Here’s a chart with English, Mandarin, and Pinyin translations for the 99 essential phrases:

Medical EmergenciesUrgent medical care紧急医疗护理jǐnjí yīliáo hùlǐ
 Severe bleeding严重出血yánzhòng chūxiě
 Severe chest pain严重胸痛yánzhòng xiōngtòng
 Severe burn严重烧伤yánzhòng shāoshāng
 Severe allergic reaction严重过敏反应yánzhòng guòmǐn fǎnyìng
 Head injury头部受伤tóubù shòushāng
 Snake bite被蛇咬了bèi shé yǎole
 Severe trauma严重创伤yánzhòng chuāngshāng
 Cardiac arrest心脏骤停xīnzàng zhòutíng
 Diabetic crisis糖尿病危机tángniàobìng wēijī
 Severe dehydration严重脱水yánzhòng tuōshuǐ
 Severe dizziness严重头晕yánzhòng tóuyūn
 Severe asthma attack严重哮喘发作yánzhòng xiàochuǎn fāzuò
 Severe migraine严重偏头痛yánzhòng piāntóutòng
 Intense vomiting剧烈呕吐jùliè ǒutù
 Severe leg pain严重腿痛yánzhòng tuǐtòng
 Severe joint pain严重关节痛yánzhòng guānjié tòng
 Seizure癫痫发作diānxián fāzuò

Fire and Explosion EmergenciesEnglishMandarinPinyin
 Fire hazard火灾隐患huǒzāi yǐnhuàn
 Fire extinguisher灭火器mièhuǒqì
 Gas explosion煤气爆炸méiqì bàozhà
 Building on fire建筑物着火jiànzhùwù zháohuǒ
 Risk of explosion爆炸风险bàozhà fēngxiǎn
 Risk of falling debris坠落物风险zhuìluò wù fēngxiǎn
 Gas leak煤气泄漏méiqì xièlòu
 Immediate evacuation立即撤离lìjí chèlí

Accidents and InjuriesEnglishMandarinPinyin
Car accident车祸chēhuò 
Someone has collapsed有人倒下了yǒurén dǎoxiàle 
Hit by a car被车撞了bèi chē zhuàngle 
Building collapse建筑倒塌jiànzhù dǎotā 
Elevator stuck电梯卡住了diàntī kǎzhùle 
Trapped in a building被困在建筑物内bèikùn zài jiànzhùwù nèi 
Someone fell from a height有人从高处坠落yǒurén cóng gāochù zhuìluò 
Shooting incident枪击事件qiāngjī shìjiàn 
Blocked road道路封锁dàolù fēngsuǒ 

If this format looks good, I can continue with the rest of the list. Would you like me to proceed?

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Here’s the continuation of the chart with the remaining phrases, including English, Mandarin, and Pinyin:

Natural DisastersEarthquake地震dìzhèn
 Flood warning洪水警告hóngshuǐ jǐngà
 Major storm大风暴dà fēngbào
 Risk of radiation辐射风险fúshè fēngxiǎn
 Risk of toxic exposure有毒物质暴露风险yǒudú wùzhì bàolù fēngxiǎn
 Serious environmental hazard严重环境危害yánzhòng huánjìng wēihài
 Major infrastructure failure重大基础设施故障zhòngdà jīchǔ shèshī gùzhàng
 Serious water leak严重漏水yánzhòng lòushuǐ

Psychological and Emotional DistressEnglishMandarinPinyin
Severe anxiety严重焦虑yánzhòng jiāolǜ 
Assistance for someone unconscious帮助昏迷者bāngzhù hūnmí zhě 
Risk of infection感染风险gǎnrǎn fēngxiǎn 
Reaction to medication药物反应yàowù fǎnyìng 
Help with an injured animal帮助受伤的动物bāngzhù shòushāng de dòngwù 

Hazardous SituationsEnglishMandarinPinyin
Chemical reaction化学反应huàxué fǎnyìng 
Environmental hazard环境危害huánjìng wēihài 
High infection risk高感染风险gāo gǎnrǎn fēngxiǎn 
Hazardous spill危险泄漏wēixiǎn xièlòu 

General Assistance RequestsEnglishMandarinPinyin
Immediate help needed需要立即帮助xūyào lìjí bāngzhù 
Need to leave this place需要离开这里xūyào líkāi zhèlǐ 
Help with injuries帮助处理伤势bāngzhù chǔlǐ shāngshì 
Family member missing家人失踪jiārén shīzōng 
Stuck in an emergency陷入紧急情况xiànrù jǐnjí qíngkuàng 
Assistance with belongings帮助搬运行李bāngzhù bānyùn xínglǐ 
Urgent heart condition assistance心脏问题的紧急援助xīnzàng wèntí de jǐnjí yuánzhù 
Help with a fire帮助灭火bāngzhù mièhuǒ 
Safe evacuation needed需要安全撤离xūyào ānquán chèlí 
Urgent rescue紧急救援jǐnjí jiùyuán 
Help finding safety帮助寻找安全的地方bāngzhù xúnzhǎo ānquán de dìfāng 
Risk of falling debris坠物风险zhuìwù fēngxiǎn 
High risk of infection感染高风险gǎnrǎn gāo fēngxiǎn 
Leaking roof屋顶漏水wūdǐng lòushuǐ 
Urgent gas leak assistance紧急煤气泄漏处理jǐnjí méiqì xièlòu chǔlǐ 

This completes the chart of essential phrases in English, Mandarin, and Pinyin! If you need any more adjustments or additional phrases, feel free to let me know!

