
Here is the chart with translations and sample sentences for the provided terms:

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSample Sentence (Mandarin)Sample Sentence (English)Sample Sentence (Pinyin)
1one我有一个问题。I have one question.Wǒ yǒu yī gè wèntí.
2at/inzài他在学校。He is at school.Tā zài xuéxiào.
3haveyǒu我有一个朋友。I have a friend.Wǒ yǒu yī gè péngyǒu.
4(measure word)我买了一个苹果。I bought an apple.Wǒ mǎi le yī gè píngguǒ.
5I/me我喜欢这本书。I like this book.Wǒ xǐhuān zhè běn shū.
6not我不明白。I don’t understand.Wǒ bù míngbái.
7thiszhè这是我的家。This is my home.Zhè shì wǒ de jiā.
8he/him他很聪明。He is very smart.Tā hěn cōngmíng.
9also我也去。I am going too.Wǒ yě qù.
10just/thenjiù就这样吧。Let’s do it like this.Jiù zhèyàng ba.
11personrén他是一个好人。He is a good person.Tā shì yī gè hǎo rén.
12all/bothdōu我们都喜欢这个电影。We all like this movie.Wǒmen dōu xǐhuān zhè gè diànyǐng.
13say/speakshuō她说她会来。She says she will come.Tā shuō tā huì lái.
14and/butér他聪明而且勤奋。He is smart but also diligent.Tā cōngmíng érqiě qínfèn.
15(plural)men我们在一起。We are together.Wǒmen zài yīqǐ.
16you你喜欢这本书吗?Do you like this book?Nǐ xǐhuān zhè běn shū ma?
17(particle)le我吃了晚饭。I have eaten dinner.Wǒ chī le wǎnfàn.
18want/needyào我们要去旅游。We want to travel.Wǒmen yào qù lǚyóu.
19can/knowhuì他会说中文。He can speak Chinese.Tā huì shuō zhōngwén.
20right/forduì这是对的。This is correct.Zhè shì duì de.
21and/too他和我及其他人一起去。He and I, along with others, went.Tā hé wǒ jí qítā rén yīqǐ qù.
22and/with我和你。You and I.Wǒ hé nǐ.
23and/with他与她一起去。He went with her.Tā yǔ tā yīqǐ qù.
24with/by以我的名义。In my name.Yǐ wǒ de míngyì.
25veryhěn这件事很重要。This matter is very important.Zhè jiàn shì hěn zhòngyào.
26kind/typezhǒng我喜欢这种花。I like this kind of flower.Wǒ xǐhuān zhè zhǒng huā.
27(possessive)de这是我的书。This is my book.Zhè shì wǒ de shū.
28big他很大。He is big.Tā hěn dà.
29can/ablenéng我能做到。I can do it.Wǒ néng zuò dào.
30(particle)zhe她穿着红色的衣服。She is wearing red clothes.Tā chuān zhe hóngsè de yīfú.
31she/her她很漂亮。She is beautiful.Tā hěn piàoliang.
32that那是他的车。That is his car.Nà shì tā de chē.
33on/upshàng他在楼上。He is upstairs.Tā zài lóu shàng.
34butdàn我喜欢这本书,但它很贵。I like this book, but it is expensive.Wǒ xǐhuān zhè běn shū, dàn tā hěn guì.
35yearnián今年是2024年。This year is 2024.Jīnnián shì èr líng èr sì nián.
36still/alsohái他还没来。He has not come yet.Tā hái méi lái.
37可以can/maykěyǐ我们可以去那儿。We can go there.Wǒmen kěyǐ qù nà’er.
38mostzuì这是我最喜欢的电影。This is my favorite movie.Zhè shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de diànyǐng.
39自己oneselfzìjǐ我自己做的。I did it myself.Wǒ zìjǐ zuò de.
40for/becausewèi这是为了你。This is for you.Zhè shì wèi nǐ.
41come/forlái她来了。She came.Tā lái le.
42place/thatsuǒ这是我所知道的。This is what I know.Zhè shì wǒ suǒ zhīdào de.
43他们they/themtāmen他们在外面。They are outside. 

Certainly! Here is the continuation of the chart:

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSample Sentence (Mandarin)Sample Sentence (English)Sample Sentence (Pinyin)
44twoliǎng我们有两只狗。We have two dogs.Wǒmen yǒu liǎng zhī gǒu.
45each各自完成自己的任务。Each completes their own task.Gè zì wánchéng zìjǐ de rènwù.
46can/able这件事可行。This thing is feasible.Zhè jiàn shì kěxíng.
47for/becausewéi我们为你准备了礼物。We prepared a gift for you.Wǒmen wèi nǐ zhǔnbèile lǐwù.
48orhuò你喜欢茶或咖啡?Do you like tea or coffee?Nǐ xǐhuān chá huò kāfēi?
49goodhǎo这部电影很好。This movie is good.Zhè bù diànyǐng hěn hǎo.
50wait/waitingděng我们等一下再说。Let’s talk later.Wǒmen děng yīxià zài shuō.
51again/alsoyòu他又迟到了。He is late again.Tā yòu chídào le.
52will/shalljiāng我将去旅行。I will travel.Wǒ jiāng qù lǚxíng.
53因为becauseyīnwèi因为下雨,我们取消了计划。Because of the rain, we canceled the plan.Yīnwèi xià yǔ, wǒmen qǔxiāo le jìhuà.
54in/at我于昨天到达。I arrived yesterday.Wǒ yú zuótiān dàodá.
55by/fromyóu这个故事由他讲。This story is told by him.Zhè gè gùshì yóu tā jiǎng.
56fromcóng我从学校回家。I am going home from school.Wǒ cóng xuéxiào huí jiā.
57moregèng这更好。This is better.Zhè gèng hǎo.
58by (passive)bèi他的书被偷了。His book was stolen.Tā de shū bèi tōu le.
59only/justcái我才到家。I just arrived home.Wǒ cái dào jiā.
60already我已经完成了任务。I have already finished the task.Wǒ yǐjīng wánchéng le rènwù.
61(person)zhě他是作者。He is the author.Tā shì zuòzhě.
62everyměi每个人都喜欢音乐。Everyone likes music.Měi gè rén dōu xǐhuān yīnyuè.
63time/occasion我去过两次北京。I have been to Beijing twice.Wǒ qù guò liǎng cì Běijīng.
64(measure word)我把书放在桌子上。I put the book on the table.Wǒ bǎ shū fàng zài zhuōzi shàng.
65threesān我有三只猫。I have three cats.Wǒ yǒu sān zhī māo.
66什么whatshénme这是什么?What is this?Zhè shì shénme?
67问题problem/questionwèntí这是什么问题?What is the problem?Zhè shì shénme wèntí?
68its/their这是他们的事。This is their business.Zhè shì tāmen de shì.
69let/makeràng请让他进来。Please let him in.Qǐng ràng tā jìnlái.
70this在此时此刻。At this moment.Zài cǐ shí cǐ kè.
71do/makezuò我要做作业。I need to do my homework.Wǒ yào zuò zuòyè.
72againzài再见!See you again!Zàijiàn!
73所以so/thereforesuǒyǐ我很累,所以我休息了。I am tired, so I rested.Wǒ hěn lèi, suǒyǐ wǒ xiūxí le.
74onlyzhī我只想要一点。I only want a little.Wǒ zhī xiǎng yào yīdiǎn.
75then/therefore如果这样做,则可能更好。If done this way, it may be better.Rúguǒ zhèyàng zuò, zé kěnéng gèng hǎo.
76台湾TaiwanTáiwān我去过台湾。I have been to Taiwan.Wǒ qù guò Táiwān.
77but/howeverquè他很忙,却还是来了。He is very busy, but still came.Tā hěn máng, què hái shì lái le.
78and/alsobìng我并不懂。I don’t understand.Wǒ bìng bù dǒng.
79position/measure wordwèi他在公司里有一个重要的位置。He has an important position in the company.Tā zài gōngsī lǐ yǒu yī gè zhòngyào de wèizhì.
80think/wantxiǎng我想去旅行。I want to travel.Wǒ xiǎng qù lǚxíng.
81go我们要去商店。We are going to the store.Wǒmen yào qù shāngdiàn.
82(question particle)ne你呢?And you?Nǐ ne?
83学生studentxuéshēng她是一个学生。She is a student.Tā shì yī gè xuéshēng.
84表示expressbiǎoshì他表示了感谢。He expressed his gratitude.Tā biǎoshì le gǎnxiè.
85arrive/reachdào我已经到家了。I have already arrived home.Wǒ yǐjīng dào jiā le.
86公司companygōngsī我在公司工作。I work at the company.Wǒ zài gōngsī gōngzuò.
87will/shalljiāng我将参加会议。I will attend the meeting.Wǒ jiāng cānjiā huìyì.
88如果ifrúguǒ如果下雨,我们就不去了。If it rains, we won’t go.Rúguǒ xià yǔ, wǒmen jiù bù qù le.
89社会societyshèhuì社会在不断发展。Society is constantly developing.Shèhuì zài bùduàn fāzhǎn.
90look/watchkàn我在看电视。I am watching TV.Wǒ zài kàn diànshì.
91smallxiǎo这只猫很小。This cat is small.Zhè zhī māo hěn xiǎo.
92sky/daytiān今天的天很蓝。The sky is very blue today.Jīntiān de tiān hěn lán.
93因此thereforeyīncǐ他很忙,因此没来。He is very busy; therefore, he didn’t come.Tā hěn máng, yīncǐ méi lái.
94newxīn我买了一件新衣服。I bought a new dress.Wǒ mǎi le yī jiàn xīn yīfú.
95但是butdànshì我想去,但是我很忙。I want to go, but I am very busy.Wǒ xiǎng qù, dànshì wǒ hěn máng.
96it它很大。It is big.Tā hěn dà.
97middle/inzhōng我在中间。I am in the middle.Wǒ zài zhōngjiān.
98使make/enableshǐ这使我很高兴。This makes me very happy.Zhè shǐ wǒ hěn gāoxìng.
99工作work/jobgōngzuò我有很多工作要做。I have a lot of work to do.Wǒ yǒu hěn duō gōngzuò yào zuò.

Feel free to use or modify this chart as needed!

Here is the extended chart with translations and sample sentences for the additional terms:

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSample Sentence (Mandarin)Sample Sentence (English)Sample Sentence (Pinyin)
100whole/allquán全部人都来了。Everyone is here.Quánbù rén dōu lái le.
101觉得feel/thinkjuéde我觉得很累。I feel very tired.Wǒ juéde hěn lèi.
102使用useshǐyòng请使用这个设备。Please use this device.Qǐng shǐyòng zhège shèbèi.
103这些thesezhèxiē这些苹果很好。These apples are very good.Zhèxiē píngguǒ hěn hǎo.
104inside/in我的书在包里。My book is in the bag.Wǒ de shū zài bāo lǐ.
105and/alsobìng这个也并不难。This is also not difficult.Zhège yě bìng bù nán.
106由于due to/becauseyóuyú由于天气不好,我们取消了旅行。Due to the bad weather, we canceled the trip.Yóuyú tiānqì bù hǎo, wǒmen qǔxiāo le lǚxíng.
107时候time/whenshíhòu那时候我还很年轻。At that time, I was still young.Nà shíhòu wǒ hái hěn niánqīng.
108知道knowzhīdào我知道这个答案。I know the answer.Wǒ zhīdào zhège dá’àn.
109这样this way/like thiszhèyàng这样做比较好。Doing it this way is better.Zhèyàng zuò bǐjiào hǎo.
110one一切都会好的。Everything will be fine.Yīqiè dōu huì hǎo de.
111认为think/considerrènwéi我认为这是个好主意。I think this is a good idea.Wǒ rènwéi zhè shì yī gè hǎo zhǔyì.
112时间timeshíjiān我没有时间去做。I don’t have time to do it.Wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān qù zuò.
113matter/thingshì这是一件大事。This is a big matter.Zhè shì yī jiàn dà shì.
114pass/experienceguò我已经过了考试。I have passed the exam.Wǒ yǐjīng guò le kǎoshì.
115towardsxiàng他向我解释了情况。He explained the situation to me.Tā xiàng wǒ jiěshì le qíngkuàng.
116可能possible/maykěnéng这可能是一个问题。This may be a problem.Zhè kěnéng shì yī gè wèntí.
117中国ChinaZhōngguó我去过中国。I have been to China.Wǒ qù guò Zhōngguó.
118美国United StatesMěiguó他住在美国。He lives in the United States.Tā zhù zài Měiguó.
119arrive/reachdào我们已经到达了目的地。We have arrived at the destination.Wǒmen yǐjīng dàodá le mùdìdì.
120and/with她和我一起去了。She went with me.Tā hé wǒ yīqǐ qù le.
121few/several我有几个问题。I have a few questions.Wǒ yǒu jǐ gè wèntí.
122系统systemxìtǒng这个系统很复杂。This system is complex.Zhège xìtǒng hěn fùzá.
123政府governmentzhèngfǔ政府正在解决这个问题。The government is solving this issue.Zhèngfǔ zhèngzài jiějué zhège wèntí.
124大家everyonedàjiā大家都很高兴。Everyone is very happy.Dàjiā dōu hěn gāoxìng.
125国家country/nationguójiā我爱我的国家。I love my country.Wǒ ài wǒ de guójiā.
126许多many/quite a fewxǔduō这里有许多书。There are many books here.Zhèlǐ yǒu xǔduō shū.
127生活lifeshēnghuó生活在这里很舒服。Life here is very comfortable.Shēnghuó zài zhèlǐ hěn shūfú.
128follow/withgēn我跟他去商店。I went to the store with him.Wǒ gēn tā qù shāngdiàn.
129已经alreadyyǐjīng我已经完成了工作。I have already finished the work.Wǒ yǐjīng wánchéng le gōngzuò.
130大学university/collegedàxué她在大学学习。She is studying at the university.Tā zài dàxué xuéxí.
131研究research/studyyánjiū我正在做研究。I am doing research.Wǒ zhèngzài zuò yánjiū.
132cause/reasonyīn因天气原因,我们取消了。Due to the weather, we canceled.Yīn tiānqì yuányīn, wǒmen qǔxiāo le.
133this/editionběn这是一本好书。This is a good book.Zhè shì yī běn hǎo shū.
134twoèr二月很冷。February is cold.Èr yuè hěn lěng.
135活动activityhuódòng我们组织了一个活动。We organized an event.Wǒmen zǔzhī le yī gè huódòng.
136should/thisgāi该你做的事,你必须做。What you should do, you must do.Gāi nǐ zuò de shì, nǐ bìxū zuò.
137世界worldshìjiè世界很大。The world is big.Shìjiè hěn dà.
138should/ought toyīng我们应该努力工作。We should work hard.Wǒmen yīnggāi nǔlì gōngzuò.
139four我有四个苹果。I have four apples.Wǒ yǒu sì gè píngguǒ.
140希望hopexīwàng我希望你能成功。I hope you succeed.Wǒ xīwàng nǐ néng chénggōng.
141方式way/methodfāngshì这是一个很好的方式。This is a very good method.Zhè shì yī gè hěn hǎo de fāngshì.
142inside/withinnèi这是内部问题。This is an internal issue.Zhè shì nèibù wèntí.
143item/projectxiàng这个项目很重要。This project is very important.Zhè gè xiàng mǎnzhòng.
144aha这是一个问题啊。This is a problem, ah.Zhè shì yī gè wèntí a.
145down/nextxià请下车。Please get off.Qǐng xià chē.
146环境environmenthuánjìng环境对健康很重要。The environment is important for health.Huánjìng duì jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào.
147一些some/a fewyīxiē我买了一些书。I bought some books.Wǒ mǎi le yīxiē shū.
148必须mustbìxū你必须完成这个任务。You must complete this task.Nǐ bìxū wánchéng zhège rènwù.
149文化culturewénhuà我对中国文化很感兴趣。I am very interested in Chinese culture.Wǒ duì Zhōngguó wénhuà hěn gǎn xìngqù.
150high/tallgāo这座建筑很高。This building is very tall.Zhè zuò jiànzhú hěn gāo.
151孩子childháizi这个孩子很聪明。This child is very smart.Zhè gè háizi hěn cōngmíng.
152没有not haveméiyǒu我没有时间。I don’t have time.Wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān.
153不能cannotbùnéng我不能去参加。I cannot attend.Wǒ bùnéng qù cānjiā.
154as/like如你所见,这很明显。As you can see, this is obvious.Rú nǐ suǒjiàn, zhè hěn míngxiǎn.
155开始startkāishǐ我们开始工作吧。Let’s start working.Wǒmen kāishǐ gōngzuò ba.
156yuan (currency)yuán这件衣服一百元。This piece of clothing is 100 yuan.Zhè jiàn yīfú yī bǎi yuán.
157不同differentbùtóng他们有不同的意见。They have different opinions.Tāmen yǒu bùtóng de yìjiàn.
158stillréng我们仍然在等待。We are still waiting.Wǒmen réngrán zài děngdài.
159网路network/Internetwǎnglù我在使用网络。I am using the Internet.Wǒ zài shǐyòng wǎnglù.
160日本JapanRìběn她去过日本。She has been to Japan.Tā qù guò Rìběn.
161useyòng我用电脑工作。I use a computer for work.Wǒ yòng diànnǎo gōngzuò.
162中心center/centralzhōngxīn这座城市的中心很繁忙。The center of the city is very busy.Zhè zuò chéngshì de zhōngxīn hěn fánmáng.
163comelái请进来。Please come in.Qǐng jìnlái.
164correct/forduì对,我同意。Yes, I agree.Duì, wǒ tóngyì.
165虽然althoughsuīrán虽然很晚,但我还是来了。Although it is late, I still came.Suīrán hěn wǎn, dàn wǒ hái shì lái le.
166重要importantzhòngyào这个问题很重要。This issue is very important.Zhège wèntí hěn zhòngyào.
167地方place/locationdìfāng这是一个好地方。This is a good place.Zhè shì yī gè hǎo dìfāng.
168进行conduct/proceedjìnxíng我们正在进行讨论。We are proceeding with the discussion.Wǒmen zhèngzài jìnxíng tǎolùn.
169关系relationshipguānxì他们的关系很好。Their relationship is very good.Tāmen de guānxì hěn hǎo.
170市场marketshìchǎng市场上有很多选择。There are many choices in the market.Shìchǎng shàng yǒu hěn duō xuǎnzé.
171too/verytài这太贵了。This is too expensive.Zhè tài guì le.
172老师teacherlǎoshī我的老师很友好。My teacher is very friendly.Wǒ de lǎoshī hěn yǒuhǎo.
173提供providetígōng我们提供了所有信息。We provided all the information.Wǒmen tígōng le suǒyǒu xìnxī.
174学校schoolxuéxiào我在学校学习。I study at school.Wǒ zài xuéxiào xuéxí.
175应该shouldyīnggāi你应该早点到。You should arrive earlier.Nǐ yīnggāi zǎodiǎn dào.
176指出point out/indicatezhǐchū他指出了错误。He pointed out the mistake.Tā zhǐchū le cuòwù.
177经济economy/economicjīngjì经济正在增长。The economy is growing.Jīngjì zhèngzài zēngzhǎng.
178其他otherqítā还有其他问题吗?Are there any other questions?Hái yǒu qítā wèntí ma?
179home/familyjiā我回到家了。I am home.Wǒ huí dào jiā le.
180发展develop/developmentfāzhǎn这个地区正在发展。This area is developing.Zhè gè dìqū zhèngzài fāzhǎn.
181教育educationjiàoyù教育对孩子很重要。Education is important for children.Jiàoyù duì háizi hěn zhòngyào.
182成为becomechéngwéi他成为了一个医生。He became a doctor.Tā chéngwéi le yī gè yīshēng.
183many/moreduō这里有很多人。There are many people here.Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō rén.
184非常very/extremelyfēicháng这件事非常重要。This matter is extremely important.Zhè jiàn shì fēicháng zhòngyào.
185便convenientbiàn这个方法很便捷。This method is very convenient.Zhè gè fāngfǎ hěn biànjié.
186方面aspectfāngmiàn从不同的方面考虑问题。Consider the problem from different aspects.Cóng bùtóng de fāngmiàn kǎolǜ wèntí.
187很多a lot/manyhěn duō我有很多朋友。I have many friends.Wǒ yǒu hěn duō péngyǒu.
188eatchī我喜欢吃水果。I like to eat fruit.Wǒ xǐhuān chī shuǐguǒ.
189然后then/afterwardsránhòu我们吃完饭,然后去散步。We will have dinner, then go for a walk.Wǒmen chī wán fàn, ránhòu qù sànbù.
190not yet/notwèi我还未完成任务。I have not yet completed the task.Wǒ hái wèi wánchéng rènwù.
191发现discover/findfāxiàn我发现了一个错误。I found a mistake.Wǒ fāxiàn le yī gè cuòwù.
192电脑computerdiànnǎo我在用电脑。I am using the computer.Wǒ zài yòng diànnǎo.
193一样same/likeyīyàng他们的意见一样。Their opinions are the same.Tāmen de yìjiàn yīyàng.
194而且moreover/and alsoérqiě他很聪明,而且很努力。He is smart and also very hardworking.Tā hěn cōngmíng, érqiě hěn nǔlì.
195heart/mindxīn我心里很开心。I am very happy in my heart.Wǒ xīn lǐ hěn kāixīn.
196不过but/neverthelessbùguò我很累,不过我还要继续。I am tired, but I will continue.Wǒ hěn lèi, bùguò wǒ hái yào jìxù.
197无法unable/cannotwúfǎ我无法理解这个问题。I cannot understand this problem.Wǒ wúfǎ lǐjiě zhège wèntí.
198企业enterprise/firmqǐyè这是一家成功的企业。This is a successful enterprise.Zhè shì yī jiā chénggōng de qǐyè.
199just/positivezhèng他正在工作。He is working.Tā zhèng zài gōngzuò.
200服务servicefúwù这家店的服务很好。The service at this store is very good.Zhè jiā diàn de fúwù hěn hǎo.

This chart includes both the English translations and Pinyin, along with simple sentences in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin to illustrate the usage of each term.

Here’s the continuation of the chart with translations, Pinyin, and simple sentences for terms 200 through 301.

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
200服务servicefúwù这家店的服务很好。The service at this store is very good.Zhè jiā diàn de fúwù hěn hǎo.
201relatively/quitejiào这件衣服较贵。This piece of clothing is relatively expensive.Zhè jiàn yīfú jiào guì.
202不会will not/cannotbù huì我不会游泳。I cannot swim.Wǒ bù huì yóuyǒng.
203台湾TaiwanTáiwān台湾是一个美丽的地方。Taiwan is a beautiful place.Táiwān shì yīgè měilì de dìfāng.
204once/formerlycéng我曾去过那里。I have been there before.Wǒ céng qù guò nàlǐ.
205(question particle)ma你好吗?How are you?Nǐ hǎo ma?
206空间spacekōngjiān这个房间的空间很大。The space in this room is very large.Zhè gè fángjiān de kōngjiān hěn dà.
207看到seekàn dào我看到一只鸟。I saw a bird.Wǒ kàn dào yī zhī niǎo.
208five我有五个苹果。I have five apples.Wǒ yǒu wǔ gè píngguǒ.
209如何howrúhé你如何解决这个问题?How do you solve this problem?Nǐ rúhé jiějué zhège wèntí?
210国内domestic/within the countryguónèi国内的旅行比国际旅行便宜。Domestic travel is cheaper than international travel.Guónèi de lǚxíng bǐ guójì lǚxíng piányí.
211(plural suffix)men我们是学生。We are students.Wǒmen shì xuéshēng.
212without/not have我无任何意见。I have no opinion.Wǒ wú rènhé yìjiàn.
213对于regarding/toduìyú对于这个问题,我有一些建议。Regarding this issue, I have some suggestions.Duìyú zhège wèntí, wǒ yǒu yīxiē jiànyì.
214以及and/alsoyǐjí我们讨论了计划以及预算。We discussed the plan and the budget.Wǒmen tǎolùnle jìhuà yǐjí yùsuàn.
215之后after/thenzhīhòu之后,我们去吃饭。Afterwards, we went to eat.Zhīhòu, wǒmen qù chīfàn.
216可是but/but stillkěshì我很累,可是我还要工作。I am tired, but I still need to work.Wǒ hěn lèi, kěshì wǒ hái yào gōngzuò.
217when/atdāng当我到达时,雨停了。When I arrived, the rain had stopped.Dāng wǒ dàodá shí, yǔ tíngle.
218人员personnel/staffrényuán公司的工作人员很友好。The company’s staff is very friendly.Gōngsī de gōngrén hěn yǒuhǎo.
219compare/than这个更便宜,比那个便宜。This one is cheaper than that one.Zhège gèng piányí, bǐ nàgè piányí.
220first/precedexiān我们先吃饭,然后开会。We eat first, then have a meeting.Wǒmen xiān chīfàn, ránhòu kāihuì.
221产品productchǎnpǐn这个产品很受欢迎。This product is very popular.Zhè gè chǎnpǐn hěn shòu huānyíng.
222资讯information/newszīxùn我们需要最新的资讯。We need the latest information.Wǒmen xūyào zuìxīn de zīxùn.
223资料data/materialzīliào我已经收集了所有的资料。I have collected all the materials.Wǒ yǐjīng shōujíle suǒyǒu de zīliào.
224比较compare/relativelybǐjiào这本书比较有趣。This book is relatively interesting.Zhè běn shū bǐjiào yǒuqù.
225先生Mr./gentlemanxiānshēng先生您好!Hello, Mr. !Xiānshēng nín hǎo!
226ground/earth他在地上坐着。He is sitting on the ground.Tā zài dì shàng zuòzhe.
227除了except/except forchúle除了咖啡,我也喜欢茶。Besides coffee, I also like tea.Chúle kāfēi, wǒ yě xǐhuān chá.
228大陆mainlanddàlù我们去过中国大陆。We have been to mainland China.Wǒmen qù guò Zhōngguó dàlù.
229需要needxūyào我们需要更多时间。We need more time.Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō shíjiān.
230like/appearxiàng她像她的母亲。She looks like her mother.Tā xiàng tā de mǔqīn.
231at/in/onzài我在学校。I am at school.Wǒ zài xuéxiào.
232give/togěi我给你一本书。I give you a book.Wǒ gěi nǐ yī běn shū.
233age/years oldsuì他今年三十岁。He is thirty years old this year.Tā jīnnián sānshí suì.
234please/requestqǐng请进。Please come in.Qǐng jìn.
235monthyuè这个月很忙。This month is very busy.Zhège yuè hěn máng.
236some/measure wordxiē我买了一些水果。I bought some fruit.Wǒ mǎi le yīxiē shuǐguǒ.
237name/titlemíng他有一个很特别的名字。He has a very special name.Tā yǒu yīgè hěn tèbié de míngzì.
238another/otherlìng我们有另一个选择。We have another option.Wǒmen yǒu lìng yīgè xuǎnzé.
239ifruò若有问题,请告诉我。If there are any problems, please let me know.Ruò yǒu wèntí, qǐng gàosù wǒ.
240also/too他亦是老师。He is also a teacher.Tā yì shì lǎoshī.
241地区region/areadìqū这个地区很繁忙。This region is very busy.Zhège dìqū hěn fánmáng.
242技术technology/skilljìshù这项技术很先进。This technology is very advanced.Zhè xiàng jìshù hěn xiānjìn.
243to/untilzhì他工作到晚上七点。He works until 7 PM.Tā gōngzuò zhì wǎnshàng qī diǎn.
244特别specialtèbié今天是一个特别的日子。Today is a special day.Jīntiān shì yīgè tèbié de rìzi.
245其实actuallyqíshí其实我不太喜欢这部电影。Actually, I don’t like this movie much.Qíshí wǒ bù tài xǐhuān zhè bù diànyǐng.
246国际internationalguójì国际交流很重要。International communication is very important.Guójì jiāoliú hěn zhòngyào.
247不要don’t wantbù yào我不要这个。I don’t want this.Wǒ bù yào zhège.
248发生happen/occurfāshēng发生了什么事?What happened?Fāshēngle shénme shì?
249参加participate/joincānjiā我们参加了会议。We attended the meeting.Wǒmen cānjiāle huìyì.
250一定definitely/certainyīdìng你一定会喜欢这个。You will definitely like this.Nǐ yīdìng huì xǐhuān zhège.
251其中among/in whichqízhōng其中一部分已经完成了。One part of it is already finished.Qízhōng yī bùfèn yǐjīng wánchéngle.
252askwèn我有一个问题要问你。I have a question to ask you.Wǒ yǒu yīgè wèntí yào wèn nǐ.
253台北TaipeiTáiběi台北是台湾的首都。Taipei is the capital of Taiwan.Táiběi shì Táiwān de shǒudū.
254包括includebāokuò价格包括所有税费。The price includes all taxes.Jiàgé bāokuò suǒyǒu shuìfèi.
255speak/talkjiǎng他在讲课。He is giving a lecture.Tā zài jiǎng kè.
256造成causezàochéng这次错误造成了很大的影响。This mistake caused a big impact.Zhè cì cuòwù zàochéngle hěn dà de yǐngxiǎng.
257look/seekàn我们可以看电影。We can watch a movie.Wǒmen kěyǐ kàn diànyǐng.
258like/appearxiàng她像她的母亲。She looks like her mother.Tā xiàng tā de mǔqīn.
259often/usuallycháng我们常去那里。We often go there.Wǒmen cháng qù nàlǐ.
260that is/namely我即将离开。I am about to leave.Wǒ jíjiāng líkāi.
261喜欢likexǐhuān我喜欢看书。I like reading books.Wǒ xǐhuān kàn shū.
262go我们要去商店。We are going to the store.Wǒmen yào qù shāngdiàn.
263not/have notméi我没有时间。I do not have time.Wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān.
264出现appear/occurchūxiàn问题出现了。The problem has appeared.Wèntí chūxiànle.
265政治politicszhèngzhì政治很复杂。Politics is complicated.Zhèngzhì hěn fùzá.
266word/speechhuà她说了很多话。She said a lot.Tā shuōle hěn duō huà.
267walk/gozǒu我们走吧。Let’s go.Wǒmen zǒu ba.
268单位unit/organizationdānwèi这是一个很大的单位。This is a very large unit.Zhè shì yīgè hěn dà de dānwèi.
269一直continuously/alwaysyīzhí我一直在等你。I have been waiting for you.Wǒ yīzhí zài děng nǐ.
270(suggestion particle)ba我们去吧。Let’s go.Wǒmen qù ba.
271是否whether or notshìfǒu我们需要确定是否有问题。We need to confirm whether there are problems.Wǒmen xūyào quèdìng shìfǒu yǒu wèntí.
272当然of course/naturallydāngrán当然,这是很重要的。Of course, this is very important.Dāngrán, zhè shì hěn zhòngyào de.
273whole/entirezhěng整个计划都很成功。The whole plan was successful.Zhěnggè jìhuà dōu hěn chénggōng.
274处理handle/deal withchǔlǐ我们需要处理这个问题。We need to handle this problem.Wǒmen xūyào chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
275历史historylìshǐ我喜欢学习历史。I enjoy studying history.Wǒ xǐhuān xuéxí lìshǐ.
276了解understandliǎojiě我了解你的情况。I understand your situation.Wǒ liǎojiě nǐ de qíngkuàng.
277that/then那是我的家。That is my home.Nà shì wǒ de jiā.
278怎么how/whatzěnme你怎么了?What’s wrong with you?Nǐ zěnme le?
279机会opportunityjīhuì这是一个很好的机会。This is a great opportunity.Zhè shì yīgè hěn hǎo de jīhuì.
280home/familyjiā这是我家。This is my home.Zhè shì wǒ jiā.
281listen/heartīng我在听音乐。I am listening to music.Wǒ zài tīng yīnyuè.
282所有allsuǒyǒu我们需要所有的文件。We need all the documents.Wǒmen xūyào suǒyǒu de wénjiàn.
283只要as long as/only needzhǐyào只要努力,就能成功。As long as you work hard, you will succeed.Zhǐyào nǔlì, jiù néng chénggōng.
284朋友friendpéngyǒu他是我的朋友。He is my friend.Tā shì wǒ de péngyǒu.
285make/causelìng这让我很开心。This makes me very happy.Zhè ràng wǒ hěn kāixīn.
286甚至even/so much soshènzhì他甚至没有来。He didn’t even come.Tā shènzhì méiyǒu lái.
287useyòng我用电脑工作。I use a computer for work.Wǒ yòng diànnǎo gōngzuò.
288true/reallyzhēn这是真的。This is true.Zhè shì zhēn de.
289sixliù我有六本书。I have six books.Wǒ yǒu liù běn shū.
290(exclamation particle)ya你好呀!Hello!Nǐ hǎo ya!
291情况situation/conditionqíngkuàng这个情况很复杂。This situation is very complicated.Zhège qíngkuàng hěn fùzá.
292还是still/betterháishì你还是想去吗?Do you still want to go?Nǐ háishì xiǎng qù ma?
293moneyqián我需要一些钱。I need some money.Wǒ xūyào yīxiē qián.
294方法method/wayfāngfǎ我们需要找到解决问题的方法。We need to find a method to solve the problem.Wǒmen xūyào zhǎodào jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ.
295point/dotdiǎn这是一点错误。This is a minor mistake.Zhè shì yī diǎn cuòwù.
296任何any/whateverrènhé任何问题都可以问我。Any questions can be asked to me.Rènhé wèntí dōu kěyǐ wèn wǒ.
297经验experiencejīngyàn他有很多工作经验。He has a lot of work experience.Tā yǒu hěn duō gōngzuò jīngyàn.
298艺术artyìshù我喜欢欣赏艺术。I enjoy appreciating art.Wǒ xǐhuān xīnshǎng yìshù.
299你们you (plural)nǐmen你们好!Hello, everyone!Nǐmen hǎo!
300tenshí我有十本书。I have ten books.Wǒ yǒu shí běn shū.
301主要main/primaryzhǔyào主要问题是时间不足。The main problem is lack of time.Zhǔyào wèntí shì shíjiān bùzú.

This chart includes translations, Pinyin, and simple sentences for each term. If you need further

Here’s the continuation of the chart with translations, Pinyin, and simple sentences in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin for the new terms:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
301主要main/primaryzhǔyào主要问题是时间不足。The main problem is lack of time.Zhǔyào wèntí shì shíjiān bùzú.
302妈妈mothermāma我的妈妈很温暖。My mother is very warm.Wǒ de māma hěn wēnnuǎn.
303增加increasezēngjiā我们需要增加预算。We need to increase the budget.Wǒmen xūyào zēngjiā yùsuàn.
304提出propose/raisetíchū他提出了一个新建议。He proposed a new suggestion.Tā tíchūle yīgè xīn jiànyì.
305为什么whywèishéme你为什么迟到?Why are you late?Nǐ wèishéme chídào?
306to/with以此为例。Take this as an example.Yǐ cǐ wéi lì.
307you (formal)nín您好!Hello! (formal)Nín hǎo!
308计画plan/planjìhuà我们有一个详细的计划。We have a detailed plan.Wǒmen yǒu yīgè xiángxì de jìhuà.
309do/makezuò我们在工作。We are working.Wǒmen zài gōngzuò.
310利用use/utilizelìyòng他利用了这个机会。He utilized this opportunity.Tā lìyòngle zhège jīhuì.
311东西thing/objectdōngxi这是我的东西。This is my thing.Zhè shì wǒ de dōngxi.
312at/in/onzài我在学校。I am at school.Wǒ zài xuéxiào.
313measure word for stripstiáo我买了一条裙子。I bought a skirt.Wǒ mǎile yītiáo qúnzi.
314设计designshèjì她设计了一款新衣服。She designed a new dress.Tā shèjìle yī kuǎn xīn yīfú.
315findzhǎo我在找我的书。I am looking for my book.Wǒ zài zhǎo wǒ de shū.
316之间between/amongzhījiān我们在两者之间做选择。We make a choice between the two.Wǒmen zài liǎng zhě zhījiān zuò xuǎnzé.
317成长growth/developchéngzhǎng孩子的成长很重要。The growth of children is important.Háizi de chéngzhǎng hěn zhòngyào.
318能够be able tonénggòu我们能够完成这个任务。We are able to complete this task.Wǒmen nénggòu wánchéng zhège rènwù.
319决定decidejuédìng我们需要决定如何处理这个问题。We need to decide how to handle this issue.Wǒmen xūyào juédìng rúhé chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
320学习study/learnxuéxí我在学习中文。I am studying Chinese.Wǒ zài xuéxí zhōngwén.
321whoshéi谁在门口?Who is at the door?Shéi zài ménkǒu?
322see/meetjiàn我们见过面。We have met.Wǒmen jiànguò miàn.
323halfbàn我吃了半个蛋糕。I ate half a cake.Wǒ chīle bàn gè dàngāo.
324时代era/time periodshídài这是一个新的时代。This is a new era.Zhè shì yīgè xīn de shídài.
325完成complete/finishwánchéng我们完成了任务。We completed the task.Wǒmen wánchéngle rènwù.
326bring/takedài他带了很多礼物。He brought many gifts.Tā dàile hěn duō lǐwù.
327相当quite/considerablyxiāngdāng这部电影相当有趣。This movie is quite interesting.Zhè bù diànyǐng xiāngdāng yǒuqù.
328同学classmatetóngxué我认识他的同学。I know his classmates.Wǒ rènshì tā de tóngxué.
329measure word for itemsjiàn我买了三件衣服。I bought three pieces of clothing.Wǒ mǎile sān jiàn yīfú.
330能力ability/capabilitynénglì她有很强的能力。She has strong abilities.Tā yǒu hěn qiáng de nénglì.
331别人other people/othersbiérén他很关心别人的感受。He cares about other people’s feelings.Tā hěn guānxīn biérén de gǎnshòu.
332生命lifeshēngmìng生命是宝贵的。Life is precious.Shēngmìng shì bǎoguì de.
333under/nextxià他坐在我下边。He sits below me.Tā zuò zài wǒ xiàbiān.
334comelái他要来这里。He is coming here.Tā yào lái zhèlǐ.
335measure word for eventschǎng我们有一场比赛。We have a match.Wǒmen yǒu yī chǎng bǐsài.
336会议meeting/conferencehuìyì我们开会讨论问题。We are having a meeting to discuss the issue.Wǒmen kāihuì tǎolùn wèntí.
337容易easyróngyì这道题很容易。This question is easy.Zhè dào tí hěn róngyì.
338开发developkāifā我们需要开发新的产品。We need to develop new products.Wǒmen xūyào kāifā xīn de chǎnpǐn.
339民众the public/citizensmínzhòng政府应该关注民众的需求。The government should focus on citizens’ needs.Zhèngfǔ yīnggāi guānzhù mínzhòng de xūqiú.
340事情thing/affairshìqíng我有很多事情要做。I have a lot of things to do.Wǒ yǒu hěn duō shìqíng yào zuò.
341bookshū我在读一本书。I am reading a book.Wǒ zài dú yī běn shū.
342事实factshìshí这是一个事实。This is a fact.Zhè shì yīgè shìshí.
343有关related toyǒuguān这是一个有关教育的问题。This is a question related to education.Zhè shì yīgè yǒuguān jiàoyù de wèntí.
344self/oneself自我提升很重要。Self-improvement is important.Zìwǒ tíshēng hěn zhòngyào.
345组织organization/organizezǔzhī他们组织了一个活动。They organized an event.Tāmen zǔzhīle yīgè huódòng.
346words/speechyán他的话很有道理。His words make sense.Tā de huà hěn yǒu dàolǐ.
347many/muchduō这里有很多人。There are many people here.Zhè lǐ yǒu hěn duō rén.
348loveài我爱吃巧克力。I love eating chocolate.Wǒ ài chī qiǎokèlì.
349建立establish/buildjiànlì我们需要建立一个新的系统。We need to establish a new system.Wǒmen xūyào jiànlì yīgè xīn de xìtǒng.
350相关relatedxiāngguān这些数据相关联。This data is related.Zhèxiē shùjù xiāngguānlián.
351all/eachjūn他均获得了好评。He received praise from everyone.Tā jūn huòdéle hǎopíng.
352产生generate/producechǎnshēng这个问题产生了很多争议。This issue has generated much controversy.Zhège wèntí chǎnshēngle hěn duō zhēngyì.
353many/muchduō他有很多书。He has many books.Tā yǒu hěn duō shū.
354业者practitioner/industryyèzhě这是行业的业者。These are industry practitioners.Zhè shì hángyè de yèzhě.
355解决solve/resolvejiějué我们需要解决这个问题。We need to solve this problem.Wǒmen xūyào jiějué zhège wèntí.
356完全complete/absolutewánquán这个计划完全可行。This plan is completely feasible.Zhège jìhuà wánquán kěxíng.
357的话if (used for conditional)dehuà如果你能来,那就太好了。If you can come, that would be great.Rúguǒ nǐ néng lái, nà jiù tài hǎole.
358接受accept/receivejiēshòu我们接受了你的建议。We accepted your suggestion.Wǒmen jiēshòule nǐ de jiànyì.
359knowzhī我知道这件事。I know about this.Wǒ zhīdào zhè jiàn shì.
360appointment/arrangeyuē我们约好了见面。We arranged to meet.Wǒmen yuē hǎole jiànmiàn.
361一般general/ordinaryyībān这是一种一般的方法。This is a general method.Zhè shì yī zhǒng yībān de fāngfǎ.
362推动promote/pushtuīdòng我们推动了这个项目。We promoted this project.Wǒmen tuīdòngle zhège xiàngmù.
363过程processguòchéng这是一个复杂的过程。This is a complex process.Zhè shì yīgè fùzá de guòchéng.
364管理manage/administrationguǎnlǐ我们需要有效的管理。We need effective management.Wǒmen xūyào yǒuxiào de guǎnlǐ.
365功能functiongōngnéng这个应用程序有很多功能。This application has many functions.Zhège yìngyòng chéngxù yǒu hěn duō gōngnéng.
366handshǒu我用手写字。I write with my hand.Wǒ yòng shǒu xiězì.
367hit/strike他打了一个球。He hit a ball.Tā dǎle yīgè qiú.
368watershuǐ我喝水。I drink water.Wǒ hē shuǐ.
369要求require/askyāoqiú他们有很高的要求。They have very high requirements.Tāmen yǒu hěn gāo de yāoqiú.
370小朋友child/kidxiǎopéngyǒu小朋友们都很快乐。The kids are very happy.Xiǎopéngyǒumen dōu hěn kuàilè.
371教授professorjiàoshòu他是我的教授。He is my professor.Tā shì wǒ de jiàoshòu.
372difficultnán这道题很难。This problem is difficult.Zhè dào tí hěn nán.
373我国our countrywǒguó我国有丰富的文化。Our country has a rich culture.Wǒguó yǒu fēngfù de wénhuà.
374告诉tellgàosù请告诉我你的决定。Please tell me your decision.Qǐng gàosù wǒ nǐ de juédìng.
375内容contentnèiróng这本书的内容很有趣。The content of this book is interesting.Zhè běn shū de nèiróng hěn yǒuqù.
376结果resultjiéguǒ结果非常令人满意。The result is very satisfactory.Jiéguǒ fēicháng lìng rén mǎnyì.
377调查survey/investigationdiàochá我们正在进行调查。We are conducting a survey.Wǒmen zhèngzài jìnxíng diàochá.
378家庭familyjiātíng我的家庭很幸福。My family is very happy.Wǒ de jiātíng hěn xìngfú.
379成立establish/set upchénglì公司成立了新的部门。The company established a new department.Gōngsī chénglìle xīn de bùmén.
380选择choose/selectionxuǎnzé你需要做出选择。You need to make a choice.Nǐ xūyào zuò chū xuǎnzé.
381经营manage/operatejīngyíng他负责公司的经营。He is in charge of managing the company.Tā fùzé gōngsī de jīngyíng.
382然而howeverrán’ér然而,问题依然存在。However, the problem still exists.Rán’ér, wèntí yīrán cúnzài.
383父母parentsfùmǔ我的父母很关心我。My parents care about me a lot.Wǒ de fùmǔ hěn guānxīn wǒ.
384writexiě我喜欢写作。I like to write.Wǒ xǐhuān xiězuò.
385人类humanityrénlèi人类需要团结。Humanity needs to unite.Rénlèi xūyào tuánjié.
386至于as for/with regard tozhìyú至于这件事,我们稍后再谈。As for this matter, we will discuss it later.Zhìyú zhè jiàn shì, wǒmen shāo hòu zài tán.
387buymǎi我需要买一些东西。I need to buy some things.Wǒ xūyào mǎi yīxiē dōngxi.
388尤其especiallyyóuqí这本书尤其有趣。This book is especially interesting.Zhè běn shū yóuqí yǒuqù.
389配合cooperatepèihé我们需要配合工作。We need to cooperate on the work.Wǒmen xūyào pèihé gōngzuò.
390进入enter/come injìnrù他进入了房间。He entered the room.Tā jìnrùle fángjiān.
391例如for examplelìrú例如,香蕉对健康有好处。For example, bananas are good for health.Lìrú, xiāngjiāo duì jiànkāng yǒu hǎochù.
392get/obtain我得到了奖赏。I received a reward.Wǒ dédàole jiǎngshǎng.
393讨论discusstǎolùn我们讨论了这个问题。We discussed this issue.Wǒmen tǎolùnle zhège wèntí.
394rely on/according to依我看,应该这样做。According to me, it should be done this way.Yī wǒ kàn, yīnggāi zhèyàng zuò.
395作品work (of art)zuòpǐn他的作品很有创意。His work is very creative.Tā de zuòpǐn hěn yǒu chuàngyì.
396情形situation/conditionqíngxíng这种情形很少见。This situation is rare.Zhè zhǒng qíngxíng hěn shǎojiàn.
397资源resourceszīyuán我们需要更多的资源。We need more resources.Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de zīyuán.
398原因reasonyuányīn他的原因很简单。His reason is simple.Tā de yuányīn hěn jiǎndān.
399(modal particle)la我们就这样做啦。Let’s just do it like this.Wǒmen jiù zhèyàng zuò la.

This should cover a good range of everyday terms and their uses in simple sentences. If you have more terms or need additional examples, just let me know!

continuation of the chart with translations and sentences:

#TermTranslationPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
401运动exercise/sportyùndòng我喜欢做运动。I like to exercise.Wǒ xǐhuān zuò yùndòng.
402观念concept/notionguānniàn这是一个重要的观念。This is an important concept.Zhè shì yīgè zhòngyào de guānniàn.
403givegěi请给我一本书。Please give me a book.Qǐng gěi wǒ yī běn shū.
404软体softwareruǎntǐ这款软体很实用。This software is very useful.Zhè kuǎn ruǎntǐ hěn shíyòng.
405品质qualitypǐnzhì产品的品质很高。The quality of the product is high.Chǎnpǐn de pǐnzhì hěn gāo.
406经过pass through/undergojīngguò我们经过了一个小镇。We passed through a small town.Wǒmen jīngguòle yīgè xiǎo zhèn.
407如此so/this wayrúcǐ事情并不是如此简单。Things are not that simple.Shìqíng bìng bùshì rúcǐ jiǎndān.
408(interjection)ń嗯,我明白了。Hmm, I understand.Ń, wǒ míngbái le.
409精神spirit/energyjīngshén他很有精神。He is very energetic.Tā hěn yǒu jīngshén.
410影响influence/impactyǐngxiǎng这件事对我有很大影响。This matter has a big impact on me.Zhè jiàn shì duì wǒ yǒu hěn dà yǐngxiǎng.
411(possessive particle)zhī这是我之事。This is my matter.Zhè shì wǒ zhī shì.
412pass through/experienceguò我已经过了这个阶段。I have already passed this stage.Wǒ yǐjīng guòle zhège jiēduàn.
413好像seem/likehǎoxiàng她好像很累。She seems very tired.Tā hǎoxiàng hěn lèi.
414becomechéng他成了一个成功的企业家。He became a successful entrepreneur.Tā chéngle yīgè chénggōng de qǐyèjiā.
415参与participatecānyù我们参与了这个项目。We participated in this project.Wǒmen cānyùle zhège xiàngmù.
416以后after/thenyǐhòu以后我们会再讨论这个问题。We will discuss this issue later.Yǐhòu wǒmen huì zài tǎolùn zhège wèntí.
417于是so/thereforeyúshì他生病了,于是没有来上班。He was sick, so he didn’t come to work.Tā shēngbìngle, yúshì méiyǒu lái shàngbān.
418部分part/portionbùfen这只是部分的结果。This is only part of the result.Zhè zhǐshì bùfen de jiéguǒ.
419另外other/additionallìngwài另外我还需要一些信息。Additionally, I need some more information.Lìngwài wǒ hái xūyào yīxiē xìnxī.
420公园parkgōngyuán我们去公园散步。We go for a walk in the park.Wǒmen qù gōngyuán sànbù.
421透过throughtòuguò透过这个窗口可以看到外面。Through this window, you can see outside.Tòuguò zhège chuāngkǒu kěyǐ kàn dào wàimiàn.
422训练trainingxùnliàn他正在接受训练。He is undergoing training.Tā zhèngzài jiēshòu xùnliàn.
423努力effortnǔlì你需要努力工作。You need to work hard.Nǐ xūyào nǔlì gōngzuò.
424研究research/studyyánjiū我们正在研究这个问题。We are researching this issue.Wǒmen zhèngzài yánjiū zhège wèntí.
425具有have/possessjùyǒu他具有很强的能力。He has strong abilities.Tā jùyǒu hěn qiáng de nénglì.
426共同common/sharedgòngtóng我们有共同的兴趣。We have common interests.Wǒmen yǒu gòngtóng de xìngqù.
427所谓so-calledsuǒwèi这就是所谓的解决方案。This is the so-called solution.Zhè jiùshì suǒwèi de jiějué fāng’àn.
428below/underxià这在桌子下。This is under the table.Zhè zài zhuōzi xià.
429行为behavior/conductxíngwéi他的行为不太适当。His behavior is inappropriate.Tā de xíngwéi bù tài shìdàng.
430合作cooperate/collaboratehézuò我们需要合作完成这个项目。We need to cooperate to complete this project.Wǒmen xūyào hézuò wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
431pass through/experiencejīng他经常旅行。He travels often.Tā jīngcháng lǚxíng.
432合作cooperate/collaboratehézuò我们要加强合作。We need to strengthen our cooperation.Wǒmen yào jiāqiáng hézuò.
433目标goal/targetmùbiāo我们的目标是提高销售。Our goal is to increase sales.Wǒmen de mùbiāo shì tígāo xiāoshòu.
434起来rise/stand upqǐlái事情开始好起来了。Things are starting to get better.Shìqíng kāishǐ hǎo qǐlái le.
435考虑considerkǎolǜ请考虑一下我的建议。Please consider my suggestion.Qǐng kǎolǜ yīxià wǒ de jiànyì.
436long/lengthycháng这条路很长。This road is long.Zhè tiáo lù hěn cháng.
437意见opinion/ideayìjiàn我们需要你的意见。We need your opinion.Wǒmen xūyào nǐ de yìjiàn.
438办法method/solutionbànfǎ我们需要找到办法解决这个问题。We need to find a way to solve this problem.Wǒmen xūyào zhǎodào bànfǎ jiějué zhège wèntí.
439音乐musicyīnyuè我喜欢听音乐。I like listening to music.Wǒ xǐhuān tīng yīnyuè.
440even/includinglián这个问题连孩子都能理解。Even children can understand this problem.Zhè gè wèntí lián háizi dōu néng lǐjiě.
441receive/acceptshòu她受到了很多赞扬。She received a lot of praise.Tā shòudàole hěn duō zànyáng.
442厂商manufacturer/vendorchǎngshāng这个厂商提供了优质的服务。This vendor provides high-quality service.Zhè gè chǎngshāng tígōngle yōuzhì de fúwù.
443only/justzhī我只需要一点时间。I only need a little time.Wǒ zhǐ xūyào yīdiǎn shíjiān.
444受到receive/undergoshòudào她受到了很好的教育。She received a good education.Tā shòudàole hěn hǎo de jiàoyù.
445一切everything/allyīqiè一切都会变得更好。Everything will get better.Yīqiè dōu huì biàn dé gèng hǎo.
446或是or/alternativelyhuòshì你可以喝水或是果汁。You can drink water or juice.Nǐ kěyǐ hē shuǐ huòshì guǒzhī.
447中央central/centerzhōngyāng中央政府做出了决定。The central government made a decision.Zhōngyāng zhèngfǔ zuòchūle juédìng.
448some/certainmǒu某些人不喜欢这个计划。Some people do not like this plan.Mǒuxiē rén bù xǐhuān zhège jìhuà.
449女性female/womannǚxìng她是一位女性领导。She is a female leader.Tā shì yī wèi nǚxìng lǐngdǎo.
450教学teachingjiàoxué这所学校的教学质量很高。The quality of teaching at this school is high.Zhè suǒ xuéxiào de jiàoxué zhìliàng hěn gāo.
451extremely这是一种极好的方法。This is an extremely good method.Zhè shì yī zhǒng jí hǎo de fāngfǎ.
452获得obtain/gethuòdé他获得了奖项。He obtained an award.Tā huòdéle jiǎngxiàng.
453真的really/trulyzhēnde这是真的。This is real.Zhè shì zhēn de.
454road/route这条路很宽。This road is wide.Zhè tiáo lù hěn kuān.
455comelái请进来。Please come in.Qǐng jìnlái.
456fast/quickkuài他跑得很快。He runs very fast.Tā pǎo dé hěn kuài.
457国小elementary schoolguóxiǎo他在国小学习。He studies at an elementary school.Tā zài guóxiǎo xuéxí.
458部份part/portionbùfen这个部份需要修改。This part needs to be revised.Zhège bùfen xūyào xiūgǎi.
459工程project/engineeringgōngchéng这个工程很复杂。This project is very complex.Zhège gōngchéng hěn fùzá.
460女人womannǚrén她是一位有才华的女人。She is a talented woman.Tā shì yī wèi yǒu cáihuá de nǚrén.
461举行hold/organizejǔxíng我们将举行一个会议。We will hold a meeting.Wǒmen jiāng jǔxíng yīgè huìyì.
462sentence这句话很有意思。This sentence is very interesting.Zhè jù huà hěn yǒu yìsi.
463只是just/onlyzhǐshì我只是想帮忙。I just want to help.Wǒ zhǐshì xiǎng bāngmáng.
464section/periodduàn这是一段有趣的故事。This is an interesting story.Zhè shì yī duàn yǒuqù de gùshì.
465根据according to/based ongēnjù根据报告,我们需要改变计划。According to the report, we need to change the plan.Gēnjù bàogào, wǒmen xūyào gǎibiàn jìhuà.
466现象phenomenonxiànxiàng这是一个奇怪的现象。This is a strange phenomenon.Zhè shì yīgè qíguài de xiànxiàng.
467人民people/citizensrénmín人民对政策很满意。The people are satisfied with the policy.Rénmín duì zhèngcè hěn mǎnyì.
468土地land/territorytǔdì这片土地非常肥沃。This land is very fertile.Zhè piàn tǔdì fēicháng féiwò.
469面对face/confrontmiànduì我们必须面对挑战。We must face the challenge.Wǒmen bìxū miànduì tiǎozhàn.
470注意pay attention/take notezhùyì请注意安全。Please pay attention to safety.Qǐng zhùyì ānquán.
471这里herezhèlǐ这里很安静。It is very quiet here.Zhèlǐ hěn ānjìng.
472新闻newsxīnwén我们看了最新的新闻。We watched the latest news.Wǒmen kànle zuìxīn de xīnwén.
473继续continuejìxù会议继续进行。The meeting continues.Huìyì jìxù jìnxíng.
474相信believe/ trustxiāngxìn我相信你能做到。I believe you can do it.Wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ néng zuò dào.
475政策policyzhèngcè新政策将于下个月实施。The new policy will be implemented next month.Xīn zhèngcè jiāng yú xià gè yuè shíshī.
476变成becomebiànchéng他变成了公司的总裁。He became the company’s CEO.Tā biànchéngle gōngsī de zǒngcái.
477计划plan/schemejìhuà我们需要制定一个详细的计划。We need to make a detailed plan.Wǒmen xūyào zhìdìng yīgè xiángxì de jìhuà.
478强调emphasizeqiángdiào他强调了团队合作的重要性。He emphasized the importance of teamwork.Tā qiángdiàole tuánduì hézuò de zhòngyào xìng.
479study/learnxué我们要好好学习。We need to study well.Wǒmen yào hǎohāo xuéxí.
480人士person/individualrénshì他是一位专业人士。He is a professional.Tā shì yī wèi zhuānyè rénshì.
481before/frontqián我们要在前面等。We need to wait in the front.Wǒmen yào zài qiánmiàn děng.
482before/frontqián这是前任的办公室。This is the former office.Zhè shì qiánrèn de bàngōngshì.
483存在existcúnzài这种问题并不存在。This problem does not exist.Zhè zhǒng wèntí bìng bù cúnzài.
484制度system/institutionzhìdù政府需要改革这个制度。The government needs to reform this system.Zhèngfǔ xūyào gǎigé zhège zhìdù.
485意义meaning/significanceyìyì这个词的意义是什么?What is the meaning of this word?Zhège cí de yìyì shì shénme?
486代表represent/representativedàibiǎo他是公司的代表。He is the company’s representative.Tā shì gōngsī de dàibiǎo.
487课程coursekèchéng我们的课程安排很紧张。Our course schedule is tight.Wǒmen de kèchéng ānpái hěn jǐnzhāng.
488should/thisgāi该你来做这个工作了。It’s your turn to do this job.Gāi nǐ lái zuò zhège gōngzuò le.
489not haveméi我没有时间。I don’t have time.Wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān.
490until/arrive atzhì我们要等到晚上七点。We have to wait until 7 PM.Wǒmen yào děng dào wǎnshàng qī diǎn.
491需求demand/needxūqiú市场的需求在不断增加。The market demand is continuously increasing.Shìchǎng de xūqiú zài bùduàn zēngjiā.
492人生liferénshēng这是人生的一个重要阶段。This is an important stage in life.Zhè shì rénshēng de yīgè zhòngyào jiēduàn.
493那些thosenàxiē那些问题需要解决。Those problems need to be solved.Nàxiē wèntí xūyào jiějué.
494成功successchénggōng他取得了很大的成功。He achieved great success.Tā qǔdéle hěn dà de chénggōng.
495爸爸dad/fatherbàba我的爸爸很忙。My dad is very busy.Wǒ de bàba hěn máng.
496产业industrychǎnyè这家公司的产业很广泛。The company’s industry is very broad.Zhè jiā gōngsī de chǎnyè hěn guǎngfàn.
497负责responsible/take chargefùzé我负责这个项目。I am responsible for this project.Wǒ fùzé zhège xiàngmù.
498民间folk/grassrootsmínjiān这是民间组织。This is a grassroots organization.Zhè shì mínjiān zǔzhī.
499although/thoughsuī虽然很累,但我还是来了。Although I’m tired, I still came.Suīrán hěn lèi, dàn wǒ háishì láile.
500影响influence/impactyǐngxiǎng这次演讲对我有很大的影响。This speech had a big impact on me.Zhè cì yǎnjiǎng duì wǒ yǒu hěn dà de yǐngxiǎng.
501直接direct/straightforwardzhíjiē我们需要直接沟通。We need to communicate directly.Wǒmen xūyào zhíjiē gōutōng.

This completes the extended list of the most frequently used Chinese words along with their translations and example sentences. Let me know if you need anything else!

Here’s the extended list of the most frequently used Chinese words, starting from 502:

#SimplifiedPinyinEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation of SentencePinyin of Sentence
503fēndivide/minute他分给我了一半。He divided half to me.Tā fēn gěi wǒle yī bàn.
504实际shíjìactual/reality这不是实际情况。This is not the actual situation.Zhè bù shì shíjì qíngkuàng.
505团体tuántǐgroup/organization他们是一个体育团体。They are a sports organization.Tāmen shì yīgè tǐyù tuántǐ.
506价值jiàzhívalue这件艺术品有很高的价值。This artwork has a high value.Zhè jiàn yìshùpǐn yǒu hěn gāo de jiàzhí.
507使得shǐdemake/cause这个决定使得情况更糟。This decision made the situation worse.Zhège juédìng shǐdé qíngkuàng gèng zāo.
508lèicategory/type这个问题属于不同的类别。This problem belongs to different categories.Zhège wèntí shǔyú bùtóng de lèibié.
509形成xíngchéngform/shape这个计划将形成一个新的部门。This plan will form a new department.Zhège jìhuà jiāng xíngchéng yīgè xīn de bùmén.
510科技kējìscience and technology这个公司专注于科技发展。This company focuses on technological development.Zhège gōngsī zhuānzhù yú kējì fāzhǎn.
511这么zhèmeso/this (extent)这么做对大家都好。Doing so is good for everyone.Zhème zuò duì dàjiā dōu hǎo.
512dāngwhen/serve as他当了这次会议的主持人。He served as the host of the meeting.Tā dāngle zhè cì huìyì de zhǔchí rén.
513seven今天是七号。Today is the 7th.Jīntiān shì qī hào.
514不但bùdànnot only他不但聪明而且勤奋。He is not only smart but also diligent.Tā bùdàn cōngmíng érqiě qínfèn.
515wǎngtowards我们往东走。We walk towards the east.Wǒmen wǎng dōng zǒu.
516本身běnshēnitself这个问题本身很复杂。The problem itself is very complex.Zhège wèntí běnshēn hěn fùzá.
517标准biāozhǔnstandard这个产品符合国际标准。This product meets international standards.Zhège chǎnpǐn fúhé guójì biāozhǔn.
518似乎sìhūseemingly/appears他似乎很疲倦。He seems very tired.Tā sìhū hěn píjuàn.
519应用yìngyòngapplication/use这项技术有很多实际应用。This technology has many practical applications.Zhè xiàng jìshù yǒu hěn duō shíjì yìngyòng.
520或者huòzhěor你可以喝水或者果汁。You can drink water or juice.Nǐ kěyǐ hē shuǐ huòzhě guǒzhī.
521动物dòngwùanimal动物园里有很多不同的动物。There are many different animals in the zoo.Dòngwùyuán lǐ yǒu hěn duō bùtóng de dòngwù.
522电话diànhuàtelephone请给我打电话。Please give me a call.Qǐng gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.
523态度tàidùattitude他的态度非常积极。His attitude is very positive.Tā de tàidù fēicháng jījí.
524建设jiànshèbuild/construction这个城市正在进行基础建设。The city is undergoing basic construction.Zhège chéngshì zhèngzài jìnxíng jīchǔ jiànshè.
525事业shìyècareer/cause他在教育事业上取得了很大成就。He has achieved great success in his educational career.Tā zài jiàoyù shìyè shàng qǔdéle hěn dà chéngjiù.
526lǎoold/elderly她的爷爷很老了。Her grandfather is very old.Tā de yéyé hěn lǎole.
527那么nàmeso/then如果你那么说,那我就相信你。If you say so, then I will believe you.Rúguǒ nǐ nàme shuō, nà wǒ jiù xiāngxìn nǐ.
528常常chángchángoften我们常常一起去散步。We often go for a walk together.Wǒmen chángcháng yīqǐ qù sànbù.
529character/word这句话有很多字。This sentence has many characters.Zhè jù huà yǒu hěn duō zì.
530zuòsit请坐在这里。Please sit here.Qǐng zuò zài zhèlǐ.
531举办jǔbànorganize/hold我们将在下周举办一个活动。We will organize an event next week.Wǒmen jiāng zài xià zhōu jǔbàn yīgè huódòng.
532自我zìwǒself他在进行自我反思。He is doing self-reflection.Tā zài jìnxíng zìwǒ fǎnsī.
533有的yǒudesome/some of有的学生已经完成了作业。Some students have already completed their homework.Yǒu de xuéshēng yǐjīng wánchéngle zuòyè.
534have/possess这个设备具备很多功能。This device has many functions.Zhège shèbèi jùbèi hěn duō gōngnéng.
535目的mùdìpurpose/goal我们的目的很明确。Our goal is very clear.Wǒmen de mùdì hěn míngquè.
536kuàipiece/block请给我一块蛋糕。Please give me a piece of cake.Qǐng gěi wǒ yī kuài dàngāo.
537条件tiáojiàncondition/requirement我们的条件还不够好。Our conditions are not good enough yet.Wǒmen de tiáojiàn hái bùgòu hǎo.
538即使jíshǐeven if即使下雨,我们也要出门。Even if it rains, we will still go out.Jíshǐ xià yǔ, wǒmen yě yào chūmén.
539hǎogood这是一部很好的电影。This is a very good movie.Zhè shì yī bù hěn hǎo de diànyǐng.
540十分shífēnvery/extremely她的表现十分出色。Her performance is extremely outstanding.Tā de biǎoxiàn shífēn chūsè.
541多少duōshǎohow much/how many你知道多少人来了?Do you know how many people came?Nǐ zhīdào duōshǎo rén láile?
542fàngput/let go请把书放在桌子上。Please put the book on the table.Qǐng bǎ shū fàng zài zhuōzi shàng.
543yòuagain/also他又迟到了。He was late again.Tā yòu chídàole.
544电影diànyǐngmovie昨晚我看了一部电影。I watched a movie last night.Zuówǎn wǒ kànle yī bù diànyǐng.
545科学kēxuéscience这是一个科学实验。This is a scientific experiment.Zhè shì yīgè kēxué shíyàn.
546执行zhíxíngimplement/execution他负责执行这个计划。He is responsible for executing this plan.Tā fùzé zhíxíng zhège jìhuà.
547biānside/edge请坐在这边。Please sit on this side.Qǐng zuò zài zhè biān.
548委员会wěiyuánhuìcommittee他是委员会的一员。He is a member of the committee.Tā shì wěiyuánhuì de yīyuán.
549沟通gōutōngcommunicate我们需要更好的沟通。We need better communication.Wǒmen xūyào gèng hǎo de gōutōng.
550kāiopen/start会议将在下午两点开。The meeting will start at 2 PM.Huìyì jiāng zài xiàwǔ liǎng diǎn kāi.
551一起yīqǐtogether我们可以一起去旅行。We can travel together.Wǒmen kěyǐ yīqǐ qù lǚxíng.
552zhāngmeasure word for flat objects这张照片很漂亮。This photo is very beautiful.Zhè zhāng zhàopiàn hěn piàoliang.
553针对zhēnduìtarget/aim这个政策针对年轻人。This policy targets young people.Zhège zhèngcè zhēnduì niánqīngrén.
554员工yuángōngemployee公司需要更多的员工。The company needs more employees.Gōngsī xūyào gèng duō de yuángōng.
555引起yǐnqǐcause/trigger这件事引起了大家的关注。This matter has attracted everyone’s attention.Zhè jiàn shì yǐnqǐle dàjiā de guānzhù.
556自然zìránnature/natural自然环境对健康很重要。The natural environment is important for health.Zìrán huánjìng duì jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào.
557那么nàmeso/then这样的话,那就没问题了。If that’s the case, then there’s no problem.Zhèyàng dehuà, nà jiù méi wèntí le.
558安全ānquánsafe/security这是一个安全的地方。This is a safe place.Zhè shì yīgè ānquán de dìfāng.
559总统zǒngtǒngpresident他是国家的总统。He is the president of the country.Tā shì guójiā de zǒngtǒng.
560此外cǐwàiin addition/besides除了这些,此外还有其他问题。Besides these, there are other issues as well.Chúle zhèxiē, cǐwài hái yǒu qítā wèntí.
561拥有yōngyǒupossess/own他拥有很多书籍。He owns many books.Tā yōngyǒu hěn duō shūjí.
562并且bìngqiěand/also他很聪明,并且很勤奋。He is smart and also diligent.Tā hěn cōngmíng, bìngqiě hěn qínfèn.
563事件shìjiànevent/incident这是一个重要的事件。This is an important event.Zhè shì yīgè zhòngyào de shìjiàn.
564设计shèjìdesign这个设计很独特。This design is very unique.Zhège shèjì hěn dútè.
565研究所yánjiūsuǒresearch institute他在研究所工作。He works at a research institute.Tā zài yánjiūsuǒ gōngzuò.
566语言yǔyánlanguage他精通多种语言。He is proficient in multiple languages.Tā jīngtōng duō zhǒng yǔyán.
567严重yánzhòngserious/severe这次事故造成了严重的损失。The accident caused serious losses.Zhè cì shìgù zàochéngle yánzhòng de sǔnshī.
568故事gùshìstory他讲了一个有趣的故事。He told an interesting story.Tā jiǎngle yīgè yǒuqù de gùshì.
569学术xuéshùacademic这是一个学术研究。This is an academic research.Zhè shì yīgè xuéshù yánjiū.
570piànpiece/film这部电影有很多精彩的片段。The movie has many wonderful scenes.Zhè bù diànyǐng yǒu hěn duō jīngcǎi de piànduàn.
571设备shèbèiequipment这个设备很先进。This equipment is very advanced.Zhège shèbèi hěn xiānjìn.
572之外zhīwàibeyond/outside这些都是课堂之外的活动。These are activities outside of class.Zhèxiē dōu shì kètáng zhīwài de huódòng.
573chēvehicle/car我们需要一辆车。We need a car.Wǒmen xūyào yī liàng chē.
574基本jīběnbasic这是基本的要求。This is a basic requirement.Zhè shì jīběn de yāoqiú.
575实在shízàiindeed/really这实在是太难了。This is really too difficult.Zhè shízài shì tài nánle.
576jiǔlong (time)我们已经等了很久。We have been waiting for a long time.Wǒmen yǐjīng děngle hěn jiǔ.
577tàoset/measure word for sets我买了一套新的家具。I bought a new set of furniture.Wǒ mǎile yī tào xīn de jiājù.
578达到dádàoreach/achieve我们的目标已经达到了。Our goal has already been achieved.Wǒmen de mùbiāo yǐjīng dádàole.
579改善gǎishànimprove我们需要改善现状。We need to improve the current situation.Wǒmen xūyào gǎishàn xiànzhuàng.
580die/death他在事故中死了。He died in the accident.Tā zài shìgù zhōng sǐle.
581结构jiégòustructure这个建筑的结构很复杂。The structure of this building is complex.Zhège jiànzhú de jiégòu hěn fùzá.
582zhùlive/stay我们住在同一个小区。We live in the same neighborhood.Wǒmen zhù zài tóng yīgè xiǎoqū.
583jiēall/each他们皆参加了比赛。They all participated in the competition.Tāmen jiē cānjiāle bǐsài.
584改变gǎibiànchange这会改变我们的计划。This will change our plan.Zhè huì gǎibiàn wǒmen de jìhuà.
585take/grab他拿起了那本书。He picked up the book.Tā ná qǐle nà běn shū.
586小组xiǎozǔgroup/team我们在小组里讨论问题。We discuss issues in the group.Wǒmen zài xiǎozǔ lǐ tǎolùn wèntí.
587支持zhīchísupport我们应该支持这个项目。We should support this project.Wǒmen yīnggāi zhīchí zhège xiàngmù.
588zuòmeasure word for buildings/structures这座建筑很古老。This building is very old.Zhè zuò jiànzhú hěn gǔlǎo.
589医院yīyuànhospital他在医院里接受治疗。He is receiving treatment at the hospital.Tā zài yīyuàn lǐ jiēshòule zhìliáo.
590both/also他既聪明又有才华。He is both smart and talented.Tā jì cōngmíng yòu yǒu cáihuá.
591jǐnonly/just我们仅有五分钟时间。We only have five minutes.Wǒmen jǐn yǒu wǔ fēnzhōng shíjiān.
592值得zhídéworth/deserve这本书值得一读。This book is worth reading.Zhè běn shū zhídé yī dú.
593学者xuézhěscholar他是一位著名的学者。He is a famous scholar.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de xuézhě.
594eight他们有八个孩子。They have eight children.Tāmen yǒu bā gè háizi.
595交通jiāotōngtraffic/transportation交通情况很糟糕。The traffic situation is terrible.Jiāotōng qíngkuàng hěn zāogāo.
596阶段jiēduànstage/phase我们正在进入新阶段。We are entering a new stage.Wǒmen zhèngzài jìnrù xīn jiēduàn.
597就是jiùshìexactly/just这就是我想要的。This is exactly what I wanted.Zhè jiùshì wǒ xiǎng yào de.
598申请shēnqǐngapply/request他申请了一个新职位。He applied for a new position.Tā shēnqǐngle yīgè xīn zhíwèi.
599主管zhǔguǎnsupervisor/manager他是部门的主管。He is the supervisor of the department.Tā shì bùmén de zhǔguǎn.
600申请shēnqǐngapply/request我需要申请一份证明。I need to apply for a certificate.Wǒ xūyào shēnqǐng yī fèn zhèngmíng.

Feel free to ask for more details or additional words!

