǒmen yīnggāi yǐ jījí de tàidù kàndài wèntí.
1053慷慨kāngkǎigenerous他对慈善事业非常慷慨。He is very generous towards charity.Tā duì císhàn shìyè fēicháng kāngkǎi.
1054kángcarry on shoulder他扛着一袋重物。He is carrying a heavy bag on his shoulder.Tā kángzhe yī dài zhòngwù.
1055抗议kàngyìprotest他们对新政策表示抗议。They protested against the new policy.Tāmen duì xīn zhèngcè biǎoshì kàngyì.
1056考察kǎocháinspect专家们正在考察这个地区。Experts are inspecting the area.Zhuānjiāmen zhèngzài kǎochá zhège dìqū.
1057考古kǎogǔarchaeology他对考古学很感兴趣。He is very interested in archaeology.Tā duì kǎogǔxué hěn gǎn xìngqù.
1058考核kǎohéassess他们正在考核员工的表现。They are assessing the employees’ performance.Tāmen zhèngzài kǎohé yuángōng de biǎoxiàn.
1059考验kǎoyàntest这次挑战是对他的考验。This challenge is a test for him.Zhè cì tiǎozhàn shì duì tā de kǎoyàn.
1060靠拢kàolǒngcome closer我们需要靠拢以便更好地合作。We need to come closer to work better together.Wǒmen xūyào kàolǒng yǐbiàn gèng hǎo de hézuò.
1061knock她不小心磕到了桌角。She accidentally knocked her head on the table corner.Tā bù xiǎoxīn kē dào le zhuōjiǎo.
1062科目kēmùsubject数学是我最喜欢的科目。Math is my favorite subject.Shùxué shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de kēmù.
1063渴望kěwàngdesire他渴望能得到更好的机会。He desires to get better opportunities.Tā kěwàng néng dédào gèng hǎo de jīhuì.
1064可观kěguānconsiderable他的收入是相当可观的。His income is quite considerable.Tā de shōurù shì xiāngdāng kěguān de.
1065可口kěkǒutasty这道菜非常可口。This dish is very tasty.Zhè dào cài fēicháng kěkǒu.
1066可恶kěwùhateful他的行为让人感到可恶。His behavior is hateful.Tā de xíngwéi ràng rén gǎndào kěwù.
1067可行kěxíngfeasible这个计划是可行的。This plan is feasible.Zhège jìhuà shì kěxíng de.
1068刻不容缓kè bù róng huǎnurgent这个问题刻不容缓。This issue is urgent.Zhège wèntí kè bù róng huǎn.
1069课题kètítopic这个课题非常有趣。This topic is very interesting.Zhège kètí fēicháng yǒuqù.
1070克制kèzhìrestrain他很克制自己的情绪。He restrains his emotions well.Tā hěn kèzhì zìjǐ de qíngxù.
1071客户kèhùclient我们的客户对产品很满意。Our clients are very satisfied with the product.Wǒmen de kèhù duì chǎnpǐn hěn mǎnyì.
1072kěngnaw小狗在啃骨头。The puppy is gnawing on a bone.Xiǎo gǒu zài kěn gǔ tóu.
1073恳切kěnqièsincere他的话语很恳切。His words were sincere.Tā de huà yǔ hěn kěnqiè.
1074kēngpit这个坑很深。This pit is very deep.Zhège kēng hěn shēn.
1075空洞kōngdònghollow这个箱子里是空洞的。The inside of this box is hollow.Zhège xiāngzi lǐ shì kōngdòng de.
1076空前绝后kōngqián juéhòuunprecedented这场比赛的盛况空前绝后。The grandeur of this event is unprecedented.Zhè chǎng bǐsài de shèngkuàng kōngqián juéhòu.
1077空想kōngxiǎngfantasy他常常沉浸在空想中。He often immerses himself in fantasy.Tā chángcháng chénjìn zài kōngxiǎng zhōng.
1078空虚kōngxūempty她感到生活很空虚。She feels that life is very empty.Tā gǎndào shēnghuó hěn kōngxū.