No.English PhraseMandarin PhrasePinyin
1Help! Save me!帮忙!救命!Bāngmáng! Jiùmìng!
2Please call the police!请报警!Qǐng bào jǐng!
3An accident occurred!发生了事故!Fāshēngle shìgù!
4I need a doctor!我需要医生!Wǒ xūyào yīshēng!
5I’m lost!我迷路了!Wǒ mílùle!
6There’s a fire!火灾了!Huǒzāi le!
7Please help me!请帮助我!Qǐng bāngzhù wǒ!
8I’m injured!我受伤了!Wǒ shòushāngle!
9Someone is poisoned!有人中毒了!Yǒurén zhòngdúle!
10Overdose on medicine!药过量了!Yào guòliàngle!
11Please come quickly!请赶快来!Qǐng gǎnkuài lái!
12My wallet is lost!我的钱包丢了!Wǒ de qiánbāo diūle!
13Can’t find the child!找不到孩子!Zhǎo bù dào háizi!
14Please take to hospital!请送医院!Qǐng sòng yīyuàn!
15Someone fainted!有人晕倒了!Yǒurén yūndǎole!
16I need water!我需要水!Wǒ xūyào shuǐ!
17The car is broken!车子坏了!Chēzi huàile!
18I need assistance!我需要帮助!Wǒ xūyào bāngzhù!
19Please rescue immediately!请立即救援!Qǐng lìjí jiùyuán!
20There’s a fight!有人打架了!Yǒurén dǎjiàle!
21Please stay calm!请保持冷静!Qǐng bǎochí lěngjìng!
22The phone is dead!手机没电了!Shǒujī méi diànle!
23I need first aid!我需要急救!Wǒ xūyào jíjiù!
24Please give me a phone!请给我电话!Qǐng gěi wǒ diànhuà!
25I’m being followed!我被跟踪了!Wǒ bèi gēnsòngle!
No.English PhraseMandarin PhrasePinyin
26Someone is missing!有人失踪了!Yǒurén shīzōngle!
27I’m feeling very ill!我感觉非常不舒服!Wǒ gǎnjué fēicháng bù shūfú!
28Please give me directions!请给我指示!Qǐng gěi wǒ zhǐshì!
29I have a severe allergy!我有严重过敏!Wǒ yǒu yánzhòng guòmǐn!
30I need medication urgently!我急需药物!Wǒ jíxū yàowù!
31I can’t breathe properly!我呼吸困难!Wǒ hūxī kùnnán!
32There’s a gas leak!有煤气泄漏!Yǒu méiqì xièlòu!
33I’m trapped inside!我被困在里面!Wǒ bèi kùn zài lǐmiàn!
34Someone needs CPR!需要进行心肺复苏!Xūyào jìnxíng xīnfèi fùsū!
35The building is collapsing!大楼正在坍塌!Dàlóu zhèngzài tāntā!
36Please evacuate immediately!请立即撤离!Qǐng lìjí chèlí!
37There’s a flood!有洪水!Yǒu hóngshuǐ!
38Someone has a heart attack!有人心脏病发作!Yǒurén xīnzàng bìng fāzuò!
39I need an ambulance!我需要救护车!Wǒ xūyào jiùhùchē!
40The road is blocked!道路被堵塞了!Dàolù bèi dǔsèle!
41I’m having a panic attack!我有恐慌发作!Wǒ yǒu kǒnghuāng fāzuò!
42Someone is unconscious!有人失去意识!Yǒurén shīqù yìshí!
43I’m allergic to bee stings!我对蜜蜂叮咬过敏!Wǒ duì mìfēng dīngyǎo guòmǐn!
44The power is out!停电了!Tíngdiàn le!
45Someone has a broken bone!有人骨折了!Yǒurén gǔzhéle!
46I’m feeling dizzy!我感到头晕!Wǒ gǎndào tóuyūn!
47There’s a dangerous animal!有危险动物!Yǒu wēixiǎn dòngwù!
48I lost my passport!我的护照丢了!Wǒ de hùzhào diūle!
49I need a translator!我需要翻译!Wǒ xūyào fānyì!
50My child is missing!我的孩子失踪了!Wǒ de háizi shīzōngle!
51I need to contact my embassy!我需要联系我的大使馆!Wǒ xūyào liánxì wǒ de dàshǐguǎn!
52I’m stuck in an elevator!我被困在电梯里!Wǒ bèi kùn zài diàntī lǐ!
53I have a severe headache!我有严重的头痛!Wǒ yǒu yánzhòng de tóutòng!
54There’s a leak in the roof!屋顶有漏水!Wūdǐng yǒu lòushuǐ!
55I need to use a phone!我需要用电话!Wǒ xūyào yòng diànhuà!
56Someone is having a seizure!有人癫痫发作!Yǒurén diānxián fāzuò!
57I’m feeling faint!我感到头晕眼花!Wǒ gǎndào tóuyūn yǎnhuā!
58My car broke down!我的车坏了!Wǒ de chē huàile!
59I need shelter immediately!我需要立即避难!Wǒ xūyào lìjí bìnàn!
60There’s a power outage!发生了停电!Fāshēngle tíngdiàn!
61I’m lost in the wilderness!我在荒野里迷路了!Wǒ zài huāngyě lǐ mílùle!
62I’m locked out of my room!我被锁在房间外面!Wǒ bèi suǒ zài fángjiān wàimiàn!
63I need to report a crime!我需要报案!Wǒ xūyào bào’àn!
64I’m having trouble breathing!我呼吸困难!Wǒ hūxī kùnnán!
65Someone is having a stroke!有人中风了!Yǒurén zhòngfēngle!
66I need medical supplies!我需要医疗用品!Wǒ xūyào yīliáo yòngpǐn!
67I’m in a dangerous area!我在危险区域!Wǒ zài wēixiǎn qūyù!
68I need help with translation!我需要翻译帮助!Wǒ xūyào fānyì bāngzhù!
69My phone is broken!我的手机坏了!Wǒ de shǒujī huàile!
70I’m feeling very weak!我感到非常虚弱!Wǒ gǎndào fēicháng xūruò!
71I need to get to the hospital!我需要去医院!Wǒ xūyào qù yīyuàn!
72There’s a chemical spill!有化学品泄漏!Yǒu huàxué pǐn xièlòu!
73I’m experiencing chest pain!我有胸痛!Wǒ yǒu xiōngtòng!
74I’m in severe pain!我痛得很厉害!Wǒ tòng dé hěn lìhài!
75I need an interpreter!我需要口译员!Wǒ xūyào kǒuyì yuán!
76There’s a structural damage!有结构损坏!Yǒu jiégòu sǔnhuài!
77I’ve been in a car accident!我发生了车祸!Wǒ fāshēngle chēhuò!
78I’m feeling very cold!我感到非常冷!Wǒ gǎndào fēicháng lěng!
79I need emergency services!我需要紧急服务!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí fúwù!
80Someone is having a heart attack!有人心脏病发作!Yǒurén xīnzàng bìng fāzuò!
81My child is injured!我的孩子受伤了!Wǒ de háizi shòushāngle!
82I need a place to stay!我需要一个住处!Wǒ xūyào yīgè zhùchù!
83There’s a large crowd!人群很多!Rénqún hěn duō!
84I’ve been bitten by an animal!我被动物咬了!Wǒ bèi dòngwù yǎole!
85I’m having difficulty walking!我走路困难!Wǒ zǒulù kùnnán!
86There’s an active shooter!有持枪袭击者!Yǒu chíqiāng xíjī zhě!
87I’ve been assaulted!我被袭击了!Wǒ bèi xíjīle!
88I need a safe place!我需要一个安全的地方!Wǒ xūyào yīgè ānquán de dìfāng!
89There’s a serious injury!有严重伤害!Yǒu yánzhòng shānghài!
90I need immediate assistance!我需要立即帮助!Wǒ xūyào lìjí bāngzhù!
91I’m experiencing severe nausea!我有严重恶心!Wǒ yǒu yánzhòng ěxīn!
92There’s a broken gas pipe!有断裂的煤气管道!Yǒu duànliè de méiqì guǎndào!
93I need to find a doctor!我需要找医生!Wǒ xūyào zhǎo yīshēng!
94I’m feeling very hot!我感到非常热!Wǒ gǎndào fēicháng rè!
95I need a place to rest!我需要一个休息的地方!Wǒ xūyào yīgè xiūxí de dìfāng!
96There’s been a building fire!建筑物发生了火灾!Jiànzhúwù fāshēngle huǒzāi!
97Someone is choking!有人窒息了!Yǒurén zhìxīle!
98I need to report a missing person!我需要报告失踪人员!Wǒ xūyào bàogào shīzōng rényuán!
99There’s a dangerous situation!有危险情况!Yǒu wēixiǎn qíngkuàng!
100Please stay where you are!请保持原地不动!Qǐng bǎochí yuándì bùdòng!

Certainly! Here are emergency phrases numbered from 101 to 200:

No.English PhraseMandarin PhrasePinyin
101I need urgent medical care!我需要紧急医疗!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí yīliáo!
102The building is on fire!大楼着火了!Dàlóu zháohuǒle!
103I’m experiencing severe bleeding!我正在大量出血!Wǒ zhèngzài dàliàng chūxiě!
104There’s a car accident ahead!前方发生了车祸!Qiánfāng fāshēngle chēhuò!
105I’ve been robbed!我被抢劫了!Wǒ bèi qiǎngjièle!
106Someone has a severe burn!有人严重烧伤!Yǒurén yánzhòng shāoshāng!
107There’s an earthquake!发生了地震!Fāshēngle dìzhèn!
108I need help with my injuries!我需要治疗伤口!Wǒ xūyào zhìliáo shāngkǒu!
109Please find my family!请找我的家人!Qǐng zhǎo wǒ de jiārén!
110The roof is leaking!屋顶漏水了!Wūdǐng lòushuǐle!
111I’m in need of immediate assistance!我需要立即援助!Wǒ xūyào lìjí yuánzhù!
112There’s a violent incident!发生了暴力事件!Fāshēngle bàolì shìjiàn!
113I need to contact emergency services!我需要联系紧急服务!Wǒ xūyào liánxì jǐnjí fúwù!
114Someone has collapsed!有人晕倒了!Yǒurén yūndǎole!
115I’m stuck in traffic!我被困在交通中!Wǒ bèi kùn zài jiāotōng zhōng!
116There’s a violent storm!有暴风雨!Yǒu bàofēngyǔ!
117I’m having severe chest pain!我有严重的胸痛!Wǒ yǒu yánzhòng de xiōngtòng!
118I’ve been exposed to chemicals!我接触到了化学品!Wǒ jiēchù dàole huàxué pǐn!
119Someone has a head injury!有人头部受伤!Yǒurén tóubù shòushāng!
120I need to leave this place!我需要离开这个地方!Wǒ xūyào líkāi zhège dìfāng!
121I’ve been bitten by a snake!我被蛇咬了!Wǒ bèi shé yǎole!
122Please get me medical attention!请给我医疗帮助!Qǐng gěi wǒ yīliáo bāngzhù!
123The road is blocked off!道路封锁了!Dàolù fēngsuǒle!
124I’m trapped in a building!我被困在建筑物里!Wǒ bèi kùn zài jiànzhúwù lǐ!
125I need emergency evacuation!我需要紧急撤离!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chèlí!
126Someone has a serious infection!有人严重感染!Yǒurén yánzhòng gǎnrǎn!
127I need a fire extinguisher!我需要灭火器!Wǒ xūyào mièhuǒqì!
128There’s a security threat!有安全威胁!Yǒu ānquán wēixié!
129Someone is having a severe allergic reaction!有人严重过敏!Yǒurén yánzhòng guòmǐn!
130There’s a hazardous spill!有危险液体泄漏!Yǒu wēixiǎn yètǐ xièlòu!
131I’m locked in a room!我被锁在房间里!Wǒ bèi suǒ zài fángjiān lǐ!
132I need immediate help with this!我需要立即帮助解决这个!Wǒ xūyào lìjí bāngzhù jiějué zhège!
133Someone has been shot!有人被枪击了!Yǒurén bèi qiāng jīle!
134The elevator is stuck!电梯卡住了!Diàntī kǎ zhùle!
135There’s a major power outage!发生了大规模停电!Fāshēngle dà guīmó tíngdiàn!
136I need to report an accident!我需要报告事故!Wǒ xūyào bàogào shìgù!
137I’m experiencing intense pain!我感到剧烈疼痛!Wǒ gǎndào jùliè téngtòng!
138There’s a serious traffic jam!交通堵塞严重!Jiāotōng dǔsè yánzhòng!
139I’ve been hit by a car!我被车撞了!Wǒ bèi chē zhuàngle!
140There’s a flood warning!有洪水警报!Yǒu hóngshuǐ jǐngbào!
141I need a place to stay safe!我需要一个安全的地方待着!Wǒ xūyào yīgè ānquán de dìfāng dàizhe!
142Someone is unconscious and bleeding!有人失去意识并出血!Yǒurén shīqù yìshí bìng chūxiě!
143I need immediate rescue!我需要立即救援!Wǒ xūyào lìjí jiùyuán!
144There’s a serious environmental hazard!有严重的环境危险!Yǒu yánzhòng de huánjìng wēixiǎn!
145Someone has been electrocuted!有人触电了!Yǒurén chùdiànle!
146I need medical help for a child!我需要给孩子医疗帮助!Wǒ xūyào gěi háizi yīliáo bāngzhù!
147There’s an urgent need for repairs!需要紧急修理!Xūyào jǐnjí xiūlǐ!
148Someone is having a serious asthma attack!有人严重哮喘发作!Yǒurén yánzhòng xiàochuǎn fāzuò!
149I’m stuck in an emergency!我被困在紧急情况中!Wǒ bèi kùn zài jǐnjí qíngkuàng zhōng!
150There’s a risk of explosion!有爆炸的风险!Yǒu bàozhà de fēngxiǎn!
151I need assistance with my belongings!我需要帮助处理我的物品!Wǒ xūyào bāngzhù chǔlǐ wǒ de wùpǐn!
152There’s a hazardous material leak!有危险材料泄漏!Yǒu wēixiǎn cáiliào xièlòu!
153I’m experiencing severe trauma!我有严重创伤!Wǒ yǒu yánzhòng chuāngshāng!
154I need urgent assistance for a senior!我需要紧急帮助老年人!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí bāngzhù lǎonián rén!
155There’s a gas explosion!发生了煤气爆炸!Fāshēngle méiqì bàozhà!
156Someone has a serious head injury!有人有严重的头部伤!Yǒurén yǒu yánzhòng de tóubù shāng!
157I need emergency food and water!我需要紧急食物和水!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí shíwù hé shuǐ!
158There’s a serious water leak!有严重的漏水!Yǒu yánzhòng de lòushuǐ!
159Someone has fallen from a height!有人从高处摔下来了!Yǒurén cóng gāochù shuāi xiàláile!
160I need help with an injured animal!我需要帮助处理受伤的动物!Wǒ xūyào bāngzhù chǔlǐ shòushāng de dòngwù!
161There’s a fire hazard!有火灾隐患!Yǒu huǒzāi yǐnhuàn!
162I need to get to safety immediately!我需要立即到安全的地方!Wǒ xūyào lìjí dào ānquán de dìfāng!
163Someone is having a diabetic crisis!有人糖尿病发作!Yǒurén tángniàobìng fāzuò!
164I need help with my vehicle!我需要帮助处理我的车!Wǒ xūyào bāngzhù chǔlǐ wǒ de chē!
165There’s a building collapse!有建筑物倒塌!Yǒu jiànzhúwù dǎotā!
166Someone is experiencing severe dizziness!有人严重头晕!Yǒurén yánzhòng tóuyūn!
167I need emergency contact information!我需要紧急联系信息!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí liánxì xìnxī!
168There’s a chemical reaction!有化学反应!Yǒu huàxué fǎnyìng!
169I need to report a theft!我需要报告盗窃!Wǒ xūyào bàogào dàoqiè!
170Someone is in cardiac arrest!有人心脏骤停!Yǒurén xīnzàng zhòutíng!
171I need to stay somewhere safe!我需要待在安全的地方!Wǒ xūyào dāi zài ānquán de dìfāng!
172There’s a serious traffic accident!有严重交通事故!Yǒu yánzhòng jiāotōng shìgù!
173I’m experiencing intense vomiting!我有剧烈呕吐!Wǒ yǒu jùliè ǒutù!
174I need immediate medical evacuation!我需要紧急医疗撤离!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí yīliáo chèlí!
175There’s a risk of radiation!有辐射风险!Yǒu fúshè fēngxiǎn!
176Someone is experiencing severe anxiety!有人严重焦虑!Yǒurén yánzhòng jiāolǜ!
177I need to secure my valuables!我需要保护我的贵重物品!Wǒ xūyào bǎohù wǒ de guìzhòng wùpǐn!
178There’s a major infrastructure failure!有重大基础设施故障!Yǒu zhòngdà jīchǔ shèshī gùzhàng!
179Someone is having a severe reaction to medication!有人对药物严重反应!Yǒurén duì yàowù yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
180I need immediate assistance for an injury!我需要紧急处理伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ shānghài!
181There’s a high risk of infection!有高度感染风险!Yǒu gāodù gǎnrǎn fēngxiǎn!
182Someone is experiencing severe dehydration!有人严重脱水!Yǒurén yánzhòng tuōshuǐ!
183I need to find an emergency shelter!我需要找紧急避难所!Wǒ xūyào zhǎo jǐnjí bìnàn suǒ!
184There’s a risk of toxic exposure!有毒性暴露的风险!Yǒu dúxìng bàolù de fēngxiǎn!
185Someone is having a severe migraine!有人严重偏头痛!Yǒurén yánzhòng piān tóutòng!
186I need emergency medical supplies!我需要紧急医疗用品!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí yīliáo yòngpǐn!
187There’s a major public health risk!有重大公共健康风险!Yǒu zhòngdà gōnggòng jiànkāng fēngxiǎn!
188Someone is experiencing severe leg pain!有人腿部严重疼痛!Yǒurén tuǐbù yánzhòng téngtòng!
189I need immediate help with a fire!我需要立即扑灭火焰!Wǒ xūyào lìjí pūmiè huǒyàn!
190There’s a risk of structural collapse!有结构坍塌的风险!Yǒu jiégòu tāntā de fēngxiǎn!
191I need urgent help for a heart condition!我需要紧急帮助心脏病!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí bāngzhù xīnzàng bìng!
192Someone is experiencing severe joint pain!有人关节剧痛!Yǒurén guānjié jù tòng!
193There’s a risk of mold exposure!有霉菌暴露的风险!Yǒu méi jūn bàolù de fēngxiǎn!
194I need urgent help with a gas leak!我需要紧急处理煤气泄漏!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ méiqì xièlòu!
195Someone is having a severe allergic reaction to food!有人对食物严重过敏!Yǒurén duì shíwù yánzhòng guòmǐn!
196There’s a risk of falling debris!有坠落碎片的风险!Yǒu zhuìluò suìpiàn de fēngxiǎn!
197I need immediate first aid!我需要立即急救!Wǒ xūyào lìjí jíjiù!
198There’s a high risk of hypothermia!有高风险的体温过低!Yǒu gāo fēngxiǎn de tǐwēn guòdī!
199Someone has been poisoned!有人中毒了!Yǒurén zhòngdúle!
200I need urgent help with a seizure!我需要紧急处理癫痫发作!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ diānxián fāzuò!