Here’s the continuation with the new vocabulary list:

No.WordPinyinEnglish TranslationExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Pronunciation
600申请shēnqǐngapply/request我需要申请一份证明。I need to apply for a certificate.Wǒ xūyào shēnqǐng yī fèn zhèngmíng.
601tóngsame我们的意见相同。Our opinions are the same.Wǒmen de yìjiàn xiāngtóng.
602感觉gǎnjuéfeeling/sense我觉得这部电影很好。I feel that this movie is great.Wǒ juédé zhè bù diànyǐng hěn hǎo.
603电视diànshìtelevision我每天晚上看电视。I watch TV every evening.Wǒ měitiān wǎnshàng kàn diànshì.
604母亲mǔqīnmother我的母亲很温柔。My mother is very gentle.Wǒ de mǔqīn hěn wēnróu.
605ma(particle indicating emphasis)你就这样做嘛。Just do it like that.Nǐ jiù zhèyàng zuò ma.
606香港XiānggǎngHong Kong我们计划去香港旅行。We plan to travel to Hong Kong.Wǒmen jìhuà qù Xiānggǎng lǚxíng.
607记者jìzhějournalist他是一名新闻记者。He is a news journalist.Tā shì yī míng xīnwén jìzhě.
608压力yālìpressure工作压力很大。The work pressure is high.Gōngzuò yālì hěn dà.
609快乐kuàilèhappy祝你生日快乐!Happy birthday to you!Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè!
610drink我渴了,想喝水。I’m thirsty and want to drink water.Wǒ kěle, xiǎng hē shuǐ.
611gǎndare我敢于挑战自己。I dare to challenge myself.Wǒ gǎnyú tiǎozhàn zìjǐ.
612yuàncourtyard/hospital医院在街角。The hospital is on the street corner.Yīyuàn zài jiējiǎo.
613也许yěxǔmaybe/perhaps也许我们可以尝试其他的方法。Maybe we can try other methods.Yěxǔ wǒmen kěyǐ chángshì qítā de fāngfǎ.
614人们rénmenpeople人们都很关心这个问题。People are concerned about this issue.Rénmen dōu hěn guānxīn zhège wèntí.
615tántalk/discuss我们可以谈谈这个问题。We can talk about this issue.Wǒmen kěyǐ tán tán zhège wèntí.
616生产shēngchǎnproduce这家公司专注于生产电子产品。This company focuses on producing electronic products.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhuānzhù yú shēngchǎn diànzǐ chǎnpǐn.
617afraid我怕狗。I am afraid of dogs.Wǒ pà gǒu.
618jiùjust/then就这样吧。Just do it this way.Jiù zhèyàng ba.
619身体shēntǐbody/health保持身体健康很重要。Keeping your body healthy is important.Bǎochí shēntǐ jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào.
620规定guīdìngregulation/rule这个公司的规定很严格。The company’s regulations are strict.Zhège gōngsī de guīdìng hěn yángé.
621程度chéngdùdegree/extent他的英语水平很高。His English proficiency is high.Tā de yīngyǔ shuǐpíng hěn gāo.
622积极jījíactive/positive他对工作非常积极。He is very active in his work.Tā duì gōngzuò fēicháng jījí.
623知识zhīshíknowledge知识是力量。Knowledge is power.Zhīshí shì lìliàng.
624作为zuòwéias/role他作为一个老师很成功。He is successful as a teacher.Tā zuòwéi yīgè lǎoshī hěn chénggōng.
625机构jīgòuorganization/institution这是一个国际组织。This is an international organization.Zhè shì yīgè guójì zǔzhī.
626而是érshìbut/rather我们不是去看电影,而是去散步。We went for a walk, not to see a movie.Wǒmen bùshì qù kàn diànyǐng, érshì qù sànbù.
627鼓励gǔlìencourage老师鼓励学生多读书。The teacher encourages students to read more.Lǎoshī gǔlì xuéshēng duō dúshū.
628角色juésèrole/character他的角色很重要。His role is important.Tā de juésè hěn zhòngyào.
629状况zhuàngkuàngsituation/condition他的健康状况很好。His health condition is good.Tā de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng hěn hǎo.
630专家zhuānjiāexpert他是一个计算机专家。He is a computer expert.Tā shì yīgè jìsuànjī zhuānjiā.
631according to据说明书,操作方法如下。According to the manual, the procedure is as follows.Jù shuōmíngshū, cāozuò fāngfǎ rúxià.
632清楚qīngchǔclear/understandable请把问题说得更清楚。Please explain the problem more clearly.Qǐng bǎ wèntí shuō dé gèng qīngchǔ.
633不仅bùjǐnnot only她不仅聪明,而且很努力。She is not only smart but also hardworking.Tā bùjǐn cōngmíng, érqiě hěn nǔlì.
634比赛bǐsàicompetition/game我们参加了一个比赛。We participated in a competition.Wǒmen cānjiāle yīgè bǐsài.
635wánplay孩子们在公园里玩耍。The children are playing in the park.Háizimen zài gōngyuán lǐ wánshuǎ.
636效果xiàoguǒeffect/result这个药的效果很好。The effect of this medicine is good.Zhège yào de xiàoguǒ hěn hǎo.
637yuèmore/over (increasing degree)他学习越多,成绩越好。The more he studies, the better his grades.Tā xuéxí yuè duō, chéngjī yuè hǎo.
638保护bǎohùprotect我们需要保护环境。We need to protect the environment.Wǒmen xūyào bǎohù huánjìng.
639gòngtogether/collectively我们共同努力。We work together.Wǒmen gòngtóng nǔlì.
640开放kāifàngopen学校正在开放新的课程。The school is opening new courses.Xuéxiào zhèngzài kāifàng xīn de kèchéng.
641附近fùjìnnearby我们住在这里附近。We live nearby here.Wǒmen zhù zài zhèlǐ fùjìn.
642shàngon/upon我们上课时要注意听讲。We should pay attention during class.Wǒmen shàngkè shí yào zhùyì tīngjiǎng.
643父亲fùqīnfather我的父亲是一位医生。My father is a doctor.Wǒ de fùqīn shì yī wèi yīshēng.
644专业zhuānyèprofessional/major他是专业的程序员。He is a professional programmer.Tā shì zhuānyè de chéngxùyuán.
645经费jīngfèifunding/expenses这个项目需要更多的经费。This project needs more funding.Zhège xiàngmù xūyào gèng duō de jīngfèi.
646曾经céngjīngonce/formerly我曾经去过那个地方。I have been to that place before.Wǒ céngjīng qùguò nàgè dìfāng.
647工作gōngzuòwork/job她在一家大公司工作。She works at a big company.Tā zài yī jiā dà gōngsī gōngzuò.
648愿意yuànyìwilling我愿意帮助你。I am willing to help you.Wǒ yuànyì bāngzhù nǐ.
649分别fēnbiéseparately/distinguish我们分别去两个不同的地方。We went to two different places separately.Wǒmen fēnbié qù liǎng gè bùtóng de dìfāng.
650重视zhòngshìvalue/attach importance to我们应该重视教育。We should value education.Wǒmen yīnggāi zhòngshì jiàoyù.
651不少bùshǎoquite a few这里有不少书。There are quite a few books here.Zhèlǐ yǒu bùshǎo shū.
652欢迎huānyíngwelcome欢迎来到我们的学校!Welcome to our school!Huānyíng lái dào wǒmen de xuéxiào!
653小孩xiǎoháichild/kid小孩们在公园里玩耍。The kids are playing in the park.Xiǎohái men zài gōngyuán lǐ wánshuǎ.
654小时xiǎoshíhour我们工作了三小时。We worked for three hours.Wǒmen gōngzuòle sān xiǎoshí.
655中国人zhōngguórénChinese person他是中国人。He is Chinese.Tā shì zhōngguórén.
656显示xiǎnshìshow/display结果显示了明显的改善。The results show significant improvement.Jiéguǒ xiǎnshìle míngxiǎn de gǎishàn.
657中共ZhōnggòngChinese Communist Party中共在中国的政治中扮演重要角色。The Communist Party plays an important role in Chinese politics.Zhōnggòng zài zhōngguó de zhèngzhì zhōng bànyǎn zhòngyào juésè.
658chūexit/go out请从这里出去。Please exit from here.Qǐng cóng zhèlǐ chūqù.
659男人nánrénman那个男人是我的老师。That man is my teacher.Nàgè nánrén shì wǒ de lǎoshī.
660避免bìmiǎnavoid我们应该避免危险。We should avoid danger.Wǒmen yīnggāi bìmiǎn wēixiǎn.
661属于shǔyúbelong to这本书属于我。This book belongs to me.Zhè běn shū shǔyú wǒ.
662实施shíshīimplement政策将在明年实施。The policy will be implemented next year.Zhèngcè jiāng zài míngnián shíshī.
663声音shēngyīnsound我听到外面的声音。I hear a sound from outside.Wǒ tīngdào wàimiàn de shēngyīn.
664主义zhǔyì-ism (doctrine)他信仰某种主义。He adheres to a certain doctrine.Tā xìnyǎng mǒu zhǒng zhǔyì.
665行动xíngdòngaction/act我们需要采取行动。We need to take action.Wǒmen xūyào cǎiqǔ xíngdòng.
666不可bùkěcannot/impermissible这里不可吸烟。Smoking is not allowed here.Zhè lǐ bùkě xīyān.
667只有zhǐyǒuonly只有努力才能成功。Only hard work can lead to success.Zhǐyǒu nǔlì cáinéng chénggōng.
668校园xiàoyuáncampus我们在校园里散步。We are walking on campus.Wǒmen zài xiàoyuán lǐ sànbù.
669兴趣xìngqùinterest他对音乐很有兴趣。He has a great interest in music.Tā duì yīnyuè hěn yǒu xìngqù.
670shānmountain我们爬了那座山。We climbed that mountain.Wǒmen pále nà zuò shān.
671表现biǎoxiànperformance/show他在比赛中的表现非常好。His performance in the competition was excellent.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng de biǎoxiàn fēicháng hǎo.
672get/obtain他得到了第一名。He got first place.Tā dédàole dì yī míng.
673回来huíláicome back/return我们明天会回来。We will come back tomorrow.Wǒmen míngtiān huì huílái.
674主任zhǔrèndirector他是项目的主任。He is the director of the project.Tā shì xiàngmù de zhǔrèn.
675里面lǐmiàninside里面很安静。It’s quiet inside.Lǐmiàn hěn ānjìng.
676经常jīngchángoften我们经常去那家餐馆。We often go to that restaurant.Wǒmen jīngcháng qù nà jiā cānguǎn.
677不再bùzàino longer我们不再使用这个设备。We no longer use this equipment.Wǒmen bùzài shǐyòng zhège shèbèi.
678电子diànzǐelectronic这是一个电子设备。This is an electronic device.Zhè shì yīgè diànzǐ shèbèi.
679shòureceive/subject to他受到了很多关注。He received a lot of attention.Tā shòudàole hěn duō guānzhù.
680思想sīxiǎngthought/ideology他的思想很前卫。His thoughts are very avant-garde.Tā de sīxiǎng hěn qiánwèi.
681tóuhead他的头很痛。His head hurts.Tā de tóu hěn tòng.
682终于zhōngyúfinally我们终于到了。We finally arrived.Wǒmen zhōngyú dào le.
683谢谢xièxièthank you谢谢你的帮助。Thank you for your help.Xièxiè nǐ de bāngzhù.
684协助xiézhùassist/help我们需要你的协助。We need your assistance.Wǒmen xūyào nǐ de xiézhù.
685chúexcept/remove除了这些,什么都没有。Except for these, there is nothing else.Chúle zhèxiē, shénme dōu méiyǒu.
686当地dāngdìlocal这是当地的特色菜。This is a local specialty dish.Zhè shì dāngdì de tèsè cài.
687正式zhèngshìformal这是正式的文件。This is a formal document.Zhè shì zhèngshì de wénjiàn.
688真正zhēnzhènggenuine/real他是一个真正的朋友。He is a genuine friend.Tā shì yīgè zhēnzhèng de péngyǒu.
689low这个价格太低了。This price is too low.Zhège jiàgé tài dīle.
690xìngnature/characteristic这种性格很适合这个工作。This personality is suitable for the job.Zhè zhǒng xìnggé hěn shìhé zhège gōngzuò.
691fènportion/part我们要分配工作份额。We need to allocate work portions.Wǒmen yào fēnpèi gōngzuò fèn’é.
692因素yīnsùfactor这是成功的一个重要因素。This is an important factor in success.Zhè shì chénggōng de yīgè zhòngyào yīnsù.
693推出tuīchūlaunch我们将推出新产品。We will launch a new product.Wǒmen jiāng tuīchū xīn chǎnpǐn.
694shàngon/upon上个月我们去旅行了。We went on a trip last month.Shàng gè yuè wǒmen qù lǚxíngle.
695价格jiàgéprice这个产品的价格很合理。The price of this product is reasonable.Zhège chǎnpǐn de jiàgé hěn hélǐ.
696go我们要去商店。We are going to the store.Wǒmen yào qù shāngdiàn.
697认识rènshiknow/recognize我认识他。I know him.Wǒ rènshí tā.
698方向fāngxiàngdirection我们需要找到正确的方向。We need to find the right direction.Wǒmen xūyào zhǎodào zhèngquè de fāngxiàng.
699责任zérènresponsibility每个人都有自己的责任。Everyone has their own responsibilities.Měi gèrén dōu yǒu zìjǐ de zérèn.
700说明shuōmíngexplanation请给我一个详细的说明。Please give me a detailed explanation.Qǐng gěi wǒ yīgè xiángxì de shuōmíng.
701工业gōngyèindustry工业是经济发展的重要部分。Industry is an important part of economic development.Gōngyè shì jīngjì fāzhǎn de zhòngyào bùfen.
702大量dàliànglarge quantity这家公司生产大量的电子产品。This company produces a large quantity of electronic products.Zhè jiā gōngsī shēngchǎn dàliàng de diànzǐ chǎnpǐn.
703zuòdo/make他每天都做作业。He does homework every day.Tā měitiān dōu zuò zuòyè.
704逐渐zhújiàngradually天气逐渐变冷。The weather is gradually getting colder.Tiānqì zhújiàn biàn lěng.
705心理xīnlǐpsychological心理健康对整体健康很重要。Mental health is important for overall well-being.Xīnlǐ jiànkāng duì zhěngtǐ jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào.
706一点yīdiǎna little这道菜有一点辣。This dish is a little spicy.Zhè dào cài yǒu yīdiǎn là.
707gōngprovide/supply我们可以提供帮助。We can provide help.Wǒmen kěyǐ tígōng bāngzhù.
708must/need你须按照说明书操作。You must follow the instructions.Nǐ xū ànzhào shuōmíngshū cāozuò.
709简单jiǎndānsimple/easy这个问题很简单。This problem is very simple.Zhège wèntí hěn jiǎndān.
710运用yùnyòngapply/use我们需要运用新的方法。We need to apply new methods.Wǒmen xūyào yùnyòng xīn de fāngfǎ.
711观察guāncháobserve我们应该观察孩子的行为。We should observe the children’s behavior.Wǒmen yīnggāi guānchá háizimen de xíngwéi.
712往往wǎngwǎngoften/usually他往往迟到。He is often late.Tā wǎngwǎng chídào.
713规划guīhuàplan我们需要制定一个详细的规划。We need to make a detailed plan.Wǒmen xūyào zhìdìng yīgè xiángxì de guīhuà.
714减少jiǎnshǎoreduce我们需要减少浪费。We need to reduce waste.Wǒmen xūyào jiǎnshǎo làngfèi.
715重新chóngxīnagain/restart我们需要重新开始。We need to start again.Wǒmen xūyào chóngxīn kāishǐ.
716业务yèwùbusiness/operation他的工作包括管理业务。His job includes managing business.Tā de gōngzuò bāokuò guǎnlǐ yèwù.
717报导bàodǎoreport记者们正在撰写新闻报导。The reporters are writing news reports.Jìzhěmen zhèngzài zhuànxiě xīnwén bàodǎo.
718仍然réngránstill他仍然在工作。He is still working.Tā réngrán zài gōngzuò.
719感到gǎndàofeel我感到很累。I feel very tired.Wǒ gǎndào hěn lèi.
720开放kāifàngopen这家公司刚刚开放了新部门。The company just opened a new department.Zhè jiā gōngsī gānggāng kāifàngle xīn bùmén.
721领域lǐngyùfield/domain他在医学领域有很多经验。He has a lot of experience in the medical field.Tā zài yīxué lǐngyù yǒu hěn duō jīngyàn.
722有效yǒuxiàoeffective这个药物是非常有效的。This medication is very effective.Zhège yàowù shì fēicháng yǒuxiào de.
723female她是一位出色的女性。She is an outstanding woman.Tā shì yī wèi chūsè de nǚxìng.
724yàowant/need我们要学习新的技能。We need to learn new skills.Wǒmen yào xuéxí xīn de jìnéng.
725从事cóngshìengage in他从事金融工作。He is engaged in financial work.Tā cóngshì jīnróng gōngzuò.
726发挥fāhuīexert/show他在比赛中发挥了重要作用。He played a crucial role in the competition.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng fāhuīle zhòngyào zuòyòng.
727人才réncáitalent/personnel这家公司吸引了很多人才。The company attracts a lot of talent.Zhè jiā gōngsī xīyǐnle hěn duō réncái.
728反而fǎn’érinstead/contrarily他的成绩反而变差了。His grades have instead worsened.Tā de chéngjī fǎn’ér biàn chàle.
729行政xíngzhèngadministrative他负责公司的行政事务。He is responsible for the company’s administrative affairs.Tā fùzé gōngsī de xíngzhèng shìwù.
730银行yínhángbank我们需要去银行办业务。We need to go to the bank for business.Wǒmen xūyào qù yínháng bàn yèwù.
731公共gōnggòngpublic公共交通很重要。Public transportation is important.Gōnggòng jiāotōng hěn zhòngyào.
732媒体méitǐmedia媒体对公众有很大影响。The media has a big impact on the public.Méitǐ duì gōngzhòng yǒu hěn dà yǐngxiǎng.
733提高tígāoimprove/increase我们需要提高工作效率。We need to improve work efficiency.Wǒmen xūyào tígāo gōngzuò xiàolǜ.
734dàigeneration/era这是新一代的产品。This is a product of the new generation.Zhè shì xīn yī dài de chǎnpǐn.
735自然zìránnatural/nature自然环境对生活很重要。The natural environment is important for life.Zìrán huánjìng duì shēnghuó hěn zhòngyào.
736社区shèqūcommunity我们的社区很友好。Our community is very friendly.Wǒmen de shèqū hěn yǒuhǎo.
737力量lìliàngpower/strength他们的力量是不可忽视的。Their strength is undeniable.Tāmen de lìliàng shì bùkě hūshì de.
738ā(interjection)这个问题太复杂啊!This problem is so complicated!Zhège wèntí tài fùzá ā!
739教育部jiàoyùbùMinistry of Education教育部发布了新的政策。The Ministry of Education has released new policies.Jiàoyùbù fābùle xīn de zhèngcè.
740more他愈加努力工作。He works harder and harder.Tā yùjiā nǔlì gōngzuò.
741超过chāoguòexceed他的成绩超过了预期。His performance exceeded expectations.Tā de chéngjī chāoguòle yùqī.
742维持wéichímaintain我们需要维持现状。We need to maintain the status quo.Wǒmen xūyào wéichí xiànzhuàng.
743家长jiāzhǎngparent/guardian家长会议将于下周召开。The parent-teacher meeting will be held next week.Jiāzhǎng huìyì jiāng yú xià zhōu zhàokāi.
744结合jiéhécombine/merge我们应该结合各方面的意见。We should combine opinions from all sides.Wǒmen yīnggāi jiéhé gè fāngmiàn de yìjiàn.
745校长xiàozhǎngprincipal校长将在会议上讲话。The principal will speak at the meeting.Xiàozhǎng jiāng zài huìyì shàng jiǎnghuà.
746通常tōngchángusually我通常早上六点起床。I usually wake up at 6 a.m.Wǒ tōngcháng zǎoshang liù diǎn qǐchuáng.
747缺乏quēfálack他缺乏自信。He lacks confidence.Tā quēfá zìxìn.
748委员wěiyuáncommittee member他们是委员会的委员。They are committee members.Tāmen shì wěiyuán huì de wěiyuán.
749特色tèsècharacteristic/feature这个餐馆有独特的地方特色。This restaurant has unique local features.Zhège cānguǎn yǒu dútè de dìfāng tèsè.
750结果jiéguǒresult这个实验的结果很令人满意。The results of the experiment are very satisfying.Zhège shíyàn de jiéguǒ hěn lìngrén mǎnyì.
751有时yǒushísometimes有时我们需要休息。Sometimes we need to rest.Yǒushí wǒmen xūyào xiūxí.
752教师jiàoshīteacher这位教师非常有经验。This teacher is very experienced.Zhè wèi jiàoshī fēicháng yǒu jīngyàn.
753之前zhīqiánbefore会议之前请先准备好资料。Please prepare the materials before the meeting.Huìyì zhīqián qǐng xiān zhǔnbèi hǎo zīliào.
754yuǎnfar这个地方离城市很远。This place is far from the city.Zhège dìfāng lí chéngshì hěn yuǎn.
755控制kòngzhìcontrol我们需要控制预算。We need to control the budget.Wǒmen xūyào kòngzhì yùsuàn.
756běnthis/oneself这是我的本书。This is my own book.Zhè shì wǒ de běn shū.
757否则fǒuzéotherwise你要早点出门,否则会迟到。You should leave earlier, otherwise, you will be late.Nǐ yào zǎodiǎn chūmén, fǒuzé huì chídào.
758law/method这是一个法律问题。This is a legal issue.Zhè shì yīgè fǎlǜ wèntí.
759shǎofew/less这个班的人数很少。There are very few people in this class.Zhège bān de rénshù hěn shǎo.
760原则yuánzéprinciple我们必须遵守公司的原则。We must adhere to the company’s principles.Wǒmen bìxū zūnshǒu gōngsī de yuánzé.
761yàowant/need我们要完成这个项目。We need to complete this project.Wǒmen yào wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
762liǎnface她的脸色很差。Her face looks pale.Tā de liǎnsè hěn chà.
763通过tōngguòpass/through他通过了考试。He passed the exam.Tā tōngguòle kǎoshì.
764建议jiànyìsuggestion/advice我们接受你的建议。We accept your suggestion.Wǒmen jiēshòu nǐ de jiànyì.
765工具gōngjùtool这是一种多功能工具。This is a multi-functional tool.Zhè shì yī zhǒng duō gōngnéng gōngjù.
766作业zuòyèhomework/assignment我的作业还没做完。I haven’t finished my homework yet.Wǒ de zuòyè hái méi zuò wán.
767reach/achieve我们达到了目标。We have reached the goal.Wǒmen dádàole mùbiāo.
768节目jiémùprogram/show这个电视节目很有趣。This TV program is very interesting.Zhège diànshì jiémù hěn yǒuqù.
769智慧zhìhuìwisdom她有很大的智慧。She has great wisdom.Tā yǒu hěn dà de zhìhuì.
770来自láizìcome from这个产品来自美国。This product comes from the USA.Zhège chǎnpǐn láizì měiguó.
771érand/but他很聪明,而她很勤奋。He is smart, and she is diligent.Tā hěn cōngmíng, ér tā hěn qínfèn.
772变化biànhuàchange/variation市场上发生了很大变化。There have been significant changes in the market.Shìchǎng shàng fāshēngle hěn dà biànhuà.
773同样tóngyàngsame/similar我们也有同样的意见。We also have the same opinion.Wǒmen yě yǒu tóngyàng de yìjiàn.
774形式xíngshìform/type这是申请表的形式。This is the form for the application.Zhè shì shēnqǐng biǎo de xíngshì.
775zhànstand/station他们在车站等车。They are waiting for the bus at the station.Tāmen zài chēzhàn děng chē.
776以为yǐwéithink/believe我以为他会来。I thought he would come.Wǒ yǐwéi tā huì lái.
777健康jiànkānghealth健康是最重要的财富。Health is the most important wealth.Jiànkāng shì zuì zhòngyào de cáifù.
778担任dānrènassume/take on他担任了项目经理的角色。He assumed the role of project manager.Tā dānrènle xiàngmù jīnglǐ de juésè.
779人口rénkǒupopulation这个城市的人口很大。The population of this city is large.Zhège chéngshì de rénkǒu hěn dà.
780规划guīhuàplan/plot我们需要规划未来的方向。We need to plan for the future direction.Wǒmen xūyào guīhuà wèilái de fāngxiàng.
781gāngjust我刚到家。I just arrived home.Wǒ gāng dào jiā.
782特殊tèshūspecial/unique这是一种特殊的材料。This is a special material.Zhè shì yī zhǒng tèshū de cáiliào.
783原来yuánláioriginally原来他是你的朋友。Originally, he was your friend.Yuánlái tā shì nǐ de péngyǒu.
784dàoway/path这条路是通往山顶的道路。This road leads to the mountain top.Zhè tiáo lù shì tōngwǎng shāndǐng de dàolù.
785fēndivide/minute请把这蛋糕分成几份。Please divide this cake into pieces.Qǐng bǎ zhè dàngāo fēnchéng jǐ fèn.
786传统chuántǒngtraditional这是中国的传统节日。This is a traditional Chinese festival.Zhè shì zhōngguó de chuántǒng jiérì.
787总是zǒngshìalways他总是准时到达。He always arrives on time.Tā zǒngshì zhǔnshí dàodá.
788前往qiánwǎnghead to/advance我们将前往下一个城市。We will head to the next city.Wǒmen jiāng qiánwǎng xià yīgè chéngshì.
789投资tóuzīinvest我们需要投资新的项目。We need to invest in new projects.Wǒmen xūyào tóuzī xīn de xiàngmù.
790加强jiāqiángstrengthen我们需要加强合作。We need to strengthen cooperation.Wǒmen xūyào jiāqiáng hézuò.
791不断bùduàncontinuous他在不断改进自己的技能。He is continuously improving his skills.Tā zài bùduàn gǎijìn zìjǐ de jìnéng.
792对象duìxiàngobject/target他的对像是一个很有才华的艺术家。His target is a very talented artist.Tā de duìxiàng shì yīgè hěn yǒu cáihuá de yìshùjiā.
793追求zhuīqiúpursue他在追求自己的梦想。He is pursuing his dreams.Tā zài zhuīqiú zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.
794加上jiāshàngadd请在报告中加上新的数据。Please add the new data to the report.Qǐng zài bàogào zhōng jiā shàng xīn de shùjù.
795compare我们来比较一下这两个产品。Let’s compare these two products.Wǒmen lái bǐjiào yīxià zhè liǎng gè chǎnpǐn.
796思考sīkǎothink我们需要认真思考这个问题。We need to think carefully about this problem.Wǒmen xūyào rènzhēn sīkǎo zhège wèntí.
797制作zhìzuòmake/produce他制作了一部精彩的电影。He made a wonderful film.Tā zhìzuòle yī bù jīngcǎi de diànyǐng.
798台北市Táiběi shìTaipei City我们去台北市旅游。We are going to Taipei City for tourism.Wǒmen qù Táiběi shì lǚyóu.
799取得qǔdéobtain/achieve他取得了很好的成绩。He achieved very good results.Tā qǔdélè hěn hǎo de chéngjī.
800出来chūláicome out/ emerge这本书刚刚出来。This book has just come out.Zhè běn shū gānggāng chūlái.

If you need more examples or adjustments, just let me know!

Here’s the continued list with examples for each term:

801加入jiārùjoin欢迎你加入我们的团队。Welcome to join our team.Huānyíng nǐ jiārù wǒmen de tuánduì.
802táiplatform; table他在台上演讲。He is giving a speech on the stage.Tā zài tái shàng yǎnjiǎng.
803安排ānpáiarrange我们需要安排一次会议。We need to arrange a meeting.Wǒmen xūyào ānpái yīcì huìyì.
804儿童értóngchildren这个公园是专为儿童设计的。This park is designed specifically for children.Zhège gōngyuán shì zhuān wèi értóng shèjì de.
805国中guózhōngmiddle school我女儿在国中读书。My daughter is studying in middle school.Wǒ nǚ’ér zài guózhōng dúshū.
806范围fànwéirange/scope这项研究的范围很广。The scope of this research is broad.Zhè xiàng yánjiū de fànwéi hěn guǎng.
807老人lǎorénelderly person老人需要更多的照顾。The elderly need more care.Lǎorén xūyào gèng duō de zhàogù.
808双方shuāngfāngboth sides/parties双方达成了协议。Both sides reached an agreement.Shuāngfāng dá chéngle xiéyì.
809(animal pronoun)牠是一只可爱的小狗。It is a cute little dog.Tā shì yī zhī kě’ài de xiǎo gǒu.
810北京BěijīngBeijing北京是中国的首都。Beijing is the capital of China.Běijīng shì zhōngguó de shǒudū.
811年轻niánqīngyoung他是一个年轻的工程师。He is a young engineer.Tā shì yīgè niánqīng de gōngchéngshī.
812结束jiéshùend会议在下午五点结束。The meeting ends at 5 p.m.Huìyì zài xiàwǔ wǔ diǎn jiéshù.
813jiàoteach她教我们如何做实验。She teaches us how to do the experiment.Tā jiào wǒmen rúhé zuò shíyàn.
814程式chéngshìprogram (software)这个程式需要更新。This program needs an update.Zhège chéngshì xūyào gēngxīn.
815妇女fùnǚwomen妇女在职场上扮演重要角色。Women play important roles in the workplace.Fùnǚ zài zhíchǎng shàng bànyǎn zhòngyào juésè.
816找到zhǎodàofind我终于找到了丢失的钥匙。I finally found the lost key.Wǒ zhōngyú zhǎodàole diūshī de yàoshi.
817彼此bǐcǐeach other我们彼此需要合作。We need to cooperate with each other.Wǒmen bǐcǐ xūyào hézuò.
818全球quánqiúglobal全球变暖是一个严重问题。Global warming is a serious issue.Quánqiú biàn nuǎn shì yīgè yánzhòng wèntí.
819成本chéngběncost这项工程的成本很高。The cost of this project is high.Zhè xiàng gōngchéng de chéngběn hěn gāo.
820回到huídàoreturn to我们要回到原来的位置。We need to return to the original position.Wǒmen yào huídào yuánlái de wèizhì.
821department/part我在市场部工作。I work in the marketing department.Wǒ zài shìchǎng bù gōngzuò.
822而已éryǐonly这只是一个小问题而已。This is just a minor issue.Zhè zhǐshì yīgè xiǎo wèntí éryǐ.
823之下zhīxiàunder/below这些条件之下,我们无法完成任务。Under these conditions, we can’t complete the task.Zhèxiē tiáojiàn zhīxià, wǒmen wúfǎ wánchéng rènwù.
824děngetc./wait我们等了很久。We waited for a long time.Wǒmen děngle hěn jiǔ.
825biànchange他的态度发生了变化。His attitude has changed.Tā de tàidù fāshēngle biànhuà.
826期间qījiānperiod/during我们将在这期间完成项目。We will complete the project during this period.Wǒmen jiāng zài zhè qījiān wánchéng xiàngmù.
827fēinot/none这不是我们预期的结果。This is not the result we expected.Zhè bùshì wǒmen yùqī de jiéguǒ.
828小姐xiǎojiěmiss (young woman)这位小姐在等你。Miss, she is waiting for you.Zhè wèi xiǎojiě zài děng nǐ.
829整体zhěngtǐoverall整体设计很出色。The overall design is excellent.Zhěngtǐ shèjì hěn chūsè.
830采用cǎiyòngadopt/use我们决定采用新的方法。We decided to adopt a new method.Wǒmen juédìng cǎiyòng xīn de fāngfǎ.
831根本gēnběnfundamental这个问题的根本原因是什么?What is the fundamental cause of this problem?Zhège wèntí de gēnběn yuányīn shì shénme?
832jiàocall/ask请叫我小李。Please call me Xiao Li.Qǐng jiào wǒ xiǎo Lǐ.
833欧洲ŌuzhōuEurope欧洲有许多历史名城。Europe has many historic cities.Ōuzhōu yǒu xǔduō lìshǐ míngchéng.
834正在zhèngzàicurrently他正在工作。He is currently working.Tā zhèngzài gōngzuò.
835加以jiāyǐapply/add我们将加以改进。We will apply improvements.Wǒmen jiāyǐ gǎijìn.
836充满chōngmǎnfull of他的房间充满了书。His room is full of books.Tā de fángjiān chōngmǎnle shū.
837系列xìlièseries这是一个新系列的书。This is a new series of books.Zhè shì yīgè xīn xìliè de shū.
838随着suízhēalong with/following随着时间的推移,情况有所改善。Along with the passage of time, the situation has improved.Suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí, qíngkuàng yǒu suǒ gǎishàn.
839zǎoearly我们早早到达了。We arrived early.Wǒmen zǎo zǎo dào dále.
840等等děngděngetc.我们还需要购买笔、纸等等。We also need to buy pens, paper, etc.Wǒmen hái xūyào gòumǎi bǐ, zhǐ děngděng.
841quite他的表现颇为出色。His performance was quite outstanding.Tā de biǎoxiàn pō wéi chūsè.
842不足bùzúinsufficient他的资金不足。His funds are insufficient.Tā de zījīn bùzú.
843zǒngoverall/total总体来看,这个计划很成功。Overall, this plan is very successful.Zǒngtǐ láikàn, zhège jìhuà hěn chénggōng.
844分析fēnxīanalyze我们需要分析数据。We need to analyze the data.Wǒmen xūyào fēnxī shùjù.
845shēndeep这个问题很深奥。This problem is very deep.Zhège wèntí hěn shēn’ào.
846报告bàogàoreport我们需要写一份报告。We need to write a report.Wǒmen xūyào xiě yī fèn bàogào.
847不错bùcuògood这部电影不错。The movie is good.Zhè bù diànyǐng bùcuò.
848在于zàiyúdepend on成功在于努力。Success depends on effort.Chénggōng zàiyú nǔlì.
849pángbeside/side我们坐在房间的旁边。We are sitting beside the room.Wǒmen zuò zài fángjiān de pángbiān.
850xiàosmile/laugh她总是带着笑容。She always has a smile on her face.Tā zǒng shì dàizhe xiàoróng.
851reason/cause发生了事故的原因很复杂。The reason for the accident is complicated.Fāshēngle shìgù de g原因 hěn fùzá.
852消费者xiāofèizhěconsumer消费者的需求在不断变化。Consumer demands are constantly changing.Xiāofèizhě de xūqiú zài bùduàn biànhuà.
853意识yìshíawareness提高环保意识非常重要。Increasing environmental awareness is very important.Tígāo huánbǎo yìshí fēicháng zhòngyào.
854公尺gōngchǐmeter (unit)房间长五公尺。The room is five meters long.Fángjiān cháng wǔ gōngchǐ.
855民族mínzúethnic group/nation这个国家有很多民族。This country has many ethnic groups.Zhège guójiā yǒu hěn duō mínzú.
856为主wèi zhǔmainly/primarily这次活动以文化交流为主。This event is mainly focused on cultural exchange.Zhè cì huódòng yǐ wénhuà jiāoliú wèi zhǔ.
857大众dàzhònggeneral public大众对这个问题很关注。The general public is very concerned about this issue.Dàzhòng duì zhège wèntí hěn guānzhù.
858到底dàodǐ(emphasize) exactly你到底想要什么?Exactly what do you want?Nǐ dàodǐ xiǎng yào shénme?
859yuànwish/hope我愿意帮助你。I am willing to help you.Wǒ yuànyì bāngzhù nǐ.
860degree/extent温度的变化很大。The temperature variation is significant.Wēndù de biànhuà hěn dà.
861大概dàgàiapproximately我们大概需要两个小时。We need approximately two hours.Wǒmen dàgài xūyào liǎng gè xiǎoshí.
862对方duìfāngother party对方提出了一些要求。The other party提出了一些要求。Duìfāng tíchūle yīxiē yāoqiú.
863官员guānyuánofficial他是政府的官员。He is a government official.Tā shì zhèngfǔ de guānyuán.
864发表fābiǎopublish/announce他在会议上发表了演讲。He delivered a speech at the conference.Tā zài huìyì shàng fābiǎole yǎnjiǎng.
865进一步jìnyíbùfurther我们需要进一步的研究。We need further research.Wǒmen xūyào jìnyíbù de yánjiū.
866自由zìyóufreedom自由是非常宝贵的。Freedom is very precious.Zìyóu shì fēicháng bǎoguì de.
867正确zhèngquècorrect请确保你的答案是正确的。Please ensure your answer is correct.Qǐng quèbǎo nǐ de dá’àn shì zhèngquè de.
868丰富fēngfùrich/abundant这个国家有丰富的文化遗产。This country has a rich cultural heritage.Zhège guójiā yǒu fēngfù de wénhuà yíchǎn.
869国民党GuómíndǎngKuomintang (KMT)国民党在历史上扮演了重要角色。The Kuomintang played an important role in history.Guómíndǎng zài lìshǐ shàng bànyǎnle zhòngyào juésè.
870战争zhànzhēngwar战争对国家造成了很大的损害。The war caused significant damage to the country.Zhànzhēng duì guójiā zàochéngle hěn dà de sǔnhài.
871怎么样zěnmeyànghow about你觉得这部电影怎么样?How do you feel about this movie?Nǐ juédé zhè bù diànyǐng zěnmeyàng?
872只好zhǐhǎohave to我们只好重新安排时间。We have to reschedule.Wǒmen zhǐhǎo chóngxīn ānpái shíjiān.
873明显míngxiǎnobvious他的改变非常明显。His change is very obvious.Tā de gǎibiàn fēicháng míngxiǎn.
874改革gǎigéreform改革是社会进步的关键。Reform is key to social progress.Gǎigé shì shèhuì jìnbù de guānjiàn.
875表达biǎodáexpress他用简单的语言表达了复杂的思想。He expressed complex ideas in simple language.Tā yòng jiǎndān de yǔyán biǎodále fùzá de sīxiǎng.
876肯定kěndìngaffirm我们肯定他的努力。We affirm his efforts.Wǒmen kěndìng tā de nǔlì.
877qiángstrong她有很强的意志力。She has a strong willpower.Tā yǒu hěn qiáng de yìzhì lì.
878高兴gāoxìnghappy我很高兴认识你。I am happy to meet you.Wǒ hěn gāoxìng rènshì nǐ.
879which/where你想去哪个地方?Which place do you want to go to?Nǐ xiǎng qù nǎge dìfāng?
880shùtree这棵树很高大。This tree is very tall.Zhè kē shù hěn gāodà.
881适合shìhésuitable这个工作很适合你。This job is suitable for you.Zhège gōngzuò hěn shìhé nǐ.
882chátea我喜欢喝绿茶。I like to drink green tea.Wǒ xǐhuān hē lǜchá.
883biédon’t别忘了带上钥匙。Don’t forget to take the key.Bié wàngle dài shàng yàoshi.
884国外guówàiabroad我们计划去国外旅行。We plan to travel abroad.Wǒmen jìhuà qù guówài lǚxíng.
885关心guānxīncare about我关心你的健康。I care about your health.Wǒ guānxīn nǐ de jiànkāng.
886苏联SūliánSoviet Union苏联在冷战中扮演了重要角色。The Soviet Union played an important role in the Cold War.Sūlián zài lěngzhàn zhōng bànyǎnle zhòngyào juésè.
887成绩chéngjìgrade/achievement他的成绩很好。His grades are very good.Tā de chéngjì hěn hǎo.
888人物rénwùcharacter/person这个历史人物很有名。This historical figure is very famous.Zhège lìshǐ rénwù hěn yǒumíng.
889听到tīngdàohear我刚刚听到一个好消息。I just heard some good news.Wǒ gānggāng tīngdào yīgè hǎo xiāoxī.
890创造chuàngzàocreate我们需要创造新的方案。We need to create new solutions.Wǒmen xūyào chuàngzào xīn de fāng’àn.
891不必bùbìneed not你不必担心这个问题。You need not worry about this issue.Nǐ bùbì dānxīn zhège wèntí.
892不论bùlùnregardless of不论天气如何,我们都要去。Regardless of the weather, we will go.Bùlùn tiānqì rúhé, wǒmen dōu yào qù.
893shàngstill我们尚未决定日期。We have not yet decided the date.Wǒmen shàng wèi juédìng rìqī.
894居民jūmínresident这个社区的居民很友好。The residents of this community are very friendly.Zhège shèqū de jūmín hěn yǒuhǎo.
895不管bùguǎnno matter不管遇到什么问题,我们都要解决。No matter what problem we encounter, we must solve it.Bùguǎn yù dào shénme wèntí, wǒmen dōu yào jiějué.
896美丽měilìbeautiful那个地方风景很美丽。The scenery in that place is beautiful.Nàgè dìfāng fēngjǐng hěn měilì.
897伊拉克YīlākèIraq伊拉克是一个中东国家。Iraq is a country in the Middle East.Yīlākè shì yīgè zhōngdōng guójiā.
898带来dàiláibring这项技术将带来许多好处。This technology will bring many benefits.Zhè xiàng jìshù jiāng dàilái xǔduō hǎochù.
899yǒuhave我们有很多问题需要解决。We have many problems to solve.Wǒmen yǒu hěn duō wèntí xūyào jiějué.
900bānkind/type这种风格很普通。This style is very ordinary.Zhè zhǒng fēnggé hěn pǔtōng.
901永远yǒngyuǎnforever这种记忆会永远留在我心中。This memory will stay in my heart forever.Zhè zhǒng jìyì huì yǒngyuǎn liú zài wǒ xīn zhōng.
902感情gǎnqíngemotion他表达了自己的感情。He expressed his emotions.Tā biǎodále zìjǐ de gǎnqíng.
903儿子érzison我有一个儿子。I have a son.Wǒ yǒu yīgè érzi.
904这样子zhèyàngzilike this这样子的做法更有效。Doing it this way is more effective.Zhèyàngzi de zuòfǎ gèng yǒuxiào.
905start/rise太阳从东方起。The sun rises in the east.Tàiyáng cóng dōngfāng qǐ.


Here is a chart that includes translations of the terms into English and Pinyin, along with a simple sentence in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin for each term.

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSentence in MandarinSentence in EnglishSentence in Pinyin
1回家Go homehuí jiā我现在要回家。I am going home now.Wǒ xiànzài yào huí jiā.
2独立Independentdú lì她非常独立。She is very independent.Tā fēicháng dú lì.
3英国Englandyīng guó英国有许多历史古迹。England has many historical sites.Yīng guó yǒu xǔduō lìshǐ gǔjì.
4投资Investtóu zī他决定投资这家公司。He decided to invest in this company.Tā juédìng tóu zī zhè jiā gōngsī.
5理论Theorylǐ lùn这个理论很有趣。This theory is very interesting.Zhège lǐ lùn hěn yǒuqù.
6面临Facemiàn lín我们面临很多挑战。We face many challenges.Wǒmen miàn lín hěn duō tiǎozhàn.
7选手Contestantxuǎn shǒu她是比赛中的选手。She is a contestant in the competition.Tā shì bǐsài zhōng de xuǎn shǒu.
8分钟Minutefēn zhōng请等我五分钟。Please wait for five minutes.Qǐng děng wǒ wǔ fēn zhōng.
9内部Internalnèi bù这是一份内部报告。This is an internal report.Zhè shì yī fèn nèi bù bào gào.
10西方Westernxī fāng西方文化对我很吸引。Western culture fascinates me.Xī fāng wénhuà duì wǒ hěn xīyǐn.
11人家Othersrén jiā人家都已经到了。Others have already arrived.Rén jiā dōu yǐjīng dào le.
12准备Preparezhǔn bèi我们正在准备晚会。We are preparing for the party.Wǒmen zhèngzài zhǔn bèi wǎnhuì.
13眼睛Eyeyǎn jīng我的眼睛很疲劳。My eyes are very tired.Wǒ de yǎn jīng hěn pí láo.
14Like她如同明星一样。She is like a star.Tā rú tóng míngxīng yīyàng.
15Eyeyǎn他的眼很漂亮。His eyes are beautiful.Tā de yǎn hěn piàoliang.
16离开Leavelí kāi他离开了办公室。He left the office.Tā lí kāi le bàngōngshì.
17竞争Competitionjìng zhēng我们在市场上竞争。We are competing in the market.Wǒmen zài shìchǎng shàng jìng zhēng.
18专利Patentzhuān lì这项发明有专利。This invention has a patent.Zhè xiàng fāmíng yǒu zhuān lì.
19成果Achievementchéng guǒ这是他们的成果。This is their achievement.Zhè shì tāmen de chéng guǒ.
20Livehuó他还很活跃。He is still very active.Tā hái hěn huó yuè.
21心情Moodxīn qíng她的心情很好。Her mood is good.Tā de xīn qíng hěn hǎo.
22介绍Introducejiè shào我来介绍一下这位老师。I will introduce this teacher.Wǒ lái jiè shào yīxià zhè wèi lǎoshī.
23现场Scenexiàn chǎng现场很热闹。The scene is very lively.Xiàn chǎng hěn rènào.
24突然Suddentū rán天气突然变了。The weather changed suddenly.Tiānqì tū rán biàn le.
25客户Clientkè hù我们需要联系客户。We need to contact the client.Wǒmen xūyào liánxì kè hù.
26Intervaljiān两个会议之间有一个小时的间隔。There is a one-hour interval between the two meetings.Liǎng gè huìyì zhī jiān yǒu yī gè xiǎoshí de jiàngé.
27印象Impressionyìn xiàng他的印象很好。His impression is good.Tā de yìn xiàng hěn hǎo.
28Flowerhuā花园里有很多花。There are many flowers in the garden.Huāyuán lǐ yǒu hěn duō huā.
29Seahǎi我喜欢去海边。I like to go to the seaside.Wǒ xǐhuān qù hǎibiān.
30真正Genuinezhēn zhèng这是我真正的想法。This is my genuine thought.Zhè shì wǒ zhēn zhèng de xiǎngfǎ.
31保持Maintainbǎo chí请保持安静。Please maintain silence.Qǐng bǎo chí ān jìng.
32时期Periodshí qī这是一个重要的时期。This is an important period.Zhè shì yī gè zhòngyào de shí qī.
33Layercéng墙上有三层颜色。The wall has three layers of color.Qiáng shàng yǒu sān céng yánsè.
34保持Maintainbǎo chí请保持冷静。Please stay calm.Qǐng bǎo chí lěng jìng.
35方便Convenientfāng biàn这个位置很方便。This location is very convenient.Zhège wèi zhì hěn fāng biàn.
36帮助Helpbāng zhù我可以帮你。I can help you.Wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ.
37基础Foundationjī chǔ这是学习的基础。This is the foundation of learning.Zhè shì xuéxí de jī chǔ.
38个人Individualgè rén每个人都有自己的兴趣。Every individual has their own interests.Měi gè rén dōu yǒu zìjǐ de xìngqù.
39新竹Hsinchuxīn zhú新竹是一个城市。Hsinchu is a city.Xīn zhú shì yī gè chéngshì.
40Li (surname)李先生是我的朋友。Mr. Li is my friend.Lǐ xiānshēng shì wǒ de péngyǒu.
41Lifeshēng生活很重要。Life is important.Shēnghuó hěn zhòngyào.
42图书馆Librarytú shū guǎn我在图书馆学习。I study in the library.Wǒ zài tú shū guǎn xuéxí.
43她们They (female)tā men她们都很友好。They are all very friendly.Tā men dōu hěn yǒuhǎo.
44美元US Dollarměi yuán我需要换一些美元。I need to exchange some US dollars.Wǒ xūyào huàn yīxiē měi yuán.
45Read我喜欢读书。I like to read books.Wǒ xǐhuān dú shū.
46以来Sinceyǐ lái自从那时以来,一切都改变了。Everything has changed since then.Zìcóng nà shí yǐlái, yīqiè dōu gǎibiàn le.
47或许Perhapshuò xǔ或许我们可以一起去。Perhaps we can go together.Huò xǔ wǒmen kěyǐ yīqǐ qù.
48Lesson今天有一节重要的课。There is an important lesson today.Jīntiān yǒu yī jié zhòngyào de kè.
49病人Patientbìng rén他是一个病人。He is a patient.Tā shì yī gè bìng rén.
50实验Experimentshí yàn我们做了一个实验。We did an experiment.Wǒmen zuò le yī gè shí yàn.
51有时候Sometimesyǒu shí hòu有时候她很安静。Sometimes she is very quiet.Yǒu shí hòu tā hěn ān jìng.
52办理Handlebàn lǐ我们需要办理一些手续。We need to handle some procedures.Wǒmen xūyào bàn lǐ yīxiē shǒuxù.
53部门Departmentbù mén财务部门很重要。The finance department is important.Cáiwù bùmén hěn zhòngyào.
54类似Similarlèi sì这个方案类似于之前的。This plan is similar to the previous one.Zhège fāng’àn lèi sì yú zhīqián de.
55广告Advertisementguǎng gào我看到了一个有趣的广告。I saw an interesting advertisement.Wǒ kàn dào le yī gè yǒuqù de guǎng gào.
56Sendsòng我会送你回家。I will send you home.Wǒ huì sòng nǐ huí jiā.
57Enoughgòu食物够了。There is enough food.Shíwù gòu le.
58新加坡Singaporexīn jiā pō新加坡是一个美丽的城市。Singapore is a beautiful city.Xīn jiā pō shì yī gè měilì de chéngshì.
59担心Worrydān xīn我有点担心你的健康。I am a bit worried about your health.Wǒ yǒudiǎn dān xīn nǐ de jiànkāng.
60商业Businessshāng yè这是一项商业计划。This is a business plan.Zhè shì yī xiàng shāng yè jìhuà.
61掌握Masterzhǎng wò她掌握了多种语言。She masters several languages.Tā zhǎng wò le duō zhǒng yǔyán.
62两岸Cross-Straitliǎng àn两岸关系很复杂。Cross-Strait relations are complex.Liǎng àn guān xì hěn fùzá.
63Doormén这扇门很重。This door is heavy.Zhè shàn mén hěn zhòng.
64方案Planfāng’àn我们需要一个新的方案。We need a new plan.Wǒmen xūyào yī gè xīn de fāng’àn.
65至少At leastzhì shǎo至少要十个人。At least ten people are needed.Zhì shǎo yào shí gè rén.
66看法Viewkàn fǎ我们有不同的看法。We have different views.Wǒmen yǒu bùtóng de kàn fǎ.
67原本Originallyyuán běn原本计划是去旅行。The original plan was to travel.Yuán běn jìhuà shì qù lǚxíng.
68措施Measurecuò shī政府采取了很多措施。The government has taken many measures.Zhèngfǔ cǎiqǔ le hěn duō cuò shī.
69表现Performancebiǎo xiàn他的表现非常好。His performance is excellent.Tā de biǎo xiàn fēicháng hǎo.
70社团Organizationshè tuán我们加入了一个社团。We joined an organization.Wǒmen jiārù le yī gè shè tuán.
71Ninejiǔ她有九本书。She has nine books.Tā yǒu jiǔ běn shū.
72展开Unfoldzhǎn kāi会议将在明天展开。The meeting will unfold tomorrow.Huìyì jiāng zài míngtiān zhǎn kāi.
73Like如你所愿。As you wish.Rú nǐ suǒ yuàn.
74博士Doctorbó shì他是一位博士。He is a doctor.Tā shì yī wèi bó shì.
75道路Roaddào lù这条道路很宽敞。This road is very wide.Zhè tiáo dào lù hěn kuānchǎng.
76Unexpectedjìng他竟然来了。He unexpectedly came.Tā jìng rán lái le.
77项目Projectxiàng mù这是一个重要的项目。This is an important project.Zhè shì yī gè zhòngyào de xiàng mù.
78Need我们需要更多的信息。We need more information.Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de xìnxī.
79学院Collegexué yuàn他在学院里学习。He studies at the college.Tā zài xué yuàn lǐ xuéxí.
80代表Representdài biǎo他是公司的代表。He represents the company.Tā shì gōngsī de dài biǎo.
81同意Agreetóng yì我同意你的看法。I agree with your view.Wǒ tóng yì nǐ de kàn fǎ.
82原住民Indigenousyuán zhù mín原住民有自己的文化。Indigenous people have their own culture.Yuán zhù mín yǒu zìjǐ de wénhuà.
83策略Strategycè luè我们需要一个新的策略。We need a new strategy.Wǒmen xūyào yī gè xīn de cè luè.
84Whitebái这件衣服是白色的。This piece of clothing is white.Zhè jiàn yīfú shì bái sè de.
85平均Averagepíng jūn他的分数平均。His score is average.Tā de fēnshù píng jūn.
86Placesuǒ这是一个很好的地方。This is a very good place.Zhè shì yī gè hěn hǎo de dìfāng.
87Relykào你可以靠我。You can rely on me.Nǐ kěyǐ kào wǒ.
88互相Mutualhù xiāng我们需要互相帮助。We need to help each other.Wǒmen xūyào hù xiāng bāng zhù.
89地位Statusdì wèi她的地位很高。Her status is high.Tā de dì wèi hěn gāo.
90体育Sportstǐ yù我喜欢参加体育活动。I like participating in sports.Wǒ xǐhuān cānjiā tǐ yù huó dòng.
91Typeyàng我喜欢这个样子。I like this type.Wǒ xǐhuān zhège yàngzi.
92亚洲Asiayà zhōu亚洲有很多不同的国家。Asia has many different countries.Yà zhōu yǒu hěn duō bùtóng de guójiā.
93采取Adoptcǎi qǔ我们采取了新的措施。We adopted new measures.Wǒmen cǎi qǔ le xīn de cuò shī.
94Day今天是一个美好的一天。Today is a beautiful day.Jīntiān shì yī gè měihǎo de rì.
95毕业Graduatebì yè我们六月毕业。We graduate in June.Wǒmen liù yuè bì yè.
96相同Samexiāng tóng他们的意见相同。Their opinions are the same.Tāmen de yìjiàn xiāng tóng.
97欣赏Appreciatexīn shǎng我欣赏你的努力。I appreciate your effort.Wǒ xīn shǎng nǐ de nǔlì.
98法律Lawfǎ lǜ我们需要遵守法律。We need to follow the law.Wǒmen xūyào zūnshǒu fǎ lǜ.
99Word我不知道这个词的意思。I don’t know the meaning of this word.Wǒ bù zhīdào zhège cí de yìsi.

ere’s the continuation of the chart, including translations and example sentences for each term:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Mandarin)Example Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Pinyin)
104在一起Togetherzài yī qǐ我们应该在一起努力。We should work hard together.Wǒmen yīnggāi zài yī qǐ nǔlì.
105System这个系统需要升级。This system needs an upgrade.Zhège xìtǒng xūyào shēngjí.
106持续Continuechí xù这个活动将持续一周。This event will continue for a week.Zhège huódòng jiāng chíxù yī zhōu.
107Groupqún他们在一个小群里讨论问题。They are discussing issues in a small group.Tāmen zài yīgè xiǎo qún lǐ tǎolùn wèntí.
108慢慢Slowlymàn màn我们需要慢慢适应这个变化。We need to slowly adapt to this change.Wǒmen xūyào màn màn shìyìng zhège biànhuà.
109高雄Kaohsiunggāo xióng高雄是台湾的一个大城市。Kaohsiung is a large city in Taiwan.Gāo xióng shì Táiwān de yī gè dà chéngshì.
110制造Manufacturezhì zào他们在制造新的产品。They are manufacturing new products.Tāmen zài zhì zào xīn de chǎnpǐn.
111医疗Medicalyī liáo医疗服务很重要。Medical services are very important.Yī liáo fúwù hěn zhòngyào.
112邀请Inviteyāo qǐng我们邀请了很多朋友来参加聚会。We invited many friends to the party.Wǒmen yāo qǐng le hěn duō péngyǒu lái cānjiā jùhuì.
113满足Satisfymǎn zú这份工作能满足我的期望。This job can satisfy my expectations.Zhè fèn gōngzuò néng mǎn zú wǒ de qīwàng.
114速度Speedsù dù他们的工作速度很快。Their work speed is very fast.Tāmen de gōngzuò sù dù hěn kuài.
115重点Key Pointzhòng diǎn我们需要注意这几个重点。We need to focus on these key points.Wǒmen xūyào zhùyì zhè jǐ gè zhòng diǎn.
116保存Savebǎo cún请保存这个文件。Please save this file.Qǐng bǎo cún zhège wénjiàn.
117评估Evaluatepíng gū我们需要对这个项目进行评估。We need to evaluate this project.Wǒmen xūyào duì zhège xiàngmù jìnxíng píng gū.
118限制Restrictxiàn zhì这个区域有一些限制。There are some restrictions in this area.Zhège qūyù yǒu yīxiē xiànzhì.
119符合Meetfú hé这个方案符合我们的要求。This plan meets our requirements.Zhège fāng’àn fúhé wǒmen de yāoqiú.
120利益Interestlì yì我们的利益是一致的。Our interests are aligned.Wǒmen de lìyì shì yīzhì de.
121组成Composezǔ chéng这个团队由五个人组成。This team is composed of five people.Zhège tuánduì yóu wǔ gè rén zǔ chéng.
122检查Checkjiǎn chá请检查这个报告。Please check this report.Qǐng jiǎnchá zhège bàogào.
123看见Seekàn jiàn我在街上看见了他。I saw him on the street.Wǒ zài jiē shàng kànjiàn le tā.
124瞭解Understandliǎo jiě我需要了解更多信息。I need to understand more information.Wǒ xūyào liǎojiě gèng duō xìnxī.
125立刻Immediatelylì kè我们立刻行动。We act immediately.Wǒmen lì kè xíngdòng.
126女儿Daughternǚ ér她有一个可爱的女儿。She has a lovely daughter.Tā yǒu yī gè kě’ài de nǚ ér.
127Numbershù这个数字很大。This number is very large.Zhège shù zài hěn dà.
128上课Attend Classshàng kè我们每天都上课。We attend class every day.Wǒmen měitiān dū shàng kè.
129整合Integratezhěng hé我们需要整合这些资源。We need to integrate these resources.Wǒmen xūyào zhěnghé zhèxiē zīyuán.
130更多Moregèng duō我们需要更多的时间。We need more time.Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de shíjiān.
131唯一Onlywéi yī这是唯一的机会。This is the only opportunity.Zhè shì wéiyī de jīhuì.
132人数Number of Peoplerén shù这个活动的参与人数很多。There are many participants in this event.Zhège huódòng de cānyù rénshù hěn duō.
133的确Indeeddí què他的确很有才华。He is indeed very talented.Tā díquè hěn yǒu cáihuá.
134主题Themezhǔ tí这次会议的主题是什么?What is the theme of this meeting?Zhè cì huìyì de zhǔtí shì shénme?
135用户Useryòng hù我们需要了解用户的需求。We need to understand the user’s needs.Wǒmen xūyào liǎojiě yònghù de xūqiú.
136快速Fastkuài sù他们的反应非常快速。Their response is very fast.Tāmen de fǎnyìng fēicháng kuài sù.
137设施Facilityshè shī这个设施很现代。This facility is very modern.Zhège shèshī hěn xiàndài.
138文学Literaturewén xué我喜欢阅读文学作品。I enjoy reading literature.Wǒ xǐhuān yuèdú wénxué zuòpǐn.
139Step请一步一步地来。Please come step by step.Qǐng yī bù yī bù de lái.
140那里Therenà lǐ他在那里面等你。He is waiting for you there.Tā zài nà lǐ miàn děng nǐ.
141Arrivedào我们已经到达目的地。We have arrived at the destination.Wǒmen yǐjīng dàodá mùdì dì.
142Beautifulměi这个风景真美。This scenery is really beautiful.Zhège fēngjǐng zhēn měi.
143需要Needxū yào我们需要更多的资源。We need more resources.Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de zīyuán.
144失去Loseshī qù我们不应该失去机会。We should not lose the opportunity.Wǒmen bù yīnggāi shīqù jīhuì.
145做为Aszuò wéi他作为老师很优秀。He is excellent as a teacher.Tā zuòwéi lǎoshī hěn yōuxiù.
146复杂Complexfù zá这个问题很复杂。This problem is very complex.Zhège wèntí hěn fùzá.
147Sessionjiè这届会议很成功。This session of the meeting was very successful.Zhè jiè huìyì hěn chénggōng.
148作用Effectzuò yòng这药有很好的作用。This medicine has a good effect.Zhè yào yǒu hěn hǎo de zuò yòng.
149调整Adjusttiáo zhěng我们需要调整计划。We need to adjust the plan.Wǒmen xūyào tiáozhěng jìhuà.
150Occupyzhàn他占据了办公室的一角。He occupies a corner of the office.Tā zhàn jù le bàngōngshì de yī jiǎo.
151要求Requireyāo qiú这个职位有一些要求。This position has some requirements.Zhège zhíwèi yǒu yīxiē yāoqiú.
152高中High Schoolgāo zhōng她在高中读书。She is studying in high school.Tā zài gāozhōng dúshū.
153动作Actiondòng zuò他的动作很快。His actions are fast.Tā de dòngzuò hěn kuài.
154模式Modelmó shì我们需要改变工作模式。We need to change the work model.Wǒmen xūyào gǎibiàn gōngzuò móshì.
155Manyduō有很多人参加这个活动。Many people attended the event.Yǒu hěn duō rén cānjiā zhège huódòng.
156吸引Attractxī yǐn这家店吸引了很多顾客。This store attracts many customers.Zhè jiā diàn xī yǐn le hěn duō gùkè.
157记得Rememberjì dé我记得他的生日。I remember his birthday.Wǒ jìdé tā de shēngrì.
158Sellmài我们在市场上卖水果。We sell fruits at the market.Wǒmen zài shìchǎng shàng mài shuǐguǒ.
159Example这是一个很好的例子。This is a very good example.Zhè shì yī gè hěn hǎo de lìzi.
160推广Promotetuī guǎng我们要推广这个新产品。We need to promote this new product.Wǒmen yào tuī guǎng zhège xīn chǎnpǐn.
161本来Originallyběn lái本来计划是这样。The plan was originally like this.Běn lái jìhuà shì zhèyàng.
162具体Specificjù tǐ我们需要具体的计划。We need a specific plan.Wǒmen xūyào jùtǐ de jìhuà.
163太太Wifetài tai这是我的太太。This is my wife.Zhè shì wǒ de tàitai.
164之中Amongzhī zhōng他们在选择之中。They are among the choices.Tāmen zài xuǎnzé zhī zhōng.
165宗教Religionzōng jiào我们尊重各种宗教。We respect all religions.Wǒmen zūnzhòng gè zhǒng zōngjiào.
166Oldjiù这是一件旧衣服。This is an old piece of clothing.Zhè shì yī jiàn jiù yīfú.
167反应Reactionfǎn yìng他的反应很快。His reaction is quick.Tā de fǎnyìng hěn kuài.
168观众Audienceguān zhòng观众对这个表演很满意。The audience is very satisfied with the performance.Guānzhòng duì zhège biǎoyǎn hěn mǎnyì.
169立场Positionlì chǎng我们需要明确我们的立场。We need to clarify our position.Wǒmen xūyào míngquè wǒmen de lìchǎng.
170旅游Travellǚ yóu我们计划去欧洲旅游。We plan to travel to Europe.Wǒmen jìhuà qù Ōuzhōu lǚyóu.
171因而Thereforeyīn ér他很忙,因此没有时间来。He is very busy, therefore he has no time to come.Tā hěn máng, yīn’ér méiyǒu shíjiān lái.
172理念Conceptlǐ niàn这个项目的理念很先进。The concept of this project is very advanced.Zhège xiàngmù de lǐniàn hěn xiānjìn.
173它们They (neuter)tā men它们都很喜欢这个游戏。They all like this game.Tāmen dōu hěn xǐhuān zhège yóuxì.
174上面On topshàng miàn书在桌子上面。The book is on top of the table.Shū zài zhuōzi shàngmiàn.
175Returnhuí我们马上回家。We will return home soon.Wǒmen mǎshàng huí jiā.
176Supportzhī他给了我很多支持。He gave me a lot of support.Tā gěi le wǒ hěn duō zhīchí.
177少年Teenagershào nián少年们正在操场上玩耍。The teenagers are playing on the playground.Shàonián men zhèngzài cāochǎng shàng wánshuǎ.
178辅导Tutoringfǔ dǎo她在辅导孩子们的学习。She is tutoring the children.Tā zài fǔdǎo háizimen de xuéxí.
179争取Strive forzhēng qǔ我们需要争取更多的机会。We need to strive for more opportunities.Wǒmen xūyào zhēngqǔ gèng duō de jīhuì.
180辅导Counselingfǔ dǎo他提供了很好的辅导服务。He provided very good counseling services.Tā tígōng le hěn hǎo de fǔdǎo fúwù.
181想到Think ofxiǎng dào我没想到会发生这种事。I didn’t think this would happen.Wǒ méi xiǎngdào huì fāshēng zhè zhǒng shì.
182可能Possiblekě néng这件事可能会改变我们的计划。This matter may change our plans.Zhè jiàn shì kěnéng huì gǎibiàn wǒmen de jìhuà.
183尊重Respectzūn zhòng我们应该尊重每个人的意见。We should respect everyone’s opinion.Wǒmen yīnggāi zūnzhòng měi gè rén de yìjiàn.
184Replace我可以替你做这件事。I can replace you in doing this task.Wǒ kěyǐ tì nǐ zuò zhè jiàn shì.
185地点Locationdì diǎn会议的地点在市中心。The location of the meeting is in the city center.Huìyì de dìdiǎn zài shì zhōngxīn.
186What你想知道什么?What do you want to know?Nǐ xiǎng zhīdào shénme?
187Partydǎng他是这个党的成员。He is a member of this party.Tā shì zhège dǎng de chéngyuán.
188进步Progressjìn bù他在工作中取得了很大的进步。He has made great progress in his work.Tā zài gōngzuò zhōng qǔdé le hěn dà de jìnbù.
189Desire他有很强的欲望。He has a strong desire.Tā yǒu hěn qiáng de yùwàng.
190危机Crisiswēi jī我们正在经历一场经济危机。We are going through an economic crisis.Wǒmen zhèngzài jīnglì yī chǎng jīngjì wēijī.
191正常Normalzhèng cháng这是一个正常的现象。This is a normal phenomenon.Zhè shì yī gè zhèngcháng de xiànxiàng.
192角度Anglejiǎo dù从不同的角度看问题。Look at the problem from different angles.Cóng bùtóng de jiǎodù kàn wèntí.
193尚未Not Yetshàng wèi他尚未做出决定。He has not yet made a decision.Tā shàngwèi zuò chū juédìng.
194院长Deanyuàn zhǎng学校的院长很有经验。The dean of the school is very experienced.Xuéxiào de yuànzhǎng hěn yǒu jīngyàn.
195习惯Habitxí guàn我已经习惯了这个城市的生活。I have gotten used to the life in this city.Wǒ yǐjīng xíguàn le zhège chéngshì de shēnghuó.
196Period这段时间是一个学习期。This period is a learning phase.Zhè duàn shíjiān shì yīgè xuéxí qī.
197环保Environmental Protectionhuán bǎo我们需要加强环保意识。We need to strengthen environmental awareness.Wǒmen xūyào qiángdiē huánbǎo yìshí.
198交流Communicatejiāo liú我们应该加强与客户的交流。We should strengthen communication with clients.Wǒmen yīnggāi qiángdiē yǔ kè hù de jiāoliú.
199困难Difficultykùn nán解决这些困难需要时间。Solving these difficulties requires time.Jiějué zhèxiē kùnnán xūyào shíjiān.
200Need我们需尽快完成任务。We need to complete the task as soon as possible.Wǒmen xū jǐnkuài wánchéng rènwù.

Feel free to ask if you need more information or further assistance!

Here’s the updated chart with translations and example sentences for the new set of terms:

#中文EnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
202完整Completewán zhěng请确保报告是完整的。Please ensure the report is complete.Qǐng quèbǎo bàogào shì wánzhěng de.
203上述Aboveshàng shù如上所述,这是我们的计划。As mentioned above, this is our plan.Rú shàng suǒ shù, zhè shì wǒmen de jìhuà.
204呈现Presentchéng xiàn图表呈现了数据的变化。The chart presents the changes in data.Túbiǎo chéngxiàn le shùjù de biànhuà.
205照顾Take Carezhào gù我们需要照顾每个客户的需求。We need to take care of each client’s needs.Wǒmen xūyào zhàogù měi gè kèhù de xūqiú.
206达成Achievedá chéng我们达成了协议。We have achieved the agreement.Wǒmen dáchéng le xiéyì.
207Batch这批产品已经到货。This batch of products has arrived.Zhè pī chǎnpǐn yǐjīng dào huò.
208培养Cultivatepéi yǎng我们正在培养年轻人才。We are cultivating young talent.Wǒmen zhèngzài péiyǎng niánqīngréncái.
209垃圾Trashlājī请把垃圾扔到垃圾桶里。Please throw the trash into the bin.Qǐng bǎ lājī rēng dào lājī tǒng lǐ.
210Diagram/Map这张图显示了各个地区的分布。This diagram shows the distribution of regions.Zhè zhāng tú xiǎnshì le gège dìqū de fēnbù.
211扩大Expandkuò dà我们计划扩大市场份额。We plan to expand our market share.Wǒmen jìhuà kuòdà shìchǎng fèn’é.
212Article/Sheetpiān这篇文章很有趣。This article is very interesting.Zhè piān wénzhāng hěn yǒuqù.
213比例Ratio/Proportionbǐ lì这个比例非常重要。This ratio is very important.Zhège bǐlì fēicháng zhòngyào.
214风格Stylefēng gé他的写作风格很独特。His writing style is very unique.Tā de xiězuò fēnggé hěn dútè.
215难以Hard tonán yǐ这项任务难以完成。This task is hard to complete.Zhè xiàng rènwù nányǐ wánchéng.
216机关Organization/Officejī guān他在政府机关工作。He works in a government office.Tā zài zhèngfǔ jīguān gōngzuò.
217情绪Emotionqíng xù他的情绪非常激动。His emotions are very excited.Tā de qíngxù fēicháng jīdòng.
218劳工Laborer/Workerláo gōng劳工的工作条件需要改善。The working conditions for laborers need improvement.Láogōng de gōngzuò tiáojiàn xūyào gǎishàn.
219一旦Onceyī dàn一旦完成任务,我们可以休息。Once the task is completed, we can rest.Yī dàn wánchéng rènwù, wǒmen kěyǐ xiūxí.
220多媒体Multimediaduō méi tǐ多媒体是现代营销的重要工具。Multimedia is an important tool in modern marketing.Duō méi tǐ shì xiàndài yíngxiāo de zhòngyào gōngjù.
221Request/Seekqiú我们需要求助于专家。We need to seek help from experts.Wǒmen xūyào qiúzhù yú zhuānjiā.
222绝对Absolutejué duì这是绝对的真相。This is the absolute truth.Zhè shì juéduì de zhēnxiàng.
223资料库Databasezī liào kù我们需要更新资料库。We need to update the database.Wǒmen xūyào gēngxīn zīliào kù.
224选举Electionxuǎn jǔ选举将在下个月举行。The election will be held next month.Xuǎnjǔ jiāng zài xià gè yuè jǔxíng.
225不可能Impossiblebù kě néng这是不可能完成的任务。This is an impossible task to complete.Zhè shì bù kěnéng wánchéng de rènwù.
226马上Immediatelymǎ shàng我们马上就到。We will arrive immediately.Wǒmen mǎshàng jiù dào.
227说话Speakshuō huà他喜欢在会议上说话。He likes to speak at meetings.Tā xǐhuān zài huìyì shàng shuōhuà.
228享受Enjoyxiǎng shòu我们应该享受这个过程。We should enjoy the process.Wǒmen yīnggāi xiǎngshòu zhège guòchéng.
229工厂Factorygōng chǎng这个工厂生产高质量的产品。This factory produces high-quality products.Zhè gōngchǎng shēngchǎn gāo zhìliàng de chǎnpǐn.
230食物Foodshí wù我们需要准备足够的食物。We need to prepare enough food.Wǒmen xūyào zhǔnbèi zúgòu de shíwù.
231消息News/Messagexiāo xī我刚收到一条重要消息。I just received an important message.Wǒ gāng shōu dào yī tiáo zhòngyào xiāoxī.
232Turn/Timesfān这本书有很多章节。This book has many chapters.Zhè běn shū yǒu hěn duō zhāngjié.
233趋势Trendqū shì市场趋势正在发生变化。The market trend is changing.Shìchǎng qūshì zhèngzài fāshēng biànhuà.
234房子Housefáng zi我们买了一套新房子。We bought a new house.Wǒmen mǎi le yī tào xīn fángzi.
235观点Viewpointguān diǎn他的观点很有见地。His viewpoint is very insightful.Tā de guāndiǎn hěn yǒu jiàndì.
236购买Purchasegòu mǎi我们需要购买更多的材料。We need to purchase more materials.Wǒmen xūyào gòumǎi gèng duō de cáiliào.
237普遍Commonpǔ biàn这种情况在社会中很普遍。This situation is common in society.Zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng zài shèhuì zhōng hěn pǔbiàn.
238设立Establishshè lì我们计划设立一个新的部门。We plan to establish a new department.Wǒmen jìhuà shèlì yīgè xīn de bùmén.
239差异Differencechā yì我们需要了解文化差异。We need to understand cultural differences.Wǒmen xūyào liǎojiě wénhuà chāyì.
240Difference/Badchā这次考试成绩差。The exam results were bad.Zhè cì kǎoshì chéngjì chā.
241另外Another/Additionallylìng wài我们还需要另外的建议。We also need additional suggestions.Wǒmen hái xūyào lìngwài de jiànyì.
242统一Unifiedtǒng yī我们需要一个统一的标准。We need a unified standard.Wǒmen xūyào yīgè tǒngyī de biāozhǔn.
243青年Youth/Young Peopleqīng nián青年是国家的未来。Youth is the future of the nation.Qīngnián shì guójiā de wèilái.
244统一Unifiedtǒng yī这个政策的目标是统一管理。The goal of this policy is unified management.Zhège zhèngcè de mùbiāo shì tǒngyī guǎnlǐ.
245行政院Executive Yuanxíng zhèng yuàn行政院负责政策的制定和实施。The Executive Yuan is responsible for policy formulation and implementation.Xíngzhèng yuàn fùzé zhèngcè de zhìdìng hé shíshī.
246规模Scale/Sizeguī mó公司正在扩大规模。The company is expanding its scale.Gōngsī zhèngzài kuòdà guīmó.
247Share/Stock他买了一些公司的股票。He bought some company stocks.Tā mǎi le yīxiē gōngsī de gǔpiào.
248破坏Destroypò huài这个计划可能会破坏环境。This plan might destroy the environment.Zhè gè jìhuà kěnéng huì pòhuài huánjìng.
249想要Wantxiǎng yào我们想要更多的时间。We want more time.Wǒmen xiǎng yào gèng duō de shíjiān.
250Change/Replacehuàn我们需要换新的设备。We need to replace the equipment.Wǒmen xūyào huàn xīn de shèbèi.
251Choosexuǎn你可以从这两个选项中选择。You can choose from these two options.Nǐ kěyǐ cóng zhè liǎng gè xuǎnxiàng zhōng xuǎnzé.
252人力Human Resourcesrén lì公司需要增加人力资源。The company needs to increase human resources.Gōngsī xūyào zēngjiā rénlì zīyuán.
253Beautiful/US Dollarměi这是一种美丽的风景。This is a beautiful landscape.Zhè shì yī zhǒng měilì de fēngjǐng.
254水准Standard/Levelshuǐ zhǔn这家公司有很高的水准。This company has a high standard.Zhè jiā gōngsī yǒu hěn gāo de shuǐzhǔn.
255Firstshǒu他是会议的首位发言人。He is the first speaker at the meeting.Tā shì huìyì de shǒu wèi fāyánrén.
256河川Rivershé chuān这个地区有许多河川。This area has many rivers.Zhè gè dìqū yǒu xǔduō héchuān.
257文字Text/Characterswén zì这篇文章用中文文字写成。This article is written in Chinese characters.Zhè piān wénzhāng yòng zhōngwén wénzì xiě chéng.
258立即Immediatelylì jí请立即处理这个问题。Please handle this issue immediately.Qǐng lìjí chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
259适当Appropriateshì dàng这是一种适当的措施。This is an appropriate measure.Zhè shì yī zhǒng shìdàng de cuòshī.
260医师Doctor/Physicianyī shī这位医师经验丰富。This physician has rich experience.Zhè wèi yīshī jīngyàn fēngfù.
261Belong to/Categoryshǔ这家公司属于科技领域。This company belongs to the tech sector.Zhè jiā gōngsī shǔyú kējì lǐngyù.
262Heavy/Importantzhòng这项任务非常重。This task is very important.Zhè xiàng rènwù fēicháng zhòng.
263就是说That is to sayjiù shì shuō就是说,我们需要更多的时间。That is to say, we need more time.Jiù shì shuō, wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de shíjiān.
264结婚Get Marriedjié hūn他们计划明年结婚。They plan to get married next year.Tāmen jìhuà míngnián jiéhūn.
265Have/There isyǒu他有很多书。He has many books.Tā yǒu hěn duō shū.
266日子Day/Timerì zi这段日子过得很快。This period of time passes quickly.Zhè duàn rìzi guò dé hěn kuài.
267Not/Non-fēi这不是非黑即白的问题。This is not a black-and-white issue.Zhè bù shì fēi hēi jí bái de wèntí.
268贸易Trademào yì这家公司专注于国际贸易。This company focuses on international trade.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhuānzhù yú guójì màoyì.
269相当Quite/Considerablexiāng dāng他的工作相当出色。His work is quite excellent.Tā de gōngzuò xiāngdāng chūsè.
270参观Visitcān guān我们计划参观博物馆。We plan to visit the museum.Wǒmen jìhuà cānguān bówùguǎn.
271公开Open/Publicgōng kāi这个会议是公开的。This meeting is open to the public.Zhè gè huìyì shì gōngkāi de.
272顺利Smoothlyshùn lì希望一切顺利。Hope everything goes smoothly.Xīwàng yīqiè shùnlì.
273Malenán他是一个很好的男人。He is a very good man.Tā shì yīgè hěn hǎo de nánrén.
274销售Salesxiāo shòu公司的销售额在增长。The company’s sales are increasing.Gōngsī de xiāoshòu’é zài zēngzhǎng.
275Handle/Dobàn我们需要办一件事情。We need to handle a matter.Wǒmen xūyào bàn yī jiàn shìqíng.
276销售Salesxiāo shòu销售团队在不断努力。The sales team is working hard.Xiāoshòu tuánduì zài bùduàn nǔlì.
277维护Maintainwéi hù我们需要维护设备。We need to maintain the equipment.Wǒmen xūyào wéihù shèbèi.
278投入Invest/投入tóu rù我们需要投入更多资源。We need to invest more resources.Wǒmen xūyào tóurù gèng duō zīyuán.
279Call/Namechēng他被称为专家。He is called an expert.Tā bèi chēng wéi zhuānjiā.
280加上Addjiā shàng我们加上了额外的费用。We added extra costs.Wǒmen jiā shàng le éwài de fèiyòng.
281民进党Democratic Progressive Partymín jìn dǎng民进党是台湾的主要政党。The Democratic Progressive Party is a major party in Taiwan.Mín jìn dǎng shì Táiwān de zhǔyào zhèngdǎng.
282Must/Essential这是必需的步骤。This is a necessary step.Zhè shì bìxū de bùzhòu.
283自由Freedom/Freezì yóu我们享有言论自由。We enjoy freedom of speech.Wǒmen xiǎngyǒu yánlùn zìyóu.
284有限Limitedyǒu xiàn资源是有限的。Resources are limited.Zīyuán shì yǒu xiàn de.
285预算Budgetyù suàn我们的预算不够。Our budget is not enough.Wǒmen de yùsuàn bù gòu.
286计算Calculate/Computingjì suàn请计算一下成本。Please calculate the cost.Qǐng jìsuàn yīxià chéngběn.
287效率Efficiencyxiào lǜ提高工作效率很重要。Improving work efficiency is important.Tígāo gōngzuò xiàolǜ hěn zhòngyào.
288样子Appearance/Shapeyàng zi她的样子很有魅力。Her appearance is very charming.Tā de yàngzi hěn yǒu mèilì.
289访问Visit/Accessfǎng wèn我们需要访问这个网站。We need to visit this website.Wǒmen xūyào fǎngwèn zhège wǎngzhàn.
290位于Located atwèi yú公司位于市中心。The company is located in the city center.Gōngsī wèi yú shì zhōngxīn.
291访问Visit/Interviewfǎng wèn我们计划访问客户。We plan to visit the client.Wǒmen jìhuà fǎngwèn kèhù.
292接触Contactjiē chù我们需要与客户接触。We need to contact the client.Wǒmen xūyào yǔ kèhù jiēchù.
293流行Popularliú xíng这种风格现在很流行。This style is very popular now.Zhè zhǒng fēnggé xiànzài hěn liúxíng.
294Oh喔,我明白了。Oh, I understand.Wō, wǒ míngbái le.
295股市Stock Marketgǔ shì股市最近很活跃。The stock market has been very active recently.Gǔshì zuìjìn hěn huóyuè.
296召开Convenezhào kāi我们将在下周召开会议。We will convene the meeting next week.Wǒmen jiāng zài xià zhōu zhàokāi huìyì.
297运作Operation/Operationyùn zuò公司的运作非常顺利。The company’s operations are running smoothly.Gōngsī de yùnzuò fēicháng shùnlì.
298出版Publishchū bǎn这本书即将出版。This book will be published soon.Zhè běn shū jíjiāng chūbǎn.
299Using/By Means ofjiè我们将通过这次会议藉以合作。We will use this meeting to collaborate.Wǒmen jiāng tōngguò zhè cì huìyì jièyǐ hézuò.

