Know all, believe nothing
All Religions have one thing in common it’s not god, friendship or even love, it’s money
There is no I in Team, That’s why I ain’t doing it.
If you want a better life you have to make it better.
Honesty is the best policy, Unless a lie works better.
I trust no one, but if I would trust someone I would make sure that they would gain a lot if I win and lose a lot if I lose.
There are billions of people on this planet you can’t help them all, so it is only logical to help yourself.
When you are standing near me you should feel about 10 degrees cooler, because I so Damn shadedy
Power is the ability to say Fuck Them and do you what you want.
People can be more easy replaced then loss money.
At this time my five best friends from top to bottom are Franklin,Jackson, Hamilton, Lincoln and Washington.
Your just an obstacles in your path
Rules are chains for the weak and Tools for the Powerful
play to win
believe in yourself
think less act more
collect good ideas
The world runs on bullshit , you believe that bullshit,until better bullshit shows up then you believe that bullshit.
Take Action
Don’t wish things were easier wish you were better.
Easier to climb then wait
think less act more.
I believe in yourself.
if you treat me good I’ll treat you great if you treat me bad I will treat you worst.
Decide what you want and act and have it believe in yourself with all your whole mind heart and body believe in yourself believe in yourself believe in yourself I really believe in yourself this is the key to everything think for yourself.
believe in yourself act and self-interest you can change direction only small journey to change direction we go the direction we face.
if you start early odd in your favor we Face the direction we are heading.
take out of your head and put on paper.
Collect good ideas Health business money.
we get paid for being value bring to the marketplace.
work hard on myself it says you attract don’t chase after success
walk away from the 97% take charge of your day what is easy to do is also easy not to do
book by book
overcautious The timid approach to life.
it’s all risky.
Pawns that believe that they have powers of kings and queens are better than kings and queens they think they have the power of Pawns.
the world is running b******* you believe that b******* until better b******* shows up.
in life there is one or two pains pain of discipline waiting ounces pain of regret paid in tons.
keep thinking bigger invest your mental energy have a lots of ideas.
make Life a game.
I could I should I will take action.
success is a numbers game.
if you wish to be wealthy study wealth.
if two amounts pop in your head pay the high price higher thinking.
you can change change the inside don’t wish for things were easier wish you were better.
it’s not what happens it’s about what you do about it.
easier to climb then to wait become more valuable.
opportunity mixed with difficulty.
if you change Everything Will Change.
we have to risk.
we have to risk in life we have to risk in life.
it’s not what you want is what we negotiate everyone Cuts their own deal.
I don’t believe in karma but I do believe in rebound and ricochet.
fear of failure belief in myself which is stronger ?
taking works a lot better then asking.
there is 129600 ways to do something.
Seize the Day seize the moment seize the opportunity.
the question is not who’s going to let me the question is who’s going to stop me.
Take action take action take action.
are you really in control of your life ? if not why not?
do you have people working on your dreams are you working on someone else dream ?
believe in act if you were impossible to fail.
nothing happens until you take action.
Authority is 20% given and 80% taken so take it.
some will some won’t so what is always too soon to quit.
you are the average of Five People You spend your time with.
pay any price to stay in the presence of extraordinary people.
all meaning is self-created.
defeat the little voice in your head defeat that little voice in your head he’s a loser.
let others live small lives but not you the others argue over small things but nothing but others cry over small hurts but not you but others leave their future someone else hands but not you.
all meanings of created there is no better place than here and there’s no better time than now.
first comes that second comes actions there comes results.
why am I not rich right now ?
change your beliefs change your life.
focus is the key.
whatever you believe with conviction becomes reality whether it’s true or whatever you believe with conviction becomes reality whether it’s true or false until you believe in yourself you won’t believe your Fucking future.
f*** fear f*** fear f*** fear
I win f*** them I’m the best f*** the rest I am a creator you are a consumer I’m a winner and you are a f****** loser
Who let you in charge. God Did you must have missed the meeting.
Corey W. Schulstead W. Is for winner mother Fucker
They kiss my ring I carry the crown
Promise everything deliver nothing a leader is a dealer in Hope
1. Why ?
2. Why Not ?
3. Why Not Me Not Now ?
Fear of Failure or Belief in myself , which is stronger ?
Are you really in control of your life ? If not why not ?
Do you have people working on your dreams or are you working on the dreams of others ?
You put on your own oxygen mask in an airplane first, don’t you?
Mister Selfish
Mister Selfish