These phrases should provide a comprehensive range of emergency situations and needs in Mandarin Chinese.

You said:

ChatGPT said:

No.English PhraseMandarin PhrasePinyin
201Someone is having severe abdominal pain!有人严重腹痛!Yǒurén yánzhòng fùtòng!
202I need urgent assistance with a wound!我需要紧急处理伤口!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ shāngkǒu!
203There’s a major electrical fault!发生了重大电气故障!Fāshēngle zhòngdà diànqì gùzhàng!
204I need immediate help for a poisoning!我需要紧急帮助处理中毒!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí bāngzhù chǔlǐ zhòngdú!
205Someone has a severe cut!有人严重割伤!Yǒurén yánzhòng gē shāng!
206There’s a major structural issue!有重大结构问题!Yǒu zhòngdà jiégòu wèntí!
207I need urgent help with a serious fall!我需要紧急帮助处理摔伤!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí bāngzhù chǔlǐ shuāishāng!
208There’s a high risk of collapse!有倒塌的高风险!Yǒu dǎotā de gāo fēngxiǎn!
209I need immediate medical transport!我需要紧急医疗运输!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí yīliáo yùnshū!
210Someone has a severe sprain!有人严重扭伤!Yǒurén yánzhòng niǔshāng!
211There’s a chemical fire!发生了化学火灾!Fāshēngle huàxué huǒzāi!
212I need immediate medical examination!我需要立即医学检查!Wǒ xūyào lìjí yīxué jiǎnchá!
213Someone is having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting!有人对蜜蜂叮咬严重过敏!Yǒurén duì mìfēng dīngyǎo yánzhòng guòmǐn!
214I need urgent help with a gas leak!我需要紧急处理煤气泄漏!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ méiqì xièlòu!
215There’s a risk of severe weather!有严重天气风险!Yǒu yánzhòng tiānqì fēngxiǎn!
216Someone is experiencing severe confusion!有人严重迷糊!Yǒurén yánzhòng míhú!
217I need immediate help with an eye injury!我需要紧急处理眼睛伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yǎnjīng shānghài!
218There’s a risk of severe frostbite!有严重冻伤的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng dòngshāng de fēngxiǎn!
219I need urgent assistance with a lost child!我需要紧急帮助寻找失踪的孩子!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí bāngzhù xúnzhǎo shīzōng de háizi!
220Someone is experiencing severe dizziness and nausea!有人严重头晕和恶心!Yǒurén yánzhòng tóuyūn hé ěxīn!
221I need urgent help with a medical condition!我需要紧急处理医疗问题!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīliáo wèntí!
222There’s a risk of major flooding!有严重洪水风险!Yǒu yánzhòng hóngshuǐ fēngxiǎn!
223Someone is experiencing severe joint swelling!有人关节严重肿胀!Yǒurén guānjié yánzhòng zhǒngzhàng!
224I need immediate help with a serious burn!我需要紧急处理严重烧伤!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng shāoshāng!
225There’s a risk of severe allergic reaction to medication!有药物过敏的风险!Yǒu yàowù guòmǐn de fēngxiǎn!
226Someone is experiencing severe pain after surgery!有人手术后严重疼痛!Yǒurén shǒushù hòu yánzhòng téngtòng!
227I need immediate help with a chemical burn!我需要紧急处理化学烧伤!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ huàxué shāoshāng!
228There’s a major infrastructure collapse!发生了重大基础设施倒塌!Fāshēngle zhòngdà jīchǔ shèshī dǎotā!
229I need urgent help for a respiratory emergency!我需要紧急处理呼吸急症!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ hūxī jízhèng!
230Someone is having a severe reaction to a sting!有人对叮咬严重反应!Yǒurén duì dīngyǎo yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
231There’s a risk of major contamination!有严重污染的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng wūrǎn de fēngxiǎn!
232I need immediate help with an eye infection!我需要紧急处理眼部感染!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yǎnbù gǎnrǎn!
233Someone is experiencing severe breathing difficulties!有人严重呼吸困难!Yǒurén yánzhòng hūxī kùnnán!
234There’s a risk of severe dehydration!有严重脱水的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng tuōshuǐ de fēngxiǎn!
235I need urgent help with a severe infection!我需要紧急处理严重感染!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng gǎnrǎn!
236Someone is experiencing severe facial swelling!有人面部严重肿胀!Yǒurén miànbù yánzhòng zhǒngzhàng!
237There’s a risk of severe structural damage!有严重结构损坏的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng jiégòu sǔnhuài de fēngxiǎn!
238I need immediate help with a serious bite!我需要紧急处理严重咬伤!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng yǎoshāng!
239Someone is having a severe infection of the wound!有人伤口严重感染!Yǒurén shāngkǒu yánzhòng gǎnrǎn!
240I need urgent help with a high fever!我需要紧急处理高烧!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ gāoshāo!
241There’s a risk of severe frostbite!有严重冻伤的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng dòngshāng de fēngxiǎn!
242I need immediate help with a severe headache!我需要紧急处理严重头痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng tóutòng!
243Someone is experiencing severe pain in the chest!有人胸部严重疼痛!Yǒurén xiōngbù yánzhòng téngtòng!
244There’s a risk of severe burns!有严重烧伤的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng shāoshāng de fēngxiǎn!
245I need urgent help with a serious headache!我需要紧急处理严重头痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng tóutòng!
246Someone is having a severe allergic reaction to dust!有人对尘土严重过敏!Yǒurén duì chéntǔ yánzhòng guòmǐn!
247There’s a risk of severe electrical shock!有严重电击的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng diànjī de fēngxiǎn!
248I need immediate help with a severe sore throat!我需要紧急处理严重喉咙痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hóulóng tòng!
249Someone is experiencing severe stomach cramps!有人严重腹部痉挛!Yǒurén yánzhòng fùbù jìngluán!
250There’s a risk of severe hypothermia!有严重体温过低的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng tǐwēn guòdī de fēngxiǎn!
251I need urgent help with a severe seizure!我需要紧急处理严重癫痫发作!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng diānxián fāzuò!
252Someone is experiencing severe pain after a fall!有人摔倒后严重疼痛!Yǒurén shuāidǎo hòu yánzhòng téngtòng!
253There’s a risk of severe respiratory issues!有严重呼吸问题的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng hūxī wèntí de fēngxiǎn!
254I need urgent help with a severe neck injury!我需要紧急处理严重颈部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jǐngbù shānghài!
255Someone is experiencing severe confusion and disorientation!有人严重迷茫和定向障碍!Yǒurén yánzhòng mímáng hé dìngxiàng zhàng’ài!
256There’s a risk of severe contamination of water!有水源严重污染的风险!Yǒu shuǐyuán yánzhòng wūrǎn de fēngxiǎn!
257I need urgent help with a severe injury to the head!我需要紧急处理头部严重伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ tóubù yánzhòng shānghài!
258Someone is having a severe allergic reaction to a drug!有人对药物严重过敏!Yǒurén duì yàowù yánzhòng guòmǐn!
259There’s a risk of severe cardiac issues!有严重心脏问题的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng xīnzàng wèntí de fēngxiǎn!
260I need immediate help with a severe ear infection!我需要紧急处理耳部感染!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ ěr bù gǎnrǎn!
261Someone is experiencing severe pain in the back!有人背部严重疼痛!Yǒurén bèibù yánzhòng téngtòng!
262There’s a risk of severe spinal injury!有严重脊柱伤害的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng jǐzhù shānghài de fēngxiǎn!
263I need urgent help with a severe allergic reaction to a bite!我需要紧急处理对咬伤的严重过敏!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ duì yǎoshāng de yánzhòng guòmǐn!
264Someone is experiencing severe joint instability!有人关节严重不稳定!Yǒurén guānjié yánzhòng bù wěndìng!
265There’s a risk of severe air contamination!有严重空气污染的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng kōngqì wūrǎn de fēngxiǎn!
266I need immediate help with a severe muscle injury!我需要紧急处理严重肌肉伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jīròu shānghài!
267Someone is experiencing severe vomiting and diarrhea!有人严重呕吐和腹泻!Yǒurén yánzhòng ǒutù hé fùxiè!
268There’s a risk of severe heat exhaustion!有严重中暑的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng zhōngshǔ de fēngxiǎn!
269I need urgent help with a severe jaw injury!我需要紧急处理严重颚部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng è bù shānghài!
270Someone is experiencing severe pain in the abdomen!有人腹部严重疼痛!Yǒurén fùbù yánzhòng téngtòng!
271There’s a risk of severe brain injury!有严重脑部损伤的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng nǎobù sǔnshāng de fēngxiǎn!
272I need urgent help with a severe dental issue!我需要紧急处理严重牙科问题!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng yákē wèntí!
273Someone is experiencing severe muscle cramps!有人严重肌肉痉挛!Yǒurén yánzhòng jīròu jìngluán!
274There’s a risk of severe allergic reaction to a vaccine!有疫苗严重过敏的风险!Yǒu yìmiáo yánzhòng guòmǐn de fēngxiǎn!
275I need immediate help with severe tooth pain!我需要紧急处理严重牙痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng yátòng!
276Someone is experiencing severe fatigue and weakness!有人严重疲劳和虚弱!Yǒurén yánzhòng píláo hé xūruò!
277There’s a risk of severe carbon monoxide poisoning!有严重一氧化碳中毒的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng yīyǎnghuàtàn zhòngdú de fēngxiǎn!
278I need urgent help with a severe eye injury!我需要紧急处理严重眼伤!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng yǎnshāng!
279Someone is experiencing severe dizziness and unsteadiness!有人严重头晕和不稳!Yǒurén yánzhòng tóuyūn hé bù wěn!
280There’s a risk of severe gas poisoning!有严重煤气中毒的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng méiqì zhòngdú de fēngxiǎn!
281I need immediate help with a severe allergic reaction to a plant!我需要紧急处理对植物的严重过敏!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ duì zhíwù de yánzhòng guòmǐn!
282Someone is experiencing severe trouble with vision!有人视力严重受损!Yǒurén shìlì yánzhòng shòusǔn!
283There’s a risk of severe burns from chemicals!有化学品严重烧伤的风险!Yǒu huàxué pǐn yánzhòng shāoshāng de fēngxiǎn!
284I need urgent help with a severe spinal injury!我需要紧急处理严重脊柱伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jǐzhù shānghài!
285Someone is experiencing severe confusion and memory loss!有人严重迷惑和记忆丧失!Yǒurén yánzhòng míhuò hé jìyì sàngshī!
286There’s a risk of severe electrical burn!有严重电烧的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng diàn shāo de fēngxiǎn!
287I need immediate help with a severe rash!我需要紧急处理严重皮疹!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng pízhěn!
288Someone is experiencing severe dehydration and shock!有人严重脱水和休克!Yǒurén yánzhòng tuōshuǐ hé xiūkè!
289There’s a risk of severe bleeding from the nose!有严重鼻出血的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng bí chūxiě de fēngxiǎn!
290I need urgent help with severe pain in the ribs!我需要紧急处理肋部严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ lèibù yánzhòng téngtòng!
291Someone is experiencing severe respiratory distress!有人严重呼吸困难!Yǒurén yánzhòng hūxī kùnnán!
292There’s a risk of severe infection from a wound!有伤口严重感染的风险!Yǒu shāngkǒu yánzhòng gǎnrǎn de fēngxiǎn!
293I need immediate help with severe nausea and vomiting!我需要紧急处理严重恶心和呕吐!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng ěxīn hé ǒutù!
294Someone is experiencing severe shortness of breath!有人严重呼吸急促!Yǒurén yánzhòng hūxī jícù!
295There’s a risk of severe trauma!有严重创伤的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng chuāngshāng de fēngxiǎn!
296I need urgent help with a severe allergic reaction to food!我需要紧急处理对食物的严重过敏!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ duì shíwù de yánzhòng guòmǐn!
297Someone is experiencing severe dizziness and fainting!有人严重头晕和昏厥!Yǒurén yánzhòng tóuyūn hé hūnjué!
298There’s a risk of severe psychological distress!有严重心理困扰的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng xīnlǐ kùnrǎo de fēngxiǎn!
299I need immediate help with a severe allergic reaction to a drug!我需要紧急处理对药物的严重过敏!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ duì yàowù de yánzhòng guòmǐn!
300Someone is experiencing severe pain in the pelvis!有人骨盆严重疼痛!Yǒurén gǔpén yánzhòng téngtòng!