I hope this helps! If you need more sentences or any other adjustments, feel free to ask.

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Here’s a chart with the translations and sample sentences for the provided terms:

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSample Sentence (Mandarin)Sample Sentence (English)Sample Sentence (Pinyin)
1用来Used foryòng lái这个工具用来修理机器。This tool is used for repairing machines.Zhè ge gōngjù yòng lái xiūlǐ jīqì.
2Repairxiū我需要修我的电脑。I need to repair my computer.Wǒ xūyào xiū wǒ de diànnǎo.
3机场Airportjīchǎng我们在机场等朋友。We are waiting for friends at the airport.Wǒmen zài jīchǎng děng péngyǒu.
4中东Middle Eastzhōng dōng中东地区有很多历史遗迹。The Middle East has many historical sites.Zhōng dōng dìqū yǒu hěn duō lìshǐ yíjì.
5不用No needbù yòng你不用担心这个问题。You don’t need to worry about this issue.Nǐ bù yòng dānxīn zhège wèntí.
6妹妹Younger sistermèimei我的妹妹很聪明。My younger sister is very smart.Wǒ de mèimei hěn cōngmíng.
7顾问Consultantgùwèn他是我们的顾问。He is our consultant.Tā shì wǒmen de gùwèn.
8上市Go publicshàngshì公司决定明年上市。The company decides to go public next year.Gōngsī juédìng míngnián shàngshì.
9退休Retiretuìxiū他今年退休了。He retired this year.Tā jīnnián tuìxiū le.
10Willingkěn他肯定会来参加会议。He will definitely come to the meeting.Tā kěndìng huì lái cānjiā huìyì.
11Earlyzǎo我早上六点起床。I wake up at 6 a.m.Wǒ zǎoshang liù diǎn qǐchuáng.
12权益Rights/Interestsquán yì他们在争取自己的权益。They are fighting for their own rights.Tāmen zài zhēngqǔ zìjǐ de quán yì.
13Store/Shopdiàn我们去那家店买东西。We are going to that store to buy things.Wǒmen qù nà jiā diàn mǎi dōngxi.
14Enoughgòu这些钱够用。This money is enough.Zhèxiē qián gòu yòng.
15决定Decidejuédìng我们需要做出决定。We need to make a decision.Wǒmen xūyào zuòchū juédìng.
16审查Review/Examineshěnchá这个报告需要审查。This report needs to be reviewed.Zhè ge bàogào xūyào shěnchá.
17Light (weight)qīng这个箱子很轻。This suitcase is very light.Zhè ge xiāngzi hěn qīng.
18Place/Handlechù我们在一个安静的地方聚会。We are gathering in a quiet place.Wǒmen zài yīgè ānjìng de dìfāng jùhuì.
19Hope/Wishwàng我们希望明天的天气好。We hope the weather will be good tomorrow.Wǒmen xīwàng míngtiān de tiānqì hǎo.
20年纪Ageniánjì她的年纪不大。Her age is not very old.Tā de niánjì bù dà.
21交易Trade/Transactionjiāoyì他们正在进行交易。They are conducting a transaction.Tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng jiāoyì.
22房间Roomfángjiān这个房间很宽敞。This room is very spacious.Zhè ge fángjiān hěn kuānchǎng.
23性格Character/Personalityxìnggé她的性格很开朗。Her personality is very cheerful.Tā de xìnggé hěn kāilǎng.
24毕竟After allbìjìng毕竟他是我们的老板。After all, he is our boss.Bìjìng tā shì wǒmen de lǎobǎn.
25词典Dictionarycídiǎn我在用词典查单词。I am using the dictionary to look up words.Wǒ zài yòng cídiǎn chá dāncí.
26平衡Balancepínghéng我们需要保持平衡。We need to maintain balance.Wǒmen xūyào bǎochí pínghéng.
27Ohò哦,我明白了。Oh, I understand now.Ò, wǒ míngbái le.
28Bitter这杯咖啡很苦。This cup of coffee is very bitter.Zhè bēi kāfēi hěn kǔ.
29Pull请把门拉开。Please pull the door open.Qǐng bǎmén lā kāi.
30大小Sizedàxiǎo你可以选择不同的大小。You can choose different sizes.Nǐ kěyǐ xuǎnzé bùtóng de dàxiǎo.
31Excellentjiā这是一份佳的报告。This is an excellent report.Zhè shì yī fèn jiā de bàogào.
32保留Retain/Preservebǎoliú我们保留所有权利。We retain all rights.Wǒmen bǎoliú suǒyǒu quánlì.
33玩具Toywánjù孩子们喜欢玩具。The children like toys.Háizimen xǐhuān wánjù.
34密切Close/Intimatemìqiè我们保持密切联系。We maintain close contact.Wǒmen bǎochí mìqiè liánxì.
35不过Howeverbùguò这件事很重要,不过我们也要小心。This matter is important; however, we also need to be careful.Zhè jiàn shì hěn zhòngyào, bùguò wǒmen yě yào xiǎoxīn.
36打开Opendǎkāi请把窗户打开。Please open the window.Qǐng bǎ chuānghù dǎkāi.
You said:
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Certainly! Here is the continuation of the chart:

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSample Sentence (Mandarin)Sample Sentence (English)Sample Sentence (Pinyin)
37Southnán我们要去南方旅游。We are going to travel to the south.Wǒmen yào qù nánfāng lǚyóu.
38Messy/Confusedluàn房间里很乱。The room is messy.Fángjiān lǐ hěn luàn.
39予以Give/Provideyǔ yǐ我们会予以支持。We will provide support.Wǒmen huì yǔyǐ zhīchí.
40供应Supplygōngyìng这个商店供应各种商品。This store supplies various goods.Zhè ge shāngdiàn gōngyìng gè zhǒng shāngpǐn.
41文明Civilizationwénmíng我们应该保持文明行为。We should maintain civilized behavior.Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎochí wénmíng xíngwéi.
42According to/Pressàn按这个说明书操作。Follow the instructions in this manual.Àn zhè ge shuōmíngshū cāozuò.
43相处Get alongxiāngchǔ我们和睦相处。We get along well.Wǒmen hémù xiāngchǔ.
44供应Supplygōngyìng这家公司提供优质供应。This company provides high-quality supplies.Zhè jiā gōngsī tígōng yōuzhì gōngyìng.
45相处Get alongxiāngchǔ我们在办公室里相处得很好。We get along very well in the office.Wǒmen zài bàngōngshì lǐ xiāngchǔ dé hěn hǎo.
46消费Consumexiāofèi他们的消费很高。Their consumption is high.Tāmen de xiāofèi hěn gāo.
47激烈Intensejīliè比赛非常激烈。The competition is very intense.Bǐsài fēicháng jīliè.
48付出Dedicate/Payfùchū我们付出了很多努力。We have put in a lot of effort.Wǒmen fùchū le hěn duō nǔlì.
49竞争Competitionjìngzhēng市场竞争很激烈。The market competition is fierce.Shìchǎng jìngzhēng hěn jīliè.
50基金Fundjījīn我们投资了一个新基金。We invested in a new fund.Wǒmen tóuzī le yīgè xīn jījīn.
51好处Benefithǎochù这项计划有很多好处。This plan has many benefits.Zhè xiàng jìhuà yǒu hěn duō hǎochù.
52作家Writerzuòjiā她是一位著名的作家。She is a famous writer.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de zuòjiā.
53若是If/Shouldruò shì若是这样的话,我们就可以开始。If that’s the case, we can start.Ruò shì zhèyàng dehuà, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ kāishǐ.
54金钱Moneyjīnqián金钱不是万能的。Money is not everything.Jīnqián bù shì wànnéng de.
55落实Implementluòshí我们需要落实计划。We need to implement the plan.Wǒmen xūyào luòshí jìhuà.
56现有Existingxiàn yǒu这些是现有资源。These are the existing resources.Zhèxiē shì xiàn yǒu zīyuán.
57等于Equalděngyú这两者是等于的。These two are equal.Zhè liǎng zhě shì děngyú de.
58懂得Understanddǒngde你懂得如何解决问题。You understand how to solve the problem.Nǐ dǒngde rúhé jiějué wèntí.
59改进Improvegǎijìn我们需要改进这个方案。We need to improve this plan.Wǒmen xūyào gǎijìn zhège fāng’àn.
60分配Allocate/Distributefēnpèi资源需要合理分配。Resources need to be allocated properly.Zīyuán xūyào hélǐ fēnpèi.
61购物Shoppinggòuwù我喜欢去购物。I like going shopping.Wǒ xǐhuān qù gòuwù.
62世纪Centuryshìjì这是21世纪的开始。This is the beginning of the 21st century.Zhè shì èrshí yī shìjì de kāishǐ.
63共识Consensusgòngshí我们达成了共识。We reached a consensus.Wǒmen dáchéng le gòngshí.
64分配Allocate/Distributefēnpèi资源的分配需要优化。The allocation of resources needs to be optimized.Zīyuán de fēnpèi xūyào yōuhuà.
65航空Aviationhángkōng航空业在快速发展。The aviation industry is rapidly developing.Hángkōng yè zài kuàisù fāzhǎn.
66累积Accumulatelěijī我们需要累积经验。We need to accumulate experience.Wǒmen xūyào lěijī jīngyàn.
67法规Regulationsfǎguī新法规已经生效。The new regulations are now in effect.Xīn fǎguī yǐjīng shēngxiào.
68程序Procedure/Programchéngxù请按照程序操作。Please follow the procedure.Qǐng ànzhào chéngxù cāozuò.
69购物Shoppinggòuwù购物是一种放松的方式。Shopping is a way to relax.Gòuwù shì yī zhǒng fàngsōng de fāngshì.
70贡献Contributiongòngxiàn她对项目做出了重要贡献。She made a significant contribution to the project.Tā duì xiàngmù zuòchūle zhòngyào gòngxiàn.
71特质Trait/Characteristictèzhì他有很好的领导特质。He has excellent leadership traits.Tā yǒu hěn hǎo de lǐngdǎo tèzhì.
72任务Task/Assignmentrènwù这是你的任务。This is your task.Zhè shì nǐ de rènwù.
73民意Public opinionmínyì政府需要了解民意。The government needs to understand public opinion.Zhèngfǔ xūyào liǎojiě mínyì.
74轻松Relaxed/Easyqīngsōng今天的工作很轻松。Today’s work is easy.Jīntiān de gōngzuò hěn qīngsōng.
75军事Militaryjūnshì军事活动需要谨慎。Military activities need to be conducted with caution.Jūnshì huódòng xūyào jǐnshèn.
76野生Wildyěshēng这里有许多野生动物。There are many wild animals here.Zhè lǐ yǒu xǔduō yěshēng dòngwù.
77Way/Method/Pathdào找到解决问题的方法。Find a way to solve the problem.Zhǎodào jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ.
78形容Describexíngróng请形容一下你的想法。Please describe your thoughts.Qǐng xíngróng yīxià nǐ de xiǎngfǎ.
79展现Show/Displayzhǎnxiàn她展现了很好的技能。She displayed excellent skills.Tā zhǎnxiàn le hěn hǎo de jìnéng.
80挑战Challengetiǎozhàn这对我来说是一个挑战。This is a challenge for me.Zhè duì wǒ lái shuō shì yīgè tiǎozhàn.
81River这条河很长。This river is very long.Zhè tiáo hé hěn cháng.
82Begin/Start会议马上就要开始了。The meeting is about to start.Huìyì mǎshàng jiù yào kāishǐ le.
83Full/Satisfiedmǎn我们的碗满了。Our bowls are full.Wǒmen de wǎn mǎn le.
84Measure word for vehiclesliàng他们有三辆车。They have three cars.Tāmen yǒu sān liàng chē.
85Ballqiú我喜欢打篮球。I like playing basketball.Wǒ xǐhuān dǎ lánqiú.
86Sametóng我们的意见相同。Our opinions are the same.Wǒmen de yìjiàn xiāngtóng.
87其次Secondlyqícì其次,我们需要考虑成本。Secondly, we need to consider the cost.Qícì, wǒmen xūyào kǎolǜ chéngběn.
88统治Rule/Controltǒngzhì这个国家的统治很严厉。The rule in this country is very strict.Zhè ge guójiā de tǒngzhì hěn yánlì.
89Jumptiào他跳得很高。He jumps very high.Tā tiào de hěn gāo.
90严格Strictyángé老师对学生要求很严格。The teacher’s requirements for students are very strict.Lǎoshī duì xuéshēng yāoqiú hěn yángé.
91想起Recall/Rememberxiǎngqǐ我突然想起了他的名字。I suddenly remembered his name.Wǒ tūrán xiǎngqǐ le tā de míngzì.
92Building/Floorlóu那是一栋高楼。That is a tall building.Nà shì yī dòng gāolóu.
93投资人Investortóuzīrén投资人对这个项目很感兴趣。The investor is very interested in this project.Tóuzīrén duì zhège xiàngmù hěn gǎn xìngqù.
94修改Modify/Revisexiūgǎi请修改这份文件。Please revise this document.Qǐng xiūgǎi zhè fèn wénjiàn.
95帮忙Helpbāngmáng请你帮忙搬这些箱子。Please help move these boxes.Qǐng nǐ bāngmáng bān zhèxiē xiāngzi.
96类型Type/Categorylèixíng这是一种新的类型的产品。This is a new type of product.Zhè shì yī zhǒng xīn de lèixíng de chǎnpǐn.
97Wave海浪的波很大。The waves in the sea are very large.Hǎilàng de bō hěn dà.
98Hair/Furmáo这只猫的毛很柔软。The cat’s fur is very soft.Zhè zhī māo de máo hěn róuruǎn.
99饭店Restaurant/Hotelfàndiàn我们去那家饭店吃饭。We go to that restaurant to eat.Wǒmen qù nà jiā fàndiàn chīfàn.

This chart includes translations of each term, along with sample sentences in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin.

Here’s the continuation of the chart, including translations and sample sentences for the new terms:

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSample Sentence (Mandarin)Sample Sentence (English)Sample Sentence (Pinyin)
100继续Continuejìxù我们需要继续努力。We need to continue working hard.Wǒmen xūyào jìxù nǔlì.
101Rain今天会下雨。It will rain today.Jīntiān huì xià yǔ.
102必要Necessarybìyào这是必要的步骤。This is a necessary step.Zhè shì bìyào de bùzhòu.
103旁边Besidepángbiān我坐在他的旁边。I am sitting beside him.Wǒ zuò zài tā de pángbiān.
104依然Still/Remainyīrán他依然在这里。He is still here.Tā yīrán zài zhèlǐ.
105看出Discern/Detectkànchū我能看出他有些不安。I can detect that he is a bit uneasy.Wǒ néng kànchū tā yǒudiǎn bù’ān.
106旅行Travellǚxíng我们计划去旅行。We plan to travel.Wǒmen jìhuà qù lǚxíng.
107熟悉Familiarshúxī我对这个地方很熟悉。I am familiar with this place.Wǒ duì zhège dìfāng hěn shúxī.
108不同Differentbùtóng他们的意见不同。Their opinions are different.Tāmen de yìjiàn bùtóng.
109Grab/Catchzhuā她抓住了他的手。She grabbed his hand.Tā zhuāzhù le tā de shǒu.
110餐厅Restaurantcāntīng我们在餐厅里吃饭。We eat at the restaurant.Wǒmen zài cāntīng lǐ chīfàn.
111不妨Might as wellbùfáng不妨试试看。You might as well give it a try.Bùfáng shì shìkàn.
112平等Equalitypíngděng我们倡导平等。We advocate for equality.Wǒmen chàngdǎo píngděng.
113困难Difficultykùnnán这是一项困难的任务。This is a difficult task.Zhè shì yī xiàng kùnnán de rènwù.
114颜色Coloryánsè我喜欢这个颜色。I like this color.Wǒ xǐhuān zhè ge yánsè.
115谈到Mentiontándào他谈到了他的计划。He mentioned his plans.Tā tándào le tā de jìhuà.
116弹性Flexibilitytánxìng这份工作需要很大的弹性。This job requires a lot of flexibility.Zhè fèn gōngzuò xūyào hěn dà de tánxìng.
117从此From now oncóngcǐ从此我们将开始新生活。From now on, we will start a new life.Cóngcǐ wǒmen jiāng kāishǐ xīn shēnghuó.
118Haha/Hehe哈,你好!Haha, hello!Hā, nǐ hǎo!
119Wait/Staydài请在这里待一会儿。Please stay here for a while.Qǐng zài zhèlǐ dài yīhuǐ’er.
120硬体Hardwareyìngtǐ这个电脑的硬体很强大。The hardware of this computer is powerful.Zhège diànnǎo de yìngtǐ hěn qiángdà.
121种子Seedzhǒngzǐ这些种子需要浇水。These seeds need water.Zhèxiē zhǒngzǐ xūyào jiāoshuǐ.
122份子Share/Partfènzi他是我们团队的一份子。He is a part of our team.Tā shì wǒmen tuánduì de yī fènzi.
123命运Destiny/Fatemìngyùn我们无法改变命运。We cannot change our destiny.Wǒmen wúfǎ gǎibiàn mìngyùn.
124看起来Looks likekàn qǐlái他看起来很疲倦。He looks tired.Tā kàn qǐlái hěn píjuàn.
125规范Standard/Normguīfàn我们需要遵守行业规范。We need to follow industry standards.Wǒmen xūyào zūnshǒu hángyè guīfàn.
126演奏Perform (music)yǎnzòu她演奏了一首美丽的曲子。She performed a beautiful piece.Tā yǎnzòu le yī shǒu měilì de qǔzi.
127癌症Canceráizhèng癌症是一种严重的疾病。Cancer is a serious disease.Áizhèng shì yī zhǒng yánzhòng de jíbìng.
128艺术家Artistyìshùjiā他是一位著名的艺术家。He is a famous artist.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de yìshùjiā.
129Over/Experienceguò这段经历让我成长了很多。This experience helped me grow a lot.Zhè duàn jīnglì ràng wǒ chéngzhǎng le hěn duō.
130得以Be able todéyǐ我们得以完成任务。We were able to complete the task.Wǒmen déyǐ wánchéng rènwù.
131日本人Japanese personRìběn rén他是日本人。He is Japanese.Tā shì Rìběn rén.
132Streetjiē我们在街上散步。We are walking on the street.Wǒmen zài jiē shàng sànbù.
133极为Extremelyjíwéi这次考试极为重要。This exam is extremely important.Zhè cì kǎoshì jíwéi zhòngyào.
134先进Advancedxiānjìn这是一项先进的技术。This is an advanced technology.Zhè shì yī xiàng xiānjìn de jìshù.
135难道Could it benándào难道你不明白吗?Could it be that you don’t understand?Nándào nǐ bù míngbái ma?
136出发Departchūfā我们马上就要出发了。We are about to depart.Wǒmen mǎshàng jiù yào chūfā le.
137市府City governmentshìfǔ市府正在讨论这个问题。The city government is discussing this issue.Shìfǔ zhèngzài tǎolùn zhège wèntí.
138谘询Consultzīxún请与专家进行谘询。Please consult with an expert.Qǐng yǔ zhuānjiā jìnxíng zīxún.
139Mouthzuǐ他的嘴很小。His mouth is small.Tā de zuǐ hěn xiǎo.
140谘询Consultzīxún我们需要谘询一下。We need to consult.Wǒmen xūyào zīxún yīxià.
141Accompanypéi我会陪你去看医生。I will accompany you to see the doctor.Wǒ huì péi nǐ qù kàn yīshēng.
142Stoptíng请在这里停下。Please stop here.Qǐng zài zhèlǐ tíngxià.
143连接Connectliánjiē请连接这两个设备。Please connect these two devices.Qǐng liánjiē zhè liǎng gè shèbèi.
144外交Diplomacywàijiāo外交是很重要的工作。Diplomacy is important work.Wàijiāo shì hěn zhòngyào de gōngzuò.
145营业Business hoursyíngyè这家店的营业时间是九点到五点。The store’s business hours are from 9 to 5.Zhè jiā diàn de yíngyè shíjiān shì jiǔ diǎn dào wǔ diǎn.
146期待Look forward toqīdài我们期待你的到来。We look forward to your arrival.Wǒmen qīdài nǐ de dàolái.
147Scold他被妈妈骂了。He was scolded by his mother.Tā bèi māmā mà le.
148期待Look forward toqīdài我们期待你的回复。We look forward to your reply.Wǒmen qīdài nǐ de huífù.
149授权Authorizeshòuquán我们需要授权这个项目。We need to authorize this project.Wǒmen xūyào shòuquán zhège xiàngmù.
150面前In front ofmiànqián她站在我面前。She is standing in front of me.Tā zhàn zài wǒ miànqián.
151始终Alwaysshǐzhōng我们始终支持你的决定。We always support your decision.Wǒmen shǐzhōng zhīchí nǐ de juédìng.
152理解Understandlǐjiě我理解你的感受。I understand your feelings.Wǒ lǐjiě nǐ de gǎnshòu.
153正好Just rightzhènghǎo这件衣服正好合适。This piece of clothing fits just right.Zhè jiàn yīfú zhènghǎo héshì.
154多么How/What aduōme多么美丽的风景啊!What a beautiful scenery!Duōme měilì de fēngjǐng a!
155澳洲Australiaàozhōu他住在澳洲。He lives in Australia.Tā zhù zài àozhōu.
156理解Understandlǐjiě我理解这个问题的复杂性。I understand the complexity of this issue.Wǒ lǐjiě zhège wèntí de fùzáxìng.
157特定Specifictèdìng这是一项特定的任务。This is a specific task.Zhè shì yī xiàng tèdìng de rènwù.
158县长County chiefxiànzhǎng县长来到了会议上。The county chief came to the meeting.Xiànzhǎng lái dào le huìyì shàng.
159认真Seriousrènzhēn他在工作中很认真。He is serious about his work.Tā zài gōngzuò zhōng hěn rènzhēn.
160乐团Orchestrayuètuán这个乐团非常出色。This orchestra is outstanding.Zhè ge yuètuán fēicháng chūsè.
161认真Seriousrènzhēn我们必须认真对待这个问题。We must take this issue seriously.Wǒmen bìxū rènzhēn duìdài zhège wèntí.
162主力Main forcezhǔlì他是球队的主力球员。He is the main player on the team.Tā shì qiúduì de zhǔlì qiúyuán.
163福利Welfarefúlì公司的福利很好。The company’s welfare benefits are good.Gōngsī de fúlì hěn hǎo.
164不得不Have tobùdébù我们不得不接受这个条件。We have to accept this condition.Wǒmen bùdébù jiēshòu zhège tiáojiàn.
165生意Businessshēngyì他开了一家新生意。He started a new business.Tā kāi le yī jiā xīn shēngyì.
166Feeling/Emotionqíng她的情绪很复杂。Her feelings are complex.Tā de qíngxù hěn fùzá.
167从小Since childhoodcóng xiǎo我们从小就认识了。We have known each other since childhood.Wǒmen cóng xiǎo jiù rènshí le.
168展出Exhibit/Showzhǎnchū博物馆展出了很多新展品。The museum exhibited many new items.Bówùguǎn zhǎnchū le hěn duō xīn zhǎnpǐn.
169看看Have a lookkànkàn你可以看看这个文件。You can have a look at this document.Nǐ kěyǐ kànkàn zhè ge wénjiàn.
170取代Replaceqǔdài这项技术取代了旧的设备。This technology replaced the old equipment.Zhè xiàng jìshù qǔdài le jiù de shèbèi.
171全面Comprehensivequánmiàn这是一个全面的计划。This is a comprehensive plan.Zhè shì yī gè quánmiàn de jìhuà.
172名称Namemíngchēng这个产品的名称是什么?What is the name of this product?Zhè ge chǎnpǐn de míngchēng shì shénme?
173Teamduì我们的队赢了比赛。Our team won the match.Wǒmen de duì yíng le bǐsài.
174Dispatch/Sendpài我们将派人去处理这个问题。We will send someone to handle this issue.Wǒmen jiāng pài rén qù chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
175华人Chinese personhuárén这是一位华人艺术家。This is a Chinese artist.Zhè shì yī wèi huárén yìshùjiā.
176藉由By means ofjiè yóu我们藉由网络沟通。We communicate by means of the internet.Wǒmen jiè yóu wǎngluò gōutōng.
177生气Angryshēngqì他因为迟到而生气。He is angry because of being late.Tā yīnwèi chídào ér shēngqì.
178县府County governmentxiànfǔ县府对这个问题很重视。The county government attaches great importance to this issue.Xiànfǔ duì zhège wèntí hěn zhòngshì.
179冲击Impact/Hitchōngjī这次事件对公司造成了冲击。This event had an impact on the company.Zhè cì shìjiàn duì gōngsī zàochéng le chōngjī.
180资产Assetzīchǎn公司有很多资产。The company has many assets.Gōngsī yǒu hěn duō zīchǎn.
181Try/Testshì我们需要试一下这个方法。We need to try this method.Wǒmen xūyào shì yīxià zhège fāngfǎ.
182发出Emit/Sendfāchū他发出了警报。He emitted a warning.Tā fāchū le jǐngbào.
183毫无Withoutháowú他对这件事毫无兴趣。He has no interest in this matter.Tā duì zhè jiàn shì háowú xìngqù.
184停止Stoptíngzhǐ请立即停止操作。Please stop the operation immediately.Qǐng lìjí tíngzhǐ cāozuò.
185基地Basejīdì他们在这里建立了一个基地。They established a base here.Tāmen zài zhèlǐ jiànlì le yī gè jīdì.
186感动Movedgǎndòng这个故事让我很感动。This story moved me deeply.Zhège gùshì ràng wǒ hěn gǎndòng.
187矛盾Contradictionmáodùn他们之间有很多矛盾。There are many contradictions between them.Tāmen zhījiān yǒu hěn duō máodùn.
188药物Medicineyàowù他需要服用药物。He needs to take medicine.Tā xūyào fúyòng yàowù.
189不幸Unfortunatebùxìng他经历了一些不幸的事情。He went through some unfortunate events.Tā jīnglì le yīxiē bùxìng de shìqíng.
190矛盾Contradictionmáodùn我们需要解决这些矛盾。We need to resolve these contradictions.Wǒmen xūyào jiějué zhèxiē máodùn.
191改造Transform/Remodelgǎizào我们计划改造这栋建筑。We plan to remodel this building.Wǒmen jìhuà gǎizào zhè dòng jiànzhú.
192感觉Feel/Sensegǎnjué我有一种奇怪的感觉。I have a strange feeling.Wǒ yǒu yī zhǒng qíguài de gǎnjué.
193董事长Chairmandǒngshìzhǎng他是公司的董事长。He is the chairman of the company.Tā shì gōngsī de dǒngshìzhǎng.
194竞争力Competitivenessjìngzhēnglì我们的公司需要提高竞争力。Our company needs to improve its competitiveness.Wǒmen de gōngsī xūyào tígāo jìngzhēnglì.
195中间Middle/Centerzhōngjiān我们坐在房间的中间。We are sitting in the middle of the room.Wǒmen zuò zài fángjiān de zhōngjiān.
196毛泽东Mao ZedongMáo Zédōng毛泽东是中国的历史人物。Mao Zedong is a historical figure in China.Máo Zédōng shì Zhōngguó de lìshǐ rénwù.
197Paintòng我的头很痛。My head hurts.Wǒ de tóu hěn tòng.
198采购Purchasecǎigòu我们需要采购一些材料。We need to purchase some materials.Wǒmen xūyào cǎigòu yīxiē cáiliào.
199Pile/Heapduī地上堆满了书。The ground is covered with piles of books.Dìshàng duī mǎn le shū.
200Snakeshé那是一条长蛇。That is a long snake.Nà shì yī tiáo cháng shé.


Here’s the continuation of the chart with translations and sample sentences for the new terms:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
201有意Intentionalyǒuyì他有意加入这个项目。He is intentional about joining this project.Tā yǒuyì jiārù zhège xiàngmù.
202估计Estimategūjì我们需要估计一下成本。We need to estimate the costs.Wǒmen xūyào gūjì yīxià chéngběn.
203层次Level/Hierarchycéngcì文章的层次很清晰。The article has a clear hierarchy.Wénzhāng de céngcì hěn qīngxī.
204主导Dominantzhǔdǎo他的意见主导了这个决定。His opinion dominated the decision.Tā de yìjiàn zhǔdǎo le zhège juédìng.
205足够Sufficientzúgòu我们有足够的时间来完成任务。We have sufficient time to complete the task.Wǒmen yǒu zúgòu de shíjiān lái wánchéng rènwù.
206Forestlín森林里有很多动物。There are many animals in the forest.Sēnlín lǐ yǒu hěn duō dòngwù.
207Rice/Mealfàn我吃了一碗饭。I had a bowl of rice.Wǒ chī le yī wǎn fàn.
208Number/Sizehào这是我的房间号。This is my room number.Zhè shì wǒ de fángjiān hào.
209亲自Personallyqīnzì他亲自来处理这个问题。He personally came to handle this issue.Tā qīnzì lái chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
210主导Dominantzhǔdǎo这个项目由他主导。This project is dominated by him.Zhège xiàngmù yóu tā zhǔdǎo.
211等到Untilděngdào等到晚上再开始工作吧。Let’s start working until evening.Děngdào wǎnshàng zài kāishǐ gōngzuò ba.
212便宜Cheappiányí这家店的东西很便宜。The items in this store are cheap.Zhè jiā diàn de dōngxi hěn piányí.
213更为Moregèngwéi这次比赛更为激烈。This competition is even more intense.Zhè cì bǐsài gèngwéi jīliè.
214天空Skytiānkōng天空中有很多星星。There are many stars in the sky.Tiānkōng zhōng yǒu hěn duō xīngxīng.
215反弹Reboundfǎntán股市出现了反弹。The stock market experienced a rebound.Gǔshì chūxiàn le fǎntán.
216Similar/Likeshì他似乎很累。He seems tired.Tā shìhū hěn lèi.
217Somexiē我有些问题需要解决。I have some questions to solve.Wǒ yǒu xiē wèntí xūyào jiějué.
218Dad我的爸很喜欢钓鱼。My dad likes fishing.Wǒ de bà hěn xǐhuān diàoyú.
219训练Trainingxùnliàn我每天都去训练。I go for training every day.Wǒ měitiān dōu qù xùnliàn.
220寻求Seekxúnqiú他在寻求新的机会。He is seeking new opportunities.Tā zài xúnqiú xīn de jīhuì.
221反弹Reboundfǎntán市场价格开始反弹。Market prices began to rebound.Shìchǎng jiàgé kāishǐ fǎntán.
222手法Method/Techniqueshǒufǎ他的手法很独特。His technique is unique.Tā de shǒufǎ hěn dútè.
223私人Privatesīrén我们有一个私人会议。We have a private meeting.Wǒmen yǒu yīgè sīrén huìyì.
224光碟CD/DVDguāngdié我买了一张光碟。I bought a CD.Wǒ mǎi le yī zhāng guāngdié.
225立法院Legislative Yuanlìfǎyuàn立法院正在讨论这个法案。The Legislative Yuan is discussing this bill.Lìfǎyuàn zhèngzài tǎolùn zhège fǎàn.
226组合Combinationzǔhé这是一个很好的组合。This is a great combination.Zhè shì yīgè hěn hǎo de zǔhé.
227Slightlyshāo我稍微调整了一下计划。I slightly adjusted the plan.Wǒ shāowēi tiáozhěng le yīxià jìhuà.
228层面Aspect/Levelcéngmiàn这个问题有很多层面。This issue has many aspects.Zhège wèntí yǒu hěn duō céngmiàn.
229中研院Academia SinicaZhōng yán yuàn中研院进行了一项重要的研究。Academia Sinica conducted an important study.Zhōng yán yuàn jìnxíng le yī xiàng zhòngyào de yánjiū.
230困扰Troubledkùnrǎo这个问题困扰了我很久。This issue has troubled me for a long time.Zhège wèntí kùnrǎo le wǒ hěn jiǔ.
231热闹Livelyrènao街道上非常热闹。The street is very lively.Jiēdào shàng fēicháng rènao.
232日后In the futurerìhòu我们日后会再讨论这个问题。We will discuss this issue again in the future.Wǒmen rìhòu huì zài tǎolùn zhège wèntí.
233Real/Actualshí这是一个实用的建议。This is a practical suggestion.Zhè shì yīgè shíyòng de jiànyì.
234热闹Livelyrènao这场聚会非常热闹。The party is very lively.Zhè chǎng jùhuì fēicháng rènao.
235喜爱Love/Likexǐ’ài我喜爱阅读小说。I love reading novels.Wǒ xǐ’ài yuèdú xiǎoshuō.
236Time/Periodshí现在是休息的时刻。It’s time for a break now.Xiànzài shì xiūxí de shíkè.
237美好Beautifulměihǎo我们度过了一个美好的假期。We had a beautiful vacation.Wǒmen dùguò le yīgè měihǎo de jiàqī.
238机车Motorcyclejīchē他骑了一辆机车。He rode a motorcycle.Tā qí le yī liàng jīchē.
239韩国South KoreaHánguó韩国的文化很有趣。South Korean culture is very interesting.Hánguó de wénhuà hěn yǒuqù.
240收入Incomeshōurù他的收入很高。His income is high.Tā de shōurù hěn gāo.
241议员Legislatoryìyuán这位议员提出了一个新提案。This legislator proposed a new bill.Zhè wèi yìyuán tíchū le yīgè xīn tí’àn.
242卫星Satellitewèixīng我们使用卫星进行通信。We use satellites for communication.Wǒmen shǐyòng wèixīng jìnxíng tōngxìn.
243Win/Successshèng他在比赛中取得了胜利。He achieved victory in the competition.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng qǔdé le shènglì.
244Note/Attentionzhù请注意这些细节。Please note these details.Qǐng zhùyì zhèxiē xìjié.
245彻底Thoroughchèdǐ这个问题需要彻底解决。This problem needs to be thoroughly solved.Zhège wèntí xūyào chèdǐ jiějué.
246预定Reserve/Bookyùdìng我们已经预定了酒店。We have already reserved the hotel.Wǒmen yǐjīng yùdìng le jiǔdiàn.
247房屋House/Buildingfángwū这座房屋很漂亮。This house is very beautiful.Zhè zuò fángwū hěn piàoliang.
248提醒Remindtíxǐng我会提醒你关于会议的时间。I will remind you about the meeting time.Wǒ huì tíxǐng nǐ guānyú huìyì de shíjiān.
249Build/Covergài他盖了一座新房子。He built a new house.Tā gài le yī zuò xīn fángzi.
250营运Operate/Operationyíngyùn他们负责公司的营运。They are responsible for the company’s operations.Tāmen fùzé gōngsī de yíngyùn.
251提醒Remindtíxǐng我会提醒你完成任务。I will remind you to complete the task.Wǒ huì tíxǐng nǐ wánchéng rènwù.
252所在Location/Whereaboutssuǒzài我们在市中心的所在位置。We are located in the city center.Wǒmen zài shì zhōngxīn de suǒzài wèizhì.
253详细Detailedxiángxì请提供详细的信息。Please provide detailed information.Qǐng tígōng xiángxì de xìnxī.
254Build/Covergài他决定盖一个车库。He decided to build a garage.Tā juédìng gài yīgè chēkù.
255结论Conclusionjiélùn这是我的结论。This is my conclusion.Zhè shì wǒ de jiélùn.
256反正Anywayfǎnzhèng反正我已经决定了。Anyway, I have already decided.Fǎnzhèng wǒ yǐjīng juédìng le.
257Cow/Excellentniú这是一头奶牛。This is a dairy cow.Zhè shì yī tóu nǎiniú.
258Right (Direction)yòu向右转。Turn right.Xiàng yòu zhuǎn.
259广泛Extensiveguǎngfàn这项研究的影响非常广泛。The impact of this research is very extensive.Zhè xiàng yánjiū de yǐngxiǎng fēicháng guǎngfàn.
260愉快Pleasantyúkuài祝你有一个愉快的一天。Wish you a pleasant day.Zhù nǐ yǒu yīgè yúkuài de yītiān.
261Period/Arrayzhèn比赛分为几个阵。The game is divided into several periods.Bǐsài fēn wéi jǐ gè zhèn.
262愉快Pleasantyúkuài这次旅行非常愉快。The trip was very pleasant.Zhè cì lǚxíng fēicháng yúkuài.
263优势Advantageyōushì这个公司具有明显的优势。This company has a clear advantage.Zhège gōngsī jùyǒu míngxiǎn de yōushì.
264流程Processliúchéng我们需要了解工作流程。We need to understand the work process.Wǒmen xūyào liǎojiě gōngzuò liúchéng.
265Take/Build我们需要搭建一个新平台。We need to build a new platform.Wǒmen xūyào dājiàn yīgè xīn píngtái.
266阶级Class/Hierarchyjiējí社会阶级的差异很大。The differences in social classes are significant.Shèhuì jiējí de chāyì hěn dà.
267境界Realm/Boundaryjìngjiè这部作品达到了新的境界。This work has reached a new realm.Zhè bù zuòpǐn dádào le xīn de jìngjiè.
268大部份Most/Greater Partdà bùfèn大部份的员工都参加了会议。Most of the employees attended the meeting.Dà bùfèn de yuángōng dōu cānjiā le huìyì.
269限制Restrictionxiànzhì我们需要减少这些限制。We need to reduce these restrictions.Wǒmen xūyào jiǎnshǎo zhèxiē xiànzhì.
270连续Continuousliánxù我们连续工作了几个小时。We worked continuously for several hours.Wǒmen liánxù gōngzuò le jǐ gè xiǎoshí.
271客人Guestkèrén客人已经到了。The guest has arrived.Kèrén yǐjīng dào le.
272秩序Order/Sequencezhìxù我们需要保持秩序。We need to maintain order.Wǒmen xūyào bǎochí zhìxù.
273Force/Strength这个计划需要很多力气。This plan requires a lot of strength.Zhège jìhuà xūyào hěn duō lìqì.
274这儿Herezhèr这儿的风景很美。The scenery here is beautiful.Zhèr de fēngjǐng hěn měi.
275Raise/Nurtureyǎng他养了一只小狗。He raised a puppy.Tā yǎng le yī zhī xiǎo gǒu.
276保守Conservativebǎoshǒu他是一个很保守的人。He is a very conservative person.Tā shì yīgè hěn bǎoshǒu de rén.
277过去Pastguòqù我们应该放下过去。We should let go of the past.Wǒmen yīnggāi fàngxià guòqù.
278市立Municipalshìlì市立医院很靠近这里。The municipal hospital is close by.Shìlì yīyuàn hěn kàojìn zhèlǐ.
279引发Trigger/Induceyǐnfā这次事件引发了很多讨论。This incident triggered a lot of discussion.Zhè cì shìjiàn yǐnfā le hěn duō tǎolùn.
280东方Eastdōngfāng东方的风景很迷人。The scenery in the east is charming.Dōngfāng de fēngjǐng hěn mírén.
281大盘Market Indexdàpán大盘走势看起来不错。The market index looks good.Dàpán zǒushì kàn qǐlái bùcuò.
282奥会Olympicsào huì我们期待着奥会的到来。We are looking forward to the Olympics.Wǒmen qídài zhe ào huì de dào lái.
283财务Financecáiwù他负责公司的财务管理。He is responsible for the company’s finance management.Tā fùzé gōngsī de cáiwù guǎnlǐ.
284经历Experiencejīnglì她的经历很丰富。Her experience is extensive.Tā de jīnglì hěn fēngfù.
285Face/Aspectmiàn这面是用来装饰的。This side is for decoration.Zhè miàn shì yòng lái zhuāngshì de.
286错误Mistake/Errorcuòwù这是一个错误的答案。This is a wrong answer.Zhè shì yīgè cuòwù de dá’àn.
287爷爷Grandpayéye我的爷爷很和蔼。My grandpa is very kind.Wǒ de yéye hěn hé’ǎi.
288国会Congressguóhuì国会正在讨论新的法案。Congress is discussing new bills.Guóhuì zhèngzài tǎolùn xīn de fǎàn.
289差距Gap/Discrepancychājù我们需要缩小差距。We need to narrow the gap.Wǒmen xūyào suōxiǎo chājù.
290伤害Harmshānghài这个事故造成了严重的伤害。The accident caused serious harm.Zhège shìgù zàochéng le yánzhòng de shānghài.
291委讬Entrustwěituō我们委讬了他处理这个问题。We entrusted him to handle this issue.Wǒmen wěituō le tā chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
292之所以The reason whyzhī suǒyǐ之所以这样做,是因为…The reason why is that…Zhī suǒyǐ zhèyàng zuò, shì yīnwèi…
293Platform/Stagetái我们将在台上演讲。We will speak on stage.Wǒmen jiāng zài tái shàng yǎnjiǎng.
294赶快Hurrygǎnkuài赶快完成任务。Hurry up and finish the task.Gǎnkuài wánchéng rènwù.
295移民Immigrantyímín他是一个移民。He is an immigrant.Tā shì yīgè yímín.
296商店Storeshāngdiàn这个商店卖很多东西。This store sells many things.Zhè ge shāngdiàn mài hěn duō dōngxi.
297委讬Entrustwěituō我们委讬了一个专家。We entrusted an expert.Wǒmen wěituō le yīgè zhuānjiā.
298投票Votetóupiào我们今天要投票。We are voting today.Wǒmen jīntiān yào tóupiào.
299同事Colleaguetóngshì我的同事很友好。My colleague is very friendly.Wǒ de tóngshì hěn yǒuhǎo.
300进而Furtherjìn’ér我们需要先解决这个问题,进而解决下一个。We need to solve this problem first, and then further address the next.Wǒmen xūyào xiān jiějué zhège wèntí, jìn’ér jiějué xià yīgè.

Feel free to use this chart as a reference for learning and practicing these Chinese terms!

Here’s the chart continuing with the new terms, their translations, Pinyin, and example sentences:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Pinyin Example
301将军Generaljiāngjūn将军指挥了整个战役。The general commanded the entire campaign.Jiāngjūn zhǐhuī le zhěnggè zhànyì.
302球员Playerqiúyuán球员们在场上努力比赛。The players are working hard on the field.Qiúyuán men zài chǎng shàng nǔlì bǐsài.
303原来Originallyyuánlái原来这本书是他写的。It turns out that this book was written by him.Yuánlái zhè běn shū shì tā xiě de.
304Coldlěng今天的天气很冷。The weather is very cold today.Jīntiān de tiānqì hěn lěng.
305感染Infectiongǎnrǎn他感染了流感。He caught the flu.Tā gǎnrǎn le liúgǎn.
306导演Directordǎoyǎn导演正在拍摄新电影。The director is shooting a new movie.Dǎoyǎn zhèngzài pāishè xīn diànyǐng.
307人间Human Worldrénjiān人间的生活充满了挑战。Life in the human world is full of challenges.Rénjiān de shēnghuó chōngmǎn le tiǎozhàn.
308Ancient我们参观了古老的遗址。We visited ancient ruins.Wǒmen cānguān le gǔlǎo de yízhǐ.
309感染Infectiongǎnrǎn他感染了流感。He caught the flu.Tā gǎnrǎn le liúgǎn.
310财产Propertycáichǎn他们继承了祖父的财产。They inherited their grandfather’s property.Tāmen jìchéng le zǔfù de cáichǎn.
311分享Sharefēnxiǎng我们可以分享这份好消息。We can share this good news.Wǒmen kěyǐ fēnxiǎng zhè fèn hǎo xiāoxī.
312遗址Ruinsyízhǐ这是一个古代的遗址。This is an ancient ruin.Zhè shì yīgè gǔdài de yízhǐ.
313发觉Discoverfājué我发觉我忘记带钥匙了。I discovered that I forgot to bring my keys.Wǒ fājué wǒ wàngjì dài yàoshi le.
314造型Shape/Formzàoxíng她的造型很独特。Her style is very unique.Tā de zàoxíng hěn dútè.
315一面One Sideyīmiàn这座建筑的一面朝向大海。One side of the building faces the sea.Zhè zuò jiànzhú de yīmiàn cháoxiàng dàhǎi.
316分享Sharefēnxiǎng我们可以分享这份快乐。We can share this happiness.Wǒmen kěyǐ fēnxiǎng zhè fèn kuàilè.
317不只Not Onlybù zhǐ这个问题不仅仅是技术上的。This issue is not only technical.Zhège wèntí bù jǐn jǐn shì jìshù shàng de.
318不禁Cannot Help butbù jīn我不禁笑了出来。I couldn’t help but laugh.Wǒ bù jīn xiào le chūlái.
319打破Breakdǎpò我们打破了记录。We broke the record.Wǒmen dǎpò le jìlù.
320忽略Overlookhūlüè不要忽略细节。Do not overlook the details.Bùyào hūlüè xìjié.
321原有Originalyuán yǒu这是原有的设计。This is the original design.Zhè shì yuán yǒu de shèjì.
322草案Draftcǎo’àn我们正在修改草案。We are revising the draft.Wǒmen zhèngzài xiūgǎi cǎo’àn.
323害怕Fearhàipà我害怕黑暗。I fear the dark.Wǒ hàipà hēi’àn.
324身为As (in a role)shēnwéi身为一名教师,他很认真。As a teacher, he is very serious.Shēnwéi yī míng jiàoshī, tā hěn rènzhēn.
325性能Performancexìngnéng这款产品的性能很好。The performance of this product is very good.Zhè kuǎn chǎnpǐn de xìngnéng hěn hǎo.
326活泼Livelyhuópō她是个很活泼的女孩。She is a very lively girl.Tā shì gè hěn huópō de nǚhái.
327记录Recordjìlù他打破了世界纪录。He broke the world record.Tā dǎpò le shìjiè jìlù.
328清华Tsinghua (University)Qīnghuá她在清华大学学习。She studies at Tsinghua University.Tā zài Qīnghuá dàxué xuéxí.
329综合Comprehensivezōnghé这是一个综合的报告。This is a comprehensive report.Zhè shì yīgè zōnghé de bào gào.
330讲话Speak/Talkjiǎnghuà他说了很多有趣的讲话。He gave many interesting talks.Tā shuō le hěn duō yǒuqù de jiǎnghuà.
331尽量Try (to)jǐnliàng我们应该尽量完成任务。We should try our best to complete the task.Wǒmen yīnggāi jǐnliàng wánchéng rènwù.
332违反Violatewéifǎn他违反了学校的规定。He violated the school’s rules.Tā wéifǎn le xuéxiào de guīdìng.
333伟大Greatwěidà他是一位伟大的科学家。He is a great scientist.Tā shì yī wèi wěidà de kēxuéjiā.
334金额Amount (of money)jīn’é这笔金额很高。This amount of money is very high.Zhè bǐ jīn’é hěn gāo.
335功课Homework/Assignmentgōngkè我有很多功课要做。I have a lot of homework to do.Wǒ yǒu hěn duō gōngkè yào zuò.
336伟大Greatwěidà他的成就是伟大的。His achievements are great.Tā de chéngjiù shì wěidà de.
337场地Venue/Fieldchǎngdì运动会的场地很宽敞。The venue for the sports meet is very spacious.Yùndòng huì de chǎngdì hěn kuānchǎng.
338庞大Huge/Enormouspángdà这是一座庞大的建筑。This is a huge building.Zhè shì yī zuò pángdà de jiànzhú.
339市区Urban Areashìqū市区的交通很繁忙。The traffic in the urban area is very busy.Shìqū de jiāotōng hěn fánmáng.
340巴黎ParisBālí我们去过巴黎。We have been to Paris.Wǒmen qù guò Bālí.
341反省Reflectionfǎnxǐng他开始反省自己的行为。He started to reflect on his behavior.Tā kāishǐ fǎnxǐng zìjǐ de xíngwéi.
342主角Main Characterzhǔjué电影的主角是一个英雄。The main character in the movie is a hero.Diànyǐng de zhǔjué shì yīgè yīngxióng.
343理事长Chairmanlǐshìzhǎng理事长在会议上发言。The chairman spoke at the meeting.Lǐshìzhǎng zài huìyì shàng fāyán.
344背后Behindbèihòu真相在背后。The truth is behind.Zhēnxiàng zài bèihòu.
345庞大Huge/Enormouspángdà他的公司规模庞大。His company is huge in scale.Tā de gōngsī guīmó pángdà.
346反省Reflectionfǎnxǐng她对自己的错误进行了反省。She reflected on her mistakes.Tā duì zìjǐ de cuòwù jìnxíng le fǎnxǐng.
347牺牲Sacrificexīshēng他为了事业牺牲了很多时间。He sacrificed a lot of time for his career.Tā wèile shìyè xīshēng le hěn duō shíjiān.
348Sky/Heaventiān你看见了美丽的天空吗?Did you see the beautiful sky?Nǐ kànjiàn le měilì de tiānkōng ma?
349Quite/Prettymán这道菜蛮好吃的。This dish is quite tasty.Zhè dào cài mán hǎochī de.
350以便So thatyǐbiàn我们提前到达,以便准备一切。We arrived early so that we could prepare everything.Wǒmen tíqián dào dá, yǐbiàn zhǔnbèi yīqiè.
351牺牲Sacrificexīshēng她为家庭牺牲了自己的梦想。She sacrificed her dreams for her family.Tā wèi jiātíng xīshēng le zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.
352预防Preventyùfáng预防流感需要勤洗手。Preventing the flu requires washing hands frequently.Yùfáng liúgǎn xūyào qín xǐshǒu.
353Strive/Contendzhēng我们要争取更好的结果。We need to strive for better results.Wǒmen yào zhēngqǔ gèng hǎo de jiéguǒ.
354种类Type/Categoryzhǒnglèi这里有很多不同的植物种类。There are many different types of plants here.Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō bùtóng de zhíwù zhǒnglèi.
355预防Preventyùfáng预防感冒的方法很多。There are many ways to prevent a cold.Yùfáng gǎnmào de fāngfǎ hěn duō.
356就业Employmentjiùyè经济增长可以促进就业。Economic growth can promote employment.Jīngjì zēngzhǎng kěyǐ cùjìn jiùyè.
357本土Native/Localběntǔ他是本土的艺术家。He is a local artist.Tā shì běntǔ de yìshùjiā.
358天气Weathertiānqì今天天气很好。The weather is very nice today.Jīntiān tiānqì hěn hǎo.
359夫妻Couplefūqī他们是一对幸福的夫妻。They are a happy couple.Tāmen shì yī duì xìngfú de fūqī.
360Leftzuǒ请坐在左边。Please sit on the left side.Qǐng zuò zài zuǒbiān.
361优点Advantageyōudiǎn这款手机有很多优点。This phone has many advantages.Zhè kuǎn shǒujī yǒu hěn duō yōudiǎn.
362嗯哼Hmm/Yes (sounds)ēn hēng嗯哼,我同意你的意见。Hmm, I agree with your opinion.Ēn hēng, wǒ tóngyì nǐ de yìjiàn.
363就业Employmentjiùyè就业机会增加了。Employment opportunities have increased.Jiùyè jīhuì zēngjiā le.
364事物Things/Objectsshìwù我们需要整理这些事物。We need to organize these things.Wǒmen xūyào zhěnglǐ zhèxiē shìwù.
365困境Predicamentkùnjìng他陷入了困境。He fell into a predicament.Tā xiànrù le kùnjìng.
366呼籲Appeal/Callhūyù他呼籲大家关注环境保护。He appeals to everyone to pay attention to environmental protection.Tā hūyù dàjiā guānzhù huánjìng bǎohù.
367据说It is saidjùshuō据说他将要辞职。It is said that he is going to resign.Jùshuō tā jiāng yào cízhí.
368人事Human Resources/Personnelrénshì他负责处理人事问题。He handles personnel issues.Tā fùzé chǔlǐ rénshì wèntí.
369大学生College Studentdàxuéshēng作为大学生,他有很多学习任务。As a college student, he has many study tasks.Zuòwéi dàxuéshēng, tā yǒu hěn duō xuéxí rènwù.
370Wash我需要洗衣服。I need to wash my clothes.Wǒ xūyào xǐ yīfú.
371农村Rural Areanóngcūn他在农村长大。He grew up in the rural area.Tā zài nóngcūn zhǎng dà.
372数学Mathematicsshùxué数学是他最喜欢的科目。Mathematics is his favorite subject.Shùxué shì tā zuì xǐhuān de kēmù.
373女士Lady/Msnǚshì那位女士是我们的客户。The lady is our client.Nà wèi nǚshì shì wǒmen de kèhù.
374风气Atmosphere/Moralefēngqì公司的风气非常积极。The atmosphere at the company is very positive.Gōngsī de fēngqì fēicháng jījí.
375必然Inevitablebìrán这种变化是必然的。This change is inevitable.Zhè zhǒng biànhuà shì bìrán de.
376难得Rare/Hard to Come Bynán dé这次机会很难得。This opportunity is rare.Zhè cì jīhuì hěn nán dé.
377乐器Musical Instrumentlèqì他会弹钢琴和其他乐器。He can play the piano and other instruments.Tā huì tán gāngqín hé qítā yuèqì.
378果然As Expectedguǒrán她果然通过了考试。She passed the exam as expected.Tā guǒrán tōngguò le kǎoshì.
379安非他命Amphetamineānfēitāmìng他们非法使用了安非他命。They illegally used amphetamines.Tāmen fēi fǎ shǐyòng le ānfēitāmìng.
380Bedchuáng我需要买一张新床。I need to buy a new bed.Wǒ xūyào mǎi yī zhāng xīn chuáng.
381Bureau/Office他们在政府局工作。They work at a government bureau.Tāmen zài zhèngfǔ jú gōngzuò.
382Point/Referzhǐ他指向了地图上的位置。He pointed to the location on the map.Tā zhǐxiàng le dìtú shàng de wèizhì.
383Play/Drama他在学校里演了一个戏。He performed a play at school.Tā zài xuéxiào lǐ yǎnle yīgè xì.
384除非Unlesschúfēi除非你早点来,不然就错过了。Unless you come earlier, you’ll miss it.Chúfēi nǐ zǎodiǎn lái, bùrán jiù cuòguò le.
385Order/Bookdìng我们已经订了机票。We have already booked the tickets.Wǒmen yǐjīng dìng le jīpiào.
386研究员Researcheryánjiūyuán她是一位生物学研究员。She is a biologist.Tā shì yī wèi shēngwùxué yánjiūyuán.
387Sighāi唉,这真是个麻烦的情况。Sigh, this is really a troublesome situation.Āi, zhè zhēn shì gè máfan de qíngkuàng.
388着手Start/Beginzhuóshǒu我们可以现在着手这个项目。We can start this project now.Wǒmen kěyǐ xiànzài zhuóshǒu zhège xiàngmù.
389热烈Enthusiastic/Heatedrèliè观众们热烈欢迎这位歌手。The audience gave a warm welcome to the singer.Guānzhòng men rèliè huānyíng zhè wèi gēshǒu.
390Press/According toàn按说明书操作。Follow the instructions in the manual.Àn shuōmíngshū cāozuò.
391能源Energynéngyuán我们需要寻找新的能源。We need to find new sources of energy.Wǒmen xūyào xúnzhǎo xīn de néngyuán.
392其余The Rest/Remainingqíyú其他部分已经完成,剩下的部分稍后完成。The other parts are finished; the remaining parts will be completed later.Qítā bùfèn yǐjīng wánchéng, shèngxià de bùfèn shāo hòu wánchéng.
393找出Find Outzhǎochū我们需要找出问题的根源。We need to find out the root of the problem.Wǒmen xūyào zhǎochū wèntí de gēnyuán.
394影片Film/Videoyǐngpiàn这部影片很感人。This film is very touching.Zhè bù yǐngpiàn hěn gǎnrén.
395白色Whitebáisè她穿了一件白色的裙子。She wore a white dress.Tā chuān le yī jiàn báisè de qúnzi.
396可以Can/Maykěyǐ你可以帮我吗?Can you help me?Nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ ma?
397等待Waitděngdài我们在等待结果。We are waiting for the result.Wǒmen zài děngdài jiéguǒ.
398创作Create/Composechuàngzuò他正在创作一首新歌。He is composing a new song.Tā zhèngzài chuàngzuò yī shǒu xīn gē.
399等待Waitděngdài我们等待你的回复。We are waiting for your reply.Wǒmen děngdài nǐ de huífù.
400年度Annualniándù这是年度总结报告。This is the annual summary report.Zhè shì niándù zǒngjié bào gào.

If you need more examples or have additional requests, let me know!

Here’s the next batch of 100 words with their meanings, Pinyin, example sentences, translations, and pronunciation:

No.WordMeaningPinyinExample SentenceTranslationPronunciation
400年度Annualniándù这是年度总结报告。This is the annual summary report.Zhè shì niándù zǒngjié bào gào.
401Slowmàn请慢一点走。Please walk a bit slower.Qǐng màn yīdiǎn zǒu.
402缺点Shortcomingquēdiǎn这个计划有一些缺点。This plan has some shortcomings.Zhège jìhuà yǒu yīxiē quēdiǎn.
403接近Approach/Close tojiējìn我们离目的地越来越接近。We are getting closer to the destination.Wǒmen lí mùdì dì yuè lái yuè jiējìn.
404数据Datashùjù这些数据需要分析。These data need to be analyzed.Zhèxiē shùjù xūyào fēnxī.
405Lack/Be short ofquē他缺少经验。He lacks experience.Tā quēshǎo jīngyàn.
406Middle/Centerzhōng他站在房间的中间。He is standing in the middle of the room.Tā zhàn zài fángjiān de zhōngjiān.
407条例Regulation/Ruletiáolì公司有严格的条例。The company has strict regulations.Gōngsī yǒu yángé de tiáolì.
408Medicineyào这个药对感冒很有效。This medicine is very effective for colds.Zhège yào duì gǎnmào hěn yǒuxiào.
409报告Reportbào gào他提交了一个详细的报告。He submitted a detailed report.Tā tíjiāo le yīgè xiángxì de bào gào.
410身边Beside/Next toshēnbiān我希望他一直在我身边。I hope he is always by my side.Wǒ xīwàng tā yīzhí zài wǒ shēnbiān.
411改为Change togǎiwéi请将这项计划改为新的方案。Please change this plan to a new one.Qǐng jiāng zhè xiàng jìhuà gǎiwéi xīn de fāng’àn.
412指标Index/Indicatorzhǐbiāo这个指标很重要。This indicator is very important.Zhège zhǐbiāo hěn zhòngyào.
413沿Along/Borderingyán我们沿着这条路走。We walk along this road.Wǒmen yánzhe zhè tiáo lù zǒu.
414设定Set/Defineshèdìng我们需要设定新的目标。We need to set new goals.Wǒmen xūyào shèdìng xīn de mùbiāo.
415眼光Insight/Outlookyǎnguāng他有很好的眼光。He has a great outlook.Tā yǒu hěn hǎo de yǎnguāng.
416设定Set/Defineshèdìng我们设定了一个新的标准。We set a new standard.Wǒmen shèdìng le yīgè xīn de biāozhǔn.
417聪明Smart/Intelligentcōngmíng她的孩子非常聪明。Her child is very smart.Tā de háizi fēicháng cōngmíng.
418下列The followingxiàliè请阅读下列事项。Please read the following items.Qǐng yuèdú xiàliè shìxiàng.
419打电话Make a phone calldǎ diànhuà我打电话给他。I made a phone call to him.Wǒ dǎ diànhuà gěi tā.
420Raise/Lift他举起了手。He raised his hand.Tā jǔ qǐ le shǒu.
421医学院Medical Schoolyīxuéyuàn她在医学院学习。She is studying at the medical school.Tā zài yīxuéyuàn xuéxí.
422参考Reference/Consultcānkǎo请参考这份资料。Please refer to this information.Qǐng cānkǎo zhè fèn zīliào.
423大自然Naturedà zìrán大自然的美景令人惊叹。The beauty of nature is breathtaking.Dà zìrán de měijǐng lìng rén jīngtàn.
424Ride他骑自行车去上学。He rides a bicycle to school.Tā qí zìxíngchē qù shàngxué.
425人际Interpersonalrénjì人际关系很重要。Interpersonal relationships are important.Rénjì guānxì hěn zhòngyào.
426汉人Han ChineseHànrén他是汉人。He is Han Chinese.Tā shì Hànrén.
427剩下Remainingshèngxià剩下的食物我们可以保存。The remaining food can be preserved.Shèngxià de shíwù wǒmen kěyǐ bǎocún.
428传播Spread/Disseminatechuánbō这个信息迅速传播开来。This information spread quickly.Zhège xìnxī xùn sù chuánbō kāi lái.
429自从Sincezìcóng自从他来了,情况有所改善。Since he arrived, the situation has improved.Zìcóng tā lái le, qíngkuàng yǒu suǒ gǎishàn.
430传播Spread/Disseminatechuánbō这项技术正在传播。This technology is being disseminated.Zhè xiàng jìshù zhèngzài chuánbō.
431冠军Championguànjūn他赢得了比赛的冠军。He won the championship of the competition.Tā yíngdé le bǐsài de guànjūn.
432学会Learn/Associationxuéhuì他学会了如何游泳。He learned how to swim.Tā xuéhuì le rúhé yóuyǒng.
433海洋Oceanhǎiyáng海洋覆盖了地球的大部分。The ocean covers most of the Earth.Hǎiyáng fùgài le dìqiú de dà bùfen.
434彷彿As if/Seemfǎngfú她的笑容彷彿阳光。Her smile seems like sunshine.Tā de xiàoróng fǎngfú yángguāng.
435东京TokyoDōngjīng我们计划去东京旅游。We plan to travel to Tokyo.Wǒmen jìhuà qù Dōngjīng lǚyóu.
436负担Burdenfùdān这个项目的负担很重。The burden of this project is heavy.Zhège xiàngmù de fùdān hěn zhòng.
437知名Famous/Well-knownzhīmíng她是一位知名的演员。She is a well-known actress.Tā shì yī wèi zhīmíng de yǎnyuán.
438那儿Therenà’er我们到那儿去。We will go there.Wǒmen dào nà’er qù.
439争议Controversyzhēngyì这个问题引发了很多争议。This issue has caused a lot of controversy.Zhège wèntí yǐnfā le hěn duō zhēngyì.
440实质Substance/Essenceshízhì这个问题的实质是什么?What is the essence of this issue?Zhège wèntí de shízhì shì shénme?
441查询Query/Checkcháxún请查询订单的状态。Please check the status of the order.Qǐng cháxún dìngdān de zhuàngtài.
442校务School Affairsxiàowù校务管理很重要。School affairs management is important.Xiàowù guǎnlǐ hěn zhòngyào.
443部队Troops/Unitbùduì部队正在进行训练。The troops are undergoing training.Bùduì zhèngzài jìnxíng xùnliàn.
444火车Trainhuǒchē我们乘坐火车去旅行。We travel by train.Wǒmen chéngzuò huǒchē qù lǚxíng.
445幼稚园Kindergartenyòuzhìyuán她的孩子在幼稚园上学。Her child is attending kindergarten.Tā de háizi zài yòuzhìyuán shàngxué.
446话题Topichuàtí这个话题很有趣。This topic is very interesting.Zhège huàtí hěn yǒuqù.
447感谢Thankgǎnxiè我想感谢你的帮助。I want to thank you for your help.Wǒ xiǎng gǎnxiè nǐ de bāngzhù.
448奖金Bonus/Prizejiǎngjīn她得到了一个奖金。She received a bonus.Tā dédào le yīgè jiǎngjīn.
449大师Master/Expertdàshī他是一个绘画大师。He is a master painter.Tā shì yīgè huìhuà dàshī.
450联络Contact/Linkliánluò我们需要联络客户。We need to contact the client.Wǒmen xūyào liánluò kèhù.
451原始Primitive/Originalyuánshǐ这是一个原始的社会。This is a primitive society.Zhè shì yīgè yuánshǐ de shèhuì.
452北市Taipei Cityběi shì北市的天气很好。The weather in Taipei is nice.Běi shì de tiānqì hěn hǎo.
453课题Topic/Projectkètí这个课题很有挑战性。This project is very challenging.Zhège kètí hěn yǒu tiǎozhàn xìng.
454路线Route/Pathlùxiàn我们需要改变路线。We need to change the route.Wǒmen xūyào gǎibiàn lùxiàn.
455信仰Belief/Religionxìnyǎng他有自己的信仰。He has his own beliefs.Tā yǒu zìjǐ de xìnyǎng.
456英雄Heroyīngxióng他是国家的英雄。He is a national hero.Tā shì guójiā de yīngxióng.
457契约Contract/Agreementqìyuē我们签署了一个契约。We signed a contract.Wǒmen qiānshǔ le yīgè qìyuē.
458订定Set/Establishdìngdìng他们订定了新的规则。They established new rules.Tāmen dìngdìng le xīn de guīzé.
459批评Criticismpīpíng他受到了很多批评。He received a lot of criticism.Tā shòudào le hěn duō pīpíng.
460法院Courtfǎyuàn案子已经提交到法院。The case has been submitted to the court.Ànzi yǐjīng tíjiāo dào fǎyuàn.
461订定Set/Establishdìngdìng新的政策已经订定。The new policy has been set.Xīn de zhèngcè yǐjīng dìngdìng.
462爱情Loveàiqíng爱情是人生的重要部分。Love is an important part of life.Àiqíng shì rénshēng de zhòngyào bùfèn.
463依据Basis/According toyījù我们的决定是依据数据做出的。Our decision was based on the data.Wǒmen de juédìng shì yījù shùjù zuòchū de.
464适用Applicable/Applicableshìyòng这条规定不适用于所有情况。This rule does not apply to all situations.Zhè tiáo guīdìng bù shìyòng yú suǒyǒu qíngkuàng.
465学位Degreexuéwèi他获得了硕士学位。He obtained a master’s degree.Tā huòdé le shuòshì xuéwèi.
466水库Reservoirshuǐkù水库里的水量很充足。The reservoir has plenty of water.Shuǐkù lǐ de shuǐliàng hěn chōngzú.
467Thousandqiān这辆车的价格超过了一千美元。The price of this car exceeds a thousand dollars.Zhè liàng chē de jiàgé chāoguò le yīqiān měiyuán.
468民主Democracymínzhǔ民主是国家治理的重要原则。Democracy is an important principle of national governance.Mínzhǔ shì guójiā zhìlǐ de zhòngyào yuánzé.
469赞成Approve/Agreezànchéng我完全赞成你的观点。I fully agree with your view.Wǒ wánquán zànchéng nǐ de guāndiǎn.
470好奇Curioushàoqí她对这个新技术非常好奇。She is very curious about this new technology.Tā duì zhège xīn jìshù fēicháng hàoqí.
471科威特Kuwaitkēwēitè科威特是一个位于中东的国家。Kuwait is a country located in the Middle East.Kēwēitè shì yīgè wèiyú zhōngdōng de guójiā.
472体会Experience/Realizetǐhuì我能体会到他的感受。I can understand his feelings.Wǒ néng tǐhuì dào tā de gǎnshòu.
473熊猫Pandaxióngmāo熊猫是中国的国宝。The panda is a national treasure of China.Xióngmāo shì zhōngguó de guóbǎo.
474暂时Temporary/For the time beingzànshí这只是一个暂时的解决方案。This is just a temporary solution.Zhè zhǐ shì yīgè zànshí de jiějuéfāng’àn.
475Ten thousandwàn他挣了几万元。He earned tens of thousands of dollars.Tā zhèngle jǐ wàn yuán.
476较为Relativelyjiàowéi这个问题较为复杂。This problem is relatively complex.Zhège wèntí jiàowéi fùzá.
477单纯Simple/Puredānchún他是一个单纯的人。He is a simple person.Tā shì yīgè dānchún de rén.
478透露Reveal/Disclosetòulù他透露了一个重要的消息。He revealed an important piece of news.Tā tòulù le yīgè zhòngyào de xiāoxī.
479品牌Brandpǐnpái这是一个知名品牌。This is a well-known brand.Zhè shì yīgè zhīmíng pǐnpái.
480候选人Candidatehòuxuǎn rén他是总统选举的候选人之一。He is one of the candidates for the presidential election.Tā shì zǒngtǒng xuǎnjǔ de hòuxuǎn rén zhī yī.
481单纯Simple/Puredānchún她的想法很单纯。Her ideas are very simple.Tā de xiǎngfǎ hěn dānchún.
482看来It seems/Appearkànlái看来他不太高兴。It seems he is not very happy.Kànlái tā bù tài gāoxìng.
483内涵Connotationnèihán这个词有很深的内涵。This word has a deep connotation.Zhège cí yǒu hěn shēn de nèihán.
484登记Registerdēngjì请在这里登记你的名字。Please register your name here.Qǐng zài zhèlǐ dēngjì nǐ de míngzì.
485Measure word for plants他种了几棵树。He planted several trees.Tā zhòng le jǐ kē shù.
486会长President/Chairmanhuìzhǎng他是学会的会长。He is the president of the association.Tā shì xuéhuì de huìzhǎng.
487核心Core/Keyhéxīn这项技术是公司的核心竞争力。This technology is the company’s core competitiveness.Zhè xiàng jìshù shì gōngsī de héxīn jìngzhēng lì.
488家具Furniturejiājù我们需要购买一些新家具。We need to buy some new furniture.Wǒmen xūyào gòumǎi yīxiē xīn jiājù.
489座谈会Seminar/Forumzuòtán huì我们今天有一个座谈会。We have a seminar today.Wǒmen jīntiān yǒu yīgè zuòtán huì.
490症状Symptomzhèngzhuàng他有一些流感的症状。He has some symptoms of the flu.Tā yǒu yīxiē liúgǎn de zhèngzhuàng.
491Firehuǒ火势已经被扑灭。The fire has been extinguished.Huǒshì yǐjīng bèi pūmiè.
492一带Area/Regionyī dài这个地区一带风景优美。The region has beautiful scenery.Zhège dìqū yī dài fēngjǐng yōuměi.
493患者Patienthuànzhě医生正在检查患者。The doctor is examining the patient.Yīshēng zhèngzài jiǎnchá huànzhě.
494很少Rare/Rarelyhěn shǎo他很少出门。He rarely goes out.Tā hěn shǎo chūmén.
495有名Famous/Well-knownyǒumíng她是一位有名的作家。She is a famous writer.Tā shì yī wèi yǒumíng de zuòjiā.
496依照According toyīzhào依照规定,他不能参加。According to the rules, he cannot participate.Yīzhào guīdìng, tā bù néng cānjiā.
497忘记Forgetwàngjì我忘记了他的名字。I forgot his name.Wǒ wàngjì le tā de míngzì.
498小型Small/Compactxiǎoxíng这是一辆小型车。This is a small car.Zhè shì yī liàng xiǎoxíng chē.
499Occupy/Account forzhàn这部分占总数的百分之五。This part accounts for 5% of the total.Zhè bùfen zhàn zǒngshù de bǎifēnzhī wǔ.
500手段Means/Methodshǒuduàn他使用了不同的手段来解决问题。He used different methods to solve the problem.Tā shǐyòng le bùtóng de shǒuduàn lái jiějué wèntí.