1079kǒnghole墙上有一个小孔。There is a small hole in the wall.Qiáng shàng yǒu yīgè xiǎo kǒng.
1080恐怖kǒngbùterrifying这部电影的情节很恐怖。The plot of this movie is terrifying.Zhè bù diànyǐng de qíngjié hěn kǒngbù.
1081恐吓kǒnghèintimidate他用言语恐吓别人。He intimidates others with his words.Tā yòng yányǔ kǒnghè biérén.
1082恐惧kǒngjùfear她对黑暗感到恐惧。She feels fear of the dark.Tā duì hēi’àn gǎndào kǒngjù.
1083空白kōngbáiblank他的回答是一片空白。His answer was a blank.Tā de huídá shì yī piàn kōngbái.
1084空隙kōngxìgap书架上有一个小空隙。There is a small gap on the bookshelf.Shūjià shàng yǒu yīgè xiǎo kōngxì.
1085口气kǒuqìtone他说话的口气很严肃。His tone of voice is very serious.Tā shuōhuà de kǒuqì hěn yánsù.
1086口腔kǒuqiāngoral cavity口腔健康很重要。Oral health is important.Kǒuqiāng jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào.
1087口头kǒutóuverbal他做了一个口头报告。He made a verbal report.Tā zuòle yīgè kǒutóu bàogào.
1088口音kǒuyīnaccent他有一个明显的口音。He has a noticeable accent.Tā yǒu yīgè míngxiǎn de kǒuyīn.
1089kòubutton请扣好你的衬衫。Please button up your shirt.Qǐng kòu hǎo nǐ de chènshān.
1090哭泣kūqìweep孩子们因为失败而哭泣。The children wept because of the failure.Háizimen yīnwèi shībài ér kūqì.
1091枯燥kūzàodull这篇文章很枯燥。This article is very dull.Zhè piān wénzhāng hěn kūzào.
1092枯萎kūwěiwithered花朵已经枯萎了。The flowers have withered.Huāduǒ yǐjīng kūwěile.
1093苦涩kǔsèbitter这杯咖啡有些苦涩。This cup of coffee is a bit bitter.Zhè bēi kāfēi yǒuxiē kǔsè.
1094苦尽甘来kǔ jìn gān láiafter suffering comes happiness他的努力终于得到了回报,苦尽甘来。After much effort, his hard work finally paid off.Tā de nǔlì zhōngyú dédàole huíbào, kǔ jìn gān lái.
1095kuàcarry (on shoulder)她把包挎在肩上。She carries the bag on her shoulder.Tā bǎ bāo kuà zài jiān shàng.
1096kuàcross我们需要跨越这个障碍。We need to cross this obstacle.Wǒmen xūyào kuàyuè zhège zhàng’ài.
1097快活kuàihuóhappy他过得很快活。He lives a happy life.Tā guò dé hěn kuàihuó.
1098宽敞kuānchǎngspacious这个房间很宽敞。This room is very spacious.Zhège fángjiān hěn kuānchǎng.
1099宽容kuānróngtolerant她对别人的错误非常宽容。She is very tolerant of others’ mistakes.Tā duì biérén de cuòwù fēicháng kuānróng.
1100cool这件衣服很酷。This outfit is very cool.Zhè jiàn yīfú hěn kù.

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Here’s a continuation of the chart with terms from 1101 to 1200:

No.ChinesePinyinEnglishMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
1101款待kuǎndàihospitality我们热情地款待了所有的客人。We warmly hosted all the guests.Wǒmen rèqíng de kuǎndài le suǒyǒu de kèrén.
1102款式kuǎnshìstyle这款式的衣服很流行。This style of clothing is very popular.Zhè kuǎnshì de yīfú hěn liúxíng.
1103kuāngbasket我们用了一个篮子装水果。We used a basket to carry the fruit.Wǒmen yòngle yīgè lánzi zhuāng shuǐguǒ.
1104旷课kuàngkèskip class他因为生病而旷课了。He skipped class because of illness.Tā yīnwèi shēngbìng ér kuàngkèle.