This completes the list of emergency phrases from 201 to 300.

You said:

ChatGPT said:


Certainly! Here are emergency phrases numbered from 301 to 400:

No.English PhraseMandarin PhrasePinyin
301I need urgent help with a severe allergic reaction to insect stings!我需要紧急处理对昆虫叮咬的严重过敏!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ duì kūnchóng dīngyǎo de yánzhòng guòmǐn!
302Someone is experiencing severe pain in the extremities!有人四肢严重疼痛!Yǒurén sìzhī yánzhòng téngtòng!
303There’s a risk of severe water contamination!有严重水污染的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng shuǐ wūrǎn de fēngxiǎn!
304I need immediate help with a severe dental emergency!我需要紧急处理严重牙科急症!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng yákē jízhèng!
305Someone is experiencing severe pain from a fracture!有人骨折后严重疼痛!Yǒurén gǔzhé hòu yánzhòng téngtòng!
306There’s a risk of severe dehydration from heat!有严重中暑引起的脱水风险!Yǒu yánzhòng zhōngshǔ yǐnqǐ de tuōshuǐ fēngxiǎn!
307I need urgent help with severe bleeding from the mouth!我需要紧急处理口腔严重出血!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ kǒuqiāng yánzhòng chūxiě!
308Someone is experiencing severe pain in the hands!有人手部严重疼痛!Yǒurén shǒubù yánzhòng téngtòng!
309There’s a risk of severe internal bleeding!有严重内部出血的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng nèibù chūxiě de fēngxiǎn!
310I need immediate help with a severe heart issue!我需要紧急处理严重心脏问题!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng xīnzàng wèntí!
311Someone is experiencing severe dizziness and unresponsiveness!有人严重头晕和无反应!Yǒurén yánzhòng tóuyūn hé wú fǎnyìng!
312There’s a risk of severe blood poisoning!有严重血液中毒的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng xuèyè zhòngdú de fēngxiǎn!
313I need urgent help with a severe burn from hot liquid!我需要紧急处理热液体造成的严重烧伤!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ rè yètǐ zàochéng de yánzhòng shāoshāng!
314Someone is experiencing severe abdominal cramping!有人严重腹部痉挛!Yǒurén yánzhòng fùbù jìngluán!
315There’s a risk of severe environmental hazards!有严重环境危害的风险!Yǒu yánzhòng huánjìng wēihài de fēngxiǎn!
316I need immediate help with a severe throat injury!我需要紧急处理严重喉部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hóubù shānghài!
317Someone is experiencing severe trauma from an accident!有人从事故中严重创伤!Yǒurén cóng shìgù zhōng yánzhòng chuāngshāng!
318There’s a risk of severe poisoning from food!有食物严重中毒的风险!Yǒu shíwù yánzhòng zhòngdú de fēngxiǎn!
319I need urgent help with a severe reaction to a drug!我需要紧急处理对药物的严重反应!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ duì yàowù de yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
320Someone is experiencing severe pain from a burn!有人因烧伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shāoshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
321There’s a risk of severe trauma from a fall!有跌倒造成的严重创伤风险!Yǒu diédǎo zàochéng de yánzhòng chuāngshāng fēngxiǎn!
322I need immediate help with severe eye discomfort!我需要紧急处理严重眼部不适!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng yǎnbù bùshì!
323Someone is experiencing severe joint pain and swelling!有人关节严重疼痛和肿胀!Yǒurén guānjié yánzhòng téngtòng hé zhǒngzhàng!
324There’s a risk of severe contamination from chemical spills!有化学品泄漏造成的严重污染风险!Yǒu huàxué pǐn xièlòu zàochéng de yánzhòng wūrǎn fēngxiǎn!
325I need urgent help with severe respiratory distress!我需要紧急处理严重呼吸急症!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hūxī jízhèng!
326Someone is experiencing severe pain from an insect bite!有人因昆虫叮咬而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn kūnchóng dīngyǎo ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
327There’s a risk of severe poisoning from inhalation!有吸入中毒的严重风险!Yǒu xīrù zhòngdú de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
328I need immediate help with severe abdominal swelling!我需要紧急处理腹部严重肿胀!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ fùbù yánzhòng zhǒngzhàng!
329Someone is experiencing severe reaction to a medication!有人对药物严重反应!Yǒurén duì yàowù yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
330There’s a risk of severe injury from explosion!有爆炸造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu bàozhà zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
331I need urgent help with severe vision loss!我需要紧急处理严重视力丧失!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng shìlì sàngshī!
332Someone is experiencing severe pain from a dislocated joint!有人关节脱位后严重疼痛!Yǒurén guānjié tuōwèi hòu yánzhòng téngtòng!
333There’s a risk of severe allergic reaction to mold!有霉菌严重过敏的风险!Yǒu méi jūn yánzhòng guòmǐn de fēngxiǎn!
334I need immediate help with severe skin rash!我需要紧急处理严重皮肤疹!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng pífū zhěn!
335Someone is experiencing severe back pain from lifting!有人因抬重物而严重背痛!Yǒurén yīn tái zhòngwù ér yánzhòng bèitòng!
336There’s a risk of severe damage from a chemical spill!有化学品泄漏造成的严重损害风险!Yǒu huàxué pǐn xièlòu zàochéng de yánzhòng sǔnhài fēngxiǎn!
337I need urgent help with a severe headache and nausea!我需要紧急处理严重头痛和恶心!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng tóutòng hé ěxīn!
338Someone is experiencing severe neck pain from an accident!有人因事故而严重颈部疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shìgù ér yánzhòng jǐngbù téngtòng!
339There’s a risk of severe trauma from a fall!有跌倒造成的严重创伤风险!Yǒu diédǎo zàochéng de yánzhòng chuāngshāng fēngxiǎn!
340I need immediate help with severe muscle injury!我需要紧急处理严重肌肉损伤!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jīròu sǔnshāng!
341Someone is experiencing severe disorientation!有人严重定向障碍!Yǒurén yánzhòng dìngxiàng zhàng’ài!
342There’s a risk of severe injury from a vehicle accident!有车辆事故造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu chēliàng shìgù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
343I need urgent help with severe chest pain!我需要紧急处理严重胸部疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng xiōngbù téngtòng!
344Someone is experiencing severe jaw pain from an injury!有人因伤害而严重颚部疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shānghài ér yánzhòng è bù téngtòng!
345There’s a risk of severe dehydration from vomiting!有呕吐引起的严重脱水风险!Yǒu ǒutù yǐnqǐ de yánzhòng tuōshuǐ fēngxiǎn!
346I need immediate help with severe breathing difficulty!我需要紧急处理严重呼吸困难!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hūxī kùnnán!
347Someone is experiencing severe weakness and lethargy!有人严重虚弱和乏力!Yǒurén yánzhòng xūruò hé fálì!
348There’s a risk of severe injury from a fall!有跌倒造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu diédǎo zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
349I need urgent help with severe pain in the arms!我需要紧急处理手臂严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ shǒubì yánzhòng téngtòng!
350Someone is experiencing severe confusion and disorientation!有人严重困惑和迷失方向!Yǒurén yánzhòng kùnhuò hé míshī fāngxiàng!
351There’s a risk of severe head injury from impact!有冲击造成的严重头部伤害风险!Yǒu chōngjí zàochéng de yánzhòng tóubù shānghài fēngxiǎn!