Here’s the next set of translations for the words provided:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinExample SentenceEnglish TranslationPronunciation
501优秀Excellentyōuxiù她的表现非常优秀。Her performance is excellent.Tā de biǎoxiàn fēicháng yōuxiù.
502倒是Indeed/On the contrarydào shì你倒是可以试试看。You might as well give it a try.Nǐ dào shì kěyǐ shì shìkàn.
503明星Star/Celebritymíngxīng他是一位著名的明星。He is a famous celebrity.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de míngxīng.
504吸收Absorb/Take inxīshōu这块海绵可以吸收很多水分。This sponge can absorb a lot of water.Zhè kuài hǎimián kěyǐ xīshōu hěn duō shuǐfèn.
505人格Personality/Characterréngé他有很高的人格魅力。He has a great personality.Tā yǒu hěn gāo de réngé mèilì.
506指数Indexzhǐshù这个指数显示了经济的增长。This index shows economic growth.Zhège zhǐshù xiǎnshì le jīngjì de zēngzhǎng.
507做好Do well/Prepare wellzuò hǎo请把这项工作做好。Please do this job well.Qǐng bǎ zhè xiàng gōngzuò zuò hǎo.
508动态Dynamic/Movementdòngtài我们需要了解市场的动态。We need to understand the market dynamics.Wǒmen xūyào liǎojiě shìchǎng de dòngtài.
509游泳Swimmingyóuyǒng他每天都去游泳。He swims every day.Tā měitiān dū qù yóuyǒng.
510不如Not as good as/Better thanbùrú这次的结果不如上次。This result is not as good as the last time.Zhè cì de jiéguǒ bùrú shàngcì.
511出生Be bornchūshēng他在北京出生。He was born in Beijing.Tā zài Běijīng chūshēng.
512Succeed/Fulfillsuì他终于遂了他的愿望。He finally fulfilled his wish.Tā zhōngyú suì le tā de yuànwàng.
513当作Regard as/Consider asdāngzuò他把我当作朋友。He regards me as a friend.Tā bǎ wǒ dāngzuò péngyǒu.
514Meeting/Willhuì我们今天下午有一个会议。We have a meeting this afternoon.Wǒmen jīntiān xiàwǔ yǒu yīgè huìyì.
515学问Knowledgexuéwèn他对这个学问非常感兴趣。He is very interested in this knowledge.Tā duì zhège xuéwèn fēicháng gǎn xìngqù.
516尝试Attempt/Trychángshì我们应该尝试新的方法。We should try new methods.Wǒmen yīnggāi chángshì xīn de fāngfǎ.
517全民All people/Nationwidequánmín这是一个全民活动。This is a nationwide event.Zhè shì yīgè quánmín huódòng.
518部落Tribe/Clanbùluò他们是一个古老的部落。They are an ancient tribe.Tāmen shì yīgè gǔlǎo de bùluò.
519Earn/Make moneyzhuàn他赚了很多钱。He made a lot of money.Tā zhuàn le hěn duō qián.
520联合国United Nationsliánhéguó联合国总部设在纽约。The United Nations headquarters is in New York.Liánhéguó zǒngbù shè zài Niǔyuē.
521Place/Set upbǎi他把椅子摆在桌子旁边。He placed the chair next to the table.Tā bǎ yǐzi bǎi zài zhuōzi pángbiān.
522赚钱Make moneyzhuànqián他正在努力赚钱。He is working hard to make money.Tā zhèngzài nǔlì zhuànqián.
523与会Attend a meetingyǔ huì我将与会这个会议。I will attend this meeting.Wǒ jiāng yǔ huì zhège huìyì.
524鸟类Birdsniǎolèi这个地区有很多鸟类。There are many bird species in this area.Zhège dìqū yǒu hěn duō niǎolèi.
525答应Promise/Agreedāying他答应了我的要求。He agreed to my request.Tā dāyìng le wǒ de yāoqiú.
526Hang/Attachguà他把照片挂在墙上。He hung the photo on the wall.Tā bǎ zhàopiàn guà zài qiáng shàng.
527石头Stone/Rockshítou地上有很多石头。There are many stones on the ground.Dìshàng yǒu hěn duō shítou.
528挫折Setback/Frustrationcuòzhé他经历了很多挫折。He experienced many setbacks.Tā jīnglì le hěn duō cuòzhé.
529飞行Flight/To flyfēixíng他喜欢飞行。He likes flying.Tā xǐhuān fēixíng.
530行程Itinerary/Schedulexíngchéng我们需要安排旅行的行程。We need to arrange the travel itinerary.Wǒmen xūyào ānpái lǚxíng de xíngchéng.
531理性Rationality/Reasonlǐxìng理性思维对解决问题很重要。Rational thinking is important for solving problems.Lǐxìng sīwéi duì jiějué wèntí hěn zhòngyào.
532夫人Madam/Wifefūrén她是公司的夫人。She is the company’s wife.Tā shì gōngsī de fūrén.
533Tired/Exhaustedlèi我今天很累。I am very tired today.Wǒ jīntiān hěn lèi.
534转变Change/Transformationzhuǎnbiàn社会在经历着转变。Society is undergoing a transformation.Shèhuì zài jīnglì zhe zhuǎnbiàn.
535本质Essence/Intrinsicběnzhì了解事物的本质很重要。Understanding the essence of things is important.Liǎojiě shìwù de běnzhì hěn zhòngyào.
536上班Go to workshàngbān我早上八点上班。I go to work at 8 in the morning.Wǒ zǎoshang bā diǎn shàngbān.
537兴奋Excited/Excitementxīngfèn他对这个消息感到兴奋。He is excited about this news.Tā duì zhège xiāoxī gǎndào xīngfèn.
538那边Over therenà biān那边的风景很美。The scenery over there is beautiful.Nà biān de fēngjǐng hěn měi.
539兴奋Excited/Excitementxīngfèn她看到了她的偶像,感到非常兴奋。She felt very excited when she saw her idol.Tā kàn dào le tā de ǒuxiàng, gǎndào fēicháng xīngfèn.
540带动Drive/Promotedàidòng新政策将带动经济发展。The new policy will drive economic development.Xīn zhèngcè jiāng dàidòng jīngjì fāzhǎn.
541Urgent/Impatient我们需要尽快解决这个问题。We need to solve this problem urgently.Wǒmen xūyào jǐnkuài jiějué zhège wèntí.
542带动Drive/Promotedàidòng他的成功带动了许多人。His success has inspired many people.Tā de chénggōng dàidòng le xǔduō rén.
543捷运MRT/Metrojié yùn我每天坐捷运上班。I take the MRT to work every day.Wǒ měitiān zuò jié yùn shàngbān.
544Variouszhū诸如贫困等问题需要解决。Various issues, such as poverty, need to be resolved.Zhūrú pínkùn děng wèntí xūyào jiějué.
545广Wide/Broadguǎng这片区域非常广阔。This area is very broad.Zhè piàn qūyù fēicháng guǎngkuò.
546庆祝Celebrateqìngzhù我们要庆祝他的生日。We are going to celebrate his birthday.Wǒmen yào qìngzhù tā de shēngrì.
547司机Driversījī司机正在等红灯。The driver is waiting for the red light.Sījī zhèngzài děng hóngdēng.
548难过Sad/Unhappynánguò他感到非常难过。He feels very sad.Tā gǎndào fēicháng nánguò.
549高雄市Kaohsiung Citygāoxióng shì高雄市是台湾的一个城市。Kaohsiung City is a city in Taiwan.Gāoxióng shì shì Táiwān de yīgè chéngshì.
550习惯Habit/Customxíguàn他已经习惯了新的生活方式。He has already gotten used to the new lifestyle.Tā yǐjīng xíguàn le xīn de shēnghuó fāngshì.
551出席Attend/Be presentchūxí他将出席明天的会议。He will attend the meeting tomorrow.Tā jiāng chūxí míngtiān de huìyì.
552外界Outside world/Externalwàijiè外界的声音对他们很重要。External opinions are important to them.Wàijiè de shēngyīn duì tāmen hěn zhòngyào.
553女孩子Girlnǚ háizi那个女孩子很可爱。That girl is very cute.Nàgè nǚ háizi hěn kě’ài.
554语法Grammaryǔfǎ学习语法是学习语言的重要部分。Learning grammar is an important part of learning a language.Xuéxí yǔfǎ shì xuéxí yǔyán de zhòngyào bùfen.
555Page请翻到下一页。Please turn to the next page.Qǐng fān dào xià yī yè.
556阅读Readyuèdú我喜欢阅读小说。I enjoy reading novels.Wǒ xǐhuān yuèdú xiǎoshuō.
557Head/Toptóu他碰到了头。He bumped his head.Tā pèng dào le tóu.
558Borrow/Lendjiè我可以借你这本书吗?Can I borrow this book from you?Wǒ kěyǐ jiè nǐ zhè běn shū ma?
559拍摄Shoot/Filmpāishè他们正在拍摄一部电影。They are shooting a movie.Tāmen zhèngzài pāishè yī bù diànyǐng.
560家族Family/Clanjiāzú他们的家族非常庞大。Their family is very large.Tāmen de jiāzú fēicháng pángdà.
561身心Body and mind/Well-beingshēnxīn身心健康对我们很重要。Physical and mental health are important to us.Shēnxīn jiànkāng duì wǒmen hěn zhòngyào.
562专门Specialize/Expertzhuānmén他专门研究植物学。He specializes in botany.Tā zhuānmén yánjiū zhíwùxué.
563可怜Pitiful/Poorkělián他的处境很可怜。His situation is very pitiful.Tā de chùjìng hěn kělián.
564舞蹈Dancewǔdǎo她喜欢跳舞蹈。She likes to dance.Tā xǐhuān tiào wǔdǎo.
565味道Taste/Scentwèidào这个菜的味道很好。The taste of this dish is very good.Zhège cài de wèidào hěn hǎo.
566个案Casegè’àn这个个案很复杂。This case is very complicated.Zhège gè’àn hěn fùzá.
567事先In advance/Beforehandshìxiān请事先通知我们。Please notify us in advance.Qǐng shìxiān tōngzhī wǒmen.
568大专College/Associate Degreedàzhuān他在大专学习计算机科学。He studies computer science in college.Tā zài dàzhuān xuéxí jìsuànjī kēxué.
569下面Below/Underneathxiàmiàn请看下面的图表。Please look at the chart below.Qǐng kàn xiàmiàn de túbiǎo.
570Down/Below/Underxià他从楼梯上摔下来了。He fell down the stairs.Tā cóng lóutī shàng shuāi xià lái le.
571练习Practice/Exerciseliànxí我们每天练习英语。We practice English every day.Wǒmen měitiān liànxí yīngyǔ.
572就算Even if/Even thoughjiùsuàn就算下雨,我们也要去。Even if it rains, we will still go.Jiùsuàn xià yǔ, wǒmen yě yào qù.
573南非South Africanánfēi南非是一个美丽的国家。South Africa is a beautiful country.Nánfēi shì yīgè měilì de guójiā.
574表情Expressionbiǎoqíng他的表情很开心。His expression is very happy.Tā de biǎoqíng hěn kāixīn.
575Yay我们赢了!耶!We won! Yay!Wǒmen yíng le! Yē!
576藉着By means of/Usingjièzhe我们藉着这个机会学习。We are learning by means of this opportunity.Wǒmen jièzhe zhège jīhuì xuéxí.
577以致So that/Thusyǐzhì他加班以致身体不好。He worked overtime so that his health declined.Tā jiābān yǐzhì shēntǐ bù hǎo.
578自杀Suicidezìshā这部电影讲述了一个自杀的故事。This film tells a story about suicide.Zhè bù diànyǐng jiǎngshù le yīgè zìshā de gùshì.
579助理Assistantzhùlǐ他是一名研究助理。He is a research assistant.Tā shì yī míng yánjiū zhùlǐ.
580自杀Suicidezìshā自杀是非常严重的问题。Suicide is a very serious issue.Zìshā shì fēicháng yánzhòng de wèntí.
581Hole/Cavedòng地上有一个大洞。There is a big hole in the ground.Dìshàng yǒu yīgè dà dòng.
582测试Test/To testcèshì我们需要测试这个软件。We need to test this software.Wǒmen xūyào cèshì zhège ruǎnjiàn.
583台北市Taipei CityTáiběi shì台北市是台湾的首都。Taipei City is the capital of Taiwan.Táiběi shì shì Táiwān de shǒudū.
584欧美Europe and AmericaŌu měi欧美文化有很大差异。European and American cultures have significant differences.Ōu měi wénhuà yǒu hěn dà chāyì.
585奖励Reward/Encouragementjiǎnglì她因为表现出色而获得了奖励。She received a reward for her excellent performance.Tā yīnwèi biǎoxiàn chūsè ér huòdé le jiǎnglì.
586Cupbēi我喝了一杯水。I drank a cup of water.Wǒ hēle yī bēi shuǐ.
587体验Experiencetǐyàn我们的旅行是一段美好的体验。Our trip was a wonderful experience.Wǒmen de lǚxíng shì yī duàn měihǎo de tǐyàn.
588浪费Wastelàngfèi不要浪费时间。Don’t waste time.Bùyào làngfèi shíjiān.
589体验Experiencetǐyàn他体验了不同的文化。He experienced different cultures.Tā tǐyàn le bùtóng de wénhuà.
590个人电脑Personal computergèrén diànnǎo我刚买了一台个人电脑。I just bought a personal computer.Wǒ gāng mǎile yī tái gèrén diànnǎo.
591本人Myselfběnrén本人对这个项目很感兴趣。I am very interested in this project.Běnrén duì zhège xiàngmù hěn gǎn xìngqù.
592Mouth/Openingkǒu她张开了嘴。She opened her mouth.Tā zhāng kāi le zuǐ.
593质疑Doubt/Questionzhìyí他对这个计划提出了质疑。He raised doubts about this plan.Tā duì zhège jìhuà tíchūle zhìyí.
594血液Bloodxuèyè医生检查了他的血液。The doctor checked his blood.Yīshēng jiǎnchá le tā de xuèyè.
595走向Trend/Directionzǒuxiàng这家公司正在走向国际化。The company is moving towards internationalization.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhèngzài zǒuxiàng guójì huà.
596形态Form/Shapexíngtài这种植物有不同的形态。This plant has different forms.Zhè zhǒng zhíwù yǒu bùtóng de xíngtài.
597步骤Step/Procedurebùzhòu请按照步骤操作。Please follow the steps.Qǐng ànzhào bùzhòu cāozuò.
598视觉Vision/Visualshìjué这幅画很有视觉冲击力。This painting has a strong visual impact.Zhè fú huà hěn yǒu shìjué chōngjī lì.
599正面Positive/Frontzhèngmiàn他总是以正面的态度看待问题。He always views problems with a positive attitude.Tā zǒng shì yǐ zhèngmiàn de tàidù kàndài wèntí.
600收费Charge/Feesshōufèi这项服务需要收费。This service requires a fee.Zhè xiàng fúwù xūyào shōufèi.

Let me know if you need further details or additional help!

Here is a chart with the translations, Pinyin, and example sentences for the provided terms:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Mandarin)Example Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Pinyin)
601促使Promptcùshǐ这次活动促使了大家的合作。This event prompted everyone’s cooperation.Zhè cì huódòng cùshǐle dàjiā de hézuò.
602补助Subsidybǔzhù政府提供了教育补助。The government provided educational subsidies.Zhèngfǔ tígōngle jiàoyù bǔzhù.
603阶层Social Classjiēcéng社会的阶层分化很明显。The social class division in society is very obvious.Shèhuì de jiēcéng fēnhuà hěn míngxiǎn.
604期望Expectationqīwàng我们都对这次比赛有很高的期望。We all have high expectations for this competition.Wǒmen dōu duì zhè cì bǐsài yǒu hěn gāo de qīwàng.
605实验室Laboratoryshíyànshì我在实验室做研究。I conduct research in the laboratory.Wǒ zài shíyànshì zuò yánjiū.
606皮肤Skinpífū他的皮肤很白。His skin is very fair.Tā de pífū hěn bái.
607病患Patientbìnghuàn医生检查了病患的状况。The doctor checked the patient’s condition.Yīshēng jiǎnchále bìnghuàn de zhuàngkuàng.
608武器Weaponwǔqì战争中使用了许多武器。Many weapons were used in the war.Zhànzhēng zhōng shǐyòngle xǔduō wǔqì.
609日益Increasinglyrìyì他的英语水平日益提高。His English proficiency is increasing daily.Tā de yīngyǔ shuǐpíng rìyì tígāo.
610大都Mostlydàdū他们大都在家里休息。They mostly rest at home.Tāmen dàdū zài jiālǐ xiūxí.
611Awardjiǎng他获得了最佳演员奖。He won the Best Actor Award.Tā huòdéle zuìjiā yǎnyuán jiǎng.
612检讨Reviewjiǎntǎo他进行了自我检讨。He conducted a self-review.Tā jìnxíngle zìwǒ jiǎntǎo.
613萤幕Screenyíngmù电脑的萤幕很大。The computer screen is very large.Diànnǎo de yíngmù hěn dà.
614检讨Reviewjiǎntǎo请写一份检讨报告。Please write a review report.Qǐng xiě yī fèn jiǎntǎo bàogào.
615禁止Prohibitjìnzhǐ这里禁止吸烟。Smoking is prohibited here.Zhèlǐ jìnzhǐ xīyān.
616起来Get Upqǐlái快起来,别再迟到了。Get up quickly, don’t be late again.Kuài qǐlái, bié zài chídào le.
617辅大Fu Jen Catholic Universityfǔ dà辅大是台湾的一所大学。Fu Jen is a university in Taiwan.Fǔ dà shì Táiwān de yī suǒ dàxué.
618旅客Travelerlǚkè旅客们正在等候登机。The travelers are waiting to board.Lǚkèmen zhèngzài děnghòu dēngjī.
619绘画Paintinghuìhuà她喜欢绘画。She likes painting.Tā xǐhuān huìhuà.
620Useyòng我用电脑写作。I use the computer for writing.Wǒ yòng diànnǎo xiězuò.
621Liveshēng他在这里生活了十年。He has lived here for ten years.Tā zài zhèlǐ shēnghuóle shí nián.
622脚步Footstepsjiǎobù我听到楼上的脚步声。I heard footsteps from upstairs.Wǒ tīngdàole lóu shàng de jiǎobù shēng.
623设计师Designershèjìshī她是一名著名的设计师。She is a famous designer.Tā shì yī míng zhùmíng de shèjìshī.
624Savejiù我们需要救援。We need help.Wǒmen xūyào jiùyuán.
625纳入Incorporatenàrù新政策已纳入计划中。The new policy has been incorporated into the plan.Xīn zhèngcè yǐ nàrù jìhuà zhōng.
626南部Southernnánbù他们去了南部旅游。They went to the south for travel.Tāmen qùle nánbù lǚyóu.
627Harmhài这种药物对身体有害。This drug is harmful to the body.Zhè zhǒng yàowù duì shēntǐ yǒuhài.
628计程车Taxijìchéngchē我们打车去机场。We took a taxi to the airport.Wǒmen dǎchē qù jīchǎng.
629Lightguāng这房间没有光。The room has no light.Zhè fángjiān méiyǒu guāng.
630Expensiveguì这件衣服很贵。This piece of clothing is expensive.Zhè jiàn yīfú hěn guì.
631现代化Modernizationxiàndàihuà这座城市正在现代化。The city is undergoing modernization.Zhè zuò chéngshì zhèngzài xiàndàihuà.
632Break这瓶子被打破了。The bottle is broken.Zhè píngzi bèi dǎpòle.
633Blowchuī风在吹。The wind is blowing.Fēng zài chuī.
634勇气Courageyǒngqì她需要更多的勇气。She needs more courage.Tā xūyào gèng duō de yǒngqì.
635现代化Modernizationxiàndàihuà他们希望看到更多的现代化。They hope to see more modernization.Tāmen xīwàng kàn dào gèng duō de xiàndàihuà.
636气候Climateqìhòu气候变化影响了农业。Climate change has affected agriculture.Qìhòu biànhuà yǐngxiǎngle nóngyè.
637化学Chemistryhuàxué我在学习化学。I am studying chemistry.Wǒ zài xuéxí huàxué.
638巴西Brazilbāxī巴西是一个大国。Brazil is a large country.Bāxī shì yīgè dàguó.
639人权Human Rightsrénquán他们在为人权斗争。They are fighting for human rights.Tāmen zài wèi rénquán dòuzhēng.
640这么多So Muchzhème duō这里有这么多书。There are so many books here.Zhèlǐ yǒu zhème duō shū.
641生涯Careershēngyá他的职业生涯非常成功。His career is very successful.Tā de zhíyè shēngyá fēicháng chénggōng.
642文件Documentwénjiàn请提交文件。Please submit the document.Qǐng tíjiāo wénjiàn.
643简直Simplyjiǎnzhí这简直太难了。This is simply too difficult.Zhè jiǎnzhí tài nánle.
644导向Orientationdǎoxiàng这本书的导向很清晰。The orientation of this book is very clear.Zhè běn shū de dǎoxiàng hěn qīngxī.
645仪式Ceremonyyíshì婚礼仪式很庄重。The wedding ceremony is very solemn.Hūnlǐ yíshì hěn zhuāngzhòng.
646用途Useyòngtú这项技术有很多用途。This technology has many uses.Zhè xiàng jìshù yǒu hěn duō yòngtú.
647生长Growthshēngzhǎng植物需要充足的阳光生长。Plants need sufficient sunlight to grow.Zhíwù xūyào chōngzú de yángguāng shēngzhǎng.
648舞台Stagewǔtái演员们在舞台上表演。The actors perform on stage.Yǎnyuánmen zài wǔtái shàng biǎoyǎn.
649Encounterféng我们逢年过节就回家。We return home during the holidays.Wǒmen féng nián guòjié jiù huíjiā.
650生长Growthshēngzhǎng他的孩子正在生长。His child is growing up.Tā de háizi zhèngzài shēngzhǎng.
651义工Volunteeryìgōng她是一名义工。She is a volunteer.Tā shì yī míng yìgōng.
652科学家Scientistkēxuéjiā他是一位著名的科学家。He is a renowned scientist.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de kēxuéjiā.
653业主Owneryèzhǔ房子的业主很友好。The owner of the house is very friendly.Fángzi de yèzhǔ hěn yǒuhǎo.
654军队Armyjūnduì军队在训练中。The army is in training.Jūnduì zài xùnliàn zhōng.
655各自Eachgèzì我们各自完成了任务。We each completed our tasks.Wǒmen gèzì wánchéngle rènwù.
656如果说If (It is said)rúguǒ shuō如果说这是真的,我会很高兴。If it is said to be true, I will be very happy.Rúguǒ shuō zhè shì zhēn de, wǒ huì hěn gāoxìng.
657案件Caseànjiàn这个案件正在调查中。This case is under investigation.Zhège ànjiàn zhèngzài diàochá zhōng.
658爆发Outbreakbàofā疫情爆发了。The outbreak occurred.Yìqíng bàofāle.
659有如Likeyǒurú他的表现有如明星。His performance is like that of a star.Tā de biǎoxiàn yǒurú míngxīng.
660各界All Circlesgèjiè各界人士都关注这个问题。People from all circles are concerned about this issue.Gèjiè rénshì dōu guānzhù zhège wèntí.
661题目Topictímù讨论的题目很有趣。The topic of discussion is very interesting.Tǎolùn de tímù hěn yǒuqù.
662街头Streetsjiētóu街头有很多小摊贩。There are many street vendors on the street.Jiētóu yǒu hěn duō xiǎo tānfàn.
663Widekuān这条街非常宽。This street is very wide.Zhè tiáo jiē fēicháng kuān.
664有如Likeyǒurú他的话有如金玉良言。His words are like golden advice.Tā de huà yǒurú jīnyù liángyán.
665爆发Outbreakbàofā战争爆发了。The war broke out.Zhànzhēng bàofāle.
666Bottom我们到达了湖底。We reached the bottom of the lake.Wǒmen dàodále hú dǐ.
667决策Decisionjuécè他参与了重要决策。He was involved in important decisions.Tā cānyùle zhòngyào juécè.
668Hugbào他给了我一个大大的抱。He gave me a big hug.Tā gěile wǒ yīgè dàdà de bào.
669故宫Forbidden CityGùgōng故宫是北京的著名景点。The Forbidden City is a famous attraction in Beijing.Gùgōng shì Běijīng de zhùmíng jǐngdiǎn.
670杰出Outstandingjiéchū她是一位杰出的学者。She is an outstanding scholar.Tā shì yī wèi jiéchū de xuézhě.
671Windowchuāng我们从窗户看到外面的风景。We see the scenery outside from the window.Wǒmen cóng chuānghù kàndào wàimiàn de fēngjǐng.
672说明Explainshuōmíng请说明一下这个问题。Please explain this issue.Qǐng shuōmíng yīxià zhège wèntí.
673粮食Foodliángshí我们需要储备粮食。We need to stock up on food.Wǒmen xūyào chǔbèi liángshí.
674固然Indeedgùrán固然他很聪明,但也需要努力。Indeed he is smart, but he also needs to work hard.Gùrán tā hěn cōngmíng, dàn yě xūyào nǔlì.
675变迁Changebiànqiān社会的变迁很快。Social changes happen quickly.Shèhuì de biànqiān hěn kuài.
676议题Issueyìtí我们讨论了重要的议题。We discussed important issues.Wǒmen tǎolùnle zhòngyào de yìtí.
677Everyfán凡事都要有耐心。Everything requires patience.Fán shì dōu yào yǒu nàixīn.
678太多Too Muchtài duō这里有太多的人。There are too many people here.Zhèlǐ yǒu tài duō de rén.
679民俗Folkloremínsú民俗文化很有趣。Folklore is very interesting.Mínsú wénhuà hěn yǒuqù.
680唱片Recordchàngpiàn我喜欢听老唱片。I like listening to old records.Wǒ xǐhuān tīng lǎo chàngpiàn.
681实验Experimentshíyàn他们在做实验。They are doing an experiment.Tāmen zài zuò shíyàn.
682处于Be Inchǔyú他处于困境之中。He is in a difficult situation.Tā chǔyú kùnjìng zhī zhōng.
683效益Benefitxiàoyì这个项目的效益很高。The benefits of this project are high.Zhège xiàngmù de xiàoyì hěn gāo.
684古典Classicalgǔdiǎn我喜欢古典音乐。I like classical music.Wǒ xǐhuān gǔdiǎn yīnyuè.
685构想Conceptgòuxiǎng他的构想非常独特。His concept is very unique.Tā de gòuxiǎng fēicháng dútè.
686期望Expectationqīwàng他们对结果有很高的期望。They have high expectations for the results.Tāmen duì jiéguǒ yǒu hěn gāo de qīwàng.
687推荐Recommendtuījiàn我推荐这本书给你。I recommend this book to you.Wǒ tuījiàn zhè běn shū gěi nǐ.
688收集Collectshōují她喜欢收集邮票。She likes to collect stamps.Tā xǐhuān shōují yóupiào.
689推荐Recommendtuījiàn他们推荐了一个好餐厅。They recommended a good restaurant.Tāmen tuījiànle yīgè hǎo cāntīng.
690Lifemìng他的命运很悲惨。His fate is very tragic.Tā de mìngyùn hěn bēicǎn.
691车辆Vehiclechēliàng这里有很多车辆。There are many vehicles here.Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō chēliàng.
692收集Collectshōují他收集了很多古董。He collected many antiques.Tā shōujíle hěn duō gǔdǒng.
693实践Practiceshíjiàn学习需要实践。Learning requires practice.Xuéxí xūyào shíjiàn.
694商人Merchantshāngrén他是一位成功的商人。He is a successful merchant.Tā shì yī wèi chénggōng de shāngrén.
695华航China AirlinesHuáháng华航的服务很好。China Airlines provides excellent service.Huáháng de fúwù hěn hǎo.
696头发Hairtóufǎ她的头发很长。Her hair is very long.Tā de tóufǎ hěn cháng.
697实践Practiceshíjiàn实践是学习的关键。Practice is key to learning.Shíjiàn shì xuéxí de guānjiàn.
698描述Describemiáoshù请描述一下你的经历。Please describe your experience.Qǐng miáoshù yīxià nǐ de jīnglì.
699潮流Trendcháoliú这是一种流行潮流。This is a popular trend.Zhè shì yī zhǒng liúxíng cháoliú.
700若干Severalruògān这里有若干问题需要解决。There are several issues that need to be resolved here.Zhèlǐ yǒu ruògān wèntí xūyào jiějué.

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Here’s a chart with translations, Pinyin, and sample sentences in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
702台湾人TaiwaneseTáiwān rén台湾人喜欢吃珍珠奶茶。Taiwanese people like to drink bubble tea.Táiwān rén xǐhuān chī zhēnzhū nǎichá.
703领袖Leaderlǐngxiù他的领导能力很强。His leadership skills are strong.Tā de lǐngdǎo nénglì hěn qiáng.
704众多Numerouszhòngduō这里有众多的花。There are numerous flowers here.Zhèlǐ yǒu zhòngduō de huā.
705故意Intentionallygùyì他故意迟到。He arrived late intentionally.Tā gùyì chídào.
706和谐Harmonioushéxié这个社区很和谐。This community is very harmonious.Zhège shèqū hěn héxié.
707取缔Banqǔdì政府决定取缔非法活动。The government decided to ban illegal activities.Zhèngfǔ juédìng qǔdì fēifǎ huódòng.
708To drawchōu他抽了一张彩票。He drew a lottery ticket.Tā chōule yī zhāng cǎipiào.
709大地Earthdàdì大地震后,很多建筑物被毁坏。After the earthquake, many buildings were destroyed.Dàdìzhèn hòu, hěn duō jiànzhú wù bèi huǐhuài.
710大门Main gatedàmén大门上写着“欢迎光临”。The main gate says “Welcome.”Dàmén shàng xiězhe “huānyíng guānglín”.
711To chasezhuī我们追了那个小偷。We chased the thief.Wǒmen zhuīle nàgè xiǎotōu.
712性别Genderxìngbié性别平等很重要。Gender equality is important.Xìngbié píngděng hěn zhòngyào.
713To inviteyāo我们邀请你参加晚会。We invite you to the party.Wǒmen yāoqǐng nǐ cānjiā wǎnhuì.
714入学Enrollmentrùxué他已经完成了入学手续。He has completed the enrollment process.Tā yǐjīng wánchéngle rùxué shǒuxù.
715伤害Harmshānghài不小心伤害了自己。Accidentally harmed himself.Bù xiǎoxīn shānghàile zìjǐ.
716更新Updategēngxīn软件需要更新。The software needs an update.Ruǎnjiàn xūyào gēngxīn.
717Presentchéng他呈现了一个很好的方案。He presented a very good plan.Tā chéngxiànle yīgè hěn hǎo de fāng’àn.
718更新Updategēngxīn这个应用程序需要更新。This app needs an update.Zhège yìngyòng chéngxù xūyào gēngxīn.
719中学Middle schoolzhōngxué他在中学时很用功。He was very diligent in middle school.Tā zài zhōngxué shí hěn yònggōng.
720Wu (surname)吴先生是我的老师。Mr. Wu is my teacher.Wú xiānshēng shì wǒ de lǎoshī.
721保障Guaranteebǎozhàng我们需要保障我们的权益。We need to guarantee our rights.Wǒmen xūyào bǎozhàng wǒmen de quányì.
722书籍Booksshūjí这家书店有很多书籍。This bookstore has many books.Zhè jiā shūdiàn yǒu hěn duō shūjí.
723四周Aroundsìzhōu四周都很安静。It’s quiet all around.Sìzhōu dōu hěn ānjìng.
724客观Objectivekèguān你需要客观地看待问题。You need to look at the problem objectively.Nǐ xūyào kèguān de kàndài wèntí.
725Household他们家有五户人家。There are five households in their family.Tāmen jiā yǒu wǔ hù rénjiā.
726检验Inspectjiǎnyàn我们要检验这些产品。We need to inspect these products.Wǒmen yào jiǎnyàn zhèxiē chǎnpǐn.
727蒐集Collectsōují他喜欢蒐集古董。He likes to collect antiques.Tā xǐhuān sōují gǔdǒng.
728检验Inspectjiǎnyàn检验结果显示产品质量良好。The inspection results show that the product quality is good.Jiǎnyàn jiéguǒ xiǎnshì chǎnpǐn zhìliàng liánghǎo.
729独特Uniquedútè这个设计风格很独特。This design style is unique.Zhège shèjì fēnggé hěn dútè.
730无奈Helplesswúnài我们无奈地接受了这个结果。We helplessly accepted the result.Wǒmen wúnài de jiēshòule zhège jiéguǒ.
731Meatròu他不吃肉。He doesn’t eat meat.Tā bù chī ròu.
732无限Infinitewúxiàn他们的想象力是无限的。Their imagination is infinite.Tāmen de xiǎngxiànglì shì wúxiàn de.
733观赏Appreciateguānshǎng我喜欢观赏电影。I like to appreciate movies.Wǒ xǐhuān guānshǎng diànyǐng.
734可能性Possibilitykěnéngxìng这种情况有很多可能性。There are many possibilities in this situation.Zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng yǒu hěn duō kěnéngxìng.
735无奈Helplesswúnài她对这个决定感到无奈。She feels helpless about this decision.Tā duì zhège juédìng gǎndào wúnài.
736现代人Modern peoplexiàndàirén现代人生活节奏很快。Modern people live a fast-paced life.Xiàndàirén shēnghuó jiézòu hěn kuài.
737情势Situationqíngshì目前的情势很复杂。The current situation is very complex.Mùqián de qíngshì hěn fùzá.
738推展Promotetuīzhǎn我们需要推展这个项目。We need to promote this project.Wǒmen xūyào tuīzhǎn zhège xiàngmù.
739师大Normal Universityshīdà他在师大学习。He studies at Normal University.Tā zài shīdà xuéxí.
740宣布Announcexuānbù公司宣布了新政策。The company announced a new policy.Gōngsī xuānbùle xīn zhèngcè.
741律师Lawyerlǜshī她是一名经验丰富的律师。She is an experienced lawyer.Tā shì yī míng jīngyàn fēngfù de lǜshī.
742宣布Announcexuānbù政府宣布了新的法律。The government announced a new law.Zhèngfǔ xuānbùle xīn de fǎlǜ.
743波斯湾Persian GulfBōsī wān波斯湾的风景很美。The scenery of the Persian Gulf is beautiful.Bōsī wān de fēngjǐng hěn měi.
744饮食Dietyǐnshí他很注重饮食健康。He pays great attention to his diet.Tā hěn zhùzhòng yǐnshí jiànkāng.
745睡觉Sleepshuìjiào我每天都很早睡觉。I go to sleep very early every day.Wǒ měitiān dū hěn zǎo shuìjiào.
746Emptykōng房间里空空的。The room is empty.Fángjiān lǐ kōngkōng de.
747联合Uniteliánhé各国需要联合起来应对问题。Countries need to unite to address the issue.Gèguó xūyào liánhé qǐlái yìngduì wèntí.
748可见Evidentkějiàn这个问题很明显。This issue is evident.Zhège wèntí hěn míngxiǎn.
749访Visitfǎng我们计划去访问那个博物馆。We plan to visit that museum.Wǒmen jìhuà qù fǎngwèn nàgè bówùguǎn.
750电力Electricitydiànlì电力供应非常重要。Electricity supply is very important.Diànlì gōngyìng fēicháng zhòngyào.
751失望Disappointedshīwàng他对结果感到失望。He is disappointed with the result.Tā duì jiéguǒ gǎndào shīwàng.
752Villagexiāng他们住在一个小乡村里。They live in a small village.Tāmen zhù zài yīgè xiǎo xiāngcūn lǐ.
753旅馆Hotellǚguǎn我们住在一家舒适的旅馆。We stayed at a comfortable hotel.Wǒmen zhù zài yī jiā shūshì de lǚguǎn.
754政党Political Partyzhèngdǎng他们支持一个新政党。They support a new political party.Tāmen zhīchí yīgè xīn zhèngdǎng.
755取消Cancelqǔxiāo他取消了他的计划。He canceled his plan.Tā qǔxiāole tā de jìhuà.
756地面Grounddìmiàn地面很湿滑。The ground is slippery.Dìmiàn hěn shīhuá.
757防止Preventfángzhǐ我们需要防止火灾。We need to prevent fires.Wǒmen xūyào fángzhǐ huǒzāi.
758取消Cancelqǔxiāo他决定取消会议。He decided to cancel the meeting.Tā juédìng qǔxiāo huìyì.
759言论Speechyánlùn言论自由是很重要的。Freedom of speech is very important.Yánlùn zìyóu shì hěn zhòngyào de.
760差别Differencechābié这两个产品之间的差别很大。There is a big difference between these two products.Zhè liǎng gè chǎnpǐn zhījiān de chābié hěn dà.
761失望Disappointedshīwàng结果让我感到失望。The result left me disappointed.Jiéguǒ ràng wǒ gǎndào shīwàng.
762建造Constructjiànzào他正在建造一座房子。He is constructing a house.Tā zhèngzài jiànzào yī zuò fángzi.
763代价Costdàijià成功需要付出很大的代价。Success requires a high cost.Chénggōng xūyào fùchū hěn dà de dàijià.
764Weardài他戴了一副眼镜。He is wearing a pair of glasses.Tā dài le yī fù yǎnjìng.
765Followgēn我跟在她的后面。I followed her.Wǒ gēn zài tā de hòumiàn.
766常见Commonchángjiàn这是一种常见的植物。This is a common plant.Zhè shì yī zhǒng chángjiàn de zhíwù.
767房地产Real estatefángdìchǎn房地产市场很活跃。The real estate market is very active.Fángdìchǎn shìchǎng hěn huóyuè.
768食品Foodshípǐn这个商店售卖各种食品。This store sells various kinds of food.Zhège shāngdiàn shòumài gè zhǒng shípǐn.
769个别Individualgèbié个别情况需要特别处理。Individual cases require special handling.Gèbié qíngkuàng xūyào tèbié chǔlǐ.
770建造Constructjiànzào他们计划建造一座桥。They plan to construct a bridge.Tāmen jìhuà jiànzào yī zuò qiáo.
771来宾Guestláibīn我们欢迎所有的来宾。We welcome all the guests.Wǒmen huānyíng suǒyǒu de láibīn.
772重复Repeatchóngfù请不要重复你的问题。Please do not repeat your question.Qǐng bùyào chóngfù nǐ de wèntí.
773Combinejiān他兼任两个职位。He holds two positions simultaneously.Tā jiānrèn liǎng gè zhíwèi.
774意外Accidentyìwài这次事故是一个意外。This accident was unexpected.Zhè cì shìgù shì yīgè yìwài.
775Secondmiǎo电影只持续了三十秒。The film lasted only thirty seconds.Diànyǐng zhǐ chíxùle sānshí miǎo.
776全体Entirequántǐ全体员工都参加了会议。All employees attended the meeting.Quántǐ yuángōng dōu cānjiāle huìyì.
777Directionfāng我们朝北方走。We are walking north.Wǒmen cháo běifāng zǒu.
778没想到Unexpectedméi xiǎngdào我没想到会这么快。I didn’t expect it to be so fast.Wǒ méi xiǎngdào huì zhème kuài.
779足以Sufficientzúyǐ这个证据足以证明他的清白。This evidence is sufficient to prove his innocence.Zhège zhèngjù zúyǐ zhèngmíng tā de qīngbái.
780损失Losssǔnshī这次灾难造成了严重的损失。This disaster caused significant losses.Zhè cì zāinàn zàochéngle yánzhòng de sǔnshī.
781当场On the spotdāngchǎng他当场做出了决定。He made the decision on the spot.Tā dāngchǎng zuòchūle juédìng.
782舒服Comfortableshūfú这个椅子坐起来很舒服。This chair is very comfortable to sit in.Zhège yǐzi zuò qǐlái hěn shūfú.
783Rely onpíng我们可以凭这张票入场。We can enter with this ticket.Wǒmen kěyǐ píng zhè zhāng piào rùchǎng.
784手术Surgeryshǒushù他需要进行手术。He needs to undergo surgery.Tā xūyào jìnxíng shǒushù.
785之内Withinzhīnèi他们将在一周之内完成工作。They will finish the work within a week.Tāmen jiāng zài yī zhōu zhīnèi wánchéng gōngzuò.
786信任Trustxìnrèn我对他非常信任。I trust him very much.Wǒ duì tā fēicháng xìnrèn.
787Bloodxiě他的血型是O型。His blood type is O.Tā de xiěxíng shì O xíng.
788信任Trustxìnrèn我们必须信任彼此。We must trust each other.Wǒmen bìxū xìnrèn bǐcǐ.
789公务员Civil servantgōngwùyuán她是一名公务员。She is a civil servant.Tā shì yī míng gōngwùyuán.
790浪漫Romanticlàngmàn他们的约会很浪漫。Their date was very romantic.Tāmen de yuēhuì hěn làngmàn.
791业界Industryyèjiè他在业界有很高的声誉。He has a high reputation in the industry.Tā zài yèjiè yǒu hěn gāo de shēngyù.
792Buildingdòng这栋楼非常高。This building is very tall.Zhè dòng lóu fēicháng gāo.
793暴力Violencebàolì暴力是不可接受的。Violence is unacceptable.Bàolì shì bùkě jiēshòu de.
794Legtuǐ我的腿很累。My legs are tired.Wǒ de tuǐ hěn lèi.
795充实Enrichchōngshí她的生活非常充实。Her life is very fulfilling.Tā de shēnghuó fēicháng chōngshí.
796公会Uniongōnghuì他们加入了一个工会。They joined a union.Tāmen jiārùle yīgè gōnghuì.
797也就是说That is to sayyě jiùshì shuō也就是说,我们需要更多时间。That is to say, we need more time.Yě jiùshì shuō, wǒmen xūyào gèng duō shíjiān.
798升级Upgradeshēngjí我们需要升级我们的系统。We need to upgrade our system.Wǒmen xūyào shēngjí wǒmen de xìtǒng.
799指示Instructionzhǐshì老师给了我们清晰的指示。The teacher gave us clear instructions.Lǎoshī gěile wǒmen qīngxī de zhǐshì.
800充实Enrichchōngshí他的工作使他感到充实。His work makes him feel fulfilled.Tā de gōngzuò shǐ tā gǎndào chōngshí.

This chart provides translations, Pinyin, and sample sentences for each term.


#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
801古蹟Historical sitegǔjī我们参观了许多古蹟。We visited many historical sites.Wǒmen cānguānle xǔduō gǔjī.
802Still/Returnhái他还在这里。He is still here.Tā hái zài zhèlǐ.
803紧急Urgentjǐnjí这是一个紧急情况。This is an urgent situation.Zhè shì yīgè jǐnjí qíngkuàng.
804创业Entrepreneurshipchuàngyè他决定创业。He decided to start a business.Tā juédìng chuàngyè.
805新竹市Hsinchu CityXīnzhú shì新竹市是台湾的一座城市。Hsinchu City is a city in Taiwan.Xīnzhú shì shì Táiwān de yī zuò chéngshì.
806创业Entrepreneurshipchuàngyè她在创业方面很成功。She is successful in entrepreneurship.Tā zài chuàngyè fāngmiàn hěn chénggōng.
807里头Insidelǐtóu书在箱子的里头。The book is inside the box.Shū zài xiāngzi de lǐtóu.
808基因Genejīyīn基因决定了我们的特征。Genes determine our traits.Jīyīn juédìngle wǒmen de tèzhēng.
809崇拜Worshipchóngbài她崇拜这位歌手。She worships this singer.Tā chóngbài zhè wèi gēshǒu.
810风景Sceneryfēngjǐng这里的风景非常美丽。The scenery here is very beautiful.Zhèlǐ de fēngjǐng fēicháng měilì.
811也好Oryě hǎo你也可以来,也好。You can come too, or not.Nǐ yě kěyǐ lái, yě hǎo.
812日期Daterìqī我们需要确认会议的日期。We need to confirm the date of the meeting.Wǒmen xūyào quèrèn huìyì de rìqī.
813佛教Buddhismfójiào佛教在很多国家都有信徒。Buddhism has followers in many countries.Fójiào zài hěnduō guójiā dōu yǒu xìntú.
814一一One by oneyī yī我们一一检查了每一个项目。We checked each item one by one.Wǒmen yī yī jiǎnchále měi yīgè xiàngmù.
815当局Authoritiesdāngjú当局正在调查这个问题。The authorities are investigating the issue.Dāngjú zhèngzài diàochá zhège wèntí.
816Enter/Advancejìn请进屋里。Please enter the room.Qǐng jìn wū lǐ.
817格式Formatgéshì请按照指定的格式填写表格。Please fill out the form in the specified format.Qǐng ànzhào zhǐdìng de géshì tiánxiě biǎogé.
818北部Northernběibù北部的天气比南部凉爽。The northern weather is cooler than the southern.Běibù de tiānqì bǐ nánbù liángshuǎng.
819吸食Inhale/Consumexīshí他吸食了一些药物。He consumed some drugs.Tā xīshíle yīxiē yàowù.
820天天Every daytiāntiān他天天跑步。He runs every day.Tā tiāntiān pǎobù.
821现况Current situationxiànkuàng需要了解现况以做决策。We need to understand the current situation to make decisions.Xūyào liǎojiě xiànkuàng yǐ zuò juécè.
822Paperzhǐ请给我一张纸。Please give me a piece of paper.Qǐng gěi wǒ yī zhāng zhǐ.
823Goodshuò这些货物已经到达。The goods have arrived.Zhèxiē huòwù yǐjīng dàodá.
824相反Oppositexiāngfǎn他们的意见相反。Their opinions are opposite.Tāmen de yìjiàn xiāngfǎn.
825按照According toànzhào请按照指示操作。Please operate according to the instructions.Qǐng ànzhào zhǐshì cāozuò.
826Special这是一个特别的日子。This is a special day.Zhè shì yīgè tèbié de rìzi.
827吸食Inhale/Consumexīshí他开始吸食药物。He started to consume drugs.Tā kāishǐ xīshí yàowù.
828见面Meetjiànmiàn我们安排了一次见面。We arranged a meeting.Wǒmen ānpái le yī cì jiànmiàn.
829发动Launch/Initiatefādòng我们计划发动一次活动。We plan to launch an event.Wǒmen jìhuà fādòng yīcì huódòng.
830公顷Hectaregōngqǐng这个农场有一百公顷的土地。This farm has 100 hectares of land.Zhège nóngchǎng yǒu yībǎi gōngqǐng de tǔdì.
831主机Host (computer)zhǔjī服务器是主机的一部分。The server is part of the host.Fúwùqì shì zhǔjī de yī bùfèn.
832随便Casualsuíbiàn请随便坐。Please sit casually.Qǐng suíbiàn zuò.
833资本Capitalzīběn他需要筹集更多的资本。He needs to raise more capital.Tā xūyào chóují gèng duō de zīběn.
834发动Launch/Initiatefādòng他们将发动一场运动。They will initiate a campaign.Tāmen jiāng fādòng yī chǎng yùndòng.
835Install/Equipzhuāng他正在装配新设备。He is installing new equipment.Tā zhèngzài zhuāngpèi xīn shèbèi.
836走进Walk intozǒujìn我们走进了房间。We walked into the room.Wǒmen zǒujìnle fángjiān.
837分类Categorizefēnlèi我们需要分类这些文件。We need to categorize these documents.Wǒmen xūyào fēnlèi zhèxiē wénjiàn.
838Differentbié他们的意见别具一格。Their opinions are unique.Tāmen de yìjiàn bié jù yī gé.
839泰国ThailandTàiguó我们计划去泰国旅行。We plan to travel to Thailand.Wǒmen jìhuà qù Tàiguó lǚxíng.
840伦敦LondonLúndūn伦敦是英国的首都。London is the capital of the UK.Lúndūn shì Yīngguó de shǒudū.
841秘书Secretarymìshū她是我的秘书。She is my secretary.Tā shì wǒ de mìshū.
842部属Subordinatesbùshǔ他管理着一组部属。He manages a group of subordinates.Tā guǎnlǐ zhe yī zǔ bùshǔ.
843高度Height/Levelgāodù这座建筑物的高度很高。The height of this building is very high.Zhè zuò jiànzhúwù de gāodù hěn gāo.
844问卷Questionnairewènjuàn我们需要填写这份问卷。We need to fill out this questionnaire.Wǒmen xūyào tiánxiě zhè fèn wènjuàn.
845干净Cleangānjìng这间房间非常干净。The room is very clean.Zhè jiān fángjiān fēicháng gānjìng.
846肝炎Hepatitisgānyán他被诊断为肝炎。He was diagnosed with hepatitis.Tā bèi zhěnduàn wéi gānyán.
847来临Approachláilín春天即将来临。Spring is approaching.Chūntiān jíjiāng láilín.
848Surname (Hu)胡老师很有经验。Mr. Hu has a lot of experience.Hú lǎoshī hěn yǒu jīngyàn.
849保证Guaranteebǎozhèng我们保证按时完成任务。We guarantee to complete the task on time.Wǒmen bǎozhèng àn shí wánchéng rènwù.
850能否Whether or notnéngfǒu我们还不知道能否完成这个项目。We still don’t know if we can complete this project.Wǒmen hái bù zhīdào néngfǒu wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
851肚子Stomachdùzi我的肚子很痛。My stomach hurts.Wǒ de dùzi hěn tòng.
852地震Earthquakedìzhèn这次地震造成了很多损失。This earthquake caused a lot of damage.Zhè cì dìzhèn zàochéngle hěnduō sǔnshī.
853指定Designatezhǐdìng这个任务已经指定给他了。This task has been designated to him.Zhège rènwù yǐjīng zhǐdìng gěi tāle.
854时常Oftenshícháng他时常去跑步。He often goes running.Tā shícháng qù pǎobù.
855民营Private (sector)mínyíng这家公司是一家民营企业。This company is a private enterprise.Zhè jiā gōngsī shì yījiā mínyíng qǐyè.
856确保Ensurequèbǎo我们需要确保安全。We need to ensure safety.Wǒmen xūyào quèbǎo ānquán.
857新台币New Taiwan Dollarxīn táibì他用新台币支付了费用。He paid with New Taiwan Dollars.Tā yòng xīn táibì zhīfùle fèiyòng.
858Shouthǎn他在街上大声喊叫。He was shouting loudly in the street.Tā zài jiēshàng dàshēng hǎnjiào.
859途径Channel/Pathtújìng这是一个解决问题的途径。This is a way to solve the problem.Zhè shì yīgè jiějué wèntí de tújìng.
860民营Private (sector)mínyíng这是一家民营公司。This is a private company.Zhè shì yījiā mínyíng gōngsī.
861一路All the wayyīlù他一路走来,非常疲惫。He has been walking all the way and is very tired.Tā yīlù zǒu lái, fēicháng píbèi.
862输出Outputshūchū工厂增加了产量以提高输出。The factory increased production to boost output.Gōngchǎng zēngjiāle chǎnliàng yǐ tígāo shūchū.
863敏感Sensitivemǐngǎn她对这个话题很敏感。She is very sensitive to this topic.Tā duì zhège huàtí hěn mǐngǎn.
864温暖Warmwēnnuǎn这件衣服让你感觉很温暖。This coat makes you feel warm.Zhè jiàn yīfú ràng nǐ gǎnjué hěn wēnnuǎn.
865可怕Terriblekěpà这场电影很可怕。This movie is terrible.Zhè chǎng diànyǐng hěn kěpà.
866生理Physiologicalshēnglǐ这本书讲述了生理健康的重要性。This book discusses the importance of physiological health.Zhè běn shū jiǎngshùle shēnglǐ jiànkāng de zhòngyào xìng.
867月亮Moonyuèliàng今晚的月亮很圆。The moon is very round tonight.Jīnwǎn de yuèliàng hěn yuán.
868输出Outputshūchū增加了产品的输出。Increased the output of products.Zēngjiāle chǎnpǐn de shūchū.
869Cancerái癌症是一种严重的疾病。Cancer is a serious disease.Áizhèng shì yī zhǒng yánzhòng de jíbìng.
870温暖Warmwēnnuǎn他给了我一个温暖的拥抱。He gave me a warm hug.Tā gěile wǒ yīgè wēnnuǎn de yōngbào.
871动机Motivationdòngjī他有很强的动机去完成这个项目。He has strong motivation to complete this project.Tā yǒu hěn qiáng de dòngjī qù wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
872Evenlián连孩子也知道这个问题。Even children know about this issue.Lián háizi yě zhīdào zhège wèntí.
873带领Leaddàilǐng他将带领团队完成这个任务。He will lead the team to complete the task.Tā jiāng dàilǐng tuánduì wánchéng zhège rènwù.
874东南亚Southeast Asiadōngnán yà我们计划去东南亚旅行。We plan to travel to Southeast Asia.Wǒmen jìhuà qù dōngnán yà lǚxíng.
875印表机Printeryìnbiǎojī我需要买一台新的印表机。I need to buy a new printer.Wǒ xūyào mǎi yī tái xīn de yìnbiǎojī.
876成分Componentchéngfèn这个产品的成分是什么?What are the components of this product?Zhège chǎnpǐn de chéngfèn shì shénme?
877据了解According to informationjù liǎojiě据了解,这个计划已经批准。According to information, this plan has been approved.Jù liǎojiě, zhège jìhuà yǐjīng pīzhǔn.
878儒家Confucianismrújiā儒家思想影响了很多文化。Confucianism has influenced many cultures.Rújiā sīxiǎng yǐngxiǎngle hěnduō wénhuà.
879可怕Terriblekěpà这场事故真是太可怕了。This accident is really terrible.Zhè chǎng shìgù zhēnshi tài kěpàle.
880教育Educationjiàoyù教育对孩子们很重要。Education is important for children.Jiàoyù duì háizimen hěn zhòngyào.
881设法Find a wayshèfǎ我们需要设法解决这个问题。We need to find a way to solve this problem.Wǒmen xūyào shèfǎ jiějué zhège wèntí.
882储存Storechǔcún你可以将这些数据储存在云端。You can store this data in the cloud.Nǐ kěyǐ jiāng zhèxiē shùjù chǔcún zài yún duān.
883搭配Match/Pairdāpèi我们需要搭配这些颜色。We need to match these colors.Wǒmen xūyào dāpèi zhèxiē yánsè.
884传输Transmitchuánshū这个设备可以快速传输数据。This device can transmit data quickly.Zhège shèbèi kěyǐ kuàisù chuánshū shùjù.
885Leave/Distance他离开了公司。He left the company.Tā líkāile gōngsī.
886图书Bookstúshū图书馆有很多图书。The library has many books.Túshūguǎn yǒu hěnduō túshū.
887搭配Match/Pairdāpèi这些配件可以搭配使用。These accessories can be paired for use.Zhèxiē pèijiàn kěyǐ dāpèi shǐyòng.
888高科技High-techgāo kējì这家公司专注于高科技产品。This company specializes in high-tech products.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhuānzhù yú gāo kējì chǎnpǐn.
889Cure/Treatzhì医生会治好你的病。The doctor will treat your illness.Yīshēng huì zhì hǎo nǐ de bìng.
890门口Doorwayménkǒu他站在门口等你。He is standing at the doorway waiting for you.Tā zhàn zài ménkǒu děng nǐ.
891外在Externalwàizài外在的环境影响着人的心情。External environment affects people’s moods.Wàizài de huánjìng yǐngxiǎngzhe rén de xīnqíng.
892储存Storechǔcún他们需要储存这些数据。They need to store this data.Tāmen xūyào chǔcún zhèxiē shùjù.
893符号Symbolfúhào这个符号代表和平。This symbol represents peace.Zhège fúhào dàibiǎo hépíng.
894风貌Stylefēngmào这个城市的风貌很独特。The style of this city is unique.Zhège chéngshì de fēngmào hěn dútè.
895名词Nounmíngcí“书”是一个名词。“Book” is a noun.“Shū” shì yīgè míngcí.
896合并Mergehébìng两家公司计划合并。The two companies plan to merge.Liǎng jiā gōngsī jìhuà hébìng.
897利润Profitlìrùn公司今年的利润很高。The company’s profit this year is high.Gōngsī jīnnián de lìrùn hěn gāo.
898合并Mergehébìng这两个部门将合并。These two departments will merge.Zhè liǎng gè bùmén jiāng hébìng.
899Rob/Grabqiǎng他试图抢夺那件东西。He tried to grab that item.Tā shìtú qiǎngduó nà jiàn dōngxī.
900Dry/Dogàn请把衣服晾干。Please hang the clothes to dry.Qǐng bǎ yīfú liàng gān.

a chart with translations, pinyin, and example sentences for the new list of terms:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Pinyin Sentence
901无数Countlesswúshù这本书有无数的读者。This book has countless readers.Zhè běn shū yǒu wúshù de dúzhě.
902奥运OlympicsÀoyùn他参加了今年的奥运会。He participated in this year’s Olympics.Tā cānjiāle jīnnián de Àoyùn huì.
903Just/Thenjiù我就知道会这样。I just knew it would be like this.Wǒ jiù zhīdào huì zhèyàng.
904句子Sentencejùzi请写一个完整的句子。Please write a complete sentence.Qǐng xiě yīgè wánzhěng de jùzi.
905娱乐Entertainmentyúlè我喜欢看娱乐节目。I like watching entertainment shows.Wǒ xǐhuān kàn yúlè jiémù.
906百货Department Storebǎihuò这家百货公司很大。This department store is very large.Zhè jiā bǎihuò gōngsī hěn dà.
907分子Moleculefēnzǐ水的基本分子是H₂O。The basic molecule of water is H₂O.Shuǐ de jīběn fēnzǐ shì H₂O.
908厉害Severe/Greatlìhài他的数学成绩非常厉害。His math scores are very impressive.Tā de shùxué chéngjī fēicháng lìhài.
909Zerolíng他的余额是零。His balance is zero.Tā de yú’é shì líng.
910厉害Severe/Greatlìhài这部电影真厉害。This movie is really great.Zhè bù diànyǐng zhēn lìhài.
911残障Disabilitycánzhàng他是一位残障人士。He is a person with a disability.Tā shì yī wèi cánzhàng rénshì.
912国语MandarinGuóyǔ我们在学校学习国语。We learn Mandarin at school.Wǒmen zài xuéxiào xuéxí Guóyǔ.
913少女Young Girlshàonǚ她是一位年轻的少女。She is a young girl.Tā shì yī wèi niánqīng de shàonǚ.
914Make/Dozuò他在作业中花了很多时间。He spent a lot of time on the homework.Tā zài zuòyè zhōng huāle hěnduō shíjiān.
915教堂Churchjiàotáng我们去教堂参加了礼拜。We went to the church for the service.Wǒmen qù jiàotáng cānjiāle lǐbài.
916Allow/Permit这位老师允许学生提问。The teacher allows students to ask questions.Zhè wèi lǎoshī yǔnxǔ xuéshēng tíwèn.
917风险Riskfēngxiǎn投资有一定的风险。Investment carries certain risks.Tóuzī yǒu yīdìng de fēngxiǎn.
918教科书Textbookjiàokēshū请翻到教科书的第三页。Please turn to page three of the textbook.Qǐng fān dào jiàokēshū de dìsān yè.
919黑色Blackhēisè她穿着一件黑色的裙子。She is wearing a black dress.Tā chuānzhuó yī jiàn hēisè de qúnzi.
920资深Seniorzīshēn他是一位资深的专家。He is a senior expert.Tā shì yī wèi zīshēn de zhuānjiā.
921就读Attend (School)jiùdú她在这所学校就读。She is attending this school.Tā zài zhè suǒ xuéxiào jiùdú.
922晓得Knowxiǎodé我晓得这个消息。I know this news.Wǒ xiǎodé zhège xiāoxī.
923请问Excuse me/May I askqǐngwèn请问,你能告诉我时间吗?Excuse me, can you tell me the time?Qǐngwèn, nǐ néng gàosù wǒ shíjiān ma?
924增进Enhancezēngjìn运动有助于增进健康。Exercise helps to enhance health.Yùndòng yǒuzhù yú zēngjìn jiànkāng.
925赢得Winyíngdé他赢得了比赛的第一名。He won first place in the competition.Tā yíngdéle bǐsài de dì yī míng.
926犯罪Crimefànzuì他们正在打击犯罪。They are fighting crime.Tāmen zhèngzài dǎjī fànzuì.
927台币Taiwan Dollartáibì他用台币付款。He paid with Taiwan dollars.Tā yòng táibì fùkuǎn.
928犯罪Crimefànzuì他们对犯罪行为很警觉。They are very alert to criminal behavior.Tāmen duì fànzuì xíngwéi hěn jǐngjué.
929偶尔Occasionallyǒu’ěr我偶尔去那个咖啡馆。I go to that café occasionally.Wǒ ǒu’ěr qù nàgè kāfēiguǎn.
930培训Trainingpéixùn公司为员工提供了培训。The company provided training for the employees.Gōngsī wèi yuángōng tígōngle péixùn.
931譬如说For examplepìrú shuō我们可以选择多种颜色,譬如说红色。We can choose from various colors, for example, red.Wǒmen kěyǐ xuǎnzé duō zhǒng yánsè, pìrú shuō hóngsè.
932上帝Godshàngdì他相信上帝。He believes in God.Tā xiāngxìn shàngdì.
933Type/Seedzhǒng我们种了一些蔬菜。We planted some vegetables.Wǒmen zhǒngle yīxiē shūcài.
934辈子Lifetimebèizi他一辈子都在这里工作。He has worked here his whole life.Tā yī bèizi dōu zài zhèlǐ gōngzuò.
935笔者Writerbǐzhě笔者认为这篇文章很重要。The writer believes this article is important.Bǐzhě rènwéi zhè piān wénzhāng hěn zhòngyào.
936丧失Losesàngshī他因事故丧失了听力。He lost his hearing due to the accident.Tā yīn shìgù sàngshīle tīnglì.
937部长Ministerbùzhǎng他是财政部长。He is the Minister of Finance.Tā shì cáizhèng bùzhǎng.
938寂寞Lonelyjìmò他感到非常寂寞。He feels very lonely.Tā gǎndào fēicháng jìmò.
939培训Trainingpéixùn他们参加了培训课程。They attended the training course.Tāmen cānjiāle péixùn kèchéng.
940设有Have/Provideshè yǒu这座建筑设有一个图书馆。The building has a library.Zhè zuò jiànzhú shè yǒu yīgè túshūguǎn.

Let me know if you need more translations or any additional help!


Here’s a chart translating each term into English and Pinyin, followed by a simple sentence in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin.

#Chinese TermEnglish TranslationPinyinSentence in MandarinSentence in EnglishSentence in Pinyin
1情报Intelligenceqíngbào这份情报很重要。This intelligence is very important.Zhè fèn qíngbào hěn zhòngyào.
2前来Comeqiánlái他前来参加会议。He came to attend the meeting.Tā qiánlái cānjiā huìyì.
3飞弹Missilefēidàn飞弹被成功发射了。The missile was successfully launched.Fēidàn bèi chénggōng fāshè le.
4Tiger那只虎非常强壮。The tiger is very strong.Nà zhī hǔ fēicháng qiángzhuàng.
5寂寞Lonelyjìmò他感到非常寂寞。He feels very lonely.Tā gǎndào fēicháng jìmò.
6专题Special Topiczhuāntí我们正在讨论一个专题。We are discussing a special topic.Wǒmen zhèngzài tǎolùn yīgè zhuāntí.
7排名Rankingpáimíng她的排名很高。Her ranking is very high.Tā de páimíng hěn gāo.
8怎样Howzěnyàng你知道怎样做这件事吗?Do you know how to do this?Nǐ zhīdào zěnyàng zuò zhè jiàn shì ma?
9案例Case/Exampleànlì我们讨论了几个案例。We discussed several cases.Wǒmen tǎolùnle jǐ gè ànlì.
10传送Send/Transferchuánsòng请把文件传送给我。Please send the document to me.Qǐng bǎ wénjiàn chuánsòng gěi wǒ.
11排名Rankingpáimíng他在比赛中的排名很高。His ranking in the competition is high.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng de páimíng hěn gāo.
12允许Allow/Permityǔnxǔ我们不允许在图书馆里吃东西。We do not allow eating in the library.Wǒmen bù yǔnxǔ zài túshūguǎn lǐ chī dōngxī.
13认定Identify/Confirmrèndìng他被认定为专家。He was identified as an expert.Tā bèi rèndìng wéi zhuānjiā.
14威胁Threatwēixié这个消息对我们构成威胁。This news poses a threat to us.Zhège xiāoxī duì wǒmen gòuchéng wēixié.
15大声Louddàshēng请不要大声讲话。Please do not speak loudly.Qǐng bùyào dàshēng jiǎnghuà.
16传送Send/Transferchuánsòng你可以传送这个信息吗?Can you send this message?Nǐ kěyǐ chuánsòng zhège xìnxī ma?
17当做Treat asdàngzuò我们可以把它当做礼物。We can treat it as a gift.Wǒmen kěyǐ bǎ tā dàngzuò lǐwù.
18经销商Distributorjīngxiāo shāng这个经销商很有经验。This distributor is very experienced.Zhège jīngxiāo shāng hěn yǒu jīngyàn.
19将近Nearly/Almostjiāngjìn他们将近到达目的地。They are nearly at their destination.Tāmen jiāngjìn dàodá mùdì dì.
20Warzhàn战争对人们造成了巨大的影响。War has a huge impact on people.Zhànzhēng duì rénmen zàochéngle jùdà de yǐngxiǎng.
21爱心Love/Compassionàixīn她有一颗爱心。She has a compassionate heart.Tā yǒu yī kē àixīn.
22回国Return to Countryhuíguó他计划明年回国。He plans to return to his country next year.Tā jìhuà míngnián huíguó.
23跑到Run topǎo dào他跑到商店买东西。He ran to the store to buy something.Tā pǎo dào shāngdiàn mǎi dōngxī.
24过来Come overguòlái请过来帮忙。Please come over and help.Qǐng guòlái bāngmáng.
25印度Indiayìndù印度的文化很丰富。Indian culture is very rich.Yìndù de wénhuà hěn fēngfù.
26Soundyīn这音乐的音很动听。The sound of this music is pleasant.Zhè yīnyuè de yīn hěn dòngtīng.
27待遇Treatment/Benefitsdàiyù他的待遇很不错。His benefits are quite good.Tā de dàiyù hěn bùcuò.
28开会Have a Meetingkāihuì我们今天开会讨论计划。We are having a meeting today to discuss plans.Wǒmen jīntiān kāihuì tǎolùn jìhuà.
29身分Identity/Statusshēnfèn他的身份很特殊。His identity is very special.Tā de shēnfèn hěn tèshū.
30Save/Existcún请存一下文件。Please save the file.Qǐng cún yīxià wénjiàn.
31留学Study Abroadliúxué他打算留学一年。He plans to study abroad for a year.Tā dǎsuàn liúxué yī nián.
32重要性Importancezhòngyàoxìng这项工作有很大的重要性。This job has great importance.Zhè xiàng gōngzuò yǒu hěn dà de zhòngyàoxìng.
33时机Timing/Opportunityshíjī这是一个好时机。This is a good opportunity.Zhè shì yīgè hǎo shíjī.
34国科会National Science Councilguó kē huì国科会将举行会议。The National Science Council will hold a meeting.Guó kē huì jiāng jǔxíng huìyì.
35时刻Moment/Timeshíkè这个时刻很特别。This moment is very special.Zhège shíkè hěn tèbié.
36Festival/Sectionjié我们在节日里聚会。We gather during the festival.Wǒmen zài jiérì lǐ jùhuì.
37开会Have a Meetingkāihuì今天我们开会。We have a meeting today.Jīntiān wǒmen kāihuì.
38遭到Encounter/Experiencezāodào他遭到了一些困难。He encountered some difficulties.Tā zāodào le yīxiē kùnnán.
39不已Extremely/Endlesslybùyǐ她感到开心不已。She feels extremely happy.Tā gǎndào kāixīn bùyǐ.
40中油CPC (China Petroleum Corporation)zhōng yóu中油公司正在扩展业务。CPC is expanding its business.Zhōng yóu gōngsī zhèngzài kuòzhǎn yèwù.
41景气Prosperity/Climatejǐngqì经济景气很好。The economic climate is good.Jīngjì jǐngqì hěn hǎo.
42补充Supplement/Fillbǔchōng请补充信息。Please supplement the information.Qǐng bǔchōng xìnxī.
43公主Princessgōngzhǔ她是一个公主。She is a princess.Tā shì yīgè gōngzhǔ.
44千万Ten Million/By All Meansqiān wàn千万不要忘记。By all means, don’t forget.Qiān wàn bùyào wàngjì.
45公布Announce/Releasegōngbù他公布了新计划。He announced the new plan.Tā gōngbùle xīn jìhuà.
46Pigzhū那是一只大猪。That is a big pig.Nà shì yī zhī dà zhū.
47潜力Potentialqiánlì这个项目有很大的潜力。This project has great potential.Zhège xiàngmù yǒu hěn dà de qiánlì.
48黄金Goldhuángjīn黄金的价格上涨了。The price of gold has risen.Huángjīn de jiàgé shàngzhǎng le.
49单元Unit/Sectiondānyuán这是一个重要的单元。This is an important unit.Zhè shì yīgè zhòngyào de dānyuán.
50街道Streetjiēdào我们走在街道上。We are walking on the street.Wǒmen zǒu zài jiēdào shàng.
51Brief/Outlinelüè我们需要一个略简的计划。We need a brief plan.Wǒmen xūyào yīgè lüèjiǎn de jìhuà.
52财产权Property Rightscáichǎnquán保护财产权很重要。Protecting property rights is important.Bǎohù cáichǎnquán hěn zhòngyào.
53地理Geographydìlǐ地理课很有趣。Geography class is interesting.Dìlǐ kè hěn yǒuqù.
54Week/Surroundingzhōu一周有七天。A week has seven days.Yī zhōu yǒu qī tiān.
55到达Arrivedàodá我们终于到达目的地了。We finally arrived at the destination.Wǒmen zhōngyú dàodá mùdì dì le.
56电信局Telecommunications Bureaudiànxìn jú电信局提供了新的服务。The telecommunications bureau provided new services.Diànxìn jú tígōngle xīn de fúwù.
57促销Promotioncùxiāo他们正在进行促销活动。They are holding a promotion.Tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng cùxiāo huódòng.
58工程师Engineergōngchéngshī他是一名优秀的工程师。He is an excellent engineer.Tā shì yī míng yōuxiù de gōngchéngshī.
59确实Indeed/Actuallyquèshí这个方法确实有效。This method is indeed effective.Zhège fāngfǎ quèshí yǒuxiào.
60远距Long Distanceyuǎnjù他们进行远距学习。They are doing long-distance learning.Tāmen jìnxíng yuǎnjù xuéxí.
61惊人Amazingjīngrén他的成绩很惊人。His performance is amazing.Tā de chéngjì hěn jīngrén.
62For/Aswèi我为你做这件事。I do this for you.Wǒ wèi nǐ zuò zhè jiàn shì.
63促销Promotioncùxiāo他们正在做促销。They are doing a promotion.Tāmen zhèngzài zuò cùxiāo.
64彩色Colorfulcǎisè这是一幅彩色的画。This is a colorful painting.Zhè shì yī fú cǎisè de huà.
65真理Truthzhēnlǐ真理永远不会改变。Truth never changes.Zhēnlǐ yǒngyuǎn bù huì gǎibiàn.
66宣佈Announcexuānbù他宣佈了比赛的结果。He announced the result of the competition.Tā xuānbùle bǐsài de jiéguǒ.
67变动Change/Variationbiàndòng市场出现了变动。There has been a change in the market.Shìchǎng chūxiànle biàndòng.
68Point/Spotdiǎn请在这点上签名。Please sign at this spot.Qǐng zài zhè diǎn shàng qiānmíng.
69市政府City Governmentshì zhèngfǔ市政府正在处理这个问题。The city government is handling this issue.Shì zhèngfǔ zhèngzài chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.
70Lie Downtǎng他躺在床上休息。He lies down on the bed to rest.Tā tǎng zài chuáng shàng xiūxí.
71Gradually/Slowlyjiàn他的中文水平渐渐提高。His Chinese level is gradually improving.Tā de zhōngwén shuǐpíng jiànjiàn tígāo.
72普通Ordinary/Normalpǔtōng这是一个普通的工作。This is an ordinary job.Zhè shì yīgè pǔtōng de gōngzuò.
73进来Come Injìnlái请进来坐。Please come in and sit down.Qǐng jìnlái zuò.
74涉及Involve/Concernshèjí这个问题涉及很多方面。This issue involves many aspects.Zhège wèntí shèjí hěn duō fāngmiàn.
75保护区Protected Areabǎohù qū这是一片自然保护区。This is a nature reserve.Zhè shì yī piàn zìrán bǎohù qū.
76版本Versionbǎnběn我们更新了软件版本。We updated the software version.Wǒmen gēngxīnle ruǎnjiàn bǎnběn.
77制定Formulate/Setzhìdìng我们需要制定新的计划。We need to formulate a new plan.Wǒmen xūyào zhìdìng xīn de jìhuà.
78定义Definitiondìngyì这个词的定义是什么?What is the definition of this word?Zhège cí de dìngyì shì shénme?
79事项Item/Issueshìxiàng请检查所有事项。Please check all items.Qǐng jiǎnchá suǒyǒu shìxiàng.
80法则Rule/Principlefǎzé这些是游戏的法则。These are the rules of the game.Zhèxiē shì yóuxì de fǎzé.
81否认Denyfǒurèn他否认了所有的指控。He denied all the accusations.Tā fǒurènle suǒyǒu de zhǐkòng.
82抱怨Complainbàoyuàn她总是抱怨工作太多。She always complains about too much work.Tā zǒng shì bàoyuàn gōngzuò tài duō.
83宜兰Yilan (Place Name)Yílán宜兰是一个美丽的地方。Yilan is a beautiful place.Yílán shì yīgè měilì de dìfāng.
84人群Crowd/Grouprénqún人群中有很多人。There are many people in the crowd.Rénqún zhōng yǒu hěn duō rén.
85广大Vast/Extensiveguǎngdà这个问题有广大影响。This issue has a wide impact.Zhège wèntí yǒu guǎngdà yǐngxiǎng.
86邻居Neighborlínjū我的邻居很友好。My neighbor is very friendly.Wǒ de línjū hěn yǒuhǎo.
87模型Model/Prototypemóxíng这是一个新模型。This is a new model.Zhè shì yīgè xīn móxíng.
88忍不住Can’t Help butrěn bù zhù我忍不住笑了。I couldn’t help but laugh.Wǒ rěn bù zhù xiàole.
89现行Current/Existingxiànxíng现行的政策需要改进。The current policies need improvement.Xiànxíng de zhèngcè xūyào gǎijìn.
90瓷器Porcelaincíqì这件瓷器很古老。This porcelain is very old.Zhè jiàn cíqì hěn gǔlǎo.
91荷兰NetherlandsHélán荷兰以风车闻名。The Netherlands is famous for windmills.Hélán yǐ fēngchē wénmíng.
92家乡Hometownjiāxiāng我很想念我的家乡。I miss my hometown very much.Wǒ hěn xiǎngniàn wǒ de jiāxiāng.
93前途Futureqiántú他对自己的前途很有信心。He is confident about his future.Tā duì zìjǐ de qiántú hěn yǒu xìnxīn.
94花莲Hualien (Place Name)Huālián花莲是台湾的一个美丽城市。Hualien is a beautiful city in Taiwan.Huālián shì Táiwān de yīgè měilì chéngshì.
95Contain/Includehán这盒子含有很多零件。This box contains many parts.Zhè hézi hán yǒu hěn duō língjiàn.
96合约Contracthéyuē我们签署了合约。We signed the contract.Wǒmen qiānshǔle héyuē.
97官方Officialguānfāng官方文件已发布。The official document has been released.Guānfāng wénjiàn yǐ fābù.
98成效Effectivenesschéngxiào这项措施的成效显著。The effectiveness of this measure is significant.Zhè xiàng cuòshī de chéngxiào xiǎnzhù.
99克服Overcomekèfú我们需要克服很多困难。We need to overcome many difficulties.Wǒmen xūyào kèfú hěn duō kùnnán.

Feel free to ask if you need any more translations or sentences!