1105框架kuàngjiàframework我们需要一个新的框架来支持这个计划。We need a new framework to support this plan.Wǒmen xūyào yīgè xīn de kuàngjià lái zhīchí zhège jìhuà.
1106况且kuàngqiěmoreover我们很累,况且天气也不好。We are tired, and moreover, the weather is bad.Wǒmen hěn lèi, kuàngqiě tiānqì yě bù hǎo.
1107矿产kuàngchǎnmineral resources这个地区富含各种矿产。This area is rich in various minerals.Zhège dìqū fùhán gè zhǒng kuàngchǎn.
1108亏待kuīdàitreat unfairly他觉得自己在公司里被亏待了。He feels that he is treated unfairly in the company.Tā juédé zìjǐ zài gōngsī lǐ bèi kuīdài le.
1109亏损kuīsǔnloss公司上季度出现了亏损。The company incurred a loss last quarter.Gōngsī shàng jìdù chūxiànle kuīsǔn.
1110捆绑kǔnbǎngbind他用绳子捆绑了这些箱子。He bound the boxes with rope.Tā yòng shéngzi kǔnbǎngle zhèxiē xiāngzi.
1111扩充kuòchōngexpand我们需要扩充公司的业务。We need to expand the company’s business.Wǒmen xūyào kuòchōng gōngsī de yèwù.
1112扩散kuòsànspread这项疾病正在迅速扩散。This disease is spreading rapidly.Zhè xiàng jíbìng zhèngzài xùnsù kuòsàn.
1113扩张kuòzhāngexpand他希望能扩张市场份额。He hopes to expand the market share.Tā xīwàng néng kuòzhāng shìchǎng fèn’é.
1114喇叭lǎbāhorn汽车的喇叭响了。The car’s horn honked.Qìchē de lǎbā xiǎngle.
1115蜡烛làzhúcandle他们点燃了蜡烛。They lit the candle.Tāmen diǎnránle làzhú.
1116la(particle for emphasis)我们终于完成了啦!We finally finished it!Wǒmen zhōngyú wánchéngle la!
1117来历láilìorigin这件古董的来历很神秘。The origin of this antique is mysterious.Zhè jiàn gǔdǒng de láilì hěn shénmì.
1118来源láiyuánsource这个信息的来源不明。The source of this information is unknown.Zhège xìnxī de láiyuán bùmíng.
1119栏目lánmùcolumn这本杂志有一个很受欢迎的栏目。This magazine has a very popular column.Zhè běn zázhì yǒu yīgè hěn shòu huānyíng de lánmù.
1120懒惰lǎnduòlazy他在工作中很懒惰。He is very lazy at work.Tā zài gōngzuò zhōng hěn lǎnduò.
1121狼狈láng bèiawkward他在那次活动中显得很狼狈。He looked very awkward at that event.Tā zài nà cì huódòng zhōng xiǎndé hěn láng bèi.
1122狼吞虎咽láng tūn hǔ yàngobble他狼吞虎咽地吃着晚饭。He gobbled down his dinner.Tā láng tūn hǔ yàn de chīzhe wǎnfàn.
1123lāofish out他试图从水里捞出一只鱼。He tried to fish out a fish from the water.Tā shìtú cóng shuǐ lǐ lāo chū yī zhī yú.
1124唠叨láodāonag她总是唠叨不停。She is always nagging.Tā zǒng shì láodāo bùtíng.
1125牢固láogùfirm这座桥很牢固。This bridge is very firm.Zhè zuò qiáo hěn láogù.
1126牢骚láosāocomplaints他总是对工作有很多牢骚。He always has many complaints about work.Tā zǒng shì duì gōngzuò yǒu hěn duō láosāo.
1127乐趣lèqùpleasure他从这项活动中找到了乐趣。He found pleasure in this activity.Tā cóng zhè xiàng huódòng zhōng zhǎodàole lèqù.
1128乐意lèyìwilling她乐意帮助他人。She is willing to help others.Tā lèyì bāngzhù tārén.