352I need immediate help with severe neck pain!我需要紧急处理严重颈部疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jǐngbù téngtòng!
353Someone is experiencing severe pain from a sprain!有人因扭伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn niǔshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
354There’s a risk of severe allergic reaction to a sting!有叮咬严重过敏的风险!Yǒu dīngyǎo yánzhòng guòmǐn de fēngxiǎn!
355I need urgent help with severe blood loss!我需要紧急处理严重失血!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng shīxuè!
356Someone is experiencing severe muscle pain from exertion!有人因劳累而严重肌肉疼痛!Yǒurén yīn láolèi ér yánzhòng jīròu téngtòng!
357There’s a risk of severe damage from electric shock!有电击造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu diànjī zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
358I need immediate help with severe ear pain!我需要紧急处理严重耳部疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng ěrbù téngtòng!
359Someone is experiencing severe difficulty swallowing!有人严重吞咽困难!Yǒurén yánzhòng tūnyàn kùnnán!
360There’s a risk of severe poisoning from mushrooms!有毒蘑菇中毒的严重风险!Yǒu dú mógū zhòngdú de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
361I need urgent help with severe abdominal pain!我需要紧急处理严重腹部疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng fùbù téngtòng!
362Someone is experiencing severe pain from a dental issue!有人因牙科问题而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yákē wèntí ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
363There’s a risk of severe infection from a cut!有切割伤口感染的严重风险!Yǒu qiēgē shāngkǒu gǎnrǎn de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
364I need immediate help with severe foot injury!我需要紧急处理严重脚部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jiǎobù shānghài!
365Someone is experiencing severe weakness from illness!有人因病而严重虚弱!Yǒurén yīn bìng ér yánzhòng xūruò!
366There’s a risk of severe allergic reaction to medication!有药物过敏的严重风险!Yǒu yàowù guòmǐn de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
367I need urgent help with severe pain in the shoulders!我需要紧急处理肩部严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ jiānbù yánzhòng téngtòng!
368Someone is experiencing severe reaction to a bee sting!有人对蜜蜂叮咬严重反应!Yǒurén duì mìfēng dīngyǎo yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
369There’s a risk of severe infection from an animal bite!有动物咬伤感染的严重风险!Yǒu dòngwù yǎoshāng gǎnrǎn de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
370I need immediate help with severe wrist pain!我需要紧急处理严重腕部疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng wànbù téngtòng!
371Someone is experiencing severe distress from a recent trauma!有人因最近的创伤而严重痛苦!Yǒurén yīn zuìjìn de chuāngshāng ér yánzhòng tòngkǔ!
372There’s a risk of severe poisoning from industrial chemicals!有工业化学品中毒的严重风险!Yǒu gōngyè huàxué pǐn zhòngdú de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
373I need urgent help with severe hand injury!我需要紧急处理严重手部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng shǒubù shānghài!
374Someone is experiencing severe pain from a burn injury!有人因烧伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shāoshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
375There’s a risk of severe injury from a collision!有碰撞造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu pèngzhuàng zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
376I need immediate help with severe ear infection!我需要紧急处理严重耳部感染!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng ěrbù gǎnrǎn!
377Someone is experiencing severe pain from a burn!有人因烧伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shāoshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
378There’s a risk of severe heart condition from stress!有因压力造成的严重心脏问题风险!Yǒu yīn yālì zàochéng de yánzhòng xīnzàng wèntí fēngxiǎn!
379I need urgent help with severe blood loss from an injury!我需要紧急处理因伤害而严重失血!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn shānghài ér yánzhòng shīxuè!
380Someone is experiencing severe fatigue from exhaustion!有人因疲劳而严重疲倦!Yǒurén yīn píláo ér yánzhòng píjuàn!
381There’s a risk of severe damage from a chemical explosion!有化学品爆炸造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu huàxué pǐn bàozhà zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
382I need immediate help with severe difficulty breathing!我需要紧急处理严重呼吸困难!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hūxī kùnnán!
383Someone is experiencing severe pain from an allergic reaction!有人因过敏反应而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn guòmǐn fǎnyìng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
384There’s a risk of severe trauma from a fall!有跌倒造成的严重创伤风险!Yǒu diédǎo zàochéng de yánzhòng chuāngshāng fēngxiǎn!
385I need urgent help with severe pain from a sports injury!我需要紧急处理因运动损伤而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn yùndòng sǔnshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
386Someone is experiencing severe reaction from an insect bite!有人因昆虫叮咬而严重反应!Yǒurén yīn kūnchóng dīngyǎo ér yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
387There’s a risk of severe dehydration from sweating!有出汗引起的严重脱水风险!Yǒu chūhàn yǐnqǐ de yánzhòng tuōshuǐ fēngxiǎn!
388I need immediate help with severe chest injury!我需要紧急处理严重胸部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng xiōngbù shānghài!
389Someone is experiencing severe dizziness from dehydration!有人因脱水而严重头晕!Yǒurén yīn tuōshuǐ ér yánzhòng tóuyūn!
390There’s a risk of severe trauma from blunt force!有钝器造成的严重创伤风险!Yǒu dùnqì zàochéng de yánzhòng chuāngshāng fēngxiǎn!
391I need urgent help with severe digestive distress!我需要紧急处理严重消化不良!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng xiāohuà bùliáng!
392Someone is experiencing severe reaction to a food allergy!有人对食物过敏严重反应!Yǒurén duì shíwù guòmǐn yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
393There’s a risk of severe infection from an open wound!有开放伤口感染的严重风险!Yǒu kāifàng shāngkǒu gǎnrǎn de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
394I need immediate help with severe joint injury!我需要紧急处理严重关节伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng guānjié shānghài!
395Someone is experiencing severe reaction to a new medication!有人对新药物严重反应!Yǒurén duì xīn yàowù yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
396There’s a risk of severe damage from an unprotected fall!有未保护跌倒造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu wèi bǎohù diédǎo zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
397I need urgent help with severe headache and vision problems!我需要紧急处理严重头痛和视力问题!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng tóutòng hé shìlì wèntí!
398Someone is experiencing severe symptoms of heat stroke!有人有严重中暑症状!Yǒurén yǒu yánzhòng zhōngshǔ zhèngzhuàng!
399There’s a risk of severe poisoning from environmental toxins!有环境毒素中毒的严重风险!Yǒu huánjìng dúsù zhòngdú de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
400I need immediate help with severe throat pain!我需要紧急处理严重喉咙疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hóulóng téngtòng!