Here’s a chart with translations, Pinyin, and example sentences for the new terms:

#中文EnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
100循环Cycle/Recyclexúnhuán水循环是自然的一部分。The water cycle is a part of nature.Shuǐ xúnhuán shì zìrán de yībùfèn.
101新鲜Freshxīnxiān这些水果非常新鲜。These fruits are very fresh.Zhèxiē shuǐguǒ fēicháng xīnxiān.
102和解Reconcilehéjiě他们最终达成了和解。They eventually reached a reconciliation.Tāmen zuìzhōng dáchéngle héjiě.
103原先Originallyyuánxiān原先的计划已经改变了。The original plan has changed.Yuánxiān de jìhuà yǐjīng gǎibiàn le.
104Goldjīn他买了一块金手镯。He bought a gold bracelet.Tā mǎile yī kuài jīn shǒuzhuó.
105Oilyóu我们需要买一些油。We need to buy some oil.Wǒmen xūyào mǎi yīxiē yóu.
106Platform/Stationtái我们在台北火车站见面。We meet at Taipei train station.Wǒmen zài Táiběi huǒchē zhàn jiànmiàn.
107巨大Hugejùdà这是一座巨大的雕塑。This is a huge sculpture.Zhè shì yī zuò jùdà de diāosù.
108公车Busgōngchē我们乘坐公车去学校。We take the bus to school.Wǒmen chéngzuò gōngchē qù xuéxiào.
109传说Legend/Storychuánshuō这是一个古老的传说。This is an old legend.Zhè shì yīgè gǔlǎo de chuánshuō.
110动力Power/Driving Forcedònglì这个项目需要更多的动力。This project needs more driving force.Zhège xiàngmù xūyào gèng duō de dònglì.
111推行Implement/Promotetuīxíng新政策将在下个月推行。The new policy will be implemented next month.Xīn zhèngcè jiāng zài xià gè yuè tuīxíng.
112Chicken我们今晚吃鸡肉。We are having chicken for dinner.Wǒmen jīnwǎn chī jīròu.
113回应Respond/Replyhuíyìng他立即回应了我们的请求。He responded to our request immediately.Tā lìjí huíyìngle wǒmen de qǐngqiú.
114介入Intervenejièrù我们不应该介入他们的争端。We should not intervene in their dispute.Wǒmen bù yīnggāi jièrù tāmen de zhēngduān.
115内在Intrinsic/Innernèizài他的内在美更为重要。His inner beauty is more important.Tā de nèizài měi gèng wèi zhòngyào.
116人体Human Bodyréntǐ研究人体结构很有趣。Studying the human body is interesting.Yánjiū réntǐ jiégòu hěn yǒuqù.
117介入Intervenejièrù警察介入了案件的调查。The police intervened in the case investigation.Jǐngchá jièrùle ànjiàn de diàochá.
118To Say/To Callwèi这个词谓之“智慧”。This term is called “wisdom.”Zhège cí wèi zhī “zhìhuì”.
119台大National Taiwan University (Taiwan)Táidà他在台大读书。He studies at National Taiwan University.Tā zài Táidà dúshū.
120Confirm/Indeedquè我们需要确认信息的准确性。We need to confirm the accuracy of the information.Wǒmen xūyào quèrèn xìnxī de zhǔnquè xìng.
121Can/Abilitynéng我能完成这个任务。I can complete this task.Wǒ néng wánchéng zhège rènwù.
122美术Fine Artsměishù她学习美术专业。She studies fine arts.Tā xuéxí měishù zhuānyè.
123活力Vitality/Energyhuólì这项活动充满了活力。The activity was full of vitality.Zhè xiàng huódòng chōngmǎnle huólì.
124To/Sendzhì我们向他致以祝贺。We extend our congratulations to him.Wǒmen xiàng tā zhì yǐ zhùhè.
125活动Activity/Eventhuódòng他们组织了一个有趣的活动。They organized an interesting event.Tāmen zǔzhīle yīgè yǒuqù de huódòng.
126Finish/Completewán我们终于完成了任务。We finally completed the task.Wǒmen zhōngyú wánchéngle rènwù.
127那么多So Many/So Muchnàme duō这里有那么多书。There are so many books here.Zhèlǐ yǒu nàme duō shū.
128物理Physicswùlǐ物理学是一门有趣的学科。Physics is an interesting subject.Wùlǐxué shì yī mén yǒuqù de xuékē.
129推行Implement/Promotetuīxíng我们计划推行新的规则。We plan to implement new rules.Wǒmen jìhuà tuīxíng xīn de guīzé.
130End/Finalzhōng事情终于结束了。The matter has finally ended.Shìqíng zhōngyú jiéshùle.
131分成Divide/Partitionfēnchéng成本被分成了几个部分。The cost is divided into several parts.Chéngběn bèi fēnchéngle jǐ gè bùfèn.
132台中市Taichung CityTáizhōng shì台中市是台湾的一个城市。Taichung City is a city in Taiwan.Táizhōng shì shì Táiwān de yīgè chéngshì.
133代理Agent/Delegatedàilǐ他是公司的代理人。He is the company’s agent.Tā shì gōngsī de dàilǐrén.
134乐趣Pleasure/Funlèqù旅行是我的乐趣之一。Traveling is one of my pleasures.Lǚxíng shì wǒ de lèqù zhī yī.
135超级Super/Extremechāojí这是一个超级市场。This is a super market.Zhè shì yīgè chāojí shìchǎng.
136劳动Labor/Workláodòng劳动是人的基本需求。Labor is a basic human need.Láodòng shì rén de jīběn xūqiú.
137唯有Only/Only Bywéi yǒu唯有努力才能成功。Only through hard work can one succeed.Wéi yǒu nǔlì cáinéng chénggōng.
138宣传Promote/Publicizexuānchuán我们需要宣传这个活动。We need to promote this event.Wǒmen xūyào xuānchuán zhège huódòng.
139交给Hand Over/Deliverjiāo gěi请把报告交给我。Please hand the report to me.Qǐng bǎ bàogào jiāo gěi wǒ.
140受伤Injuredshòushāng他在事故中受伤了。He was injured in the accident.Tā zài shìgù zhōng shòushāngle.
141讲师Lecturerjiǎngshī她是一位优秀的讲师。She is an excellent lecturer.Tā shì yī wèi yōuxiù de jiǎngshī.
142抵达Arrivedǐdá我们已经抵达目的地。We have arrived at the destination.Wǒmen yǐjīng dǐdále mùdìdì.
143体重Weighttǐzhòng你需要注意你的体重。You need to watch your weight.Nǐ xūyào zhùyì nǐ de tǐzhòng.
144不见得Not Necessarilybùjiàndé这不见得是个好主意。This is not necessarily a good idea.Zhè bùjiàndé shìgè hǎo zhǔyì.
145领导Leader/Leadershiplǐngdǎo他是一位很有能力的领导。He is a very capable leader.Tā shì yī wèi hěn yǒu nénglì de lǐngdǎo.
146蜗牛Snailwōniú蜗牛的移动非常缓慢。The snail’s movement is very slow.Wōniú de yídòng fēicháng huǎnmàn.
147群众Masses/Crowdqúnzhòng政府需要听取群众的意见。The government needs to listen to the masses.Zhèngfǔ xūyào tīngqǔ qúnzhòng de yìjiàn.
148抵达Arrivedǐdá飞机已经抵达目的地。The plane has arrived at the destination.Fēijī yǐjīng dǐdále mùdìdì.
149刻意Deliberate/Intentionalkè yì他刻意避开了这个话题。He deliberately avoided this topic.Tā kè yì bìkāile zhège huàtí.
150李登辉Lee Teng-huiLǐ Dēnghuī李登辉是台湾前总统。Lee Teng-hui was the former president of Taiwan.Lǐ Dēnghuī shì Táiwān qián zǒngtǒng.
151合作社Cooperative/Co-ophézuòshè他们加入了一个合作社。They joined a cooperative.Tāmen jiārùle yīgè hézuòshè.
152印尼IndonesiaYìnní印尼是一个美丽的国家。Indonesia is a beautiful country.Yìnní shì yīgè měilì de guójiā.
153规格Specification/Standardguīgé产品需要符合规格。The product needs to meet the specifications.Chǎnpǐn xūyào fúhé guīgé.
154价值观Values/Beliefsjiàzhíguān我们分享相同的价值观。We share the same values.Wǒmen fēnxiǎng xiāngtóng de jiàzhíguān.
155依赖Rely/Dependyīlài我们不能依赖别人。We cannot rely on others.Wǒmen bù néng yīlài biérén.
156百货公司Department Storebǎihuò gōngsī我们在百货公司买了很多东西。We bought many things at the department store.Wǒmen zài bǎihuò gōngsī mǎile hěn duō dōngxī.
157负担Burden/Loadfùdān这个工作对我来说是个负担。This job is a burden to me.Zhège gōngzuò duì wǒ lái shuō shì gè fùdān.
158Seal/Envelopefēng请把信封好。Please seal the envelope.Qǐng bǎ xìn fēng hǎo.
159马路Road/Streetmǎlù他在马路上走。He walks on the street.Tā zài mǎlù shàng zǒu.
160通知Notice/Notificationtōngzhī请查看通知。Please check the notice.Qǐng chákàn tōngzhī.
161普及Popularize/Spreadpǔjí这个信息需要普及。This information needs to be popularized.Zhège xìnxī xūyào pǔjí.
162Ping (Measurement Unit)píng这块土地有三坪。This land is three pings.Zhè kuài tǔdì yǒu sān píng.
163绿Green这棵树的叶子是绿的。The leaves of this tree are green.Zhè kē shù de yèzi shì lǜ de.
164不安Uneasy/Anxiousbù’ān他对未来感到不安。He feels uneasy about the future.Tā duì wèilái gǎndào bù’ān.
165铁路Railwaytiělù这条铁路连接了几个城市。This railway connects several cities.Zhè tiáo tiělù liánjiēle jǐ gè chéngshì.
166普及Popularize/Spreadpǔjí教育需要普及到每一个角落。Education needs to be spread to every corner.Jiàoyù xūyào pǔjí dào měi yī gè jiǎoluò.
167录影带Video Tapelùyǐngdài我们找到了一盘老的录影带。We found an old video tape.Wǒmen zhǎodàole yī pán lǎo de lùyǐngdài.
168局面Situation/Aspectjúmiàn当前的局面很复杂。The current situation is complex.Dāngqián de júmiàn hěn fùzá.
169团队Teamtuánduì我们有一个很强的团队。We have a strong team.Wǒmen yǒu yīgè hěn qiáng de tuánduì.
170优先Priorityyōuxiān这个任务需要优先处理。This task needs to be prioritized.Zhège rènwù xūyào yōuxiān chǔlǐ.
171To/Forduì这对我很重要。This is important to me.Zhè duì wǒ hěn zhòngyào.
172进去Go in/Enterjìnqù请把资料带进去。Please take the documents inside.Qǐng bǎ zīliào dài jìnqù.
173Yellowhuáng她穿了一件黄色的衣服。She wore a yellow dress.Tā chuānle yī jiàn huángsè de yīfú.
174神经Nerve/Neurosystemshénjīng她的神经系统很健康。Her nervous system is healthy.Tā de shénjīng xìtǒng hěn jiànkāng.
175近来Recentlyjìnlái近来天气一直很好。The weather has been very good recently.Jìnlái tiānqì yīzhí hěn hǎo.
176英语Englishyīngyǔ我正在学习英语。I am learning English.Wǒ zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ.
177刺激Stimulate/Excitecìjī这场比赛很刺激。The game was very exciting.Zhè chǎng bǐsài hěn cìjī.
178Sheepyáng这是一只可爱的羊。This is a cute sheep.Zhè shì yī zhī kě’ài de yáng.
179老虎Tigerlǎohǔ森林里有很多老虎。There are many tigers in the forest.Sēnlín lǐ yǒu hěn duō lǎohǔ.
180所得Income/Earningssuǒdé他的所得逐年增加。His income increases year by year.Tā de suǒdé zhúnián zēngjiā.
181健全Sound/Healthyjiànquán健全的制度是成功的基础。A sound system is the basis of success.Jiànquán de zhìdù shì chénggōng de jīchǔ.
182Side/Borderbiān他站在河边。He is standing by the river.Tā zhàn zài hé biān.
183主体Main Body/Subjectzhǔtǐ文章的主体是科学进步。The main body of the article is scientific progress.Wénzhāng de zhǔtǐ shì kēxué jìnbù.
184大致Approximatedàzhì我们大致了解了情况。We have an approximate understanding of the situation.Wǒmen dàzhì liǎojiěle qíngkuàng.
185对手Opponent/Competitorduìshǒu他的对手非常强大。His opponent is very strong.Tā de duìshǒu fēicháng qiángdà.
186还要Still Need/Also Needhái yào我们还要更多的时间。We still need more time.Wǒmen hái yào gèng duō de shíjiān.
187健全Sound/Healthyjiànquán需要一个健全的计划。A sound plan is needed.Xūyào yīgè jiànquán de jìhuà.
188建构Construct/Buildjiànɡòu他们正在建构新项目。They are constructing a new project.Tāmen zhèngzài jiànɡòu xīn xiàngmù.
189星星Starxīngxing夜空中有很多星星。There are many stars in the night sky.Yèkōng zhōng yǒu hěn duō xīngxing.
190建构Construct/Buildjiànɡòu我们需要建构一个更好的社区。We need to build a better community.Wǒmen xūyào jiànɡòu yīgè gèng hǎo de shèqū.
191大哥Elder Brother/Big Brotherdàgē他是我大哥。He is my elder brother.Tā shì wǒ dàgē.
192培育Cultivate/Nurturepéiyù学校致力于培育学生的能力。The school is dedicated to cultivating students’ abilities.Xuéxiào zhìlì yú péiyù xuéshēng de nénglì.
193用心Attentively/With Careyòngxīn她用心完成了这项任务。She completed the task with care.Tā yòngxīn wánchéngle zhè xiàng rènwù.
194书记Secretaryshūjì他是公司的书记。He is the company’s secretary.Tā shì gōngsī de shūjì.
195财政部Ministry of Financecáizhèng bù财政部负责国家的财政政策。The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the country’s financial policies.Cáizhèng bù fùzé guójiā de cáizhèng zhèngcè.
196培育Cultivate/Nurturepéiyù公司致力于培育人才。The company is dedicated to nurturing talent.Gōngsī zhìlì yú péiyù réncái.
197遊行Parade/Processionyóuxíng城市里举行了一场盛大的游行。There was a grand parade in the city.Chéngshì lǐ jǔxíngle yī chǎng shèngdà de yóuxíng.
198Walk/Travelxíng我们计划去那里行走。We plan to walk there.Wǒmen jìhuà qù nàlǐ xíngzǒu.
199太平洋Pacific Oceantàipíngyáng太平洋是世界上最大的海洋。The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.Tàipíngyáng shì shìjiè shàng zuìdà de hǎiyáng.
200Make/Buildzào他喜欢造模型。He likes to make models.Tā xǐhuān zào móxíng.
201咖啡Coffeekāfēi我每天喝一杯咖啡。I drink a cup of coffee every day.Wǒ měitiān hē yī bēi kāfēi.

Feel free to ask if you need any more information!


Here is a continuation of the chart, including translations, sentences, and Pinyin:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
202名单Listmíngdān请给我一份名单。Please give me a list.Qǐng gěi wǒ yī fèn míngdān.
203注重Emphasizezhùzhòng我们应该注重健康。We should emphasize health.Wǒmen yīnggāi zhùzhòng jiànkāng.
204周围Surroundingszhōuwéi这里的周围环境很美。The surroundings here are beautiful.Zhèlǐ de zhōuwéi huánjìng hěn měi.
205主权Sovereigntyzhǔquán他们维护国家的主权。They maintain the country’s sovereignty.Tāmen wéihù guójiā de zhǔquán.
206水泥Cementshuǐní我们需要买些水泥。We need to buy some cement.Wǒmen xūyào mǎi xiē shuǐní.
207Close/nearjìn我家离学校很近。My home is very close to the school.Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn.
208合法Legalhéfǎ这是一个合法的合同。This is a legal contract.Zhè shì yīgè héfǎ de hé tóng.
209便利Convenientbiànlì这个位置非常便利。This location is very convenient.Zhège wèizhì fēicháng biànlì.
210落后Backwardluòhòu这个地区的发展落后。The development in this area is backward.Zhège dìqū de fāzhǎn luòhòu.
211询问Inquirexúnwèn请问你能帮我吗?Can you help me?Qǐngwèn nǐ néng bāng wǒ ma?
212送给Give (as a gift)sòng gěi这本书我送给你。I give you this book as a gift.Zhè běn shū wǒ sòng gěi nǐ.
213Onlywéi惟有努力才能成功。Only through effort can one succeed.Wéi yǒu nǔlì cáinéng chénggōng.
214Form/Expressbiǎo请填写这张表。Please fill out this form.Qǐng tiánxiě zhè zhāng biǎo.
215纠纷Disputejiūfēn他们解决了这个纠纷。They resolved the dispute.Tāmen jiějuéle zhège jiūfēn.
216空中In the airkōngzhōng飞机在空中飞行。The plane is flying in the air.Fēijī zài kōngzhōng fēixíng.
217过于Too muchguòyú这个问题过于复杂。This issue is too complex.Zhège wèntí guòyú fùzá.
218rèn我任意选择。I choose freely.Wǒ rèn yì xuǎnzé.
219Latewǎn我今天晚上很晚回家。I went home very late tonight.Wǒ jīntiān wǎnshàng hěn wǎn huíjiā.
220车站Stationchēzhàn火车站在前面。The train station is ahead.Huǒchē zhàn zài qiánmiàn.
221有助于Contribute toyǒuzhùyú这有助于健康。This contributes to health.Zhè yǒuzhù yú jiànkāng.
222便利Convenientbiànlì这个工具很便利。This tool is very convenient.Zhège gōngjù hěn biànlì.
223落后Backwardluòhòu这个技术比较落后。This technology is relatively backward.Zhège jìshù bǐjiào luòhòu.
224之类Such aszhī lèi我喜欢水果之类的食物。I like fruits and such food.Wǒ xǐhuān shuǐguǒ zhī lèi de shíwù.
225下降Decreasexiàjiàng价格开始下降。The price has started to decrease.Jiàgé kāishǐ xiàjiàng.
226手续Procedureshǒuxù完成这些手续很麻烦。Completing these procedures is troublesome.Wánchéng zhèxiē shǒuxù hěn máfan.
227转换Convertzhuǎnhuàn你可以转换货币。You can convert the currency.Nǐ kěyǐ zhuǎnhuàn huòbì.
228立法Legislationlìfǎ新法律正在立法中。New laws are in the process of being legislated.Xīn fǎlǜ zhèngzài lìfǎ zhōng.
229Knifedāo这把刀很锋利。This knife is very sharp.Zhè bǎ dāo hěn fēnglì.
230带给Bringdàigěi这份礼物带给我快乐。This gift brings me joy.Zhè fèn lǐwù dàigěi wǒ kuàilè.
231涵盖Coverhángài这份报告涵盖了所有内容。This report covers all the content.Zhè fèn bàogào hángài le suǒyǒu nèiróng.
232差不多Almost/Similarchàbùduō他们的意见差不多。Their opinions are almost the same.Tāmen de yìjiàn chàbùduō.
233主持人Hostzhǔchírén主持人正在讲话。The host is speaking.Zhǔchírén zhèngzài jiǎnghuà.
234完工Completedwángōng工程已经完工了。The project has been completed.Gōngchéng yǐjīng wángōngle.
235Inside我在里边等你。I am waiting for you inside.Wǒ zài lǐbiān děng nǐ.
236Yang (common surname)Yáng杨先生是我的朋友。Mr. Yang is my friend.Yáng xiānshēng shì wǒ de péngyǒu.
237内政部Ministry of the Interiornèizhèngbù内政部负责国内事务。The Ministry of the Interior handles domestic affairs.Nèizhèngbù fùzé guónèi shìwù.
238Hideduǒ他躲在树后面。He is hiding behind the tree.Tā duǒ zài shù hòumiàn.
239美术馆Art Museumměishùguǎn我们去美术馆参观。We are visiting the art museum.Wǒmen qù měishùguǎn cānguān.
240领先Lead/Leadinglǐngxiān他在比赛中领先。He is leading in the competition.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng lǐngxiān.
241不当Improperbùdàng这种行为是不当的。This behavior is improper.Zhè zhǒng xíngwéi shì bùdàng de.
242用地Land Useyòngdì这块地用于建设。This land is used for construction.Zhè kuài dì yòng yú jiànshè.
243认知Cognitionrènzhī认知是理解事物的基础。Cognition is the basis for understanding things.Rènzhī shì lǐjiě shìwù de jīchǔ.
244基层Grassrootsjīcéng基层工作很重要。Grassroots work is very important.Jīcéng gōngzuò hěn zhòngyào.
245做出Make/Producezuòchū我们需要做出决定。We need to make a decision.Wǒmen xūyào zuòchū juédìng.
246政权Political Powerzhèngquán政权发生了变化。The political power has changed.Zhèngquán fāshēngle biànhuà.
247什么Whatshénme你在找什么?What are you looking for?Nǐ zài zhǎo shénme?
248风景区Scenic Areafēngjǐngqū这个风景区很受欢迎。This scenic area is very popular.Zhège fēngjǐngqū hěn shòu huānyíng.
249季节Seasonjìjié春天是一个美丽的季节。Spring is a beautiful season.Chūntiān shì yīgè měilì de jìjié.
250享有Enjoyxiǎngyǒu他享有很高的声誉。He enjoys a high reputation.Tā xiǎngyǒu hěn gāo de shēngyù.
251对不起Sorryduìbùqǐ对不起,我迟到了。Sorry, I am late.Duìbùqǐ, wǒ chídàole.
252建设Constructionjiànshè他们正在进行建设。They are carrying out construction.Tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng jiànshè.
253出口Exportchūkǒu我们的产品出口到很多国家。Our products are exported to many countries.Wǒmen de chǎnpǐn chūkǒu dào hěn duō guójiā.
254引导Guideyǐndǎo老师引导学生学习。The teacher guides the students in their learning.Lǎoshī yǐndǎo xuéshēng xuéxí.
255实行Implementshíxíng新政策已经实行。The new policy has been implemented.Xīn zhèngcè yǐjīng shíxíng.
256错误Mistakecuòwù这可能是一个错误。This might be a mistake.Zhè kěnéng shì yīgè cuòwù.
257国内外Domestic and internationalguónèiwài国内外的反应都很好。Both domestic and international reactions are good.Guónèi wài de fǎnyìng dōu hěn hǎo.
258Up to迄今为止,我们已经完成了很多工作。Up to now, we have completed a lot of work.Qìjīn wéizhǐ, wǒmen yǐjīng wánchéngle hěn duō gōngzuò.
259神话Mythshénhuà这是一个古老的神话。This is an ancient myth.Zhè shì yīgè gǔlǎo de shénhuà.
260Exhaustjǐn我尽力了。I did my best.Wǒ jǐn lìle.
261花园Gardenhuāyuán她在花园里种花。She plants flowers in the garden.Tā zài huāyuán lǐ zhòng huā.
262非洲Africafēizhōu非洲有很多不同的文化。Africa has many different cultures.Fēizhōu yǒu hěn duō bùtóng de wénhuà.
263组织Organizationzǔzhī我们是一个国际组织。We are an international organization.Wǒmen shì yīgè guójì zǔzhī.
264音乐会Concertyīnyuèhuì他们去听音乐会。They went to a concert.Tāmen qù tīng yīnyuèhuì.
265Continue我们将继续努力。We will continue to work hard.Wǒmen jiāng jìxù nǔlì.
266预估Estimateyùgū我们需要预估成本。We need to estimate the costs.Wǒmen xūyào yùgū chéngběn.
267著作Work (of writing)zhùzuò他的著作很有名。His works are very famous.Tā de zhùzuò hěn yǒumíng.
268感受到Feelgǎnshòu我感受到他的关心。I felt his concern.Wǒ gǎnshòu dào tā de guānxīn.
269保障Guaranteebǎozhàng这项计划能保障安全。This plan can guarantee safety.Zhè xiàng jìhuà néng bǎozhàng ānquán.
270自主Autonomouszìzhǔ我们需要自主决定。We need to make autonomous decisions.Wǒmen xūyào zìzhǔ juédìng.
271好多A lot/Manyhǎoduō这里有好多书。There are a lot of books here.Zhèlǐ yǒu hǎoduō shū.
272自主Autonomouszìzhǔ我们需要自主选择。We need to make autonomous choices.Wǒmen xūyào zìzhǔ xuǎnzé.
273姑娘Girlgūniang她是一个聪明的姑娘。She is a smart girl.Tā shì yīgè cōngmíng de gūniang.
274财团Consortiumcáituán这个项目由财团资助。This project is funded by a consortium.Zhège xiàngmù yóu cáituán zīzhù.
275预期Expectationyùqī我们的预期目标是完成项目。Our expectation is to complete the project.Wǒmen de yùqī mùbiāo shì wánchéng xiàngmù.
276安定Stableāndìng经济需要保持安定。The economy needs to remain stable.Jīngjì xūyào bǎochí āndìng.
277上升Riseshàngshēng温度正在上升。The temperature is rising.Wēndù zhèngzài shàngshēng.
278未必Not necessarilywèibì结果未必如预期。The result is not necessarily as expected.Jiéguǒ wèibì rú yùqī.
279Tondūn我们需要一吨的材料。We need a ton of material.Wǒmen xūyào yī dūn de cáiliào.
280模拟Simulatemó nǐ我们可以模拟这个过程。We can simulate this process.Wǒmen kěyǐ mó nǐ zhège guòchéng.
281发言Speak/Statementfāyán他在会议上发言。He made a statement at the meeting.Tā zài huìyì shàng fāyán.
282底下Underneathdǐxià桌子底下有一个箱子。There is a box underneath the table.Zhuōzi dǐxià yǒu yīgè xiāngzi.
283安定Stableāndìng政治局势应该保持安定。The political situation should remain stable.Zhèngzhì júshì yīnggāi bǎochí āndìng.
284模拟Simulatemó nǐ我们在模拟市场情况。We are simulating market conditions.Wǒmen zài mó nǐ shìchǎng qíngkuàng.
285Ticketpiào我买了两张电影票。I bought two movie tickets.Wǒ mǎile liǎng zhāng diànyǐng piào.
286出门Go outchūmén我们现在要出门了。We are going out now.Wǒmen xiànzài yào chūménle.
287辅助Assistfǔzhù我们需要一些辅助设备。We need some assistive equipment.Wǒmen xūyào yīxiē fǔzhù shèbèi.
288倾向Tendencyqīngxiàng他有强烈的艺术倾向。He has a strong artistic tendency.Tā yǒu qiángliè de yìshù qīngxiàng.
289过年Celebrate the New Yearguònián我们要一起过年。We will celebrate the New Year together.Wǒmen yào yīqǐ guònián.
290Photo/To take a photozhào我们去照相吧。Let’s go take photos.Wǒmen qù zhàoxiàng ba.
291Templemiào那是一座古老的庙。That is an ancient temple.Nà shì yī zuò gǔlǎo de miào.
292Helpbāng请帮我一下。Please help me.Qǐng bāng wǒ yīxià.
293人工Manual/Artificialréngōng这项工作需要人工操作。This work requires manual operation.Zhè xiàng gōngzuò xūyào réngōng cāozuò.
294Gift/ Courtesy这是我的礼物。This is my gift.Zhè shì wǒ de lǐwù.
295Letter/Trustxìn我写了一封信。I wrote a letter.Wǒ xiěle yī fēng xìn.
296胜利Victoryshènglì我们获得了胜利。We achieved victory.Wǒmen huòdéle shènglì.
297魅力Charmmèilì她的魅力很大。Her charm is great.Tā de mèilì hěn dà.
298首长Chiefshǒuzhǎng部队的首长来了。The chief of the troops has arrived.Bùduì de shǒuzhǎng láile.
299胜利Victoryshènglì我们取得了胜利。We achieved victory.Wǒmen qǔdéle shènglì.
300过年Celebrate the New Yearguònián过年时我们会回家。We will go home for the New Year.Guònián shí wǒmen huì huíjiā.

This chart provides translations of the Chinese terms, simple sentences in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin.

Here is a chart translating the terms into English and Pinyin, with example sentences in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
301毫不Not at allháobù我毫不担心这个问题。I am not at all worried about this issue.Wǒ háobù dānxīn zhège wèntí.
302组长Team Leaderzǔzhǎng他是我们小组的组长。He is the team leader of our group.Tā shì wǒmen xiǎozǔ de zǔzhǎng.
303专长Specialtyzhuāncháng她的专长是编程。Her specialty is programming.Tā de zhuāncháng shì biānchéng.
304物品Item/Articlewùpǐn我需要整理这些物品。I need to organize these items.Wǒ xūyào zhěnglǐ zhèxiē wùpǐn.
305Wow哇,这真是太美了!Wow, this is really beautiful!Wā, zhè zhēnshì tài měile!
306后者The latterhòu zhě我喜欢前者而不是后者。I prefer the former to the latter.Wǒ xǐhuān qiánzhě ér bùshì hòu zhě.
307辅助Assist/Supportfǔzhù我们需要一些辅助工具。We need some assistive tools.Wǒmen xūyào yīxiē fǔzhù gōngjù.
308珍贵Preciouszhēnguì这是一件珍贵的宝物。This is a precious treasure.Zhè shì yī jiàn zhēnguì de bǎowù.
309景象Scene/Spectaclejǐngxiàng这是一个美丽的景象。This is a beautiful scene.Zhè shì yīgè měilì de jǐngxiàng.
310选出Selectxuǎnchū我们选出了最佳候选人。We selected the best candidate.Wǒmen xuǎnchūle zuìjiā hòuxuǎn rén.
311澎湖PenghuPénghú澎湖是一个美丽的地方。Penghu is a beautiful place.Pénghú shì yīgè měilì de dìfāng.
312学员Student/Memberxuéyuán这些是我们的学员。These are our students.Zhèxiē shì wǒmen de xuéyuán.
313监督Supervisejiāndū老师会监督学生的作业。The teacher will supervise the students’ homework.Lǎoshī huì jiāndū xuéshēng de zuòyè.
314加拿大CanadaJiānádà加拿大是一个多元文化的国家。Canada is a multicultural country.Jiānádà shì yīgè duōyuán wénhuà de guójiā.
315以色列IsraelYǐsèliè以色列在中东地区。Israel is in the Middle East.Yǐsèliè zài zhōngdōng dìqū.
316参赛Competecān sài她决定参赛这个比赛。She decided to compete in the competition.Tā juédìng cān sài zhège bǐsài.
317混乱Chaos/Confusionhùnluàn现场一片混乱。The scene was in chaos.Xiànchǎng yīpiàn hùnluàn.
318走出Walk outzǒuchū我们需要走出这座城市。We need to walk out of this city.Wǒmen xūyào zǒuchū zhè zuò chéngshì.
319收到Receiveshōudào我们收到了你的信。We received your letter.Wǒmen shōudàole nǐ de xìn.
320Buddha佛教教徒尊敬佛像。Buddhists respect Buddha statues.Fójiào jiàotú zūnjìng fóxiàng.
321如同Just likerútóng这如同一个奇迹。This is just like a miracle.Zhè rútóng yīgè qíjì.
322Initial/Firstchū这是初步计划。This is the initial plan.Zhè shì chūbù jìhuà.
323混乱Chaos/Confusionhùnluàn现场非常混乱。The scene is very chaotic.Xiànchǎng fēicháng hùnluàn.
324Arrange/Rankpái我们需要排队。We need to line up.Wǒmen xūyào páiduì.
325岁月Years/Timesuìyuè岁月流逝得很快。Time passes quickly.Suìyuè liúshì dé hěn kuài.
326参赛Competecān sài他想参赛这个比赛。He wants to compete in the competition.Tā xiǎng cān sài zhège bǐsài.
327届时At that timejièshí届时我们会见面。We will meet at that time.Jièshí wǒmen huì jiànmiàn.
328这边Over herezhèbiān这边的风景很美。The scenery over here is beautiful.Zhèbiān de fēngjǐng hěn měi.
329Class/Teambān我们有一个数学班。We have a math class.Wǒmen yǒu yīgè shùxué bān.
330塑造Shape/Buildsùzào他们在塑造一个新的形象。They are shaping a new image.Tāmen zài sùzào yīgè xīn de xíngxiàng.
331权威Authorityquánwēi他是该领域的权威。He is an authority in the field.Tā shì gāi lǐngyù de quánwēi.
332双重Dual/Doubleshuāngchóng这个问题有双重性质。This issue has a dual nature.Zhège wèntí yǒu shuāngchóng xìngzhì.
333古老Ancientgǔlǎo这是一座古老的建筑。This is an ancient building.Zhè shì yī zuò gǔlǎo de jiànzhú.
334广播Broadcastguǎngbō我们收听了广播节目。We listened to the broadcast.Wǒmen shōutīngle guǎngbō jiémù.
335乐观Optimisticlèguān他总是保持乐观的态度。He always maintains an optimistic attitude.Tā zǒng shì bǎochí lèguān de tàidù.
336塑造Shape/Buildsùzào她努力塑造自己的职业生涯。She works hard to build her career.Tā nǔlì sùzào zìjǐ de zhíyè shēngyá.
337定期Regulardìngqī我们每月定期开会。We hold regular meetings every month.Wǒmen měi yuè dìngqī kāihuì.
338强大Strong/Powerfulqiángdà他有一个强大的团队。He has a powerful team.Tā yǒu yīgè qiángdà de tuánduì.
339社会主义Socialismshèhuì zhǔyì社会主义追求平等。Socialism seeks equality.Shèhuì zhǔyì zhuīqiú píngděng.
340事宜Matters/Issuesshìyí我们需要讨论一些事宜。We need to discuss some matters.Wǒmen xūyào tǎolùn yīxiē shìyí.
341交往Interact/Associatejiāowǎng我们要加强与他的交往。We need to strengthen our association with him.Wǒmen yào qiánghuà yǔ tā de jiāowǎng.
342时空Time and Spaceshíkōng科学探索时空的奥秘。Science explores the mysteries of time and space.Kēxué tànsuǒ shíkōng de àomì.
343露出Expose/Reveallùchū她的笑容露出了她的快乐。Her smile revealed her happiness.Tā de xiàoróng lùchūle tā de kuàilè.
344请教Consult/Askqǐngjiào请教老师一些问题。Consult the teacher about some questions.Qǐngjiào lǎoshī yīxiē wèntí.
345繁荣Prosperous/Flourishingfánróng这个城市非常繁荣。This city is very prosperous.Zhège chéngshì fēicháng fánróng.
346嬉皮Hippiexīpí他穿着嬉皮风格的衣服。He wears hippie-style clothes.Tā chuānzhuó xīpí fēnggé de yīfú.
347繁荣Prosperous/Flourishingfánróng经济繁荣对社会很重要。Economic prosperity is important for society.Jīngjì fánróng duì shèhuì hěn zhòngyào.
348Jin (Unit of weight)jīn一斤苹果多少钱?How much is a jin of apples?Yī jīn píngguǒ duōshǎo qián?
349And/Along with这项计划包括研究暨开发。This plan includes research and development.Zhè xiàng jìhuà bāokuò yánjiū jì kāifā.
350行情Market Situationhángqíng我们需要了解当前的行情。We need to understand the current market situation.Wǒmen xūyào liǎojiě dāngqián de hángqíng.
351先导Pioneer/Guidexiāndǎo他是这个项目的先导。He is the pioneer of this project.Tā shì zhège xiàngmù de xiāndǎo.
352防治Prevention and Controlfángzhì我们需要防治环境污染。We need to prevent and control environmental pollution.Wǒmen xūyào fángzhì huánjìng wūrǎn.
353列入Include/Enterlièrù这个项目被列入了优先计划。This project was included in the priority plan.Zhège xiàngmù bèi lièrùle yōuxiān jìhuà.
354依据Basis/According toyījù依据法律,我们必须遵守规定。According to the law, we must follow the regulations.Yījù fǎlǜ, wǒmen bìxū zūnshǒu guīdìng.
355完美Perfectwánměi这是一个完美的解决方案。This is a perfect solution.Zhè shì yīgè wánměi de jiějué fāng’àn.
356同胞Fellow Countrymentóngbāo我们是同胞。We are fellow countrymen.Wǒmen shì tóngbāo.
357原理Principleyuánlǐ这是科学的基本原理。This is a fundamental scientific principle.Zhè shì kēxué de jīběn yuánlǐ.
358财富Wealthcáifù财富不等于幸福。Wealth does not equal happiness.Cáifù bù děngyú xìngfú.
359Yellowhuáng她穿了一件黄衬衫。She wore a yellow shirt.Tā chuānle yī jiàn huáng chènshān.
360难免Inevitablenánmiǎn错误在所难免。Mistakes are inevitable.Cuòwù zài suǒ nánmiǎn.
361中小企业Small and Medium Enterpriseszhōngxiǎo qǐyè中小企业对经济很重要。Small and medium enterprises are important for the economy.Zhōngxiǎo qǐyè duì jīngjì hěn zhòngyào.
362全力Full effortquánlì我们要全力以赴完成任务。We need to make a full effort to complete the task.Wǒmen yào quánlì yǐfù wánchéng rènwù.
363影响到Affectyǐngxiǎng dào这将影响到我们的计划。This will affect our plan.Zhè jiāng yǐngxiǎng dào wǒmen de jìhuà.
364贵族Noble/Aristocratguìzú他来自一个贵族家庭。He comes from a noble family.Tā láizì yīgè guìzú jiātíng.
365祖先Ancestorzǔxiān我们应该尊敬我们的祖先。We should respect our ancestors.Wǒmen yīnggāi zūnjìng wǒmen de zǔxiān.
366Wait/Staydài我们在这里待了一会儿。We stayed here for a while.Wǒmen zài zhèlǐ dài le yīhuǐ’er.
367怎么Howzěnme你怎么知道的?How did you know?Nǐ zěnme zhīdào de?
368流通Circulate/Flowliútōng钱的流通对经济很重要。The flow of money is important for the economy.Qián de liútōng duì jīngjì hěn zhòngyào.
369姊姊Older Sisterzǐzǐ我的姊姊很喜欢看书。My older sister loves reading.Wǒ de zǐzǐ hěn xǐhuān kànshū.
370Purechún这是一种纯净的水。This is a pure water.Zhè shì yī zhǒng chúnjìng de shuǐ.
371学会Learn/Institutexuéhuì我们需要学会新的技能。We need to learn new skills.Wǒmen xūyào xuéhuì xīn de jìnéng.
372联系Contact/Linkliánxì请保持联系。Please keep in contact.Qǐng bǎochí liánxì.
373Report/Newsbào我看了今天的报纸。I read today’s newspaper.Wǒ kànle jīntiān de bàozhǐ.
374台风Typhoontáifēng台风带来了强风和大雨。The typhoon brought strong winds and heavy rain.Táifēng dàilái le qiángfēng hé dàyǔ.
375Plate/Discpán请把这些盘子放在桌子上。Please put these plates on the table.Qǐng bǎ zhèxiē pánzi fàng zài zhuōzi shàng.
376精致Exquisite/Delicatejīngzhì她的饰品非常精致。Her accessories are very delicate.Tā de shìpǐn fēicháng jīngzhì.
377联考Joint Examinationliánkǎo我们准备参加联考。We are preparing for the joint examination.Wǒmen zhǔnbèi cānjiā liánkǎo.
378队伍Team/Groupduìwǔ我们的队伍非常强大。Our team is very strong.Wǒmen de duìwǔ fēicháng qiángdà.
379大台北Greater Taipeidà Táiběi大台北地区有很多旅游景点。The Greater Taipei area has many tourist attractions.Dà Táiběi dìqū yǒu hěn duō lǚyóu jǐngdiǎn.
380和尚Monkhéshàng他是一位和尚。He is a monk.Tā shì yī wèi héshàng.
381联系Contact/Linkliánxì我们保持了良好的联系。We maintained good contact.Wǒmen bǎochíle liánghǎo de liánxì.
382回收Recyclehuíshōu我们应该回收垃圾。We should recycle waste.Wǒmen yīnggāi huíshōu lājī.
383便是Just/Simplybiàn shì这便是我想说的。This is just what I wanted to say.Zhè biàn shì wǒ xiǎng shuō de.
384After/Behindhòu这件事后果如何?What are the consequences of this matter?Zhè jiàn shì hòuguǒ rúhé?
385师范Normal School/Teacher Trainingshīfàn她在师范大学学习教育。She studies education at a normal school.Tā zài shīfàn dàxué xuéxí jiàoyù.
386陷入Fall intoxiànrù他陷入了困境。He fell into a difficult situation.Tā xiànrùle kùnjìng.
387Travel/Tour这个城市适合旅居。This city is suitable for living.Zhège chéngshì shìhé lǚjū.
388高度Height/High Levelgāodù这座山的高度很高。The height of this mountain is very high.Zhè zuò shān de gāodù hěn gāo.
389Rent/Lease我们租了一间房子。We rented a house.Wǒmen zūle yī jiān fángzi.
390Deputy/Assistant他是副总经理。He is the deputy general manager.Tā shì fù zǒng jīnglǐ.
391义大利ItalyYìdàlì义大利有丰富的历史。Italy has a rich history.Yìdàlì yǒu fēngfù de lìshǐ.
392篮球Basketballlánqiú我们打篮球比赛。We play basketball games.Wǒmen dǎ lánqiú bǐsài.
393生产力Productivityshēngchǎnlì提高生产力是公司的目标。Improving productivity is the company’s goal.Tígāo shēngchǎnlì shì gōngsī de mùbiāo.
394Commit (a crime)fàn他犯了一个错误。He committed a mistake.Tā fànle yīgè cuòwù.
395评鑑Evaluationpíngjiàn我们需要进行评鑑。We need to carry out an evaluation.Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng píngjiàn.
396搜寻Search/Seeksōuxún我们正在搜寻失踪的人。We are searching for the missing person.Wǒmen zhèngzài sōuxún shīzōng de rén.
397有利Beneficialyǒulì这种做法对健康有利。This method is beneficial to health.Zhè zhǒng zuòfǎ duì jiànkāng yǒulì.
398情境Situation/Contextqíngjìng这种情境很特殊。This situation is very special.Zhè zhǒng qíngjìng hěn tèshū.
399处处Everywherechùchù处处都是风景。Everywhere is a scenic spot.Chùchù dōu shì fēngjǐng.
400Then/Thus这样做则不会有问题。Doing so will not cause problems.Zhèyàng zuò zé bù huì yǒu wèntí.
401物价Commodity Priceswùjià物价上涨了。Commodity prices have risen.Wùjià shàngzhǎngle.

Here is the expanded list of words with their meanings and example sentences:

#WordMeaningPinyinExample Sentence (Chinese)Example Sentence (English)Pinyin Sentence
405评鑑Evaluationpíngjiàn评鉴师对作品进行了详细的评鑑。The evaluator conducted a detailed review of the work.Píngjiàn shī duì zuòpǐn jìnxíngle xiángxì de píngjiàn.
406Measure word for tripstàng我们昨天去了几趟商场。We went to the mall several times yesterday.Wǒmen zuótiān qùle jǐ tàng shāngchǎng.
407歌曲Songgēqǔ这首歌曲很受欢迎。This song is very popular.Zhè shǒu gēqǔ hěn shòu huānyíng.
408Burnshāo他烧了一锅汤。He cooked a pot of soup.Tā shāo le yī guō tāng.
409Zhao (a common Chinese surname)Zhào赵先生是我的朋友。Mr. Zhao is my friend.Zhào xiānshēng shì wǒ de péngyǒu.
410文物Cultural relicswénwù博物馆里展示了许多珍贵的文物。The museum displays many precious cultural relics.Bówùguǎn lǐ zhǎnshìle xǔduō zhēnguì de wénwù.
411四处Everywheresìchù他四处寻找丢失的钥匙。He searched everywhere for the lost key.Tā sìchù xúnzhǎo diūshī de yàoshi.
412心脏Heartxīnzàng心脏是人体的重要器官。The heart is a vital organ in the human body.Xīnzàng shì réntǐ de zhòngyào qìguān.
413难怪No wondernánguài难怪你这么累,原来你工作了这么久。No wonder you’re so tired; it turns out you’ve been working for so long.Nánguài nǐ zhème lèi, yuánlái nǐ gōngzuòle zhème jiǔ.
414唱歌Singchànggē她喜欢在家里唱歌。She likes to sing at home.Tā xǐhuān zài jiālǐ chànggē.
415数目Number/Amountshùmù统计的数目比我们预期的要多。The number counted was more than we expected.Tǒngjì de shùmù bǐ wǒmen yùqī de yào duō.
416不时Occasionallybùshí他不时会收到邮件。He occasionally receives emails.Tā bùshí huì shōudào yóujiàn.
417修订Revise/Amendxiūdìng我们需要修订这份合同。We need to revise this contract.Wǒmen xūyào xiūdìng zhè fèn hétóng.
418词汇Vocabularycíhuì扩充词汇量对学好语言很重要。Expanding vocabulary is important for learning a language.Kuòchōng cíhuì liàng duì xuéhǎo yǔyán hěn zhòngyào.
419干脆Simply/Clearlygāncuì干脆告诉我真相。Just tell me the truth clearly.Gāncuì gàosù wǒ zhēnxiàng.
420社长President (of a society)shèzhǎng他是学生会的社长。He is the president of the student council.Tā shì xuéshēng huì de shèzhǎng.
421修订Revise/Amendxiūdìng请修订这份报告的错误。Please revise the errors in this report.Qǐng xiūdìng zhè fèn bàogào de cuòwù.
422唱歌Singchànggē他很喜欢唱歌。He loves to sing.Tā hěn xǐhuān chànggē.
423球场Stadium/Courtqiúchǎng他们在球场上比赛。They are playing at the stadium.Tāmen zài qiúchǎng shàng bǐsài.
424身份Identityshēnfèn身份认证很重要。Identity verification is important.Shēnfèn rènzhèng hěn zhòngyào.
425解释Explainjiěshì能否给我解释一下这个问题?Could you explain this question to me?Néngfǒu gěi wǒ jiěshì yīxià zhège wèntí?
426计画Planjìhuà我们的计画已经准备好了。Our plan is ready.Wǒmen de jìhuà yǐjīng zhǔnbèihǎole.
427水果Fruitshuǐguǒ她每天吃水果。She eats fruit every day.Tā měitiān chī shuǐguǒ.
428发明Inventionfāmíng他有许多伟大的发明。He has many great inventions.Tā yǒu xǔduō wěidà de fāmíng.
429户外Outdoorhùwài我们去户外活动吧。Let’s go for an outdoor activity.Wǒmen qù hùwài huódòng ba.
430司法Judiciary/Legalsīfǎ司法系统需要改革。The judiciary system needs reform.Sīfǎ xìtǒng xūyào gǎigé.
431热门Popularrèmén这部电影非常热门。This movie is very popular.Zhè bù diànyǐng fēicháng rèmén.
432环保局Environmental Protection Bureauhuánbǎo jú环保局正在处理环境问题。The Environmental Protection Bureau is handling environmental issues.Huánbǎo jú zhèngzài chǔlǐ huánjìng wèntí.
433解放Liberationjiěfàng他们在庆祝国家的解放。They are celebrating the country’s liberation.Tāmen zài qìngzhù guójiā de jiěfàng.
434Grasscǎo公园里的草很绿。The grass in the park is very green.Gōngyuán lǐ de cǎo hěn lǜ.
435东吴Eastern Wu (a historical state)Dōng Wú东吴是中国古代的一个国家。Eastern Wu was an ancient Chinese state.Dōng Wú shì zhōngguó gǔdài de yīgè guójiā.
436幸运Lucky/Good fortunexìngyùn我今天真的很幸运。I’m really lucky today.Wǒ jīntiān zhēn de hěn xìngyùn.
437解放Liberationjiěfàng解放军在战斗中取得了胜利。The Liberation Army achieved victory in battle.Jiěfàng jūn zài zhàndòu zhōng qǔdéle shènglì.
438违规Violate (rules)wéiguī他因为违规被罚款。He was fined for violating the rules.Tā yīnwèi wéiguī bèi fákuǎn.
439下来Come down/Descendxiàlái请从楼梯上下来。Please come down from the stairs.Qǐng cóng lóutī shàng xiàlái.
440热心Enthusiastic/Kindrèxīn她非常热心,乐于助人。She is very enthusiastic and helpful.Tā fēicháng rèxīn, lèyú zhùrén.
441Count/Calculatesuàn我们来算算总费用。Let’s calculate the total cost.Wǒmen lái suànsuàn zǒng fèiyòng.
442Lead/Receivelǐng他负责领队。He is in charge of leading the team.Tā fùzé lǐngduì.
443创新Innovationchuàngxīn他们的创新让公司取得了成功。Their innovation brought success to the company.Tāmen de chuàngxīn ràng gōngsī qǔdéle chénggōng.
444Electricity/ Electricdiàn这个设备需要电。This device needs electricity.Zhè ge shèbèi xūyào diàn.
445灵魂Soullínghún音乐是他灵魂的表达方式。Music is an expression of his soul.Yīnyuè shì tā línghún de biǎodá fāngshì.
446尊严Dignityzūnyán每个人都应该维护自己的尊严。Everyone should uphold their dignity.Měi gèrén dōu yīnggāi wéihù zìjǐ de zūnyán.
447协商Negotiatexiéshāng双方正在协商合同细节。Both parties are negotiating the contract details.Shuāngfāng zhèngzài xiéshāng hétóng xìjié.
448Network/Webwǎng我们需要建立一个强大的网络。We need to establish a strong network.Wǒmen xūyào jiànlì yīgè qiángdà de wǎngluò.
449军人Soldierjūnrén他的父亲是一名军人。His father is a soldier.Tā de fùqīn shì yī míng jūnrén.
450物件Object/Itemwùjiàn这些物件都很古老。These items are all very old.Zhèxiē wùjiàn dōu hěn gǔlǎo.
451省府Provincial Governmentshěngfǔ省府发布了新的政策。The provincial government issued new policies.Shěngfǔ fābùle xīn de zhèngcè.
452Back/Carrybèi他背着书包去学校。He carries a backpack to school.Tā bèizhe shūbāo qù xuéxiào.
453书法Calligraphyshūfǎ他的书法非常优美。His calligraphy is very beautiful.Tā de shūfǎ fēicháng yōuměi.
454违规Violate (rules)wéiguī公司因为违规被罚款。The company was fined for violating the rules.Gōngsī yīnwèi wéiguī bèi fákuǎn.
455创新Innovationchuàngxīn这项创新改变了整个行业。This innovation changed the entire industry.Zhè xiàng chuàngxīn gǎibiànle zhěnggè hángyè.
456运输Transportyùnshū货物的运输需要时间。Transporting goods takes time.Huòwù de yùnshū xūyào shíjiān.
457礼拜Week/Religious servicelǐbài我们每礼拜去教堂。We go to church every week.Wǒmen měi lǐbài qù jiàotáng.
458View/Observeguān他对这个问题有不同的观。He has a different view on this issue.Tā duì zhège wèntí yǒu bùtóng de guān.
459愿望Wishyuànwàng我的愿望是环游世界。My wish is to travel around the world.Wǒ de yuànwàng shì huányóu shìjiè.
460临床Clinicallínchuáng临床试验正在进行。The clinical trials are underway.Línchuáng shìyàn zhèngzài jìnxíng.
461Practice/Trainliàn她每天都练习钢琴。She practices the piano every day.Tā měitiān dōu liànxí gāngqín.
462麻烦Trouble/Annoyingmáfan对不起,给你带来了麻烦。Sorry for the trouble I caused you.Duìbùqǐ, gěi nǐ dàilái le máfan.
463当成Treat asdàngchéng他把这件事当成了玩笑。He treated this matter as a joke.Tā bǎ zhè jiàn shì dàngchéngle wánxiào.
464皇帝Emperorhuángdì中国历史上有许多皇帝。There were many emperors in Chinese history.Zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng yǒu xǔduō huángdì.
465男孩Boynánhái他是一个聪明的男孩。He is a smart boy.Tā shì yīgè cōngmíng de nánhái.
466有钱Richyǒuqián他很有钱,生活非常舒适。He is rich and lives very comfortably.Tā hěn yǒuqián, shēnghuó fēicháng shūshì.
467瑞士SwitzerlandRuìshì瑞士是一个美丽的国家。Switzerland is a beautiful country.Ruìshì shì yīgè měilì de guójiā.
468何况Let alone/Not to mentionhékuàng他连这个问题都解决不了,何况其他问题。He can’t even solve this problem, let alone others.Tā lián zhège wèntí dōu jiějué bùliǎo, hékuàng qítā wèntí.
469扩充Expandkuòchōng公司计划扩充业务。The company plans to expand its business.Gōngsī jìhuà kuòchōng yèwù.
470奖励Rewardjiǎnglì她获得了优秀员工的奖励。She received a reward for being an outstanding employee.Tā huòdéle yōuxiù yuángōng de jiǎnglì.
471分佈Distributionfēnbù人口的分佈在不同地区有所不同。The distribution of the population varies in different regions.Rénkǒu de fēnbù zài bùtóng dìqū yǒu suǒ bùtóng.
472竞赛Competitionjìngsài我们参加了一个科学竞赛。We participated in a science competition.Wǒmen cānjiāle yīgè kēxué jìngsài.
473对应Corresponding/Correspondduìyìng这些数据对应着不同的结果。These data correspond to different results.Zhèxiē shùjù duìyìng zhe bùtóng de jiéguǒ.
474严肃Seriousyánsù这是一个严肃的问题。This is a serious issue.Zhè shì yīgè yánsù de wèntí.
475脱离Separate/Detachtuōlí他脱离了公司。He detached from the company.Tā tuōlíle gōngsī.
476主委Chairperson (of a committee)zhǔwěi主委在会议上发言。The chairperson spoke at the meeting.Zhǔwěi zài huìyì shàng fāyán.
477应付Deal with/Handleyìngfù他们需要应付突发的情况。They need to handle unexpected situations.Tāmen xūyào yìngfù túfā de qíngkuàng.
478注意到Noticezhùyì dào我注意到你的进步。I noticed your progress.Wǒ zhùyì dào nǐ de jìnbù.
479安装Installānzhuāng我们刚刚完成了软件的安装。We just completed the software installation.Wǒmen gānggāng wánchéngle ruǎnjiàn de ānzhuāng.
480国王Kingguówáng他是一个伟大的国王。He is a great king.Tā shì yīgè wěidà de guówáng.
481Wear/Arrive (indicating action in progress)zhe他穿着一件新衣服。He is wearing a new shirt.Tā chuānzhuó yī jiàn xīn yīfú.
482Pen/Stroke这支笔写字很流畅。This pen writes smoothly.Zhè zhī bǐ xiězì hěn liúchàng.
483发达Developed/Prosperousfādá这座城市非常发达。This city is very developed.Zhè zuò chéngshì fēicháng fādá.
484单一Single/Simplifieddān yī这项任务比较单一。This task is relatively simple.Zhè xiàng rènwù bǐjiào dān yī.
485安装Installānzhuāng我们需要安装新的设备。We need to install new equipment.Wǒmen xūyào ānzhuāng xīn de shèbèi.
486历经Experience/Undergolìjīng他历经了许多挑战。He has undergone many challenges.Tā lìjīngle xǔduō tiǎozhàn.
487饮料Beverageyǐnliào我们可以喝一些饮料。We can have some beverages.Wǒmen kěyǐ hē yīxiē yǐnliào.
488万一In case/Just in casewànyī万一下雨,我们要带伞。In case it rains, we should bring an umbrella.Wànyī xià yǔ, wǒmen yào dài sǎn.
489机械Machinery/Mechanicaljīxiè这台机械设备很先进。This machinery is very advanced.Zhè tái jīxiè shèbèi hěn xiānjìn.
490影响力Influence/Impactyǐngxiǎnglì他在行业中有很大的影响力。He has a great influence in the industry.Tā zài hángyè zhōng yǒu hěn dà de yǐngxiǎnglì.
491不免Inevitablebùmiǎn面对这种情况,不免感到焦虑。In such situations, it is inevitable to feel anxious.Miànduì zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng, bùmiǎn gǎndào jiāolǜ.
492加速Acceleratejiāsù我们需要加速项目的进度。We need to accelerate the project’s progress.Wǒmen xūyào jiāsù xiàngmù de jìndù.
493加州CaliforniaJiāzhōu加州是美国的一个州。California is a state in the USA.Jiāzhōu shì měiguó de yīgè zhōu.
494Specializezhuān他在金融方面专长。He specializes in finance.Tā zài jīnróng fāngmiàn zhuāncháng.
495比率Ratio/Ratebǐlǜ这个项目的成功比率很高。The success rate of this project is high.Zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng bǐlǜ hěn gāo.
496科目Subject/Fieldkēmù我们要学习不同的科目。We need to study different subjects.Wǒmen yào xuéxí bùtóng de kēmù.
497致力Dedicate/Commit tozhìlì他致力于提高教育水平。He is dedicated to improving the education level.Tā zhìlì yú tígāo jiàoyù shuǐpíng.
498完善Perfect/Improvewánshàn我们需要完善这个计划。We need to perfect this plan.Wǒmen xūyào wánshàn zhège jìhuà.
499成人Adultchéngrén成人教育很重要。Adult education is important.Chéngrén jiàoyù hěn zhòngyào.
500吵架Argue/Fightchǎojià他们经常吵架。They often argue.Tāmen jīngcháng chǎojià.

I hope this helps! If you need more assistance or additional information, just let me know.

s and their details:

501名额Quota/Number of placesmíng’é这次活动的名额有限,请尽快报名。The quota for this event is limited, please sign up as soon as possible.Zhè cì huódòng de míng’é yǒuxiàn, qǐng jǐnkuài bàomíng.
502完善Perfect/Improvewánshàn我们需要完善这个计划。We need to perfect this plan.Wǒmen xūyào wánshàn zhège jìhuà.
503吵架Argue/Fightchǎojià他们经常吵架。They often argue.Tāmen jīngcháng chǎojià.
504Send/Emit/Issue他发了一封邮件。He sent an email.Tā fāle yī fēng yóujiàn.
505换句话说In other wordshuàn jù huà shuō换句话说,我们需要更多时间。In other words, we need more time.Huàn jù huà shuō, wǒmen xūyào gèng duō shíjiān.
506Produce/Manufacturechǎn这家公司专门生产电子产品。This company specializes in manufacturing electronic products.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhuānmén shēngchǎn diànzǐ chǎnpǐn.
507不然Otherwisebùrán要是你不来,会议就无法进行,不然我们就得另找时间。If you don’t come, the meeting can’t proceed; otherwise, we’ll have to find another time.Yàoshi nǐ bù lái, huìyì jiù wúfǎ jìnxíng; bùrán wǒmen jiù dé lìng zhǎo shíjiān.
508支付Paymentzhīfù请在月底前支付账单。Please make the payment by the end of the month.Qǐng zài yuèdǐ qián zhīfù zhàngdān.
509可行Feasible/Viablekěxíng这个计划是可行的。This plan is feasible.Zhège jìhuà shì kěxíng de.
510支付Paymentzhīfù他已经完成了所有的支付。He has completed all the payments.Tā yǐjīng wánchéngle suǒyǒu de zhīfù.
511变化Change/Variationbiànhuà最近的天气变化很大。The weather has changed a lot recently.Zuìjìn de tiānqì biànhuà hěn dà.
512竞选Campaign/Electionjìngxuǎn他正在竞选市长。He is running for mayor.Tā zhèngzài jìngxuǎn shìzhǎng.
513Close/Turn offguān请关灯。Please turn off the lights.Qǐng guān dēng.
514竞选Campaign/Electionjìngxuǎn他们正在竞选这个职位。They are campaigning for this position.Tāmen zhèngzài jìngxuǎn zhège zhíwèi.
515双手Both handsshuāngshǒu他用双手抱着孩子。He holds the child with both hands.Tā yòng shuāngshǒu bàozhe háizi.
516有些Some/Severalyǒuxiē有些人喜欢运动,有些人喜欢读书。Some people like sports, while others like reading.Yǒuxiē rén xǐhuān yùndòng, yǒuxiē rén xǐhuān dúshū.
517Name/Famemíng他的名字是李明。His name is Li Ming.Tā de míngzì shì Lǐ Míng.
518Form/Watch/Expressbiǎo请填写这张表格。Please fill out this form.Qǐng tiánxiě zhè zhāng biǎogé.
519社员Member (of a society)shèyuán这个社团的社员很多。There are many members in this club.Zhège shètuán de shèyuán hěn duō.
520Produce/Manufacturechǎn公司生产各种食品。The company produces various foods.Gōngsī shēngchǎn gè zhǒng shípǐn.
521反应Reaction/Responsefǎnyìng他的反应很快。His reaction is very quick.Tā de fǎnyìng hěn kuài.
522False/Fake/Temporaryjiǎ这是假的消息。This is false news.Zhè shì jiǎ de xiāoxī.
523乐园Paradise/Amusement parklèyuán他们去了一个大型乐园。They went to a large amusement park.Tāmen qùle yīgè dàxíng lèyuán.
524饿死Starve to deathèsǐ我快饿死了,需要吃东西。I’m starving; I need to eat something.Wǒ kuài èsǐle, xūyào chī dōngxi.
525Lake他们在湖边散步。They are walking by the lake.Tāmen zài húbiān sànbù.
526国际化Internationalizationguójìhuà公司正在进行国际化改造。The company is undergoing internationalization.Gōngsī zhèngzài jìnxíng guójìhuà gǎizào.
527营养Nutritionyíngyǎng饮食要注意营养。Diet should pay attention to nutrition.Yǐnshí yào zhùyì yíngyǎng.
528Turn/Transferzhuǎn请把文件转给我。Please transfer the document to me.Qǐng bǎ wénjiàn zhuǎn gěi wǒ.
529不便Inconvenientbùbiàn这件事会带来一些不便。This will cause some inconvenience.Zhè jiàn shì huì dàilái yīxiē bùbiàn.
530Reverse/Contraryfǎn反方向的道路很危险。The road in the opposite direction is dangerous.Fǎn fāngxiàng de dàolù hěn wēixiǎn.
531山地Mountainous terrainshāndì这片区域是山地。This area is mountainous terrain.Zhè piàn qūyù shì shāndì.
532考验Test/Trialkǎoyàn这次旅行对她来说是一个考验。This trip is a trial for her.Zhè cì lǚxíng duì tā lái shuō shì yīgè kǎoyàn.
533不变Unchanged/Constantbùbiàn这个政策保持不变。This policy remains unchanged.Zhège zhèngcè bǎochí bùbiàn.
534Become/Accomplishchéng他已经成了一名医生。He has become a doctor.Tā yǐjīng chéngle yī míng yīshēng.
535国际化Internationalizationguójìhuà企业的国际化对其发展至关重要。The internationalization of a business is crucial for its development.Qǐyè de guójìhuà duì qí fāzhǎn zhìguān zhòngyào.
536时光Time/Time periodshíguāng这些照片记录了美好的时光。These photos capture wonderful times.Zhèxiē zhàopiàn jìlùle měihǎo de shíguāng.
537念书Study (books)niànshū他每天都要念书。He studies books every day.Tā měitiān dōu yào niànshū.
538多元化Diversificationduōyuánhuà公司在产品上进行了多元化。The company has diversified its products.Gōngsī zài chǎnpǐn shàng jìnxíngle duōyuánhuà.
539交通部Ministry of Transportationjiāotōngbù交通部发布了新的交通法规。The Ministry of Transportation has issued new traffic regulations.Jiāotōngbù fābùle xīn de jiāotōng fǎguī.
540依法According to lawyīfǎ这个项目将依法进行。This project will proceed according to the law.Zhège xiàngmù jiāng yīfǎ jìnxíng.
541多元化Diversificationduōyuánhuà他们致力于业务的多元化。They are committed to business diversification.Tāmen zhìlì yú yèwù de duōyuánhuà.
542Measure word for shipssōu我们有三艘船在港口。We have three ships in the harbor.Wǒmen yǒu sān sōu chuán zài gǎngkǒu.
543强化Strengthen/Enhanceqiánghuà这项措施将强化公司的安全。This measure will enhance the company’s security.Zhè xiàng cuòshī jiāng qiánghuà gōngsī de ānquán.
544Smoke/Tobaccoyān他的房间里充满了烟。His room was filled with smoke.Tā de fángjiān lǐ chōngmǎnle yān.
545势力Power/Influenceshìlì他们有很大的政治势力。They have significant political influence.Tāmen yǒu hěn dà de zhèngzhì shìlì.
546敌人Enemydírén他们的敌人正在进攻。Their enemy is attacking.Tāmen de dírén zhèngzài jìngōng.
547仪器Instrument/Deviceyíqì这台仪器很先进。This instrument is very advanced.Zhè tái yíqì hěn xiānjìn.
548功夫Skill/Work (effort)gōngfū他有很高的功夫。He has great skill.Tā yǒu hěn gāo de gōngfū.
549不景气Recession/Downturnbùjǐngqì经济不景气影响了许多企业。The economic downturn has affected many businesses.Jīngjì bùjǐngqì yǐngxiǎngle xǔduō qǐyè.
550离婚Divorcelíhūn他们已经离婚了。They are divorced.Tāmen yǐjīng líhūnle.
551Hold/Carrychí他持有公司的股份。He holds shares in the company.Tā chí yǒu gōngsī de gǔfèn.
552财政Financecáizhèng财政预算已经通过。The financial budget has been approved.Cáizhèng yùsuàn yǐjīng tōngguò.
553离婚Divorcelíhūn离婚后,他们保持了良好的关系。After the divorce, they maintained a good relationship.Líhūn hòu, tāmen bǎochíle liánghǎo de guānxì.
554伦理Ethicslúnlǐ伦理问题在这场辩论中被讨论。Ethical issues were discussed in the debate.Lúnlǐ wèntí zài zhè chǎng biànlùn zhōng bèi tǎolùn.
555强盗Robber/Thiefqiángdào他被强盗绑架了。He was kidnapped by robbers.Tā bèi qiángdào bǎngjiàle.
556负面Negativefùmiàn这次事件带来了负面影响。This incident brought negative effects.Zhè cì shìjiàn dàiláile fùmiàn yǐngxiǎng.
557企业界Business communityqǐyèjiè企业界对这个政策表示欢迎。The business community welcomes this policy.Qǐyèjiè duì zhège zhèngcè biǎoshì huānyíng.
558红色Redhóngsè她穿了一件红色的裙子。She wore a red dress.Tā chuānle yī jiàn hóngsè de qúnzi.
559施行Implementshīxíng新的法规将在下个月施行。The new regulations will be implemented next month.Xīn de fǎguī jiāng zài xià gè yuè shīxíng.
560列为Classify/Listed aslièwéi这部电影被列为经典之作。This film is classified as a classic.Zhè bù diànyǐng bèi lièwéi jīngdiǎn zhī zuò.
561强化Strengthen/Enhanceqiánghuà我们需要强化团队合作。We need to strengthen team collaboration.Wǒmen xūyào qiánghuà tuánduì hézuò.
562Surname/Family namexìng我姓张。My surname is Zhang.Wǒ xìng Zhāng.
563关切Concern/Concernedguānqiè他对这个问题非常关切。He is very concerned about this issue.Tā duì zhège wèntí fēicháng guānqiè.
564众人Everyone/Peoplezhòngrén众人都在等待他的决定。Everyone is waiting for his decision.Zhòngrén dōu zài děngdài tā de juédìng.
565礼物Giftlǐwù她给我送了一份礼物。She gave me a gift.Tā gěi wǒ sòngle yī fèn lǐwù.
566不利Unfavorable/Disadvantageousbùlì这个决定可能会有不利影响。This decision may have unfavorable effects.Zhège juédìng kěnéng huì yǒu bùlì yǐngxiǎng.
567不佳Poor/Not goodbùjiā最近的经济状况不佳。The recent economic situation is poor.Zuìjìn de jīngjì zhuàngkuàng bùjiā.
568教育厅Department of Educationjiàoyùtīng教育厅发布了新的教育政策。The Department of Education has issued new education policies.Jiàoyùtīng fābùle xīn de jiàoyù zhèngcè.
569家属Family membersjiāshǔ家属们都很关心他的健康。His family members are very concerned about his health.Jiāshǔmen dōu hěn guānxīn tā de jiànkāng.
570咱们We/Us (inclusive)zánmen咱们一起去旅行吧。Let’s travel together.Zánmen yīqǐ qù lǚxíng ba.
571呼吸Breathehūxī深呼吸有助于放松。Deep breathing helps to relax.Shēn hūxī yǒu zhù yú fàngsōng.
572儿女Children/Offspringérnǚ他们的儿女都很乖。Their children are very well-behaved.Tāmen de érnǚ dōu hěn guāi.
573Style/Model/Amountkuǎn这款鞋子很受欢迎。This style of shoes is very popular.Zhè kuǎn xiézi hěn shòu huānyíng.
574象征Symbolxiàngzhēng红色是幸福的象征。Red is a symbol of happiness.Hóngsè shì xìngfú de xiàngzhēng.
575Cook/Boilzhǔ她正在煮汤。She is cooking soup.Tā zhèngzài zhǔ tāng.
576显著Significant/Remarkablexiǎnzhù这项研究的结果非常显著。The results of this study are very significant.Zhè xiàng yánjiū de jiéguǒ fēicháng xiǎnzhù.
577大跃进Great Leap Forwarddà yuèjìn大跃进是中国历史上的一段时期。The Great Leap Forward was a period in Chinese history.Dà yuèjìn shì Zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng de yī duàn shíqī.
578Stopzhǐ请在这里停车。Please stop here.Qǐng zài zhè lǐ tíngchē.
579Pay/Hand over他已经付了所有的费用。He has paid all the fees.Tā yǐjīng fùle suǒyǒu de fèiyòng.
580演员Actor/Actressyǎnyuán她是一位出色的演员。She is an outstanding actress.Tā shì yī wèi chūxiù de yǎnyuán.
581婴儿Babyyīngér她有一个可爱的婴儿。She has a lovely baby.Tā yǒu yīgè kě’ài de yīngér.
582典礼Ceremonydiǎnlǐ结婚典礼定于下周举行。The wedding ceremony is scheduled for next week.Jiéhūn diǎnlǐ dìng yú xià zhōu jǔxíng.
583忍受Endure/Sufferrěnshòu她很难忍受这种痛苦。She finds it hard to endure this pain.Tā hěn nán rěnshòu zhè zhǒng tòngkǔ.
584城镇Town/Villagechéngzhèn这个城镇很小。This town is very small.Zhège chéngzhèn hěn xiǎo.
585异常Abnormal/Unusualyìcháng这种情况非常异常。This situation is very unusual.Zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng fēicháng yìcháng.
586补助Subsidy/Allowancebǔzhù政府提供了经济补助。The government provided financial subsidies.Zhèngfǔ tígōngle jīngjì bǔzhù.
587案子Case/Projectànzi这个案子很复杂。This case is very complex.Zhège ànzi hěn fùzá.
588好朋友Good friendhǎo péngyǒu她是我的好朋友。She is my good friend.Tā shì wǒ de hǎo péngyǒu.
589轻易Easily/Lightlyqīngyì不要轻易相信别人。Don’t believe others easily.Bùyào qīngyì xiāngxìn biérén.
590码头Dock/Wharfmǎtóu他们在码头等船。They are waiting for the boat at the dock.Tāmen zài mǎtóu děng chuán.
591计划Planjìhuà我们有一个详细的计划。We have a detailed plan.Wǒmen yǒu yīgè xiángxì de jìhuà.
592服务业Service industryfúwùyè服务业在经济中扮演了重要角色。The service industry plays an important role in the economy.Fúwùyè zài jīngjì zhōng bànyǎnle zhòngyào juésè.
593工作站Workstationgōngzuòzhàn我们需要在工作站上完成任务。We need to complete the task at the workstation.Wǒmen xūyào zài gōngzuòzhàn shàng wánchéng rènwù.
594外表Appearance/Outwardwàibiǎo他的外表很帅。His appearance is handsome.Tā de wàibiǎo hěn shuài.
595Bearxióng森林里有很多熊。There are many bears in the forest.Sēnlín lǐ yǒu hěn duō xióng.
596势必Inevitablyshìbì这种情况势必会发生。This situation will inevitably happen.Zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng shìbì huì fāshēng.
597斗争Struggle/Conflictdòuzhēng他们在为自由而斗争。They are struggling for freedom.Tāmen zài wèi zìyóu ér dòuzhēng.



Draft/Formulateyánnǐ我们正在研拟新的计划。We are drafting a new plan.Wǒmen zhèngzài yánnǐ xīn de jìhuà.
699. 夫妇

Here are the translations for the new list of words:

601收藏Collect/Collectionshōucáng他喜欢收藏古董。He likes to collect antiques.Tā xǐhuān shōucáng gǔdǒng.
602法人Legal person/Entityfǎrén公司需要有法人代表。The company needs a legal representative.Gōngsī xūyào yǒu fǎrén dàibiǎo.
603收藏Collect/Collectionshōucáng她的收藏品非常丰富。Her collection is very rich.Tā de shōucángpǐn fēicháng fēngfù.
604企图Attempt/Schemeqìtú他企图通过考试来提高自己的成绩。He attempted to improve his grades by passing the exam.Tā qìtú tōngguò kǎoshì lái tígāo zìjǐ de chéngjì.
605再次Again/Once morezàicì我们将再次讨论这个问题。We will discuss this issue once more.Wǒmen jiāng zàicì tǎolùn zhège wèntí.
606科系Department/Field of Studykēxì他选择了计算机科学科系。He chose the Computer Science department.Tā xuǎnzèle jìsuànjī kēxì.
607赞助Sponsor/Supportzànzhù这项活动得到了许多企业的赞助。The event received sponsorship from many companies.Zhè xiàng huódòng dédàole xǔduō qǐyè de zànzhù.
608网球Tenniswǎngqiú我们周末去打网球。We play tennis on weekends.Wǒmen zhōumò qù dǎ wǎngqiú.
609人心People’s hearts/Mindsetrénxīn了解人心对于成功至关重要。Understanding people’s hearts is crucial for success.Liǎojiě rénxīn duìyú chénggōng zhìguān zhòngyào.
610有用Usefulyǒuyòng这个工具非常有用。This tool is very useful.Zhège gōngjù fēicháng yǒuyòng.
611聚集Gather/Assemblejùjí人们在广场上聚集。People gathered in the square.Rénmen zài guǎngchǎng shàng jùjí.
612编列Arrange/Listbiānliè我们需要编列预算清单。We need to arrange the budget list.Wǒmen xūyào biānliè yùsuàn qīngdān.
613证据Evidencezhèngjù他提供了有力的证据。He provided strong evidence.Tā tígōngle yǒulì de zhèngjù.
614自身Oneself/Selfzìshēn你需要提高自身的能力。You need to improve your own abilities.Nǐ xūyào tígāo zìshēn de nénglì.
615编列Arrange/Listbiānliè财务部门编列了年度预算。The finance department arranged the annual budget.Cáiwù bùmén biānlièle niándù yùsuàn.
616写作Writing/Composexiězuò他在写作方面非常有才华。He is very talented in writing.Tā zài xiězuò fāngmiàn fēicháng yǒu cáihuá.
617Take advantage ofchèn我们应该趁机完成这个项目。We should take advantage of the opportunity to complete this project.Wǒmen yīnggāi chènjī wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
618进度Progress/Tempojìndù项目的进度有些缓慢。The project’s progress is somewhat slow.Xiàngmù de jìndù yǒuxiē huǎnmàn.
619提前Advance/Bring forwardtíqián我们需要提前完成这项工作。We need to finish this work ahead of schedule.Wǒmen xūyào tíqián wánchéng zhè xiàng gōngzuò.
620气息Atmosphere/Breathqìxī他身上散发着淡淡的香气息。He exudes a faint fragrance.Tā shēn shàng sànfāzhe dàn dàn de xiāng qìxī.
621工业区Industrial areagōngyèqū工业区的环境需要改善。The environment of the industrial area needs improvement.Gōngyèqū de huánjìng xūyào gǎishàn.
622聚集Gather/Assemblejùjí人们在会场上聚集。People gathered at the conference hall.Rénmen zài huìchǎng shàng jùjí.
623会谈Meeting/Negotiationhuìtán他们举行了一次重要的会谈。They held an important meeting.Tāmen jǔxíngle yī cì zhòngyào de huìtán.
624慾望Desire/Wishyùwàng人的慾望往往无穷无尽。Human desires are often endless.Rén de yùwàng wǎngwǎng wúqióng wújìn.
625Loseshū他在比赛中输给了对手。He lost to his opponent in the match.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng shū gěile duìshǒu.
626优良Excellent/Goodyōuliáng这个产品的质量非常优良。The quality of this product is excellent.Zhège chǎnpǐn de zhìliàng fēicháng yōuliáng.
627文献Literature/Documentwénxiàn他查阅了大量的文献。He consulted a lot of literature.Tā cháyuèle dàliàng de wénxiàn.
628筹备Prepare/Organizechóubèi我们正在筹备一场重要的活动。We are preparing for an important event.Wǒmen zhèngzài chóubèi yī chǎng zhòngyào de huódòng.
629Advise/Encouragequàn他劝她不要放弃。He advised her not to give up.Tā quàn tā bùyào fàngqì.
630追踪Track/Tracezhuīzōng警察正在追踪嫌疑犯。The police are tracking the suspect.Jǐngchá zhèngzài zhuīzōng xiányífàn.
631筹备Prepare/Organizechóubèi我们正在筹备新产品的发布会。We are preparing for the launch of the new product.Wǒmen zhèngzài chóubèi xīn chǎnpǐn de fābù huì.
632有线Wiredyǒuxiàn这个电视需要有线连接。This TV needs a wired connection.Zhège diànshì xūyào yǒuxiàn liánjiē.
633会谈Meeting/Negotiationhuìtán我们安排了一个重要的会谈。We scheduled an important meeting.Wǒmen ānpáile yīgè zhòngyào de huìtán.
634逐步Gradually/Step by stepzhúbù我们需要逐步实现这个目标。We need to achieve this goal gradually.Wǒmen xūyào zhúbù shíxiàn zhège mùbiāo.
635安打Hit/At batāndǎ他在比赛中打出了安打。He hit a base hit in the game.Tā zài bǐsài zhōng dǎ chūle āndǎ.
636Every/Eachměi每个人都应该参与。Everyone should participate.Měi gèrén dōu yīnggāi cānyù.
637列印Printlièyìn请列印这份报告。Please print this report.Qǐng lièyìn zhè fèn bàogào.
638宣导Promote/Advocatexuāndǎo我们需要宣导新的政策。We need to promote the new policies.Wǒmen xūyào xuāndǎo xīn de zhèngcè.
639城堡Castlechéngbǎo他们参观了古老的城堡。They visited the old castle.Tāmen cānguānle gǔlǎo de chéngbǎo.
640追踪Track/Tracezhuīzōng他正在追踪新的线索。He is tracking new leads.Tā zhèngzài zhuīzōng xīn de xiànsuǒ.
641收获Harvest/Gainshōuhuò今年的收获比去年好。This year’s harvest is better than last year’s.Jīnnián de shōuhuò bǐ qùnián hǎo.
642手册Manual/Handbookshǒucè这本手册很详细。This manual is very detailed.Zhè běn shǒucè hěn xiángxì.
643灯光Lighting/Lightdēngguāng灯光下的舞台非常漂亮。The stage under the lights is very beautiful.Dēngguāng xià de wǔtái fēicháng piàoliang.
644语文Language/Literatureyǔwén他的语文成绩很好。His language scores are very good.Tā de yǔwén chéngjì hěn hǎo.
645Group/Teamtuán我们组成了一个学习团体。We formed a study group.Wǒmen zǔchéngle yīgè xuéxí tuántǐ.
646资策会Advisory Councilzīcèhuì资策会提供了宝贵的建议。The advisory council provided valuable advice.Zīcèhuì tígōngle bǎoguì de jiànyì.
647一连串Series ofyīliánchuàn他们经历了一连串的困难。They went through a series of difficulties.Tāmen jīnglìle yī liánchuàn de kùnnán.
648有心Intentional/Meaningfulyǒuxīn这是一项有心的设计。This is an intentional design.Zhè shì yī xiàng yǒuxīn de shèjì.
649Double/Pairshuāng他买了一双鞋子。He bought a pair of shoes.Tā mǎile yī shuāng xiézi.
650绩效Performance/Resultjìxiào他们的绩效评估非常好。Their performance evaluation is very good.Tāmen de jìxiào pínggū fēicháng hǎo.
651Force/Compel他感到被逼迫做出决定。He feels compelled to make a decision.Tā gǎndào bèi bīpò zuòchū juédìng.
652镜头Lens/Camera shotjìngtóu摄影师调整了镜头。The photographer adjusted the lens.Shèyǐngshī tiáozhěngle jìngtóu.
653开心Happykāixīn今天我很开心。I am very happy today.Jīntiān wǒ hěn kāixīn.
654否定Deny/Negatefǒudìng他否定了所有的指控。He denied all the accusations.Tā fǒudìngle suǒyǒu de zhǐkòng.
655地主Landlorddìzhǔ地主提供了租房的条件。The landlord provided the rental conditions.Dìzhǔ tígōngle zūfáng de tiáojiàn.
656老大Boss/Leaderlǎodà他是公司里的老大。He is the boss in the company.Tā shì gōngsī lǐ de lǎodà.
657研究生Graduate studentyánjiūshēng她是一名研究生。She is a graduate student.Tā shì yī míng yánjiūshēng.
658气质Quality/Temperamentqìzhì她具有非常高的气质。She has a very high quality.Tā jùyǒu fēicháng gāo de qìzhì.
659拿出Take out/Extractná chū他从袋子里拿出了书。He took the book out of the bag.Tā cóng dàizi lǐ ná chūle shū.
660诉求Appeal/Demandsùqiú他们提出了对改善条件的诉求。They made an appeal for improved conditions.Tāmen tíchūle duì gǎishàn tiáojiàn de sùqiú.
661开心Happykāixīn她每天都很开心。She is happy every day.Tā měitiān dōu hěn kāixīn.
662稍微Slightly/A Littleshāowēi天气稍微有些变化。The weather has changed slightly.Tiānqì shāowēi yǒuxiē biànhuà.
663利率Interest ratelìlǜ银行的利率上涨了。The bank’s interest rate has increased.Yínháng de lìlǜ shàngzhǎngle.
664当选Elected/Selecteddāngxuǎn他被当选为主席。He was elected as the chairman.Tā bèi dāngxuǎn wéi zhǔxí.
665台南Tainan (a city in Taiwan)Táinán台南是一个美丽的城市。Tainan is a beautiful city.Táinán shì yīgè měilì de chéngshì.
666拟定Draft/Formulatenǐdìng我们需要拟定一个新的计划。We need to draft a new plan.Wǒmen xūyào nǐdìng yīgè xīn de jìhuà.
667Separate/Interval房间之间有隔断。There is a partition between the rooms.Fángjiān zhījiān yǒu géduàn.
668经建会National Development Counciljīngjiàn huì经建会讨论了新的政策。The National Development Council discussed new policies.Jīngjiàn huì tǎolùnle xīn de zhèngcè.
669Post/Pastetiē她在墙上贴了一张海报。She pasted a poster on the wall.Tā zài qiáng shàng tiēle yī zhāng hǎibào.
670忽视Ignore/Neglecthūshì他忽视了重要的细节。He neglected important details.Tā hūshìle zhòngyào de xìjié.
671郝柏村Hao Po-Chun (a name)Hǎo Bó-cūn郝柏村是一位著名的政治人物。Hao Po-Chun is a prominent political figure.Hǎo Bó-cūn shì yī wèi zhùmíng de zhèngzhì rénwù.
672查获Seize/Confiscatecháhuò警察查获了大量的毒品。The police seized a large amount of drugs.Jǐngchá cháhuòle dàliàng de dúpǐn.
673拆除Demolish/Removechāichú旧楼将被拆除。The old building will be demolished.Jiù lóu jiāng bèi chāichú.
674忽视Ignore/Neglecthūshì他忽视了她的感受。He ignored her feelings.Tā hūshìle tā de gǎnshòu.
675Style/Formatshì这种设计有独特的式样。This design has a unique style.Zhè zhǒng shèjì yǒu dútè de shìyàng.
676传来Come/Arrive (news)chuánlái消息传来了。The news has arrived.Xiāoxī chuánláile.
677象征Symbol/Emblemxiàngzhēng这面旗帜是自由的象征。This flag is a symbol of freedom.Zhè miàn qízhì shì zìyóu de xiàngzhēng.
678Happy/Enjoyable他总是很乐观。He is always very cheerful.Tā zǒng shì hěn lèguān.
679罢了Only/Justbàle我不想多说,简单说几句就罢了。I don’t want to say much, just a few words will do.Wǒ bùxiǎng duō shuō, jiǎndān shuō jǐ jù jiù bàle.
680Perform/Actyǎn他在舞台上演了一个精彩的角色。He performed a wonderful role on stage.Tā zài wǔtái shàng yǎnle yīgè jīngcǎi de juésè.
681出身Origin/Backgroundchūshēn她的出身非常普通。Her background is very ordinary.Tā de chūshēn fēicháng pǔtōng.
682心得Insights/Experiencexīndé他分享了他的心得体会。He shared his insights and experiences.Tā fēnxiǎngle tā de xīndé tǐhuì.
683出身Origin/Backgroundchūshēn他的出身使他对很多事情有不同的看法。His background gives him a different perspective on many things.Tā de chūshēn shǐ tā duì hěn duō shìqíng yǒu bùtóng de kànfǎ.
684上学Attend schoolshàngxué孩子们每天都要上学。The children go to school every day.Háizimen měitiān dōu yào shàngxué.
685去世Pass away/Dieqùshì他的祖父去年去世了。His grandfather passed away last year.Tā de zǔfù qùnián qùshìle.
686忙碌Busymánglù他最近非常忙碌。He has been very busy recently.Tā zuìjìn fēicháng mánglù.
687卫生署Department of Healthwèishēngshǔ卫生署发布了新的健康指南。The Department of Health released new health guidelines.Wèishēngshǔ fābùle xīn de jiànkāng zhǐnán.
688记忆体Memory (device)jìyìtǐ电脑需要更换新的记忆体。The computer needs a new memory.Diànnǎo xūyào gēnghuàn xīn de jìyìtǐ.
689定位Positioning/Locationdìngwèi手机的定位功能很实用。The phone’s positioning feature is very useful.Shǒujī de dìngwèi gōngnéng hěn shíyòng.
690忙碌Busymánglù他工作得很忙碌。He is very busy with work.Tā gōngzuò de hěn mánglù.
691纪念Commemorate/Anniversaryjìniàn他们举行了纪念活动。They held a commemorative event.Tāmen jǔxíngle jìniàn huódòng.
692场面Scene/Situationchǎngmiàn现场的场面非常壮观。The scene at the site was very spectacular.Xiànchǎng de chǎngmiàn fēicháng zhuànguān.
693得意Proud/Smugdéyì他对自己的成绩感到得意。He feels proud of his achievements.Tā duì zìjǐ de chéngjì gǎndào déyì.
694Send我需要寄一封信。I need to send a letter.Wǒ xūyào jì yī fēng xìn.
695基隆Keelung (a city in Taiwan)Jīlóng基隆是台湾的一个港口城市。Keelung is a port city in Taiwan.Jīlóng shì Táiwān de yīgè gǎngkǒu chéngshì.
696效应Effect/Impactxiàoyìng这个政策有很大的效应。This policy has a significant impact.Zhège zhèngcè yǒu hěn dà de xiàoyìng.
697海水Seawaterhǎishuǐ海水比淡水更咸。Seawater is saltier than freshwater.Hǎishuǐ bǐ dànshuǐ gèng xián.
698贷款Loandàikuǎn他申请了一笔贷款。He applied for a loan.Tā shēnqǐngle yī bǐ dàikuǎn.
699夫妇Couple/Married couplefūfù他们是一对恩  