1129雷达léidáradar这艘船配备了先进的雷达。The ship is equipped with advanced radar.Zhè sōu chuán pèibèile xiānjìn de léidá.
1130类似lèisìsimilar这两个方案非常类似。These two plans are very similar.Zhè liǎng gè fāng’àn fēicháng lèisì.
1131冷酷lěngkùcold-hearted他表现得非常冷酷。He acted very cold-hearted.Tā biǎoxiàn de fēicháng lěngkù.
1132冷却lěngquècool down我们需要冷却这个机器。We need to cool down this machine.Wǒmen xūyào lěngquè zhège jīqì.
1133冷落lěngluòneglected他感觉在聚会上被冷落了。He felt neglected at the party.Tā gǎnjué zài jùhuì shàng bèi lěngluòle.
1134lèngstunned他被突然的消息搞得愣住了。He was stunned by the sudden news.Tā bèi túrán de xiāoxī gǎo de lèng zhùle.
1135黎明límíngdawn我们在黎明时分出发。We set off at dawn.Wǒmen zài límíng shífēn chūfā.
1136里程碑lǐchéngbēimilestone这是我们项目的一个重要里程碑。This is an important milestone for our project.Zhè shì wǒmen xiàngmù de yīgè zhòngyào lǐchéngbēi.
1137礼节lǐjiéetiquette他在宴会上表现出了很好的礼节。He showed good etiquette at the banquet.Tā zài yàn huì shàng biǎoxiàn chūle hěn hǎo de lǐjié.
1138礼尚往来lǐ shàng wǎng láireciprocity礼尚往来是人际交往中的基本原则。Reciprocity is a basic principle in interpersonal relations.Lǐ shàng wǎng lái shì rénjì jiāowǎng zhōng de jīběn yuánzé.
1139理睬lǐcǎipay attention to他没有理睬我的建议。He did not pay attention to my advice.Tā méiyǒu lǐcǎi wǒ de jiànyì.
1140理所当然lǐ suǒ dāng rántaken for granted他认为这些好处是理所当然的。He takes these benefits for granted.Tā rènwéi zhèxiē hǎochù shì lǐ suǒ dāng rán de.
1141理直气壮lǐ zhí qì zhuàngrighteous and confident他在会议上理直气壮地提出了自己的观点。He confidently expressed his views at the meeting.Tā zài huìyì shàng lǐ zhí qì zhuàng de tíchūle zìjǐ de guāndiǎn.
1142理智lǐzhìrationality在做决定时要保持理智。You should remain rational when making decisions.Zài zuò juédìng shí yào bǎochí lǐzhì.
1143grain我们需要一粒盐来调味。We need a grain of salt to season it.Wǒmen xūyào yī lì yán lái tiáowèi.
1144立场lìchǎngposition他坚守自己的立场。He sticks to his position.Tā jiānshǒu zìjǐ de lìchǎng.
1145立方lìfāngcubic这座建筑的体积是立方米。The volume of this building is in cubic meters.Zhè zuò jiànzhú de tǐjī shì lìfāng mǐ.
1146立交桥lìjiāoqiáointerchange bridge我们要经过一个大型的立交桥。We need to pass through a large interchange bridge.Wǒmen yào jīngguò yīgè dàxíng de lìjiāoqiáo.
1147立体lìtǐthree-dimensional这是一幅立体的画。This is a three-dimensional painting.Zhè shì yī fú lìtǐ de huà.
1148立足lìzúbase oneself他希望能在这个领域立足。He hopes to establish himself in this field.Tā xīwàng néng zài zhège lǐngyù lìzú.
1149历代lìdàiall dynasties这部书讲述了历代王朝的历史。This book tells the history of all dynasties.Zhè bù shū jiǎngshùle lìdài wángcháo de lìshǐ.
1150历来lìláialways历来我们都很重视质量。We have always valued quality.Lìlái wǒmen dōu hěn zhòngshì zhìliàng.
1151利害lìhàipros and cons他分析了这个问题的利害关系。He analyzed the pros and cons of this issue.Tā fēnxīle zhège wèntí de lìhài guānxì.