This completes the list from 301 to 400.

You said:

ChatGPT said:


Certainly! Here are emergency phrases numbered from 401 to 500:

No.English PhraseMandarin PhrasePinyin
401I need urgent help with severe shoulder injury!我需要紧急处理严重肩部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jiānbù shānghài!
402Someone is experiencing severe reaction to a vaccine!有人对疫苗严重反应!Yǒurén duì yìmiáo yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
403There’s a risk of severe poisoning from contaminated water!有受污染水源中毒的严重风险!Yǒu shòu wūrǎn shuǐyuán zhòngdú de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
404I need immediate help with severe reaction to latex!我需要紧急处理对乳胶的严重反应!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ duì rǔjiāo de yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
405Someone is experiencing severe pain from a burst appendix!有人因阑尾炎破裂而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn lánwěiyán pòliè ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
406There’s a risk of severe injury from falling debris!有落物造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu luòwù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
407I need urgent help with severe pain from a sprain!我需要紧急处理因扭伤而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn niǔshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
408Someone is experiencing severe pain from a severe burn!有人因严重烧伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yánzhòng shāoshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
409There’s a risk of severe exposure to toxic fumes!有接触毒气的严重风险!Yǒu jiēchù dúqì de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
410I need immediate help with severe pain from a concussion!我需要紧急处理因脑震荡而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn nǎo zhèndàng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
411Someone is experiencing severe pain from an impacted tooth!有人因牙齿受影响而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yáchǐ shòu yǐngxiǎng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
412There’s a risk of severe exposure to radioactive materials!有接触放射性物质的严重风险!Yǒu jiēchù fàngshèxìng wùzhì de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
413I need urgent help with severe digestive issues!我需要紧急处理严重消化问题!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng xiāohuà wèntí!
414Someone is experiencing severe pain from a severe sprain!有人因严重扭伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yánzhòng niǔshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
415There’s a risk of severe damage from extreme temperatures!有极端温度造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu jíduān wēndù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
416I need immediate help with severe pain in the legs!我需要紧急处理腿部严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ tuǐbù yánzhòng téngtòng!
417Someone is experiencing severe pain from a laceration!有人因割伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn gēshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
418There’s a risk of severe harm from a sudden collapse!有突然倒塌造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu túrán dǎotā zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
419I need urgent help with severe fatigue and weakness!我需要紧急处理严重疲劳和虚弱!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng píláo hé xūruò!
420Someone is experiencing severe pain from an impacted object!有人因异物阻塞而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yìwù zǔsè ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
421There’s a risk of severe injury from an animal attack!有动物袭击造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu dòngwù xíjī zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
422I need immediate help with severe throat irritation!我需要紧急处理严重喉咙刺激!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hóulóng cìjī!
423Someone is experiencing severe pain from a severe cut!有人因严重切割而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yánzhòng qiēgē ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
424There’s a risk of severe contamination from biohazards!有生物危害造成的严重污染风险!Yǒu shēngwù wēihài zàochéng de yánzhòng wūrǎn fēngxiǎn!
425I need urgent help with severe vision problems!我需要紧急处理严重视力问题!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng shìlì wèntí!
426Someone is experiencing severe pain from an abdominal injury!有人因腹部伤害而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn fùbù shānghài ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
427There’s a risk of severe exposure to high voltage!有高电压接触的严重风险!Yǒu gāo diànyā jiēchù de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
428I need immediate help with severe breathing issues!我需要紧急处理严重呼吸问题!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hūxī wèntí!
429Someone is experiencing severe pain from an ear infection!有人因耳部感染而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn ěrbù gǎnrǎn ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
430There’s a risk of severe injury from a high-impact accident!有高冲击事故造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu gāo chōngjí shìgù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
431I need urgent help with severe leg swelling!我需要紧急处理腿部严重肿胀!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ tuǐbù yánzhòng zhǒngzhàng!
432Someone is experiencing severe pain from a burn wound!有人因烧伤伤口而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shāoshāng shāngkǒu ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
433There’s a risk of severe trauma from a sports accident!有运动事故造成的严重创伤风险!Yǒu yùndòng shìgù zàochéng de yánzhòng chuāngshāng fēngxiǎn!
434I need immediate help with severe bleeding from a wound!我需要紧急处理因伤口而严重出血!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn shāngkǒu ér yánzhòng chūxuè!
435Someone is experiencing severe pain from a deep cut!有人因深切伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shēn qiē shāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
436There’s a risk of severe exposure to harmful gases!有接触有害气体的严重风险!Yǒu jiēchù yǒuhài qìtǐ de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
437I need urgent help with severe wrist injury!我需要紧急处理严重腕部伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng wànbù shānghài!
438Someone is experiencing severe pain from an infected wound!有人因感染伤口而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn gǎnrǎn shāngkǒu ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
439There’s a risk of severe exposure to chemicals in the air!有空气中化学品接触的严重风险!Yǒu kōngqì zhōng huàxué pǐn jiēchù de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
440I need immediate help with severe ear bleeding!我需要紧急处理严重耳部出血!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng ěrbù chūxuè!
441Someone is experiencing severe pain from a severe fracture!有人因严重骨折而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yánzhòng gǔzhé ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
442There’s a risk of severe damage from radiation exposure!有辐射暴露造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu fúshè bàolù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
443I need urgent help with severe difficulty in swallowing!我需要紧急处理严重吞咽困难!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng tūnyàn kùnnán!
444Someone is experiencing severe pain from a deep laceration!有人因深层割伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn shēncéng gēshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
445There’s a risk of severe injury from falling objects!有落物造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu luòwù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
446I need immediate help with severe pain from an impacted vertebra!我需要紧急处理因椎骨受影响而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn zhuīgǔ shòu yǐngxiǎng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
447Someone is experiencing severe reaction to a food poisoning!有人因食物中毒而严重反应!Yǒurén yīn shíwù zhòngdú ér yánzhòng fǎnyìng!
448There’s a risk of severe injury from a structural collapse!有结构坍塌造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu jiégòu tāntā zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
449I need urgent help with severe facial swelling!我需要紧急处理脸部严重肿胀!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ liǎnbù yánzhòng zhǒngzhàng!
450Someone is experiencing severe pain from a slipped disc!有人因椎间盘突出而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn zhuījiànpán tūchū ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