801. 进修
701代表Representative/To representdàibiǎo他将代表公司参加会议。He will represent the company at the meeting.Tā jiāng dàibiǎo gōngsī cānjiā huìyì.
702旧金山San FranciscoJiùjīnshān我们计划去旧金山旅游。We plan to travel to San Francisco.Wǒmen jìhuà qù Jiùjīnshān lǚyóu.
703蝴蝶Butterflyhúdié她的裙子上有漂亮的蝴蝶图案。There are beautiful butterfly patterns on her dress.Tā de qúnzi shàng yǒu piàoliang de húdié tú’àn.
704尽量As much as possiblejǐnliàng请尽量减少浪费。Please try to reduce waste as much as possible.Qǐng jǐnliàng jiǎnshǎo làngfèi.
705过度Excessive/Overguòdù他对工作投入过度,导致健康问题。His excessive dedication to work led to health problems.Tā duì gōngzuò tóurù guòdù, dǎozhì jiànkāng wèntí.
706Therefore/Indeednǎi这是一个非常重要的决定,乃是关键时刻。This is a very important decision and is indeed a critical moment.Zhè shì yīgè fēicháng zhòngyào de juédìng, nǎi shì guānjiàn shíkè.
707发起Initiate/Launchfāqǐ他决定发起一个新的项目。He decided to launch a new project.Tā juédìng fāqǐ yīgè xīn de xiàngmù.
708角落Corner/Anglejiǎoluò他在房间的角落里发现了一只猫。He found a cat in the corner of the room.Tā zài fángjiān de jiǎoluò lǐ fāxiànle yī zhī māo.
709Prevent/Defendfáng这种药物可以有效防止感冒。This medication can effectively prevent colds.Zhè zhǒng yàowù kěyǐ yǒuxiào fángzhǐ gǎnmào.
710附加Additionalfùjiā这个套餐包含了许多附加服务。This package includes many additional services.Zhège tào cān bāohánle xǔduō fùjiā fúwù.
711屏东Pingtung (a city in Taiwan)Píngdōng屏东是一个风景如画的地方。Pingtung is a picturesque place.Píngdōng shì yīgè fēngjǐng rú huà de dìfāng.
712国籍Nationalityguójí他有双重国籍。He has dual nationality.Tā yǒu shuāngchóng guójí.
713Chapter/Articlezhāng这本书有十章。This book has ten chapters.Zhè běn shū yǒu shí zhāng.
714义务Obligationyìwù每个人都有义务保护环境。Everyone has the obligation to protect the environment.Měi gèrén dōu yǒu yìwù bǎohù huánjìng.
715开口Open one’s mouthkāikǒu请不要在会议上开口说话。Please do not speak during the meeting.Qǐng bùyào zài huìyì shàng kāikǒu shuōhuà.
716移民Immigrant/Emigrateyímín他计划移民到加拿大。He plans to immigrate to Canada.Tā jìhuà yímín dào Jiānádà.
717Go out/Exitchū我们打算出去散步。We plan to go out for a walk.Wǒmen dǎsuàn chūqù sànbù.
718主张Advocate/Claimzhǔzhāng他主张改革现有的制度。He advocates for reforming the current system.Tā zhǔzhāng gǎigé xiàn yǒu de zhìdù.
719上涨Rise/Increaseshàngzhǎng房价最近有所上涨。Housing prices have increased recently.Fángjià zuìjìn yǒu suǒ shàngzhǎng.
720请求Requestqǐngqiú她提出了一个请求。She made a request.Tā tíchūle yīgè qǐngqiú.
721测试Test/Examinecèshì我们需要进行测试。We need to conduct a test.Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng cèshì.
722不到Less than/Underbù dào这个价格不到一百美元。This price is less than one hundred dollars.Zhège jiàgé bù dào yī bǎi měiyuán.
723恐惧Fear/Terrorkǒngjù她对黑暗有很深的恐惧。She has a deep fear of the dark.Tā duì hēi’àn yǒu hěn shēn de kǒngjù.
724来得Arrive/Getláidé他来得很快。He arrived quickly.Tā láidé hěn kuài.
725得知Learn/Knowdézhī我们刚刚得知这个消息。We have just learned the news.Wǒmen gānggāng dézhī zhège xiāoxī.
726挑战Challengetiǎozhàn这是一个艰巨的挑战。This is a difficult challenge.Zhè shì yīgè jiānjù de tiǎozhàn.
727排除Exclude/Eliminatepáichú我们需要排除所有的干扰因素。We need to eliminate all interference factors.Wǒmen xūyào páichú suǒyǒu de gānrǎo yīnsù.
728最为Most/Extremelyzuìwéi这是最为重要的一步。This is the most important step.Zhè shì zuìwéi zhòngyào de yī bù.
729排除Exclude/Eliminatepáichú他们排除了所有可能的选项。They excluded all possible options.Tāmen páichúle suǒyǒu kěnéng de xuǎnxiàng.
730眼泪Tearsyǎnlèi她的眼泪让人心疼。Her tears are heart-wrenching.Tā de yǎnlèi ràng rén xīnténg.
731专辑Albumzhuānjí她刚发布了她的新专辑。She just released her new album.Tā gāng fābùle tā de xīn zhuānjí.
732恐惧Fear/Terrorkǒngjù他们对未来感到恐惧。They feel fear about the future.Tāmen duì wèilái gǎndào kǒngjù.
733教导Teach/Guidejiàodǎo他教导学生如何解决问题。He teaches students how to solve problems.Tā jiàodǎo xuéshēng rúhé jiějué wèntí.
734Fieldtián这片田地非常肥沃。This field is very fertile.Zhè piàn tiándì fēicháng féiwò.
735仅有Only/Justjǐnyǒu他仅有一点时间。He has only a little time.Tā jǐnyǒu yīdiǎn shíjiān.
736移植Transplantyízhí他需要进行器官移植手术。He needs an organ transplant surgery.Tā xūyào jìnxíng qìguān yízhí shǒushù.
737核酸Nucleic acidhésuān这项测试检测了核酸的水平。This test measures the level of nucleic acid.Zhè xiàng cèshì jiǎncèle hésuān de shuǐpíng.
738教导Teach/Guidejiàodǎo老师教导学生们如何做实验。The teacher guides the students on how to conduct experiments.Lǎoshī jiàodǎo xuéshēngmen rúhé zuò shíyàn.
739赶紧Hurry/Quicklygǎnjǐn我们需要赶紧完成这个任务。We need to hurry and complete this task.Wǒmen xūyào gǎnjǐn wánchéng zhège rènwù.
740业绩Performance/Resultsyèjì公司的业绩有所提升。The company’s performance has improved.Gōngsī de yèjì yǒu suǒ tíshēng.
741Dot/Pointdiǎn这个点很重要。This point is very important.Zhège diǎn hěn zhòngyào.
742平静Calm/Tranquilpíngjìng她的声音很平静。Her voice is very calm.Tā de shēngyīn hěn píngjìng.
743口号Slogan/Callkǒuhào他们的口号是“团结就是力量”。Their slogan is “Unity is strength.”Tāmen de kǒuhào shì “tuánjié jiùshì lìliàng”.
744山西Shanxi (a province in China)Shānxī山西以其丰富的历史和文化闻名。Shanxi is known for its rich history and culture.Shānxī yǐ qí fēngfù de lìshǐ hé wénhuà wénmíng.
745出版品Publicationchūbǎnpǐn这家出版社推出了许多优质的出版品。This publishing house has released many high-quality publications.Zhè jiā chūbǎn shè tuīchūle xǔduō yōuzhì de chūbǎnpǐn.
746逃避Avoid/Escapetáobì他试图逃避现实问题。He tries to escape from reality issues.Tā shìtú táobì xiànshí wèntí.
747Bite/Chompyǎo狗咬了我的手。The dog bit my hand.Gǒu yǎole wǒ de shǒu.
748平静Calm/Tranquilpíngjìng她的心情逐渐平静下来。Her mood gradually became calm.Tā de xīnqíng zhújiàn píngjìng xiàlái.
749有关Related/Concernedyǒuguān这件事与我有关系。This matter is related to me.Zhè jiàn shì yǔ wǒ yǒu guānxì.
750Back/Carrybèi他背着一个大包。He is carrying a large bag on his back.Tā bèizhe yīgè dà bāo.
751石油Oil/Petroleumshíyóu这个国家以石油产业闻名。This country is known for its oil industry.Zhè gè guójiā yǐ shíyóu chǎnyè wénmíng.
752Snowxuě外面下着雪。It is snowing outside.Wàimiàn xiàzhe xuě.
753局长Director/Chiefjúzhǎng他被任命为局长。He was appointed as the director.Tā bèi rènmìng wèi júzhǎng.
754展览Exhibitionzhǎnlǎn这个展览展示了许多艺术作品。This exhibition showcases many artworks.Zhège zhǎnlǎn zhǎnshìle xǔduō yìshù zuòpǐn.
755面貌Appearance/Facemiànmào他的面貌变化很大。His appearance has changed a lot.Tā de miànmào biànhuà hěn dà.
756现实Realityxiànshí我们必须面对现实。We must face reality.Wǒmen bìxū miànduì xiànshí.
757秘书长Secretary-Generalmìshūzhǎng秘书长发表了重要讲话。The Secretary-General gave an important speech.Mìshūzhǎng fābiǎole zhòngyào jiǎnghuà.
758讨厌Dislike/Hatetǎoyàn我讨厌做繁琐的工作。I dislike doing tedious work.Wǒ tǎoyàn zuò fánsuǒ de gōngzuò.
759移植Transplantyízhí他需要进行皮肤移植手术。He needs to undergo skin transplant surgery.Tā xūyào jìnxíng pífū yízhí shǒushù.
760Insert/Plugchā请把钥匙插入锁孔。Please insert the key into the lock.Qǐng bǎ yàoshi chārù suǒkǒng.
761东部Eastern partdōngbù他们在东部地区开展了新项目。They launched a new project in the eastern region.Tāmen zài dōngbù dìqū kāizhǎnle xīn xiàngmù.
762决心Determinationjuéxīn她下定决心完成这个任务。She made up her mind to complete the task.Tā xiàdìng juéxīn wánchéng zhège rènwù.
763联邦Federalliánbāng美国是一个联邦国家。The United States is a federal country.Měiguó shì yīgè liánbāng guójiā.
764电台Radio stationdiàntái这个电台播放了许多新闻。This radio station broadcasts a lot of news.Zhège diàntái bòfàngle xǔduō xīnwén.
765讲座Lecture/Seminarjiǎngzuò我们参加了一个关于经济的讲座。We attended a seminar on economics.Wǒmen cānjiāle yīgè guānyú jīngjì de jiǎngzuò.
766Catmāo这只猫非常可爱。This cat is very cute.Zhè zhī māo fēicháng kě’ài.
767新兴Emerging/Newxīnxīng新兴市场吸引了大量投资。Emerging markets have attracted a lot of investment.Xīnxīng shìchǎng xīyǐnle dàliàng tóuzī.
768演讲Speech/Lectureyǎnjiǎng他在大会上做了一个精彩的演讲。He gave an excellent speech at the conference.Tā zài dàhuì shàng zuòle yīgè jīngcǎi de yǎnjiǎng.
769台电Taipower (Taiwan Power Company)Táidiàn台电公司提供了稳定的电力供应。Taipower provides stable electricity supply.Táidiàn gōngsī tígōngle wěndìng de diànlì gōngyìng.
770Say/Stateyuē他曰:“我将继续努力。”He stated, “I will continue to work hard.”Tā yuē: “Wǒ jiāng jìxù nǔlì.”
771选民Voter/Constituentxuǎnmín选民的意见对候选人非常重要。Voter opinions are very important to candidates.Xuǎnmín de yìjiàn duì hòuxuǎnrén fēicháng zhòngyào.
772充份Sufficient/Fullchōngfèn我们需要充份的准备。We need sufficient preparation.Wǒmen xūyào chōngfèn de zhǔnbèi.
773俱乐部Clubjùlèbù他是足球俱乐部的会员。He is a member of the soccer club.Tā shì zúqiú jùlèbù de huìyuán.
774锦标赛Championshipjǐnbiāosài他们赢得了篮球锦标赛的冠军。They won the championship in the basketball tournament.Tāmen yíngdéle lánqiú jǐnbiāosài de guànjūn.
775Begin/Startshǐ会议将在九点开始。The meeting will start at nine o’clock.Huìyì jiāng zài jiǔ diǎn kāishǐ.
776Door/Gatemén请关上门。Please close the door.Qǐng guān shàng mén.
777English/Britishyīng她的英语说得很流利。She speaks English very fluently.Tā de yīngyǔ shuō dé hěn liúlì.
778Push/Promotetuī他推销了新的产品。He promoted the new product.Tā tuīxiāole xīn de chǎnpǐn.
779拿到Obtain/Getná dào他终于拿到了工作许可。He finally obtained the work permit.Tā zhōngyú ná dào le gōngzuò xǔkě.
780童年Childhoodtóngnián我怀念我的童年时光。I cherish my childhood memories.Wǒ huáiniàn wǒ de tóngnián shíguāng.
781期限Deadline/Termqīxiàn这个项目的期限是下个月。The deadline for this project is next month.Zhège xiàngmù de qīxiàn shì xià gè yuè.
782恶化Deteriorate/Worsenèhuà他的健康状况恶化了。His health condition has worsened.Tā de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng èhuàle.
783证实Confirm/Verifyzhèngshí他们证实了他的身份。They confirmed his identity.Tāmen zhèngshíle tā de shēnfèn.
784硕士Master’s degreeshuòshì她获得了硕士学位。She obtained a master’s degree.Tā huòdéle shuòshì xuéwèi.
785编辑Edit/Editorbiānjí他是这本书的编辑。He is the editor of this book.Tā shì zhè běn shū de biānjí.
786审核Review/Examineshěnhé请审核这份报告。Please review this report.Qǐng shěnhé zhè fèn bàogào.
787Faryuǎn他住在离这里很远的地方。He lives far from here.Tā zhù zài lí zhèlǐ hěn yuǎn de dìfāng.
788分局Sub-bureau/Branchfēnjú他在分局工作。He works at the branch office.Tā zài fēnjú gōngzuò.
789申报Declare/Reportshēnbào他们需要申报所有的收入。They need to report all income.Tāmen xūyào shēnbào suǒyǒu de shōurù.
790与否Whether or notyǔfǒu这个问题的答案与否都很重要。The answer to this question, whether yes or no, is important.Zhège wèntí de dá’àn yǔfǒu dōu hěn zhòngyào.
791迈向Move towards/Stride towardsmàixiàng他们正在迈向成功。They are moving towards success.Tāmen zhèngzài màixiàng chénggōng.
792总之In summaryzǒngzhī总之,我们必须努力工作。In summary, we must work hard.Zǒngzhī, wǒmen bìxū nǔlì gōngzuò.
793职务Position/Jobzhíwù他被晋升到了一个更高的职务。He was promoted to a higher position.Tā bèi jìnshēng dào le yīgè gèng gāo de zhíwù.
794延续Continue/Extendyánxù他们的合作关系将延续多年。Their cooperative relationship will continue for many years.Tāmen de hézuò guānxì jiāng yánxù duōnián.
795Scare/Frightenxià这部电影吓坏了我。This movie frightened me.Zhè bù diànyǐng xià huàile wǒ.
796费率Rate (Fee rate)fèilǜ银行的费率很高。The bank’s fee rate is high.Yínháng de fèilǜ hěn gāo.
797美国人AmericanMěiguórén他是一位美国人。He is an American.Tā shì yī wèi Měiguórén.
798高速High-speedgāosù高速公路上车速很快。The speed on the highway is very fast.Gāosù gōnglù shàng chē sù hě
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0. 高阶
802传递Pass/Transmitchuándì请把信息传递给所有相关人员。Please pass the information to all relevant parties.Qǐng bǎ xìnxī chuándì gěi suǒyǒu xiāngguān rényuán.
803场合Occasion/Contextchǎnghé在这种场合下,我们需要保持正式。In this context, we need to remain formal.Zài zhè zhǒng chǎnghé xià, wǒmen xūyào bǎochí zhèngshì.
804诗人Poetshīrén他是一位著名的诗人。He is a famous poet.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de shīrén.
805Waistyāo她的腰很细。Her waist is very slim.Tā de yāo hěn xì.
806传递Pass/Transmitchuándì消息通过邮件传递给了所有员工。The message was transmitted to all employees via email.Xiāoxī tōngguò yóujiàn chuándì gěi le suǒyǒu yuángōng.
807股价Stock Pricegǔjià股价在过去一周上涨了。The stock price has risen over the past week.Gǔjià zài guòqù yī zhōu shàngzhǎngle.
808歌声Singing Voicegēshēng她的歌声动人心弦。Her singing voice is captivating.Tā de gēshēng dòngrén xīnxián.
809桃园Taoyuan (a city in Taiwan)Táoyuán桃园是一个美丽的城市。Taoyuan is a beautiful city.Táoyuán shì yīgè měilì de chéngshì.
810温馨Warm/Cozywēnxīn这个家给人一种温馨的感觉。This home gives a warm feeling.Zhège jiā gěi rén yī zhǒng wēnxīn de gǎnjué.
811无比Incomparablewúbǐ这次体验是无比美好的。This experience is unparalleled.Zhè cì tǐyàn shì wúbǐ měihǎo de.
812着重Emphasizezhuózhòng这篇文章着重讨论了环境保护的问题。The article emphasizes the issue of environmental protection.Zhè piān wénzhāng zhuózhòng tǎolùnle huánjìng bǎohù de wèntí.
813减轻Alleviate/Reducejiǎnqīng这些措施可以减轻工作压力。These measures can alleviate work pressure.Zhèxiē cuòshī kěyǐ jiǎnqīng gōngzuò yālì.
814Raise/Bring Up他提出了一个很好的建议。He brought up a good suggestion.Tā tíchūle yīgè hěn hǎo de jiànyì.
815意味Imply/Meanyìwèi这句话意味着你同意。This sentence implies that you agree.Zhè jù huà yìwèi nǐ tóngyì.
816说不定Maybe/Perhapsshuōbùdìng说不定我们会遇到一些老朋友。Maybe we will meet some old friends.Shuōbùdìng wǒmen huì yùdào yīxiē lǎo péngyǒu.
817公民Citizengōngmín每个公民都有责任保护环境。Every citizen has the responsibility to protect the environment.Měi gè gōngmín dōu yǒu zérèn bǎohù huánjìng.
818中兴Revitalize/Restorezhōngxīng这个计划旨在中兴城市的经济。This plan aims to revitalize the city’s economy.Zhège jìhuà zhìzài zhōngxīng chéngshì de jīngjì.
819移动Move/Shiftyídòng他们正在移动到新办公室。They are moving to a new office.Tāmen zhèngzài yídòng dào xīn bàngōngshì.
820减轻Alleviate/Reducejiǎnqīng这种药物可以减轻疼痛。This medication can reduce the pain.Zhè zhǒng yàowù kěyǐ jiǎnqīng téngtòng.
821有待Await/Needyǒudài这个项目的进一步发展有待观察。Further development of this project awaits observation.Zhège xiàngmù de jìnyībù fāzhǎn yǒudài guānchá.
822船员Crew Memberchuányuán船员们正在准备出海。The crew members are preparing to set sail.Chuányuánmen zhèngzài zhǔnbèi chūhǎi.
823中兴Revitalize/Restorezhōngxīng他们计划中兴这个地区的工业。They plan to restore the industry in this region.Tāmen jìhuà zhōngxīng zhège dìqū de gōngyè.
824Lose/Discarddiū他丢了他的钥匙。He lost his keys.Tā diūle tā de yàoshi.
825走路Walkzǒulù我每天都走路上班。I walk to work every day.Wǒ měitiān dōu zǒulù shàngbān.
826身材Figure/Buildshēncái她的身材很苗条。She has a slender figure.Tā de shēncái hěn miáotiáo.
827好玩Fun/Enjoyablehǎowán这个游戏很有趣,很好玩。This game is very interesting and fun.Zhège yóuxì hěn yǒuqù, hěn hǎowán.
828师父Master/Mentorshīfù他是我的武术师父。He is my martial arts master.Tā shì wǒ de wǔshù shīfù.
829Frame/Standjià他在房间里架了一个书架。He set up a bookshelf in the room.Tā zài fángjiān lǐ jiàle yīgè shūjià.
830服装Clothingfúzhuāng她穿了一件漂亮的服装。She wore a beautiful outfit.Tā chuānle yī jiàn piàoliang de fúzhuāng.
831Measure word for objectsméi我买了几枚邮票。I bought a few stamps.Wǒ mǎile jǐ méi yóupiào.
832陈列Display/Exhibitchénliè这家博物馆陈列了许多珍贵的文物。This museum displays many valuable artifacts.Zhè jiā bówùguǎn chénlièle xǔduō zhēnguì de wénwù.
833移动Move/Shiftyídòng请移动这些箱子到另一间房间。Please move these boxes to another room.Qǐng yídòng zhèxiē xiāngzi dào lìng yī jiān fángjiān.
834前者Formerqiánzhě前者的方案被认为更具可行性。The former plan is considered more feasible.Qiánzhě de fāng’àn bèi rènwéi gèng jù kěxíng xìng.
835宝贵Precious/Valuablebǎoguì这是一笔宝贵的经验。This is a valuable experience.Zhè shì yī bǐ bǎoguì de jīngyàn.
836兴起Rise/Arisexīngqǐ新的文化潮流在年轻人中兴起。New cultural trends are rising among young people.Xīn de wénhuà cháoliú zài niánqīngrén zhōng xīngqǐ.
837遭受Suffer/Endurezāoshòu他遭受了严重的损失。He suffered significant losses.Tā zāoshòule yánzhòng de sǔnshī.
838联合Unite/Combineliánhé他们决定联合举办一个大型活动。They decided to unite to organize a large event.Tāmen juédìng liánhé jǔbàn yīgè dàxíng huódòng.
839兴起Rise/Arisexīngqǐ科技创新在各个领域兴起。Technological innovation is rising in various fields.Kējì chuàngxīn zài gège lǐngyù xīngqǐ.
840Touch/Feel她摸了摸那只猫的毛。She touched the cat’s fur.Tā mōle mō nà zhī māo de máo.
841Down/Underxià他们下了楼去散步。They went downstairs to take a walk.Tāmen xiàle lóu qù sànbù.
842逻辑Logicluójí这个论点缺乏逻辑。This argument lacks logic.Zhège lùndiǎn quēfá luójí.
843奶奶Grandmothernǎinai她的奶奶非常慈祥。Her grandmother is very kind.Tā de nǎinai fēicháng cíxiáng.
844价位Price Leveljiàwèi这个品牌的价位很高。This brand’s price level is high.Zhège pǐnpái de jiàwèi hěn gāo.
845宝贵Precious/Valuablebǎoguì这些书籍是宝贵的历史资料。These books are valuable historical resources.Zhèxiē shūjí shì bǎoguì de lìshǐ zīliào.
846牙齿Teethyáchǐ他牙齿很健康。His teeth are very healthy.Tā yáchǐ hěn jiànkāng.
847武力Military Forcewǔlì他们使用武力来解决冲突。They used military force to resolve the conflict.Tāmen shǐyòng wǔlì lái jiějué chōngtū.
848肿瘤Tumorzhǒngliú他被诊断出有肿瘤。He was diagnosed with a tumor.Tā bèi zhěnduàn chū yǒu zhǒngliú.
849题材Theme/Subjecttícái这部电影的题材很有趣。The theme of this movie is very interesting.Zhè bù diànyǐng de tícái hěn yǒuqù.
850典型Typical/Modeldiǎnxíng他是一位典型的成功人士。He is a typical successful person.Tā shì yī wèi diǎnxíng de chénggōng rénshì.
851作风Style/Mannerzuòfēng他的工作作风很专业。His work style is very professional.Tā de gōngzuò zuòfēng hěn zhuānyè.
852初步Preliminarychūbù这是初步的结果。This is a preliminary result.Zhè shì chūbù de jiéguǒ.
853Stomachwèi他感到胃痛。He feels stomach pain.Tā gǎndào wèi tòng.
854从未Nevercóngwèi我从未见过这样的景象。I have never seen such a sight.Wǒ cóngwèi jiànguò zhèyàng de jǐngxiàng.
855旅行社Travel Agencylǚxíngshè我们通过旅行社预订了机票。We booked the tickets through a travel agency.Wǒmen tōngguò lǚxíngshè yùdìngle jīpiào.
856聊天Chatliáotiān我们在咖啡店里聊天。We chatted at the café.Wǒmen zài kāfēidiàn lǐ liáotiān.
857执着Persistentzhízhuó她对自己的梦想非常执着。She is very persistent with her dreams.Tā duì zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng fēicháng zhízhuó.
858乡土Rural/Localxiāngtǔ这部电影展现了浓厚的乡土气息。The film showcases a strong rural atmosphere.Zhè bù diànyǐng zhǎnxiànle nónghòu de xiāngtǔ qìxī.
859Meal/Stopdùn他吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。He had a hearty dinner.Tā chīle yī dùn fēngshèng de wǎncān.
860非法Illegalfēifǎ这是一项非法活动。This is an illegal activity.Zhè shì yī xiàng fēifǎ huódòng.
861统计Statisticstǒngjì我们需要统计这些数据。We need to compile these statistics.Wǒmen xūyào tǒngjì zhèxiē shùjù.
862演唱Sing/Performanceyǎnchàng她在音乐会上演唱了一首歌曲。She performed a song at the concert.Tā zài yīnyuè huì shàng yǎnchàngle yī shǒu gēqǔ.
863十足Full/Completeshízú他表现出了十足的信心。He showed complete confidence.Tā biǎoxiàn chūle shízú de xìnxīn.
864介绍Introducejièshào让我介绍一下我的朋友。Let me introduce my friend.Ràng wǒ jièshào yīxià wǒ de péngyǒu.
865古人Ancients/Ancient Peoplegǔrén古人的智慧仍然影响着我们。The wisdom of ancient people still influences us.Gǔrén de zhìhuì réngrán yǐngxiǎngzhe wǒmen.
866Poorqióng他们生活在贫困中。They live in poverty.Tāmen shēnghuó zài pínkùn zhōng.
867演唱Sing/Performanceyǎnchàng她在晚会上演唱了一首经典歌曲。She sang a classic song at the evening party.Tā zài wǎn huì shàng yǎnchàngle yī shǒu jīngdiǎn gēqǔ.
868Detailed/Finely这份报告非常细致。This report is very detailed.Zhè fèn bàogào fēicháng xìzhì.
869体力Physical Strengthtǐlì这项工作需要很大的体力。This job requires a lot of physical strength.Zhè xiàng gōngzuò xūyào hěn dà de tǐlì.
870涉嫌Suspectedshèxián他被怀疑涉嫌犯罪。He is suspected of committing a crime.Tā bèi huáiyí shèxián fànzuì.
871同性恋Homosexualitytóngxìngliàn同性恋在很多国家得到了接受。Homosexuality is accepted in many countries.Tóngxìngliàn zài hěn duō guójiā dédàole jiēshòu.
872无聊Bored/Uninterestingwúliáo这个节目让人感到无聊。The show is boring.Zhège jiémù ràng rén gǎndào wúliáo.
873机种Model/Typejīzhǒng这种机种非常受欢迎。This model is very popular.Zhè zhǒng jīzhǒng fēicháng shòu huānyíng.
874Soil/Earth这片土地适合种植蔬菜。This soil is suitable for growing vegetables.Zhè piàn tǔdì shìhé zhòngzhí shūcài.
875边缘Edge/Borderbiānyuán他站在社会的边缘。He is on the edge of society.Tā zhàn zài shèhuì de biānyuán.
876平安Peaceful/Safepíng’ān祝你平安。Wish you peace.Zhù nǐ píng’ān.
877出面Intervene/Step Inchūmiàn他决定出面解决这个问题。He decided to step in to solve the problem.Tā juédìng chūmiàn jiějué zhège wèntí.
878半导体Semiconductorbàndǎotǐ半导体是现代电子设备的关键材料。Semiconductors are key materials for modern electronic devices.Bàndǎotǐ shì xiàndài diànzǐ shèbèi de guānjiàn cáiliào.
879平安Peaceful/Safepíng’ān他回到家中一切平安。Everything is peaceful when he gets home.Tā huídào jiā zhōng yīqiè píng’ān.
880工研院Industrial Technology Research Institutegōngyán yuàn工研院进行了一项重要的技术研究。The Industrial Technology Research Institute conducted an important technological study.Gōngyán yuàn jìnxíngle yī xiàng zhòngyào de jìshù yánjiū.
881Lamp/Lightdēng这盏灯很亮。This lamp is very bright.Zhè zhǎn dēng hěn liàng.
882地板Floordìbǎn地板上有一个大污点。There is a large stain on the floor.Dìbǎn shàng yǒu yīgè dà wūdiǎn.
883舒适Comfortableshūshì这个椅子很舒适。This chair is very comfortable.Zhège yǐzi hěn shūshì.
884著作权Copyrightzhùzuòquán他的著作权已经注册。His copyright has been registered.Tā de zhùzuòquán yǐjīng zhùcè.
885细节Detailxìjié请注意这些细节。Please pay attention to these details.Qǐng zhùyì zhèxiē xìjié.
886侵害Violate/Infringeqīnhài这种行为侵犯了他的权利。This behavior infringes on his rights.Zhè zhǒng xíngwéi qīnhài le tā de quánlì.
887好看Good-looking/Beautifulhǎokàn这部电影的画面很漂亮。The visuals of this movie are beautiful.Zhè bù diànyǐng de huàmiàn hěn piàoliang.
888Stand/Establish他们立了一个新的公司。They established a new company.Tāmen lìle yīgè xīn de gōngsī.
889器材Equipmentqìcái这些器材很重要。This equipment is important.Zhèxiē qìcái hěn zhòngyào.
890地形Terraindìxíng这个地区的地形复杂。The terrain in this area is complex.Zhège dìqū de dìxíng fùzá.
891欢乐Joy/Happinesshuānlè他们度过了一个欢乐的假期。They had a joyful holiday.Tāmen dùguòle yīgè huānlè de jiàqī.
892说出Say/Expressshuōchū他终于说出了他的感受。He finally expressed his feelings.Tā zhōngyú shuōchūle tā de gǎnshòu.
893阳明Yangming (a name)Yángmíng阳明山是一个著名的旅游胜地。Yangming Mountain is a famous tourist destination.Yángmíngshān shì yīgè zhùmíng de lǚyóu shèngdì.
894正义Justicezhèngyì他们为正义而奋斗。They fight for justice.Tāmen wèi zhèngyì ér fèndòu.
895分散Scatter/Dispersefēnsàn雨水在地面上分散开来。The rainwater scatters on the ground.Yǔshuǐ zài dìmiàn shàng fēnsàn kāilái.
896回忆Recall/Memoryhuíyì他常常回忆起童年的时光。He often recalls his childhood memories.Tā chángcháng huíyì qǐ tóngnián de shíguāng.
897测验Test/Quizcèyàn我们下周有一个数学测验。We have a math quiz next week.Wǒmen xià zhōu yǒu yīgè shùxué cèyàn.
898欢乐Joy/Happinesshuānlè她的到来给大家带来了欢乐。Her arrival brought joy to everyone.Tā de dàolái gěi dàjiā dàilái le huānlè.


No.WordEnglish TranslationPinyinExample SentenceTranslationExample Sentence (Pinyin)
901副教授Associate Professorfùjiàoshòu他是大学里的副教授。He is an associate professor at the university.Tā shì dàxué lǐ de fùjiàoshòu.
902信念Belief/Convictionxìnniàn他有强烈的信念。He has strong convictions.Tā yǒu qiángliè de xìnniàn.
903花费Expense/Spendinghuāfèi这项工程花费了很多钱。This project cost a lot of money.Zhè xiàng gōngchéng huāfèile hěn duō qián.
904自在Comfortable/At Easezìzài她在家里感到非常自在。She feels very comfortable at home.Tā zài jiālǐ gǎndào fēicháng zìzài.
905刺激Stimulate/Excitecìjī这次旅行给他带来了很多刺激。The trip brought him a lot of excitement.Zhè cì lǚxíng gěi tā dàilái le hěn duō cìjī.
906技能Skilljìnéng他有很高的技能水平。He has a high level of skills.Tā yǒu hěn gāo de jìnéng shuǐpíng.
907私立Private (Institution)sīlì这是一所私立学校。This is a private school.Zhè shì yī suǒ sīlì xuéxiào.
908回忆Recall/Memoryhuíyì他常常回忆起小时候的事情。He often recalls things from his childhood.Tā chángcháng huíyì qǐ xiǎoshíhòu de shìqíng.
909维修Maintenance/Repairwéixiū车子需要维修。The car needs maintenance.Chēzi xūyào wéixiū.
910压迫Oppress/Pressureyāpò他的工作压力很大。He experiences a lot of work pressure.Tā de gōngzuò yālì hěn dà.
911戏剧Drama/Theaterxìjù她喜欢看戏剧。She enjoys watching dramas.Tā xǐhuān kàn xìjù.
912公佈Announce/Publishgōngbù他公佈了最新的研究结果。He announced the latest research results.Tā gōngbùle zuìxīn de yánjiū jiéguǒ.
913廿Twentyniàn他今年廿岁。He is twenty years old this year.Tā jīnnián niàn suì.
914公佈Announce/Publishgōngbù公司将于明天公佈财报。The company will publish the financial report tomorrow.Gōngsī jiāng yú míngtiān gōngbù cáibào.
915升学Further Educationshēngxué她正在准备升学考试。She is preparing for further education exams.Tā zhèngzài zhǔnbèi shēngxué kǎoshì.
916Cause a Commotionnào他们在外面闹了一整晚。They caused a commotion outside all night.Tāmen zài wàimiàn nào le yī zhěng wǎn.
917上下Up and Downshàngxià他们上下讨论这个问题。They discussed the issue up and down.Tāmen shàngxià tǎolùn zhège wèntí.
918说道Say/Stateshuōdào他说道:“我同意你的看法。”He said, “I agree with your view.”Tā shuōdào: “Wǒ tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ.”
919升学Further Educationshēngxué他希望升学到一所更好的大学。He hopes to further his education at a better university.Tā xīwàng shēngxué dào yī suǒ gèng hǎo de dàxué.
920自有Have/Ownzìyǒu这就是他的自有风格。This is his own style.Zhè jiùshì tā de zìyǒu fēnggé.
921维修Maintenance/Repairwéixiū他们正在进行设备维修。They are performing maintenance on the equipment.Tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng shèbèi wéixiū.
922Transmit/Passchuán他传递了消息给大家。He passed the message to everyone.Tā chuándìle xiāoxī gěi dàjiā.
923走上Embark on/Step intozǒushàng他走上了领导岗位。He stepped into a leadership position.Tā zǒushàngle lǐngdǎo gǎngwèi.
924没办法No Way/Can’t Helpméi bànfǎ对这个问题我也没办法。There’s nothing I can do about this problem.Duì zhège wèntí wǒ yě méi bànfǎ.
925Climb/ Crawl他爬上了山顶。He climbed to the top of the mountain.Tā pá shàngle shāndǐng.
926哪些Which/Whatnǎxiē你想要哪些书?Which books do you want?Nǐ xiǎng yào nǎxiē shū?
927清洁Cleanqīngjié请保持办公室的清洁。Please keep the office clean.Qǐng bǎochí bàngōngshì de qīngjié.

Feel free to let me know if you need any more words added or if there’s anything else you’d like to do!


Here’s a chart with translations, simple sentences, and their corresponding Pinyin. The sentences are kept simple for clarity.

#MandarinEnglishPinyinSentence (Mandarin)Sentence (English)Sentence (Pinyin)
1探索Exploretàn suǒ我喜欢探索新事物。I like to explore new things.Wǒ xǐ huān tàn suǒ xīn shì wù.
2滋味Tastezī wèi这道菜有独特的滋味。This dish has a unique taste.Zhè dào cài yǒu dú tè de zī wèi.
3血管Blood vesselxuè guǎn血管在身体中很重要。Blood vessels are important in the body.Xuè guǎn zài shēn tǐ zhōng hěn zhòng yào.
4Resolvejiě我们需要解决这个问题。We need to resolve this issue.Wǒ men xū yào jiě jué zhè ge wèn tí.
5筹备处Preparatory Officechóu bèi chù筹备处负责活动安排。The preparatory office handles event arrangements.Chóu bèi chù fù zé huó dòng ān pái.
6团结Unitytuán jié我们要团结一致。We must be united.Wǒ men yào tuán jié yī zhì.
7开拓Developkāi tuò我们要开拓新的市场。We need to develop new markets.Wǒ men yào kāi tuò xīn de shì chǎng.
8喜悦Joyxǐ yuè她感到非常的喜悦。She feels a lot of joy.Tā gǎn dào fēi cháng de xǐ yuè.
9开拓Developkāi tuò我们将开拓新领域。We will develop new areas.Wǒ men jiāng kāi tuò xīn lǐng yù.
10Dragonlóng龙是中国的象征。The dragon is a symbol of China.Lóng shì zhōng guó de xiàng zhēng.
11团结Unitytuán jié团结是力量的源泉。Unity is the source of strength.Tuán jié shì lì liàng de yuán quán.
12价钱Pricejià qián这个产品的价钱很合理。The price of this product is reasonable.Zhè ge chǎn pǐn de jià qián hěn hé lǐ.
13尽速As soon as possiblejǐn sù请尽速完成任务。Please complete the task as soon as possible.Qǐng jǐn sù wán chéng rèn wu.
14领导人Leaderlǐng dǎo rén领导人做出了重要决定。The leader made an important decision.Lǐng dǎo rén zuò chū le zhòng yào jué dìng.
15慢性Chronicmàn xìng这是一种慢性病。This is a chronic illness.Zhè shì yī zhǒng màn xìng bìng.
16台商Taiwanese Businessmantái shāng台商在大陆有很多投资。Taiwanese businessmen have many investments in the mainland.Tái shāng zài dà lù yǒu hěn duō tóu zī.
17不致Not causebù zhì不致造成严重后果。It will not cause serious consequences.Bù zhì zào chéng yán zhòng hòu guǒ.
18打工Work part-timedǎ gōng他在餐馆打工。He works part-time at a restaurant.Tā zài cān guǎn dǎ gōng.
19Createchuàng我们需要创新。We need to create innovation.Wǒ men xū yào chuàng xīn.
20Limitxiàn这项活动没有时间限制。This activity has no time limit.Zhè xiàng huó dòng méi yǒu shí jiān xiàn zhì.
21公营Publicgōng yíng公营公司由政府管理。Public enterprises are managed by the government.Gōng yíng gōng sī yóu zhèng fǔ guǎn lǐ.
22根本Fundamentalgēn běn根本问题需要解决。The fundamental issue needs to be resolved.Gēn běn wèn tí xū yào jiě jué.
23Walkxíng我们去散步吧。Let’s go for a walk.Wǒ men qù sàn bù ba.
24珍惜Cherishzhēn xī我们要珍惜时间。We should cherish time.Wǒ men yào zhēn xī shí jiān.
25容量Capacityróng liàng这个箱子的容量很大。This box has a large capacity.Zhè ge xiāng zǐ de róng liàng hěn dà.
26园区Parkyuán qū这是一个科技园区。This is a tech park.Zhè shì yī gè kē jì yuán qū.
27抬头Look uptái tóu抬头看看天。Look up at the sky.Tái tóu kàn kàn tiān.
28空地Vacant landkōng dì这里有很多空地。There is a lot of vacant land here.Zhè lǐ yǒu hěn duō kōng dì.
29所长Directorsuǒ zhǎng所长在开会。The director is in a meeting.Suǒ zhǎng zài kāi huì.
30喜悦Joyxǐ yuè她充满了喜悦。She is filled with joy.Tā chōng mǎn le xǐ yuè.
31停车Park (a vehicle)tíng chē请在这里停车。Please park here.Qǐng zài zhè lǐ tíng chē.
32马来西亚Malaysiamǎ lái xī yà我们要去马来西亚。We are going to Malaysia.Wǒ men yào qù mǎ lái xī yà.
33停车Park (a vehicle)tíng chē他停车了。He parked the car.Tā tíng chē le.
34国防National defenseguó fáng国防很重要。National defense is important.Guó fáng hěn zhòng yào.
35带有Carrydài yǒu他带有重要的文件。He carries important documents.Tā dài yǒu zhòng yào de wén jiàn.
36淘汰Eliminatetáo tài我们需要淘汰旧系统。We need to eliminate the old system.Wǒ men xū yào táo tài jiù xì tǒng.
37抬头Look uptái tóu抬头看星星。Look up at the stars.Tái tóu kàn xīng xīng.
38注音Phonetic notationzhù yīn注音帮助学习汉字。Phonetic notation helps in learning characters.Zhù yīn bāng zhù xué xí hàn zì.
39实用Practicalshí yòng这个工具很实用。This tool is very practical.Zhè ge gōng jù hěn shí yòng.
40梦想Dreammèng xiǎng她有一个美好的梦想。She has a beautiful dream.Tā yǒu yī gè měi hǎo de mèng xiǎng.
41奋斗Strugglefèn dòu她努力奋斗实现目标。She struggles to achieve her goals.Tā nǔ lì fèn dòu shí xiàn mù biāo.
42颇为Quitepō wéi这个问题颇为复杂。This problem is quite complex.Zhè ge wèn tí pō wéi fù zá.
43构造Structuregòu zào建筑的构造很复杂。The structure of the building is complex.Jiàn zhú de gòu zào hěn fù zá.
44热情Enthusiasmrè qíng他对工作很有热情。He has great enthusiasm for his work.Tā duì gōng zuò hěn yǒu rè qíng.
45必定Mustbì dìng你必须完成任务。You must complete the task.Nǐ bì xū wán chéng rèn wu.
46水平Levelshuǐ píng他的水平很高。His level is very high.Tā de shuǐ píng hěn gāo.
47比赛Competitionbǐ sài我们在比赛中获胜。We won the competition.Wǒ men zài bǐ sài zhōng huò shèng.
48在乎Carezài hū我不在乎别人的看法。I don’t care about others’ opinions.Wǒ bù zài hū bié rén de kàn fǎ.
49协议Agreementxié yì双方达成了协议。Both parties reached an agreement.Shuāng fāng dá chéng le xié yì.
50编制Compilebiān zhì他在编制报告。He is compiling the report.Tā zài biān zhì bào gào.
51平面Planepíng miàn这个平面图很清晰。This plane diagram is very clear.Zhè ge píng miàn tú hěn qīng xī.
52刚好Just rightgāng hǎo我们刚好赶上了。We arrived just in time.Wǒ men gāng hǎo gǎn shàng le.
53Peng (a surname)péng彭先生是我的朋友。Mr. Peng is my friend.Péng xiān shēng shì wǒ de péng yǒu.
54放心Rest assuredfàng xīn请放心,我会做到的。Rest assured, I will do it.Qǐng fàng xīn, wǒ huì zuò dào de.
55含有Containhán yǒu这个瓶子含有水。This bottle contains water.Zhè ge píng zi hán yǒu shuǐ.
56停留Staytíng liú他在这里停留了一段时间。He stayed here for a while.Tā zài zhè lǐ tíng liú le yī duàn shí jiān.
57停车场Parking lottíng chē chǎng车停在停车场。The car is parked in the parking lot.Chē tíng zài tíng chē chǎng.
58停留Staytíng liú他们停留在酒店。They stayed at the hotel.Tā men tíng liú zài jiǔ diàn.
59售价Selling priceshòu jià这个商品的售价很高。The selling price of this item is high.Zhè ge shāng pǐn de shòu jià hěn gāo.
60解除Removejiě chú解除这个问题需要时间。Removing this issue takes time.Jiě chú zhè ge wèn tí xū yào shí jiān.
61Photographzhào这张照片很美。This photograph is beautiful.Zhè zhāng zhào piàn hěn měi.
62无形Invisiblewú xíng这是一种无形的力量。This is an invisible force.Zhè shì yī zhǒng wú xíng de lì liàng.
63违法Illegalwéifǎ这种行为是违法的。This behavior is illegal.Zhè zhǒng xíng wéi shì wéifǎ de.
64解除Removejiě chú他们解除了一些规定。They removed some regulations.Tā men jiě chú le yī xiē guī dìng.
65北方Northernběi fāng北方的冬天很冷。The winter in the north is very cold.Běi fāng de dōng tiān hěn lěng.
66感觉到Feelgǎn jué dào我感觉到寒冷。I feel the cold.Wǒ gǎn jué dào hán lěng.
67打击Hitdǎ jī他的打击很严重。His blow was severe.Tā de dǎ jī hěn yán zhòng.
68Measure word for buildingszhuàng那幢大楼很高。That building is very tall.Nà zhuàng dà lóu hěn gāo.
69模糊Blurmó hú图片有点模糊。The image is a bit blurry.Tú piàn yǒu diǎn mó hú.
70对抗Resistduì kàng我们要对抗困难。We must resist difficulties.Wǒ men yào duì kàng kùn nán.
71Stationzhù他在这里驻扎。He is stationed here.Tā zài zhè lǐ zhù zhā.
72会场Venuehuì chǎng会场布置得很好。The venue is well arranged.Huì chǎng bù zhì de hěn hǎo.
73Winyíng我们赢得了比赛。We won the match.Wǒ men yíng dé le bǐ sài.
74他对结果负有责任。He is responsible for the outcome.Tā duì jié guǒ fù yǒu zé rèn.
75Sceneryjǐng风景非常美丽。The scenery is very beautiful.Fēng jǐng fēi cháng měi lì.
76回馈Feedbackhuí kuì我们需要你的回馈。We need your feedback.Wǒ men xū yào nǐ de huí kuì.
77歧视Discriminationqí shì我们要反对歧视。We must oppose discrimination.Wǒ men yào fǎn duì qí shì.
78昆虫Insectkūn chóng昆虫在花园里很常见。Insects are common in the garden.Kūn chóng zài huā yuán lǐ hěn cháng jiàn.
79原料Raw materialyuán liào我们需要更多的原料。We need more raw materials.Wǒ men xū yào gèng duō de yuán liào.
80歧视Discriminationqí shì歧视是不对的。Discrimination is wrong.Qí shì shì bù duì de.
81被迫Forcedbèi pò他被迫接受了这个决定。He was forced to accept this decision.Tā bèi pò jiē shòu le zhè ge jué dìng.
82Cloudyún天上的云很美丽。The clouds in the sky are beautiful.Tiān shàng de yún hěn měi lì.
83邮件Emailyóu jiàn我收到了一封邮件。I received an email.Wǒ shōu dào le yī fēng yóu jiàn.
84Guardshǒu他守卫着入口。He guards the entrance.Tā shǒu wèi zhe rù kǒu.
85下来Come downxià lái请从树上下来。Please come down from the tree.Qǐng cóng shù shàng xià lái.
86Gunqiāng他持有一把枪。He carries a gun.Tā chí yǒu yī bǎ qiāng.
87Swordjiàn他有一把古老的剑。He has an ancient sword.Tā yǒu yī bǎ gǔ lǎo de jiàn.
88课外Extracurricularkè wài他们参加了课外活动。They participated in extracurricular activities.Tā men cān jiā le kè wài huó dòng.
89宁静Tranquilnìng jìng湖边的环境很宁静。The environment by the lake is very tranquil.Hú biān de huán jìng hěn nìng jìng.
90Discusslùn我们来讨论这个问题。Let’s discuss this issue.Wǒ men lái tǎo lùn zhè ge wèn tí.
91Editbiān他正在编写文章。He is editing the article.Tā zhèng zài biān xiě wén zhāng.
92分组Groupingfēn zǔ我们分组讨论问题。We group to discuss the issue.Wǒ men fēn zǔ tǎo lùn wèn tí.
93预测Predictyù cè我们可以预测未来。We can predict the future.Wǒ men kě yǐ yù cè wèi lái.
94一同Togetheryī tóng我们一同去旅行。We travel together.Wǒ men yī tóng qù lǚ xíng.
95密集Intensivemì jí这个课程很密集。This course is very intensive.Zhè ge kè chéng hěn mì jí.
96代替Replacedài tì我们可以代替旧设备。We can replace the old equipment.Wǒ men kě yǐ dài tì jiù shè bèi.
97凡是Allfán shì凡是有关这个问题的事都要处理。All matters related to this issue must be handled.Fán shì yǒu guān zhè ge wèn tí de shì dōu yào chǔ lǐ.
98开办Establishkāi bàn我们计划开办一个新公司。We plan to establish a new company.Wǒ men jì huà kāi bàn yī gè xīn gōng sī.
99意志Willpoweryì zhì她有强大的意志力。She has strong willpower.Tā yǒu qiáng dà de yì zhì lì.

Feel free to ask if you need any adjustments or additional information!

Here’s the extended chart including translations and example sentences for the new terms:

#中文词汇英文翻译拼音示例句子 (中文)Example Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Pinyin)
100创造力Creativitychuàng zào lì他拥有很强的创造力。He has strong creativity.Tā yǒng yǒu hěn qiáng de chuàng zào lì.
101开办Establishkāi bàn我们计划开办一个新公司。We plan to establish a new company.Wǒ men jì huà kāi bàn yī gè xīn gōng sī.
102Guesscāi请猜猜我的生日是什么时候。Please guess when my birthday is.Qǐng cāi cāi wǒ de shēng rì shì shén me shí hòu.
103晚间Eveningwǎn jiān晚间的空气很清新。The air is fresh in the evening.Wǎn jiān de kōng qì hěn qīng xīn.
104密集Intensivemì jí这个课程很密集。This course is very intensive.Zhè ge kè chéng hěn mì jí.
105挣扎Strugglezhēng zhā他在困难中挣扎。He is struggling through difficulties.Tā zài kùn nán zhōng zhēng zhā.
106Bottlepíng这个瓶子里装满了水。The bottle is filled with water.Zhè ge píng zi lǐ zhuāng mǎn le shuǐ.
107美金US Dollarsměi jīn这件商品的价格是100美金。The price of this item is 100 US dollars.Zhè jiàn shāng pǐn de jià gé shì 100 měi jīn.
108Dig我们正在挖一个坑。We are digging a hole.Wǒ men zhèng zài wā yī gè kēng.
109投手Pitchertóu shǒu这位投手投得很好。The pitcher is doing well.Zhè wèi tóu shǒu tóu de hěn hǎo.
110Returnguī他早早地归家了。He returned home early.Tā zǎo zǎo de guī jiā le.
111发明Inventionfā míng这是一个伟大的发明。This is a great invention.Zhè shì yī gè wěi dà de fā míng.
112分组Groupingfēn zǔ我们分组讨论问题。We group to discuss the issue.Wǒ men fēn zǔ tǎo lùn wèn tí.
113考察Inspectkǎo chá他去工厂进行考察。He went to inspect the factory.Tā qù gōng chǎng jìn xíng kǎo chá.
114惊讶Surprisedjīng yà我对这个结果感到惊讶。I am surprised by this result.Wǒ duì zhè ge jié guǒ gǎn dào jīng yà.
115听众Audiencetīng zhòng观众们听得很专心。The audience listened attentively.Guān zhòng men tīng dé hěn zhuān xīn.
116惊讶Surprisedjīng yà他的反应让我感到惊讶。His reaction surprised me.Tā de fǎn yìng ràng wǒ gǎn dào jīng yà.
117不可以Cannotbù kě yǐ这件事不可以这样做。This cannot be done this way.Zhè jiàn shì bù kě yǐ zhè yàng zuò.
118考察Inspectkǎo chá我们将考察市场情况。We will inspect the market situation.Wǒ men jiāng kǎo chá shì chǎng qíng kuàng.
119外国人Foreignerwài guó rén他是一名外国人。He is a foreigner.Tā shì yī míng wài guó rén.
120工资Salarygōng zī他的工资很高。His salary is high.Tā de gōng zī hěn gāo.
121平台Platformpíng tái这个平台很受欢迎。This platform is very popular.Zhè ge píng tái hěn shòu huān yíng.
122模样Appearancemó yàng她的模样很可爱。Her appearance is cute.Tā de mó yàng hěn kě ài.
123说到Mentionshuō dào说到这个问题,我们需要讨论。Speaking of this issue, we need to discuss it.Shuō dào zhè ge wèn tí, wǒ men xū yào tǎo lùn.
124遥远Distantyáo yuǎn那里的地方很遥远。That place is very distant.Nà lǐ de dì fāng hěn yáo yuǎn.
125豪华Luxuriousháo huá这家酒店很豪华。This hotel is very luxurious.Zhè jiā jiǔ diàn hěn háo huá.
126Hand overjiāo请把文件交给我。Please hand over the document to me.Qǐng bǎ wén jiàn jiāo gěi wǒ.
127心力Effortxīn lì这需要很大的心力。This requires a lot of effort.Zhè xū yào hěn dà de xīn lì.
128决赛Final (match)jué sài我们进入了决赛。We made it to the final.Wǒ men jìn rù le jué sài.
129Remainshèng还有一些剩下的食物。There is some food remaining.Hái yǒu yī xiē shèng xià de shí wù.
130安慰Comfortān wèi我试图安慰她。I tried to comfort her.Wǒ shì tú ān wèi tā.
131取向Orientationqǔ xiàng这个项目有不同的取向。This project has different orientations.Zhè ge xiàng mù yǒu bù tóng de qǔ xiàng.
132两性Genderliǎng xìng两性平等是很重要的。Gender equality is very important.Liǎng xìng píng děng shì hěn zhòng yào de.
133度过Spenddù guò我们度过了一个美好的假期。We spent a wonderful holiday.Wǒ men dù guò le yī gè měi hǎo de jià qī.
134Wow哇,这真是太棒了!Wow, this is amazing!Wā, zhè zhēn shì tài bàng le!
135哈哈Hahahā hā他总是哈哈大笑。He always laughs haha.Tā zǒng shì hā hā dà xiào.
136笑容Smilexiào róng她的笑容很迷人。Her smile is charming.Tā de xiào róng hěn mí rén.
137专用Exclusivezhuān yòng这是专用的房间。This is an exclusive room.Zhè shì zhuān yòng de fáng jiān.
138把握Graspbǎ wò我们要把握每一个机会。We must grasp every opportunity.Wǒ men yào bǎ wò měi yī gè jī huì.
139扩张Expansionkuò zhāng公司正在进行扩张。The company is undergoing expansion.Gōng sī zhèng zài jìn xíng kuò zhāng.
140Carryzài这辆车可以载很多人。This car can carry many people.Zhè liàng chē kě yǐ zài hěn duō rén.
141伤心Sadshāng xīn她感到非常伤心。She feels very sad.Tā gǎn dào fēi cháng shāng xīn.
142Exhaustjìn我们尽全力去完成任务。We exhaust all efforts to complete the task.Wǒ men jìn quán lì qù wán chéng rèn wu.
143疑问Questionyí wèn他有一个疑问。He has a question.Tā yǒu yī gè yí wèn.
144遵守Abide byzūn shǒu我们必须遵守规则。We must abide by the rules.Wǒ men bì xū zūn shǒu guī zé.
145介面Interfacejiè miàn这个软件有一个用户友好的介面。The software has a user-friendly interface.Zhè ge ruǎn jiàn yǒu yī gè yòng hù yǒu hǎo de jiè miàn.
146共和国Republicgòng hé guó他来自一个共和国。He comes from a republic.Tā lái zì yī gè gòng hé guó.
147下雨Rainxià yǔ明天会下雨。It will rain tomorrow.Míng tiān huì xià yǔ.
148感受Feelgǎn shòu我可以感受到她的关心。I can feel her care.Wǒ kě yǐ gǎn shòu dào tā de guān xīn.
149扩张Expansionkuò zhāng我们计划扩张市场。We plan to expand the market.Wǒ men jì huà kuò zhāng shì chǎng.
150示范Demonstrateshì fàn老师做了一个示范。The teacher gave a demonstration.Lǎo shī zuò le yī gè shì fàn.
151大战Great wardà zhàn那是一场伟大的战争。That was a great war.Nà shì yī chǎng wěi dà de zhàn zhēng.
152定位Positioningdìng wèi我们需要确定你的定位。We need to determine your position.Wǒ men xū yào què dìng nǐ de dìng wèi.
153Brightliàng这个灯很亮。This light is very bright.Zhè ge dēng hěn liàng.
154示范Demonstrateshì fàn请示范如何操作这个设备。Please demonstrate how to operate this equipment.Qǐng shì fàn rú hé cāo zuò zhè ge shè bèi.
155间接Indirectjiàn jiē这是一个间接的方式。This is an indirect way.Zhè shì yī gè jiàn jiē de fāng shì.
156侦办Investigatezhēn bàn警察正在侦办案件。The police are investigating the case.Jǐng chá zhèng zài zhēn bàn àn jiàn.
157特有Uniquetè yǒu这种花有特有的香味。This flower has a unique fragrance.Zhè zhǒng huā yǒu tè yǒu de xiāng wèi.
158消除Eliminatexiāo chú我们要消除所有的障碍。We need to eliminate all obstacles.Wǒ men yào xiāo chú suǒ yǒu de zhàng ài.
159区分Distinguishqū fēn我们需要区分不同的情况。We need to distinguish between different situations.Wǒ men xū yào qū fēn bù tóng de qíng kuàng.
160评价Evaluatepíng jià我们需要评价这个方案。We need to evaluate this plan.Wǒ men xū yào píng jià zhè ge fāng àn.
161发掘Discoverfā jué我们正在发掘新的机会。We are discovering new opportunities.Wǒ men zhèng zài fā jué xīn de jī huì.
162外销Exportwài xiāo我们的产品主要外销。Our products are mainly for export.Wǒ men de chǎn pǐn zhǔ yào wài xiāo.
163还可以Acceptablehái kě yǐ这个方案还可以。This plan is acceptable.Zhè ge fāng àn hái kě yǐ.
164外销Exportwài xiāo我们的外销业务正在增长。Our export business is growing.Wǒ men de wài xiāo yè wù zhèng zài zēng zhǎng.
165不宜Inappropriatebù yí这种行为不宜在公共场合出现。Such behavior is inappropriate in public.Zhè zhǒng xíng wéi bù yí zài gōng gòng chǎng hé chū xiàn.
166不如Not as good asbù rú这个方案不如上一个方案。This plan is not as good as the previous one.Zhè ge fāng àn bù rú shàng yī gè fāng àn.
167随即Immediatelysuí jí他随即做出了回应。He responded immediately.Tā suí jí zuò chū le huí yìng.
168随意Freelysuí yì请随意选择你喜欢的颜色。Please freely choose your favorite color.Qǐng suí yì xuǎn zé nǐ xǐ huān de yán sè.
169踊跃Enthusiasticyǒng yuè他们踊跃参加了比赛。They enthusiastically participated in the competition.Tā men yǒng yuè cān jiā le bǐ sài.
170能量Energynéng liàng这个运动能量消耗很大。This exercise consumes a lot of energy.Zhè ge yùn dòng néng liàng xiāo hào hěn dà.
171接下来Nextjiē xià lái接下来我们要讨论计划。Next, we will discuss the plan.Jiē xià lái wǒ men yào tǎo lùn jì huà.
172接到Receivejiē dào我们接到了你的邮件。We received your email.Wǒ men jiē dào le nǐ de yóu jiàn.
173治安Public securityzhì ān这里的治安非常好。The public security here is very good.Zhè lǐ de zhì ān fēi cháng hǎo.
174指示Instructionzhǐ shì请按照指示操作。Please follow the instructions.Qǐng àn zhào zhǐ shì cāo zuò.
175同步Synchronizetóng bù我们需要同步更新数据。We need to synchronize the data updates.Wǒ men xū yào tóng bù gēng xīn shù jù.
176茶叶Tea leaveschá yè我喜欢喝绿茶,茶叶很新鲜。I like drinking green tea; the tea leaves are fresh.Wǒ xǐ huān hē lǜ chá, chá yè hěn xīn xiān.
177Cheatpiàn他被骗子骗了钱。He was cheated out of money by a scammer.Tā bèi piàn zi piàn le qián.
178富裕Wealthyfù yù他们过上了富裕的生活。They live a wealthy life.Tā men guò shàng le fù yù de shēng huó.
179优美Beautifulyōu měi这座城市的风景很优美。The scenery in this city is beautiful.Zhè zuò chéng shì de fēng jǐng hěn yōu měi.
180压抑Oppressedyā yì她感到非常压抑。She feels very oppressed.Tā gǎn dào fēi cháng yā yì.
181优美Beautifulyōu měi这座建筑设计得很优美。This building is beautifully designed.Zhè zuò jiàn zhú shè jì dé hěn yōu měi.
182预料Expectationyù liào结果超出了我们的预料。The result exceeded our expectations.Jié guǒ chāo chū le wǒ men de yù liào.
183剧团Theater troupejù tuán这个剧团表演非常精彩。This theater troupe performs wonderfully.Zhè ge jù tuán biǎo yǎn fēi cháng jīng cǎi.
184Crosskuà我们跨越了很多障碍。We have crossed many obstacles.Wǒ men kuà yuè le hěn duō zhàng ài.
185压抑Oppressedyā yì他的情绪很压抑。His emotions are very repressed.Tā de qíng xù hěn yā yì.
186开闢Developkāi pì他们正在开闢新的市场。They are developing new markets.Tā men zhèng zài kāi pì xīn de shì chǎng.
187没关系It’s okayméi guān xì没关系,我可以自己解决。It’s okay, I can solve it myself.Méi guān xì, wǒ kě yǐ zì jǐ jiě jué.
188机能Functionjī néng这台机器的机能很强大。This machine has strong functionality.Zhè tái jī qì de jī néng hěn qiáng dà.
189名叫Namedmíng jiào他名叫李明。His name is Li Ming.Tā míng jiào Lǐ Míng.
190开闢Developkāi pì我们将开闢新业务。We will develop new business.Wǒ men jiāng kāi pì xīn yè wù.
191念头Thoughtniàn tóu我有一个念头,可能会有帮助。I have a thought that might help.Wǒ yǒu yī gè niàn tóu, kě néng huì yǒu bāng zhù.
192富裕Wealthyfù yù他们的生活非常富裕。Their life is very wealthy.Tā men de shēng huó fēi cháng fù yù.
193改良Improvegǎi liáng我们需要改良这个设计。We need to improve this design.Wǒ men xū yào gǎi liáng zhè ge shè jì.
194Benefit这个计划的利大于弊。The benefits of this plan outweigh the drawbacks.Zhè ge jì huà de lì dà yú bì.
195核准Approvalhé zhǔn需要核准这个决定。This decision needs approval.Xū yào hé zhǔn zhè ge jué dìng.
196接收Receivejiē shōu我们已经接收到通知。We have received the notice.Wǒ men yǐ jīng jiē shōu dào tōng zhī.
197核准Approvalhé zhǔn申请还需要核准。The application still needs approval.Shēn qǐng hái xū yào hé zhǔn.
198接收Receivejiē shōu我们接收到货物了。We have received the goods.Wǒ men jiē shōu dào huò wù le.
199相似Similarxiāng sì这两个颜色非常相似。These two colors are very similar.Zhè liǎng gè yán sè fēi cháng xiāng sì.
200Smellwén我闻到了花香。I smell the fragrance of flowers.Wǒ wén dào le huā xiāng.

This chart includes translations, pinyin, and example sentences for each term, showcasing the versatility of each word in different contexts


Here’s the continuation of the chart with the new list of terms translated into English and Pinyin, including a simple sentence for each term in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
201贫穷Povertypín qióng贫穷限制了他的选择。Poverty limited his choices.Pín qióng xiàn zhì le tā de xuǎn zé.
202动物园Zoodòng wù yuán我们去动物园看了大象。We went to the zoo to see the elephants.Wǒ men qù dòng wù yuán kàn le dà xiàng.
203接近Approachjiē jìn我们越来越接近目标。We are getting closer to the goal.Wǒ men yuè lái yuè jiē jìn mù biāo.
204饿Hungryè我现在很饿。I am very hungry now.Wǒ xiàn zài hěn è.
205Lookqiáo瞧,那是一只美丽的鸟。Look, that is a beautiful bird.Qiáo, nà shì yī zhī měi lì de niǎo.
206诸如Such aszhū rú这家店卖许多商品,诸如衣服和鞋子。The store sells many items, such as clothes and shoes.Zhè jiā diàn mài xǔ duō shāng pǐn, zhū rú yī fú hé xié zi.
207分公司Branch Officefēn gōng sī他们在上海有一个分公司。They have a branch office in Shanghai.Tā men zài Shàng hǎi yǒu yī gè fēn gōng sī.
208总统府Presidential Officezǒng tǒng fǔ我们参观了总统府。We visited the presidential office.Wǒ men cān guān le zǒng tǒng fǔ.
209同情Sympathytóng qíng我对她的遭遇感到同情。I feel sympathy for her situation.Wǒ duì tā de zāo yù gǎn dào tóng qíng.
210贫穷Povertypín qióng他们正在努力摆脱贫穷。They are working hard to escape poverty.Tā men zhèng zài nǔ lì bǎi tuō pín qióng.
211镇公所Town Hallzhèn gōng suǒ镇公所将在周一开放。The town hall will open on Monday.Zhèn gōng suǒ jiāng zài zhōu yī kāi fàng.
212沙漠Desertshā mò沙漠中很少有水源。There are few water sources in the desert.Shā mò zhōng hěn shǎo yǒu shuǐ yuán.
213放下Put downfàng xià请把包放下。Please put down the bag.Qǐng bǎ bāo fàng xià.
214音色Toneyīn sè他的音色很独特。His tone is very unique.Tā de yīn sè hěn dú tè.
215相较Compared toxiāng jiào相较于去年,今年的销售更好。Compared to last year, this year’s sales are better.Xiāng jiào yú qù nián, jīn nián de xiāo shòu gèng hǎo.
216Dragtuō请不要拖这个箱子。Please don’t drag this box.Qǐng bù yào tuō zhè ge xiāng zi.
217好友Good friendhǎo yǒu她是我的好友。She is my good friend.Tā shì wǒ de hǎo yǒu.
218Inhale他深深吸了一口气。He took a deep breath.Tā shēn shēn xī le yī kǒu qì.
219同情Sympathytóng qíng我对他的遭遇感到同情。I feel sympathy for his situation.Wǒ duì tā de zāo yù gǎn dào tóng qíng.
220走势Trendzǒu shì经济走势不太乐观。The economic trend is not very optimistic.Jīng jì zǒu shì bù tài lè guān.
221西洋Westernxī yáng我喜欢西洋音乐。I like Western music.Wǒ xǐ huān xī yáng yīn yuè.
222书目Bibliographyshū mù这本书的书目很详细。The bibliography of this book is very detailed.Zhè běn shū de shū mù hěn xiáng xì.
223资本主义Capitalismzī běn zhǔ yì资本主义在很多国家盛行。Capitalism is prevalent in many countries.Zī běn zhǔ yì zài hěn duō guó jiā shèng xíng.
224Increasezēng销售额有所增。Sales have increased.Xiāo shòu é yǒu suǒ zēng.
225历程Processlì chéng项目的历程非常复杂。The process of the project is very complex.Xiàng mù de lì chéng fēi cháng fù zá.
226浓厚Strongnóng hòu这部电影有浓厚的历史感。This movie has a strong historical sense.Zhè bù diàn yǐng yǒu nóng hòu de lì shǐ gǎn.
227失业Unemployedshī yè他因为公司裁员而失业。He is unemployed due to company layoffs.Tā yīn wèi gōng sī cái yuán ér shī yè.
228视野Visionshì yě我们需要拓宽视野。We need to broaden our vision.Wǒ men xū yào tuò kuān shì yě.
229永恒Eternalyǒng héng爱是永恒的。Love is eternal.Ài shì yǒng héng de.
230同志Comradetóng zhì他是我的同志。He is my comrade.Tā shì wǒ de tóng zhì.
231中年Middle-agedzhōng nián他正在经历中年的挑战。He is facing the challenges of middle age.Tā zhèng zài jīng lì zhōng nián de tiǎo zhàn.
232极了Extremelyjí le这场比赛紧张得极了。The match was extremely tense.Zhè chǎng bǐ sài jǐn zhāng de jí le.
233清大National Taiwan University (NTU)qīng dà我在清大读书。I study at National Taiwan University.Wǒ zài qīng dà dú shū.
234记录Recordjì lù我们记录了每一个细节。We recorded every detail.Wǒ men jì lù le měi yī gè xì jié.
235风味Flavorfēng wèi这道菜有独特的风味。This dish has a unique flavor.Zhè dào cài yǒu dú tè de fēng wèi.
236合格Qualifiedhé gé他通过了考试,成绩合格。He passed the exam and qualified.Tā tōng guò le kǎo shì, chéng jì hé gé.
237身子Bodyshēn zi他感到身体很疲惫。He feels very tired.Tā gǎn dào shēn tǐ hěn pí bèi.
238百姓Common peoplebǎi xìng政府关心百姓的生活。The government cares about the common people’s lives.Zhèng fǔ guān xīn bǎi xìng de shēng huó.
239太空Spacetài kōng他梦想成为宇航员,探索太空。He dreams of becoming an astronaut and exploring space.Tā mèng xiǎng chéng wéi yǔ háng yuán, tàn suǒ tài kōng.
240大力Vigorouslydà lì我们要大力推进这个计划。We need to vigorously advance this plan.Wǒ men yào dà lì tuī jìn zhè ge jì huà.
241勉强Reluctantlymiǎn qiǎng他勉强接受了这个建议。He reluctantly accepted the suggestion.Tā miǎn qiǎng jiē shòu le zhè ge jiàn yì.
242外来Foreignwài lái外来人员需要注册。Foreign personnel need to register.Wài lái rén yuán xū yào zhù cè.
243失业Unemployedshī yè由于经济衰退,他失业了。Due to the economic downturn, he is unemployed.Yóu yú jīng jì shuāi tuì, tā shī yè le.
244生病Sickshēng bìng她因为生病没来上班。She didn’t come to work because she was sick.Tā yīn wèi shēng bìng méi lái shàng bān.
245钢琴Pianogāng qín他弹钢琴弹得很出色。He plays the piano excellently.Tā tán gāng qín tán dé hěn chū sè.
246号码Numberhào mǎ请告诉我你的电话号码。Please tell me your phone number.Qǐng gào sù wǒ nǐ de diàn huà hào mǎ.
247Anotherlìng我们另找了一家餐厅。We found another restaurant.Wǒ men lìng zhǎo le yī jiā cān tīng.
248口味Tastekǒu wèi这个菜的口味很独特。The taste of this dish is unique.Zhè ge cài de kǒu wèi hěn dú tè.
249天生Born withtiān shēng他天生具有音乐才能。He is born with musical talent.Tā tiān shēng jù yǒu yīn yuè cái néng.
250回头Look backhuí tóu我们回头看看过去的成就。Let’s look back at past achievements.Wǒ men huí tóu kàn kàn guò qù de chéng jiù.
251心想Think to oneselfxīn xiǎng我心想这可能是个好主意。I thought to myself that this might be a good idea.Wǒ xīn xiǎng zhè kě néng shì gè hǎo zhǔ yì.
252包装Packagingbāo zhuāng这个产品的包装很精美。The packaging of this product is exquisite.Zhè ge chǎn pǐn de bāo zhuāng hěn jīng měi.
253对待Treatduì dài我们应该好好对待每个人。We should treat everyone well.Wǒ men yīng gāi hǎo hǎo duì dài měi gè rén.
254Playyóu孩子们在公园里游玩。The children are playing in the park.Háizimen zài gōng yuán lǐ yóu wán.
255感激Gratefulgǎn jī我非常感激你的帮助。I am very grateful for your help.Wǒ fēi cháng gǎn jī nǐ de bāng zhù.
256Singledān这是单一的选择。This is a single choice.Zhè shì dān yī de xuǎn zé.
257Teachershī我的老师是一位很好的师傅。My teacher is a very good master.Wǒ de lǎo shī shì yī wèi hěn hǎo de shī fù.
258学科Subjectxué kē数学是我最喜欢的学科。Mathematics is my favorite subject.Shù xué shì wǒ zuì xǐ huān de xué kē.
259感激Gratefulgǎn jī我感激你的支持。I am grateful for your support.Wǒ gǎn jī nǐ de zhī chí.
260弟子Discipledì zǐ他是我的弟子。He is my disciple.Tā shì wǒ de dì zǐ.
261招生Enrollmentzhāo shēng学校正在招生活动中。The school is in the process of enrollment.Xué xiào zhèng zài zhāo shēng huó dòng zhōng.
262好人Good personhǎo rén他是一个很好的人。He is a good person.Tā shì yī gè hěn hǎo de rén.
263Falldào他不小心倒了水。He accidentally spilled the water.Tā bù xiǎo xīn dào le shuǐ.
264Catch他用网捕到了许多鱼。He caught many fish with a net.Tā yòng wǎng bǔ dào le xǔ duō yú.
265招生Enrollmentzhāo shēng招生已经结束。Enrollment has ended.Zhāo shēng yǐ jīng jié shù.
266Needlezhēn我需要一根针来缝衣服。I need a needle to sew the clothes.Wǒ xū yào yī gēn zhēn lái fèng yī fú.
267温度Temperaturewēn dù现在的温度很高。The temperature is very high now.Xiàn zài de wēn dù hěn gāo.
268长久Long-lastingcháng jiǔ我们希望建立长久的友谊。We hope to build a long-lasting friendship.Wǒ men xī wàng jiàn lì cháng jiǔ de yǒu yì.
269运动Exerciseyùn dòng他每天都做运动。He exercises every day.Tā měi tiān dū zuò yùn dòng.
270焦虑Anxietyjiāo lǜ她对考试感到焦虑。She feels anxious about the exam.Tā duì kǎo shì gǎn dào jiāo lǜ.
271支出Expensezhī chū我的支出超出了预算。My expenses exceeded the budget.Wǒ de zhī chū chāo chū le yù suàn.
272焦虑Anxietyjiāo lǜ他因工作而感到焦虑。He feels anxious due to work.Tā yīn gōng zuò ér gǎn dào jiāo lǜ.
273上班族Office workershàng bān zú他是一个上班族。He is an office worker.Tā shì yī gè shàng bān zú.
274一律Uniformlyyī lǜ他们的要求是一律的。Their requirements are uniform.Tā men de yāo qiú shì yī lǜ de.
275转移Transferzhuǎn yí请把文件转移到新位置。Please transfer the file to the new location.Qǐng bǎ wén jiàn zhuǎn yí dào xīn wèi zhì.
276关注Attentionguān zhù我们需要关注这些问题。We need to pay attention to these issues.Wǒ men xū yào guān zhù zhè xiē wèn tí.
277Soundxiǎng这声音太响了。This sound is too loud.Zhè shēng yīn tài xiǎng le.
278党部Party Officedǎng bù他在党部工作。He works at the party office.Tā zài dǎng bù gōng zuò.
279转移Transferzhuǎn yí我们需要转移注意力。We need to shift our focus.Wǒ men xū yào zhuǎn yí zhù yì lì.
280Hardyìng这个板子很硬。This board is very hard.Zhè ge bǎn zi hěn yìng.
281洗澡Showerxǐ zǎo他每天都洗澡。He takes a shower every day.Tā měi tiān dū xǐ zǎo.
282关注Attentionguān zhù她对新闻非常关注。She pays a lot of attention to the news.Tā duì xīn wén fēi cháng guān zhù.
283老鼠Mouselǎo shǔ这个老鼠很小。This mouse is very small.Zhè ge lǎo shǔ hěn xiǎo.
284昂贵Expensiveáng guì这件衣服很昂贵。This piece of clothing is very expensive.Zhè jiàn yī fú hěn áng guì.
285决议Resolutionjué yì会议通过了一项决议。The meeting passed a resolution.Huì yì tōng guò le yī xiàng jué yì.
286动员Mobilizedòng yuán他们动员了大量的志愿者。They mobilized a large number of volunteers.Tā men dòng yuán le dà liàng de zhì yuàn zhě.
287在场Presentzài chǎng他在场时没有说话。He did not speak while present.Tā zài chǎng shí méi yǒu shuō huà.
288兼顾Balancejiān gù我们需要兼顾各方面的利益。We need to balance various interests.Wǒ men xū yào jiān gù gè fāng miàn de lì yì.
289相比Comparexiāng bǐ我们可以相比一下两个方案。We can compare the two plans.Wǒ men kě yǐ xiāng bǐ yī xià liǎng gè fāng àn.
290后果Consequencehòu guǒ你必须考虑所有的后果。You must consider all the consequences.Nǐ bì xū kǎo lǜ suǒ yǒu de hòu guǒ.
291混合Mixhùn hé把这些材料混合在一起。Mix these materials together.Bǎ zhè xiē cái liào hùn hé zài yī qǐ.
292动员Mobilizedòng yuán我们需要动员团队的力量。We need to mobilize the team’s strength.Wǒ men xū yào dòng yuán tuán duì de lì liàng.
293阴影Shadowyīn yǐng这幅画有很深的阴影。This painting has deep shadows.Zhè fú huà yǒu hěn shēn de yīn yǐng.
294海峡Straithǎi xiá台湾海峡连接了两岸。The Taiwan Strait connects the two shores.Táiwān hǎi xiá lián jiē le liǎng àn.
295幻想Fantasyhuàn xiǎng他常常做些幻想。He often indulges in fantasies.Tā cháng cháng zuò xiē huàn xiǎng.
296剧场Theaterjù chǎng我们在剧场里看了演出。We watched the performance at the theater.Wǒ men zài jù chǎng lǐ kàn le yǎn chū.
297衡量Measurehéng liàng我们需要衡量各种因素。We need to measure various factors.Wǒ men xū yào héng liàng gè zhǒng yīn sù.
298频率Frequencypín lǜ这个频率太高了。The frequency is too high.Zhè ge pín lǜ tài gāo le.
299衡量Measurehéng liàng衡量成果需要准确的数据。Measuring the results requires accurate data.Héng liàng chéng guǒ xū yào zhǔn què de shù jù.
300亲切Kindqīn qiè她的态度很亲切。Her attitude is very kind.Tā de tài dù hěn qīn qiè.