1152力所能及lì suǒ néng jíwithin one’s capability我会尽力而为,做力所能及的事情。I will do my best and do what is within my capability.Wǒ huì jìnlì ér wéi, zuò lì suǒ néng jí de shìqíng.
1153力争lìzhēngstrive for我们要力争实现我们的目标。We must strive to achieve our goals.Wǒmen yào lìzhēng shíxiàn wǒmen de mùbiāo.
1154力求lìqiústrive for他力求做到最好。He strives to do his best.Tā lìqiú zuò dào zuì hǎo.
1155例外lìwàiexception这个规则没有例外。There are no exceptions to this rule.Zhège guīzé méiyǒu lìwài.
1156连年liánniánconsecutive years这家公司连续多年盈利。This company has been profitable for consecutive years.Zhè jiā gōngsī liánxù duōnián yìnglì.
1157连锁liánsuǒchain这是一家连锁餐厅。This is a chain restaurant.Zhè shì yī jiā liánsuǒ cāntīng.
1158连同liántóngalong with他连同文件一同寄送了。He sent it along with the documents.Tā liántóng wénjiàn yī tóng jìsòngle.
1159联欢liánhuānparty我们为他们举办了一场联欢晚会。We held a party for them.Wǒmen wèi tāmen jǔbànle yī chǎng liánhuān wǎnhuì.
1160联络liánluòcontact请保持与我联络。Please keep in contact with me.Qǐng bǎochí yǔ wǒ liánluò.
1161联盟liánméngalliance他们组成了一个军事联盟。They formed a military alliance.Tāmen zǔchéngle yīgè jūnshì liánméng.
1162联想liánxiǎngassociate这个词让我联想到春天。This word makes me think of spring.Zhège cí ràng wǒ liánxiǎng dào chūntiān.
1163廉洁liánjiéhonest and clean他是一位廉洁的公务员。He is an honest civil servant.Tā shì yī wèi liánjié de gōngwùyuán.
1164良心liángxīnconscience他的良心不允许他做那样的事。His conscience does not allow him to do such things.Tā de liángxīn bù yǔnxǔ tā zuò nàyàng de shì.
1165liàngair-dry我们把衣服晾在阳台上。We hang the clothes on the balcony to dry.Wǒmen bǎ yīfú liàng zài yángtái shàng.
1166谅解liàngjiěunderstand我希望你能谅解我的情况。I hope you can understand my situation.Wǒ xīwàng nǐ néng liàngjiě wǒ de qíngkuàng.
1167辽阔liáokuòvast这片草原辽阔无垠。The grassland is vast and boundless.Zhè piàn cǎoyuán liáokuò wúyín.
1168列举lièjǔlist请列举你的所有成就。Please list all your achievements.Qǐng lièjǔ nǐ de suǒyǒu chéngjiù.
1169líndrizzle今天外面下着细雨,空气有些淋湿。It’s drizzling outside today, and the air is a bit damp.Jīntiān wàimiàn xiàzhe xì yǔ, kōngqì yǒuxiē línshī.
1170临床línchuángclinical他们在医院进行临床试验。They are conducting clinical trials at the hospital.Tāmen zài yīyuàn jìnxíng línchuáng shìyàn.
1171吝啬lìn sèstingy他被认为是一个非常吝啬的人。He is considered a very stingy person.Tā bèi rènwéi shì yīgè fēicháng lìn sè de rén.
1172零星língxīngscattered零星的降雨并没有影响我们的计划。The scattered rain did not affect our plans.Língxīng de jiàngyǔ bìng méiyǒu yǐngxiǎng wǒmen de jìhuà.
1173凌晨língchénearly morning我们凌晨两点就起床了。We got up at two o’clock in the early morning.Wǒmen língchén liǎng diǎn jiù qǐchuángle.
1174灵感línggǎninspiration他的灵感来自于自然。His inspiration comes from nature.Tā de línggǎn láizì yú zìrán.
1175灵魂línghúnsoul音乐能够触动人的灵魂。Music can touch the soul.Yīnyuè nénggòu chùdòng rén de línghún.