451There’s a risk of severe infection from a surgical wound!有手术伤口感染的严重风险!Yǒu shǒushù shāngkǒu gǎnrǎn de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
452I need immediate help with severe pain from an abdominal incision!我需要紧急处理因腹部切口而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn fùbù qiēkǒu ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
453Someone is experiencing severe pain from an infected abscess!有人因感染脓肿而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn gǎnrǎn nóngzhǒng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
454There’s a risk of severe injury from a high fall!有高处坠落造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu gāochù zhuìluò zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
455I need urgent help with severe injury from a knife wound!我需要紧急处理因刀伤而严重伤害!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn dāoshāng ér yánzhòng shānghài!
456Someone is experiencing severe pain from an impacted rib!有人因肋骨受影响而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn lèigǔ shòu yǐngxiǎng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
457There’s a risk of severe exposure to high-pressure gas!有高压气体接触的严重风险!Yǒu gāoyā qìtǐ jiēchù de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
458I need immediate help with severe pain from a sprained ankle!我需要紧急处理因脚踝扭伤而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn jiǎohuí niǔshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
459Someone is experiencing severe pain from a dislocated shoulder!有人因肩部脱位而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn jiānbù tuōwèi ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
460There’s a risk of severe injury from a violent explosion!有爆炸造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu bàozhà zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
461I need urgent help with severe abdominal cramping!我需要紧急处理严重腹部痉挛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng fùbù jìngluán!
462Someone is experiencing severe pain from a ruptured spleen!有人因脾脏破裂而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn pízàng pòliè ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
463There’s a risk of severe injury from a fall on ice!有在冰面上摔倒造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu zài bīngmiàn shàng shuāidǎo zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
464I need immediate help with severe muscle spasms!我需要紧急处理严重肌肉痉挛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng jīròu jìngluán!
465Someone is experiencing severe pain from an infected wound!有人因感染伤口而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn gǎnrǎn shāngkǒu ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
466There’s a risk of severe damage from extreme weather!有极端天气造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu jíduān tiānqì zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
467I need urgent help with severe symptoms of hypothermia!我需要紧急处理严重低温症状!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng dīwēn zhèngzhuàng!
468Someone is experiencing severe pain from an infected joint!有人因关节感染而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn guānjié gǎnrǎn ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
469There’s a risk of severe injury from a high-speed impact!有高速撞击造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu gāosù zhuàngjī zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
470I need immediate help with severe respiratory infection!我需要紧急处理严重呼吸道感染!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hūxīdào gǎnrǎn!
471Someone is experiencing severe pain from an abscessed tooth!有人因牙齿脓肿而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn yáchǐ nóngzhǒng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
472There’s a risk of severe injury from an industrial accident!有工业事故造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu gōngyè shìgù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
473I need urgent help with severe emotional distress!我需要紧急处理严重情绪困扰!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng qíngxù kùnrǎo!
474Someone is experiencing severe pain from an insect sting!有人因昆虫叮咬而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn kūnchóng dīngyǎo ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
475There’s a risk of severe harm from high altitude exposure!有高海拔暴露造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu gāo hǎibá bàolù zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
476I need immediate help with severe swelling in the face!我需要紧急处理脸部严重肿胀!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ liǎnbù yánzhòng zhǒngzhàng!
477Someone is experiencing severe pain from a dislocated joint!有人因关节脱位而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn guānjié tuōwèi ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
478There’s a risk of severe damage from a car accident!有车祸造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu chēhuò zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
479I need urgent help with severe pain from an eye injury!我需要紧急处理因眼部伤害而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn yǎnbù shānghài ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
480Someone is experiencing severe symptoms of poisoning!有人有严重中毒症状!Yǒurén yǒu yánzhòng zhòngdú zhèngzhuàng!
481There’s a risk of severe injury from a large fall!有大跌落造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu dà diēluò zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
482I need immediate help with severe abdominal bleeding!我需要紧急处理严重腹部出血!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng fùbù chūxuè!
483Someone is experiencing severe pain from a broken rib!有人因肋骨骨折而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn lèigǔ gǔzhé ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
484There’s a risk of severe harm from a chemical spill!有化学品泄漏造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu huàxué pǐn xièlòu zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
485I need urgent help with severe bleeding from the ear!我需要紧急处理耳部严重出血!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ ěrbù yánzhòng chūxuè!
486Someone is experiencing severe pain from a compound fracture!有人因复杂骨折而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn fùzá gǔzhé ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
487There’s a risk of severe damage from a high-pressure leak!有高压泄漏造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu gāo yā xièlòu zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
488I need immediate help with severe chest pain and shortness of breath!我需要紧急处理严重胸痛和呼吸急促!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng xiōngtòng hé hūxī jícù!
489Someone is experiencing severe pain from a broken bone!有人因骨折而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn gǔzhé ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
490There’s a risk of severe exposure to toxic radiation!有毒辐射接触的严重风险!Yǒu dú fúshè jiēchù de yánzhòng fēngxiǎn!
491I need urgent help with severe pain from an ingrown toenail!我需要紧急处理因嵌甲而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn qiànjiǎ ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
492Someone is experiencing severe pain from a ruptured blood vessel!有人因血管破裂而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn xuèguǎn pòliè ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
493There’s a risk of severe injury from a gas explosion!有燃气爆炸造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu ránqì bàozhà zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
494I need immediate help with severe symptoms of shock!我需要紧急处理严重休克症状!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng xiūkè zhèngzhuàng!
495Someone is experiencing severe pain from an acute injury!有人因急性伤害而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn jíxìng shānghài ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
496There’s a risk of severe trauma from a high-speed collision!有高速碰撞造成的严重创伤风险!Yǒu gāosù pèngzhuàng zàochéng de yánzhòng chuāngshāng fēngxiǎn!
497I need urgent help with severe respiratory distress!我需要紧急处理严重呼吸窘迫!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yánzhòng hūxī jiǒngpò!
498Someone is experiencing severe pain from a chemical burn!有人因化学烧伤而严重疼痛!Yǒurén yīn huàxué shāoshāng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!
499There’s a risk of severe harm from a biological hazard!有生物危害造成的严重伤害风险!Yǒu shēngwù wēihài zàochéng de yánzhòng shānghài fēngxiǎn!
500I need immediate help with severe pain from a dental abscess!我需要紧急处理因牙科脓肿而严重疼痛!Wǒ xūyào jǐnjí chǔlǐ yīn yákē nóngzhǒng ér yánzhòng téngtòng!