Feel free to let me know if you need further adjustments or additional entries

Here are the translations for the new set of vocabulary:

301嘴巴Mouthzuǐ ba他用嘴巴说话。He speaks with his mouth.Tā yòng zuǐ ba shuō huà.
302家教Family education/Private tutorjiā jiào我们请了一位家教来帮助孩子学习。We hired a tutor to help the child learn.Wǒmen qǐngle yī wèi jiā jiào lái bāngzhù háizi xuéxí.
303盈余Surplus/Profityíng yú公司上季度的盈余很高。The company’s surplus last quarter was high.Gōngsī shàng jìdù de yíng yú hěn gāo.
304Bamboozhú竹子在中国很常见。Bamboo is common in China.Zhúzi zài zhōngguó hěn chángjiàn.
305坦承Admit/Confesstǎn chéng他坦承了他的错误。He admitted his mistakes.Tā tǎn chéngle tā de cuòwù.
306孤独Lonelygū dú他感到非常孤独。He feels very lonely.Tā gǎndào fēicháng gū dú.
307Rice我们吃了米饭。We ate rice.Wǒmen chīle mǐ fàn.
308孤独Lonelygū dú她一个人住,感到很孤独。She lives alone and feels very lonely.Tā yīgè rén zhù, gǎndào hěn gū dú.
309种植Plant/Plantingzhǒng zhí他在花园里种植了蔬菜。He planted vegetables in the garden.Tā zài huāyuán lǐ zhǒng zhíle shūcài.
310表现出Show/Displaybiǎo xiàn chū他表现出了极大的热情。He showed great enthusiasm.Tā biǎo xiàn chūle jí dà de rèqíng.
311Grandchild/Grandsonsūn我的孙子很聪明。My grandson is very smart.Wǒ de sūn zǐ hěn cōng míng.
312侵犯Violate/Infringeqīn fàn他侵犯了我的个人隐私。He violated my personal privacy.Tā qīn fànle wǒ de gèrén yǐnsī.
313果实Fruit/Resultguǒ shí这棵树结出了许多果实。The tree bore many fruits.Zhè kē shù jiē chūle xǔduō guǒ shí.
314侵犯Violate/Infringeqīn fàn他被指控侵犯了版权。He was accused of infringing on copyright.Tā bèi zhǐkòng qīn fànle bǎnquán.
315邮票Stampyóu piào我收集了很多邮票。I collected many stamps.Wǒ shōujíle hěn duō yóu piào.
316自愿Volunteer/Voluntaryzì yuàn他自愿参加了这个项目。He volunteered for the project.Tā zì yuàn cānjiāle zhège xiàngmù.
317挑选Choose/Selecttiāo xuǎn她挑选了几本书。She selected a few books.Tā tiāo xuǎnle jǐ běn shū.
318会计Accountantkuài jì他是一名专业的会计。He is a professional accountant.Tā shì yī míng zhuānyè de kuài jì.
319劳力Labor/Physical workláo lì这项工作需要大量的劳力。This job requires a lot of labor.Zhè xiàng gōngzuò xūyào dàliàng de láo lì.
320Fee/Expensefèi这项服务的费用很高。The fee for this service is high.Zhè xiàng fúwù de fèiyòng hěn gāo.
321新竹县Hsinchu Countyxīn zhú xiàn新竹县位于台湾北部。Hsinchu County is located in northern Taiwan.Xīn zhú xiàn wèi yú táiwān běibù.
322运动会Sports Meet/Olympicsyùn dòng huì学校举办了一个运动会。The school held a sports meet.Xuéxiào jǔbànle yīgè yùn dòng huì.
323坚强Strong/Resilientjiān qiáng她非常坚强,面对困难从不退缩。She is very strong and never retreats in the face of difficulties.Tā fēicháng jiān qiáng, miànduì kùnnán cóng bù tuìsuō.
324目光Gaze/Glancemù guāng他用目光注视着远方。He gazed into the distance.Tā yòng mù guāng zhù shì zhe yuǎnfāng.
325坚强Strong/Resilientjiān qiáng她在困境中表现得非常坚强。She showed great strength in adversity.Tā zài kùnjìng zhōng biǎoxiàn de fēicháng jiān qiáng.
326偏偏Just/Contrarilypiān piān偏偏在这个时候发生了意外。It happened to occur at this very moment.Piān piān zài zhège shíhòu fāshēngle yìwài.
327挑选Choose/Selecttiāo xuǎn她挑选了一件漂亮的衣服。She chose a beautiful dress.Tā tiāo xuǎnle yī jiàn piàoliang de yīfú.
328给付Payment/Disbursementgěi fù他按时给付了所有费用。He made all the payments on time.Tā àn shí gěi fùle suǒyǒu fèiyòng.
329静态Static/Stationaryjìng tài这个模型的设计是静态的。The design of this model is static.Zhège móxíng de shèjì shì jìng tài de.
330演唱会Concertyǎn chàng huì我们去了一场音乐演唱会。We went to a music concert.Wǒmen qùle yī chǎng yīnyuè yǎn chàng huì.
331播出Broadcastbō chū这个节目将在周末播出。This program will be broadcasted on the weekend.Zhè ge jiémù jiāng zài zhōumò bō chū.
332经贸Economic and Tradejīng mào他在经贸部门工作。He works in the economic and trade department.Tā zài jīng mào bùmén gōngzuò.
333播出Broadcastbō chū这个新闻将在晚上播出。The news will be broadcasted tonight.Zhè ge xīnwén jiāng zài wǎnshàng bō chū.
334发射Launch/Fire (rocket)fā shè火箭将在明天发射。The rocket will be launched tomorrow.Huǒjiàn jiāng zài míngtiān fā shè.
335干什么What to do/What are you doinggàn shénme你现在干什么?What are you doing now?Nǐ xiànzài gàn shénme?
336发射Launch/Fire (rocket)fā shè他们计划发射一颗卫星。They plan to launch a satellite.Tāmen jìhuà fā shè yī kē wèixīng.
337聘请Employ/Invitepìn qǐng公司聘请了一位新的经理。The company hired a new manager.Gōngsī pìn qǐngle yī wèi xīn de jīnglǐ.
338浪费Wastelàng fèi不要浪费时间。Don’t waste time.Bùyào làng fèi shíjiān.
339Dance她喜欢跳舞。She likes dancing.Tā xǐhuān tiàowǔ.
340无疑Undoubtedlywú yí这是无疑的事实。This is an undeniable fact.Zhè shì wú yí de shìshí.
341噪音Noisezào yīn这个地方的噪音很大。The noise in this place is loud.Zhège dìfāng de zào yīn hěn dà.
342与其Rather thanyǔ qí与其抱怨,不如解决问题。Rather than complaining, it’s better to solve the problem.Yǔ qí bào yuàn, bù rú jiějué wèntí.
343学说Theory/Doctrinexué shuō他的学说很有影响力。His theory is very influential.Tā de xué shuō hěn yǒu yǐngxiǎng lì.
344日圆Yen (Japanese currency)rì yuán我们用日圆付款。We paid with yen.Wǒmen yòng rì yuán fù kuǎn.
345有力Strong/Effectiveyǒu lì这个计划非常有力。This plan is very effective.Zhège jìhuà fēicháng yǒu lì.
346大道Main road/大道dà dào这条大道很宽敞。The main road is very wide.Zhè tiáo dà dào hěn kuān chǎng.
347午餐Lunchwǔ cān我们在餐馆吃了午餐。We had lunch at the restaurant.Wǒmen zài cānguǎn chīle wǔ cān.
348Middle/Centerzhōng他站在房间的中间。He stands in the middle of the room.Tā zhàn zài fángjiān de zhōngjiān.
349肌肉Musclejī ròu运动可以增强肌肉。Exercise can strengthen muscles.Yùndòng kěyǐ zēngqiáng jī ròu.
350Zenchán他学习了禅宗。He studied Zen Buddhism.Tā xuéxíle chán zōng.
351处境Situation/Positionchǔ jìng他在困难的处境中努力奋斗。He struggles in a difficult situation.Tā zài kùnnán de chǔ jìng zhōng nǔlì fèndòu.
352To wind/Wraprào他们绕过了障碍物。They went around the obstacle.Tāmen rào guòle zhàng ài wù.
353国营State-ownedguó yíng这是一个国营企业。This is a state-owned enterprise.Zhè shì yīgè guó yíng qǐ yè.
354警告Warningjǐng gào他收到了警告信。He received a warning letter.Tā shōudàole jǐng gào xìn.
355住院Hospitalizationzhù yuàn他因为生病而住院。He was hospitalized due to illness.Tā yīnwèi shēng bìng ér zhù yuàn.
356先天Innate/Congenitalxiān tiān这是一种先天的能力。This is an innate ability.Zhè shì yī zhǒng xiān tiān de nénglì.
357低于Below/Underdī yú这个温度低于零度。This temperature is below zero.Zhège wēndù dī yú líng dù.
358To夹夹/夹jiā请把文件夹起来。Please file the documents.Qǐng bǎ wénjiàn jiā qǐlái.
359找寻Searchzhǎo xún我们需要找寻丢失的钥匙。We need to search for the lost keys.Wǒmen xūyào zhǎo xún diū shī de yàoshi.
360移送Transfer/Deliveryí sòng这件事会被移送到另一个部门。This matter will be transferred to another department.Zhè jiàn shì huì bèi yí sòng dào lìng yīgè bùmén.
361住院Hospitalizationzhù yuàn他因病住院了一个月。He was hospitalized for a month due to illness.Tā yīn bìng zhù yuànle yīgè yuè.
362起床Get upqǐ chuáng他早上六点钟起床。He gets up at six o’clock in the morning.Tā zǎoshang liù diǎn zhōng qǐ chuáng.
363相容Compatible/Be compatiblexiāng róng这种材料与其他材料相容。This material is compatible with others.Zhè zhǒng cáiliào yǔ qítā cáiliào xiāng róng.
364是非Right and wrong/Disputeshì fēi他们的争论都是些是非问题。Their argument is about right and wrong issues.Tāmen de zhēnglùn dōu shì xiē shì fēi wèntí.
365南京Nanjingnán jīng南京是江苏省的省会。Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province.Nán jīng shì jiāngsū shěng de shěnghuì.
366省立Provincial (established by the province)shěng lì省立医院是由省政府资助的。The provincial hospital is funded by the provincial government.Shěng lì yīyuàn shì yóu shěng zhèngfǔ zīzhù de.
367浴室Bathroomyù shì我们在浴室里放了新的洗手池。We installed a new sink in the bathroom.Wǒmen zài yù shì lǐ fàngle xīn de xǐ shǒu chí.
368Demolish/Take apartchāi我们需要拆除旧房子。We need to demolish the old house.Wǒmen xūyào chāi chú jiù fángzi.
369密度Densitymì dù这块材料的密度很高。The density of this material is high.Zhè kuài cáiliào de mì dù hěn gāo.
370壮观Spectacular/Grandzhuàng guān这个建筑非常壮观。The building is very spectacular.Zhège jiànzhú fēicháng zhuàng guān.
371纪念馆Memorial Halljì niàn guǎn我们参观了战斗纪念馆。We visited the war memorial hall.Wǒmen cānguānle zhàndòu jì niàn guǎn.
372迷人Charmingmí rén她的微笑非常迷人。Her smile is very charming.Tā de wēi xiào fēicháng mí rén.
373高雄县Kaohsiung Countygāo xióng xiàn高雄县是台湾南部的一个县。Kaohsiung County is a county in southern Taiwan.Gāo xióng xiàn shì táiwān nánbù de yīgè xiàn.
374深远Far-reaching/Profoundshēn yuǎn他的影响是深远的。His influence is profound.Tā de yǐngxiǎng shì shēn yuǎn de.
375追查Investigate/Tracezhuī chá警察正在追查案件。The police are investigating the case.Jǐng chá zhèng zài zhuī chá ànjiàn.
376眼神Eye expression/Gazeyǎn shén她的眼神很温柔。Her gaze is very gentle.Tā de yǎn shén hěn wēn róu.
377眷村Veteran’s villagejuàn cūn眷村是老兵们的聚集地。The veteran’s village is a gathering place for veterans.Juàn cūn shì lǎobīngmen de jùjí dì.
378追查Investigate/Tracezhuī chá他们开始追查事件的真相。They started to trace the truth of the incident.Tāmen kāishǐ zhuī chá shìjiàn de zhēnxiàng.
379Rough/Coarse这块布料很粗糙。This fabric is very coarse.Zhè kuài bù liào hěn cūcāo.
380国有State-ownedguó yǒu国有企业由国家管理。State-owned enterprises are managed by the state.Guó yǒu qǐ yè yóu guójiā guǎnlǐ.
381开刀Operate (surgery)kāi dāo医生决定给他开刀。The doctor decided to perform surgery on him.Yīshēng juédìng gěi tā kāi dāo.
382邀集Invite/Assembleyāo jí他邀请了所有的朋友参加聚会。He invited all his friends to the gathering.Tā yāo qǐngle suǒyǒu de péngyǒu cānjiā jùhuì.
383水墨Ink wash (painting)shuǐ mò他喜欢中国水墨画。He likes Chinese ink wash paintings.Tā xǐ huān zhōngguó shuǐ mò huà.
384激励Encourage/Stimulatejī lì她的话激励了我。Her words encouraged me.Tā de huà jī lìle wǒ.
385选修Elective (course)xuǎn xiū我选择了一门选修课。I chose an elective course.Wǒ xuǎn zèle yī mén xuǎn xiū kè.
386激励Encourage/Stimulatejī lì他激励了很多年轻人。He inspired many young people.Tā jī lìle hěn duō niánqīngrén.
387甄试Screening/Examinationzhēn shì他们进行了一次严格的甄试。They conducted a rigorous screening.Tāmen jìnxíngle yī cì yángé de zhēn shì.
388标志Sign/Mark/Emblembiāo zhì这个标志代表了公司。This emblem represents the company.Zhège biāo zhì dàibiǎo le gōngsī.
389First (in a series)/Grade Ajiǎ这是一份甲级报告。This is a grade A report.Zhè shì yī fèn jiǎ jí bào gào.
390Go/Leave我们要去旅行。We are going to travel.Wǒmen yào qù lǚxíng.
391可观Considerablekě guān这个项目的收入非常可观。The revenue from this project is considerable.Zhège xiàngmù de shōurù fēicháng kě guān.
392下车Get off (a vehicle)xià chē我们在下一站下车。We will get off at the next stop.Wǒmen zài xià yī zhàn xià chē.
393读经Read scripturesdú jīng他每天都读经。He reads scriptures every day.Tā měitiān dū jīng.
394提及Mentiontí jí他提及了这个话题。He mentioned this topic.Tā tí jíle zhège huàtí.
395Burymái他把种子埋在土里。He buried the seeds in the soil.Tā bǎ zhǒng zǐ mái zài tǔ lǐ.
396仍旧Still/Remainréng jiù他仍旧住在那个老房子里。He still lives in that old house.Tā réng jiù zhù zài nàgè lǎo fángzi lǐ.
397奉献Devote/Contributefèng xiàn她为社会做出了很多奉献。She has made many contributions to society.Tā wèi shèhuì zuòchūle hěn duō fèng xiàn.
398沿海Coastalyán hǎi我们计划去沿海城市度假。We plan to vacation in a coastal city.Wǒmen jìhuà qù yán hǎi chéngshì dùjià.
399任/任用rèn他被任命为新经理。He was appointed as the new manager.Tā bèi rènmìng wèi xīn jīnglǐ.
400安心Peace of mind/Be at easeān xīn这件事让我很安心。This matter puts my mind at ease.Zhè jiàn shì ràng wǒ hěn ān xīn.

Feel free to ask for more details or additional translations!

Here’s the translation for the next batch of words:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinExample SentenceTranslationPinyin Example
401奉献Devote/Contributefèng xiàn她为社会做出了很多奉献。She has made many contributions to society.Tā wèi shèhuì zuòchūle hěn duō fèng xiàn.
402进展Progressjìn zhǎn项目的进展很顺利。The progress of the project is smooth.Xiàngmù de jìn zhǎn hěn shùnlì.
403Thick/Deephòu这本书的封面很厚。The cover of this book is thick.Zhè běn shū de fēngmiàn hěn hòu.
404农委会Council of Agriculturenóng wěi huì农委会负责农业政策的制定。The Council of Agriculture is responsible for formulating agricultural policies.Nóng wěi huì fùzé nóng yè zhèng cè de zhì dìng.
405即为Bejí wèi他即为公司的新总裁。He is the new CEO of the company.Tā jí wèi gōngsī de xīn zǒngcái.
406开启Open/Activatekāi qǐ他们将于明天开启新项目。They will activate the new project tomorrow.Tāmen jiāng yú míngtiān kāi qǐ xīn xiàngmù.
407立陶宛Lithuanialì táo wǎn立陶宛是一个位于欧洲的国家。Lithuania is a country located in Europe.Lì táo wǎn shì yīgè wèiyú ōuzhōu de guójiā.
408乡公所Township Officexiāng gōng suǒ乡公所处理当地事务。The township office handles local affairs.Xiāng gōng suǒ chǔ lǐ dāng dì shì wù.
409开启Open/Activatekāi qǐ这次会议将开启新的合作机会。This meeting will open new opportunities for cooperation.Zhè cì huì yì jiāng kāi qǐ xīn de hézuò jī huì.
410座谈Seminar/Discussionzuò tán他们举行了一个座谈会。They held a seminar.Tāmen jǔ xíngle yīgè zuò tán huì.
411门票Ticketmén piào我们需要买门票才能进入博物馆。We need to buy tickets to enter the museum.Wǒmen xūyào mǎi mén piào cáinéng jìnrù bówùguǎn.
412一体Integrated/Unifiedyī tǐ这个系统将所有功能一体整合。The system integrates all functions into one.Zhège xìtǒng jiāng suǒyǒu gōngnéng yī tǐ zhěnghé.
413裏面Inside/Interiorlǐ miàn盒子里面有很多玩具。There are many toys inside the box.Hézi lǐ miàn yǒu hěn duō wánjù.
414试验Experiment/Testshì yàn我们需要进行更多的试验。We need to conduct more experiments.Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng gèng duō de shì yàn.
415恶性Malignant/Severeè xìng这是一种恶性疾病。This is a malignant disease.Zhè shì yī zhǒng è xìng jíbìng.
416乡镇Townshipxiāng zhèn他在乡镇工作。He works in a township.Tā zài xiāng zhèn gōngzuò.
417董事Director/Board Memberdǒng shì他是公司的董事。He is a director of the company.Tā shì gōngsī de dǒng shì.
418迹象Sign/Indicationjì xiàng这些是疾病的早期迹象。These are early signs of the disease.Zhèxiē shì jíbìng de zǎoqī jì xiàng.
419鞋子Shoesxié zi我买了一双新鞋子。I bought a new pair of shoes.Wǒ mǎile yī shuāng xīn xié zi.
420瑞典Swedenruì diǎn瑞典是一个北欧国家。Sweden is a Nordic country.Ruì diǎn shì yīgè běi ōu guójiā.
421导师Mentor/Advisordǎo shī他是一位优秀的导师。He is an excellent mentor.Tā shì yī wèi yōuxiù de dǎo shī.
422选定Select/Determinexuǎn dìng我们已选定新的项目负责人。We have selected the new project leader.Wǒmen yǐ xuǎn dìng xīn de xiàngmù fùzérén.
423用以Used foryòng yǐ这些工具用以修理机器。These tools are used for repairing machines.Zhèxiē gōngjù yòng yǐ xiū lǐ jī qì.
424出任Assume (a position)chū rèn她将出任公司总裁。She will assume the position of CEO.Tā jiāng chū rèn gōngsī zǒngcái.
425Follow/Cyclexún他们按照计划循序渐进。They follow the plan step by step.Tāmen àn zhào jìhuà xún xù jiàn jìn.
426不顾Ignore/Disregardbù gù他不顾所有的劝告,坚持自己的决定。He disregarded all advice and stuck to his decision.Tā bù gù suǒyǒu de quàngào, jiānchí zìjǐ de juédìng.
427Silk/String这条丝巾很漂亮。This silk scarf is beautiful.Zhè tiáo sī jīn hěn piàoliang.
428央行Central Bankyāng háng央行负责国家的货币政策。The central bank is responsible for national monetary policy.Yāng háng fùzé guójiā de huòbì zhèngcè.
429骚扰Harassmentsāo rǎo他们遭受了严重的骚扰。They suffered severe harassment.Tāmen zāoshòule yánzhòng de sāo rǎo.
430田径Track and Fieldtián jìng他在田径比赛中获奖。He won an award in the track and field competition.Tā zài tián jìng bǐsài zhōng huò jiǎng.
431在意Care/Be concernedzài yì我不在意别人的看法。I don’t care about other people’s opinions.Wǒ bù zài yì biérén de kàn fǎ.
432Follow/Cyclexún他循着旧的路线前进。He followed the old route.Tā xún zhe jiù de lùxiàn qián jìn.
433往来Interaction/Contactwǎng lái他们保持了良好的往来。They maintained good contact.Tāmen bǎochíle liánghǎo de wǎng lái.
434慎重Cautious/Prudentshèn zhòng在签合同之前,他非常慎重。He was very cautious before signing the contract.Zài qiān hé tóng zhīqián, tā fēicháng shèn zhòng.
435往来Interaction/Contactwǎng lái他们的往来非常频繁。Their interactions are very frequent.Tāmen de wǎng lái fēicháng pínfán.
436何处Wherehé chù你知道我们应该去何处吗?Do you know where we should go?Nǐ zhīdào wǒmen yīnggāi qù hé chù ma?
437事变Incident/Changeshì biàn他们经历了严重的事变。They experienced a serious incident.Tāmen jīnglìle yánzhòng de shì biàn.
438Goodhǎo这本书很好。This book is good.Zhè běn shū hěn hǎo.
439老家Hometown/Family homelǎo jiā我每年都回老家过节。I go back to my hometown every year for the holidays.Wǒ měinián dū huí lǎo jiā guò jié.
440立法委员Legislatorlì fǎ wěi yuán他是台湾的立法委员。He is a legislator in Taiwan.Tā shì táiwān de lì fǎ wěi yuán.
441空军Air Forcekōng jūn他在空军服役。He served in the Air Force.Tā zài kōng jūn fú yì.
442贡献Contribution/Contributegòng xiàn他的贡献得到了大家的认可。His contribution was recognized by everyone.Tā de gòng xiàn dédàole dàjiā de rènkě.
443负责任Responsiblefù zé rèn我们需要对自己的行为负责任。We need to be responsible for our actions.Wǒmen xūyào duì zìjǐ de xíngwéi fù zé rèn.
444Highgāo这座楼很高。This building is very high.Zhè zuò lóu hěn gāo.
445高大Tall/Biggāo dà他是一个高大的人。He is a tall person.Tā shì yīgè gāo dà de rén.
446终身Lifetimezhōng shēn这是一项终身承诺。This is a lifetime commitment.Zhè shì yī xiàng zhōng shēn chéngnuò.
447缺失Missing/Lackquē shī这个报告有些重要信息缺失。The report is missing some important information.Zhège bàogào yǒuxiē zhòngyào xìnxī quē shī.
448教会Church/Teachjiào huì我们去教会参加礼拜。We go to church for worship.Wǒmen qù jiàohuì cānjiā lǐbài.
449启发Inspire/Enlightenqǐ fā这本书启发了我很多新的想法。This book inspired many new ideas in me.Zhè běn shū qǐ fāle hěn duō xīn de xiǎngfǎ.
450南韩South Koreanán hán南韩的首都是什么?What is the capital of South Korea?Nán hán de shǒudū shì shénme?
451抱持Hold/Embracebào chí他抱持着积极的态度。He embraces a positive attitude.Tā bào chí zhe jījí de tàidù.
452心愿Wish/Desirexīn yuàn她的心愿是环游世界。Her wish is to travel around the world.Tā de xīn yuàn shì huán yóu shìjiè.
453Inside/Interior他把信放在箱子裡。He put the letter inside the box.Tā bǎ xìn fàng zài xiāngzi lǐ.
454蔬菜Vegetablesshū cài我们需要买一些蔬菜。We need to buy some vegetables.Wǒmen xūyào mǎi yīxiē shūcài.
455零用钱Pocket moneylíng yòng qián他每周都会得到一些零用钱。He gets some pocket money every week.Tā měi zhōu dōu huì dédào yīxiē líng yòng qián.
456餐馆Restaurantcān guǎn我们去新开的餐馆吃饭。We went to the new restaurant for a meal.Wǒmen qù xīn kāi de cān guǎn chī fàn.
457算了Forget it/Forget about itsuàn le算了,这件事不值得再提。Forget it, this matter is not worth mentioning.Suàn le, zhè jiàn shì bù zhídé zài tí.
458Wrongcuò你做错了这道题。You got this question wrong.Nǐ zuò cuòle zhè dào tí.
459融资Financingróng zī公司正在寻找融资的机会。The company is looking for financing opportunities.Gōngsī zhèngzài xún zhǎo róng zī de jī huì.
460舞者Dancerwǔ zhě她是一名专业的舞者。She is a professional dancer.Tā shì yī míng zhuānyè de wǔ zhě.
461Strong/Densenóng这杯咖啡很浓。This cup of coffee is strong.Zhè bēi kāfēi hěn nóng.
462打击Strike/Hit/Blowdǎ jī这次失败对他是个很大的打击。This failure was a big blow to him.Zhè cì shībài duì tā shìgè hěn dà de dǎ jī.
463考试Exam/Testkǎo shì我们下周有一个重要的考试。We have an important exam next week.Wǒmen xià zhōu yǒu yīgè zhòngyào de kǎo shì.
464不堪Unspeakable/Overwhelmingbù kān这个情况不堪设想。This situation is unspeakable.Zhège qíngkuàng bù kān shèxiǎng.
465气象Meteorology/Weatherqì xiàng气象预报说今天会下雨。The weather forecast says it will rain today.Qì xiàng yùbào shuō jīntiān huì xià yǔ.
466Volume/Booklet这本书有三册。This book has three volumes.Zhè běn shū yǒu sān cè.
467缩小Reduce/Decreasesuō xiǎo我们需要缩小项目的范围。We need to reduce the scope of the project.Wǒmen xūyào suō xiǎo xiàngmù de fànwéi.
468Rotten/Badlàn这些水果都烂了。These fruits are all rotten.Zhèxiē shuǐguǒ dōu lànle.
469开幕Opening (ceremony)kāi mù开幕式将在明天举行。The opening ceremony will be held tomorrow.Kāi mù shì jiāng zài míngtiān jǔ xíng.
470人为Man-made/Humanrén wéi这是一个人为的错误。This is a man-made error.Zhè shì yīgè rén wéi de cuòwù.
471弱势Vulnerable/Weakruò shì这个群体属于社会的弱势群体。This group belongs to the vulnerable sector of society.Zhège qúntǐ shǔyú shèhuì de ruò shì qúntǐ.
472意外Accident/Unexpectedyì wài发生了意外情况。An unexpected situation occurred.Fāshēngle yì wài qíngkuàng.
473行政院长Premierxíng zhèng yuàn zhǎng行政院长将参加会议。The Premier will attend the meeting.Xíng zhèng yuàn zhǎng jiāng cānjiā huìyì.
474物体Objectwù tǐ这个物体很重。This object is heavy.Zhè ge wù tǐ hěn zhòng.
475家事Household Affairsjiā shì她负责处理家庭的家事。She is responsible for handling household affairs.Tā fùzé chǔ lǐ jiātíng de jiā shì.
476Xu (a Chinese surname)徐先生是我的朋友。Mr. Xu is my friend.Xú xiānsheng shì wǒ de péngyǒu.
477拍照Take a photopāi zhào我们一起拍照留念。Let’s take a photo together for a memory.Wǒmen yīqǐ pāi zhào liú niàn.
478Illness/Diseasebìng他感冒了,身体不太舒服。He has a cold and feels unwell.Tā gǎnmào le, shēntǐ bù tài shūfu.
479东欧Eastern Europedōng ōu东欧包括多个国家。Eastern Europe includes several countries.Dōng ōu bāokuò duō gè guójiā.
480顿时Immediately/At oncedùn shí他顿时感到非常惊讶。He was immediately very surprised.Tā dùn shí gǎndào fēicháng jīngyà.
481Carve/Etch他在木头上刻了一幅画。He carved a picture into the wood.Tā zài mù tóu shàng kèle yī fú huà.
482传染Infect/Contagiouschuán rǎn这种疾病具有很强的传染性。This disease is highly contagious.Zhè zhǒng jíbìng jùyǒu hěn qiáng de chuán rǎn xìng.
483开幕Opening (ceremony)kāi mù开幕式将在明天举行。The opening ceremony will be held tomorrow.Kāi mù shì jiāng zài míngtiān jǔ xíng.
484单身Single/Unmarrieddān shēn他还是单身。He is still single.Tā hái shì dān shēn.
485传染Infect/Contagiouschuán rǎn这种疾病很容易传染。This disease is easily transmitted.Zhè zhǒng jíbìng hěn róngyì chuán rǎn.
486景色Scenery/Viewjǐng sè这里的景色非常美丽。The scenery here is very beautiful.Zhè lǐ de jǐngsè fēicháng měilì.
487Print/Stampyìn这张纸上有一个印章。There is a stamp on this paper.Zhè zhāng zhǐ shàng yǒu yīgè yìn zhāng.
488现任Current/Servingxiàn rèn他是现任的校长。He is the current principal.Tā shì xiàn rèn de xiàozhǎng.
489外汇Foreign Exchangewài huì外汇市场在不断变化。The foreign exchange market is constantly changing.Wài huì shìchǎng zài bùduàn biànhuà.
490测量Measure/Measurementcè liàng我们需要测量房间的面积。We need to measure the area of the room.Wǒmen xūyào cè liàng fángjiān de miànjī.
491缓缓Slowly/Graduallyhuǎn huǎn太阳缓缓升起。The sun rises slowly.Tàiyáng huǎn huǎn shēng qǐ.
492右手Right handyòu shǒu他用右手写字。He writes with his right hand.Tā yòng yòu shǒu xiě zì.
493学费Tuition Feexué fèi他的学费很高。His tuition fee is high.Tā de xué fèi hěn gāo.
494频道Channelpíndào我们换到另一个频道。We switched to another channel.Wǒmen huàn dào lìng yīgè píndào.
495一味Blindly/Single-mindedyī wèi他一味地追求成功。He blindly pursues success.Tā yī wèi de zhuīqiú chénggōng.
496Sugartáng她喜欢加糖的咖啡。She likes coffee with sugar.Tā xǐhuān jiā táng de kāfēi.
497制品Productzhì pǐn这是一种新型的制品。This is a new type of product.Zhè shì yī zhǒng xīn xíng de zhì pǐn.
498Number/Countshù这是一个大数。This is a large number.Zhè shì yīgè dà shù.
499楼梯Stairslóu tī我们走上楼梯。We go up the stairs.Wǒmen zǒu shàng lóu tī.
500天真Innocenttiān zhēn她的天真让人感到亲切。Her innocence makes people feel close.Tā de tiān zhēn ràng rén gǎndào qīnqiè.

If you need additional information or further adjustments, let me know!


#Chinese TermEnglish TranslationPinyinSimple Sentence (Chinese)Simple Sentence (English)Simple Sentence (Pinyin)
501嚮往Yearn/Long forxiàng wǎng他一直嚮往着美好的生活。He always yearns for a good life.Tā yīzhí xiàng wǎng zhe měihǎo de shēnghuó.
502热爱Passionate/Loverè ài她对音乐有着深深的热爱。She has a deep passion for music.Tā duì yīnyuè yǒu zhe shēn shēn de rè ài.
503山谷Valleyshān gǔ我们在山谷里露营。We camped in the valley.Wǒmen zài shān gǔ lǐ lùyíng.
504不一Not the same/Differentbù yī他们的意见不一。Their opinions are different.Tāmen de yìjiàn bù yī.
505卡片Cardkǎ piàn我需要一张生日卡片。I need a birthday card.Wǒ xūyào yī zhāng shēngrì kǎ piàn.
506女友Girlfriendnǚ yǒu我的女友很聪明。My girlfriend is very smart.Wǒ de nǚ yǒu hěn cōngmíng.
507Lead/Attractyǐn这个项目引起了大家的兴趣。This project has attracted everyone’s interest.Zhè ge xiàngmù yǐnqǐle dàjiā de xìngqù.
508公听会Public Hearinggōng tīng huì他们将参加公听会讨论新政策。They will attend the public hearing to discuss new policies.Tāmen jiāng cānjiā gōng tīng huì tǎolùn xīn zhèngcè.
509出货Ship/Deliverchū huò我们将在下周出货。We will ship the goods next week.Wǒmen jiāng zài xià zhōu chū huò.
510发作Outbreak/Seizurefā zuò他的病发作了。His illness flared up.Tā de bìng fāzuò le.
511显现Appear/Showxiǎn xiàn结果开始显现出积极的变化。The results began to show positive changes.Jiéguǒ kāishǐ xiǎnxiàn chū jījí de biànhuà.
512战绩Battle Achievementszhàn jì他的战绩很辉煌。His battle achievements are impressive.Tā de zhàn jì hěn huīhuáng.
513嚮往Yearn/Long forxiàng wǎng她嚮往着旅行的生活。She yearns for a life of travel.Tā xiàng wǎng zhe lǚxíng de shēnghuó.
514顾及Considergù jí我们需要顾及到每个人的感受。We need to consider everyone’s feelings.Wǒmen xūyào gù jí dào měi gè rén de gǎnshòu.
515艺人Artistyì rén她是一位著名的艺人。She is a famous artist.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de yì rén.
516共享Share/Share withgòng xiǎng我们可以共享这些资源。We can share these resources.Wǒmen kěyǐ gòngxiǎng zhèxiē zīyuán.
517亚运Asian Gamesyà yùn亚运会将在下个月举行。The Asian Games will be held next month.Yà yùn huì jiāng zài xià gè yuè jǔ xíng.
518地毯Carpetdì tǎn我们需要买一块新地毯。We need to buy a new carpet.Wǒmen xūyào mǎi yī kuài xīn dì tǎn.
519热爱Passionate/Loverè ài他对足球的热爱让人佩服。His passion for soccer is admirable.Tā duì zúqiú de rè ài ràng rén pèifú.
520没有None/Not haveméi yǒu我没有时间。I don’t have time.Wǒ méi yǒu shíjiān.
521Shake/Rockyáo她摇了摇头表示不同意。She shook her head to show disagreement.Tā yáo le yáo tóu biǎoshì bù tóngyì.
522受理Accept/Processshòu lǐ他们正在受理你的申请。They are processing your application.Tāmen zhèngzài shòu lǐ nǐ de shēnqǐng.
523肝癌Liver Cancergān ái肝癌是一个严重的疾病。Liver cancer is a serious disease.Gān ái shì yīgè yánzhòng de jíbìng.
524受理Accept/Processshòu lǐ申请已被受理。The application has been accepted.Shēnqǐng yǐ bèi shòu lǐ.
525老年人Elderlylǎo nián rén老年人需要特别的照顾。The elderly need special care.Lǎo nián rén xūyào tèbié de zhàogù.
526What/How你不知道该怎么做吗?Don’t you know what to do?Nǐ bù zhīdào gāi zěnme zuò ma?
527保养Maintain/Carebǎo yǎng车辆需要定期保养。The vehicle needs regular maintenance.Chēliàng xūyào dìngqī bǎo yǎng.
528花朵Flowerhuā duǒ花朵在春天开放。Flowers bloom in the spring.Huā duǒ zài chūntiān kāifàng.
529促成Facilitate/Promotecù chéng这个项目促成了合作。This project facilitated the collaboration.Zhè ge xiàngmù cù chéngle hézuò.
530屋子House/Roomwū zi我们的屋子很温馨。Our house is very cozy.Wǒmen de wū zi hěn wēn xīn.
531桌子Tablezhuō zi桌子上放着一些书。There are some books on the table.Zhuō zi shàng fàngzhe yīxiē shū.
532成交量Transaction Volumechéng jiāo liàng今年的成交量有所增长。This year’s transaction volume has increased.Jīnnián de chéng jiāo liàng yǒu suǒ zēngzhǎng.
533夸张Exaggerate/Exaggerationkuā zhāng他的描述有点夸张。His description is a bit exaggerated.Tā de miáoshù yǒudiǎn kuā zhāng.
534测量Measurecè liàng我们需要测量这个区域的面积。We need to measure the area of this region.Wǒmen xūyào cè liàng zhège qūyù de miànjī.
535威力Power/Strengthwēi lì这种武器的威力很大。This weapon has great power.Zhè zhǒng wǔqì de wēi lì hěn dà.
536Department/Part他在财务部工作。He works in the finance department.Tā zài cáiwù bù gōngzuò.
537新人Newcomer/New Personxīn rén他们欢迎所有新人。They welcome all newcomers.Tāmen huānyíng suǒyǒu xīn rén.
538记者会Press Conferencejì zhě huì记者会将在下午三点举行。The press conference will be held at 3 PM.Jì zhě huì jiāng zài xiàwǔ sān diǎn jǔxíng.
539书店Bookstoreshū diàn这家书店有很多新书。This bookstore has many new books.Zhè jiā shū diàn yǒu hěn duō xīn shū.
540现金Cashxiàn jīn我只带了现金。I only brought cash.Wǒ zhǐ dài le xiàn jīn.
541消化Digest/Absorbxiāo huà这个食物很容易消化。This food is easy to digest.Zhè ge shíwù hěn róngyì xiāo huà.
542商机Business Opportunityshāng jī这是一个很好的商机。This is a great business opportunity.Zhè shì yīgè hěn hǎo de shāng jī.
543性教育Sex Educationxìng jiàoyù学校提供性教育课程。The school offers sex education classes.Xuéxiào tígōng xìng jiàoyù kèchéng.
544回想Recall/Reflecthuí xiǎng我常常回想我们的过去。I often reflect on our past.Wǒ chángcháng huíxiǎng wǒmen de guòqù.
545不解Confused/Unable to Understandbù jiě我对他的行为感到不解。I feel confused about his behavior.Wǒ duì tā de xíngwéi gǎndào bù jiě.
546宪法Constitutionxiàn fǎ宪法是国家的根本法律。The constitution is the fundamental law of the country.Xiàn fǎ shì guójiā de gēnběn fǎlǜ.
547Familiar/Skillfulshú他对这项技能很熟练。He is very skillful at this skill.Tā duì zhè xiàng jìnéng hěn shúliàn.
548外商Foreign Businessmanwài shāng外商投资对经济有很大影响。Foreign investments have a big impact on the economy.Wài shāng tóuzī duì jīngjì yǒu hěn dà yǐngxiǎng.
549谈论Discuss/Talk Abouttán lùn我们需要谈论这个问题。We need to discuss this issue.Wǒmen xūyào tán lùn zhè ge wèntí.
550亲人Relatives/Family Membersqīn rén我们要常常和亲人联系。We should stay in touch with our relatives.Wǒmen yào chángcháng hé qīn rén liánxì.
551可靠Reliablekě kào这个品牌非常可靠。This brand is very reliable.Zhè ge pǐnpái fēicháng kě kào.
552视窗Window (on a computer)shì chuāng打开这个视窗来查看文件。Open this window to view the file.Dǎkāi zhè ge shì chuāng lái chákàn wénjiàn.
553变革Reform/Changebiàn gé政府进行了一次重要的变革。The government implemented a major reform.Zhèngfǔ jìnxíngle yīcì zhòngyào de biàn gé.
554Sign/Brandpái请看一下这个牌子。Please look at this sign.Qǐng kàn yīxià zhè ge pái zi.
555图说Illustrated Explanationtú shuō这本书里有很多图说。This book has many illustrated explanations.Zhè běn shū lǐ yǒu hěn duō tú shuō.
556主语Subject (of a sentence)zhǔ yǔ主语在句子中很重要。The subject is very important in a sentence.Zhǔ yǔ zài jùzi zhōng hěn zhòngyào.
557一贯Consistentyī guàn他一贯保持着高标准。He consistently maintains high standards.Tā yī guàn bǎochí zhe gāo biāozhǔn.
558外观Appearancewài guān这款车的外观很吸引人。The appearance of this car is very attractive.Zhè kuǎn chē de wài guān hěn xīyǐn rén.
559瓦斯Gaswǎ sī需要检查瓦斯的泄漏。You need to check for gas leaks.Xūyào jiǎnchá wǎ sī de xiè lòu.
560主观Subjectivezhǔ guān这只是个人的主观意见。This is just a subjective opinion.Zhè zhǐ shì gèrén de zhǔ guān yìjiàn.
561关卡Checkpointguān kǎ我们需要通过这个关卡。We need to pass through this checkpoint.Wǒmen xūyào tōngguò zhè ge guān kǎ.
562(Sentence-Final Particle)luō这就是我的看法囉。This is my opinion.Zhè jiù shì wǒ de kànfǎ luō.
563边界Border/Boundarybiān jiè他们在边界线附近进行谈判。They are negotiating near the border.Tāmen zài biān jiè xiàn fùjìn jìnxíng tánpàn.
564Hall/Roomtīng会议将在大厅举行。The meeting will be held in the hall.Huìyì jiāng zài dà tīng jǔxíng.
565转为Convert tozhuǎn wéi他转为新的职位。He has converted to a new position.Tā zhuǎn wéi xīn de zhíwèi.
566抑制Suppress/Inhibityì zhì这种药可以抑制过敏反应。This medicine can suppress allergic reactions.Zhè zhǒng yào kěyǐ yì zhì guòmǐn fǎnyìng.
567减低Reduce/Lowerjiǎn dī我们需要减低成本。We need to reduce costs.Wǒmen xūyào jiǎn dī chéngběn.
568脸色Complexion/Face Colorliǎn sè她的脸色看起来不太好。Her complexion looks not very good.Tā de liǎn sè kàn qǐlái bù tài hǎo.
569怎能How canzěn néng怎能不感动呢?How can one not be moved?Zěn néng bù gǎndòng ne?
570尸体Corpseshī tǐ他们发现了尸体。They found the corpse.Tāmen fāxiànle shī tǐ.
571鸟儿Bird (informal)niǎo ér春天鸟儿在树上唱歌。Birds sing on the trees in spring.Chūntiān niǎo ér zài shù shàng chàng gē.
572成就感Sense of Achievementchéng jiù gǎn她从这项工作中获得了很大的成就感。She gained a great sense of achievement from this work.Tā cóng zhè xiàng gōngzuò zhōng huòdéle hěn dà de chéng jiù gǎn.
573美军US Militaryměi jūn美军在这个地区进行训练。The US military is conducting training in this area.Měi jūn zài zhè ge dìqū jìnxíng xùnliàn.
574师长General (military)shī zhǎng他是一位有经验的师长。He is an experienced general.Tā shì yī wèi yǒu jīngyàn de shī zhǎng.
575河流Riverhé liú这条河流流经多个城市。This river flows through several cities.Zhè tiáo hé liú liú jīng duō gè chéngshì.
576容积Volume/Capacityróng jī这个容器的容积很大。The capacity of this container is large.Zhè ge róngqì de róng jī hěn dà.
577信徒Believer/Disciplexìn tú他是一个虔诚的信徒。He is a devout believer.Tā shì yī gè qiánchéng de xìn tú.
578品味Taste/Flavorpǐn wèi他的品味很独特。His taste is very unique.Tā de pǐn wèi hěn dútè.
579客家Hakka (ethnic group)kè jiā客家文化在台湾有很大的影响。Hakka culture has a significant influence in Taiwan.Kè jiā wénhuà zài Táiwān yǒu hěn dà de yǐngxiǎng.
580要素Element/Factoryào sù这些是成功的关键要素。These are the key factors for success.Zhèxiē shì chénggōng de guānjiàn yào sù.
581氧气Oxygenyǎng qì我们需要呼吸氧气。We need to breathe oxygen.Wǒmen xūyào hūxī yǎng qì.
582塑胶Plasticsù jiāo这个瓶子是塑胶做的。This bottle is made of plastic.Zhè ge píngzi shì sù jiāo zuò de.
583Ride/Take (transportation)chéng我们乘坐公共汽车去旅行。We take the bus to travel.Wǒmen chéngzuò gōnggòng qìchē qù lǚxíng.
584信用卡Credit Cardxìn yòng kǎ请给我你的信用卡。Please give me your credit card.Qǐng gěi wǒ nǐ de xìn yòng kǎ.
585雷射Laserléi shè这台设备使用雷射技术。This device uses laser technology.Zhè tái shèbèi shǐyòng léi shè jìshù.
586国建National Constructionguó jiàn国建项目将在明年完成。The national construction project will be completed next year.Guó jiàn xiàngmù jiāng zài míngnián wánchéng.
587无不No exception/Allwú bù这条规则无不适用。This rule applies to all without exception.Zhè tiáo guīzé wú bù shìyòng.
588处长Directorchù zhǎng他是这个部门的处长。He is the director of this department.Tā shì zhè ge bùmén de chù zhǎng.
589采集Collect/Gathercǎi jí我们需要采集更多的样本。We need to gather more samples.Wǒmen xūyào cǎi jí gèng duō de yàngběn.
590书本Bookshū běn这些书本都是我最喜欢的。These books are all my favorites.Zhèxiē shū běn dōu shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de.
591Smilexiào她总是带着微笑。She always has a smile.Tā zǒng shì dàizhe wēi xiào.
592掀起Raise/Bring upxiān qǐ他们掀起了一个新的潮流。They raised a new trend.Tāmen xiān qǐle yī gè xīn de cháoliú.
593偏远Remote/Isolatedpiān yuǎn他们住在一个偏远的村庄。They live in a remote village.Tāmen zhù zài yīgè piān yuǎn de cūnzhuāng.
594亲密Close/Intimateqīn mì他们之间的关系很亲密。Their relationship is very close.Tāmen zhī jiān de guānxi hěn qīn mì.
595钢铁Steelgāng tiě这个建筑物是用钢铁建造的。This building is made of steel.Zhè ge jiànzhúwù shì yòng gāng tiě jiànzào de.
596燃烧Burnrán shāo火焰在燃烧。The flame is burning.Huǒyàn zài rán shāo.
597雕刻Carve/Sculptdiāo kè他擅长雕刻木雕。He is skilled at carving wooden sculptures.Tā shàncháng diāo kè mù diāo.
598Spraypēn他用喷雾器喷洒花园。He sprays the garden with a sprayer.Tā yòng pēn wù qì pēn sǎ huāyuán.
599燃烧Burnrán shāo这支蜡烛正在燃烧。The candle is burning.Zhè zhī làzhú zhèngzài rán shāo.
600基因Genejī yīn基因决定了我们的遗传特征。Genes determine our inherited traits.Jī yīn juédìngle wǒmen de yíchuán tèzhēng.
601轮流Take Turnslún liú我们轮流值班。We take turns on duty.Wǒmen lún liú zhíbān.
602邻近Nearby/Adjacentlín jìn这个商店邻近我们的办公室。This store is adjacent to our office.Zhè ge shāngdiàn lín jìn wǒmen de bàngōngshì.
603击败Defeatjī bài他击败了对手,赢得了比赛。He defeated his opponent and won the match.Tā jī bài le duìshǒu, yíngdéle bǐsài.
604Knot/Conclusionjié这个绳子有一个结。This rope has a knot.Zhè ge shéngzi yǒu yīgè jié.
605分发Distributefēn fā我们需要分发这些传单。We need to distribute these flyers.Wǒmen xūyào fēn fā zhèxiē chuándān.
606谨慎Cautiousjǐn shèn在处理敏感问题时要保持谨慎。Be cautious when dealing with sensitive issues.Zài chǔlǐ mǐn gǎn wèntí shí yào bǎochí jǐn shèn.
607乐曲Musical Piecelè qǔ这首乐曲非常动人。This musical piece is very moving.Zhè shǒu lè qǔ fēicháng dòngrén.
608世上In the Worldshì shàng世上没有什么是绝对的。Nothing in the world is absolute.Shì shàng méiyǒu shénme shì juéduì de.
609外婆Maternal Grandmotherwàipó外婆的家在乡下。Grandma’s house is in the countryside.Wàipó de jiā zài xiāngxià.
610巨人Giantjù rén他们正在寻找传说中的巨人。They are searching for the legendary giant.Tāmen zhèngzài xúnzhǎo chuánshuō zhōng de jùrén.
611用功Diligent/Hardworkingyòng gōng他在学习上非常用功。He is very diligent in his studies.Tā zài xuéxí shàng fēicháng yòng gōng.
612人情Human Feelingsrén qíng这件事涉及到人情。This matter involves human feelings.Zhè jiàn shì shèjí dào rén qíng.
613公务人员Public Servantgōng wù rén yuán他是一名公务人员。He is a public servant.Tā shì yī míng gōng wù rén yuán.
614生日Birthdayshēng rì今天是我的生日。Today is my birthday.Jīntiān shì wǒ de shēngrì.
615天才Geniustiān cái她是一个音乐天才。She is a musical genius.Tā shì yīgè yīnyuè tiāncái.
616尺寸Size/Dimensionchǐ cùn这个房间的尺寸不够大。The size of this room is not big enough.Zhè ge fángjiān de chǐcùn bùgòu dà.
617Feel/Realizejué我感觉到一丝凉意。I feel a hint of coolness.Wǒ gǎnjué dào yī sī liángyì.
618恋爱Love/Romanceliàn ài他们正在谈恋爱。They are in a romantic relationship.Tāmen zhèngzài tán liàn ài.
619谨慎Cautiousjǐn shèn在签合同前要谨慎。Be cautious before signing the contract.Zài qiān hé tóng qián yào jǐn shèn.
620短线Short-Termduǎn xiàn我们需要做短线投资。We need to make short-term investments.Wǒmen xūyào zuò duǎn xiàn tóuzī.
621停放Park (a vehicle)tíng fàng请把车停放在车库里。Please park the car in the garage.Qǐng bǎ chē tíng fàng zài chēkù lǐ.
622恋爱Romanceliàn ài我们的恋爱已经持续了三年。Our romance has lasted for three years.Wǒmen de liàn ài yǐjīng chíxùle sān nián.
623走入Enterzǒu rù他走入了这个新领域。He entered this new field.Tā zǒu rùle zhège xīn lǐngyù.
624孝顺Filial Pietyxiào shùn他是一个非常孝顺的孩子。He is a very filial child.Tā shì yīgè fēicháng xiàoshùn de háizi.
625多样化Diversificationduō yàng huà这家公司正致力于产品的多样化。The company is committed to product diversification.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhèng zhìlì yú chǎnpǐn de duō yàng huà.
626住家Residence/Homezhù jiā这是他们的住家。This is their residence.Zhè shì tāmen de zhù jiā.
627步道Footpath/Walkwaybù dào这条步道很适合散步。This footpath is great for walking.Zhè tiáo bù dào hěn shìhé sànbù.
628免得So as to Avoidmiǎn dé带伞,以免下雨。Take an umbrella to avoid the rain.Dài sǎn, yǐ miǎn dé xià yǔ.
629股份Shares/Stocksgǔ fèn他持有公司的股份。He holds shares in the company.Tā chíyǒu gōngsī de gǔfèn.
630派员Assign Staffpài yuán公司派员去参加会议。The company is sending staff to attend the meeting.Gōngsī pài yuán qù cānjiā huìyì.
631知识分子Intellectualzhī shí fèn zǐ他是一位著名的知识分子。He is a renowned intellectual.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de zhī shí fèn zǐ.
632停放Park (a vehicle)tíng fàng请把自行车停放在指定的位置。Please park the bicycle in the designated spot.Qǐng bǎ zìxíngchē tíng fàng zài zhǐdìng de wèi zhì.
633传承Inherit/Pass Downchuán chéng我们要努力传承传统文化。We must work hard to pass down traditional culture.Wǒmen yào nǔlì chuán chéng chuántǒng wénhuà.
634Sellshòu他在市场上售卖水果。He sells fruit at the market.Tā zài shìchǎng shàng shòu mài shuǐguǒ.
635攻下Capture/Conquergōng xià他攻下了敌人的城堡。He conquered the enemy’s castle.Tā gōng xiàle dírén de chéngbǎo.
636Pull/Leadqiān他牵着孩子的手走路。He leads the child by the hand.Tā qiān zhe háizi de shǒu zǒulù.
637Stupid/Clumsybèn他做事很笨拙。He is clumsy in his work.Tā zuò shì hěn bènzhuō.
638散步Take a Walksàn bù晚上我们喜欢在公园散步。In the evening, we like to take a walk in the park.Wǎnshàng wǒmen xǐhuān zài gōngyuán sànbù.
639蚊子Mosquitowén zi夏天蚊子特别多。There are especially many mosquitoes in summer.Xiàtiān wénzi tèbié duō.
640爱国Patriotism/Patrioticài guó他是一个非常爱国的人。He is a very patriotic person.Tā shì yīgè fēicháng àiguó de rén.
641传承Inherit/Pass Downchuán chéng传承文化是我们的责任。Passing down culture is our responsibility.Chuán chéng wénhuà shì wǒmen de zérèn.
642国旗National Flagguó qí我们在节日里悬挂国旗。We hang the national flag during festivals.Wǒmen zài jiérì lǐ xuánguà guó qí.
643Different/Strange这个方案有些异于常规。This plan is somewhat different from the norm.Zhè ge fāng’àn yǒu xiē yì yú chángguī.
644Escape/Fleetáo他试图逃离困境。He tried to escape from the predicament.Tā shìtú táolí kùnjìng.
645基督教Christianityjī dū jiào基督教在世界上有很多信徒。Christianity has many followers around the world.Jīdūjiào zài shìjiè shàng yǒu hěn duō xìntú.
646常识Common Knowledgecháng shí这是常识问题。This is a matter of common knowledge.Zhè shì cháng shí wèntí.
647掌声Applausezhǎng shēng观众对他的表演报以掌声。The audience applauded his performance.Guānzhòng duì tā de biǎoyǎn bào yǐ zhǎng shēng.
648教训Lesson/Teach a Lessonjiào xùn这次失败是一个重要的教训。This failure is an important lesson.Zhè cì shībài shì yīgè zhòngyào de jiàoxùn.
649爱国Patrioticài guó爱国是一种美德。Patriotism is a virtue.Àiguó shì yī zhǒng měidé.
650宾语Object (in grammar)bīn yǔ“他”是句中的宾语。“He” is the object in the sentence.“Tā” shì jù zhōng de bīn yǔ.
651写下Write Downxiě xià请把这个地址写下来。Please write down this address.Qǐng bǎ zhège dìzhǐ xiě xiàlái.
652总数Total Numberzǒng shù统计总数后再进行分析。Analyze after calculating the total number.Tǒngjì zǒng shù hòu zài jìnxíng fēnxī.
653电脑化Computerizeddiàn nǎo huà这个公司已经完全电脑化。The company is fully computerized.Zhè ge gōngsī yǐjīng wánquán diàn nǎo huà.
654Gather/Assemble大家在公园里聚集。Everyone gathers in the park.Dàjiā zài gōngyuán lǐ jùjí.
655精确Accurate/Precisejīng què这个仪器可以测量精确的温度。This device can measure precise temperatures.Zhè ge yíqì kěyǐ cèliàng jīngquè de wēndù.
656登山Climb a Mountaindēng shān我们计划下个月去登山。We plan to go climbing next month.Wǒmen jìhuà xià gè yuè qù dēng shān.
657富有Rich/Wealthyfù yǒu他是一个富有的商人。He is a wealthy businessman.Tā shì yīgè fù yǒu de shāngrén.
658登山Climb a Mountaindēng shān她喜欢去登山锻炼身体。She likes to climb mountains to exercise.Tā xǐhuān qù dēng shān duànliàn shēntǐ.
659学子Student/Scholarxué zǐ他是一个刻苦的学子。He is a diligent student.Tā shì yīgè kè kǔ de xué zǐ.
660创下Set/Establishchuàng xià他创下了新的纪录。He set a new record.Tā chuàng xiàle xīn de jìlù.
661签约Sign a Contractqiān yuē双方签约后合作正式开始。Cooperation officially began after signing the contract.Shuāngfāng qiān yuē hòu hézuò zhèngshì kāishǐ.
662电池Batterydiàn chí这台设备需要更换电池。This device needs a battery replacement.Zhè tái shèbèi xūyào gēnghuàn diànchí.
663电脑化Computerizationdiàn nǎo huà工厂正在进行电脑化改造。The factory is undergoing computerization.Gōngchǎng zhèngzài jìnxíng diàn nǎo huà gǎizào.
664出版社Publishing Housechū bǎn shè这家出版社出版了许多优秀的书籍。This publishing house has published many excellent books.Zhè jiā chūbǎn shè chūbǎnle xǔduō yōuxiù de shūjí.
665加快Speed Upjiā kuài我们需要加快生产速度。We need to speed up the production.Wǒmen xūyào jiā kuài shēngchǎn sùdù.
666手枪Pistolshǒu qiāng他拥有一把手枪。He owns a pistol.Tā yǒngyǒu yī bǎ shǒu qiāng.
667工艺Craft/Artistrygōng yì这个工艺品非常精美。This craft is very exquisite.Zhè ge gōngyì pǐn fēicháng jīngměi.
668台东Taitung (a place)Tái dōng台东是台湾的一个美丽的城市。Taitung is a beautiful city in Taiwan.Tái dōng shì Táiwān de yī gè měilì de chéngshì.
669文书Document/Clerkwén shū这份文书需要签名。This document needs to be signed.Zhè fèn wénshū xūyào qiānmíng.
670绘图Drawing/Illustrationhuì tú他擅长绘图和设计。He excels in drawing and design.Tā shàncháng huì tú hé shèjì.
671签约Sign a Contractqiān yuē我们已经签约了。We have signed the contract.Wǒmen yǐjīng qiān yuēle.
672Su (a place or name)苏州以其美丽的园林而闻名。Suzhou is famous for its beautiful gardens.Sūzhōu yǐ qí měilì de yuánlín ér wénmíng.
673换言之In Other Wordshuàn yán zhī换言之,这项计划需要更多的资源。In other words, this plan requires more resources.Huàn yán zhī, zhè xiàng jìhuà xūyào gèng duō de zīyuán.
674中医Traditional Chinese Medicinezhōng yī中医有着几千年的历史。Traditional Chinese Medicine has thousands of years of history.Zhōng yī yǒu zhe jǐ qiān nián de lìshǐ.
675尺度Scale/Standardchǐ dù这项研究需要一个合适的尺度。This study requires an appropriate scale.Zhè xiàng yánjiū xūyào yīgè héshì de chǐdù.
676再者Moreover/Furthermorezài zhě再者,我们还需要考虑预算。Moreover, we also need to consider the budget.Zài zhě, wǒmen hái xūyào kǎolǜ yùsuàn.
677火车站Train Stationhuǒ chē zhàn我们在火车站等你。We will wait for you at the train station.Wǒmen zài huǒ chē zhàn děng nǐ.
678仅仅Onlyjǐn jǐn这仅仅是一个开始。This is only the beginning.Zhè jǐn jǐn shì yīgè kāishǐ.
679伸手Reach Out/Stretch Outshēn shǒu他伸手拿到高处的书。He reached out to get the book from the top shelf.Tā shēn shǒu ná dào gāo chù de shū.
680(Classical)这是一种古老的用法。This is an old usage.Zhè shì yī zhǒng gǔlǎo de yòngfǎ.
681老实Honest/Truthfullǎo shí他是一个非常老实的人。He is a very honest person.Tā shì yīgè fēicháng lǎoshí de rén.
682良心Conscienceliáng xīn这是一个良心的选择。This is a choice made with conscience.Zhè shì yīgè liáng xīn de xuǎnzé.
683多重Multiple/Variedduō zhòng这项任务需要多重技能。This task requires multiple skills.Zhè xiàng rènwù xūyào duō zhòng jìnéng.
684旺盛Vigorous/Flourishingwàng shèng他充满了旺盛的精力。He is full of vigorous energy.Tā chōngmǎnle wàng shèng de jīnglì.
685股东Shareholdergǔ dōng他是公司的主要股东之一。He is one of the major shareholders of the company.Tā shì gōngsī de zhǔyào gǔ dōng zhī yī.
686苗栗县Miaoli CountyMiáo lǐ xiàn苗栗县是台湾的一个县。Miaoli County is a county in Taiwan.Miáo lǐ xiàn shì Táiwān de yī gè xiàn.
687Approximately/Inviteyuē约十个人参加了会议。Approximately ten people attended the meeting.Yuē shí gè rén cānjiāle huìyì.
688受训Receive Trainingshòu xùn他正在接受专业的培训。He is receiving professional training.Tā zhèngzài jiēshòu zhuānyè de péixùn.
689流失Lose/Leakliú shī资金流失对公司很有影响。The loss of funds has a big impact on the company.Zījīn liú shī duì gōngsī hěn yǒu yǐngxiǎng.
690专注Focus/Concentratezhuān zhù他专注于自己的工作。He focuses on his own work.Tā zhuān zhù yú zìjǐ de gōngzuò.
691作出Make (a decision)zuò chū我们需要作出决定。We need to make a decision.Wǒmen xūyào zuò chū juédìng.
692流失Lossliú shī客户流失影响了我们的收入。The loss of customers affected our revenue.Kèhù liú shī yǐngxiǎngle wǒmen de shōurù.
693感兴趣Interestedgǎn xìng qù我对这个话题很感兴趣。I am very interested in this topic.Wǒ duì zhège huàtí hěn gǎn xìng qù.
694连系Connect/Linklián xì你需要连系你的工作和兴趣。You need to connect your work with your interests.Nǐ xūyào lián xì nǐ de gōngzuò hé xìngqù.
695Rich/Wealthy她家里很富有。Her family is very wealthy.Tā jiā lǐ hěn fùyǒu.
696条款Clause/Termtiáo kuǎn合同中有许多条款。The contract contains many clauses.Hé tóng zhōng yǒu xǔduō tiáo kuǎn.
697专注Focus/Concentratezhuān zhù他对自己的研究非常专注。He is very focused on his research.Tā duì zìjǐ de yánjiū fēicháng zhuānzhù.
698丰富Rich/Abundantfēng fù这次旅行让我们体验了丰富的文化。This trip allowed us to experience a rich culture.Zhè cì lǚxíng ràng wǒmen tǐyànle fēngfù de wénhuà.
699远足Hiking/Excursionyuǎn zú他们计划在周末去远足。They plan to go hiking on the weekend.Tāmen jìhuà zài zhōumò qù yuǎnzú.
700落后Fall Behindluò hòu他在工作中落后于其他人。He falls behind others in his work.Tā zài gōngzuò zhōng luò hòu yú qítā rén.
701围绕Surround/Focus Onwéi rào项目围绕着环保主题。The project focuses on environmental protection.Xiàngmù wéi rào zhe hu

Here’s the list with Pinyin and English translations:

#中文英文Pinyin例句 (Chinese)例句 (English)Pinyin Sentence
702神情Expression/Countenanceshén qíng他脸上的神情看起来很疲惫。The expression on his face looks tired.Tā liǎn shàng de shén qíng kàn qǐlái hěn pí bèi.
703连系Connect/Linklián xì你需要连系你的工作和兴趣。You need to connect your work with your interests.Nǐ xūyào lián xì nǐ de gōngzuò hé xìngqù.
704拥抱Hugyōng bào她给了我一个温暖的拥抱。She gave me a warm hug.Tā gěi le wǒ yīgè wēnnuǎn de yōng bào.
705实地On-Site/Fieldshí dì我们需要进行实地考察。We need to conduct an on-site inspection.Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng shí dì kǎchá.
706拥抱Hugyōng bào他向我伸出了拥抱。He extended a hug to me.Tā xiàng wǒ shēnchūle yōng bào.
707学童School Childxué tóng学童们在操场上玩耍。The school children are playing on the playground.Xué tóng men zài cāochǎng shàng wánshuǎ.
708Souptāng这碗汤很美味。This bowl of soup is delicious.Zhè wǎn tāng hěn měiwèi.
709右派Right-wingyòu pài这个政党属于右派。This political party is right-wing.Zhè ge zhèngdǎng shǔyú yòu pài.
710世间The Worldshì jiān世间万象令人惊叹。The world’s wonders are amazing.Shì jiān wànxiàng lìng rén jīngtàn.
711量产Mass Productionliàng chǎn这家公司专注于电子产品的量产。The company focuses on mass production of electronic products.Zhè jiā gōngsī zhuānzhù yú diànzǐ chǎnpǐn de liàng chǎn.
712Think/Wantxiǎng我想去旅行。I want to travel.Wǒ xiǎng qù lǚxíng.
713下去Go Downxià qù请把这件事情做下去。Please continue with this matter.Qǐng bǎ zhè jiàn shìqíng zuò xià qù.
714Flat/Evenpíng这块地很平坦。The ground is very flat.Zhè kuài dì hěn píngtǎn.
715之上Abovezhī shàng这个建筑在城市的最高之上。The building is above the city’s highest point.Zhè ge jiànzhú zài chéngshì de zuì gāo zhī shàng.
716全民健保National Health Insurancequánmín jiàn bǎo台湾实行全民健保制度。Taiwan implements a national health insurance system.Táiwān shíxíng quánmín jiàn bǎo zhìdù.
717外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairswài jiāo bù外交部负责处理国家间的事务。The Ministry of Foreign Affairs handles international affairs.Wàijiāo bù fùzé chǔlǐ guójiā jiān de shìwù.
718避开Avoidbì kāi你需要避开那些危险区域。You need to avoid those dangerous areas.Nǐ xūyào bì kāi nàxiē wēixiǎn qūyù.
719体型Body Type/Physiquetǐ xíng他的体型很强壮。His physique is very strong.Tā de tǐ xíng hěn qiángzhuàng.
720週末Weekendzhōu mò这个週末我们去爬山。We will go hiking this weekend.Zhè ge zhōu mò wǒmen qù pá shān.
721得主Winnerdé zhǔ他是这次比赛的得主。He is the winner of the competition.Tā shì zhè cì bǐsài de dé zhǔ.
722体育馆Gymnasiumtǐ yù guǎn体育馆里有很多运动设施。The gymnasium has many sports facilities.Tǐ yù guǎn lǐ yǒu hěn duō yùndòng shèshī.
723左右Around/Approximatelyzuǒ yòu会议大约持续两个小时左右。The meeting lasts approximately two hours.Huìyì dàyuē chíxù liǎng gè xiǎoshí zuǒ yòu.
724相连Connected/Linkedxiāng lián这两座桥相连。The two bridges are connected.Zhè liǎng zuò qiáo xiāng lián.
725坚决Resolute/Determinedjiān jué他在决定中表现得非常坚决。He was very resolute in his decision.Tā zài juédìng zhōng biǎoxiàn dé fēicháng jiān jué.
726罪嫌Suspect of Crimezuì xián他被认为是这起案件的罪嫌。He is considered a suspect in this case.Tā bèi rènwéi shì zhè qǐ ànjiàn de zuì xián.
727行驶Drive/Operatexíng shǐ车在高速公路上行驶。The car is driving on the highway.Chē zài gāosù gōnglù shàng xíng shǐ.
728兼任Concurrently Holdjiān rèn他兼任多个职务。He holds multiple positions concurrently.Tā jiān rèn duō gè zhíwù.
729好听Pleasant-Soundinghǎo tīng这首歌的旋律很令人好听。The melody of this song is pleasant.Zhè shǒu gē de xuànlǜ hěn lìng rén hǎo tīng.
730为期Lasting/Durationwéi qī这个项目的测试为期三个月。The test for this project lasts three months.Zhè ge xiàngmù de cèshì wéi qī sān gè yuè.
731Department/Subject他是物理学科的教授。He is a professor in the field of physics.Tā shì wùlǐ xuékē de jiàoshòu.
732美浓Meinong (a place)Měi nòng美浓是一个风景如画的地方。Meinong is a picturesque place.Měi nòng shì yīgè fēngjǐng rú huà de dìfāng.
733诚意Sinceritychéng yì他表达了真诚的诚意。He expressed sincere sincerity.Tā biǎodále zhēnchéng de chéng yì.
734名利Fame and Fortunemíng lì他对名利并不在意。He doesn’t care about fame and fortune.Tā duì míng lì bìng bù zàiyì.
735遊憩Recreationyóu qì这个公园是个很好的游憩场所。This park is a great place for recreation.Zhè ge gōngyuán shì gè hěn hǎo de yóu qì chǎngsuǒ.
736持有Hold/Ownchí yǒu他持有公司的大部分股份。He holds most of the company’s shares.Tā chí yǒu gōngsī de dà bùfen gǔfèn.
737新光Shin Kong (a place)Xīn guāng新光百货是台北的著名商场。Shin Kong Department Store is a famous mall in Taipei.Xīn guāng bǎihuò shì Táiběi de zhùmíng shāngchǎng.
738最早Earliestzuì zǎo他是最早开始这项工作的人之一。He is one of the earliest to start this job.Tā shì zuì zǎo kāishǐ zhè xiàng gōngzuò de rén zhī yī.
739眼镜Glassesyǎn jìng他戴了一副新的眼镜。He is wearing a new pair of glasses.Tā dài le yī fù xīn de yǎn jìng.
740海面Sea Surfacehǎi miàn海面的波浪很平静。The waves on the sea surface are calm.Hǎi miàn de bōlàng hěn píngjìng.
741Number/Ordinal这是第一步。This is the first step.Zhè shì dì yī bù.
742客家人Hakka Peoplekè jiā rén客家人有独特的文化传统。The Hakka people have unique cultural traditions.Kè jiā rén yǒu dútè de wénhuà chuántǒng.
743膨胀Expansion/Swellingpéng zhàng这个气球正在膨胀。The balloon is expanding.Zhè ge qìqiú zhèngzài péng zhàng.
744单独Alone/Singlydān dú她喜欢单独工作。She likes to work alone.Tā xǐhuān dān dú gōngzuò.
745Insect/Wormhuǐ地上有一只虫子。There is an insect on the ground.Dì shàng yǒu yī zhī huǐ zi.
746膨胀Expansion/Swellingpéng zhàng这种材料在热中会膨胀。This material will expand in heat.Zhè zhǒng cáiliào zài rè zhōng huì péng zhàng.
747解脱Relief/Releasejiě tuō他终于解脱了所有的压力。He finally released all his stress.Tā zhōngyú jiě tuōle suǒyǒu de yālì.
748隧道Tunnelsuì dào他们穿过了一个长长的隧道。They went through a long tunnel.Tāmen chuānguòle yīgè cháng cháng de suì dào.
749熊胆Bear Bilexióng dǎn熊胆在传统中药中被使用。Bear bile is used in traditional medicine.Xióng dǎn zài chuántǒng zhōuyào zhōng bèi shǐyòng.
750热潮Fever/Surgerè cháo这部电影引发了一股热潮。The movie sparked a fever of excitement.Zhè bù diànyǐng yǐnfāle yī gǔ rè cháo.
751Repeat/Recover他们希望病人能快速复原。They hope the patient recovers quickly.Tāmen xīwàng bìngrén néng kuàisù fùyuán.
752学系Department (in School)xué xì他在医学学系学习。He studies in the medical department.Tā zài yīxué xué xì xuéxí.
753鼓掌Applaudgǔ zhǎng观众为演员的表演鼓掌。The audience applauded the actor’s performance.Guānzhòng wèi yǎnyuán de biǎoyǎn gǔ zhǎng.
754日记Diaryrì jì她每天写日记。She writes a diary every day.Tā měitiān xiě rì jì.
755日趋Day by Day/Graduallyrì qū他的健康状况日趋稳定。His health condition is gradually stabilizing.Tā de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng rì qū wěndìng.
756外出Go Out/Leavewài chū我们计划在周末外出旅行。We plan to go out traveling on the weekend.Wǒmen jìhuà zài zhōumò wài chū lǚxíng.
757出路Way Out/Outletchū lù他需要找到一个解决问题的出路。He needs to find a way out to solve the problem.Tā xūyào zhǎodào yīgè jiějué wèntí de chū lù.
758外出Go Out/Leavewài chū她外出购物了。She went out shopping.Tā wài chū gòuwù le.
759解脱Relief/Releasejiě tuō他们终于解脱了。They finally felt relief.Tāmen zhōngyú jiě tuōle.
760Clock/Watchzhōng那只钟很古老。That clock is very old.Nà zhī zhōng hěn gǔlǎo.
761此后After That/Thereaftercǐ hòu此后他改变了很多。After that, he changed a lot.Cǐ hòu tā gǎibiànle hěn duō.
762Rush/Chargechōng他快速冲向终点。He rushed to the finish line.Tā kuàisù chōng xiàng zhōngdiǎn.
763同伴Companiontóng bàn他是我在旅行中的好同伴。He is a good companion during my travels.Tā shì wǒ zài lǚxíng zhōng de hǎo tóng bàn.
764供给Supplygōng jǐ他们提供了充足的资源供给。They provided ample resource supply.Tāmen tígōngle chōngzú de zīyuán gōng jǐ.
765事故Accidentshì gù这起事故造成了很多损失。The accident caused a lot of damage.Zhè qǐ shìgù zàochéngle hěn duō sǔnshī.
766Grip/Hold他紧紧握住了她的手。He held her hand tightly.Tā jǐn jǐn wò zhùle tā de shǒu.
767受害Victim/Be Victimizedshòu hài他是这起犯罪的受害者。He is the victim of this crime.Tā shì zhè qǐ fànzuì de shòu hài zhě.
768表明Indicate/Showbiǎo míng这表明我们需要改进。This indicates that we need to improve.Zhè biǎo míng wǒmen xūyào gǎijìn.
769炒作Hype/Promotechǎo zuò这部电影的炒作非常成功。The hype around this movie is very successful.Zhè bù diànyǐng de chǎo zuò fēicháng chénggōng.
770香水Perfumexiāng shuǐ她喷了一些香水。She sprayed some perfume.Tā pēnle yīxiē xiāng shuǐ.
771气温Temperatureqì wēn今天的气温很高。The temperature is high today.Jīntiān de qì wēn hěn gāo.
772供给Supplygōng jǐ他们确保了稳定的供给。They ensured a stable supply.Tāmen quèbǎole wěndìng de gōng jǐ.
773炒作Hype/Promotechǎo zuò这个产品的炒作过度了。The hype around this product is excessive.Zhè ge chǎnpǐn de chǎo zuò guòdùle.
774Teach/Teachjiāo她教我们数学。She teaches us math.Tā jiāo wǒmen shùxué.
775买到Obtain/Buymǎi dào我终于买到了那本书。I finally got the book.Wǒ zhōngyú mǎidàole nà běn shū.
776Mu (Chinese unit of area)他拥有十亩土地。He owns ten mu of land.Tā yǒngyǒu shí mǔ tǔdì.
777Side/Bank (of a river)pàn我们在河畔散步。We walk along the riverbank.Wǒmen zài hé pàn sànbù.
778Present/Existxiàn现有的资源不够。The current resources are insufficient.Xiàn yǒu de zīyuán bùgòu.
779情趣Interest/Charmqíng qù他有很好的情趣。He has great charm.Tā yǒu hěn hǎo de qíng qù.
780理工Science and Engineeringlǐ gōng他学的是理工科。He studies science and engineering.Tā xué de shì lǐ gōng kē.
781造就Create/Buildzào jiù她的努力造就了她的成功。Her efforts created her success.Tā de nǔlì zào jiùle tā de chénggōng.
782Fall/Dropdiē他不小心从椅子上跌下来。He accidentally fell from the chair.Tā bù xiǎoxīn cóng yǐzi shàng diē xiàlái.
783总算Finally/At Lastzǒng suàn我们总算完成了项目。We finally completed the project.Wǒmen zǒng suàn wánchéngle xiàngmù.
784群体Group/Collectiveqún tǐ这个群体对问题有不同的看法。This group has different views on the issue.Zhè ge qún tǐ duì wèntí yǒu bùtóng de kànfǎ.
785集体Collectivejí tǐ集体活动可以增强团队精神。Collective activities can enhance team spirit.Jítǐ huódòng kěyǐ zēngqiáng tuánduì jīngshén.
786谈起Mention/Discusstán qǐ他谈起了自己的旅行经历。He mentioned his travel experiences.Tā tán qǐle zìjǐ de lǚxíng jīnglì.
787硬碟Hard Disk/Hard Driveyìng dié我需要一个更大的硬碟。I need a bigger hard drive.Wǒ xūyào yīgè gèng dà de yìng dié.
788Stick/Greatbàng他在运动会上表现得很棒。He performed great at the sports meet.Tā zài yùndòng huì shàng biǎoxiàn dé hěn bàng.
789游览Tour/Visityóu lǎn我们计划游览城市的主要景点。We plan to tour the city’s main attractions.Wǒmen jìhuà yóu lǎn chéngshì de zhǔyào jǐngdiǎn.
790效能Efficiency/Performancexiào néng这台机器的效能很高。The machine’s performance is very high.Zhè tái jīqì de xiào néng hěn gāo.
791选举Electionxuǎn jǔ他们正在准备下一次选举。They are preparing for the next election.Tāmen zhèngzài zhǔnbèi xià yī cì xuǎn jǔ.
792游览Tour/Visityóu lǎn我们去游览了博物馆。We visited the museum.Wǒmen qù yóu lǎnle bówùguǎn.
793确立Establish/Confirmquè lì我们需要确立明确的目标。We need to establish clear goals.Wǒmen xūyào què lì míngquè de mùbiāo.
794Alone/Single她喜欢独自旅行。She likes to travel alone.Tā xǐhuān dúzì lǚxíng.
795功效Effect/Benefitgōng xiào这种药物有很好的功效。This medicine has a good effect.Zhè zhǒng yàowù yǒu hěn hǎo de gōng xiào.
796月份Monthyuè fèn八月份天气通常很热。The weather in August is usually hot.Bā yuèfèn tiānqì tōngcháng hěn rè.
797公益Public Welfare/Charitygōng yì他一直参与公益活动。He has always been involved in public welfare activities.Tā yīzhí cānyù gōng yì huódòng.
798不知不觉Unknowingly/Without Realizingbù zhī bù jué我们不知不觉地走了很远。We unknowingly walked a long distance.Wǒmen bù zhī bù jué de zǒule hěn yuǎn.
799失踪Missing/Disappearshī zōng那个孩子失踪了。The child went missing.Nà ge háizi shī zōng le.
800偏好Preferencepiān hào她偏好甜食。She has a preference for sweets.Tā piān hào tián shí.