1176灵敏língmǐnsensitive他的听力非常灵敏。His hearing is very sensitive.Tā de tīnglì fēicháng língmǐn.
1177伶俐línglìclever她是一个非常伶俐的孩子。She is a very clever child.Tā shì yīgè fēicháng línglì de háizi.
1178领会lǐnghuìgrasp他很快领会了这个概念。He quickly grasped the concept.Tā hěn kuài lǐnghuìle zhège gàiniàn.
1179领事馆lǐngshìguǎnconsulate我们在领事馆办理了签证。We processed the visa at the consulate.Wǒmen zài lǐngshìguǎn bànlǐle qiānzhèng.
1180领土lǐngtǔterritory这个国家扩展了它的领土。The country expanded its territory.Zhège guójiā kuòzhāngle tā de lǐngtǔ.
1181领悟lǐngwùcomprehend他终于领悟到了问题的关键。He finally comprehended the key to the problem.Tā zhōngyú lǐngwù dào le wèntí de guānjiàn.
1182领先lǐngxiānlead她在比赛中领先了所有选手。She led all the competitors in the race.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng lǐngxiānle suǒyǒu xuǎnshǒu.
1183领袖lǐngxiùleader他是一位杰出的领袖。He is an outstanding leader.Tā shì yī wèi jiéchū de lǐngxiù.
1184liūslip他在冰上溜了一下。He slipped on the ice.Tā zài bīng shàng liūle yīxià.
1185留恋liúliànreluctant to leave他对这个城市充满了留恋。He is reluctant to leave this city.Tā duì zhège chéngshì chōngmǎnle liúliàn.
1186留念liúniànkeepsake我们拍了很多照片作为留念。We took many photos as keepsakes.Wǒmen pāile hěn duō zhàopiàn zuòwéi liúniàn.
1187留神liúshénbe cautious请在外出时留神。Please be cautious when going out.Qǐng zài wàichū shí liúshén.
1188流浪liúlàngwander他过着流浪的生活。He leads a wandering life.Tā guòzhe liúlàng de shēnghuó.
1189流露liúlùreveal他流露出了一丝不安。He revealed a hint of unease.Tā liúlù chūle yīsī bù’ān.
1190流氓liúmánghooligan他被误认为是一个流氓。He was mistaken for a hooligan.Tā bèi wù rènwéi shì yīgè liúmáng.
1191流通liútōngcirculate这些货币在市场上流通。The currency circulates in the market.Zhèxiē huòbì zài shìchǎng shàng liútōng.
1192聋哑lóng yǎdeaf and mute他是一位聋哑人。He is a deaf-mute.Tā shì yī wèi lóng yǎ rén.
1193隆重lóngzhònggrand他们举行了一场隆重的典礼。They held a grand ceremony.Tāmen jǔxíngle yī chǎng lóngzhòng de diǎnlǐ.
1194笼罩lóngzhàoshroud确保我们能在笼罩中找到所有信息。Make sure we find all the information in the shroud.Quèbǎo wǒmen néng zài lóngzhào zhōng zhǎodào suǒyǒu xìnxī.
1195路程lùchéngjourney这段路程需要五小时。This journey takes five hours.Zhè duàn lùchéng xūyào wǔ xiǎoshí.
1196录取lùqǔadmit她被那所大学录取了。She was admitted to that university.Tā bèi nà suǒ dàxué lùqǔle.
1197论文lùnwénthesis他正在撰写一篇论文。He is writing a thesis.Tā zhèngzài zhuànxiě yī piān lùnwén.
1198论证lùnzhèngprove需要通过实验来论证这个理论。This theory needs to be proved through experiments.Xūyào tōngguò shíyàn lái lùnzhèng zhège lǐlùn.
1199逻辑luójilogic这个问题需要用逻辑来解决。This problem needs to be solved with logic.Zhège wèntí xūyào yòng luóji lái jiějué.
1200落后luòhòulag behind他在比赛中落后了。He lagged behind in the race.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng luòhòu le.