Feel free to ask if you need more details or additional information!

Here are the entries for the new words, including their English translations, Pinyin, and example sentences:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinExample SentenceTranslationPinyin
802租界Concession (foreign-controlled area)zū jiè过去上海有很多租界。Shanghai had many concessions in the past.Guòqù Shànghǎi yǒu hěn duō zū jiè.
803失踪Missing/Disappearshī zōng他的失踪让大家都很担心。His disappearance made everyone very worried.Tā de shī zōng ràng dàjiā dōu hěn dānxīn.
804行事Event/Occasionxíng shì这次行事安排得很周密。The arrangements for this event are very thorough.Zhè cì xíng shì ānpái de hěn zhōumì.
805好笑Funnyhǎo xiào这部电影真的很好笑。This movie is really funny.Zhè bù diànyǐng zhēn de hěn hǎo xiào.
806旁人Bystander/Otherspáng rén旁人的意见很重要。The opinions of bystanders are important.Páng rén de yìjiàn hěn zhòngyào.
807Mild/Lightdàn她喜欢喝淡茶。She likes to drink light tea.Tā xǐhuān hē dàn chá.
808佩服Admirepèi fú我非常佩服他的勇气。I greatly admire his courage.Wǒ fēicháng pèi fú tā de yǒngqì.
809那样That way/Like thatnà yàng我希望你能那样做。I hope you can do it that way.Wǒ xīwàng nǐ néng nà yàng zuò.
810交代Explain/Account forjiāo dài他详细地交代了整个情况。He explained the whole situation in detail.Tā xiángxì de jiāo dài le zhěnggè qíngkuàng.
811岩石Rock/Stoneyán shí岩石在山顶上很常见。Rocks are common at the mountain top.Yán shí zài shān dǐng shàng hěn chángjiàn.
812行事Event/Occasionxíng shì我们需要制定行事日程。We need to set up the schedule for the event.Wǒmen xūyào zhìdìng xíng shì rìchéng.
813交代Explain/Account forjiāo dài请你把这个问题交代清楚。Please explain this issue clearly.Qǐng nǐ bǎ zhège wèntí jiāo dài qīngchǔ.
814任教Teach (at a school)rèn jiào他在大学里任教多年。He has taught at the university for many years.Tā zài dàxué lǐ rèn jiào duō nián.
815浮现Appear/Surfacefú xiàn回忆在他的脑海中浮现。Memories surfaced in his mind.Huíyì zài tā de nǎohǎi zhōng fú xiàn.
816Emerge/Bravemào他冒着大雨出门。He went out in the heavy rain.Tā mào zhe dàyǔ chūmén.
817处在Be in/Locatedchù zài他处在一个困境中。He is in a difficult situation.Tā chù zài yīgè kùnjìng zhōng.
818专栏Column (in a publication)zhuān lán他在报纸上写了一篇专栏文章。He wrote a column article in the newspaper.Tā zài bàozhǐ shàng xiěle yī piān zhuān lán wénzhāng.
819因子Factor/Elementyīn zǐ温度是一个重要的因子。Temperature is an important factor.Wēndù shì yīgè zhòngyào de yīn zǐ.
820风波Disturbance/Stormfēng bō最近公司内出现了很多风波。There have been many disturbances in the company recently.Zuìjìn gōngsī nèi chūxiànle hěn duō fēng bō.
821Place/Handlechù他知道怎么处置这些文件。He knows how to handle these documents.Tā zhīdào zěnme chǔzhì zhèxiē wénjiàn.
822Smell/Bad Odorchòu这个房间有一股臭味。There is a bad odor in this room.Zhè ge fángjiān yǒu yī gǔ chòu wèi.
823许可Permission/Permitxǔ kě他得到了老板的许可。He got permission from the boss.Tā dédàole lǎobǎn de xǔ kě.
824货币Currencyhuò bì这国的货币叫做“美元”。The currency of this country is called “Dollar”.Zhè guó de huò bì jiàozuò “měi yuán”.
825垂直Verticalchuí zhí这条线是垂直的。This line is vertical.Zhè tiáo xiàn shì chuí zhí de.
826Bubble/Soakpào他泡了一杯咖啡。He made a cup of coffee.Tā pào le yī bēi kāfēi.
827招牌Signboard/Signaturezhāo pái店门口有一个很大的招牌。There is a large signboard at the store entrance.Diànménkǒu yǒu yīgè hěn dà de zhāo pái.
828许可Permission/Permitxǔ kě请提供正式的许可证明。Please provide formal permission.Qǐng tígōng zhèngshì de xǔ kě zhèngmíng.
829说起Mention/Bring Upshuō qǐ说起旅行,我最喜欢的是去海边。Speaking of travel, my favorite is going to the beach.Shuō qǐ lǚxíng, wǒ zuì xǐhuān de shì qù hǎibiān.
830监测Monitor/Measurejiān cè我们需要对这些设备进行监测。We need to monitor these devices.Wǒmen xūyào duì zhèxiē shèbèi jìnxíng jiān cè.
831应邀By Invitation/At the Invitation ofyìng yāo他应邀参加了会议。He attended the meeting at the invitation.Tā yìng yāo cānjiāle huìyì.
832监测Monitor/Measurejiān cè他们正在监测空气质量。They are monitoring air quality.Tāmen zhèngzài jiān cè kōngqì zhìliàng.
833语气Toneyǔ qì她的语气很温柔。Her tone is very gentle.Tā de yǔ qì hěn wēnróu.
834远离Stay Awayyuǎn lí他尽量远离那些麻烦。He tries to stay away from those troubles.Tā jǐnliàng yuǎn lí nàxiē máfan.
835远处Distant Placeyuǎn chù从这里看远处的山很美。The distant mountains look beautiful from here.Cóng zhèlǐ kàn yuǎn chù de shān hěn měi.
836距离Distancejù lí他们之间的距离越来越远。The distance between them is getting farther.Tāmen zhī jiān de jù lí yuè lái yuè yuǎn.
837新进New Entry/Newcomerxīn jìn这家公司有很多新进员工。This company has many new employees.Zhè jiā gōngsī yǒu hěn duō xīn jìn yuángōng.
838邮局Post Officeyóu jú我们需要去邮局寄信。We need to go to the post office to mail a letter.Wǒmen xūyào qù yóu jú jì xìn.
839辨识Identify/Distinguishbiàn shí我们需要辨识这些植物。We need to identify these plants.Wǒmen xūyào biàn shí zhèxiē zhíwù.
840发言人Spokespersonfā yán rén公司的发言人给我们介绍了新政策。The company’s spokesperson introduced the new policy.Gōngsī de fā yán rén gěi wǒmen jièshào le xīn zhèngcè.
841辨识Identify/Distinguishbiàn shí这两种花很难辨识。These two types of flowers are hard to distinguish.Zhè liǎng zhǒng huā hěn nán biàn shí.
842标本Specimen/Modelbiāo běn这个博物馆有很多动植物标本。This museum has many specimens of plants and animals.Zhè ge bówùguǎn yǒu hěn duō dòng zhíwù biāo běn.
843征求Solicit/Seekzhēng qiú我们需要征求大家的意见。We need to solicit everyone’s opinions.Wǒmen xūyào zhēng qiú dàjiā de yìjiàn.
844Terrible/Badzāo这顿饭真的很糟。This meal is really terrible.Zhè dùn fàn zhēn de hěn zāo.
845远离Stay Awayyuǎn lí她远离了所有的麻烦。She stayed away from all the troubles.Tā yuǎn líle suǒyǒu de máfan.
846Recruit/Seekzhēng他正在征求志愿者。He is seeking volunteers.Tā zhèngzài zhēng qiú zhìyuàn zhě.
847出自Come from/Originatechū zì这首诗出自他的创作。This poem originated from his creation.Zhè shǒu shī chū zì tā de chuàngzuò.
848市政Municipalshì zhèng市政建设正在进行中。Municipal construction is underway.Shì zhèng jiànshè zhèngzài jìnxíng zhōng.
849公寓Apartmentgōng yù我们租了一间公寓。We rented an apartment.Wǒmen zūle yī jiān gōng yù.
850子孙Descendants/Offspringzǐ sūn我们为子孙后代留下了这笔财富。We left this wealth for our descendants.Wǒmen wèi zǐ sūn hòudài liú xiàle zhè bǐ cáifù.
851晶片Chip (electronic)jīng piàn电脑的处理器里面有很多晶片。There are many chips inside the computer’s processor.Diànnǎo de chǔlǐqì lǐmiàn yǒu hěn duō jīng piàn.
852法庭Courtfǎ tíng法庭将于下周审理此案。The court will hear the case next week.Fǎ tíng jiāng yú xià zhōu shěnlǐ cǐ àn.
853小学生Primary School Studentxiǎo xué shēng小学生们正在操场上玩耍。The primary school students are playing on the playground.Xiǎo xué shēng men zhèngzài cāochǎng shàng wánshuǎ.
854Contain/Includehán这个食物含有很多营养。This food contains a lot of nutrients.Zhè ge shíwù hán yǒu hěn duō yíngyǎng.
855武功Martial Arts/Skillwǔ gōng他在武功方面非常出色。He is excellent in martial arts.Tā zài wǔ gōng fāngmiàn fēicháng chūsè.
856登上Ascend/Climbdēng shàng他成功登上了山顶。He successfully climbed to the summit.Tā chénggōng dēng shàngle shāndǐng.
857删除Delete/Removeshān chú请删除不必要的信息。Please delete the unnecessary information.Qǐng shān chú bù bìyào de xìnxī.
858局部Partialjú bù这个计划只实施了局部内容。This plan only implemented partial content.Zhè ge jìhuà zhǐ shíshīle jú bù nèiróng.
859作为As/Rolezuò wéi他作为一个教师很有经验。He is very experienced as a teacher.Tā zuò wéi yīgè jiàoshī hěn yǒu jīngyàn.
860洛杉矶Los AngelesLuò shān jī洛杉矶是美国的大城市。Los Angeles is a major city in the U.S.Luò shān jī shì Měiguó de dà chéngshì.
861相近Similar/Closexiāng jìn这两种颜色很相近。These two colors are very similar.Zhè liǎng zhǒng yánsè hěn xiāng jìn.
862派系Faction/Grouppài xì这个组织内部有很多派系。There are many factions within this organization.Zhè ge zǔzhī nèibù yǒu hěn duō pài xì.
863负起Take on/Assumefù qǐ他负起了领导的责任。He took on the responsibilities of leadership.Tā fù qǐle lǐngdǎo de zérèn.
864Straight/Directzhí他直言不讳地表达了意见。He expressed his opinions directly.Tā zhí yán bù huì de biǎodále yìjiàn.
865Issue/Send我们需要发一封邮件。We need to send an email.Wǒmen xūyào fā yī fēng yóujiàn.
866会议室Conference Roomhuì yì shì会议室里有很多人。There are many people in the conference room.Huì yì shì lǐ yǒu hěn duō rén.
867交由Hand Overjiāo yóu这个任务交由他完成。This task is handed over to him.Zhè ge rènwù jiāo yóu tā wánchéng.
868留意Pay Attentionliú yì请留意安全标志。Please pay attention to the safety signs.Qǐng liú yì ānquán biāozhì.
869当事人Party (in a legal case)dāng shì rén当事人都已到庭。The parties involved have all appeared in court.Dāng shì rén dōu yǐ dào tíng.
870无论如何No Matter Whatwú lùn rú hé无论如何,我们都要完成这个项目。No matter what, we must complete this project.Wú lùn rú hé, wǒmen dōu yào wánchéng zhè ge xiàngmù.
871勒索Extortion/Blackmaillè suǒ他被勒索了一笔钱。He was extorted for some money.Tā bèi lè suǒle yī bǐ qián.
872教书Teach (at a school)jiào shū她在大学里教书。She teaches at the university.Tā zài dàxué lǐ jiào shū.
873Particle/Grain这颗糖里有一粒糖果。There is a grain of sugar in this candy.Zhè kē táng lǐ yǒu yī lì tángguǒ.
874蛋白质Proteindàn bái zhì蛋白质对身体健康很重要。Protein is important for health.Dàn bái zhì duì shēntǐ jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào.
875勒索Extortion/Blackmaillè suǒ他被勒索了一笔钱。He was extorted for some money.Tā bèi lè suǒle yī bǐ qián.
876晚餐Dinnerwǎn cān晚餐时间我们可以一起吃饭。We can have dinner together.Wǎn cān shíjiān wǒmen kěyǐ yīqǐ chīfàn.
877沦为Become/Degradelún wéi他沦为了一个失业者。He has become an unemployed person.Tā lún wéi le yīgè shīyè zhě.
878Meal/Diningcān我们在外面吃餐。We have a meal outside.Wǒmen zài wàimiàn chī cān.
879导遊Tour Guidedǎo yóu他是一名专业的导游。He is a professional tour guide.Tā shì yī míng zhuānyè de dǎo yóu.
880墙壁Wallqiáng bì墙壁上挂着一幅画。There is a painting hanging on the wall.Qiáng bì shàng guàzhe yī fú huà.
881录取Admit (to a school)lù qǔ她被大学录取了。She was admitted to the university.Tā bèi dàxué lù qǔle.
882绿地Green Spacelǜ dì这座城市有很多绿地。This city has many green spaces.Zhè zuò chéngshì yǒu hěn duō lǜ dì.
883荣民Veteran/Patriotróng mín他是一位二战的荣民。He is a World War II veteran.Tā shì yī wèi èr zhàn de róng mín.
884紧密Close/Tightjǐn mì我们的合作关系非常紧密。Our cooperation is very close.Wǒmen de hézuò guānxì fēicháng jǐn mì.
885录取Admit (to a school)lù qǔ他终于被公司录取了。He was finally admitted by the company.Tā zhōngyú bèi gōngsī lù qǔle.
886战火Warfare/Fire of Warzhàn huǒ战火摧毁了许多家园。The fires of war destroyed many homes.Zhàn huǒ cuīhuǐle xǔduō jiāyuán.
887线上Onlinexiàn shàng我们可以在线上讨论这个问题。We can discuss this issue online.Wǒmen kěyǐ zài xiàn shàng tǎolùn zhège wèntí.
888试办Trial Runshì bàn我们需要进行试办以确保一切正常。We need to conduct a trial run to ensure everything is normal.Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng shì bàn yǐ quèbǎo yīqiè zhèngcháng.
889Issue/Send请尽快发这封邮件。Please send this email as soon as possible.Qǐng jǐnkuài fā zhè fēng yóujiàn.
890Shell/Casingqiào这颗坚果的壳很硬。The shell of this nut is very hard.Zhè kē jiānguǒ de qiào hěn yìng.
891试办Trial Runshì bàn他们将试办这个新产品。They will trial this new product.Tāmen jiāng shì bàn zhè ge xīn chǎnpǐn.
892干预Intervene/Interferencegān yù政府决定干预这个问题。The government decided to intervene in this issue.Zhèngfǔ juédìng gān yù zhège wèntí.
893Drift/Floatpiāo纸张在风中飘动。The paper drifts in the wind.Zhǐ zhāng zài fēng zhōng piāo dòng.
894过世Pass Awayguò shì他在去年过世了。He passed away last year.Tā zài qùnián guò shìle.
895药品Medicineyào pǐn医生开了些药品给我。The doctor prescribed some medicine for me.Yīshēng kāile xiē yào pǐn gěi wǒ.
896安置Settle/Placementān zhì我们需要安置这些难民。We need to settle these refugees.Wǒmen xūyào ān zhì zhèxiē nànmín.
897额外Extra/Additonalé wài他获得了额外的奖金。He received an extra bonus.Tā huòdéle é wài de jiǎngjīn.
898开出Issue (a ticket or document)kāi chū警察开出了一张罚单。The police issued a fine.Jǐngchá kāi chūle yī zhāng fá dān.
899编写Write/Compilebiān xiě他正在编写一本新书。He is writing a new book.Tā zhèngzài biān xiě yī běn xīn shū.
900落伍Outdated/Behindluò wǔ他的技术已经落伍了。His technology is outdated.Tā de jìshù yǐjīng luò wǔle.
901门诊Outpatient Clinicmén zhěn我们去门诊看病。We go to the outpatient clinic for treatment.Wǒmen qù mén zhěn kàn bìng.
902体温Body Temperaturetǐ wēn他的体温很高。His body temperature is very high.Tā de tǐwēn hěn gāo.
903窗帘Curtainchuāng lián她拉上了窗帘。She drew the curtains.Tā lā shàngle chuāng lián.
904发放Distribute/Issuefā fàng他们在发放礼品。They are distributing gifts.Tāmen zài fā fàng lǐpǐn.
905圆形Round Shapeyuán xíng这个桌子是圆形的。This table is round.Zhè ge zhuōzi shì yuán xíng de.
906狭窄Narrowxiá zhǎi这条路很狭窄。This road is very narrow.Zhè tiáo lù hěn xiá zhǎi.
907行人Pedestrianxíng rén行人
901赞同Agree/Approvezàn tóng我完全赞同你的观点。I fully agree with your point of view.Wǒ wánquán zàn tóng nǐ de guāndiǎn.
902简易Simple/Basicjiǎn yì这个工具使用起来非常简易。This tool is very simple to use.Zhè ge gōngjù shǐyòng qǐlái fēicháng jiǎn yì.
903赞同Agree/Approvezàn tóng我们赞同这个计划。We approve of this plan.Wǒmen zàn tóng zhè ge jìhuà.
904巴士Busbā shì我们坐巴士去学校。We take the bus to school.Wǒmen zuò bā shì qù xuéxiào.
905代表性Representativenessdài biǎo xìng这幅画具有很强的代表性。This painting has strong representativeness.Zhè fú huà jùyǒu hěn qiáng de dài biǎo xìng.
906下班Get Off Workxià bān我们六点钟下班。We get off work at six o’clock.Wǒmen liù diǎn zhōng xià bān.
907用力Use Strengthyòng lì她用力推开了门。She pushed the door open with strength.Tā yòng lì tuī kāile mén.
908倾向Tendency/Inclinationqīng xiàng他有选择文学的倾向。He has a tendency to choose literature.Tā yǒu xuǎnzé wénxué de qīng xiàng.
909全然Completely/Absolutelyquán rán这与我全然不同。This is completely different from mine.Zhè yǔ wǒ quán rán bù tóng.
910露营Campinglù yíng我们计划这个周末去露营。We plan to go camping this weekend.Wǒmen jìhuà zhège zhōumò qù lù yíng.
911简易Simple/Basicjiǎn yì这个产品设计得非常简易。The design of this product is very simple.Zhè ge chǎnpǐn shèjì de fēicháng jiǎn yì.
912思索Contemplate/Thinksī suǒ他在思索一个复杂的问题。He is contemplating a complex issue.Tā zài sī suǒ yīgè fùzá de wèntí.
913美食Delicious Foodměi shí这家餐厅的美食非常有名。The delicious food at this restaurant is very famous.Zhè jiā cāntīng de měi shí fēicháng yǒumíng.
914修饰Decorate/Modifyxiū shì他给房间做了一些修饰。He made some modifications to the room.Tā gěi fángjiān zuòle yīxiē xiū shì.
915信赖Trust/Dependxìn lài我完全信赖我的朋友。I fully trust my friend.Wǒ wánquán xìn lài wǒ de péngyǒu.
916突出Highlight/Prominenttū chū她的表演非常突出。Her performance is very prominent.Tā de biǎoyǎn fēicháng tū chū.
917信赖Trust/Dependxìn lài我对他的能力很信赖。I trust his abilities very much.Wǒ duì tā de nénglì hěn xìn lài.
918美学Aestheticsměi xué这部电影有很高的美学价值。This film has high aesthetic value.Zhè bù diànyǐng yǒu hěn gāo de měi xué jiàzhí.
919深受Deeply Affected/Impressedshēn shòu他的演讲深受观众的喜爱。His speech was deeply appreciated by the audience.Tā de yǎnjiǎng shēn shòu guānzhòng de xǐ’ài.
920美女Beautiful Womanměi nǚ她是一位非常美丽的美女。She is a very beautiful woman.Tā shì yī wèi fēicháng měilì de měi nǚ.
921吸毒Drug Use/Abusexī dú他因为吸毒而受到惩罚。He was punished for drug use.Tā yīnwèi xī dú ér shòudào chéngfá.
922防火Fire Preventionfáng huǒ这个建筑物有很好的防火措施。This building has good fire prevention measures.Zhè ge jiànzhùwù yǒu hěn hǎo de fáng huǒ cuòshī.
923取出Withdraw/Extractqǔ chū他从口袋里取出了钥匙。He took the keys out of his pocket.Tā cóng kǒudài lǐ qǔ chūle yàoshi.
924安置Settle/Placementān zhì他们正在安置这些新搬来的家庭。They are settling these newly arrived families.Tāmen zhèngzài ān zhì zhèxiē xīn bān lái de jiātíng.
925何在Where/Whereaboutshé zài这个问题的答案何在?Where is the answer to this question?Zhè ge wèntí de dá’àn hé zài?
926修养Cultivation/Refinementxiū yǎng他非常注重个人的修养。He places great importance on personal cultivation.Tā fēicháng zhùzhòng gèrén de xiū yǎng.
927钓鱼Fishingdiào yú他喜欢在湖边钓鱼。He likes to fish by the lake.Tā xǐhuān zài hú biān diào yú.
928后续Follow-up/Subsequenthòu xù这个问题需要后续处理。This issue requires follow-up.Zhè ge wèntí xūyào hòu xù chǔlǐ.
929约束Restriction/Constraintyuē shù这些规定用来约束员工的行为。These rules are used to restrict employee behavior.Zhèxiē guīdìng yòng lái yuē shù yuángōng de xíngwéi.
930探究Investigate/Exploretàn jiū我们需要探究这个问题的原因。We need to investigate the cause of this issue.Wǒmen xūyào tàn jiū zhège wèntí de yuányīn.
931消费Consumptionxiāo fèi他们的消费水平很高。Their level of consumption is high.Tāmen de xiāo fèi shuǐpíng hěn gāo.
932过世Pass Awayguò shì她的祖母去年过世了。Her grandmother passed away last year.Tā de zǔmǔ qùnián guò shìle.
933诠释Explain/Interpretquán shì他给了一个很好的诠释。He gave a very good explanation.Tā gěile yīgè hěn hǎo de quán shì.
934私下Privately/Confidentiallysī xià我们可以私下讨论这个问题。We can discuss this issue privately.Wǒmen kěyǐ sī xià tǎolùn zhège wèntí.
935这样子Like This/This Wayzhè yàng zi这样子做可能更好。Doing it this way might be better.Zhè yàng zi zuò kěnéng gèng hǎo.
936穿梭Shuttle/Travel Back and Forthchuān suō他们在城市中穿梭。They shuttle around the city.Tāmen zài chéngshì zhōng chuān suō.
937敏锐Sharp/Acutemǐn ruì他的观察力很敏锐。His observational skills are very sharp.Tā de guānchá lì hěn mǐn ruì.
938约束Restriction/Constraintyuē shù他感到这些规定很约束。He feels that these rules are restrictive.Tā gǎndào zhèxiē guīdìng hěn yuē shù.
939高手Expert/Mastergāo shǒu他是这个领域的高手。He is an expert in this field.Tā shì zhège lǐngyù de gāo shǒu.
940核定Verify/Confirmhé dìng我们需要核定这些数据。We need to verify this data.Wǒmen xūyào hé dìng zhèxiē shùjù.
941探究Investigate/Exploretàn jiū他们开始探究这个现象的原因。They began to explore the cause of this phenomenon.Tāmen kāishǐ tàn jiū zhège xiànxiàng de yuányīn.
942纽西兰New Zealandniǔ xī lán他们计划去纽西兰旅行。They plan to travel to New Zealand.Tāmen jìhuà qù niǔ xī lán lǚxíng.
943优待Preferential Treatmentyōu dài他获得了公司的优待。He received preferential treatment from the company.Tā huòdéle gōngsī de yōu dài.
944散发Distribute/Emitsàn fā这家公司散发了大量的宣传册。The company distributed a large number of brochures.Zhè jiā gōngsī sàn fāle dàliàng de xuānchuáncè.
945农会Agricultural Associationnóng huì农会每年都会举办大会。The agricultural association holds an annual conference.Nóng huì měinián dōu huì jǔbàn dàhuì.
946经销Distribute/Selljīng xiāo这家公司经销各种电子产品。The company distributes various electronic products.Zhè jiā gōngsī jīng xiāo gè zhǒng diànzǐ chǎnpǐn.
947麻醉Anesthesia/Anesthetizemá zuì手术前,他接受了麻醉。He received anesthesia before the surgery.Shǒushù qián, tā jiēshòule má zuì.
948Hard/Strictyìng这个桌子的表面很硬。The surface of this table is hard.Zhè ge zhuōzi de biǎomiàn hěn yìng.
949条约Treatytiáo yuē他们签署了一项重要的条约。They signed an important treaty.Tāmen qiān shǔle yī xiàng zhòngyào de tiáo yuē.
950校友Alumnixiào yǒu我们在校友聚会上见面。We met at the alumni gathering.Wǒmen zài xiào yǒu jù huì shàng jiànmiàn.
951Shallowqiǎn这个池塘很浅。This pond is very shallow.Zhè ge chítáng hěn qiǎn.
952产物Product/Resultchǎn wù这是自然的产物。This is a product of nature.Zhè shì zìrán de chǎn wù.
953动工Commence Constructiondòng gōng工程将在下个月动工。Construction will commence next month.Gōngchéng jiāng zài xià gè yuè dòng gōng.
954犹如Like/Resembleyóu rú她的声音犹如天籁。Her voice is like heavenly music.Tā de shēngyīn yóu rú tiānlài.
955台视Taiwan Televisiontái shì台视是台湾的一家电视台。Taiwan Television is a TV station in Taiwan.Tái shì shì Táiwān de yī jiā diànshìtái.
956习性Habit/Naturexí xìng这种动物有独特的习性。This animal has unique habits.Zhè zhǒng dòngwù yǒu dútè de xí xìng.
957推销Promote/Selltuī xiāo他负责推销公司的新产品。He is responsible for promoting the company’s new products.Tā fùzé tuī xiāo gōngsī de xīn chǎnpǐn.
958深厚Deep/Profoundshēn hòu他们之间有深厚的友谊。They have a deep friendship.Tāmen zhī jiān yǒu shēn hòu de yǒuyì.
959晚会Evening Partywǎn huì我们明天晚上有一个晚会。We have an evening party tomorrow night.Wǒmen míngtiān wǎnshàng yǒu yīgè wǎn huì.
960动工Commence Constructiondòng gōng我们计划在春天动工。We plan to start construction in the spring.Wǒmen jìhuà zài chūntiān dòng gōng.
961Avoid我们应该避开那些危险的区域。We should avoid those dangerous areas.Wǒmen yīnggāi bì kāi nàxiē wēixiǎn de qūyù.
962体会到Realize/Experiencetǐ huì dào我体会到他的困难。I realize his difficulties.Wǒ tǐ huì dào tā de kùnnán.
963濒临On the Brink ofbīn lín他濒临失业。He is on the brink of losing his job.Tā bīn lín shīyè.
964凡事Everything/All Thingsfán shì凡事都要考虑周到。Everything needs to be considered carefully.Fán shì dōu yào kǎolǜ zhōudào.
965练习Practiceliàn xí我每天都练习钢琴。I practice piano every day.Wǒ měitiān dōu liàn xí gāngqín.
966才能Talent/Abilitycái néng他有很高的才能力。He has high talent and ability.Tā yǒu hěn gāo de cái néng.
967县立County Establishmentxiàn lì这个县立学校非常有名。This county-established school is very famous.Zhè ge xiàn lì xuéxiào fēicháng yǒumíng.
968打球Play Ball/Sportsdǎ qiú他们周末喜欢打球。They like to play ball on weekends.Tāmen zhōumò xǐhuān dǎ qiú.
969手工Handmade/Craftsshǒu gōng她做了很多精美的手工艺品。She made many exquisite handmade crafts.Tā zuòle hěn duō jīngměi de shǒu gōng yìpǐn.
970地检署District Prosecutor’s Officedì jiǎn shǔ他在地检署工作。He works at the district prosecutor’s office.Tā zài dì jiǎn shǔ gōngzuò.
971位元Byte (Unit of Data)wèi yuán这个文件有1000位元。This file has 1000 bytes.Zhè ge wénjiàn yǒu 1000 wèi yuán.
972肉体Physical Bodyròu tǐ他的肉体很强壮。His physical body is very strong.Tā de ròu tǐ hěn qiángzhuàng.
973付费Payfù fèi他已经付费了。He has already paid.Tā yǐjīng fù fèi le.
974拥挤Crowdedyōng jǐ这个地方很拥挤。This place is very crowded.Zhè ge dìfāng hěn yōng jǐ.
975Surplus/Leftover这笔钱还剩余很多。There is still a lot of money left over.Zhè bǐ qián hái shèng yú hěn duō.
976架设Install/Set Upjià shè我们需要架设新的设备。We need to install new equipment.Wǒmen xūyào jià shè xīn de shèbèi.


Here’s the chart with translations, simple sentences, and corresponding Pinyin for each term:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
1罹患Suffer fromlí huàn他罹患了重病。He suffers from a serious illness.Tā lí huànle zhòng bìng.
2鼻子Nosebí zi她的鼻子很小。Her nose is small.Tā de bí zi hěn xiǎo.
3击出Hit outjī chū他击出了一个球。He hit out a ball.Tā jī chūle yīgè qiú.
4大象Elephantdà xiàng大象很大。The elephant is very large.Dà xiàng hěn dà.
5公立Public (institution)gōng lì这是一所公立学校。This is a public school.Zhè shì yī suǒ gōng lì xuéxiào.
6中部Central partzhōng bù他住在城市的中部。He lives in the central part of the city.Tā zhù zài chéngshì de zhōng bù.
7退出Withdrawtuì chū他决定退出比赛。He decided to withdraw from the competition.Tā juédìng tuì chū bǐsài.
8生命力Vitalityshēng mìng lì这植物充满了生命力。The plant is full of vitality.Zhè zhíwù chōngmǎnle shēng mìng lì.
9任意Arbitraryrèn yì你可以任意选择。You can choose arbitrarily.Nǐ kěyǐ rèn yì xuǎnzé.
10叙述Describexù shù他详细叙述了事件经过。He described the events in detail.Tā xiángxì xù shùle shìjiàn jīngguò.
11沙滩Beachshā tān我们去沙滩玩耍。We go to the beach to play.Wǒmen qù shā tān wán shuǎ.
12多元Diverseduō yuán这城市文化多元。The city’s culture is diverse.Zhè chéngshì wénhuà duō yuán.
13老人家Elderly personlǎo rén jiā老人家很和蔼。The elderly person is very kind.Lǎo rén jiā hěn hé’ǎi.
14深处Depthshēn chù他在森林的深处。He is in the depths of the forest.Tā zài sēnlín de shēn chù.
15Noisychǎo房间里很吵。The room is noisy.Fángjiān lǐ hěn chǎo.
16Time (occurrence)我见过他三次。I have seen him three times.Wǒ jiànguò tā sān cì.
17企业家Entrepreneurqǐ yè jiā他是一个成功的企业家。He is a successful entrepreneur.Tā shì yīgè chénggōng de qǐ yè jiā.
18时段Time periodshí duàn这个时段很忙。This time period is very busy.Zhège shí duàn hěn máng.
19放大Magnifyfàng dà放大镜可以放大物体。A magnifying glass can magnify objects.Fàng dà jìng kěyǐ fàng dà wùtǐ.
20Assign/sendpài他派了一个人去取文件。He assigned someone to get the documents.Tā pài le yīgè rén qù qǔ wénjiàn.
21宣告Announcexuān gào他宣布了一个好消息。He announced good news.Tā xuānbùle yīgè hǎo xiāoxī.
22差不多Almostchà bù duō我们差不多到达目的地了。We are almost at our destination.Wǒmen chà bù duō dàodá mùdì dì le.
23海域Sea areahǎi yù这片海域很广阔。This sea area is very vast.Zhè piàn hǎi yù hěn guǎng kuò.
24Roast/bakekǎo我们在烤肉。We are roasting meat.Wǒmen zài kǎo ròu.
25奇蹟Miracleqí jī这真是一个奇蹟。This is truly a miracle.Zhè zhēn shì yīgè qí jī.
26播放Play (media)bō fàng请播放音乐。Please play the music.Qǐng bō fàng yīn yuè.
27操场Playgroundcāo chǎng孩子们在操场上玩耍。The kids are playing on the playground.Háizimen zài cāo chǎng shàng wán shuǎ.
28播放Play (media)bō fàng请播放这个视频。Please play this video.Qǐng bō fàng zhège shìpín.
29Injuryshāng他伤了脚。He injured his foot.Tā shāngle jiǎo.
30节奏Rhythmjié zòu音乐的节奏很快。The rhythm of the music is fast.Yīnyuè de jié zòu hěn kuài.
31汇率Exchange ratehuì lǜ现在的汇率很高。The current exchange rate is high.Xiànzài de huì lǜ hěn gāo.
32提起Raisetí qǐ他提起了问题。He raised the issue.Tā tí qǐle wèntí.
33废水Wastewaterfèi shuǐ工厂排放废水。The factory discharges wastewater.Gōngchǎng páifàng fèi shuǐ.
34Encounter我们在街上遇见了她。We encountered her on the street.Wǒmen zài jiē shàng yùjiànle tā.
35Ring/loophuán这是一枚金环。This is a gold ring.Zhè shì yī méi jīn huán.
36蚂蚁Antmǎ yǐ蚂蚁在地上爬。The ants are crawling on the ground.Mǎ yǐ zài dì shàng pá.
37精力Energyjīng lì他充满了精力。He is full of energy.Tā chōng

Sure! Continuing from where we left off:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
37精力Energyjīng lì他充满了精力。He is full of energy.Tā chōng mǎnle jīng lì.
38上任Take officeshàng rèn他刚刚上任。He just took office.Tā gānggāng shàng rèn.
39全面Comprehensivequán miàn这是一项全面的计划。This is a comprehensive plan.Zhè shì yī xiàng quán miàn de jìhuà.
40上台Go on stageshàng tái他上台演讲了。He went on stage to give a speech.Tā shàng tái yǎnjiǎngle.
41水质Water qualityshuǐ zhì水质很重要。Water quality is very important.Shuǐ zhì hěn zhòngyào.
42陷阱Trapxiàn jǐng他掉进了陷阱。He fell into a trap.Tā diàojìnle xiàn jǐng.
43变数Variablebiàn shù这个计划有很多变数。This plan has many variables.Zhège jìhuà yǒu hěn duō biàn shù.
44规画Planguī huà他们正在制定新的规画。They are making a new plan.Tāmen zhèngzài zhìdìng xīn de guī huà.
45Grain/foodliáng我们需要储备一些粮食。We need to stock up on some grain.Wǒmen xūyào chǔ bèi yīxiē liángshí.
46侵略Aggressionqīn luè这是一次侵略战争。This is an act of aggression.Zhè shì yīcì qīn luè zhànzhēng.
47西部Western regionxī bù我们去西部旅行。We are traveling to the western region.Wǒmen qù xī bù lǚxíng.
48好手Experthǎo shǒu他是一个篮球好手。He is an expert in basketball.Tā shì yīgè lánqiú hǎo shǒu.
49告知Informgào zhī我们需要告知他这个决定。We need to inform him of the decision.Wǒmen xūyào gàozhī tā zhège juédìng.
50退Retreattuì军队决定退回。The troops decided to retreat.Jūnduì juédìng tuì huí.
51交易所Exchangejiāo yì suǒ纽约证券交易所很大。The New York Stock Exchange is large.Niǔyuē zhèngquàn jiāo yì suǒ hěn dà.
52Drygān这件衣服很干。The clothes are dry.Zhè jiàn yīfú hěn gān.
53留学生International studentliú xué shēng他是一名留学生。He is an international student.Tā shì yī míng liú xué shēng.
54修饰语Modifierxiū shì yǔ这个句子没有修饰语。This sentence has no modifiers.Zhège jùzi méiyǒu xiū shì yǔ.
55容纳Accommodateróng nà这个房间可以容纳十个人。This room can accommodate ten people.Zhège fángjiān kěyǐ róng nà shí gè rén.
56很少Rarelyhěn shǎo他很少出去。He rarely goes out.Tā hěn shǎo chūqù.
57挖掘Digwā jué他在挖掘一条沟。He is digging a trench.Tā zài wā jué yī tiáo gōu.
58侵略Aggressionqīn luè这次战争是一场侵略。This war is an act of aggression.Zhè cì zhànzhēng shì yī chǎng qīn luè.
59Close/nearjìn这家店离我家很近。This store is very close to my home.Zhè jiā diàn lí wǒjiā hěn jìn.
60连接词Conjunctionlián jiē cí这是一个连接词。This is a conjunction.Zhè shì yīgè lián jiē cí.
61从不Nevercóng bù我从不喝酒。I never drink alcohol.Wǒ cóng bù hējiǔ.
62淡水Freshwaterdàn shuǐ这是一种淡水鱼。This is a freshwater fish.Zhè shì yī zhǒng dàn shuǐ yú.
63Clearqīng水很清。The water is clear.Shuǐ hěn qīng.
64挖掘Digwā jué我们在挖掘化石。We are digging for fossils.Wǒmen zài wā jué huàshí.
65孟子MenciusMèng zǐ孟子是古代的思想家。Mencius was an ancient thinker.Mèng zǐ shì gǔdài de sīxiǎng jiā.
66Stablewěn经济要保持稳定。The economy needs to remain stable.Jīngjì yào bǎochí wěndìng.
67战后Post-warzhàn hòu战后重建很重要。Post-war reconstruction is important.Zhàn hòu chóngjiàn hěn zhòngyào.
68Fortune他希望能有好运。He hopes for good fortune.Tā xīwàng néng yǒu hǎo yùn.
69Duck这是一只鸭子。This is a duck.Zhè shì yī zhī yā zi.
70营造Create/buildyíng zào他想营造一个舒适的环境。He wants to create a comfortable environment.Tā xiǎng yíng zào yīgè shūshì de huánjìng.
71机制Mechanismjī zhì这是一种新的机制。This is a new mechanism.Zhè shì yī zhǒng xīn de jī zhì.
72机率Probabilityjī lǜ中奖的机率很低。The probability of winning is low.Zhòngjiǎng de jī lǜ hěn dī.
73赋予Grant/givefù yǔ他赋予了她许多权利。He granted her many rights.Tā fù yǔle tā xǔduō quánlì.
74职员Staffzhí yuán我们的公司有很多职员。Our company has many staff members.Wǒmen de gōngsī yǒu hěn duō zhí yuán.
75现任Current (position)xiàn rèn他是现任的总经理。He is the current general manager.Tā shì xiàn rèn de zǒng jīng lǐ.
76录音带Tape recorderlù yīn dài我找不到录音带。I can’t find the tape recorder.Wǒ zhǎo bù dào lù yīn dài.
77外籍Foreignwài jí他是外籍人士。He is a foreign national.Tā shì wài jí rénshì.
78Thin这本书的纸很薄。The paper in this book is thin.Zhè běn shū de zhǐ hěn bó.
79时时All the timeshí shí他时时想着家人。He thinks about his family all the time.Tā shí shí xiǎngzhe jiārén.
80事务所Officeshì wù suǒ我们的事务所很大。Our office is very large.Wǒmen de shì wù suǒ hěn dà.
81扭曲Distortniǔ qū图像被扭曲了。The image was distorted.Túxiàng bèi niǔ qūle.
82叔叔Uncleshū shu这是我的叔叔。This is my uncle.Zhè shì wǒ de shū shu.
83扭曲Distortniǔ qū她的声音被扭曲了。Her voice was distorted.Tā de shēngyīn bèi niǔ qūle.
84延伸Extendyán shēn这条道路延伸到城市外。The road extends beyond the city.Zhè tiáo dàolù yán shēn dào chéngshì wài.
85哎呀Oh dearāi yā哎呀,我忘记带钥匙了。Oh dear, I forgot to bring the keys.Āi yā, wǒ wàngjì dài yàoshi le.
86流动Flow/flowingliú dòng这水流动很快。The water flows quickly.Zhè shuǐ liú dòng hěn kuài.
87原谅Forgiveyuán liàng我原谅了他。I have forgiven him.Wǒ yuán liàngle tā.
88Mile这条路有十英里长。This road is ten miles long.Zhè tiáo lù yǒu shí yīng lǐ cháng.
89气势Momentumqì shì他演讲时很有气势。He had great momentum in his speech.Tā yǎnjiǎng shí hěn yǒu qì shì.
90毕业生Graduatebì yè shēng毕业生们参加了庆典。The graduates attended the celebration.Bì yè shēngmen cānjiāle qìngdiǎn.
91流动Flow/flowingliú dòng这河流动很慢。The river flows slowly.Zhè hé liú dòng hěn màn.
92宗旨Purposezōng zhǐ公司的宗旨是服务客户。The company’s purpose is to serve customers.Gōngsī de zōng zhǐ shì fúwù kèhù.
93关爱Careguān ài他对孩子们充满关爱。He has great care for the children.Tā duì háizimen chōngmǎn guān ài.
94遗传Heredityyí chuán遗传对健康有影响。Heredity affects health.Yí chuán duì jiànkāng yǒu yǐngxiǎng.
95包袱Burdenbāo fu他背负着沉重的包袱。He carries a heavy burden.Tā bèi fù zhe chénzhòng de bāo fu.
96垄断Monopolylǒng duàn这是一个垄断市场。This is a monopoly market.Zhè shì yīgè lǒng duàn shìchǎng.
97讲到Mentionjiǎng dào他讲到了重要的事情。He mentioned important matters.Tā jiǎng dào le zhòngyào de shìqíng.
98联赛Leaguelián sài他们参加了一个足球联赛。They participated in a football league.Tāmen cānjiāle yīgè zúqiú lián sài.
99辩论Debatebiàn lùn我们在课堂上进行辩论。We had a debate in class.Wǒmen zài kètáng shàng jìnxíng biàn lùn.

This chart covers translations, example sentences, and Pinyin for each term provided.

Here is the continuation of the chart with the additional terms:

#ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
100关爱Careguān ài他对孩子们充满关爱。He has great care for the children.Tā duì háizimen chōngmǎn guān ài.
101Thinshòu他变得越来越瘦。He is getting thinner.Tā biàn dé yuè lái yuè shòu.
102遗传Heredityyí chuán遗传对健康有影响。Heredity affects health.Yí chuán duì jiànkāng yǒu yǐngxiǎng.
103辩论Debatebiàn lùn我们在课堂上进行辩论。We had a debate in class.Wǒmen zài kètáng shàng jìnxíng biàn lùn.
104指令Instructionzhǐ lìng请按照指令操作。Please follow the instructions.Qǐng ànzhào zhǐ lìng cāozuò.
105Skin他有很好的皮肤。He has very good skin.Tā yǒu hěn hǎo de pífū.
106图形Shape/Graphictú xíng这是一种新的图形设计。This is a new graphic design.Zhè shì yī zhǒng xīn de tú xíng shèjì.
107善用Make good use ofshàn yòng善用资源对公司很重要。Making good use of resources is important for the company.Shàn yòng zīyuán duì gōngsī hěn zhòngyào.
108地步Situation/Stagedì bù他陷入了困境的地步。He fell into a difficult situation.Tā xiàn rùle kùnjìng de dì bù.
109Strange/Weirdguài这个问题很怪。This issue is strange.Zhège wèntí hěn guài.
110威胁Threatwēi xié他们感到受到威胁。They feel threatened.Tāmen gǎndào shòudào wēi xié.
111要不然Otherwiseyào bù rán你得赶快,不然就迟到了。You need to hurry up, otherwise, you will be late.Nǐ děi gǎn kuài, bùrán jiù chídào le.
112后悔Regrethòu huǐ我现在感到很后悔。I feel very regretful now.Wǒ xiànzài gǎndào hěn hòu huǐ.
113金牌Gold medaljīn pái他赢得了金牌。He won the gold medal.Tā yíngdéle jīn pái.
114Poison这是一种有毒的物质。This is a poisonous substance.Zhè shì yī zhǒng yǒu dú de wùzhì.
115清晰Clear/Distinctqīng xī图像变得非常清晰。The image became very clear.Túxiàng biàn dé fēicháng qīngxī.
116草原Grasslandcǎo yuán他们在草原上骑马。They are horseback riding on the grassland.Tāmen zài cǎo yuán shàng qímǎ.
117立体Three-dimensionallì tǐ这幅画是立体的。This painting is three-dimensional.Zhè fú huà shì lì tǐ de.
118幼儿Toddleryòu ér这些玩具适合幼儿。These toys are suitable for toddlers.Zhèxiē wánjù shìhé yòu ér.
119潜水Divingqián shuǐ他喜欢潜水。He likes diving.Tā xǐhuān qián shuǐ.
120Shortǎi他个子很矮。He is very short.Tā gèzi hěn ǎi.
121据点Strongholdjù diǎn他们在山区建立了一个据点。They established a stronghold in the mountains.Tāmen zài shānqū jiànlìle yīgè jù diǎn.
122赔偿Compensationpéi cháng他要求赔偿损失。He demanded compensation for the loss.Tā yāoqiú péi cháng sǔnshī.
123Bowlwǎn这只碗很漂亮。This bowl is very beautiful.Zhè zhī wǎn hěn piàoliang.
124精采Wonderful/Excellentjīng cǎi这个表演很精采。The performance was wonderful.Zhège biǎoyǎn hěn jīng cǎi.
125潜水Divingqián shuǐ他在海里潜水。He is diving in the sea.Tā zài hǎi lǐ qián shuǐ.
126频频Repeatedlypín pín他频频出现在新闻中。He appeared repeatedly in the news.Tā pín pín chūxiàn zài xīnwén zhōng.
127对话Dialogueduì huà他们进行了深入的对话。They had an in-depth dialogue.Tāmen jìnxíngle shēn rù de duì huà.
128获利Profithuò lì公司的获利很高。The company’s profit is high.Gōngsī de huò lì hěn gāo.
129隐藏Hideyǐn cáng他隐藏了他的真实身份。He hid his true identity.Tā yǐn cángle tā de zhēnshí shēnfèn.
130精采Wonderful/Excellentjīng cǎi这场比赛非常精采。The match was excellent.Zhè chǎng bǐsài fēicháng jīng cǎi.
131召集人Organizerzhào jí rén他是会议的召集人。He is the organizer of the meeting.Tā shì huìyì de zhào jí rén.
132加工Process/Manufacturejiā gōng工厂正在加工这些原材料。The factory is processing these raw materials.Gōngchǎng zhèngzài jiā gōng zhèxiē yuán cáiliào.
133主妇Housewifezhǔ fù她是一位全职主妇。She is a full-time housewife.Tā shì yī wèi quán zhí zhǔ fù.
134Supplement/Repair他需要补充一些营养。He needs to supplement his nutrition.Tā xūyào bǔ chōng yīxiē yíngyǎng.
135地址Addressdì zhǐ请告诉我你的地址。Please tell me your address.Qǐng gàosù wǒ nǐ de dì zhǐ.
136大为Very much/Greatlydà wéi他大为感激你的帮助。He greatly appreciates your help.Tā dà wéi gǎnjī nǐ de bāngzhù.
137抗争Strugglekàng zhēng他们为自由抗争。They struggle for freedom.Tāmen wèi zìyóu kàng zhēng.
138初步Preliminarychū bù我们需要初步计划。We need a preliminary plan.Wǒmen xūyào chū bù jìhuà.
139Encounter/Touchpèng我们在街上碰到了老朋友。We encountered an old friend on the street.Wǒmen zài jiē shàng pèng dào le lǎo péngyǒu.
140佔有率Market sharezhàn yǒu lǜ公司的市场占有率很高。The company’s market share is high.Gōngsī de shìchǎng zhàn yǒu lǜ hěn gāo.
141均衡Balancedjūn héng他的饮食非常均衡。His diet is very balanced.Tā de yǐnshí fēicháng jūn héng.
142抗战Resistance (war)kàng zhàn他们经历了长期的抗战。They endured a long period of resistance.Tāmen jīnglìle cháng qī de kàng zhàn.
143毒品Drugs (illicit)dú pǐn这个地区毒品问题很严重。The drug problem in this area is severe.Zhège dìqū dú pǐn wèntí hěn yánzhòng.
144甚至于Evenshèn zhì yú他甚至于放弃了工作。He even gave up his job.Tā shèn zhì yú fàngqìle gōngzuò.
145盛行Prevail/Popularshèng xíng这种风格在年轻人中很盛行。This style is very popular among young people.Zhè zhǒng fēnggé zài niánqīngrén zhōng hěn shèng xíng.
146均衡Balancedjūn héng这个饮食计划非常均衡。This diet plan is very balanced.Zhège yǐnshí jìhuà fēicháng jūn héng.
147讯号Signalxùn hào信号不太好。The signal is not very good.Xìnhào bù tài hǎo.
148服用Take (medicine)fú yòng他每天按时服用药物。He takes his medicine on time every day.Tā měitiān ànshí fú yòng yàowù.
149班级Class (in school)bān jí我们的班级有三十个人。Our class has thirty people.Wǒmen de bān jí yǒu sānshí gè rén.
150盛行Prevail/Popularshèng xíng这种风俗在那儿很盛行。This custom is very prevalent there.Zhè zhǒng fēngsú zài nàr hěn shèng xíng.
151授课Teach/Instructionshòu kè她负责授课工作。She is responsible for teaching.Tā fùzé shòu kè gōngzuò.
152动人Touchingdòng rén这部电影很动人。This movie is very touching.Zhè bù diànyǐng hěn dòng rén.
153现状Current situationxiàn zhuàng了解现状是很重要的。Understanding the current situation is important.Liǎojiě xiànzhuàng shì hěn zhòngyào de.
154曲子Music piece/Compositionqǔ zi这首曲子很优美。This piece of music is beautiful.Zhè shǒu qǔ zi hěn yōuměi.
155外人Outsiderwài rén他对这些外人很陌生。He is unfamiliar with these outsiders.Tā duì zhèxiē wài rén hěn mòshēng.
156反抗Resistancefǎn kàng他开始反抗不公平的待遇。He began to resist unfair treatment.Tā kāishǐ fǎn kàng bù gōngpíng de dàiyù.
157中原Central Plainzhōng yuán中原地区非常富饶。The Central Plain is very fertile.Zhōng yuán dìqū fēicháng fùráo.
158只得Only able tozhǐ dé他只得接受这个事实。He had to accept the fact.Tā zhǐ dé jiēshòu zhège shìshí.
159刊登Publishkān dēng他们在报纸上刊登了这篇文章。They published the article in the newspaper.Tāmen zài bàozhǐ shàng kān dēngle zhè piān wénzhāng.
160蓬勃Vigorouspéng bó经济在蓬勃发展。The economy is developing vigorously.Jīngjì zài péng bó fāzhǎn.
161Change/Transformbiàn这件事情发生了很大的变化。This matter has changed a lot.Zhè jiàn shìqíng fāshēngle hěn dà de biànhuà.
162签名Signatureqiān míng请在这里签名。Please sign here.Qǐng zài zhèlǐ qiān míng.
163证明Proof/Certificatezhèng míng这是一份有效的证明。This is a valid certificate.Zhè shì yī fèn yǒuxiào de zhèngmíng.
164签名Signatureqiān míng他在合同上签了名。He signed the contract.Tā zài hé tóng shàng qiānle míng.
165签订Sign (an agreement)qiān dìng我们已经签订了协议。We have signed the agreement.Wǒmen yǐjīng qiān dìngle xiéyì.
166联谊会Social gatheringlián yì huì我们将参加一个联谊会。We will attend a social gathering.Wǒmen jiāng cānjiā yīgè lián yì huì.
167签订Sign (an agreement)qiān dìng双方签订了一份合同。Both parties signed a contract.Shuāngfāng qiān dìngle yī fèn hé tóng.
168说来Speaking ofshuō lái说来,你真的很努力。Speaking of which, you really work hard.Shuō lái, nǐ zhēn de hěn nǔlì.
169男友Boyfriendnán yǒu她的男友很体贴。Her boyfriend is very considerate.Tā de nán yǒu hěn tǐ tiē.
170Fragrantxiāng这朵花很香。This flower is fragrant.Zhè duǒ huā hěn xiāng.
171演变Evolutionyǎn biàn语言的演变很有趣。The evolution of language is interesting.Yǔyán de yǎn biàn hěn yǒuqù.
172困扰Disturbance/Problemkùn rǎo这个问题困扰着我。This problem is bothering me.Zhège wèntí kùn rǎo zhe wǒ.
173妥协Compromisetuǒ xié他们达成了一个妥协。They reached a compromise.Tāmen dáchéngle yīgè tuǒ xié.
174长江Yangtze RiverCháng jiāng长江是中国最长的河流。The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.Cháng jiāng shì zhōngguó zuì cháng de héliú.
175骨髓Bone marrowgǔ suǐ骨髓在身体中很重要。Bone marrow is important in the body.Gǔ suǐ zài shēntǐ zhōng hěn zhòngyào.
176神奇Magical/Mysteriousshén qí这个地方很神奇。This place is magical.Zhège dìfāng hěn shén qí.
177Principle/Reason他讲述了他的理论。He explained his principles.Tā jiǎngshùle tā de lǐlùn.
178靠近Approach/Close tokào jìn他们逐渐靠近目标。They are gradually approaching the goal.Tāmen zhújiàn kào jìn mùbiāo.
179神奇Magical/Mysteriousshén qí这本书的故事很神奇。The story in this book is magical.Zhè běn shū de gùshì hěn shén qí.
180Bowlwǎn这只碗很大。This bowl is big.Zhè zhī wǎn hěn dà.
181Stream我们在溪边散步。We are walking by the stream.Wǒmen zài xī biān sànbù.
182醒来Wake upxǐng lái我们早上六点醒来。We wake up at six in the morning.Wǒmen zǎoshàng liù diǎn xǐng lái.
183演变Evolutionyǎn biàn历史经历了很多演变。History has gone through many evolutions.Lìshǐ jīnglìle hěn duō yǎn biàn.
184球队Teamqiú duì他们的球队很强。Their team is very strong.Tāmen de qiú duì hěn qiáng.
185妥协Compromisetuǒ xié他们做出了妥协。They made a compromise.Tāmen zuò chūle tuǒ xié.
186说谎Lieshuō huǎng他被发现说谎了。He was caught lying.Tā bèi fāxiàn shuō huǎngle.
187台中TaichungTái zhōng台中是一个美丽的城市。Taichung is a beautiful city.Tái zhōng shì yīgè měilì de chéngshì.
188冲动Impulsivechōng dòng他做事很冲动。He acts impulsively.Tā zuò shì hěn chōng dòng.
189总干事Secretary-Generalzǒng gàn shì他是总干事。He is the Secretary-General.Tā shì zǒng gàn shì.
190宁可Preferablynìng kě我宁可留在家里。I would prefer to stay at home.Wǒ nìng kě liú zài jiā lǐ.
191农场Farmnóng chǎng他们在农场工作。They work on the farm.Tāmen zài nóng chǎng gōngzuò.
192诚恳Sincerechéng kěn他的话很诚恳。His words are very sincere.Tā de huà hěn chéng kěn.
193回顾Review/Reflecthuí gù我们需要回顾过去的经验。We need to review past experiences.Wǒmen xūyào huí gù guòqù de jīngyàn.
194心声Voice (of one’s feelings)xīn shēng她表达了她的心声。She expressed her feelings.Tā biǎodále tā de xīn shēng.
195华视Chinese Television (CTS)Huá shì华视是台湾的一个电视台。CTS is a television station in Taiwan.Huá shì shì táiwān de yīgè diànshìtái.
196上司Boss/Supervisorshàng sī我的上司很友善。My boss is very friendly.Wǒ de shàng sī hěn yǒushàn.
197Onlyzhǐ这里只剩下一个。Only one is left here.Zhèlǐ zhǐ shèngxià yīgè.
198分辨Distinguishfēn biàn他能分辨不同的声音。He can distinguish different sounds.Tā néng fēn biàn bùtóng de shēngyīn.
199Hair/Fluffmáo她的毛发很柔软。Her hair is very soft.Tā de máo fà hěn róuruǎn.
200主管Supervisor/Managerzhǔ guǎn他是部门的主管。He is the department supervisor.Tā shì bùmén de zhǔ guǎn.

Feel free to ask if you need more sentences or further translations!

Here’s the continuation of the chart with translations and sentences in Mandarin, English, and Pinyin:

No.ChineseEnglishPinyinMandarin SentenceEnglish SentencePinyin Sentence
201分手Break upfēn shǒu我们决定分手了。We decided to break up.Wǒmen juédìng fēn shǒu le.
202回顾Review/Reflecthuí gù回顾过去是很有意义的。Reflecting on the past is meaningful.Huí gù guòqù shì hěn yǒu yìyì de.
203Happiness/Like我很喜爱这本书。I really like this book.Wǒ hěn xǐ’ài zhè běn shū.
204田野Fieldtián yě他们在田野里玩耍。They play in the field.Tāmen zài tián yě lǐ wánshuǎ.
205紧紧Tightlyjǐn jǐn她紧紧握住了他的手。She held his hand tightly.Tā jǐn jǐn wò zhùle tā de shǒu.
206一共In total/Altogetheryī gòng我们一共有五个人。We have five people in total.Wǒmen yī gòng yǒu wǔ gè rén.
207型式Type/Modelxíng shì这种型式的车很受欢迎。This type of car is very popular.Zhè zhǒng xíng shì de chē hěn shòu huānyíng.
208有意思Interestingyǒu yì si这个故事很有意思。This story is very interesting.Zhè ge gùshì hěn yǒu yìsi.
209冲动Impulsivechōng dòng他做事总是很冲动。He is always impulsive.Tā zuò shì zǒng shì hěn chōng dòng.
210However/Során这个问题很复杂,然而我们可以解决。This problem is complex, but we can solve it.Zhège wèntí hěn fùzá, rán’ér wǒmen kěyǐ jiějué.
211Monarch/You (respectful)jūn君子应有礼貌。A gentleman should be polite.Jūn zǐ yīng yǒu lǐmào.
212Tool/Implement他带了所有的具。He brought all the tools.Tā dài le suǒyǒu de jù.
213度假Vacationdù jià我们计划去海边度假。We plan to go to the beach for vacation.Wǒmen jìhuà qù hǎibiān dùjià.
214根源Source/Origingēn yuán问题的根源在于沟通不足。The source of the problem is poor communication.Wèntí de gēn yuán zàiyú gōutōng bùzú.
215度假Vacationdù jià我们决定今年去度假。We decided to go on vacation this year.Wǒmen juédìng jīnnián qù dùjià.
216岛屿Islanddǎo yǔ他们去了一些美丽的岛屿。They visited some beautiful islands.Tāmen qùle yīxiē měilì de dǎo yǔ.
217部位Part/Locationbù wèi这个部位需要特别注意。This part needs special attention.Zhège bù wèi xūyào tèbié zhùyì.
218温和Mild/Moderatewēn hé他性格温和。He has a mild temperament.Tā xìnggé wēn hé.
219细菌Bacteriaxì jūn这些细菌很危险。These bacteria are dangerous.Zhèxiē xì jūn hěn wēixiǎn.
220情节Plot/Storylineqíng jié电影的情节很引人入胜。The plot of the movie is very engaging.Diànyǐng de qíng jié hěn yǐn rén rù shèng.
221情态State/Conditionqíng tài她的情态很轻松。Her state is very relaxed.Tā de qíng tài hěn qīngsōng.
222造形Shape/Formzào xíng这座雕塑的造形很独特。The shape of this sculpture is unique.Zhè zuò diāosù de zào xíng hěn dútè.
223国防部Ministry of National Defenseguó fáng bù国防部发布了新的政策。The Ministry of National Defense issued new policies.Guó fáng bù fābùle xīn de zhèngcè.
224Exceed/Surpass这家公司利润逾百万。The company’s profit exceeds a million.Zhè jiā gōngsī lìrùn yú bǎi wàn.
225杀死Killshā sǐ这只动物被杀死了。The animal was killed.Zhè zhī dòngwù bèi shā sǐ le.
226法案Bill (law)fǎ àn这项法案需要讨论。This bill needs to be discussed.Zhè xiàng fǎ àn xūyào tǎolùn.
227诚恳Sincerechéng kěn他很诚恳地道歉。He sincerely apologized.Tā hěn chéng kěn de dàoqiàn.
228语音Voice (phonetics)yǔ yīn语音识别技术很先进。Voice recognition technology is advanced.Yǔ yīn shíbié jìshù hěn xiānjìn.
229远景Vision/Foresightyuǎn jǐng他对未来有很远的远景。He has a far-reaching vision for the future.Tā duì wèilái yǒu hěn yuǎn de yuǎn jǐng.
230适时Timelyshì shí适时的行动是成功的关键。Timely action is key to success.Shì shí de xíngdòng shì chénggōng de guānjiàn.
231歌手Singergē shǒu她是一位著名的歌手。She is a famous singer.Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de gē shǒu.
232热情Enthusiasm/Passionrè qíng他对工作充满热情。He is full of enthusiasm for his work.Tā duì gōngzuò chōngmǎn rè qíng.
233选购Select/Shop forxuǎn gòu我们去选购一些礼物。We are going to shop for some gifts.Wǒmen qù xuǎn gòu yīxiē lǐwù.
234辐射Radiationfú shè过多的辐射对健康有害。Excessive radiation is harmful to health.Guò duō de fú shè duì jiànkāng yǒuhài.
235亲友Friends and relativesqīn yǒu我们邀请了许多亲友。We invited many friends and relatives.Wǒmen yāoqǐngle xǔduō qīn yǒu.
236短暂Short-livedduǎn zàn这次假期非常短暂。This holiday was very short-lived.Zhè cì jiàqī fēicháng duǎn zàn.
237顺便By the way/Convenientlyshùn biàn顺便提一下我的计划。By the way, let me mention my plan.Shùn biàn tí yīxià wǒ de jìhuà.
238标准Standardbiāo zhǔn这是一个高标准的项目。This is a high-standard project.Zhè shì yīgè gāo biāo zhǔn de xiàngmù.
239鑑定Appraise/Authenticatejiàn dìng我们需要鉴定这幅画的真伪。We need to authenticate the painting.Wǒmen xūyào jiàn dìng zhè fú huà de zhēn wěi.
240选购Select/Shop forxuǎn gòu我们去选购一台新电脑。We went to shop for a new computer.Wǒmen qù xuǎn gòu yī tái xīn diànnǎo.
241盘势Situation/Trendpán shì这盘势对我们很有利。This situation is favorable to us.Zhè pán shì duì wǒmen hěn yǒu lì.
242出走Leave/Run awaychū zǒu他决定出走,寻找新生活。He decided to leave and find a new life.Tā juédìng chū zǒu, xún zhǎo xīn shēnghuó.
243辞职Resign/Quitcí zhí她决定辞职去旅行。She decided to resign and travel.Tā juédìng cí zhí qù lǚxíng.
244不大Not very/Smallbù dà这个问题不大。The problem is not very big.Zhège wèntí bù dà.
245中小学Primary and Secondary Schoolszhōng xiǎo xué中小学教育很重要。Primary and secondary education is important.Zhōng xiǎo xué jiàoyù hěn zhòngyào.
246王子Princewáng zǐ他是一个王子。He is a prince.Tā shì yīgè wáng zǐ.
247考上Pass (an exam)kǎo shàng他考上了大学。He passed the university entrance exam.Tā kǎo shàngle dàxué.
248鑑定Appraise/Authenticatejiàn dìng需要对这件古董进行鉴定。This antique needs to be authenticated.Xūyào duì zhè jiàn gǔdǒng jìnxíng jiàn dìng.
249Trend/Incline市场趋势正在改变。The market trend is changing.Shìchǎng qūshì zhèng zài gǎibiàn.
250辞职Resign/Quitcí zhí他因健康原因辞职了。He resigned due to health reasons.Tā yīn jiànkāng yuányīn cí zhí le.
251狮子Lionshī zi动物园里有一只狮子。There is a lion in the zoo.Dòngwùyuán lǐ yǒu yī zhī shīzi.
252建物Building/Structurejiàn wù这座建物很古老。This building is very old.Zhè zuò jiàn wù hěn gǔ lǎo.
253苹果Applepíng guǒ她吃了一个苹果。She ate an apple.Tā chīle yīgè píng guǒ.
254伸出Stretch/Extendshēn chū他伸出了手。He stretched out his hand.Tā shēn chūle shǒu.
255肢体Limb/Body partzhī tǐ她受伤了,肢体不能动了。She got injured, and her limbs can’t move.Tā shòushāngle, zhī tǐ bùnéng dòngle.
256神通Supernatural Powersshén tōng他有神通的能力。He has supernatural powers.Tā yǒu shén tōng de nénglì.
257地方性Local/Regionaldì fāng xìng这种疾病具有地方性。This disease is regional.Zhè zhǒng jíbìng jùyǒu dì fāng xìng.
258依旧Still/Still as beforeyī jiù他依旧保持着良好的习惯。He still maintains good habits.Tā yī jiù bǎochí zhe liánghǎo de xíguàn.
259仲介Intermediary/Agentzhòng jiè他是一名房地产仲介。He is a real estate agent.Tā shì yī míng fángdìchǎn zhòngjiè.
260折扣Discountzhē kòu这件衣服有折扣。This piece of clothing has a discount.Zhè jiàn yīfú yǒu zhē kòu.
261仲介Intermediary/Agentzhòng jiè我们通过仲介租了房子。We rented a house through an agent.Wǒmen tōngguò zhòngjiè zūle fángzi.
262保有Retain/Keepbǎo yǒu他保有他的私人收藏。He retains his private collection.Tā bǎo yǒu tā de sīrén shōucáng.
263相继Successivelyxiāng jì他们相继到达了目的地。They arrived at the destination successively.Tāmen xiāng jì dào dále mùdìdì.
264修行Cultivate/Practicexiū xíng他每天都在修行。He practices every day.Tā měitiān dōu zài xiū xíng.
265省委Provincial Committeeshěng wěi省委发布了新的政策。The Provincial Committee issued new policies.Shěng wěi fābùle xīn de zhèngcè.
266从而Thus/Therebycóng ér他努力学习,从而取得了好成绩。He studied hard, thus achieving good results.Tā nǔlì xuéxí, cóng ér qǔdéle hǎo chéngjī.
267自信Confidentzì xìn她对自己很自信。She is very confident in herself.Tā duì zìjǐ hěn zìxìn.
268专科Specialized fieldzhuān kē他在医学专科领域工作。He works in the medical specialty field.Tā zài yīxué zhuān kē lǐngyù gōngzuò.
269Donatejuān我们捐了一些钱给慈善机构。We donated some money to a charity.Wǒmen juānle yīxiē qián gěi císhàn jīgòu.
270竟是Unexpectedly/Actuallyjìng shì结果竟是如此。The result was unexpectedly like this.Jiéguǒ jìng shì rú cǐ.
271航线Route/Flight pathháng xiàn我们查找了最好的航线。We searched for the best flight route.Wǒmen cházǎole zuì hǎo de háng xiàn.
272情结Complex/Emotional issueqíng jié他有一个情结问题。He has an emotional issue.Tā yǒu yīgè qíng jié wèntí.
273率领Leadshuài lǐng他率领团队完成了任务。He led the team to complete the task.Tā shuài lǐng tuánduì wánchéngle rènwù.
274细心Attentive/Meticulousxì xīn她做事非常细心。She is very meticulous in her work.Tā zuò shì fēicháng xì xīn.
275旋律Melodyxuàn lǜ这首歌的旋律很动听。The melody of this song is beautiful.Zhè shǒu gē de xuàn lǜ hěn dòng tīng.
276最终Final/Ultimatezuì zhōng我们终于达到了最终目标。We finally achieved the ultimate goal.Wǒmen zhōngyú dádàole zuìzhōng mùbiāo.
277Fall/Dropdiào他不小心掉了手机。He accidentally dropped his phone.Tā bù xiǎoxīn diàole shǒujī.
278种植Plant/Plantingzhǒng zhí他在花园里种植了很多花。He planted many flowers in the garden.Tā zài huāyuán lǐ zhǒng zhíle hěn duō huā.
279一般而言Generally speakingyì bān ér yán一般而言,这种方法很有效。Generally speaking, this method is effective.Yì bān ér yán, zhè zhǒng fāngfǎ hěn yǒuxiào.
280生死Life and Deathshēng sǐ这是一个生死攸关的问题。This is a matter of life and death.Zhè shì yīgè shēng sǐ yōu guān de wèntí.
281化妆品Cosmeticshuà zhuāng pǐn她喜欢使用化妆品。She likes using cosmetics.Tā xǐhuān shǐyòng huà zhuāng pǐn.
282大笑Laugh heartilydà xiào他们大笑起来。They laughed heartily.Tāmen dà xiào qǐlái.
283适度Moderateshì dù运动要适度。Exercise should be moderate.Yùndòng yào shì dù.
284精彩Wonderful/Brilliantjīng cǎi那场演出非常精彩。The performance was wonderful.Nà chǎng yǎnchū fēicháng jīng cǎi.
285缓慢Slowhuǎn màn这个过程非常缓慢。This process is very slow.Zhège guòchéng fēicháng huǎn màn.
286精彩Wonderful/Brilliantjīng cǎi这部电影非常精彩。This movie is brilliant.Zhè bù diànyǐng fēicháng jīng cǎi.
287王国Kingdomwáng guó这是一个古老的王国。This is an ancient kingdom.Zhè shì yīgè gǔlǎo de wángguó.
288Headtóu他碰到了头。He bumped his head.Tā pèng dào le tóu.
289剧本Script/Playjù běn我们正在写剧本。We are writing the script.Wǒmen zhèng zài xiě jùběn.
290Bag/Packagebāo她带了一个包。She brought a bag.Tā dài le yīgè bāo.
291End/Last电影在末尾很感人。The end of the movie is touching.Diànyǐng zài mò wěi hěn gǎn rén.
292不明Unclear/Unknownbù míng这个问题仍然不明。This issue is still unclear.Zhège wèntí réngrán bù míng.
293Cloth/Fabric她买了一块布。She bought a piece of fabric.Tā mǎile yī kuài bù.
294月光Moonlightyuè guāng月光洒在大地上。Moonlight spread over the earth.Yuè guāng sǎ zài dà dì shàng.
295地价Land Pricedì jià这个地区的地价上涨了。The land price in this area has risen.Zhège dìqū de dìjià shàng zhǎngle.
296转业Transfer (career)zhuǎn yè他决定转业去另一家公司。He decided to transfer to another company.Tā juédìng zhuǎn yè qù lìng yī jiā gōngsī.
297讲求Emphasize/Pay attention tojiǎng qiú我们讲求细节。We emphasize details.Wǒmen jiǎng qiú xìjié.
298护理Nursing/Carehù lǐ她在医院做护理工作。She works in nursing at the hospital.Tā zài yīyuàn zuò hù lǐ gōngzuò.
299点头Noddiǎn tóu他对我的建议点头同意。He nodded in agreement to my suggestion.Tā duì wǒ de jiànyì diǎn tóu tóngyì.
300转业Transfer (career)zhuǎn yè他决定转业到新领域。He decided to transfer to a new field.Tā juédìng zhuǎn yè dào xīn lǐngyù.

Feel free to ask for any additional details or more translations!